Thyferra monopolizes the bacta industry, right? How about getting a foothold over there?
Per a skim of the Wookiepedia article, it looks like Thyferra is technically aligned with the Separatists, but bacta production is controlled by two companies with ties to the Republic. Xucphra Corporation appears to be the 'blatantly evil' of the two, and in canon is the quickest to jump to Emperor Palpatine's tune once the war ends. (They also have terrible PR, having been publicly 'outed' as one of the instigators of the Stark Hyperspace War a generation before). The other one - Zaltin Corporation - is notably less evil, more sympathetic with the native population and more willing to work against Palpatine. It also sounds as though Zaltin joined the post-war 'Bacta Cartel' out of necessity, to ensure that Xucphra didn't have single-handed control of the entire galaxy's bacta supply.

So we might be able to reach out to Zaltin, sabotage Xucphra (perhaps by persuading the native Vratix population to rebel), and engineer things so that when the dust settles, whoever controls the planet is willing to formally enter the CNS?

Or, Dr. Snark treats as just another system for potential auto-recruitment, if only because (despite their formal alignment with the CIS and their informal ties to the Republic high command) Thyferra has and continues to sell bacta to both sides of the war. If any system qualifies as being de facto neutral, Thyferra would be one.
(Omake) Out of the Frying Pan (Canon)
So I just discovered an awesome potential ally and/or Hero recruit.

Meet Talesan Fry aka 'Taly':

Out of the Frying Pan​

Gulan Terrek was excited. It wasn't often he got excited. When you had been in the intrigue business as long as he had, especially when years of that experience was with the juggernaut of success that was Ciaran, very little existed in the galaxy that could surprise you. But this report was beyond even his wildest dreams. He didn't even care that the source was getting suspicious and believed he was being spied on. The info was that juicy.

He entered Ciaran's office without even bothering to knock. PR-1 tried to chase after him, but protocol droids weren't exactly built for speed. Ciaran looked up from her work and noticed the large smile on his face. "So what's the good news, Gulan?"

"Talesan Fry." said Gulan, setting the report on Ciaran's desk. The leader of the Abyss Watchers picked it up and skimmed the report. Gulan enjoyed seeing her eyes widen as she realized what Talesan Fry was up to, and the smile that spread across her face as she saw the possibilities.

"I want this." said Ciaran. It went without saying that Ciaran got what Ciaran wanted. She continued reading the report, and frowned. "What's this about being suspected as a spy? Is this information compromised?"

"No. Apparently Talesan Fry is paranoid that someone is going to try and steal his tech. Rightfully so, but our guys are better than that." bragged Gulan. "Pretty much everyone is suspected of being a spy over there at the moment. We're not sure who, but I'd bet there's someone else trying to get in on this."

"We'll have to beat them to the punch then." said Ciaran, putting her hand to her chin and leaning back in her chair to bandy ideas around in her head. "Do we know who he plans to sell to?"

"If what Fry said hasn't changed, he's officially selling to the highest bidder. Given their differing economic strengths, I'd say the Separatists are going to wind up with it." said Gulan, watching Ciaran's face twist with frustration. The last thing they needed was their enemies getting ahold of Talesan Fry's technology. "But rumor around the upper echelons of Fry Industries is that the Jedi saved his life as a kid, and he's going to give the Republic the first offer."

"Sound like the Republic has this code breaker then. As incompetent as they can be, at the end of the day they're not moronic enough to pass up on this." said Ciaran. "So what's our way in on this?"

"Genian is a neutral system, but at the moment it's unaffiliated with the CNS. Perhaps esteemed diplomat Lady Ciaran could bring them into the fold?" said Gulan. Ciaran could see the potential there. If the planet Fry's business was located on joined the CNS, Ciaran might be able to get the Genian government to lean on him a bit, coupled with some bribery and an appeal to morality of her own, to keep the code breaker out of warmongering hands.

"Well it's a longshot, but this is the kind of thing we can't ignore. I'll put Silas right on it." said Ciaran, turning back to her work.

"About that Ma'am… I have a feeling you might want to attend this personally." said Gulan. Ciaran rarely got angry, but it always felt awkward interrupting his boss. "The Republic is sending Senator Amidala to negotiate the sale of the code breaker, and they know the importance of the situation. Obi-wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Siri Tachi have been assigned to guard both her and Fry during the negotiations. Apparently it was a personal request by Fry."

Ciaran's head shot up, and the grin that spread across her face made Gulan somewhat uncomfortable. The fact that she started laughing maniacally didn't reassure him. "You should have lead with that Gulan. I wouldn't miss this for the world."


If there was one thing about his current situation Obi-wan was happy with, it was that Lady Ciaran hadn't snuck her way aboard the starship. Things had been awkward enough between him and Siri already. Especially with the nostalgia of a mission involving Taly reigniting some long buried feelings. Just proximity and familiarity were good enough at prodding him along, they didn't need Ciaran's help.

Anakin and Padme taking such joy in each other's company didn't help either. He could have reminded Anakin of the duties he bore as a Jedi Knight, but Obi-wan still thought of Anakin as his padawan in some ways, and couldn't find it in himself to begrudge the boy's happiness in the midst of such a depressing war. Besides, Obi-wan trusted Anakin with his life. It was only fair to trust to trust the Jedi Knight with his own.

"It'll be weird seeing Taly after all this time." said Siri as Obi-wan came to take his turn flying their ship. There had been a tension between them certainly, but Obi-wan wasn't about to turn away company during the boring task of making sure they didn't crash horribly. "Part of me still expects the same little kid we met all those years ago."

"I feel much the same." agreed Obi-wan, before memories struck him and he grew melancholic. "But then again, much has changed."

Siri was sharp enough to catch the subtle change in topic. "Yes, I… I suppose it has." An awkward silence settled over the two Jedi.

"Well, we should be arriving shortly." said Obi-wan, desperate to break the silence. The rest of the short trip was filled with meaningless small talk, and the Jedi were joined by Anakin and Padme as the ship touched down.

"So, are we going to meet your child genius, Master?" asked Anakin.

"Indeed, though I suspect he's grown since last I've seen him. Time stops for no man after all." Said Obi-wan as the ramp lowered. Exiting the ship, Obi-wan saw the welcoming party on the landing pad. Taly stood with a smile on his face and two bodyguards flanking him. Obi-wan supposed that was the reality of being a successful tech mogul. Then his eyes drifted to the figure on Taly's right, wearing an even bigger smile than the man Obi-wan had saved as a child.

"Obi-wan, what a surprise! Fancy meeting you here!" said Lady Ciaran as she approached and gave him with an overly friendly hug. "I understand you not wanting to invite a single woman like me on your double date, but you could at least tell me."

"Of course." muttered Obi-wan. Ciaran was smart enough to recognize it as frustration, but instead chose to take it as him agreeing to her demands going forward. This mission just kept getting better and better.

AN: @Publicola, this one's for you. Who knows what the future holds for Talesan Fry? Hero unit, advisor unit, ally who makes us kickass spy tech, or annoyance for @Dr. Snark to retcon out of existence in a futile effort to preserve game balance? Only the future will tell.
Roses are Red, the Jedi Tell Lies​

"Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?" asked Sheev Palpatine as he continued looking at the show before him rather than turn to his future apprentice. It was imperative to maintain a certain aloof attitude when approaching such a sensitive topic.

Anakin slowly turned his head to the Chancellor. "No." he replied simply.

"I thought not. It's not a story the Jedi would tell you." said Palpatine. Before he continue recounting the tale, preying on Anakin's fears to seduce him to the Dark Side, he was interrupted by a most unwelcome guest.

"You wouldn't want them to, the Jedi are notoriously terrible storytellers." said Lady Ciaran, walking between them and taking a seat on Anakin's other side. "I never took you for a fan of Mon Calamari ballet Anakin. I suppose we learn something new each day."

"I'm actually here because I was invited by the Chancellor." explained Anakin, gesturing to Palpatine. The Chancellor was too busy to notice. His guards should have kept everyone out, including her. And even if she had snuck by them or some such thing, he should have sensed her through the Force. How was this possible?

"Ah, hello Sheev. I didn't see you in the dark there." greeted Ciaran amicably. "Taking it upon yourself to teach this Jedi Knight some fine culture? I suppose your taste is good, if nothing else."

If they weren't in full view in the balcony, Palpatine would have whipped out his lightsaber and cut her in half, repercussions be damned. "Yes, though the opening act is always a bore. We were simply enjoying a private conversation." said Palpatine, making it very clear that Lady Ciaran was not welcome.

Anakin, bless his naïve little heart, didn't pick up on the animosity. "Apparently the Chancellor is a scholar of similar pursuits. He was just telling me about Darth Plagueis the Wise. Have you ever heard of him?"

"Ah yes, Darth Plagueis." said Ciaran knowingly. By the Force, he wanted so dearly to scorch her smug little face off with lightning. "I never will understand the obsession the Sith seem to have with making all their legends Tragedies. Some I've found play out more like comedies, though I suppose it was a tragedy for that Sith Lord." Ciaran laughed at her own joke, and Palpatine forced a smile. The end result was him looking like he was about to throw up, but neither Ciaran nor Anakin commented on it.

"I suppose the Comedy of Darth Slaughten the Merciless doesn't have the same ring to it." Said Anakin, smiling coyly at his own joke. Palpatine had to crush the urge to commit murder for mocking the Sith tradition of the Tragedy, but Ciaran laughed along, quietly enough not to disrupt the show but loud enough to give Anakin the satisfaction.

"I suppose that's true." admitted Ciaran. "Though it's certainly apt for the Comedy of Darth Sidious the Foolish." Palpatine stopped functioning for a second, and his grip on his hidden lightsaber tightened. Ciaran continued on. "Darth Sidious was a Dark Lord of the Sith, but his fascination was the same as his Master, the Force. It's a noble pursuit to seek the stars, but Darth Sidious never remembered to look at his feet. Whenever he tripped, he continued on heedlessly, thinking the Force made him above everything else."

"What happened to him?" Anakin was obviously taken in by the story, and even Palpatine had to admit it was well told, describing the general actions of Darth Sidious while still leaving the specifics of his actions shrouded in mystery. Even if it took the willpower he had mastered over the course of decades to stop himself from reacting.

"Well Darth Sidious the Foolish was exactly that. Had he looked down once in a while, he would have noticed the swamp he had inadvertently walked into. In the end, he wasn't killed as a Sith Lord by some grand Jedi Master. But rather a simple man with a blaster he had wronged on a day he couldn't even remember." said Ciaran, winding down from her story. "I believe it to be a good cautionary tale. A lesson not to focus too much on grand plans at the expense of the now. One must study the Force, but never at the cost of the physical galaxy. Wouldn't you agree, Sheev?"

