Index of Non-Canon Omakes

Omakes are listed in the order they were published
Special thanks to @Jakobstj for keeping this updated since February 2017!

Index of Non-Canon Omakes

Epic Showdown Of The Fates by Walkin' Man
Far Future: Jedi Order confronts Lady Ciaran in the aftermath of Palpatine's defeat​

Best Of Holocrons, Worst Of Holocrons by SmallBurnyThing
Far Future: Anakin's grandchildren discover the lost holocron of Lady Ciaran​

A Possible Future: The Great Jedi Schism by Whumbly
Far Future: Jedi Order split between 'Traditionalists' (Mace Windu) and 'Reformists' (Anakin Skywalker) in aftermath of Palpatine's defeat​

Ciaran Interrupt by Echo 101
Recent Past (Turn 22): Lady Ciaran tells Obi-Wan and Satine about Mandalore the Resurgent [NB: semi-canon, inspired Interlude - The Resurgent]​

A Possible Future: Factions by Whumbly
Far Future: Galaxy splits into four rival states - Jedi Republic (Windu), Rebel Alliance (Skywalker), CIS (Clovis), and Empire of the Rim (Ciaran)​

Let's Work Together... Intern by Echo 101
Recent Past (Turn 21): Lady Ciaran pesters Asajj into helping out [NB: semi-canon due to Interlude - The Journey Home]​

Jack The Ripper by Silver719
Unknown: "Jack was a gardener." He tends to his garden.​

A Twi'Lek Visits Darth Vectivus by Echo 101
Recent Past (Turn 22): A Twi'lek named Numi stumbles upon Vectivus's mansion shortly after Ciaran's and Asajj's visit​

The Following Is A Non-Profit Fan-Based Charity by Panory
Alternate Universe: Lady Ciaran stumbles across the planet Namek from the 'Dragon Ball' universe​

Thrawn Tackles The Issues by Panory
Recent Past (Turn 23): Thrawn seeks advice from Grievous on how to deal with the anti-Mandalore protestors​

A Good Speech, A Wrong Occasion by Panory
Recent Past (Turn 23): Thrawn encourages Jango to speak to the Caamas Peace Summit as though he were rallying the troops​

Top Of The List by Panory
Near Future: Lady Ciaran calls an emergency meeting of the Senate​

The Defibrillator of Liberty by Panory
Far Future: Lady Ciaran hires bounty hunter Galvin for a job, as Palpatine issues 'Declaration of a New Order'​

A Discussion Of Philosophical Differences by Silver719
Recent Past (Turn 24): Lady Ciaran meets with Yoda and reveals her new status as Darth Traya​

The Rule of Two by Panory
Near Future: Lady Ciaran invites Chancellor Palpatine and Count Dooku to a private conference, to discuss 'peace'​

The New Ciaran by Echo 101
Recent Past (Turn 23): Anakin Skywalker confronts Lady Ciaran over orchestrating the rise of Mandalore the Resurgent​

Generally Speaking by Panory
Near Future: General Grievous challenges Master Rahm Kota to a duel​

Emergency Session by Echo 101
Far Future: 'Senatorial Security Systems' scramble to protect their clients after Palpatine's 'Declaration of a New Order'​

Alternate Universe: 'Discovery Corps' stumbles across the planet Earth from the 'Jojo's Bizarre Adventures' universe​

Chancellor Ciaran Has A Better Ring To It Anyways by Panory
Near Future: Lady Ciaran announces to the galaxy that she is the Supreme Chancellor now.​

Surgery With A Sledgehammer by Panory
Far Future: Anakin Skywalker confronts Lady Ciaran in the aftermath of Order 66​

Roses Are Red, The Jedi Tell Lies by Panory
Far Future: Lady Ciaran interrupts Palpatine's telling of 'The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise'​

Blazing Chains Is Awesome And I'll Make You All Realize That Even If It Kills Me by Panory
Far Future: Grand Moff Tarkin orders the Death Star to fire at Alderaan. It misses.​

It's All Fun And Games Except For Ahsoka by Oh I am slain!
Near Future: Ahsoka Tano challenges Thrawn to a game of 'Settlers of Korriban'. Everyone else joins in.​

Tachi Feely by Panory
Near Future: Lady Ciaran rolls a Natural 100 on an 'Annoy Obi-Wan' free action.​

The Dragon by Panory
Near Future: Lady Ciaran opens her first bank account.​

The Right Honorable, The Lord Governor of Taris by Panory
Recent Past (Turn 24): Lady Ciaran visits the new Lord Governor of Taris in his office.​

Pall's Darths & Pool by Walkin' Man
Unknown: Kreia visits the afterlife cantina to let its denizens (Revan included) know that she's made Lady Ciaran her heir​

CiaCia's Bizarre Adventure: Abyss Crusaders by Panory
Alternative Universe: Hero Units fight Dooku and Palpatine with powers from 'Jojo's Bizarre Adventures' [sequel to NO WEAKNESS]​

Song of My People by Panory
Near Future (Turn 25): Thrawn persuades Singing Mountain Clan to give up the Chu'unthor through the power of song...​

A Black Affair by Echo 101
Recent Past: mercenary-turned-Abyss Watcher agent starts a long-term relationship with Asajj Ventress​

All I Ever Wanted by Walkin' Man
Near Future: newly fallen 'Darth Vader' attacks the younglings in the Jedi Temple; Ciaran intervenes​

The Speech of Magister Ciaran by SlyOverlord
Near Future: after Palpatine's plot is revealed, Ciaran is the one to proclaim 'The Declaration of the New Order'​

Coming Out Of The Closet by Panory
Recent Past: PR-1 gives HK-47 a tour of the Abyss Watchers base; HK-47 discovers an unopened door inside the Scimitar...​

