... really? Huh.

How on earth does one control a gun with mind reading?

I thought it was about telekinetically manipulating the blaster bolts/blasters.
Telepathic guns was just my catchy way of referring to Blazing Chains. I'm fully aware it's probably the wrong adjective, but it's catchier than telekinetic guns and gets the message across just as well.
Question for all
Does anyone feels a bit ashamed that we are using our knowledge of Star Wars to gain a unfair advantage over everyone else In the galaxy?
@Dr. Snark, did you see this question?
I notice that the 'Briefing the Boss, Pt. 2' omake is categorized as "Not Yet Canon" -- can you let me know what it'd take to become canon? Specifically I'm wondering if it'd be better to wait on exploring Dathomir until we've learned about the Chu'unthor and know what we're looking for...

A few follow-ups:
This is going to be a Learning action since he was, y'know, deactivated by ion fire.
Could 'Communication through Combat' become a Hero Action if/when HK-47 does get activated? Because I love the idea of our friendly neighborhood psycho-droid getting hearts in his eyes while watching The Silencer... :D

Viable, but Scipio isn't going to join just from a recruitment drive. Wonder why that is...
Rush Clovis? Isn't he still out of power?
Senator Rush Clovis represented the Banking Clan from 25 to 22 BBY until he was arrested by fellow senator Lott Dod on Cato Neimoidia. In 20 BBY, Rush Clovis became the head of the Banking Clan conglomerate, after the Council of Five was arrested for corruption and fraud.
The idea of this Diplomacy action would be to lean on the IGBC so someone friendly to the CNS would be selected to lead it -- which means, if Rush Clovis were not friendly, he wouldn't be the one elected and wouldn't able to keep Scipio out....

Specifically, he secured leadership of the IGBC by discovering evidence of corruption:
In 20 BBY, Clovis discovered corruption in the Banking Clan on his home planet of Scipio. When Padme Amidala arrived to secure a transaction for the Republic, he was assigned as the Clan's agent in the transaction. Amidala refused him and walked off. Later that night, he climbed to Padme's apartment. He told her that he had found corruption in the Clan. From a rooftop the bounty hunter Embo fired shots at the two. Using the shots as proof that he was being truthful, he asked her to help him uncover the corruption. She reluctantly agreed.

The next day, under the facade of the transaction, the two waited for one of Amidala's handmaidens cut the power to the building. When the lights went out, Amidala found the records and downloaded them. The power came back on, and business went on. Amidala found the proof in the records of corruption, but was arrested for espionage. Jedi knight Anakin Skywalker bailed her out, and they went to find Clovis. They found him at his private residence, and the bounty hunter Embo pursued. They tried to escape on a speeder, but Embo shot them down. The speeder skidded among the snow like a snowmobile, and Embo used his helmet as a sled to pursue. They lost him eventually and escaped off planet.

They presented the information to Palpatine, who ordered the two to investigate. The found that the Separatists were allowed to not pay off their loans and yet the Republic's increased. Clovis tried to force a kiss on Padme, but Skywalker burst in and beat Clovis up. Security came in, and Clovis said that Skywalker beat off a man trying to kill him. While a medical droid was tending to him, it showed a message from Count Dooku, who stated that if the corruption was exposed, Clovis would be head of the Clan, and agrees to give him evidence of the corruption. Nix Card and Clovis reported to Palpatine that the corruption was exposed, and that the Core Five were arrested. The Separatists endorsed Clovis as leader of the Clan. The Republic voted to the same effect. Clovis assumed control of the Clan.
But if we were the ones to uncover that evidence (rather than Clovis receiving it as a favor from Dooku), then Clovis wouldn't be thrust into the spotlight and wouldn't have the stature to become much of anything. Considering that the IGBC is officially neutral, and that the selection of their new leader required approval from both the Republic and the Separatists
To prevent the Banking clan from becoming corrupted again, both the Galactic Republic and the Separatists agreed to send ambassadors to the planet, to secure both parties' agendas.
I'm wondering why we (the CNS, I mean) wouldn't be acceptable as a compromise?

It'll have to be 'Cord of Three Strands,' the will is there but not the money.
Fair enough, though I would ask that it be cheaper that the Kalee base upgrade (since we'd be actively involving Muunilist in helping out, and spending an action to make it work). Perhaps a one-time cost rather than a per-turn upkeep?

