The elder was out and hurting, but we decided to bring him and his boy to camp with us. Way I see it, we've got a chance at a local guide who might know the hazards if he can be saved--Njall did his best staunching the wound but we're no healers--and worst case scenario, the boy probably at least knows the local tongue, which'll save us some headaches while we poke around no doubt.
"Hrolfr, think you're up for the task?"
we identified a fruit tree with some interesting yellow morsels on the way, but didn't take the time to get any samples, still, should be worth a look down the line
Njal would like to offer help in pursuing an attempt at these yellow fruits once initial problems have been settled.
@I.F. Ister What sort of supplies do I have at hand? How much cloth and thread do I have to work with?
If you wanted to use the sails off the ships, quite a bit. Enough for everyone to have some spare clothes, though it would deprive you of the sails.
"Hrolfr, think you're up for the task?"
Grumble grumble, his words like rocks colliding, but he does. And pauses, a look of dawning bliss on his face as he realizes something.

The locals here are especially easy to manipulate the biology of.

The shapecrafter is pleased.
[X] If there is still time Vallo would like to try to learn the Native Boy's tongue while teaching him our own.
Just to clarify, normally you'd only be able to do one action per season. But, as it is your first summer here, I'm allowing you to do two as you're pushing yourselves hard to set up shop.
So how is Ordstirr being handled? Do we only get it for big reports or what and what does it do?
You can convert ordstirr into PT at a ratio of 3 Ord : 1 PT.

+Good, found edible food. Eastern crew get +2 ordstirr for their efforts. Western got more because of the nice formatting of it.
Were those Goods something we both contributed to?
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If you wanted to use the sails off the ships, quite a bit. Enough for everyone to have some spare clothes, though it would deprive you of the sails.

Grumble grumble, his words like rocks colliding, but he does. And pauses, a look of dawning bliss on his face as he realizes something.

The locals here are especially easy to manipulate the biology of.

The shapecrafter is pleased.
Agmundr immediately regrets volunteering to be the one who brings this up to Hrolfr's attention, and will try and guide the local man away from the shapecrafter quickly, once the work's been done, and will do his best to be the local's helper around the settlement for now.

As a side note, the Settlement is now at Good health.

Good job, everyone, you won't die.

The houses will be complete by the time winter rolls around.

Yay! We'll at least live until the Winter!

After that it gets difficult

[X] Rikard Action Two: We've cleared the land, we've made sure nobody's going to starve any time soon, but we're still uncomfortably exposed, all things considered. Rikard's got the Seeing Eyes, and while no Seersight, it still gives him a knack for spiritual nonsense. This makes him well suited to serve as sentry for our burgeoning camp, since he's a lot less likely to miss any more exotic approaches.

[X] Purchase PT - Gregarious (Rikard gets along well with other people, his easygoing nature and sharp wit serving him well)
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East Exploration Report (Walliseatscheese)
For a more formal OOC report:

Started East, found some berrys, fruits, things that look weirdly like bananas (and I say that's weird because IRL bananas needed a massive breeding effort to be made properly human edible), leafy greens, etc etc, point is we have local plants we can gather for domestication efforts.

Ragnarr fell down a hole deep enough to be life threatening but managed to improvise a parachute in the moments he had to spare and landed like a badass rather than a dead man.

Said dead man was a skeleton that Ragnarr smote in one quick blow, brought the bones with us if anyone cares about that.

Meanwhile, Ivor and Bjorn were poking at vines to see if any were snakes, and it turns out there weren't any snakes.

Instead there was some sort of shelled ocotopus tentacle bastard that was going for Ivor's ears and I presume his brain while we were mildly distracted. Bjorn bone sharded the tentacles while Ivor smote the bastard right quick with his seaxe.

After that we decided to mark the cave on our maps, grabbed the corpse of the probable brain eater, some fruits and whatnot, and continued on our way to our objective, the ship out East.

No troubles worth a Nord's mention on our way there from the cave, and when we arrived we discovered that the ship had been dragged away from the shore, left on top of a hill, and an area around it cleared of the jungle with the stumps having snip marks on them.

Bjorn also smelled crab scent, which was noticed before we looked at the boat details.

We decided to try a diplomatic method of contact, because obviously something with intelligence did all of this and hopefully they'd be friendly crab people, right?

In return, we heard a loud Clackng sound.

We came to the decision to leave the tentacle monster out as a sort of offering, and to Clack Back using Bones.

The loud Clacking became louder.

The decision was made that we'd want to provide the intel we'd gathered and come to a more cohesive community decision on the topic of Crab Diplomacy, instead of diving in and getting ourselves killed due to being the wrong party build to deal with a "too many emotions to discern anything" amount of crabs.

So we returned back to base, swinging by and grabbing more edibles on our way back.

Anything I'm missing guys?

Edit: I swear I was working on this before the revelation of "Better Reports get more XP", but eh.
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looking forward to seeing the inevitable Norse grudge spirals now that some of us have Orthstirr that others could try to kill us for.
Well, dwarves and dark elves are sort of like insects, right? And crabs are also sort of like insects. So I can believe that the crabs might be useful to do diplomacy with, if we can figure out how?
If we get two actions I'm using my second on defense by doing Iron Age Warfare 101 and digging a ditch with an earthen wall on the defender's edge.

Anybody got any idea where that should go?

Does the Jarl have input maybe?

Anybody wanna join me in one action to build some defenses so we don't get in each other's way?
I reckon I'll leave summer going until sometime tomorrow or the day after, to let everyone who has yet to participate do so if they so wish. Surviving a season earns you 1 Ordstirr by default, I reckon.

All in all, that was quite a bit of shenanigans going on lmao. Lotta things for me to juggle, but it was lots of fun regardless.

I'll probably complete the Northern scouting team tonight and then focus on the leftovers today and any private actions going on.

Edit: @I.F. Ister btw just asking but can Vallo see the north star when night comes?
You can
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My previous idea for a second action was before I knew there was a language to learn. So I'm now uncertain and kinda unclear on what even are available actions.

@I.F. Ister do we get houses if we don't build them ourselves or what? Is learning a language in this time frame viable? What are the options here?
All in all, that was quite a bit of shenanigans going on lmao. Lotta things for me to juggle, but it was lots of fun regardless.
This has been very fun so far for me, and probably an unfortunate mix of stressful, boring, disturbing, and tedious for Agmundr (as appropriate for accidental settlers of an unfamiliar land).