Dark Force Rising by Semi-Autogyro
Near Future: Palpatine wins a free vacation to the grand opening of Bantha Breakfast Biscuits on Gastrula in the Outer Rim. It goes poorly.​

Grand Theft Vader by Panory
Far Future: Thanks to the local Blackguards, Ciaran recovers a lava-fried Anakin Skywalker from Mustafar before Palpatine arrives on the scene.​

Where In The Galaxy Is Ciaran Cata? by Panory
Alternate Universe: Ciaran goes around with a giant red fedora, trench coat, and snazzy theme song​

The Ongoing Diplomatic Adventures of Obi-Wan Kenobi by Panory
Near Future: Palpatine wins a free vacation to Gastrula, develops a fear of biscuits...​

Nothing of Value by Panory
Distant Past: Darth Vectivus explores a long-lost Rakatan colony world, searching for a long-lost holocron...​

No One Actually Reads It by MonkeyTypewriter
Near Future: Ciaran sneaks in an amendment to a Senate bill, changing Palpatine's official title to 'Grand Chancellor'...​

CiaCia Bizarre Adventures: Salvage Tendencies by Panory
Alternate Universe: Abyss Watcher salvage teams discover deep-space popsicle person, Kars from 'JoJo's Bizarre Adventures' universe​

Bonding Time by Barondoctor
Recent Past (Turn 25): on Mortis, Kreia teaches Ciaran about Force Bonds as used by Darth Revan and Meetra Surik.​

The Chosen One Dances by Barondoctor
Recent Past (Turn 25): on Mortis, Ciaran tells The Ones to "Go to your room!"​

Thrawn: Hero of the Galaxy by SlyOverlord
Far Future: Thrawn's memoirs (edited by 'Agent Owl') reveals that the Chiss mastermind was very different than he was perceived...​
Welcome to the Wookiepedia Chat Boards by Killerflood
Alternate Universe: Star Wars fans react to 'surprise twist ending' of in-universe Mortis Arc​

Who's Next by MonkeyTypewriter
Alternate Universe: Tom Lehrer lived in the Star Wars universe, these would be the lyrics.​

The Chosen One Rethinking his Career Options, by SlyOverlord
Recent Past (Turn 25): Anakin meditates on what he learned on Mortis.​

The New Prequels, by Killerflood
Alternate Universe: The prequels as they would unfold with Ciaran around​

Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 5: Episode 109. To Recruit a Jedi, by SlyOverlord
Alternate Universe: Thrawn recruits Ahsoka after the Temple Bombing​

Two Jedi Teachings, by Panory
Recent Past(Turn 26): Obi-Wan gives out some wise words​

Playing Games With Your Boss, by Barondoctor
Recent Past: Thrawn cheats at Dungeons and Dragons​

Fractured Future, by Whumbly
Far Future: A possible future of the Republic "secretly" ruled by Ciaran​

An Enemy of a Different Sphere, by Panory
Alternate Universe: Ciaran makes an enemy in high society: Arcangelo from the 'Neo Yokio' universe​

Wat Are You Proposing, by Panory
Recent Past(Turn 27): Ciaran makes an offer to Wat Tambor​

A Classic, by Panory
Recent Past: An archaeology team recovers some strange emeralds...​

(Jedi) Change of Fate - I, by Killerflood
Alternate Universe: Ciaran meets Dooku while running away from her home​

Harsh Command, by Panory
Recent Past ( Turn 27) : Thrawn and Ciaran plan for attacking the Foundry​

Mitth'raw'nuruodo: Chiss Attorney, by Panory
Recent Past ( Turn 27) : Thrawn becomes a lawyer and defends Ahsoka.​

Someone's Gotta Do It, by Panory
Recent Past ( Turn 27) : Ciaran's people take her orders seriously​

Someone's Gotta Do It Redux, by Panory
Recent Past ( Turn 27) : Ciaran's people don't take all her orders seriously​

A letter to Ciaran, by prince84
Recent Past : Agent 2FY93 sends an urgent message to Ciaran​

Three Crowns of Twisted Starlight: Imperial Ciaran, by Whumbly
Far Future : The galaxy splits into three empires after the death of Palpatine​

Negaverse, by Killerflood
Alternate Universe : Dookuquest reacts to Ciaran's madness​

From the Exile's Chamber, by Teron
Recent Past ( Turn 27) : Asajj thinks about her life​

Bureaucracy, by Teron
Near Future : Palpatine is trolled​

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Rebooted, Written-Directed-Narrated and Starring... Samuel L. Jackson! With special guest Director Quentin Tarantino!, by ComradeDoge
Alternate Universe : Mace Windu and Yoda get drunk and go to kill Palpatine​

The Return of... HANS AND HERR DOKTOR!, by Teron
Recent Past : Asajj begins to regret agreeing to the genemods​

Alternate Universe : Ciaran, Asajj and others have their pasts switched around​

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Rebooted, Starring and Written by Samuel L. Jackson and Directed/Produced by Quentin Tarantino! New Teaser!, by ComradeDoge
Alternate Universe : Anakin becomes part of the Jedi Council.​

Premonition, by Barondoctor
Alternate Universe : Riphath lives through hundreds of lifetimes​

The Gutter Apprentice| The Invisible Hand | The Empress, by Satsuma Red
Alternate Universe : Ciaran becomes the apprentice of Darth Plagueis​

The Thoughts of Grandmaster OG of the Wu-Tang Clan Samuel L. Jackson.., by ComradeDoge
Alternate Universe : Mace WIndu shares his music taste with the Council​

Naval Contemplation, by Barondoctor
Recent Past : Ahsoka and Thrawn discuss Gilad Pellaeon and roleplaying games​

