Well, that makes 12.
AN: Hey, did you want potential Jedi friends with that recruitment of the galaxy's best shapeshifters? Because too bad, that's what you get. As for the actual negotiations, it involves an offer to join the CNS, which then levers its neutrality to kick the colonists off world as an infringement on the Gurlanin's rights.
Yeah. @Dr. Snark, I'd like to put this forward as another Diplomacy recruitment write-in. The 'official' reward would be Qiilura joins the CNS, but the main reason we'd want to pick it would be the possibility of recruiting Gurlanin agents to join the Abyss Watchers.
Also, I don't support recruiting her directly as a unit since she's a mother and our last Jedi unit blew up in our face, but hey, maybe Tyro could take up an apprentice teacher or something.
I like this -- perhaps a secondary reward could be that Etain's assistance increases the odds for our Force Users to tier up each turn.
15 Abyss Apprentices (Tier 1) + 2-5 per turn, 25% chance to tier up per turn
7 Abyss Agents (Tier 2), 5% chance to tier up per turn
Giving our 'Abyss Apprentices' a 40/50% chance of tiering up, and/or giving 'Abyss Agents' a 10/15% chance (depending on how good the roll).


[ ] Mission to Qiilura: last year, the Senate promised to evict Qiilura's human colonists in exchange for the native Gurlanins' assistance against the CIS. The deal went through... and the Senate stalled. Then the Gurlanin sent two agents to Coruscant to ensure the Senate upheld the bargain... and the human colonists refused to cooperate. More fools they. Negotiate with the Gurlanins for Qiilura to join the CNS, to create an excuse to deport the humans per the original deal. In exchange, the natives will agree to let Lady Ciaran recruit Gurlanin agents for the Abyss Watchers, starting with the pair who worked with Omega Squad on Coruscant. Reward: Qiilura joins the CNS, receive 2 Gurlanin agents, chance of ongoing Gurlanin recruitment, Etain Mur-Turkan leaves the Jedi Order, chance of gaining Etain as part-time Lore Advisor (increased odds of Abyss Agents tiering up).
So what are our Force users equivalent to?
Would a Tier 1 be equal to a Youngling since we're teaching them the Force from scratch? Would a Tier 2 be equal to a Padawan and a Tier 3 be a Knight?

Do they actually do anything for the organization or do they just sit around the Oracle and various bases around the galaxy and train?
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So what are our Force users equivalent to?
Would a Tier 1 be equal to an Youngling since we're teaching them the Force from scratch? Would a Tier 2 be equal to a Padawan and a Tier 3 be a Knight?

Do they actually do anything for the organization or do they just sit around the Oracle and various bases around the galaxy and train?
tier 1 is padawan 2 is knight and 3 is master
@Dr. Snark, do you plan to follow Panory's idea for how to make this canon, or is there a specific action we'd need to take to make Oki canon?

Tell you what, that'll trigger next time something is added to the Vault. So...probably sometime next turn knowing your rolls.

I thought that was considered a feature of the quest? I'm sure that many (or at least me) of the people who play this get a fair amount of enjoyment due to said meta-gaming and the hilarity the comes from it.

If we're being honest here, meta-gaming is going to be a part of any quest where the QM's baseline is Canon and not deciding to pick and choose what is acceptable. We also tend to run it by the QM to begin with (through discussion if nothing else) so there's that as well. If it wasn't acceptable we would have been in deep shit by now.

To be fair the genius of Ciaran is that it's totally in line for her to look at something happening and go "I want to get in on that action" no matter what, whether it's from profit or trolling.

...I approve. Can't make it canon yet, but you definitely deserve that +10.

[ ] Mission to Qiilura: last year, the Senate promised to evict Qiilura's human colonists in exchange for the native Gurlanins' assistance against the CIS. The deal went through... and the Senate stalled. Then the Gurlanin sent two agents to Coruscant to ensure the Senate upheld the bargain... and the human colonists refused to cooperate. More fools they. Negotiate with the Gurlanins for Qiilura to join the CNS, to create an excuse to deport the humans per the original deal. In exchange, the natives will agree to let Lady Ciaran recruit Gurlanin agents for the Abyss Watchers, starting with the pair who worked with Omega Squad on Coruscant. Reward: Qiilura joins the CNS, receive 2 Gurlanin agents, chance of ongoing Gurlanin recruitment, Etain Mur-Turkan leaves the Jedi Order, chance of gaining Etain as part-time Lore Advisor (increased odds of Abyss Agents tiering up).