Ko Sai will be a thing next turn anyway.
My original idea was actually to broaden the search, so we'd recruit Ko Sai as well as other notable geneticists. It wouldn't take much to persuade Ko Sai to reach out to us anyway (we have thrown quite a wrench in canon), so this would be about presenting ourselves (Karada) as a medical research company interested in hiring...

Hmm...seems legit, but I'll probably massively limit these/make them difficult and expensive to research for obvious reasons.
Fair enough.

OTOH, with so many different types of research we could be conducting -- genemods, clone aging, inhibitor chips, virus library/Wesker research, medical supplies, Force-related organics (ysalamiri, taozin, senflax), lightsaber crystals, Force-related metals (beskar, cortosis, phrik), other metals and crystals, fixing HK-47 -- and even more, given how long these research avenues would take (either multiple turns for a single action, or multiple actions for a single research subject, or both)... well, would it be possible to gain another Learning Action, and if so, what would it take?

Specifically, I'd like to set ourselves up to specialize in Force-related research topics. This would cover the organics, the metals, the lightsaber design and crystals, etc. Plus it'd synergize well with our archaeological expeditions, as we gather more and more information from various Force-related sites. And ultimately, when/if we officially found our own 'Grey Order' and start recruiting more Force Users en masse, this would become the research branch of that Order....

Taris: Already planned on those things save for the palace complex. Getting elected will be its own thing.
...Now I'm interested. Would getting elected require a separate action, or would it just require us to improve our popularity on Taris in some way (such as, for instance, revitalizing the kelp farms and making sure everyone gets fed...? :whistle:

Also, if we do get elected, would we receive tax money as income, or would it go on a separate balance sheet for specifically for Taris improvements (to fund things like "incentivize companies like Incom to build factories here" or "rebuild the Undercity", etc.)

(Actually, that's a thought: while reaching out and making contact with various companies would be a Diplomacy/Stewardship action, could we make "finance a corporation expansion to Taris" into a base upgrade? We help pay for the factory/facilities, and receive partial ownership/income -- that sounds more like a financial decision than something requiring proactive personal involvement...

[]You need better security why not take a leaf out of Padma's book and get a double? You definitely have the medical tech to make someone look like you. It should make you safer and maybe you can pawn off some of the busy work so you have more time for personal projects.
Reward: gain one extra personal action your double can do in your place.
...I like this idea, mostly due to making the whole 'body double' bit canon. OTOH, an extra personal action might be a bit much, especially since there's little chance that our body double would be able to take on our work load. But we could theoretically train the body double to do such work, as a future Personal Action...?

EDIT: another suggestion for base upgrade -- could we build a medical center/surgery room specifically designed for removing inhibitor chips? This would automate the process of freeing the clone commandos we recruit and/or smuggle away from the front lines. (It'd probably be best to build it on Mandalore, with the Kyrimorut facility...)
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...I like this idea, mostly due to making the whole 'body double' bit canon. OTOH, an extra personal action might be a bit much, especially since there's little chance that our body double would be able to take on our work load. But we could theoretically train the body double to do such work, as a future Personal Action...?

Couldn't we also pull a Padme and get someone to serve as a body double? If only to reduce the chance of our character getting assassinated.

Although with all the changes, I wonder if Padme's original double didn't die from that explosion?
Could 'Communication through Combat' become a Hero Action if/when HK-47 does get activated? Because I love the idea of our friendly neighborhood psycho-droid getting hearts in his eyes while watching The Silencer...

Maybe. We'll see.

Rush Clovis? Isn't he still out of power?

Weeeeeell kinda. Oddly enough while the Core Five are still around Clovis has still been gaining a lot of traction within the IGBC, becoming a significant force within it. Despite the blatant power grab, the Core Five have been oddly silent on the matter...

OTOH, with so many different types of research we could be conducting -- genemods, clone aging, inhibitor chips, virus library/Wesker research, medical supplies, Force-related organics (ysalamiri, taozin, senflax), lightsaber crystals, Force-related metals (beskar, cortosis, phrik), other metals and crystals, fixing HK-47 -- and even more, given how long these research avenues would take (either multiple turns for a single action, or multiple actions for a single research subject, or both)... well, would it be possible to gain another Learning Action, and if so, what would it take?

Hmm...given the matter at hand maybe a facility at the Home. We'll see.

...Now I'm interested. Would getting elected require a separate action, or would it just require us to improve our popularity on Taris in some way (such as, for instance, revitalizing the kelp farms and making sure everyone gets fed...? :whistle:

You could take direct action to get elected via Diplomacy or let the people do it themselves depending on their opinions of Ciaran.