Statement: I am the Game Master, Master., by Barondoctor
Recent Past : HK-47 takes the role as GM for a gaming session​

Inglorious Basterds, the Reboot, starring HK-47, Anakin Skywalker, Jango Fett and Cirian!, by ComradeDoge
Alternate Universe : Mace Windu sends people to hunt for the Sith​

Inglorious Basterds, continued, by ComradeDoge
Alternate Universe : Mace leads the Jedi to finally capture Sidious​

The Late Show with Triko Manchu: Alter Egos, by Whumbly
Unknown : Talk show host Triko Manchu presents famous individuals.​

Return to the Foundry, by Barondoctor
Recent Past ( Turn 28) : Riphath returns to the Foundry​

Generica Online Chat Boards, by Killerflood
Alternate Universe : Star Wars fans react to the new version of the Clone Wars.​

Hearthworlds, by VNodosaurus
Alternate Universe: Asajj, Obi-Wan, Ciaran and Maul change pasts.​

Simple and Clean, by Panory
Alternate Universe: Ciaran proves that Jedi Master Xehanort is evil.​

A Blind Jump, by Barondoctor
Recent Past (Turn 28): Thrawn and Anakin play a game.​

Alien Art by Panory
Near Future: Mas Amedda visits an art exhibit on Mandalore. Thrawn starts a conversation...

Cannibalism by Panory
Near Future: The Commission for the Protection of the Republic is publicly accused of being a Separatist pawn [NB: sequel to 'Alien Art']

We Are, by Panory
Near Future: Egonil the Bilar Abysswalker meets Ciaran.

Statement: Ciaran is a Mary Sue, by Panory
Alternate Universe: Dookuquest players meet HK-47

The Hunter Becomes the Hunted, by Panory
Recent Past: Padme retaliates against Ciaran's trolling

Piebald's Plan, by prince84
Recent Past: Abysswalker Piebald proposes a plan to get the Jedi out of the Temple.

Piebald Senshi, by prince84
Recent Past: Abysswalker Piebald's participation in the Battle of Kalee

Priam's.... Replacement?, by ALanos
Recent Past: Priam returns to work after getting his new body

Cost of the Crown, by Naron
Near Future: The potential fallout of an early attack on Palpatine

Spaceballwarfu, by Patupi
Recent Past: Anakin recounts the adventure behind acquiring Padmés ring

* This Index is fully updated as of post #23761 (Page 951)
Last edited:
Index of Canon Non-Story Omakes

Omakes are listed in the order they were published
Special thanks to @Jakobstj for keeping this updated since February 2017!

Index of Canon Non-Story Omakes

Abyss Watchers Troop Composition by Teron
Info Post: details of equipment and employee benefits of Abyss Watchers forces​

Meanwhile, Elsewhere In The Galaxy by Teron
Recent Past (Turn 20): scenes from Abyss Watcher facilities on Coruscant and Dantooine​

Leave Your Sanity At The Edge by Killerflood
Recent Past (Turn 20): conversation between Thrawn and an unnamed Seeker​

Messages From The Abyss Watchers by Teron
Recent Past (Turn 21): emails from Lady Ciaran's overflowing inbox​

Ciaran's Relatives by Teron
Info Post: details of Lady Ciaran's extended family, including parents and cousins​

The Weakest Link by Panory
Distant Past (pre-Turn 9): backstory for Tryo Torwin, former Blazing Chain pirate and Ciaran's Lore advisor​

Excerpts from Mitth'raw'nuruodo's Assessment of Grievous by Stealthy
Info Post: observations on Kaleesh culture, Grievous's personality, and possible methods of defeating him​

Duel by Echo 101
Recent Past (Turn 21): Asajj forces Lady Ciaran to train her lightsaber skills after Force premonition​

For Old Times' Sake by BurnNote
Recent Past: Lady Ciaran reminisces with Padme about her origins as a cantina owner and bartender​

A Totally In-Character Meeting by Panory
Recent Past (Turn 23): Abyss advisors and heroes decides to stage an intervention due to Lady Ciaran's overconfidence in their abilities​

Snips Plays Games Unfairly by BurnNote
Recent Past (Turn 23): scenes of Ahsoka Tano playing strategy games with Thrawn, Anakin, and an unnamed Jedi Master​

Total War by Panory
Recent Past: Thrawn's patrol fleet escorts Sev'rance Tann on CIS supply mission to planet Null​

Chain Of Command by Panory
Recent Past (Turn 22): Tyro Torwin teaches Asajj why she shouldn't underestimate a Blazing Chain pirate​

Less Hookers And Blow Than Expected by Panory
Recent Past (Turn 23): Lady Ciaran's cousins Larana Shayal and Galvin Thorn visit her newly opened nightclub on Nar Shaddaa​

Eyes Of The Abyss: Achievements by Whumbly
Info Post: details of Lady Ciaran's 'achievements' since starting this quest [NB: inspired "The Vault" and Achievements post]​

Origins, Part II by Killerflood
Distant Past (Turn 1): backstory for Lady Ciaran's takeover of the Abyss Watchers gang [NB: sequel to Origins omake]​

Materials Analysis for Cortosis and Derivative Alloys by Publicola
Info Post: classified Abyss Watcher report on properties and potential uses of pure and alloyed cortosis [NB: original content by random_npc]​

Padawans by Panory
Recent Past: Ahsoka Tano visits Coruscant base and encounters an unfamiliar padawan of a 'Master Tyro' [NB: Kaleesh recruit from 'First Link']​

Miscommunication by Panory
Recent Past: Obi-Wan learns of Ciaran's connections to a 'Master Tyro' who is familiar with Blazing Chain [NB: sequel to Padawans omake]​

Date Night by Panory
Recent Past: Galvin Thorn forced to bring changeling cousin Oki along on his date with Cheriss​

