Hmm...well the CNS military is already semi-organized between the Mandalorian Guardians and the fleets using Thrawn's tactics. Unless you want to go even further?
Currently to my knowledge the CNS self defence forces are a hodge podge mixture of local forces with varying quality and equipment and an organisation that can be generously be described as eclectic. Which is basically what you'd expect given a millennium of peace and resources obtained solely from local sources.
We actually have a bit more than that. I'll post previous actions & turn results that affect the CNS military, but there
is a central command structure, which we basically control; we are actively recruiting (from our refugee camps) for Planetary Defense Forces and 'CNS Militia'; and between our own funding and Dooku's bribes to draw the Outer Rim systems into the CIS, they're actually fairly well armed.
To review:
A Brief History of the CNS Military
First, we funded the Outer Rim Colonial Defence League -- a quasi-predecessor to the CIS, but one that originated from a desire for anti-piracy operations.
[X] Fund Outer-Rim Colonial Defence League: It appears some groups and politicians in the Outer-Rim have decided to establish their own Defence League, but are still trying to acquire funding and armaments. You can provide those, not to mention that funding them would allow you to keep a close eye on them and keep them out of the Republics hair. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 150 Reward: Outer-Rim Colonial Defence League funded
Required: 30 Rolled: 62
With the funding you provided and some additional donations from other sources the Outer-Rim Colonial Defence League quickly managed to assemble a ramschackle but functioning fleet to patrol their area of space. Resutls: +1 CIS Diplomatic Status
Unfortunately, it's described as 'ramshackle'. OTOH,
@Teron ruled that this follow-up omake was canon:
What this does mean, however, is that we will be receiving additional support, from CIS aligned corporations. What this means, is that we are recieving additional equipment, as well as a subsidies for training purposes. So far, I have secured us approx.
250 Z-95 Headhunter Starfighters (I have not received confirmation if any are mounted with ion-cannons as of yet)
3 Munificent-class Star Frigates
14 Gozanti-class Cruisers
Funding for 8 Defence Platforms (Unknown Make/Model.)
While this is probably underwhelming to some of you, when combined with
the fleet our generous benefactor, Lady Ciaran and her contacts have provided, this will certainly make any pirate think twice about tangling with us! The equipment is scheduled to arrive within one week, so I expect everyone prepared. We have a lot of people to train up to use this equipment properly.
Those starfighters & frigates & cruisers & stations were the bribe Dooku paid to draw the ORCDF, and they were described as 'underwhelming' compared to the
fleet we provided them. Which makes all this sound
pretty damn powerful for all that it's called 'ramshackle.'
My take on things is that 'ramshackle' is a relative thing. Certainly the Outer Rim couldn't stand up to the planetary defense forces around Coruscant or another world in the Core or Colonies (that Ciaran would be more familiar with), but remarkably impressive compared to where those Outer Rim systems were rated originally.
As for command organization... well, here you go:
[X] Joint Forces Command: People sleep peacefully at home only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf. Unfortunately, the CNS is not ready to do violence. Encourage its civilian leadership to establish a unified military command, encourage the Neutral systems to consolidate their Planetary Defense Forces into a single organization and structure, or at least encourage the member systems to consult with each other in preparing their defenses. Chance of Success: 60-70% Reward: ?
Needed: 40 Rolled: 92+9=101
Quite interesting how quickly people are capable of acting if you terrify them. You simply gathered everyone for a meeting, pointed out how both the Republic and the CIS are unreliable and unlikely to leave the CNS in peace, drew up military comparisions, exagerated the time either side would need to roll through the CNSs defences and pestered Darra into confirming what she knew about either sides military (which made her quite uncomfortable since she IS helping you in your shemes... despite actually just being supposed to be your bodyguard. Its as amusing as it sounds). Not much later, with some prodding from you, the PDFs quickly gained a unified leadership and constant communication with everyone else. Also, Satine is quite cranky, especially due to her concerns and pacifism having been shouted down by majority of the rest of the CNS. Reward: CNS now capable of putting up decent defence, slight control over the CNS military, Satine cranky, some other group also cranky
And then we established our control over things:
[X] Integrate into Military command: Since you were the one who encouraged the creation of the Joint Command Force for the CNS you may just as well integrate yourself further in it to gain more control and manipulate what it does. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: You might just as well be in charge at that point.