Hmm...I might end up reworking the rewards but I can make this work.
Tell you what, that'll trigger next time something is added to the Vault. So...probably sometime next turn knowing your rolls.

To be fair the genius of Ciaran is that it's totally in line for her to look at something happening and go "I want to get in on that action" no matter what, whether it's from profit or trolling.

...I approve. Can't make it canon yet, but you definitely deserve that +10.

Hmm...I might end up reworking the rewards but I can make this work.
hey what are our agent's compared to? knight's or padawans?
hey what are our agent's compared to? knight's or padawans?

Shit I forgot to respond to that.

Your highest tier Agents are currently comparable to well-trained Padawans in terms of Force power, whereas Tier 3 Agents would be comparable to your average Jedi Knight.

That's not to say that they are unskilled; a more accurate way to put it is that they are broadly skilled but not particularly specialized. They're not only learning Force powers but also being put through very vigorous conventional training to make them some of the deadliest members of the Watchers.
Shit I forgot to respond to that.

Your highest tier Agents are currently comparable to well-trained Padawans in terms of Force power, whereas Tier 3 Agents would be comparable to your average Jedi Knight.

That's not to say that they are unskilled; a more accurate way to put it is that they are broadly skilled but not particularly specialized. They're not only learning Force powers but also being put through very vigorous conventional training to make them some of the deadliest members of the Watchers.
so what's the chance of them surviving (tier 3 and 2) against a jedi knight? or killing one?
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so what's the chance of them surviving (tier 3 and 2) against a jedi knight? or killing one?

That's...complicated, mainly because no Agent would ever take on a Jedi (or Sith) in a straight-up fight if they can help it, and it's very difficult for them to be blindsided thanks to Buried Presence. Given the chance, an Agent (or more likely an entire team of them) would try to launch an overwhelming surprise attack to eliminate their target.

It'd be much dicier for them in a straight-up fight; the Agents fight dirty to be sure but odds are the Jedi in question would be more skilled in a straight up 1v1 fight than a Tier 2 Agent. A Tier 3 Agent could probably fight an average Knight toe-to-toe but would lose to a proper Master.
That's...complicated, mainly because no Agent would ever take on a Jedi (or Sith) in a straight-up fight if they can help it, and it's very difficult for them to be blindsided thanks to Buried Presence. Given the chance, an Agent (or more likely an entire team of them) would try to launch an overwhelming surprise attack to eliminate their target.

It'd be much dicier for them in a straight-up fight; the Agents fight dirty to be sure but odds are the Jedi in question would be more skilled in a straight up 1v1 fight than a Tier 2 Agent. A Tier 3 Agent could probably fight an average Knight toe-to-toe but would lose to a proper Master.
okay then, what are the 3rd and 4th level agent's called then? because i want the 4th one to be called abyss watchers (it's funny because the name's are the same)
Shit I forgot to respond to that.

Your highest tier Agents are currently comparable to well-trained Padawans in terms of Force power, whereas Tier 3 Agents would be comparable to your average Jedi Knight.

That's not to say that they are unskilled; a more accurate way to put it is that they are broadly skilled but not particularly specialized. They're not only learning Force powers but also being put through very vigorous conventional training to make them some of the deadliest members of the Watchers.
So they're being trained more like Imperial Knights then Jedi.

Of course they're still missing proper lightsabers. We're sort of lacking when it comes to Lightsaber forms and combat.
Hey, remember the first omake I made? You know, the origin story I said was part one? Well guess what I happen to be working on!

An information broker. My eyes widen slightly and then immediately narrow when it finally comes to me. Near the beginning of Dar's reign he gave a one off mention of some "blind bitch" he got his info from when asked how he knew things. This must be her. Well, I'd better find out.

"So how're the mind games going?"

She finishes her sip and then smiles, "Fairly well, I think."
Hey, remember the first omake I made? You know, the origin story I said was part one? Well guess what I happen to be working on!
Link? First omake in this thread, or last one?

EDIT: never mind. You got me curious, so I found it. Last thread, here you go:
Here's my reason for participating. This quest gave me inspiration for a short story. This is part one of what I hope Teron considers good enough to be considered okay as a prologue of sorts. Thanks for the quest Teron!
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Yeah Snark's laid out the benchmarks a few times now. Ciaran is certainly not at the level of a Master, let alone exceeding them. The char sheet puts her as on par with most Jedi, meaning she's probably at Knight level or so. The trick with stats is that you need to balance them so that there's actually room to grow, hence why you have Thrawn starting off at 32 Martial instead of like 10-20 points higher.