Unrequested Aid by Panory
Recent Past (Turn 22): during an assault on a fake 'Black Sun' gang, Grievous encounters two Jedi Sentinels...​

Overview of Anomalous Materials and Their Properties by Publicola
Info Post: classified Abyss Watchers report on a variety of 'anomalous materials' and their effects [NB: prequel to 'Materials Analysis of Cortosis']​

The Diplomatic Adventures of Obi-Wan Kenobi by Panory
Recent Past (Turn 25): Ciaran learns about 'sentient ocean' that isn't, and has an idea for a prank [NB: sequel to 'Briefing the Boss Pt. 5']​

Repercussions of Failure by Andres110
Recent Past (Turn 24): Sev'rance'tann returns from her failure on Onderon, to Dooku's displeasure.​

The Continuing Diplomatic Adventures of Obi-Wan Kenobi by Panory
Recent Past (Turn 25): Ciaran learns about a Jedi-worshipping cult, and arranges to send Obi-Wan on a visit.​

Roses Are Red, Try Not To Push Her by Panory
Recent Past (Turn 25): HK-47 educates Ahsoka Tano about the history of Darth Revan the Butcher [NB: sequel to 'Briefing the Boss Pt. 5']​

Gambled Too High, Pt. 1 by Killerflood
Recent Past (Turn 25): Abyss Agent visits her old cousin's casino on Zeltros, only for their reunion to be interrupted...​

Gambled Too High, Pt. 2 by Killerflood
Recent Past: Abyss Agent deals with the interruption [NB: sequel to 'Gambled Too High Pt. 1']​

Gambled Too High, Pt. 3 by Killerflood
Recent Past: Abyss Agent impresses a passer-by, and receives an invitation... [NB: sequel to 'Gambled Too High Pt. 2']​

The Insane Bastard Who Invented Space Curling by Panory
Recent Past: Anakin Skywalker gets bored and decides to use kinetic weapons against a CIS space station...​

The True Origin of Space Curling by Barondoctor
Distant Past: Hapan pirates decide to use asteroids to knock freighter ships out of hyperspace...​

Droid Training Exercise, by Teron
Recent Past (Turn 26): HK-47 trains with droids​

Girls Night Out Summary, by Teron
Recent Past: The results of Ciaran and friends going out on the town​

Abyss Watchers Psych Eval: Ciaran, by Battleship_Fusou
Recent Past: Notes on Ciaran by the Abyss Watchers' psychologist​

Voices Across the Galaxy, by Teron
Recent Past: A look at the effect Ciaran has had on the world​

Abyss Watchers Psych Eval: Thrawn, by Battleship_Fusou
Recent Past: Notes on Mitth'raw'nuruodo by the Abyss Watchers' psychologist​

Is This Just Fantasy?, by Killerflood
Recent Past: Silas has a nightmare​

More Messages from Ciaran, by Teron
Recent Past: Recorded messages to members of the Abyss Watchers​

Even More Ciaran Messages, by Whumbly
Recent Past: Additional messages to members of the Abyss Watchers​

The Responsible Parties, by Panory
Recent Past: Warnings to members of the Abyss Watchers​

Origins Part III, by Killerflood
Distant Past (Turn 1): Ciaran finishes her takeover of the Abyss Watchers [NB: sequel to Origins and Origins Part II omakes]​

Elegant Engineering, by Panory
Recent Past: HK-47 builds a lightsaber bayonet​

Advisor Quotes, by Whumbly
Recent Past: Various quotes and thoughts of our Advisors​

Full Metal Chain, by Panory
Recent Past: Tyro gets a slugthrower​

A Captain, Commander, and ARC Walk Into A Bar, by Prevalent117
Recent Past: Rex, Cody, and Fives have a drink​

Abyss Watchers Psych Eval: Grievous, by Battleship_Fusou
Recent Past: Notes on Grievous by the Abyss Watchers' psychologist​

What's For Dinner?, by Panory
Recent Past (Turn 27): Dooku worries over his dinner with Ciaran​

RESPONSE POSTS TO The First Quasi-Annual Invisible Hand Q&A Session!, by barenhart
Info Post: Exactly what it says in the title​

Whatever Happened to the Parsas?, by barenhart
Recent Past : Jasper and Eevy Parsa eat dinner​

Wesker vs. the Firekeeper, by Killerflood
Fanart : Wesker and Ciaran​

Overachiever, by Noitaerc
Recent Past ( Turn 27) : Notes from Cheriss on the Droideka Mk-II​

Surveillance Reports, by Teron
Recent Past ( Turn 27) : Gulans' notes on various people of interest​

Abyss Watchers Organisation Composition, by Teron
Info Post : Information on the various branches of the Abyss Watchers​

I'm Still Relevant, by Teron
Recent Past ( Turn 27) : Xruk is looting the Tusken to become relevant again​

Fate Comparision: Quest - OTL (Now and Near Future), by Teron
Info Post : Comparison of several peoples current state in Canon and in the Quest​

Tales of Naboo, by Teron
Recent Past : Short stories about OOM-9, Borvo, and Sabé​

Hutt Space Politics, by Teron
Info Post : Information about recent changes among the Hutts since the destruction of the Black Sun​

Mandalore - Situation, by Teron
Info Post : Breakdown of the three major factions in Mandalorian politics​

Ciaran Relatives - Updated, by Teron
Info Post : List of all known relatives of Ciaran​

Awkward Conversations, by Teron
Recent Past ( Turn 27) : Some very awkward conservations​

From the Supreme Chancellor's Office, by Dovahsith
Recent Past ( Turn 27) : Darth Sidious ponders his schemes​

From the Count's Palace, by Teron
Recent Past ( Turn 27) : Darth Tyrannus contemplates his mistakes​