Palpatine was snapped back to reality by the question. He had been frantically searching his memories, trying desperately to recall if he had ever directly ruined someone's life and let them live. Mother Talzin perhaps? But no, she'd never use a blaster. Unless she had conspired with Ciaran to kill him with a blaster. She'd have abandoned dignity to see his corpse. Or maybe it was someone so insignificant he truly had forgotten. Or maybe Ciaran was trying to mess with him, make him doubt his own abilities.

Yes, that was most likely it. Miralukans were naturally gifted with Force sight, but foresight was a different gift entirely. He would have no doubt heard about it if Lady Ciaran were able to see the future in any detail. Palpatine became aware of the stares from his company, still waiting for him to answer the question Ciaran had asked.

"Of course. Darth Sidious sounds like a fool indeed. We should learn from his mistakes. Alas, I've wasted all my free time. Perhaps we could continue this conversation later. In the meantime, I have a Republic to administrate." said Palpatine, hurriedly excusing himself and exiting the balcony.

"A shame." said Ciaran halfheartedly as she watched him leave with a smile on her face. Once he was gone entirely, she turned back to the giant orb of water floating in the middle of the room. "Oh, I love this part. Watch closely Anakin, I'll instill some appreciation of Mon Calamari dance before the night is done."

AN: TFW you doublepost omakes...

An omake born of too much time on r/prequelmemes and the idea of Ciaran shit talking a helpless Palpatine right in front of him. It's meant as a sort of taunt as Ciaran's people orchestrate Palpatine's downfall. He'd go back to his office and find a very angry Jedi Council or something. She's tipping her hand because she's already won, and it's too fun not to. As for her prediction, it's meant to make Palpatine paranoid in the wrong direction.
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As a new member to SV, one thing that I've got to question is what exactly happened to Darra. At the end of the old thread she was missing following a nat 100, but this one went straight to Mandalore and operation Skyfall and never looked back as far as I can tell. From the info sheets at the front I know she was recovered and had a falling out, but for the life of me I can't find that section of the quest. Did I just miss something?

And many thanks to @Dr. Snark for continuing this quest. It's been a real pleasure to follow.
As a new member to SV, one thing that I've got to question is what exactly happened to Darra. At the end of the old thread she was missing following a nat 100, but this one went straight to Mandalore and operation Skyfall and never looked back as far as I can tell. From the info sheets at the front I know she was recovered and had a falling out, but for the life of me I can't find that section of the quest. Did I just miss something?

And many thanks to @Dr. Snark for continuing this quest. It's been a real pleasure to follow.
Welcome to SV! It was mentioned by @Teron in the posts after the last update in that thread: Darra ran off to the Jedi to tattle on us when she found out we were dealing with Hutts. After she told the Council, she collapsed since her cybernetics started failing and refuses to come in to get them repaired. She thinks we are a terrifying crime-lord. That's why the Council sent Anakin to talk to us at Mandalore.

From the front page:
Darra: (Accurately) thinks you are a criminal mastermind and doesn't trust you at all.
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"Of course. Darth Sidious sounds like a fool indeed. We should learn from his mistakes. Alas, I've wasted all my free time. Perhaps we could continue this conversation later. In the meantime, I have a Republic to administrate." said Palpatine, hurriedly excusing himself and exiting the balcony.

And then a random bystander who he had angered years before shot him the back. The End.
(Omake) Briefing the Boss (Northern Outer Rim) (Canon Infodump)
A/N: Warning -- this is very long.

Briefing the Boss, Pt. 1: Northern Outer Rim​

Var Zheen had barely closed the door before Ciaran slumped in her chair. "What was that? Var Zheen barely acknowledges the Techno Union as a rival, but now this new doodad by some 'Fry' nobody has him practically salivating over the specs." Ciaran glanced, briefly, as the data packet Var Zheen had left, before shaking her head. "No. Life's too short, and I refuse to waste away in this office looking over technical read-outs. PR-1, what's my 1 o'clock?"

"Pardon, Mistress, but I am."



"But... you're almost always working beside me in some capacity. Why'd you need to reserve an hour for it?"

"Pardon, Mistress, but I reserved four hours."



"Oh. ...sithspit."

"Yes, it's time to once again attempt to explain to you the sectors of the northern Outer Rim."

"Paperwork. What joy."

"Indeed, but important paperwork, Mistress."

"Why? Why do I need to know about the thousand separate agriworlds that inhabit some po-dunk sector in between the galactic rings?"

"No, Mistress, you wouldn't. If, however, there were a single agriworld that fed a thousand separate systems, I would judge that worthy of your attention."

"...wait, that's a thing? Or are you just making --"

"I can name three in the immediate vicinity of Neutral Space."


"Indeed. Likewise, you may not care to be told about every single mining colony in the Outer Rim, but if there's a system that's the only known source of a metal required for the construction of durasteel, yes, I will point it out. I have also consulted with Tyro, Thrawn, and Mr. Cata, to gain a better notion of what systems you would consider to be 'of interest' to the Abyss Watchers. But yes, it is time to read some briefing papers. First things first, though: a map."

"The great difficulty, in describing the Outer Rim, is that the sizes and boundaries of various sectors are quite a bit slapdash. The Outer Rim itself has little rhyme or reason -- at one point it is a short trip on sublight engines removed from the Inner Rim, while at others it may require several weeks at hyperspeed to reach the furthest systems on the edge of the galaxy. That's not to mention that fact that the whole galaxy is in fact three-dimensional, and while I'm projecting it in two, the actual sector borders in three dimensions... well, let me show you."


"Indeed. A bit more complicated than your organic brain would be able to handle. Far better to keep to two dimensions -- there. As you can see, I've marked our Council of Neutral Systems space in purple -- both the smaller region around Muunilist, and the main space around Mandalore and Taris. I've organized the sectors around CNS Space into eight regions, usually based on the major hyperlanes leading away from or around our territory. The first of these regions follows the Braxant Run hyperlane away from our western system of Er'Kit. I also included a few systems in nearby Wild Space, as they really ought to be reclassified as part of the civilized galaxy."

Oricho sector
- Borgo Prime: asteroid spaceport along Braxant Run hyperlane, originally mining colony, now a major trade world & financial center
- Polus: homeworld of Pyn'fani race, ice world rich in carbonite (carbon alloy, used for tibanna gas refining), invented carbon-freezing process

Lahara sector
- Agamar: thriving agriworld & tradeworld between Celanon Spur and Braxant Run hyperlanes, site of pre-Republic ruins of underwater civilization
- Oorn Tchis: rich in [unobtanium] (rare ore used to produce guidance systems)

Oplovis sector
- Ketaris: major trade hub along Braxant Run hyperlane, site of now-bankrupt 'University of Ketaris' that trained xenoarchaeologist

Atrivis sector
- Moltok: homeworld of Ho'Din race (botanists) and Makurth race (bodyguards), known for low-tech ecological & medical exports
- Fest: ice planet, rich in tydirium (ore used for anti-lightsaber alloy 'phrik'), site of CIS Weapons Research Facility that invented & produces phrik
- Generis: rich in hiridiu crystals (boost communication signals), site of multiple Rakatan temple ruins,
- Iridium: rich in iridium 'power gems' (disrupt shields), headquarters of Pirates of Iridium (CIS privateers)

Cassandran Worlds sector
- Garqi: agriworld, rich in caf beans, site of Agricultural University and Xenobotanical Garden, headquarters of Garqi Agricultural Combine
- New Bakstre: industrial center and trade hub on Braxant Run, Havridam City (capital) mostly destroyed by war & terrorist attacks

Cademimu sector
- Cademimu V: sector capital, heavily populated industrial world, Republic munitions depot ('War Chest of the Outer Rim')
- Lenico: dead planet orbited by space stations (trade, smuggling), site of Cairn Installation (asteroid base, cortosis processing plant)
- Phaeda: pirate haven & smugglers' den ("makes Nar Shaddaa look classy"), site of Phaedacomm (major Outer Rim comm-relay station)

Halthor sector
- Lokori: homeworld of Lokori race (insects), headquarters of Helical HyperCom (comm devices), current home of Galen Erso!

Fath sector
- JanFathal: sector capital and trade world on Entralla Route, brutal pro-Republic tyrant deposed by CIS-supported workers' strike
- Ord Cantrell: exclusive resort world mainly used by Coruscant elite, including business & government leaders

Dantus sector
- Arah: mining world, site of 'Belt of Arah' asteroid field, rich in orodium (ion engine fuel invisible to scanners)
- Cirrus: childhood home of Talesan Fry (technical genius)
- Kemla: homeworld of Kemlan race, site of Kemla Yard and other Republic shipyards sized for capital-ship construction & retrofitting

Prefsbelt sector
- Ord Mynock: homeworld of mynock species (space parasite), headquarters of ComNet Corporation (communications), site of Mynockra Freeport
- Prefsbelt IV: headquarters of the Republic Naval Academy, site of Castle Pradeux and the Naval Crypt
- Yaga Minor: homeworld of Yagai race (insectoids), major trade world, site of Yavvitiri Spaceport and massive orbital shipyards (built Outbound Flight)

Wild Space
- Esfandia: free-floating planet, homeworld of Brrbrlpp race, site of Esfandia Long-Range Communications Base (only comm relay to Unknown Regions)

Aeten sector
- Aeten II: only known source of stygium crystals, required for starship cloaking devices

Adumar sector
-Adumar: headquarters of Tarrvin-on-Kallik (starfighters) and Dammant Killers (missiles)

Gradilis sector
- Nirauan: homeworld of Qom Jha and Qom Qae races (telepathic bats), site of High Tower fortress (Rakatan-made, with energy-absorbing Hijarna stone)

"...Now that you've given it a once-over, a few items of particular note. The Fest system invented and produces phrik, a practically indestructible alloy that's even lightsaber-proof. Its neighbor Generis has an entire polar cap comprised of hiridiu crystals -- a properly constructed array of those can massively increase a communications signal, which might come in handy for a inhibitor chip control module if we go ahead with that. Garqi is a fairly inhospitable agriworld that took such effort to cultivate, they know more about agri-technology than anyone besides the Ithorians, so they'd be a helpful resource if we ever want to restore a devastated ecosystem. Ord Cantrell is an exclusive resort world that caters to the Coruscanti elite -- more galaxy-shaping decisions are made there each day than anywhere besides the Senate Chamber itself. Prefsbelt IV is the classified-but-everyone-knows-where-it-is site of the premier Republic Naval Academy in the galaxy. Finally, Aeten II in Wild Space is the only remaining source of stygium crystals in the galaxy, and everyone wants their hands on it -- if you can claim it for the CNS, both sides will be forced to the bargaining table to secure a supply."

"Just... give me a moment."

"Yes Mistress. ... Now, when you're ready, we'll proceed to the second region: the systems and sectors that surround our new holdings in Muunilist."

