For a more formal OOC report:
Started East, found some berrys, fruits, things that look weirdly like bananas (and I say that's weird because IRL bananas needed a massive breeding effort to be made properly human edible), leafy greens, etc etc, point is we have local plants we can gather for domestication efforts.
Ragnarr fell down a hole deep enough to be life threatening but managed to improvise a parachute in the moments he had to spare and landed like a badass rather than a dead man.
Said dead man was a skeleton that Ragnarr smote in one quick blow, brought the bones with us if anyone cares about that.
Meanwhile, Ivor and Bjorn were poking at vines to see if any were snakes, and it turns out there weren't any snakes.
Instead there was some sort of shelled ocotopus tentacle bastard that was going for Ivor's ears and I presume his brain while we were mildly distracted. Bjorn bone sharded the tentacles while Ivor smote the bastard right quick with his seaxe.
After that we decided to mark the cave on our maps, grabbed the corpse of the probable brain eater, some fruits and whatnot, and continued on our way to our objective, the ship out East.
No troubles worth a Nord's mention on our way there from the cave, and when we arrived we discovered that the ship had been dragged away from the shore, left on top of a hill, and an area around it cleared of the jungle with the stumps having snip marks on them.
Bjorn also smelled crab scent, which was noticed before we looked at the boat details.
We decided to try a diplomatic method of contact, because obviously something with intelligence did all of this and hopefully they'd be friendly crab people, right?
In return, we heard a loud Clackng sound.
We came to the decision to leave the tentacle monster out as a sort of offering, and to Clack Back using Bones.
The loud Clacking became louder.
The decision was made that we'd want to provide the intel we'd gathered and come to a more cohesive community decision on the topic of Crab Diplomacy, instead of diving in and getting ourselves killed due to being the wrong party build to deal with a "too many emotions to discern anything" amount of crabs.
So we returned back to base, swinging by and grabbing more edibles on our way back.
Anything I'm missing guys?
Edit: I swear I was working on this before the revelation of "Better Reports get more XP", but eh.