From the Lady's Retreat, by Teron
Recent Past ( Turn 27) : Darth Traya takes a break​

From the Grand Admiral's Office, by Teron
Recent Past ( Turn 27) : Mitth'raw'nuruodo considers his situation​

From the Warlord's Hunt, by Teron
Recent Past ( Turn 27) : Grievous contemplates his people's savior​

From the Master's Chamber, by Teron
Recent Past ( Turn 27) : Obi-Wan meditates on Ciaran​

From the Hutt's Palace, by Teron
Recent Past ( Turn 27) : Borvo eats dinner​

From the Senator's Office, by Teron
Recent Past ( Turn 27) : Padme ponders her life​

From the Mand'alor's Fortress, by Teron
Recent Past ( Turn 27) : Jango thinks about his people​

From the Duchess's Office, by Teron
Recent Past ( Turn 27) : Satine contemplates Ciaran and the CNS​

From the Grand Master's Chambers, by Teron
Recent Past ( Turn 27) : Yoda reflects on the failings of the Jedi​

Small Manipulations, by Teron
Recent Past : Ciaran pulls some strings​

The Grand Fleet, by Teron
Recent Past ( Turn 27) : A pilot is lectured on the workings of the Grand Fleet​

Droids in the Abyss Watchers, by Teron
Info Post : Information on the many droids the Abyss Watchers use​

Excentric Droids, by Teron
Recent Past : Choice quotes from some of the droids employed by the Abyss Watchers​

Rip's Scientist Candidates, by Barondoctor
Info Post : List of known skilled biologists that may be useful​

Abyss Watchers Organization Function, by Teron
Info Post : Further explanation of the functions of different parts of the Abyss Watchers.​

Training Days, by Teron
Recent Past : Ciaran visits the Coruscant sports teams she sponsors​

The Tailor, by Teron
Recent Past : Ciaran meets an intimidating tailor​

The Chosen One... doubts, by Teron
Recent Past ( Turn 27) : Anakin begins to question his path​

Typical day with the Cousins, by Teron
Recent Past : The many grandchildren of Silas Cata play around​

Experimental Equipment - Report No. 2, by Teron
Recent Past : More experiments from the Weapons Engineer.​

Cultured, by Panory
Recent Past : HK-47 lectures Thrawn on the culture of the Tusken​

Xruk meets a Jedi, by Habstab
Recent Past : Xruk is stopped by a Jedi while attacking the Tusken​

Abyss Watcher Accounting Book, by Stealthy
Info Post: Professional, regularly updated balance sheets for all Abyss Watch income and expenses​

Riphath's Guide to Telepathic Species, by Barondoctor
Info Post: List of known species with telepathic abilities.​

Starfighter Simulator Training Quotes, by Teron
Recent Past : The Abyss Watchers learn how to pilot ships.​

OOM-9 Training Log: Tactical Training with Thrawn, by Teron
Recent Past: OOM-9 figures out the only way to beat Thrawn.​

Abyss Watcher Droids, by Alyuna
Fanart: ED-6310 RD is a proud droid...​

The Kik'than Ant (or Piebald's Hobby), by prince84
Recent Past: Abysswalker Piebalds thoughts on the dangerous Kik'than Ant.​

Required Position, by prince84
Recent Past: A look at the person in charge of stopping the most insane research projects in the Abyss Watchers.​

Better Than Par, by Barondoctor
Recent Past: PR-1 decides to delegate some of his workload​

My Name is … Priam, by ALanos
Recent Past: Priam reflects on himself and his new body.​

Abyss Watchers: I'm The Boss, by Whumbly
Recent Past: Ciaran and her inner council sing a song.​
Ciaran and the CNS, by Teron
Info Post: Summary of the somewhat fragile alliance that is the Council of Neutral Systems

At the Core of the Web, by Walkin' Man
Recent Past: Ciaran handles a traitor in the ranks

The Galactic Peace Thing Was Always Just a Bonus, by Panory
Recent Past: Ciaran discusses the nature of war with Obi-Wan

The Galaxy Ends With You, by Barondoctor
Recent Past: Riphath and Darra explore a ruined temple on Tython

* This Index is fully updated as of post #23761 (Page 951)
Last edited:
@Dr. Snark: Hope this helps.

My specific recommendation would be to:
  • Threadmark the 'Non-Canon Omakes' Index above and move it up the list, to put it just after "The Vault and Achievements"
  • Delete the individual threadmarks for non-canon omakes -- they're awesome and fun, but they aren't part of the story you're telling, and they clutter up the list of threadmarks. If you decide not to delete them, I recommend 'nesting' them under the Index post.
  • Threadmark the 'Canon Non-Story Omakes' Index and move it up the list, to put it just after the 'Non-Canon Omakes' post.
  • Nest the individual non-story omakes under the Index -- they are part of your story, but most of these don't really fit under the individual turns.

Incidentally, there are two omakes classified as "canon" that actually belong on the non-canon list. Specifically:
Ciaran Interrupt by Echo 101
Recent Past (Turn 22): Lady Ciaran tells Obi-Wan and Satine about Mandalore the Resurgent [NB: semi-canon, inspired Interlude - The Resurgent]
This inspired, but was also contradicted by, your later linked Inderlude.

Let's Work Together... Intern by Echo 101
Recent Past (Turn 21): Lady Ciaran pesters Asajj into helping out [NB: semi-canon due to Interlude - The Journey Home]
You canonized the description of how Ciaran and Asajj interact, but the events are contradicted by the linked Interlude.