Albarrio sector
- Aris: rainforest world, sector capital and trade world on junction of Braxant Run and Relgim Run hyperlanes
- Anemcoro: low-tech colony world of Ho'Din race (botanists), known for ecological & medical exports
- Bar Neth: originally a desert world, now thoroughly terraformed and known as a tourism & resort destination
- Mygeeto: childhood home of Hego Damask, rich in nova crystals (currency) and relacite (lightsabers), site of Dressian Kiolsh Merchant Bank vaults
- Scipio: ice world, homeworld of Muun race, childhood home of Rush Clovis, site of IGBC 'Main Vault Fortress'
- Oasis: mining colony located in Maelstrom Nebula, rich in oxite (ore), [NB: site of Maelstrom Prison space station that once held Revan...]

Clacis sector
- Gwori: Muun client world, headquarters of Gwori Revolutionary Industries, site of Gwori Shipyards (produce Munificent-class frigates)

Velcar sector
- Bextar: system of four gas giants, site of gas mining colony owned by Amber Sun Mining Corporate and (later) operated by Etymal slaves
- Churruma: primitive/low-tech planet, known for rich underground deposits of precious metals
- Entralla: trade hub along Entralla Route hyperlane, headquarters of Guild of Interstellar Merchants, site of Overhang industrial district

Perinn sector
- Brodo Asogi: homeworld of Asogian race [NB: E.T.], home of Grebeips (anti-Palpatine Senator), pro-Jedi, plans for extra-galactic expedition

Carrion sector
- Sojourn: Muun outpost called "Hunters' Moon" (populated by near-extinct game animals), site of ancient Sith fortress used by Hego Damask

Dynali sector
- Taspir III: heavily polluted volcanic planet, economy based on heavy manufacturing around lakes of molten lava
- Ord Thoden: industrial world, rich in lomnite (durasteel), headquarters of Bengel Shipbuilders (space stations, e.g. XQ1 Platform)

Obtrexta sector
- Muunilist: homeworld of Muun race (best bankers); childhood home of Larsh Hill (Damask Holdings partner, killed 52 BBY), San Hill (IGBC Chairman), Bitt Panith (cyberneticist) [NB: built Grievous], Pors Tonith (CIS admiral), Nix Card (Senator, conspired with terrorists), Clu Lesser (Core Five leader), Max Plain (IGBC representative to Senator), [NB: and Tal Feint (non-Jedi Force Adept, private investigator on Nar Shaddaa)]; headquarters of InterGalactic Banking Clans (IGBC) and Phlut Design Systems (weapons tech, developed IG-series battledroids), former headquarters of Damask Holdings; site of High Port (orbital city), Financial Funnel (skyhook), Damask Holdings Superspire (HQ), Aborah (Damask Holdings private island) [NB: Darth Plagueis's research lab], Mariunhus vault-spire, and Hill Fortress (ancestral estate); neutral!
- Jaemus: site of Jaemus Shipyard (2nd largest outside Core) run by Galentro Heavy Works, trade nexus on Braxant Run and Myto's Arrow hyperlanes

Braxant sector
- Sartinaynian: Muun client world, trade terminus of Braxant Run hyperlane [NB: later renamed 'Bastion' by Imperial Remnant after Endor]

Myto sector
- Criton's Point: isolated planet, site of mostly-unexcavated 'Library of Xer' (c. 26,000 BBY) that specialized in Force research
- Dubrillion: idyllic world dotted with high-rise cities, site of 'Belt-Runner I' asteroid mining station and Destrillion tibanna gas platform
- Gabredor III: unpopulated jungle planet, site of slave camp/transfer center run by Karazak Slavers Cooperative

Raioballo sector
- Dantooine: homeworld of Dantari race (primitive humanoids), kinrath (burrowing spider), and laigrek species (massive predatory insect); site of Jedi AgriCorps outpost [NB: abandoned?] and Garang Spaceport; location of Narro Sienar's death (father of Raith Sienar, killed by Xi Char in 38 BBY)
- Khoonda Plains: site of Crystal Caves (rich in kathracite, relacite, danite, mephite ('Adegan), rubat, bondar, and Ultima-Pearl lightsaber crystals); site of Rakatan Ruins (dark-side Force nexus) [NB: temple constructed c. 30,000 BBY, site of 'Star Map' to 'Star Forge' superweapon on Rakata Prime, home of 'Overseer' (still-active Rakatan guardian droid)]
- Fields of Banir: site of Ancient Grove [NB: used for sparring & meditation], abandoned Jedi Enclave (ruins since 3956 BBY, still-unexplored sublevels infested with laigreks) [NB: site of ancient fully-automated cloning facility discovered by terrorist Zeta Mangus c. 30 BBY and rediscovered by Darth Vader c. 2 ABY), droid bay (location of many GE3-series protocol droids), Jedi Archive (location of many Force artifacts from Ossus and Phateem, including 'Codex of Tython' original Jedi holocron with Old Republic tech)]
- Ferionic Nebula: dust cloud in Dantooine system, site of 'Second Star' asteroid, headquarters of 'Velocity Mercenaries' gang
- Gorvera Space: asteroid field in Dantooine system, headquarters of Aii'tkian Archaeologists and O.S.S. Junk Guild
- Gravlex Med: homeworld of Anx race, savanna planet, headquarters of Gravlex Launchworks (waste disposal), officially neutral in Clone Wars
- Wall of Dantooine: massive asteroid field in Dantooine system, rich in obsidian, mostly unexploited by miners

Relgim sector
- Ord Trasi: urbanized planet, rich in most natural resources (heavy mining), known for shipyards (produces capital ships), defensive space stations

Wild Space
Kadok Regions sector
- Guiteica: homeworld of Bitthævrian race (warlike), rich in yttrium, feldspar, & Bal'ta'ran crystals, conquered by Republic but prefers isolation/neutrality

Eckless sector
- Eckless: homeworld of Ecklessi race (primitive), resource-rich planet, formerly controlled by Hahz Fallone's Criminal Empire

"...As you may note, we already have influence over many of the key planets in this region. Muunilist is the headquarters of the IGBC, Mygeeto is perhaps the single wealthiest system outside the Core Worlds, and Dantooine has a more storied history with the Jedi Order than any planet outside Typhon or Ossus. However, you should note that Scipio -- the site of the IGBC main vaults -- has not yet joined with the other Banking Clans in joining the CNS, and those vaults could prove critical to the IGBC's stability. In addition, that that both the Republic and the CIS operate some of their largest shipyards in this area -- Kemla and Yaga Minor in Region #1 for the Republic, and Gwori and Jaemus here in Region #2 for the CIS. If we can expand our influence over these areas and claim those systems, we would seriously undermine the ability of both sides to recover from naval losses in this war."

"Huh. It doesn't matter if Kamino keeps supplying clone troopers and Neimoidia keeps building battle droids, if neither side has enough capital ships to ferry those armies around from system to system."

"Indeed. ... Now then, if you'll turn your attention to the third region, which follows the Veragi Trade Route from Dubrillon down to CNS Space around Dathomir."

Wild Space
Chrelythiumn sector
- Chrelythiumn: [NB: location of deep-space Mortis Monolith, gateway to Force-realm of Mortis]
- Mortis: [NB: Force nexus ("central conduit through which the entire Force of the universe flows"); home of 'The Ones' (Celestial embodiments of the Force) namely The Father (balance) and The Son (dark side), and The Daughter (light side); site of Well of the Dark Side, Mortis Cathedral (home of The Son), Mortis Monastery (home of The Father and The Daughter), and Altar of Mortis (location of 'Dagger of Mortis', anti-Celestial weapon)]

Outer Rim
Void of Chopani sector

Gree Enclave subsector (Veragi)
- Asation: member of Gree Enclave, major trading center and only Gree port-world accessible to non-Gree races, site of 'Grand Hypergate'
- Gree: capital of Gree Enclave, homeworld of Gree race (cephalopods), center of 'Administrator' caste (Gree government)
- Lonatro: member of Gree Enclave, major agriworld, site of Lonatro Zoo and Gardens (biological & botanical reserve)
- Malanose: member of Gree Enclave, center of 'Researcher' & 'Crafter' castes ('material synthesis' technologists), site of Totth'k Lotos (Garden of Youth)
- Te Hasa: member of Gree Enclave, artificial desert world, site of 'Great Library of Manuals' (repository for all Gree knowledge and artifacts)

Veragi sector
- Nharl: homeworld of Equani race (horse people), site of Republic superweapon testing facility that accidentally destroyed the planet (in 23 BBY)
- Revyia: homeworld of Revwien race (plants), center of 'Tyia Adept' light-side Force sect, site of 'Revyia Temple'

Dalonbian sector
- Sernpidal: colony word of Sernpidalian race, mining world (with many underground aquifer farms), site of Darth Zhorrid's estate, near 'Vector Prime'
- Vector Prime: [NB: only known 'hole' in Celestial-built hyperspace disturbance around galaxy's edge, site of Yuuzhan Vong invasion fleet]

Kanz sector
- Argazda: homeworld of Argazdan race (green skin), former capital of Argazdan Redoubt (conquered sector in 'Kanz Disorder' c. 3970 BBY), former headquarters of Myrialite Slavers, center of 'Vianism' faith (worships Force, "serve others by anticipating their needs"), childhood home of Raygar (archaeologist, conducted Wolhanian Expedition to Yavin IV) [NB: Sith artifacts now owned by Palpatine, in exchange for patronage & funding for Raygar's future expeditions]
- Bimmiel: headquarters of Jonex Mining, [NB: site of Yuuzhan Vong survey station, established c. 25 BBY :o]
- Ereesus: Lorrdian colony, former homeworld of Ereesi race (slavers, exterminated by Argazdan Redoubt c. 3970 BBY), site of major battle (Clone Wars)
- Lorrd: sector capital and educational center; homeworld of Lorrdian race (humans with 'kinetic communication'); childhood home of Nee Alavar (anti-Palpatine Senator), Salis Kabor (anti-slavery activist), L'lacielo Sageon (Jedi quartermaster), [NB: and Fiolla (Corporate Sector auditor); sole source of Lorrdian gemstones (lightsaber crystals, boost combat precognition); center of 'Brotherhood of the Beatific Countenance' and 'Sisterhood of the Glorious Radiance' sects (Vianist pilgrims to Force sites); site of Crypt of Martyrs (anti-slavery memorial), Lorrd City University (one of best in galaxy, includes Lorrd Academy of Aquatic Studies, School of Conceptual Design, and University of Pangalactic Cultural Studies), Lorrd City Spaceport, Performance Square (17-level entertainment complex), Temple of the Beatific Countenance, Temple of the Glorious Radiance [NB: Force artifacts], and Slave Pits of Lorrd (built by Argazdan Redoubt slavers c. 3670) [NB: constructed by Yuuzhan Vong 'shaper', location of bioengineered Force-Blank "living superweapon"]
- The Home: iron asteroid in MZX32905 asteroid field, site of the mansion of Darth Vectivus that contains The Home, the mansion of Darth Vectivus [NB: site of Yuuzhan Vong survey station ]