Also, if we do get elected, would we receive tax money as income, or would it go on a separate balance sheet for specifically for Taris improvements (to fund things like "incentivize companies like Incom to build factories here" or "rebuild the Undercity", etc.)

We'll see about that when the time comes.

(Actually, that's a thought: while reaching out and making contact with various companies would be a Diplomacy/Stewardship action, could we make "finance a corporation expansion to Taris" into a base upgrade? We help pay for the factory/facilities, and receive partial ownership/income -- that sounds more like a financial decision than something requiring proactive personal involvement...

That...makes sense. I could see those as upgrades, sure.

If I had to guess, it's because you incorporated Oki's introduction into Briefing the Boss 2. It can't be made canon until she is.

If I had to guess, it's because you incorporated Oki's introduction into Briefing the Boss 2. It can't be made canon until she is.
...dammit. Shot myself in the foot.

@Dr. Snark, do you plan to follow Panory's idea for how to make this canon, or is there a specific action we'd need to take to make Oki canon?
I also feel I should address the method of this becoming canon, since unlike Larus and Chori, who require Ciaran to send Silas places to meet them (Jedha and Pantora respectively), Oki just kind of shows up. I'd propose giving Silas the trait for Oki like he has for Galvin and Larana, but not have the trait give him any Intrigue bonus, with the rationalization that Oki is too inexperienced to be of use and raise his stats. A potential hero action for Silas to train Oki would activate that Intrigue bonus, either fixed or variable depending on the roll, and give me an excuse to write fluff of them bonding. Since at the moment, neither really views the other as family.
Question for all
Does anyone feels a bit ashamed that we are using our knowledge of Star Wars to gain a unfair advantage over everyone else In the galaxy?

I thought that was considered a feature of the quest? I'm sure that many (or at least me) of the people who play this get a fair amount of enjoyment due to said meta-gaming and the hilarity the comes from it.

If we're being honest here, meta-gaming is going to be a part of any quest where the QM's baseline is Canon and not deciding to pick and choose what is acceptable. We also tend to run it by the QM to begin with (through discussion if nothing else) so there's that as well. If it wasn't acceptable we would have been in deep shit by now.

EDIT: I just noticed that you said 'ashamed' and nothing to do with acceptability ... woops. I'm sorry for ranting at you then.
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Question for all
Does anyone feels a bit ashamed that we are using our knowledge of Star Wars to gain a unfair advantage over everyone else In the galaxy?
Considering the fact that the opposition we are facing is bolstered by Dark Plot Armor while the ally we are supposed to have is a suspicious, angsty shit with a Storm Trooper bomb strapped to its chest, I think we can metagame a little and call it Force intervention.
Because wow, we would have no way to win without it, and if we let it take the natural course of the canon due to no metagaming, the players will have to suddenly start a rendition of
Philanthropist versus the Galaxy quest once Order 66 comes through.
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I just realized that if Anakin becomes Darth Vader as canon Ciaran cannot be allowed to live, given how physical disguises are useless against a Miraluka.

Even with how mutilated his Force nature becomes a horrified Ciaran would recognise him instantly, kind of scuppering attempts to 'kill' Anakin.
So how many bonuses we got at the moment?, i forgot the exact number.
Well, we've maxed out our omake bonuses (34 out of 34) for this turn that we're starting now.

For the next one after that... well, Panory's "Pantoran Blockages Pt. II" (back on pg. 156) was the last one that applies to this turn.
Time to start working on next turn I guess.
So everything after that. Which means...

<insert furious counting>

... we have 11 omake bonuses ready to be applied to the turn after next. :rofl:

I just realized that if Anakin becomes Darth Vader as canon Ciaran cannot be allowed to live, given how physical disguises are useless against a Miraluka.

Even with how mutilated his Force nature becomes a horrified Ciaran would recognise him instantly, kind of scuppering attempts to 'kill' Anakin.
Doesn't really make a difference if we know he's Anakin or not. Vader made no effort to really hide his identity, that was Obi-wan being intentionally vague. And I doubt Obi-wan would kill someone half as useful as Ciaran over ruining his big surprise for Luke. There are plenty of reasons Palpatine and Vader would want Ciaran dead. Knowing that Vader is Anakin wouldn't be one of them.
Doesn't really make a difference if we know he's Anakin or not. Vader made no effort to really hide his identity, that was Obi-wan being intentionally vague. And I doubt Obi-wan would kill someone half as useful as Ciaran over ruining his big surprise for Luke. There are plenty of reasons Palpatine and Vader would want Ciaran dead. Knowing that Vader is Anakin wouldn't be one of them.