In addition, there are several omakes classified as "canon non-story" that could pretty easily fit within one of the Turns. Specifically:
Boot To The Face Camp by Panory
Recent Past (Turn 21): Grievous and Xruk fight over quality of Xruk's training for Abyss Watcher recruits
You could move this to just after Turn 21 Results and the 'Operation Absolute Eclipse' against the Black Sun

Self-Betterment by Panory
Recent Past (Turn 21): PR-1 savors the 'advanced bartering routines' upgrade received from Sienar Fleet Systems
You could move this to just after the 'Interlude - Ain't No Party' and the meeting with Raith Sienar

Preemptive Strike by Panory
Recent Past (Turn 23): Thrawn continues to mentor Ahsoka Tano on the finer points of strategy over a game of chess.
You could move this to Turn 23, in between "Rules" and "Luck of the Draw".

Compiling the index of "Currently Non-Canon" omakes is next, though that list will be in all kinds of flux as omakes are added and turned into canon by our actions each turn. You can decide whether to delete or nest those threadmarks -- on the one hand, they aren't canon (yet), but on the other hand, they might become canon soon, and it'd be a lot easier to move a threadmark than it is to create and then move a new one. Up to you.

As for where you place it, I recommend sorting things so the "currently non-canon" Index falls between the other two, near the top of the threadmarks list. That way, the bottom/most recent threadmark will always remain the most recent story post for people who want to catch up.
As a general heads-up due to finally becoming a more productive member of society again
Congratulations! That's great ne--
my update schedule is going to be slowing down quite a bit and I'll be less responsive than I was before. Just to let you know.
Ah darn.

Yeah, I suppose it was a bit too much to have you keep up the pace of one full turn roughly every week and a half. Hopefully you'll still keep writing regularly -- this quest has been so much fun recently, especially with the manic pace at which turns, omakes, and interludes are written and posted.

Speaking of "less responsive," hopefully you saw my list of suggestions for this turn's Results.
Some A frankly absurd number of suggestions for @Dr. Snark, looking forward to our results this turn:

@Dr. Snark, could you specifically respond to the question below?
Or, if you'd prefer, I can comb over these and write up a dossier on the key anti-Palpatine figures we should know about, like I did for Clan Skirata. Let me know what you'd prefer.
Would that dossier be helpful, or just a distraction?

I had a separate question about the election:
did he roll for the election?(taris)
I did. It didn't happen because the dice apparently hate you right now. The roll was in the single digits though it wasn't a Nat 1.
Uh, no you didn't succeed. The odds for that were basically 80-90%. You rolled in the single digits for that.
Depends on what Taris set as the election cycle. Four turns at the absolute soonest, since I sincerely doubt they established a four month election cycle.
Actually, yes like Panory said it's going to be another year if you want to do it legally.
My impression was actually that there was no current political leader of Taris, that we were rolling to see if the people of Taris would have the idea (and/or pull together the political momentum and will) to hold a vote that'd inevitably result in Ciaran taking over. In this case, the failure of the roll this turn would not have resulted in someone else being elected to the position for the next year, but would have rather resulted in the position not actually coming into existence.

That said, I am interested to learn about the new character you're introducing, and I'm looking forward to the omakes @Panory writes about him/her. Plus it would be in character for Ciaran to decline public office and instead forming a working relationship/political alliance with this new leader. Perhaps we could make him a Diplomacy advisor in a future turn, so we'd have an indirect say in Tarisian affairs without getting our own hands dirty?

Having said that, now I've started imagining something like the relationship between the Prime Minister of Great Britain and the Queen. We could even be more specific, casting Ciaran in the role of Queen Elizabeth II (minimal informal/'soft' power, but still respected), or in the role of Queen Victoria (somewhat more power, significantly more deference), or in the role of Queen Elizabeth I (almost all the power, with the 'First Lord of the Treasury' acting as an extension of her will).

Also, because Panory already ensured he gets a fancy hat, have you decided what will be the leader's title? Will you go with Panory's "The Right Honorable, The Lord Governor of Taris", or one of the other titles I listed?
Which means we'll probably be elected President (Empress? Governor-General? Queen? Premier? Princess? Viceroy? Grand Duchess?) in the next turn or two.
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I'm back...and nothing's on fire and only one omake has been posted.


So then, some things I need to respond to.

You might also consult the Wookiepedia pages for Loyalist Committee, the Delegation of 2000, and the Republic Group for other names. Or, if you'd prefer, I can comb over these and write up a dossier on the key anti-Palpatine figures we should know about, like I did for Clan Skirata.]

That would be fine sure. Since you're offering.

Going to keep quiet on the results of everything else for now though. Spoilers.

[] Black Information. They're better off dead anyway: An intriguing if perfidious and devious opportunity has come up, due to the CIS and Sith penchant for paranoia and killing those they perceive as working against them with very little judicial process. What better way than to remove your enemies by getting your enemies to do it for you. By falsifying evidence to an extent that it can be considered irrefutable we can see to it that troublesome individuals in the CIS are not so troublesome. Chance of success ??%. Rewards: CIS war effort hampered, Quality of CIS leadership weakened. Extra stuff i guess to make it a more attractive pick??

Ooooh, I like this. It's going to be hard, but it's definitely a viable option.

Pall's Darths & Pool

Kreia is the greatest of trolls. Non-canon, +10.

It does, immensely. Working on resorting the things now.

Also, because Panory already ensured he gets a fancy hat, have you decided what will be the leader's title? Will you go with Panory's "The Right Honorable, The Lord Governor of Taris", or one of the other titles I listed?

Probably "Prime Minister" or something neutral like that.
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So, uh, just finished deleting the threadmarks for the non-canon omakes.

...I have since understood why my past system was being criticized. Fucking hell, there were like 20-30 of the damn things...
I do love how even if one doesn't think Ciaran is a Sith, she does look dangerously like a would be Empress, given her celebrity, her control of the CNS and the frankly shocking ability to gather people and resources to herself.