Ciutric sector
- Ciutric IV: capital of Ciutric Hegemony, childhood home of Sate Pestage (Palpatine's senior advisor), site of Darth Bane's personal estate
- Corvis Minor: member of Ciutric Hegemony, rich in 'exotic xenobiologicals' sold as luxury goods
- Liinade III: member of Ciutric Hegemony, agriworld with light industry (produces comlinks),
- New Holgha: site of the 'Five Holy Cities' (religious pilgrimage destinations)
- Trif: site of 'World Below' (legendary underground city, unearthed during 'Old Republic' era)

Tragan Cluster sector
- Shaum Hii: homeworld of Kian'thar race (empaths) and Bentail & Derlac species, oceanic pastoralists, formerly affiliated with Black Sun

Corosi sector

"As you can tell, despite covering a good deal more space in absolute terms, there are fewer sectors and fewer notable systems here than the last two regions. The Veragi Trade Route is quite far from the galactic Core, and includes much of the empty space beyond the Tingel Arm. Besides our asteroid base outside Bimmiel, or that Force sect we'd like to contact on Revyia, the most immediate concern in this area is probably the Ciutric Hegemony directly north of Neutral Space. It's a fairly loose confederacy of worlds whose allegiance to the CIS is questionable at best, but I've studied the governance structure, and a strong leader would have few checks and balances if he wished to make the Hegemony into a plaything. Unfortunately, the most notable political figure from the region is Sate Pestage, Chancellor Palpatine's personal secretary and advisor. We may need to sway the Hegemony to join the CNS, if only to remove the region from play for Palpatine's manipulations."

"Point well taken, PR-1. Please make a note for the Integration Bureau to fast-track any applications from that system, and remind me to check back in case it needs our personal attention. Was there anything else I ought to note?"

"Yes, Mistress. I hate to -- how did you put it that one time? Right -- 'dangle the shiny', but if you'd turn your attention to the Gree Enclave? Yes. They've been in a state of technological decline for some thousands of years, but if you consider how high they were before they started declining... well, they have a whole system of hypergates, and a few are even still functioning. Not to mention the fact that, by most accounts, the Gree still possess a literal, functioning Garden of Youth that keeps their aging population alive. Unfortunately, the Gree are rather viciously xenophobic, which encompasses every other species in the galaxy. You'd need to receive specific permission from the Administrator caste just to enter the enclave, and traveling to one of the key worlds is unheard of. Also, even with access, reverse-engineering their technology would be a challenge, as each item is customized for Gree use only and requires six tentacles to operate."


"Indeed. Shall I continue?"

"By all means."

"Then we proceed to the fourth region, which covers the immense space between the Veragi Trade Route and the Hydian Way. There's really very little here, as though it were the galaxy's own arctic circle, so I've taken to calling it the 'Great White North'.

Sprizen sector
- Abafar: rich in Rhydonium (rare but volatile fuel for starships), desert world
- Esooma: homeworld of Esoomian race (massively strong humanoids, useful as hired muscle)

Morshdine sector
- Edusa: member of Ciutric Hegemony, industrialized trade world along Axxila-Tangrene hyperlane
- Tangrene: homeworld of Tangrene race (peaceful nomads), hyperlane terminus, mountain planet with thriving underground lakes
- Vandyne: member of Ciutric Hegemony, industrialized trade world along Axxila-Tangrene hyperlane

Nijune sector
- Aar: homeworld of Aar'aa race (bloodthirsty mercenaries, employed by Huts and the t'landa Til)

Mieru'kar sector
- Jentares: [NB: former home of Siolo Ur Manka (retired Jedi battlemaster), killed by Darth Maul between 37 and 32 BBY]

Spinward sector

Gardaji sector
- Gardaji Rift: former location of 'living planet' Zonama Sekot (89 - 29 BBY), home of Vergere (Jedi), center of 'Potentium' Force sect

Meram sector
- Arcanum: Sith space station originally used as storehouse for dark-sided Sith artifacts, including 'Seeds of Rage' and 'the Darkstaff'
- Demesel: steppe world, trading hub for consortium of Core World corporations
- Kauron: homeworld of Kauronian race, site of Cavrilhu Pirates asteroid base [NB: with anti-Jedi holding cells]
- Regalia: site of 'Regalia Sub-Space Station 12' research laboratory
- Thalassia: homeworld of Thalassian race (slavers), port of call for 'Thalassian Pirates' gang

Corva sector
- Ligna: mining world, rich in Lignan (rare ore, can augment dark-side Force abilities) and Lignan lightsaber crystals (powerful)
- Oricon: volcanic moon, site of Darth Vitus's compound, site of 'Dread Fortress', former headquarters of 'Dread Masters' Force sect (Sith Empire)
- Ventooine: rich in Sansanna spice (drug) and shadeshine (power-augmenting stone), site of 'Hall of Satabs' (suspended animation chamber)

Bosph sector
- Bosph: homeworld of Bosph race (isolationist nomads), primitive steppe planet, center of "Ela b'Yentarr" Force sect (precognition & healing)
- Otunia: sector capital and major mining world, headquarters of Kabul Industries

Wild Space
Chiloon Rift sector
- Chiloon Rift: nebula with 'bountiful' asteroid field, rich in beryllius, duralium (armor), and quandranium (durable & energy resistant, used for fuel cells)

Tuvvel sector
- Gorsh: homeworld of Orgon race (mobile plant-clams), volcanic swamp planet controlled by Genetech Laboratories (medical research), site of Genetech Labs Orbital Research Station (biochemical research and processing facility)
- Gulma: swamp planet, homeworld of Gulmarid race (reptiles) [NB: enslaved and exterminated by Palpatine's New Order]

"...As this is the vector you'll be taking for the assault on Wesker's main base, I must urge caution due to the number of pirate gangs operating in the area. Thalassian slavers are almost as notorious as Trandoshans and Zygerrians, and both of those are known to prey upon much more heavily populated systems in the Mid Rim and Corporate Sector. Likewise, the Cavrilhu Pirates have lasted several hundred years without the excuse of having a single system or species to call their own. Worse, I've heard rumors that they've had some success in fighting or even capturing Jedi, though I cannot confirm such rumors."

"...Well. Thank you for the word of warning, at least."

"At your service, Mistress. Now, the next region for your consideration is far more straightforward, and covers the final leg of the Hydian Way super-hyperlane, from Feriae Junction to the end of the Corporate Sector."

Kalamith sector
- Gaftikar: Marit colony world (engineers), rich in kelerium and norax (mineral rights sought by Shenio Mining company), under CIS occupation
- Hynah: heavily populated industrial center and trade world along the Hydian Way
- Pho Ph'eah: homeworld of Pho Ph'eahian race (inventors/mechanics), known for high-tech exports including custom hyperdrive engines
- Toprawa: forest world along Hydian Way, headquarters of Antarian Rangers (paramilitary support group for Jedi Order) with underground bases

Nembus sector
- Carosi XII: homeworld of Carosite race (healers), resort world, site of 'Academy of Medicine', port of call for hospital-frigate Sudden Restoration
Kirtania: homeworld of Araquia race (naturalists), trade world governed by three competing corporate states of Dulai, Kinkosa, and Surana

Kwymar sector
- Artus Prime: rich in Artusian lightsaber crystals, mining facility later converted for Imperial use
- Citadel Station: massive orbital terraforming station over Telos IV, site of Ithorian Compound and Jedi AgriCorps chapter-house
- Teagan: homeworld of Devon race, headquarters of Teagan Tech Consortium (produces droids, including RWW-series protocol droid)
- Telos IV: terraformed agriworld; childhood home of Liora ('High Priestess', died 53 BBY), Crion (corrupt planetary governor, died 53 BBY), Dairoki (fallen Jedi padawan, ally of Crion), Xanatos (Dark Jedi, son of Crion, died 44 BBY), Vox Chun (treasurer for Xanatos, died 29 BBY), Bruck Chun (fallen Jedi padawan, son of Vox, died 44 BBY), Granta Omega ('Force Blank' terrorist, son of Xanatos, died 23 BBY), and Kad Chun (captain of BioCruiser, son of Vox); center of 'Order of Than-Onna' sect (pacifists, led by Liora), [NB: former center of 'Handmaiden Sisters' group (Echani guardians for Jedi Academy c. 4000 BBY)]; former headquarters of Offworld Mining Corporation (founded by Xanatos) and UniFy (Offworld front company); site of Park of Sacred Pools (polluted by Xanatos), Mirror Caverns, Anglebay Station (medcenter), Katharsis Dome (casino and gladiatorial arena, built by Xanatos), abandoned Telos Military Base [NB: HK-50 manufacturing plant, built by Revan], and Telosian Jedi Academy (former Polar Irrigation System hub, rebuilt by Atris c. 3956 BBY, now training center for Jedi archivists and Lore Keepers) [NB: location of many Sith holocrons and Force artifacts]; sole source of malab (reflective stone); homeport of BioCruiser ('titanic' colony ship, self-sufficient nomadic passenger liner built by UniFy); [NB: location of Telos Holocron (Sith encyclopedia, includes Ajunta Pall (original Sith Lord), Naga Sadow (original Sith Emperor), Darth Revan, and Darth Bane)]
- Vallt: homeworld of Valltii race [NB: yeti], ice planet, site of Zerpen Industries fusion plant and Tambolor Prison, former home of Galen Erso

Xappyh sector
- Thanta Zilbra: homeworld of Zilbra fungi (medicinal use), currently unsettled
- Tiss'sharl: homeworld of Tiss'shar race (velociraptors), rich in diatium (power cells), headquarters of Uhr-Vah-Vo TechWorks (droids, e.g. model 88-series administration droids, affiliated with IGBC), site of TaggeCo facilities, major corporate/commercial center governed by Tiss'Sharl League consortium

Aparo sector
- Lur: homeworld of Lurrian race (geneticists), known for genetic research & bio-engineering
- Cadomai Prime: homeworld of Snivvian race (artists), incredibly cold but popular resort world

