Y'know, if we really want to try removing Order 66 we'd be better off just developing a bioweapon to do it, after all that vulnerability was noted as one of the reasons the Empire stopped using them.

Nobody ever has to know either, if we get it good enough, dunno if we could edit the chip or if we just disable them.
Y'know, if we really want to try removing Order 66 we'd be better off just developing a bioweapon to do it, after all that vulnerability was noted as one of the reasons the Empire stopped using them.

Nobody ever has to know either, if we get it good enough, dunno if we could edit the chip or if we just disable them.

a bioweapon that just disabled the chip would be difficult, it would have to be damn near immune to mutation since going even slightly wrong with the necessary neurochemical tweak would be disastrous. Unless the chip itself has organic components, then we might be able to do something.
a bioweapon that just disabled the chip would be difficult, it would have to be damn near immune to mutation since going even slightly wrong with the necessary neurochemical tweak would be disastrous. Unless the chip itself has organic components, then we might be able to do something.

That's the beauty of it! The chips are entirely biological! And since both their hosts and the chips themselves are made via cloning every single one will be exactly the same. If we've managed to take Wesker's facilities are at least his notes we'll be in a cracking position to do this.

We can design something with a relatively short genetic killswitch given that we can make something we can spread liberally, make something that is specifically designed so it can only survive in clones and only attacks the chips, we can afford that sort of speciality.

Then it's a matter of doping GAR supplies and such, nobody need ever know.
Slug Throwers do tend to be a fringe weapon, as it's hard to get the gas that they use in laser pistols and particle burst guns (blasters).

For them, it's easier to make gunpowder than wait for shipments that may never come.
That's the beauty of it! The chips are entirely biological! And since both their hosts and the chips themselves are made via cloning every single one will be exactly the same. If we've managed to take Wesker's facilities are at least his notes we'll be in a cracking position to do this.

We can design something with a relatively short genetic killswitch given that we can make something we can spread liberally, make something that is specifically designed so it can only survive in clones and only attacks the chips, we can afford that sort of speciality.

Then it's a matter of doping GAR supplies and such, nobody need ever know.

that does make it more doable, but still kind of risky. If the chip breaks down in a way that's dangerous or even incapacitating we risk causing a lot of havoc. Though if we talk to the clone general we know he might be willing to scrounge up enough volunteers for a test once we think we have it perfected.
Any attempt at disabling the bio chips across the GAR as a whole would without a doubt attract Palpatine's attention. Even the bio weapon.

Instead, we should focus on making sure the order never gets out. When we make our move we jam his communications so he can't send the order. In the event he somehow gets the order through, prior sabatoge to damn near every communications device he has distorts the order to 6 instead of 66, something so stupid and petty I doubt he would see coming. In the event he DID, de-chipped clones and other agents in key places do their damnedest to prevent the spread of the order. We also sabotage the production of new clones so they come out with no chips or nonfunctioning ones. I would suggest forming a sort of conspiracy inside the GAR who's sole purpose is to halt the spread of Order 66. Leaders and communications specialists and the like who just don't pass the order along.
I get what you're saying, but we're plotting the overthrow of a Sith Lord in charge of the largest faction in the galaxy. I feel like "kind risky" is pretty good all things considered.

yeah, but the cost of screwing up is likely fatal as it would cripple the republics army while at the same time burning a lot of bridges with people who would have had to help us get to that point. A long shot is an improvement, but we still want to be damn sure of our biological engineering before we hit a mostly allied army with a plague.
that does make it more doable, but still kind of risky. If the chip breaks down in a way that's dangerous or even incapacitating we risk causing a lot of havoc. Though if we talk to the clone general we know he might be willing to scrounge up enough volunteers for a test once we think we have it perfected.

Oh yes there are huge risks to half-assing it, the key one is that we know what happens when a chip goes 'bad' in a clones head and starts to breakdown, it drives them insane and ultimately kills them, doing it wrong would be pretty much the same as activating Order 66 ourselves.

It might be enough to remove or otherwise neutralise it's connections internally but leave enough of it intact that it doesn't die. It's more like we're dealing with a brain symbiote or parasite rather than a piece of tech.
Another possible solution (in a completely different direction) would be to play off the aftermath of the Temple bombing that's either this year or next year. Remember: unless we change things, then Bariss Offee will set off a bomb in the Jedi Temple, and Ahsoka Tano will be framed for it. The Jedi Council will (predictably) be horrible and decide to evict her from the Jedi Order before the trial, while the trial itself gets railroaded by Admiral Tarkin of all people. Basically, everyone is against her except Anakin 'Skyguy' and her 'friendly' rival Asajj Ventress. (That's canon. In this universe, she'll probably have us as well, which is probably our best shot of recruiting her and/or Anakin Skywalker away from the Jedi Order...).