Even less comforting for movers and shakers is the sheer speed and ambition she works with.
I reckon some of the trouble Ciaran had mobilising the anti-Palpatine faction came from worries about possibly exchanging one devil for another.

I imagine that Padme has been doing a lot to reassure Senators that Ciaran isn't a power hungry fiend looking to remove the competition or conversely convincing others that she isn't just a wealthy but naive socialite.
Index of Currently Non-Canon Omakes

Omakes are listed in the order they were published
Special thanks to @Jakobstj for keeping these updated since February 2017!

Index of 'Currently Non-Canon' Omakes

The Most Dangerous Game by Panory
Near Future: Lady Ciaran hires bounty hunter Cad Bane to deliver a birthday present to Count Dooku​

Will The Real Ciaran Please Stand Up? by Semi-Autogyro
Near Future: Lady Ciaran hires bounty hunter and changeling Zam Wesell to serve as her body double​

Cata Family Roadtrip, Pt. I by Panory
Near Future: Silas Cata travels to Jedha with his grandchildren, Galvin Thorn buys a kyber crystal for his girlfriend Cheriss Sair​

Cata Family Roadtrip, Pt. II by Panory
Near Future: Larana Shayal meets Larus, a Shard 'Guardian of the Whills' who turns out to be Silas's grandchild [NB: sequel to Roadtrip Pt. I]​

Reciprocation by Panory
Near Future: Galvin Thorn returns from Jedha and gives Cheriss the kyber crystal he'd bought her [NB: sequel to Roadtrip Pt. II]​

Mind Over Matter by UbeOne
Near Future: Lady Ciaran trains with her blaster and lightfoil, and is inspired to construct her own lightsaber​

The Third Link by Panory
Near Future: Tyro Torwin visits his old friend and Adacap Zekk to persuade the Arcblade Fleet to fight for Lady Ciaran [NB: sequel to The Second Link]​

Warrior to Warrior by Panory
Near Future: Grievous investigates reports of a Separatist bioweapon on Honoghr, planet of the Noghri​

Interesting by Panory
Near Future: PR-1 makes a bet with HK-47. The assassin droid loses.​

Family (?) Bonding by Panory
Near Future: Silas Cata gets inspired by Thrawn to go and steal a 'courier ship' for himself. Oki tags along to help.​

Old Scoundrels by Panory
Near Future: Silas Cata goes recruiting, meets Aurra Sing and Hondo Ohnaka.​

Of Hatred and Confusion by Dovahsith
Near Future: Maul plots his revenge against Obi-Wan Kenobi​

In His Element by Panory
Near Future: Thrawn deals with both Republic and Separatist fleets to secure Thyferra's bacta supplies​

Resume Building by MonkeyTypewriter
Near Future: Jango Fett spars with Bo-Katan and discusses her sanitized resume...​

Tax Deductible by Panory
Near Future: Ciaran is visited by envoys from the Chancellor, after not paying her fair share of the 'Neutrality Compensation'​

A Betting Man, by Panory
Near Future: Silas loses a bet.​

Vectivus and Sentient Resources; Together Again, by Battleship_Fusou
Near Future: Work begins to give Vectivus a body​

He's A Maniac, by Teron
Near Future: Silas hires a man of questionable sanity​

New Dress Code, by SlyOverlord
Near Future: PR-1 suggests new uniforms​

The Interview, by Walkin' Man
Near Future: Ciaran is interviewed on the news​

To Heal a Wound, by Barondoctor
Near Future: Riphath delivers cybernetics to Darra Tel-Thanis​

Lava-Blaster - Experimental Report, by Teron
Near Future : A weapons engineer reports on the current progress of the Lava Crystal experiment​

Experimental Equipment - Report, by Teron
Near Future : A weapons engineer reports on several ideas for new equipment​

A Brief History of the Order of the Sith Lords, by VNodosaurus
Near Future : Vectivus reveals the history of the Baneite Sith to Ciaran​

Darkness and Light, by Barondoctor
Near Future : Riphath studies Force techniques from the Disciples of Twilight​

A Grievous Omission, by Barondoctor
Near Future : Riphath is sent on a walk​

Help Me Obi-Wan Kenobi, by Panory
Near Future : Ciaran reveals the Sith lord to Obi-Wan​

Ciaran Election Campaign Ad #1, by Whumbly
Near Future: Advertisement for Ciaran's campaign to be Supreme Chancellor.​

Abysswalker Dossier: Alicia Olié, by MonkeyTypewriter
Near Future: Personnel file on an Abyss Walker candidate​

Joo Lee's Debriefing, by bookworm702
Near Future: A Seeker is debriefed and found to be Force-sensitive.​

Koyi loves her job, by Omniatrix
Near Future: A look at how a spy does her job.​

Desert Wind Droid, by Barondoctor
Near Future: OOM-9 is upgraded with a new body, and gains new perspective.​

Scummy Bees, by Panory
Near Future: Silas recruits Tobias Beckett

Sirious Business, by Panory
Near Future (Canon as of Turn 30): Obi-Wan meets Siri to discuss Sidious and the Force Wound.

The Silencer's Odyssey, by Panory
Near Future: The Silencer is trained in Echani martial arts

Abysswalker Dossier: Lady Xenthe "Zee" Rixx, by Semi-Autogyro
Near Future: Personnel file on a future Abysswalker

As a Spy, by Panory
Near Future: Galvin is approached by a man looking for a job

Playing Games in the Medbay, by Barondoctor
Recent Past: Riphath is invited to join Priam's RPG group

Conversations with Dead People pt.1, by Stardust&Scotch
Near Future: Dooku talks to a statue of his father

Conversations with Dead People pt.2, by Stardust&Scotch
Near Future: Dooku talks to the Force Ghost of his Padawan

Almas Arrival, by Barondoctor
Near Future: Riphath and Darra are sent to Almas Academy

Dueling with Devan, by Barondoctor
Near Future: Riphath starts his investigation into what threatens Almas Academy

Conversations with Dead People pt.3, by Stardust&Scotch
Near Future: Dooku talks to Darth Vectivus

* This Index is fully updated as of post #23761 (Page 951)
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I do love how even if one doesn't think Ciaran is a Sith, she does look dangerously like a would be Empress, given her celebrity, her control of the CNS and the frankly shocking ability to gather people and resources to herself.