Corporate Sector
- Biewa: poor industrial planet, headquarters of Corporate Sector Authority fleet
- Bonadan: terminus of Hydian Way, primary tradeport of Corporate Sector, strip-mined foundry world, headquarters of Bonadan Heavy Industries (TaggeCo), site of ten city-sized spaceports and Merchant Marine Academy
- Craci: homeworld of Cracian thumper species, major trade hub, system of five populous planets specialized in industry & agriculture
- Brosi: homeworld of Brosin race, rich in Zinsian (preservative), forest world known for multi-kilometer waterfalls
- Epiphany: headquarters of Zerpen Industries (energy production) [NB: and Salient Strategic Command (anti-Empire militia)]
- Ession: industrial center, headquarters of 'Pakkerd Light Transport' (Sienar, repulsorlifts)
- Etti IV: adopted homeworld of Etti race; capital of Corporate Sector authority & major trade hub; headquarters of Chiewab Amalgamated Pharmaceuticals Company (biotech megaconglomerate), Chiewab Laboratories (cloning), Chiewab Nutrition (agricorp), Cybot Galactica (civilian droids e.g. 3PO-series protocol droid), Degan Explorations (chemical surveying), Geentech (medical research), GoCorp (repulsorlifts), SanTech (pharmaceuticals), Utilitech (taxi-droids & waitress droids), and VernanGroup (mining)
- Issagra: massive space station known for extensive casinos, major hub for smugglers and thriving black market
- Kalla VII: headquarters of 'Unlimited Horizons Inc.' (mining company), site of 'University of Kalla' (business & technical education)
- Kir: mining world rich in 'crystalline vertex' (refined crystals = universal currency)
- Orron III: major agriworld, site of 'Authority Data Center' (archive/repository for all Corporate Sector data)
- Oslumpex V: headquarters of 'Starshipwrights and Aerospace Engineers Inc.' (custom & modified starships and cruisers)
- Pondut: space station & research facility, headquarters of 'Galactic Electronics' (produce tech and weapons)
- Tirsa: industrial center, headquarters of 'Tirsa Wargear' (vehicle company, produce landspeeders and Leviathan-class submersible carriers)

Wild Space
Trianii Space sector
- Trian: homeworld of Trianii race (warriors), headquarters of Trianii Rangers

Kobothi Space sector
- Koboth: homeworld of Kobok race (skeletal insect warriors), childhood home of Gaff (bounty hunter), headquarters of Kobothi S-Corp (private army)

Mytus sector
- Mytus VII: asteroid base controlled by Corporate Sector Authority, site of Stars' End prison complex

Farana sector
- Farana: homeworld of Ocsinin race (explorers), original terminus of Hydian Way

Kamar sector
- Kamar: homeworld of Kamarian race (insect technologists) and howlrunner species, home of Jo Ewsli (Incom starship designer), desert planet

Morellian Commonwealth sector
- Artiod Minor: homeworld of Artiodac race (strong) and prenga species, swamp planet with thriving fish farms, plagued by Zygerrian slave raids
- Morellia: homeworld of Morellian race (longevity), childhood home of Barosa Warren (explorer), headquarters of Morellian Weapons Conglomerate

"...The obvious 'jewel' of this region is the Corporate Sector. I've highlighted Etti IV as the administrative center of the sector -- where Etti leads, the rest will follow. However, any of the others would be worth a closer look -- practically every system has something notable about it, and each planet seems to be the headquarters for some new galaxy-wide corporation. As for systems outside the Corporate Sector... well, you've already heard why Telos IV is important, but there are two minor systems that deserve special mention. Both planets specialize in medicine -- Carosi XII of a more general sort, while Lur specializes in genetics and bio-engineering. I checked our Karada records, and noticed that a surprising number of both species are employed at our research-complex. The Arkanians even consulted with some of the Lurrians while researching near-human genemods. Our refugee and humanitarian efforts have also been assisted on several occasions by the Carosite hospital-ship Sudden Restoration. I doubt it would take much to recruit either systems for the CNS."

"...Fascinating. Would you again make a note for the Integration Bureau?"

"Already done, Mistress. Any further questions?"


"Then we proceed to the sixth region on our map, which covers the region between the Hydian Way and the Perlemian Trade Route. Given their effect on the whole region's history, and their imposing position as far as geography, I've taken to labeling this the 'Sith Worlds' region.

Gordian Reach sector
- Arda: key trade port along Ardan Cross hyperlane, light industry (produce 'T-6 Diodem' home appliances)
- Atorra: B'trillan colony world, site of pre-historic space battle with alien starship wreckage strewn throughout 'Badlands' region
- Feldwes: industrial powerhouse of the 'Back Reach' region and major tradeworld on the Ardan Cross hyperlane
- Jovan III: premier agriworld supplying the whole Gordian Reach, orbited by massive Jovan Station with 8 docking ports sized for capital ships.
- Presbalin: commercial hub of the 'Loop Worlds' region, known for long-abandoned alien cities with 'strange' architecture
- Tenara: isolated agriworld famous as a former pirate bolt-hole and 'treasure planet' due to hidden vaults throughout the planet
- Yavin Prime: gas giant, homeworld of 'floater' species (gasbag herbivores) and 'hunter-floaters' (predators), sole source of ludicrously valuable 'corusca gems', headquarters of Damarind Corporation (jewels), site of Damarind Fishing Station and independent 'corusca fishing' trawlers, [NB: location of abandoned Suvam Tan cargo pod (contains five big corusca gems)]
- Yavin IV: jungle moon of Yavin Prime, planetary Force nexus; adopted homeworld of Massassi (extinct, pureblood Sith offshoot, Force-sensitive slave-warriors) and Critokian (tall spiders) races; homeworld of woolamander (semi-sentient blue primates), crystal snake (translucent), and Sith wyrm (exogorth mutated by Sith alchemy) species; rich in grenade fungi (explosive) and massassi trees (200 m. tall); location of Prisma storms ('Wonder of the Galaxy', rainbow lightning) [NB: and location of abandoned Suvam Tan cargo pod (contains Exar Kun Battle Suit, dark-side armor with cortosis alloy)]
- Ersham Ridge: site of Great Massassi Temple (massive hand-built ziggurat), former capitol of Naga Sadow (Sith Lord c. 5000 BBY), [NB: home of Malgrath (Massassi warrior in suspended animation), site of Grand Audience Chamber (throneroom) and Isolation Chambers (stasis pods and Massassi Archive)], site of Massassi Arena [NB: and Tomb of Naga Sadow]
- Isle of Kun: volcanic island, [NB: site of Tomb of Exar Kun, rich in corusca gems), location of Force ghost of Exar Kun (Dark Jedi c. 4000 BBY)]
- Lost City of the Jedi: [NB: fully automated secret subterranean city on Wetyin continent, home of DJ-88 (administrator droid), site of Jedi Library (location of 'Grand Computer' and Force relics) and Weather & Climate Command Station (terraformed Yavin IV after 'wall of light' in 3996 BBY)]
- Massassi Ruins: site of Temple Atun, Temple of Fire (sacrificial alter), and Temple of Sacrifice [NB: location of Revan's Mask and lightsaber], location of 'Great Hyperspace War Bas-Relief' frieze and 'Sith Chalice' relic (discovered by Wolhanian Expedition, 22 BBY)
- Taurin Delta: lush river valley, site of the Temple of the Blueleaf Cluster (ancient Massassi temple), [NB: location of 'mysterious blue energy crystal']
- Val'Arnos Jungle: site of Palace of the Woolamander (ancient Massassi temple), [NB: location of 'Golden Globe' dark-side prison (dimensional oubliette, full of captive Massassi children), home of Ikrit (Kushiban Jedi Master, guards 'Golden Globe', meditative trance since 378 BBY)]
- Yavin VIII: tundra moon of Yavin Prime, homeworld of Melodie race (mermaids), home of Esla ('Keeper of Legends'), [NB: location of Massassi Engravings (directions for release 'Golden Globe' prisoners) and abandoned Suvam Tan cargo pod (contains antique blaster, in pristine condition)]
- Yavin XIII: desert moon of Yavin Prime, homeworld of Gerb (rabbit, underground farmers) and Slith (venomous snakes nomads) races, [NB: location of abandoned Suvam Tan cargo pod (contains Sith holocron)]
- Yavin XXII: airless moon of Yavin Prime, site of 'Yavin Station' wreck (trade post) [NB: former home of Suvam Tan (Rodian genius inventor & treasure hunter, died c. 3900 BBY), location of Suvam Tan Lightsaber (custom-made, very powerful, resists cortosis), 'Heart of the Guardian' (ancient lightsaber crystal, bronze hue, boost Force speed for dueling, subject to Sith & Jedi prophecies), 'Mantle of the Force' (ancient lightsaber crystal, cyan hue, boost Force abilities in conjunction with other crystals), and Yavin Station databanks (contains cargo pod locations)]

Esstran sector
- Odacer-Faustin: icy planet, site of Darth Scabrous's Sith Academy, [NB: origin world of 'The Sickness' - zombie virus epidemic created by Sith alchemy]
- Ord Radama: homeworld of Devlikk race, urbanized wetland world, major battlefield during ancient Sith-Republic War, site of Narek Manor
- Thule: savanna world, site of Sith Temple and separate Sith Arts Academy, [NB: location of 'Dark Reaper' - Sith superweapon]

Sith Worlds subsector (Esstran)
- Begeren: desert world, site of massive Sith monuments (some ruins) built into outcrops and cliffs, now known for gemstone quarries
- Dromund Kass: capital of Sith Empire, site of 'Dark Force Temple' (Force nexus) and 'Imperial Citadel' (Mandalorian enclave), wetlands [NB: populated by ysalamiri!], [NB: last known location of Ebon Hawk (Revan's ship)]

- Korriban: homeworld (and sacred planet) of Sith race, site of the 'Valley of the Dark Lords', including the original 'Sith Academy' and 'Great Temple'
- Jaguada I: moon of Jaguada, site of multiple Sith temples [NB: used as Separatist communications & droid storage facilities by Count Dooku]
- Khar Shian: moon of Khar Delba (sacred Sith planet), site of palace & citadel of Naga Sadow dating from the Great Hyperspace War
- Krayiss Two: sacred Sith planet along Nache Bhelfia hyperlane, site of Krayiss Obselisk and massive underground Library-Temple complex
- Rhelg: sacred Sith planet along Nache Bhelfia hyperlane, site of palace & citadel of Ludo Kressh (Naga Sadow's rival)
- Ziost: adopted homeworld of Sith race, sacred planet & adopted capital of Sith Empire, planetary Force nexus, site of 'Great Citadel' and 'People's Tower'

Illisurevimurasi sector
- Aldivy: thriving agriworld and trade center, headquarters of Lachany Foods
- Mirial: homeworld of Mirialan race (agile humans), childhood home of Arwen Cohl (freedom fighter affiliated with Nebula Front, died 33 BBY), Luminara Unduli (Jedi Guardian), and Bariss Offee (Jedi healer, traitor), center of Trikarle religion (Force-based), site of Trikarle Ruins