Anyway, my idea was to pull some strings with the Senate, and try to ensure that the Jedi Council's response becomes generalized. That is, if someone in a position of command in the GAR is suspected of treasonous activity, then they are automatically suspended from that position until an investigation takes place. Given the connection to Ahsoka, this would be an obvious anti-Jedi measure, at least for Jedi who are serving as GAR generals.

However, it wouldn't be exclusive to generals. Specifically, this new law would apply to anyone in the chain of command, up to and including the top of the chain of command. If the Supreme Chancellor is suspected of treason, then by this rule he would be automatically suspended from the position of Supreme Chancellor.

At that point, all that's left would be to have the Jedi publicize the fact that they believe that a Sith Lord was responsible for starting the war, and that the Sith Lord has ties to both the CIS and the Republic. Vague, generic, almost entirely useless info... except for one implication.

A Sith Lord would try to attack & eradicate the Jedi Order.

If the Supreme Chancellor gives the order to eradicate the Jedi Order, he may have fallen under the sway of the Sith Lord.

If the Supreme Chancellor fell under the sway of the Sith Lord, he is acting against the interests of the Republic and should be suspected of treason.

The Supreme Chancellor might not be the Supreme Chancellor as a result of giving those orders.

The wording of Order 66 makes the 'verified as coming from the Supreme Chancellor' into a formality (again, a hologram was the only verification needed). But if the mere fact of giving such an order throws that verification into doubt, then the logic circuit of the inhibitor chip would not force immediate compliance.
Another possible solution (in a completely different direction) would be to play off the aftermath of the Temple bombing that's either this year or next year. Remember: unless we change things, then Bariss Offee will set off a bomb in the Jedi Temple, and Ahsoka Tano will be framed for it.

Haven't we already changed things, though? Didn't Bariss go all mad bomber because she went nuts from being on the front lines of the war. And in this timeline we got the Jedi to reconsider that? Or am I completely misremembering?

EDIT: Sith Assassin'd
Another possible solution (in a completely different direction) would be to play off the aftermath of the Temple bombing that's either this year or next year. Remember: unless we change things, then Bariss Offee will set off a bomb in the Jedi Temple, and Ahsoka Tano will be framed for it. The Jedi Council will (predictably) be horrible and decide to evict her from the Jedi Order before the trial, while the trial itself gets railroaded by Admiral Tarkin of all people. Basically, everyone is against her except Anakin 'Skyguy' and her 'friendly' rival Asajj Ventress. (That's canon. In this universe, she'll probably have us as well, which is probably our best shot of recruiting her and/or Anakin Skywalker away from the Jedi Order...).

Anyway, my idea was to pull some strings with the Senate, and try to ensure that the Jedi Council's response becomes generalized. That is, if someone in a position of command in the GAR is suspected of treasonous activity, then they are automatically suspended from that position until an investigation takes place. Given the connection to Ahsoka, this would be an obvious anti-Jedi measure, at least for Jedi who are serving as GAR generals.

However, it wouldn't be exclusive to generals. Specifically, this new law would apply to anyone in the chain of command, up to and including the top of the chain of command. If the Supreme Chancellor is suspected of treason, then by this rule he would be automatically suspended from the position of Supreme Chancellor.

At that point, all that's left would be to have the Jedi publicize the fact that they believe that a Sith Lord was responsible for starting the war, and that the Sith Lord has ties to both the CIS and the Republic. Vague, generic, almost entirely useless info... except for one implication.

A Sith Lord would try to attack & eradicate the Jedi Order.

If the Supreme Chancellor gives the order to eradicate the Jedi Order, he may have fallen under the sway of the Sith Lord.

If the Supreme Chancellor fell under the sway of the Sith Lord, he is acting against the interests of the Republic and should be suspected of treason.

The Supreme Chancellor might not be the Supreme Chancellor as a result of giving those orders.

The wording of Order 66 makes the 'verified as coming from the Supreme Chancellor' into a formality (again, a hologram was the only verification needed). But if the mere fact of giving such an order throws that verification into doubt, then the logic circuit of the inhibitor chip would not force immediate compliance.

Except Bariss Offee bombed the Temple in protest of the Jedi's increasing militarization. Remember how that didn't happen due to our influence?