Actually, if I recall correctly, there was some Star Wars material that showed Anakin deluding himself into thinking that Darth Vader was a separate entity that killed the real Anakin, or at least crushed his will beyond any hope of repair. Can't remember where it was, or if it was even canon, but I'm pretty sure it was somewhere.

It'd certainly give a whole new level of depth to Vader's words when he was dying: "Just for once, let me look on you, with my own eyes."
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(Omake) Ball And Chain (Canon)
Ball and Chain​

Etain Tur-Murkan sat meditating outside in the courtyard of the Republic's Qiiluran base. She had been assigned to the planet to train the local farmers to defend themselves in case of another Separatist operation on the planet, but there had been no real indication of any such thing, so the training was proceeding at a rather lackadaisical pace.

Things had seemed like they would escalate when rumors started going around that the local Gurlanin were getting fed up with the Republic ignoring their demands to remove human colonists from the planet. Etain feared conflict would break out in some fashion, a conflict the half trained colonists would be ill suited for, but the CNS had stepped in with surprising fervor. Negotiations were apparently going on, though Etain had no idea what they were negotiating.

The Republic base was open for visits as a courtesy, but if half the rumors about Lady Ciaran's ship were true, Etain saw no reason why anyone would want to walk around their utilitarian base. So while she probably should have taken more precautions to hide her condition from prying eyes, Etain decided that the risk of any CNS visitors seeing her was worth the added peace the fresh air gave her meditation. And making her meditation as effective as possible was imperative if she wanted to hasten her pregnancy and give birth before she had to return to Coruscant.

"Well this certainly isn't what I was expecting." Etain turned in a panic at the sound of the unfamiliar voice to see an older man, unremarkable save for the blasters he wore, complete with extra ammunition. Seeing her concern, he sat down next to her and chuckled. "Don't worry Jedi, I have no intention of ruining your little secret. I assume it is a secret of course, what with the Jedi's absurdist views on relationships."

Reassured, Etain steadied her breathing. "Thank you for keeping this a secret. It is a violation of the tenets of the Jedi Order." Etain hung her head in shame at the admission of her failings.

"Good. It's an idiotic rule. They're all idiotic rules, but that one is particularly egregious." said the man next to her.

"Those rules have been upheld for centuries, and exist for a good reason. If we adhere to the rules, then we never need fear the Dark Side." She said, repeating the lessons repeated ad nauseum as a youngling.

"It's a self-destructive cycle is what it is. It denies the soul what it needs to live. I can promise you every Jedi breaks that rule to some degree. Whether it is a close friend or a secret lover, no man is an island." said the old man. "Those who do succeed in having nothing seek to compensate with excess when they eventually break. The Jedi Order points to those that fall and use them as an example of why they were right all along."

Etain opened her mouth to defend the laws she had known since she was a child, but could think of nothing. The old man continued after giving her ample time to respond, breaking the silence when she did not. "I suspect it stems from the black and white view the Jedi have on the Force. In my experience, such a model is flawed. Though I admittedly know little of the Force itself, I have treated it no different than a blaster, another tool to use, and have been just fine. Do what you want, the Force doesn't judge, only those who use it. And if they use the Force as the basis for their argument, then they are wrong."

Etain's shame at her own failures, for she could still see them as nothing else, kept her head hung low, but she began to open up to this man who hadn't judged her at all. "I plan to leave the Order after the war. To be with my son and his father."

"Do it now." he advised. "I speak from experience when I say that life is too short and life too fragile to waste even a second of it. If you worry about commitment to the Jedi, know that they would exile you for daring to love someone. If you worry about the war, know that others will fight all the same. If you do have a family, I can safely say that you will look back on it as the correct choice."

"Who are you?" asked Etain, desperate to change the topic to something less world changing for her.

"Tyro Torwin. I used to be a member of the Arcblade Fleet, a shoe-in for Adacap as a matter of fact. I passed up on the promotion to be with my wife and son. Nearly started a coup by accident before I publicly showed support for the next Adacap." Tyro chuckled at the memory, but there was pain there. "They both passed when the fleet was nearly wiped out. I escaped, and came to Coruscant, where I met Lady Ciaran. The rest is history. My one regret was not spending more time with my wife and son. Learn from an old man and don't make the same mistake."

