This is the last action I have for you. Can you link to a more recent one if I missed it?
I was referring to last season's actions.
You can follow the conversation from the quotes below.
The original action was worded as this: "Major: Design and build a sturdy safe house. In coordination with the wishes of the Jarl and depending on who supports her have the walls be made of stone."

Gladly. Liv will put out the word that help with acquiring the needed stones would be appreciated.
I guess I'll wait on that, then.
How long do I have to submit actio s for this season?
Who got the extra .2 oz? Gefjosa?
While Sigmund understands he wasn't there enough to fairly get a full share of the silver, he would like to claim any leftover after it has been divided up evenly between the kill team on the ground he was there enough to get killed. He also notes that his death meant that the kill team didn't have to fight the undead gravity tyrant with a person down.
While Sigmund understands he wasn't there enough to fairly get a full share of the silver, he would like to claim any leftover after it has been divided up evenly between the kill team on the ground he was there enough to get killed. He also notes that his death meant that the kill team didn't have to fight the undead gravity tyrant with a person down.

This seems reasonable. Are people in for it?
-[X] Major Action: Finish the Main Hall Using, my Kunna, and wood crafting to replace the need for nails with joinery techniques.
-[X] Minor Action: Work with Anja Giantbone to begin surveying my plot and Anja Giantbone's for threats and interesting details.
-[X] Minor Action: Save as much wood as possible from the rotted boat, and take the rotted parts for ash and resin.
-[X] Minor Action: Make some beds and other essential furniture as needed for people in the village.
-[X] Minor Action: Look at all the pretty girls while wood working and hope one talks to him because he would never approach someone for a social reason.
-[X] Minor Action: Practice with his Kunna and hardening wood in various ways, hoping to work with his kenning to improve the strength of items he makes.
-[X] Minor Action: Attend Dance party, Do not dance, try not to obviously stare at pretty girls.
-[X] Minor Action: Aid Bjorn with the tannery
-[X] Minor Action: Make a few "Ring Shields" for the expedition.
-[X] Minor Action: Harden a few Logs for Akali Nightsinger

You all are trying to work me to death.
IN all seriousness, it looks like a lot of actions but a few of them are jokes or only an hour or two.

In future turns, I am offering 3 Actions for the various players to decide who gets them.

Other than those 3 you are free to make requests, but it's a place where trade would be good, (Though I take promises to advertise my wares as payment as well)
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Grimfari Jarl thanks you for your efforts and offers his belt and belt-knife as payment. His belt is made of sea-beast leather and is hardened against the rigors of the sea. His knife is made from Searing Iron and has sea glass embedded in the hilt, runes of good grip carved upon the handle.

+3 Ordstirr
+Good, the Hall has been completed
I had talked Hulfr about helping him so I could ensure there was a space I could add Warding to the building and I had it as a passive. Not added warding yet, just making sure I can do so later.
One day, while taking a walk along the coast, you stop and stare as fish climbs upon the land. Four muscular limbs end in human-like hands as it It grazes on the grass and low-hanging leaves of the shore. Upon seeing you, it dives back into the water, silver scales shimmering in the sun. Where it stood, it seems to have left a number of those scales of its. The scales are double sided with the outside smooth and silvery and the inside thick with clumps of what resembles some manner of fatty hair-like substance.

Later during that same walk, you encounter a sort of bat creature hanging from a snare about its neck, dead as a doornail. The trap clearly wasn't set by any of your people--it bore no marks of spiritual significance--so it had to have been laid by one of the more intelligent folks about these lands.

Regardless, the bat is roughly the size of a cow and something tells you that it comes from nearby. You aren't quite sure why this is the case, why you get this feeling of it, but it just feels like the sort of thing that would arise from these lands.

These two sightings could both prove worthwhile livestock; the fish for a wool-replacement and the bat for its presumable milk.
Does bjorn get a seer/shapecrafter reward from the bat creature?
She'd be happy to trade flax seeds but would prefer help fortifying her land against the oncoming crab invasion (which is still a thing, right?) instead of extra flax.

