Ardion Prosili
An (im)Perfect Cell
Guess you'll have to take out extraordinary measures then, won't you @Dr. Snark ?
You mean get some more advisers so we can take more actions per turn?Guess you'll have to take out extraordinary measures then, won't you @Dr. Snark ?
No.You mean get some more advisers so we can take more actions per turn?
But if we had more actions it would be harder to max out the turn.
How very KOTOR 2 of you~ Me likeyI like to think of the omake swarm as Ciaran's growing connection and understanding of the Force as a result of her experience at Malachor and the changes it wrought on her, perhaps expressing itself in flares and bursts as she learns to listen to the Force rather than command it, learning to recognise junctures where to consult the Force and how to move with it.
That this likely gels with her unconscious use of Shatterpoint, she's likely learning to recognise pivotal moments ahead of time as especially important times to consult the Force.
Hm, Ciaran's power and skill in the Force has grown considerably over time, I wonder if her Jedi friends have noticed and what they think of it? I can't imagine she uses Buried Presence as I think they'd be a bit concerned if they couldn't sense a Miralukan stood right in front of them.
So they might have noticed how she's gone from untrained and average for a Miralukan to someone beginning to rival what I think would be a decent Knight and even just edging out Asajj the last time any Jedi would have encountered her.
Shhhhh, no words now. only !FUN!But if we had more actions it would be harder to max out the turn.
So... the omake is with us?I like to think of the omake swarm as Ciaran's growing connection and understanding of the Force as a result of her experience at Malachor and the changes it wrought on her, perhaps expressing itself in flares and bursts as she learns to listen to the Force rather than command it, learning to recognise junctures where to consult the Force and how to move with it.
...Why do I get the sense that by the end of this quest, we'll be receiving omake bonuses for rolls that won't happen for another five or six turns? "Ah, I remember the good old days, when we didn't max out our omakes until the middle of the turn beforehand."
"suddenly sith empire in the uncharted sector.... again "By the end of this quest, we'll have onake bonuses lined up for the next quest.
... When exactly does this quest end anyway? Because once we take care of Palpatine I can't really think of any big bad evil guy to take on that could possibly compare. Yuuzhan Vong take a shortcut and arrive ahead of schedule? Dark Side Acolyte terrorists? Abeloth released early? Dooku becoming Sauron to Palpatine's Melkor? Darth Jar Jar? Creepio?
Preventing the progeny of Skywalker from going all Darkside on us would be nice.By the end of this quest, we'll have onake bonuses lined up for the next quest.
... When exactly does this quest end anyway? Because once we take care of Palpatine I can't really think of any big bad evil guy to take on that could possibly compare. Yuuzhan Vong take a shortcut and arrive ahead of schedule? Dark Side Acolyte terrorists? Abeloth released early? Dooku becoming Sauron to Palpatine's Melkor? Darth Jar Jar? Creepio?
let me tell you a saying that many people shareThe One Sith have yet to be founded (and due to divergences from canon probably won't be) and the Lost Tribe of the Sith is too backwater and small time at the moment to be much of a threat to us.
By the end of this quest, we'll have onake bonuses lined up for the next quest.
... When exactly does this quest end anyway? Because once we take care of Palpatine I can't really think of any big bad evil guy to take on that could possibly compare. Yuuzhan Vong take a shortcut and arrive ahead of schedule? Dark Side Acolyte terrorists? Abeloth released early? Dooku becoming Sauron to Palpatine's Melkor? Darth Jar Jar? Creepio?
Hm, Ciaran's power and skill in the Force has grown considerably over time, I wonder if her Jedi friends have noticed and what they think of it? I can't imagine she uses Buried Presence as I think they'd be a bit concerned if they couldn't sense a Miralukan stood right in front of them.
... When exactly does this quest end anyway? Because once we take care of Palpatine I can't really think of any big bad evil guy to take on that could possibly compare. Yuuzhan Vong take a shortcut and arrive ahead of schedule? Dark Side Acolyte terrorists? Abeloth released early? Dooku becoming Sauron to Palpatine's Melkor? Darth Jar Jar? Creepio?
The key is the honest Coruscantian bureaucrat we so deposed of decades ago. Only he knows the true evil of CiaranClearly Ciaran is the Big Bad by that point, the threat from there would to tighten her grasp on the galaxy whilst combatting a rag tag group of dissidents and truth seekers, lead by a recovered Darra perhaps, who seek to find and expose the dark conspiracy steadily choking freedom and justice in the Republic, who are the Abyss Watchers? Who leads them?
All questions that need heroes to answer!
We have made the same mistake as Darth Sidious the Foolish.The key is the honest Coruscantian bureaucrat we so deposed of decades ago. Only he knows the true evil of Ciaran
...That is who Wesker is, it explains his grudge against us.The key is the honest Coruscantian bureaucrat we so deposed of decades ago. Only he knows the true evil of Ciaran
ether that or his son