Tynquay sector

Wyl sector
- Dra III: hunting planet, homeworld of nashtah and fullor species (big predators), headquarters of Kell Arms Corporation (Kell Mark II heavy assault rifle)
- La'Sombra: asteroid base & biotech research facility operated by 'Abyss Watchers' organization
- Thosa: homeworld of Draethos race (very long-lived telepathic hunters), childhood home of Odan-Urr (Jedi Master, founded Great Library of Ossus, died 3996 BBY), center of 'Keetael' Force sect (gray-aligned, hunters who specialize in Force Tracking and farsight)

Chorlian sector
- Baltimn: childhood home of Ephaan Kenzon (left Jedi Order) [NB: survived Order 66], site of School of Hidden Wisdom (Jedi dueling academy)
- Kip: homeworld of Kip race, rich in Ulikuo (gemstones), site of Girigard Subsurface Correctional Facility (Zorba the Hutt)
- Malachor II: desolate, site of Force ghost of Kreia (former Darth Traya), system includes 'dead planet' Malachor V
- Sigil: rich in sigil crystals (lightsaber), site of Sith Academy that trained Terrak Morrhage
- Sluudren: homeworld of Sludir race (stocky reptiles), childhood home of Omze'kehr Kahr (gladiator, freetrader); homeport of Omze's Incredible Traveling Starport (converted Neutron Star-class bulk cruiser, mobile shadowport) [NB: home of Wilam Olgreen (droid technician, spymaster), Con'varra (forger) and Futor (slicer), headquarters of Olgreen Intelligence Guild (droid spynet) and Futor's Network (private intelligence agency)]
- Vaynai: tropical resort world, rich in 'slick' (medicinal seaweed), headquarters of Fil'vye Transport (shipping/smuggling) and 'Ocean Harvesters' (fishing)
- Zygerria: homeworld of Zygerrian race (slavers), headquarters of Zygerrian Slavers Guild, site of 'Royal Palace' (slave prison)

Mortex sector
- Malkii: pirate base & smuggler's den, headquarters of 'Malkite Poisoners' assassins guild
- Taerab: headquarters of Taerab Starship Manufacturing (built Harrower-class dreadnoughts for Sith Empire c. 3600 BBY)

Almanian subsector (Mortex)
- Almania: homeworld of thernbee race (semi-sentient telepathic predators), site of Great Dome of Je'har (capitol building) and Mem'Kabarr Forest
- Drewwa: moon of Almania, headquarters of Trang Robotics ('Duelist Elite' training droids) and Lyster Innovations ('environmental design' consultants), site of Drewwa Spaceport and Crossroads Business Habitat [NB: location of 'Amulet of Kalara' dark-side Force artifact (Buried Presence)]
- Pydyr: moon of Almania, homeworld of Pydyrian race (flightless bird-men), home of Wuja Wojaine (pro-CIS Senator, conspired with Thalassian Slavers), sole source of seafah jewels, known for exporting Pydyrian healing sticks (pre-bacta 'miracle drug')

Sertar sector
- Elom: homeworld of Elom and Elomin races, rich in lommite (transparisteel), mineral-rich desert planet
- Florrum: homeworld of skalder species, site of Doshar Field (acid geysers), headquarters of the Hondo Ohnaka Gang pirates
- Vanqor: home-system of gundark species, militaristic society, site of Tomo Camp prison [NB: and research lab for Jenna Zan Arbor]
- Sembla: homeworld of Vurk race (diplomats), home of Sweitt Concorkill (anti-Palpatine Senator), waterworld with ancient subaquatic ruins
- Syngia: dark-side Force nexus, former home of Remulus Dreypa (Sith Lord c. 7000 BBY), site of Genesis Pool (used for Sith alchemy)

Spadja sector
- Spintir: trade world on Ardan Cross, site of 'Caves of Light & Shadow' (dark-side Force nexus) and 'Dawn Temple' (Jedi center, staffed by holocrons)


"Indeed, Mistress."

"This... this is..."

"Yes, I know, Mistress."

"What is this even?"

"I'm not entirely sure, Mistress, but when no less than three era-defining Sith Lords decide to make a remote jungle planet their personal stronghold, I'm inclined to take reports of a major Force nexus seriously."

"As am I. Not to mention the records you've compiled indicating that when the Jedi defeated the most recent Sith Lord, their attack devastated the planet's ecosystem, leaving it a burnt radioactive shell, even though it's clearly back to being a thriving jungle planet, and -- I can't even?"

"Indeed, Mistress. Yavin IV is quite an oddity. Shall we move on?"


"I'd draw your attention to another system in the Gordian Reach: namely, Jovan III. Besides being one of the three agriworlds I mentioned at the beginning -- it feeds the entire Gordian Reach -- it also boasts one of the largest starports outside the Core Worlds, a single station with eight docking ports for capital ships and hundreds for smaller cruisers and one-man starfighters."

"But that's practically the size of Sluis Van Shipyards!"

"Indeed, Mistress."

"But... how is this not more widely known?"

"It's simple, really: Sluis Van is a close-knit neighbor of Sullust, and services most of the southern Outer Rim, while Jovan has no neighbors of galactic importance, and services only a single, large but quite isolated sector."


"Now may we move on?"


"The two Sith Worlds of particular note are Korriban and Dromund Kass. Korriban, as you know, was the homeworld of the Sith, both the pureblood race and the Force sect. It still is known as a dark-side vergence, and is rumored to contain many artifacts from the original Sith Academy and Temple -- though you'd have to be either brave or immensely foolish to risk a visit. Dromund Kass might actually be more interesting, however. It was the former capital of the Sith Empire, and in that capacity maintained an embassy with the Mandalorian Crusaders. It's entirely possible that sending our Discovery Corps might turn up artifacts not only related to the Sith, but also related to Mandalorian history."

"...I expect I don't have to tell you to please make a note of it?"

"No indeed, Mistress. Already done."

"Then we move on to the next region?"

"At your command. The seventh region on your map covers the northern end of the Perlemian Trade Route. For the sake of completion, I'd also included a few sectors on the Salin Corridor, and the hyperlane-spur called Overic Griplink that leads to the Mon Calamari sector.

Nuiri sector
- Lucasez: center of the 'Fallanassi' Force sect (illusions and Force immersion), mining facilities run by Tagge Mining Company
- Gala: homeworld of Galacian race ('moon people'), former headquarters of Galacian Mining Corp. (Offworld Mining), site of Galan Shipyards
- Resh 9376: icy comet, site of 'Point Nadir' shadowport owned by Hutt clan, primary base for 'Sable Dawn' Force assassins and 'Epsis' thieves
- Stygeon Prime: ice planet, homeworld of tibidee species, site of Spire (remote prison fortress) [NB: later converted for Imperial use]
- Vjun: dismal acid-rain planet populated by Hssiss (dark side Force lizards), former headquarters of Tac-Spec Corporation (produce FIII Footman droids) [NB: GenoHaradan front company], site of Bast Castle (dark-side fortress, built by Dooku) and Château Malreaux

Antemeridian sector
- Antemeridias: sector capital and trade hub on Perlemian Trade Route, site of Loronar Defense Industries factories (starship production)
- Krevas: homeworld of Krevaaki race (crustacean spiritualists), home of Vodo-Siosk Baas (legendary Jedi Master c. 4000 BBY, taught Exar Kun)
- Temako: headquarters of Keizar-Volvec (sublight engines, repulsorcraft), CIS foundry world

Meridian sector
- Caarimon: homeworld of Carrite race, inhabitants occupy floating cities over surface, headquarters of Metatheran Cartel (formerly of Trade Federation)
- Cybloc XII: moon of Cybloc, major trade hub on Perlemian Trade Route, site of Cybloc Transfer Station (IGBC space station)
- Nam Chorios: homeworld of Tsil race (Force-empowered crystals), penal colony governed by Beldorion the Hutt (Dark Jedi)

Vorzyd sector
- Auratera: site of Acablas (light-side Force vergence), site of both Jedi & Sith Temple and archaeological site, location removed from most starmaps
- Columex: trade world on Perlemian Trade Route and Salin Corridor, capital of the 'Commonality' (political alliance between nine nearby sectors)
- Paigu: homeworld of Paigun race (math), member of Commonality, stormy planet, cities powered by lightning
- Vorzyd IV: homeworld of Vorzydiak race (industrious), member of Commonality, major manufacturing center
- Vorzyd V: colony of Vorzyd IV, known as 'Gamblers' World', site of 'Casino Royale' (multi-kilometer floating entertainment district)
- Yablari: homeworld of Anomid race (technologists), trade world on Perlemian Trade Route, known for high-tech agriculture

Belderone sector
- Belderone: sector capital and trade world on Salin Corridor, site of Kuat Drive Yards factory, headquarters of regional anti-piracy fleet (funded by Ciaran)
- Lola Sayu: volcanic planet, site of 'Citadel Station' (Republic-designed prison for incarcerating rogue Force users)

Auril sector
- Bal'demnic: rich in cortosis (anti-lightsaber), mining facilities operated by Damask Holdings, site of Darth Tenebrous's trapped Force-spirit
- Cron Drift: massive pirate-ridden asteroid field created by Sith-triggered supernova, [NB: site of Sith tomb, where Sly Moore was imprisoned & 'rescued']
- Murkhana: trade hub, headquarters of Corporate Alliance (CIS Council), center of CIS Shadowfeed (HoloNet), site of Murkhana Landing (spaceport)
- Nespis VIII: site of abandoned 'Space City' (galactic Wonder), site of Old Republic museum and Jedi Archive
- Ossus: rich in Adegan crystals (lightsaber), center of 'Ysanna' Force sect, site of Great Jedi Library (original Jedi Archives) and Eye of Ashlanae (vergence)
- Teedio: orbited by Exis Station, site of ion/solar-energy mining station and former Jedi Archive [NB: verge of destruction, engines are repairable]

Cronese Mandate subsector (Tion Cluster)
- Argai: former home of Xim the Despot (c. 25,100 BBY), former capital of Xim's Empire, former center of GeneHaradan (Xim's secret police) [NB: still-surviving (secret) order of bounty hunter/assassins, manipulate galactic politics to benefit Galactic Republic]
- Derellium: major agriworld of Tion Cluster, trade hub on Indrexu Route and Greater Cronese Arc
- Duinarbulon: pastoral world, site of 'Parade Grounds' (of Xim the Despot's legendary 'Star Lancers'), site of Great Duinarbulon Museum
- Foran Tutha: archaeology dig, site of 'Foran Tutha star probe' wreck (of Celestial or Rakatan make) discovered in 498 BBY
- Janilis VII: rundown 'resort' world from Kingdom of Cron-era, site of Cronese Library (25,000-year-old archives)
- Nuswatta: site of 'Forbidden Gardens of Nuswatta' (Xim-era galactic wonder), site of 'High Fane of Xo' (abandoned religious site)