Harald would love to provide some earthworks for your land, but he would like to temper expectations a bit as the trenches he built around the main settlement took him several weeks to complete, and without that preexisting work the frantic fortification they had done on the Day of Breaking Bones would not have been half as effective.

Translation: Harald needs to farm this season and only has a minor action to offer you, though he does have a good idea to make the works spiritually significant and is willing to 1: Take only 3 minor actions this season to ensure that he has some time to spend(would be 2 but I'm not missing Moli's dance party*) and 2: Also spend a minor this Winter on it.

Gefjosa says that the crab thing probably isn't true but she's still worried about it and she IS on the edge of the jungle and would feel better if there was some kind of fortification and she's babbling and still asking for the same thing.

Harald smiles.

She also thanks him for protecting her in on the battlefield

For an instant the corner of Harald's eyes and lips begin to twitch into a wince, before he thanks her for her regard and says he did as any drengr must.

if he sticks around for any period of time, asks him about the things he left behind in Gotland.

Harald sighs, and looks in the direction of the sea.

"If you had asked me this a year ago, I would have told you that I had left a suit of mail and a Earthen Iron axe my Father was to give me before my first raid. I would have told you about the set of fine farm tools my mother had helped me set hafts to. I would have complained about not having my sleeping cabinet**...

But today, all I can say I left in Gotland is my father, my mother, and the first field I ever tilled.

All else, I will replace." Harald swore to himself and Gefjosa, the soil and the sea, and anyone else who might be listening.

**It's a bed in a box on stilts to keep off the cold ground.

*On the topic of Moli's party, Harald invites Gefjosa to attend, after their business has concluded and unrelated to it. (Should you accept, minor in your vote)
Posting an updated action plan for Eirny

[x]Eirny Khairsdotter
-[x]Major: Join the expedition against the Oni Quarry.
-[x]Passive: Clear land on Gunnar's territory to build a proper training area.
-[x]Passive: Attempt to commune with blade using meditation.
-[x]Passive: Nurse grudge against all T-Rexes, since they keep injuring her!
-[x]Passive: Try to convince Liv Sweetwater to learn some sort of weapon skill, acting as training dummy/only defending self to help her learn.
@I.F. Ister - If allowed, I'd like to spend one of my PT at the end of the season to help Liv pick up a weapon skill of her choice, with this justification.

(This was already approved by Nando)
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While Sigmund understands he wasn't there enough to fairly get a full share of the silver, he would like to claim any leftover after it has been divided up evenly between the kill team on the ground he was there enough to get killed. He also notes that his death meant that the kill team didn't have to fight the undead gravity tyrant with a person down.
wait, if your share is removed its divided only eight times. which divides evenly and therefor there is no leftover
@I.F. Ister - If allowed, I'd like to spend one of my PT at the end of the season to help Liv pick up a weapon skill of her choice, with this justification.
Sure, that works for me
Question, does this work as the glowing gems did in NQ1? Where they're a one time house upgrade?
They do not. They are a resource that can be upgraded based on the quality of the work.
I had talked Hulfr about helping him so I could ensure there was a space I could add Warding to the building and I had it as a passive. Not added warding yet, just making sure I can do so later.
Does bjorn get a seer/shapecrafter reward from the bat creature?
Did you decide to take the bat creature down from the trap?
Staff Notice - Rule 4: Don't Be Disruptive
@Epic Bygones
@fearsome hill

Since your all independent PC's I wanted to ask if you would be down to join my clan "Clan Grid-Katla"(Name still pending). Being in a clan mean's we can back each other up when we get into some trouble and share resources with each other, which I think will be helpful further down the quest. If you want to join either say your a distant cousin of Grid or become a retainer/huskarl. Just wanted too see if I can expand the clan some more since it seems to be a useful mechanic for everybody involved.

Edit: Seems you can't say your Grid's distant cousin post chargen, so it will have to be through retainer/huskarl.
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