Even less comforting for movers and shakers is the sheer speed and ambition she works with.
I reckon some of the trouble Ciaran had mobilising the anti-Palpatine faction came from worries about possibly exchanging one devil for another.

I imagine that Padme has been doing a lot to reassure Senators that Ciaran isn't a power hungry fiend looking to remove the competition or conversely convincing others that she isn't just a wealthy but naive socialite.

Well to be fair said people afraid of her becoming Empress are totally right. Ciaran just has an amazing PR team (and by team I mean Thrawn).
Well to be fair said people afraid of her becoming Empress are totally right. Ciaran just has an amazing PR team (and by team I mean Thrawn).

It times like this when I realised that at the start of Ciaran's journey we joked about becoming Empress of the Galaxy. Now it's a legitimate possibility. After all Palpatine and the Clone Wars have shown that Republic Government does need reform... or at least a leader who isn't incompetent, corrupt and/or a threat to the founding principles of The Republic.
Dr. Snark, did you see this earlier comment?
Incidentally, there are two omakes classified as "canon non-story" that actually belong on the non-canon list.

Specifically the two were:
Ciaran Interrupt by Echo 101
Recent Past (Turn 22): Lady Ciaran tells Obi-Wan and Satine about Mandalore the Resurgent [NB: semi-canon, inspired Interlude - The Resurgent]
...This inspired, but was also contradicted by, your later linked Inderlude.
Let's Work Together... Intern by Echo 101
Recent Past (Turn 21): Lady Ciaran pesters Asajj into helping out [NB: semi-canon due to Interlude - The Journey Home]
...You canonized the description of how Ciaran and Asajj interact, but the events are contradicted by the linked Interlude.

There was also one omake listed as "currently non-canon" that really belongs on the "non-canon" list?
A Discussion Of Philosophical Differences by Silver719
Recent Past (Turn 24): Lady Ciaran meets with Yoda and reveals her new status as Darth Traya
...I'm pretty sure this is never going to happen. At the very least, it's not going to happen as depicted.

@Dr. Snark, can you delete those three omakes from the threadmarked list?

In addition:
There are several omakes classified as "canon non-story" that could pretty easily fit within one of the Turns.
It's up to you whether to leave these where they are or move them to their place within the story. The three I was thinking of were:
Boot To The Face Camp by Panory
Recent Past (Turn 21): Grievous and Xruk fight over quality of Xruk's training for Abyss Watcher recruits
You could move this to just after Turn 21 Results, with our 'Operation Absolute Eclipse' against the Black Sun
Self-Betterment by Panory
Recent Past (Turn 21): PR-1 savors the 'advanced bartering routines' upgrade received from Sienar Fleet Systems
You could move this to just after the Turn 21 'Interlude - Ain't No Party', with our meeting with Raith Sienar
Preemptive Strike by Panory
Recent Past (Turn 23): Thrawn continues to mentor Ahsoka Tano on the finer points of strategy over a game of chess.
You could move this to Turn 23, in between "Rules" and "Luck of the Draw", with Thrawn teaching Ahsoka through games.
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@Dr. Snark: one last suggestion for the threadmarks -- could you move each of the "Turn # Rumor Mill" posts out from under the "OP" main threadmark 'nest'?

Now that the threadmarks list isn't crowded with omakes, it should be fine to keep each Turn separated in its own group. Plus, Sufficient Velocity adds 'lines' between each big group in the threadmarks list, so separating them out should improve legibility as well.

EDIT: thanks Dr. Snark for putting in the time to clear and clean up the threadmarks!

Finally, because I might as well update our omake count while I'm at it, here you go. Last time I checked:
... we have 11 omake bonuses ready to be applied to the turn after next. :rofl:

Since then, we've added 10 more omakes, giving us an overall total of 21 out of 34 omake cap for Turn 25.

EDIT: This is one of our 'Meta-Achievements' listed on the first page.
Chomping At the Bit: Reach the Omake Limit for a turn before it even starts
I want to get the next one in the series: "Reach the Omake Limit for a turn, before the preceding turn even starts."
We're about 2/3rds of the way through Turn 25, and Dr. Snark has told us he'll be slowing down the rate of updates (silver living... :ogles:)
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We have Incom for fighters, Kuat for capitals, SoroSuub for everything in-between, and Sienar to tune top-shelf ships into something else.

Maybe we should focus on building up our fleet next turn?

From what I've read, a proper Lucrehulk battleship takes a flotilla of Star Destroyers just to bring down its shields. And we can have Sienar upgrade it from that baseline.

I had thought we needed a custom Flagship, but the Oracle might just do. I didn't know it had a diameter equally to two Star Destroyers lined up.

Maybe give Thrawn carte blanché to write down his ideal fleet composition, and commission it from said companies? The bulk of it from SoroSuub, the capitals from Kuat, more fighters for said capital's compliment from Incom, hand it all over to Sienar to tune up?
@Dr. Snark Could you price this option and add it to next turn's Base upgrades?

And the organizing of omakes should totally be worth another +10 or two :V
Question. If Thrawn does rip off Tann's ship, would there be a chance for a repainting and renaming job? To something nice like....oh I dunno, Chimaera? :V