The two sat in silence, Tyro with nothing more to say and Etain with too much to consider. Etain remained in the meditation pose, but her mind was too busy to focus on anything, even her child. She was brought out of her thoughts by Tyro's laugher. "I must say I envy your youth. We never bothered with meditation when learning the Blazing Chains, and trying to pick it up now is teaching an old bantha new tricks."

Etain laughed along with him. "It is rather boring. Most younglings take years to get even halfway decent at it." she admitted.

"Well, even if my connection to the Force doesn't get any stronger, however that works, the silence is good for thinking at least." His smile faded as he grew serious. "Have you decided on a course of action?"

Tears began to well up in Etain's eyes as the reality of her situation overwhelmed her. "I have no idea where to start. He doesn't even know I'm pregnant with his child."

"Well then you have an easy place to begin. Worry of other things later. Tell him the good news first." said Tyro.

Etain wasn't reassured quite so easily this time. "It's just, he's a soldier on the front lines, always taking on dangerous missions. It's part of why I love him, but telling him could just distract him and…" Tyro raised a hand to cut her off.

"When I found out I was to be a father, I took a single man ship that wasn't even designed for long distance travel and resolved to capture the first ship I came across. I had been maybe expecting a merchant ship, but what I came across was a Chiss battle frigate. It was the hardest fight of my entire life, and looking back I should have died a thousand times. But the knowledge that I had a son gave me something to fight for on that suicide mission. Long story short, the Arcblade Fleet got itself a Chiss battle frigate." said Tyro with a grin before looking at Etain intensely. "Tell him. He'll fight all the harder to survive, and if he died without knowing, that would be worse than anything."

Etain took a deep breath and steeled her resolve. "Thank you. I'll… consider your words."

"I suppose that's all I can ask." said Tyro as he stood up. "I must be going. Negotiations are likely wrapping up, and the Oracle will need to depart. We're all rather busy these days. I wish you best of the best of luck." With that, Tyro Torwin turned and left.

AN: Hey, did you want potential Jedi friends with that recruitment of the galaxy's best shapeshifters? Because too bad, that's what you get. As for the actual negotiations, it involves an offer to join the CNS, which then levers its neutrality to kick the colonists off world as an infringement on the Gurlanin's rights. Also, I don't support recruiting her directly as a unit since she's a mother and our last Jedi unit blew up in our face, but hey, maybe Tyro could take up an apprentice teacher or something.

On an unrelated note, I'm super pleased with the title of this one. I'd also like to take this moment to remind you that while there was no Blazing Chains kicking ass, you should support a plan that involves Blazing Chains on the upcoming turn. Just saying.
Ball and Chain​

Etain Tur-Murkan sat meditating outside in the courtyard of the Republic's Qiiluran base. She had been assigned to the planet to train the local farmers to defend themselves in case of another Separatist operation on the planet, but there had been no real indication of any such thing, so the training was proceeding at a rather lackadaisical pace.

Things had seemed like they would escalate when rumors started going around that the local Gurlanin were getting fed up with the Republic ignoring their demands to remove human colonists from the planet. Etain feared conflict would break out in some fashion, a conflict the half trained colonists would be ill suited for, but the CNS had stepped in with surprising fervor. Negotiations were apparently going on, though Etain had no idea what they were negotiating.

The Republic base was open for visits as a courtesy, but if half the rumors about Lady Ciaran's ship were true, Etain saw no reason why anyone would want to walk around their utilitarian base. So while she probably should have taken more precautions to hide her condition from prying eyes, Etain decided that the risk of any CNS visitors seeing her was worth the added peace the fresh air gave her meditation. And making her meditation as effective as possible was imperative if she wanted to hasten her pregnancy and give birth before she had to return to Coruscant.

"Well this certainly isn't what I was expecting." Etain turned in a panic at the sound of the unfamiliar voice to see an older man, unremarkable save for the blasters he wore, complete with extra ammunition. Seeing her concern, he sat down next to her and chuckled. "Don't worry Jedi, I have no intention of ruining your little secret. I assume it is a secret of course, what with the Jedi's absurdist views on relationships."

Reassured, Etain steadied her breathing. "Thank you for keeping this a secret. It is a violation of the tenets of the Jedi Order." Etain hung her head in shame at the admission of her failings.

"Good. It's an idiotic rule. They're all idiotic rules, but that one is particularly egregious." said the man next to her.

"Those rules have been upheld for centuries, and exist for a good reason. If we adhere to the rules, then we never need fear the Dark Side." She said, repeating the lessons repeated ad nauseum as a youngling.