Required: 40 Rolled: 74+13+10=97
This went far better than expected. The original estimation was to be allowed to 'advice' the Military command. Instead you now have two of your more experienced men being part of it as permanent advisors with partial control over some troops. Reward: CNS military infiltrated
And then we recruited for the CNS military out of our own refugee camps -- that is, our infiltration now expands to both the command structure
and to the rank-and-file.
[X] Raise a Militia: Begun, the Clone Wars have, and thanks to your humanitarian efforts you know just how many war-torn worlds and refugee camps there are in the galaxy. So why not recruit from the now-unemployed population? Ask for volunteers for your security forces, both to assist your humanitarian efforts (you are venturing into hostile worlds and occasionally active battlefields, after all) and to support the CNS. Even if their world was destroyed by war, at least they can fight to keep other worlds from sharing a similar fate. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 150 Upkeep: 60 Reward: CNS even more bolstered, +5 on Martial rolls for the duration of the war.
Required: 40 Rolled: 40+13=53
Thanks to your reputation quickly a lot of people of varying degrees of combat capabilities signed up with your security forces, were put through training and put to use. Hopefully thats also going to silence some rabblerousers that have started to grumble too loudly in the various refugee camps. Reward: CNS even more bolstered, +5 on Martial rolls for the duration of the war.
Finally, for their first official action -- an anti-piracy operation -- we had Thrawn take direct command (despite some initial difficulties):
[X] Pirate Hunting: Pirates have been hitting into CNS space with an increased ferocity as of late, disrupting trade routes and generally scaring many of the outlying systems. Something needs to be done about this soon or people will begin to wonder if the CNS is willing to protect its signatories. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 50 Reward: Pirate Threat Decreased
Rolled 19 + 26 = 45 (Success)
This was...far more difficult then it should have been according to a very annoyed Thrawn.
Apparently when you had sent him to advise the local CNS fleets on how to deal with the issue, he was mostly sidelined due to mistrust and in some cases outright xenophobia. The initial attempts to hunt down the fleets had gone poorly until Thrawn managed to force his plans through to the fleet commanders, and according to him they only grudgingly accepted his aid after a number of failures and losses.
In particular Thrawn's first accepted plan was to use a volunteered freighter as bait to lure in pirates, then respond with enough firepower to just slightly overpower the enemy forces that took the bait. When more pirate ships would come in as reinforcements to try and overwhelm the forces already present, the rest of the fleet would jump in to surround and annihilate the enemy. Once it was used, the plan was wildly successful resulting in the destruction of many pirate ships and generally putting them on the defensive.
Once that happened and they saw that his strategies were working they were more than happy to work with least overtly. At least after all of that the pirate attacks have been curtailed for the time being.
Reward: Pirate threat decreased
And over the next few months, the CNS fleet took those lessons and tactics from Thrawn to
utterly thrash any remaining pirates in the area.
[X] Walking the Beat: While the worst of the pirate attacks on the CNS have been dealt with by Thrawn there are always more who will try to prey on the outer trade lanes. Destroying a few groups should send clear messages to them and the CNS that such actions will not be tolerated...and you might be able to loot pirate hideouts. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Loot, Increased confidence in the CNS
Rolled: 81+10=90 (Critical Success)
Since Thrawn was busy with other matters, it fell to the normal CNS commanders as well as the captains of the Oracle Fleet to carry out patrols. And as it turns out they were far more successful than initially anticipated. During operations with CNS fleets you noticed that they were using tactics that were clearly lifted from Thrawn and they were still just as effective when executed. Meanwhile, the Oracle Fleet was sent to deal with pirate bases and "repossess" whatever was found there before proper authorities arrived.
All in all piracy in CNS space has declined dramatically, and it has sent a clear message to any others who would try to replace them.
Reward: CNS space considerably more stable, +100 credits
All told: the CNS has flexed its muscles and pretty much everyone acknowledges that it can defend itself. Obviously it couldn't stand up to all-out war against both the Republic and CIS, and it'd probably struggle valiantly against either one individually -- but as long as the Republic and CIS are mainly focused on each other, the CNS should be able to hold its own.