Allied Tion subsector (Tion Cluster)
- Amarin: former throneworld and hunting reserve for Xim the Despot, primary agriworld of Tion Cluster, CIS member
- Cadinth: major trading port along Cadinth Run, ruled by "firmly neutral" Cadinth Oligarchy, site of Xim-era ruins
- Corlax IV: key industrial world and materiel supplier for CIS war machine
- Jaminere: sector capital, primary manufacturing center for Tion Cluster, known for technological efficiency
- Lianna: commercial ecumenopolis; home of Narro Sienar (died 38 BBY), Raith Sienar (best starship engineer in galaxy), Lady Valles Santhe (CEO of Santhe Corporation); headquarters of Santhe Corporation (holding company), Santhe Security (private army), Santhe Passenger & Freight (produce 15% of galaxy's passenger liners), Santhe/Sienar Technologies (vehicles), Republic Sienar Systems (starships e.g. Marauder-class corvettes), Sienar Design Systems (prototypes, e.g. Sith Infiltrator Scimitar), Sienar Intelligence Systems (data security/corporate espionage), Sienar Advanced Systems (R&D, e.g. SIE-TIE twin ion engine), Curich Engineering (starship components), Thant & Sons Starshipwrights (repair), and Genetech Corporation (droids e.g. A2 accountant droid & 3D-4X administrative droid, formerly medical research company); site of First Star Academy (war college), Allied Tion Historical Society, Lola Curich Starport, Anxarta Spaceport, Santhe Mansion, and Santhe/Sienar Corporate Headquarters
- Lorrad: industrial planet dominated by neighboring Barseg system, headquarters of Lorrad Flightworks (repulsorcraft)
- Voss: home of Voss race (isolationist, Force sensitive), center of 'Voss Mystics' Force sect (best precognition, gifted healers)
- Gormak Lands: home of Gormak race (xenophobic, gifted technologists), headquarters of Tela Mining, site of Gorma-Koss (capital), [NB: King's Hall (vault), Chamber of Cleansing (Dream-walker shrine) and Halls of the Righteous (Voss Mystic shrine)]
- Nightmare Lands: dark-side Force nexus, site of Dark Heart (ancient Sith labyrinth-ruins) [NB: former location of Sel-Makor (dark-side Force entity, defeated 3641 BBY), Cave of Reflection (archaeological dig site)
- Old Paths: site of Dark Reliquary (Sith tomb), Ruined City, Halls of Enlightenment (abandoned Sith Academy), Holy Path of Mir (sacred cave), Ruins of Wisdom, Quel-Dora Ruins, Spirit Healers Grove (Dream-walker shrine), and Shrine of Healing (Voss Mystic monastery and hospital) [NB: location of Forbidden Ritual' chamber]
- Voss-Ka: mountaintop fortress of Voss race, center of 'Dream-walkers' Force sect (splinter group, spiritual healing), headquarters of Voss Commandos, Ambassador Commons, and Tower of Prophecy (Voss Mystic shrine)

Tion Hegemony subsector (Tion Cluster)
- Aria Prime: childhood home of Lyra Erso (Galen Erso's wife)
- Dellalt: center of 'Survivors' cult (maintain Xim-era 'Guardian Corp' battle droids), site of Xim the Despot's subterranean treasure vaults
- Desevro: former throneworld of Xim the Despot, former capital of 'Honorable Union of Desevro & Tion', destroyed by Republic (Tionese War c. 23,900 BBY); minor trade hub on Perlemian Trade Route, site of Jigani Port, CIS member
- Raxus Prime: 'childhood' home of Core (planetary AI), junkyard & industrial world, facilities run by Commerce Guild/Sienar, site of Dooku's fortress
- Raxus Secundus: lush planet, capital of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, site of Separatist Parliament Building
- Rudrig: primary education center of Tion Cluster, planet controlled and administered by University of Rudrig

Thanium Worlds sector
- Felucia: planetary Force nexus, center of 'Jungle Felucia' Force sect, Gossam colony world ruled by Commerce Guild, site of 'Ancient Abyss' (sarlacc pit)
- Rhen Var: ice planet, source of Solari (rare/powerful lightsaber crystal), site of 'Jedi Monument' (Force ghost of Ulic Qel-Droma), Darth Mekhis's fortress

Indrexu sector

Keldrath sector
- Escarte: asteroid mining facility run by Commerce Guild, home of Thal K'Sar [NB: designer of 'hyperwave transceiver' for Nute Gunray's mechno-chair]

Nilgaard sector
- Karkaris: homeworld of Karkarodon race (sharks), waterworld, produce Hydroid Medusa (cybernetic combat jellyfish)
- Makem Te: homeworld of Swokes Swokes race, rich in spice (drug), site of 'Tract of Makem Te' (continent-sized necropolis) galactic Wonder
- Reaper's World: sector capital and mining planet, ice age, former headquarters of Nilgaard Bioprocessing

Colundra sector
- Sonn Vilmari: homeworld of Pan-preneur race (amphibians), water world
- Troiken: homeworld of Xexto race, rich in spice (drug), forested mining world only inhabited around equator

Pakuuni sector

Calamari sector
- Dac: homeworld of Quarren & Calamari races (aquatic), childhood home of Gial Ackbar, headquarters of Mon Calamari Shipyards (all capital ships)
- Minntooine: colony world of Quarren, run by Commerce Guild, headquarters of Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corp (Recusant-class light destroyers)
- Pammant: colony world of Quarren, site of FDVEC 'Pammant Docks' (Providence-class carrier/destroyer, Subjugator-class heavy cruiser)

Wild Space
Drongar sector
- Drongar: only known source of bota (medicinal plant better than bacta but finicky, can boost Jedi's connection to the Force), major battleground

Zigoola sector
- Zigoola: barren planet, site of Sith Temple [NB: used by Sidious as storehouse for Sith artifacts] recently destroyed by Obi-Wan

"...You're already aware of the importance of Lucazec, home of the Fallanassi Force sect, and you've already had some experience with the Tsils of Nam Chorios. The next point of interest is Columex, in the Vorzyd sector. It turns out that, during the build-up for the war, some of the larger trade worlds along the Perlemian Trade Route were feeling disenfranchised by how little attention the Republic paid to them relative to the larger trade and industrial worlds of the Inner and Mid Rims, let alone the Core and Colonies. Much like the Ciutric Hegemony north of us, these systems allied in a loose confederacy which they called the Commonality, and which is administered out of Columex. While the Commonality was almost immediately overshadowed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems when they joined, the formal governance structure is still present, and swaying Columex to the CNS would bring over many of its Commonality neighbors as well."

"...Thank you, PR-1."

"I shall put it on the list, then?"

"You know me too well."

"Indeed I do, Mistress. Shall we proceed? Well, then, the most important Force site on the list is Ossus, site of the original and still preserved Great Jedi Library. However, I understood you to be aware of Ossus, which is why I think you'll find its neighbor Murkhana to be far more interesting. Murkaha is the headquarters of the Corporate Alliance, that sits on the Separatist Council. However, the main function of the Corporate Alliance was to establish and operate the CIS Shadowfeed, which serves as a universal HoloNet for all Separatist systems and their neighbors. Recruit Murkhana, seize the Shadowfeed, and you'll take over almost the entire communications network for the whole of the Outer Rim -- north, south, galactic east, Separatist, Hutt, all of it. I do not advise you in military matters, but I do not require OOM-9's tactical upgrade to understand that this is quite possibly the single biggest strategic priority we may have in the fight against Palpatine. If he does seize power, a separate HoloNet infrastructure would enable us to get our message out to friendly systems around the galaxy, to fight the inevitable propaganda machine run out of Coruscant. Owning the Shadowfeed would establish the Council of Neutral Systems as separate and truly distinct from the Republic, if or when that becomes necessary."

"...I think I understand why you set aside so much time to go over this, PR-1."

"Indeed, Mistress, I thought you would. As for the rest: I've highlighted Liana due to our existing ties with Sienar Fleet Systems. Raxus Secundus is the official capital system of the whole CIS, though many delegates are finding themselves powerless in the fact of the corporate leaders on the Separatist Council, and a direct appeal to the Separatist Parliament would go a long way to recruiting many to join Neutral Space. Felucia is owned by the Commerce Guild, and while Shu Mai has treated it as her own personal plaything, our plan to oust and replace her as head of the Commerce Guild would bring Felucia into our camp. Finally, I would bring to your attention the planet Dac, also called Calamari or Mon Cala, which boasts one of the best shipyards for capital-ship construction in the galaxy. They're not as large an operation as Kuat or Sluis Van, but pit any Dac capital ship against any other design, and the Dac would come out on top. Despite their distance from the Core, the system is as loyal to the Republic and as friendly to the Jedi as anywhere you'll find, but if you can prove to their satisfaction that Palpatine is a Sith traitor, they would certainly be willing to join the CNS."

"...Very good to know. Is that all for the Perlemian?"

"Indeed, Mistress. The eighth and final region we shall cover extends from the Ash Worlds to the border of Hutt Space."

Ash Worlds sector
- Haashimut: Old Republic fortress world, site of abandoned Jedi Enclave/outpost and Haashimut Caverns (minor Force nexus, meditative chambers)
- Millius Prime: moon of Iego, homeworld of Diathim race ('angels'), site of Cliffhold spaceport and black market

Lothal sector
- Atollon: homeworld of kyrkna species (giant spiders), site of Coral Mesa, [NB: Force vergence, home of Bendu (ancient entity, 'center of the Force')]
- Lothal: agriworld rich in greel wod (luxury) and kyber crystals (lightsabers), home of Cikatro Vizago (Devaronian crime lord), Rask Odai (Calamari crime lord) [NB: and Ezra Bridger (Rebels)], headquarters of Twin Horn Storage (smuggling front company), Broken Horn Syndicate (smuggling), site of Monad Outpost (mines), Tangletown farms, Easthills research lab (BlasTech Industries), Sienar Advanced Projects Laboratory [NB: designed 'Twin Ion Engine' for TIE fighter], Old Republic Senate Building (capitol), Phelarion School (elite business academy), and Lothal Jedi Temple (ancient megalithic Force vergence, subterranean chambers with hidden entrance) [NB: site of tomb of Master Lodaka (Jedi artisan), location of Lodaka lightsaber (resists cortosis)]

Dominus subsector (Lothal)
- Baros: homeworld of Brubb race (resilient mercenaries), heavily populated high-gravity dustbowl world
- Dornea: homeworld of Dornean race (defensive tacticians), headquarters of Dornean Braha'ket Fleetworks Conglomerate (gunships)
- Solanus: homeworld of Solanus super-brain (chemical-infused sentient ocean), site of many unique crystalline structures (created by super-brain)
- Trailia: homeworld of Trailian race (Force-sensitive, beautiful humanoids), low-tech jungle planet, peaceful & isolationist