"It's a self-destructive cycle is what it is. It denies the soul what it needs to live. I can promise you every Jedi breaks that rule to some degree. Whether it is a close friend or a secret lover, no man is an island." said the old man. "Those who do succeed in having nothing seek to compensate with excess when they eventually break. The Jedi Order points to those that fall and use them as an example of why they were right all along."

Etain opened her mouth to defend the laws she had known since she was a child, but could think of nothing. The old man continued after giving her ample time to respond, breaking the silence when she did not. "I suspect it stems from the black and white view the Jedi have on the Force. In my experience, such a model is flawed. Though I admittedly know little of the Force itself, I have treated it no different than a blaster, another tool to use, and have been just fine. Do what you want, the Force doesn't judge, only those who use it. And if they use the Force as the basis for their argument, then they are wrong."

Etain's shame at her own failures, for she could still see them as nothing else, kept her head hung low, but she began to open up to this man who hadn't judged her at all. "I plan to leave the Order after the war. To be with my son and his father."

"Do it now." he advised. "I speak from experience when I say that life is too short and life too fragile to waste even a second of it. If you worry about commitment to the Jedi, know that they would exile you for daring to love someone. If you worry about the war, know that others will fight all the same. If you do have a family, I can safely say that you will look back on it as the correct choice."

"Who are you?" asked Etain, desperate to change the topic to something less world changing for her.

"Tyro Torwin. I used to be a member of the Arcblade Fleet, a shoe-in for Adacap as a matter of fact. I passed up on the promotion to be with my wife and son. Nearly started a coup by accident before I publicly showed support for the next Adacap." Tyro chuckled at the memory, but there was pain there. "They both passed when the fleet was nearly wiped out. I escaped, and came to Coruscant, where I met Lady Ciaran. The rest is history. My one regret was not spending more time with my wife and son. Learn from an old man and don't make the same mistake."

The two sat in silence, Tyro with nothing more to say and Etain with too much to consider. Etain remained in the meditation pose, but her mind was too busy to focus on anything, even her child. She was brought out of her thoughts by Tyro's laugher. "I must say I envy your youth. We never bothered with meditation when learning the Blazing Chains, and trying to pick it up now is teaching an old bantha new tricks."

Etain laughed along with him. "It is rather boring. Most younglings take years to get even halfway decent at it." she admitted.

"Well, even if my connection to the Force doesn't get any stronger, however that works, the silence is good for thinking at least." His smile faded as he grew serious. "Have you decided on a course of action?"

Tears began to well up in Etain's eyes as the reality of her situation overwhelmed her. "I have no idea where to start. He doesn't even know I'm pregnant with his child."

"Well then you have an easy place to begin. Worry of other things later. Tell him the good news first." said Tyro.

Etain wasn't reassured quite so easily this time. "It's just, he's a soldier on the front lines, always taking on dangerous missions. It's part of why I love him, but telling him could just distract him and…" Tyro raised a hand to cut her off.

"When I found out I was to be a father, I took a single man ship that wasn't even designed for long distance travel and resolved to capture the first ship I came across. I had been maybe expecting a merchant ship, but what I came across was a Chiss battle frigate. It was the hardest fight of my entire life, and looking back I should have died a thousand times. But the knowledge that I had a son gave me something to fight for on that suicide mission. Long story short, the Arcblade Fleet got itself a Chiss battle frigate." said Tyro with a grin before looking at Etain intensely. "Tell him. He'll fight all the harder to survive, and if he died without knowing, that would be worse than anything."

Etain took a deep breath and steeled her resolve. "Thank you. I'll… consider your words."

"I suppose that's all I can ask." said Tyro as he stood up. "I must be going. Negotiations are likely wrapping up, and the Oracle will need to depart. We're all rather busy these days. I wish you best of the best of luck." With that, Tyro Torwin turned and left.

AN: Hey, did you want potential Jedi friends with that recruitment of the galaxy's best shapeshifters? Because too bad, that's what you get. As for the actual negotiations, it involves an offer to join the CNS, which then levers its neutrality to kick the colonists off world as an infringement on the Gurlanin's rights. Also, I don't support recruiting her directly as a unit since she's a mother and our last Jedi unit blew up in our face, but hey, maybe Tyro could take up an apprentice teacher or something.

On an unrelated note, I'm super pleased with the title of this one. I'd also like to take this moment to remind you that while there was no Blazing Chains kicking ass, you should support a plan that involves Blazing Chains on the upcoming turn. Just saying.
were getting the blazing chain