Jubilar sector
- Jubilar: desert planet controlled by Hutts, known for spice smuggling, rich in jandarra (rare delicacy)
- Toong'L: homeworld of Toong race, client world of the IGBC, headquarters of Toong'l Security Systems (security droids)

Shadola sector
- Gand: homeworld of Gand race, childhood home of Xruk, center of 'Findsmen' Force sect (bounty hunters), site of five orbital tradeports

Centrality sector
- Dela III: homeworld of Ulorin race, member and financial center of Centrality
- Dilonexa XXIII: member and primary agriworld of Centrality, site of weather-control orbital stations
- Erilnar: capital of Centrality, planet of a three hundred thousand lakes
- Oseon VII: member and tourism center of Centrality, site of 'Flamewind' (galactic wonder), site of Oseon asteroid belts (resorts & private estates)
- Rafa VI: homworld of Sharu race, member of Centrality, rich in Firkann lightsaber crystals, site of Great Pyramid and legendary Mindharp of Sharu
- Tund: adopted homeworld of Toong race, member of Centrality, planetary Force nexus, center of 'Sorcerers of Tund' Force sect (pureblood Sith, grey)

Cadma sector
- Garn: [NB: colony world of Rozzum race (interdimensional parasites)], former center of 'Order of the Terrible Glare' Force sect (pro-Pius Dea Jedi splinter group, specialized in illusions & 'soul magic'), [NB: site of Portal Desolate, location of 'surviving' (digitized) High Shaman Rur]
- Garn asteroid field: former center of 'Ordo Aspectu' Force sect (Jedi splinter group, used Force to study longevity/immortality, eradicated by Jedi Order), [NB: home of surviving (digitized) sect leader Rur, site of 'Citadel of Rur' asteroid space station]

Tharin sector
- Annoo: homeworld of Annoo-dat races, headquarters of Fromm Crime Family (import/export), industrialized agriworld
- Cog Hive Seven: auto-reconfiguring space station (prison & gladiatorial arena), home of Iram Radique (Chiss weapons designer), controlled by IGBC
- Junkfort Station: major space station orbiting Junkford, trade nexus on Lesser Lantillian Route, Trillus Trade Route, & Cadma Conduit, smuggling haven
- Oovo IV: asteroid base orbiting Oovo, site of Desolation Alley (maximum security Republic prison) and three podracing courses
- Pirik: rich in corintium (ore) and ytterbium (explosives for laser cannons), site of Talamp Industrial District, thriving black market

Periphery subsector (Tharin)
- Af'El: homeworld of Defel race (literal wraiths), only source of meleenium (mineral used for durasteel), headquarters of Toxis Metals (mining)
- Novor XXIII: homeworld of Ry'coz race, headquarters of Jatayus Outbound (shipping) formerly controlled by Black Sun
- Nwarcol: trade nexus of Sisar Run and Salin Corridor hyperlanes, site of Sisar Terminal (refueling starport) formerly controlled by Black Sun
- Sedri: homeworld of Sedrian race (mermen), waterworld, site of Great Shell Dome, center of 'Golden Sun' Force sect (sapient coral)
- Sriluur: homeworld of Weequay race, childhood home of Sora Bulq, mining world rich in copper and other metals, formerly controlled by Black Sun
- Vaathkree: homeworld of Vaathkree race (traders), lava planet with domed cities, known for high-tech exports
- Yen II: asteroid mining facility orbiting Verde, rich in doonium (capital ship hulls), formerly controlled by Black Sun

Iotran Expanse subsector (Suolriep)
- Iotra: homeworld of Iotran race, industrial planet, headquarters of Iotran Police Force (multiple legendary military orders)

Suolriep sector
- Boonta: member of Hutt Space, site of 'Boonta's Eve Speeder Race' (podracing), site of orbital scrapyard (starships) and massive junkyard (droids)
- Saleucami: biggest trading hub in the Outer Rim, fertile mining world, controlled by Techno Union, site of Magma Caverns and Taleucema Starport
- Jabiim: valuable mining planet, anti-piracy fleet supplied by Lady Ciaran, government divided by civil war

Ansuroer subsector (Suolriep)
- Lijuter: homeworld of Houk race (muscular, violence-prone), headquarters of Houk Syndicate

Phelleem sector
- Kashi: in Orixon Nebula, center of 'Guardians of Breath' Force sect (healers, pre-date Jedi), headquarters of Eleaor Propulsion (star yachts)

Jospro sector
- Chad: homeworld of Chadra-Fan race (bats), childhood home of Callista Ming ('Altisian Jedi' Force sect), primary supplier of dairy (lactic milk)

"...The first system of particular interest is Lothal -- known as the site of an abandoned Jedi Temple, but more significant as one of the few remaining veins of pure kyber crystal in the galaxy. For our business interest, I would point out that Toong'L is an IGBC client world, and therefore likely to follow the Banking Clans' lead in becoming Neutral, despite their location on the far side of Separatist space. On the other hand, we do not have friendly relations with the Techno Union, so I would expect it would be quite a long while before Saleucami ever considered joining Neutral Space despite the obvious benefits of neutrality for a major trade hub. For other political considerations, I would draw your attention to Eril'nar, capital of Centrality, which -- unlike the loose confederacy of the Ciutric Hegemony or Commonality -- is quite a bit more organized and self-governing, thanks largely to its historic and geographic isolation. Making a note of it now, Mistress."

"You read my mind."

"No, only your microexpressions."

Ciaran shot him a look.

"Fair enough. Finally, I would remind you of something I mentioned when this briefing began -- that if there were a world that was the only supplier of a metal required for durasteel, I would point it out?"


"I wasn't lying. Af'El is that system -- while meleenium is only used in trace amounts, its use is required for durasteel construction and Af'El is the only source of that metal in the galaxy. I understand that technically it is possible to manufacture synthetic meleenium in a lab, but the costs are apparently prohibitive and the quality is significantly lower than pure meleenium found on Af'El. Like most of its neighbors, the planet was once controlled by the Black Sun, but ever since Operation Absolute Eclipse, there's been low-level posturing by the Techno Union, the Hutts, and others over who would end up with control of the system. I suggest we make a play for control of the system ourselves. Between Af'El and Toong'L, I believe we would have enough of a foothold near Hutt Space to sway many other systems between there and here, solidifying our control of the galactic northeast."

"Well, make another note of it, but unless I'm mistaken, that's all the briefing material you've prepared for me today?"

"Indeed, Mistress, though I made sure to reserve extra time in case you wished to ask any questions."

Ciaran peered more intently at the papers in front of her. "Oh, I can think of --"

BANG. The door abruptly swung open as Gulan Terrek hurried into the room.

"No! Not now, the Lady Ciaran is quite busy as you can see!" PR-1 tried to hurry him out of the room.

Ciaran, however, noticed the large smile on his face. "So what's the good news, Gulan?"

"Talesan Fry." said Gulan, setting the report on Ciaran's desk.

Wait, isn't that the same 'Fry' that Var Zheen was in a tizzy about? Ciaran quickly picked it and skimmed the report. ...Oh.

A smile began to spread across her face.

"I want this."


A/N: I was already halfway through writing this when @Panory posted his 'Out of the Frying Pan' omake. I immediately decided to try to tie the two scenes together -- if only to increase the odds of Talesan Fry making an appearance in this quest, but also because I liked the idea of having our Learning Advisor try (and fail) to explain the device's significance, only for Ciaran to immediately grasp its importance from our Intrigue Advisor. (Learning is our dump stat, y'all...).

In case you're wondering 'Why???', well...

1) Why did I scour Wookiepedia for all this? Because I'm a nerd, because I had free time, and because finding points of interest (and potential systems to recruit) was one way to contribute to the awesomeness that is this quest. (For the record: I haven't even touched the CNS-neighboring sectors in the Mid Rim and Expansion Regions. Assuming my free time stays free, that's my next project.

2) Why did I write it up as an omake? Because most people don't read data-dumps, and framing it as a story would (ever-so-slightly) help. Also because I wanted to pull out specific items to emphasize, which works better if there's a clear difference between the 'briefing paper' and PR-1's oral report. Finally, because @Dr. Snark has been threadmarking any and all posted omakes, so this way the info-post will stay linked and accessible and won't be lost to the hundreds of pages of posts as this quest continues its juggernaut of excellence.
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*quietly takes Panory's omake crown and hands it to Publicola*

Also, query guys. Let's say next turn the war ends. Sidious' head explodes, Dooku dies, Separatists separate further without strong leadership and the Republic wins. What would and/or SHOULD happen to the CNS? Would it remain separate from the Republic? Would it remain allied, becoming a powerful voting bloc in the Senate? Would they make their own government system? I'm honestly interested in what you guys think might be best/most interesting/most likely to happen
"It's easier and less dangerous to own the galaxy than to rule it. Just get the best people to handle the hard work."
*quietly takes Panory's omake crown and hands it to Publicola*

Also, query guys. Let's say next turn the war ends. Sidious' head explodes, Dooku dies, Separatists separate further without strong leadership and the Republic wins. What would and/or SHOULD happen to the CNS? Would it remain separate from the Republic? Would it remain allied, becoming a powerful voting bloc in the Senate? Would they make their own government system? I'm honestly interested in what you guys think might be best/most interesting/most likely to happen

Assuming that the Republic hasn't turned into something objectionable I'd say the CNS would be happy to reintegrate, it should be relatively easy to maintain the CNS as a powerful internal political group and trade league within the Republic, it should even be simple to maintain the militia forces in the vein of combating the piracy endemic to the Outer and Mid Rim.

The fact that this would be maintaining the power and influence Ciaran has built up goes without saying, not to mention that it'd be primed to become the engine that rebuilds the Galaxy, much of the Galaxy has been ravaged but most of the CNS is relatively untouched and far better positioned to assist much of CIS space.

We all know how profitable it is to have industrial centres untouched by war...

Then there's also the matter of the Republic then being open to manipulation by Ciaran as without Sidious around Ciaran would be left as the scariest person in the shadows and would be able to move with far greater freedom without fearing that an angry Sith Lord is about to pounce on her.

The Galaxy would be her oyster and there would be few who could hope to stand in her way.
It will become the First! Galactic! Empire!

Headed by Satine.

Because holy shit Ciaran do not need that much paperwork added to her load.

I'd argue that the Emperor/Empress would have the least amount of paperwork. They'd have hordes of people to delegate stuff to, leaving only the most important things to even reach the Emp..
I'd argue that the Emperor/Empress would have the least amount of paperwork. They'd have hordes of people to delegate stuff to, leaving only the most important things to even reach the Emp..

That's kind of what happened to Palpatine. After he became Emperor he discovered he enjoyed plotting to overthrow the galaxy rather than ruling it. So after he got the Empire running he retreated into his palace to do all sorts of Dark Side Research.