Why not just have it fire off the energy that makes up the lightsaber as a projectile or ranged attack of some sort instead of forming a sword?
Why not just have it fire off the energy that makes up the lightsaber as a projectile or ranged attack of some sort instead of forming a sword?
This Idea seams more "Ciaran", though so do the "splash damage"...

Though NOW I'm thinking how can we negate or outright eliminate |magicks| negative effect, I mean srly creating lightning, shield or a blade wherever sounds impressive.
Honestly when it comes to an anti-Jedi/Sith weapon I'd recommend a shotgun loaded with Cortosis pellets....actually scratch that make it a Punt Gun.
@Dr. Snark: would you be willing to turn him into a Hero recruit?

Since we've changed things so there are not two but three major players in the galaxy, wouldn't it be plausible for Talesan Fry to offer his code-breaker to the CNS (especially given his own neutrality)? Wookiepedia doesn't specify when exactly he developed the code-breaker, so I'm wondering if we could ret-con things so the device was only developed now and he's just started shopping around for a buyer....

I'd certainly be willing to do stuff with him but I don't think I'd make him a full-on hero unit. As a reminder, you've got no less than two potential hero units to be recruited in the near-ish future; I have to draw the line somewhere lest we break everything.

Omake: Mind Over Matter

Interesting...I won't declare this canon yet though mainly because this kind of thing will probably end up folded into a Personal Action or something like that since it's such a big deal. Still have the +10 though.
Doesn't have to be Cortosis pellets due to the fact that Jedi have trouble with slug throwers. It has something to do with the fact they can't deflect bullets like they can do with blaster bolts and the fact that the bullets melt upon contact with a lightsaber but it doesn't melt enough to nullify the threat instead they enhance it due to it turning from a solid metal bullet to a still hot slightly melted projectile.
Doesn't have to be Cortosis pellets due to the fact that Jedi have trouble with slug throwers. It has something to do with the fact they can't deflect bullets like they can do with blaster bolts and the fact that the bullets melt upon contact with a lightsaber but it doesn't melt enough to nullify the threat instead they enhance it due to it turning from a solid metal bullet to a still hot slightly melted projectile.

Huh, I always figured the magnetic fields would deflect or divert metallic ammo, given how powerful and focused they must be.
aren't sonic weapons a thing in star wars as well, I remember a few being in the old kotor games.
Blaster weapons are ridiculously cheap and effective compared to just about any other weapon type in the Star Wars galaxy. Like, in the case of slug throwers, ammo is a serious log jam for using them over blasters. Its just not produced in the same capacity as the charge packs for blasters, so you'd be limited to the fringe producers. Not that there's a small amount produced, its just a comparison of thousands of planets producing the product versus millions. Not that I have any idea what the actual numbers involved are. But that's the idea. I think.
I have to draw the line somewhere lest we break everything.

May I suggest a sort of upkeep? Ciaran's organization has expanded dramatically, it seems reasonable to me that several hero units would be entirely occupied keeping it running, or having their own life, instead of being able to enact whatever new scheme Ciaran has thought up. Especially Thrawn seemed to move across the galaxy so often that I'm concerned he must have spent most of his time travelling.


Regarding lightsabers: I'm intrigued by the fact that the same crystals that can be force attuned to become lightsabers can also be used in blasters. I think it would be entirely in character for Ciaran to fight with a blaster in on hand and a lightsaber in the other, both of which are aligned to herself and the force.
Huh, I always figured the magnetic fields would deflect or divert metallic ammo, given how powerful and focused they must be.

If I remember correctly the magnetic fields is dedicated to keeping the plasma in. Deflecting blaster fire is just the field preventing them from overloading the power source.

Pretty sure Geonosians use them (even in the movie) and they can't be blocked by lightsabers.

But for some reason all Geonosis-produced droids have regular blaster weapons.

It's probably difficult to program a droid to use them... or the Geonosians don't trust anyone but themselves to use them.
@Dr. Snark, can you clarify about the control module facilities?
So for the purposes of the quest new orders in the chips are (hypothetically) installed directly at specialized facilities that can reprogram them.
To clarify, are we able to build these 'specialized facilities'?

If so, what's the size of them? The Kashyyyk control module was apparently the size of a 'console' -- which would potentially be transportable, and could be added to our lucrehulk Oracle or one of our other ships. If they need to be bigger or permanent, we'd have fewer options.
Honestly when it comes to an anti-Jedi/Sith weapon I'd recommend a shotgun loaded with Cortosis pellets.
The good doctor has said he'd do something with a GBA game featuring cortosis battle droids that Palpatine himself thought would be too good at killing Jedi. So there's that.

I'd certainly be willing to do stuff with him but I don't think I'd make him a full-on hero unit. As a reminder, you've got no less than two potential hero units to be recruited in the near-ish future; I have to draw the line somewhere lest we break everything.
Maybe he could be an advisor. Tha's less broken, right? Either way, expect an Omake about Talesan Fry later today.
@Dr. Snark, can you clarify about the control module facilities?

Okay, I'll level with you. It would be nigh-on impossible for you to build such a facility en mass given how incredibly specialized and by extension expensive they would be. Then you would send up serious red flags anyway since as we've previously discussed you can't get an entire galactic army to go to these centers anyway without a lot of questions being raised.

That kind of thing is not happening. Can you get chips removed/reprogrammed for small groups like the commandos? Sure. But for the whole of the Grand Army of the Republic that's not really a viable option.
Guys, clearly we should have Cheriss build a body out of cortosis and send her to deal with all lightsaber threats rather than worrying about a lava gun sword.
Can you get chips removed/reprogrammed for small groups like the commandos?

Would an entire planet be considered a small group in comparison to the entire Republic Army?

People cited that every Wookie on Kashyyk/the system of Kashyyk was freed by a control module.. logically, if that can be done, wouldn't it be possible to do such a thing on the same scale? And I don't think it required a gigantic structure to do so either..
Would an entire planet be considered a small group in comparison to the entire Republic Army?

People cited that every Wookie on Kashyyk/the system of Kashyyk was freed by a control module.. logically, if that can be done, wouldn't it be possible to do such a thing on the same scale? And I don't think it required a gigantic structure to do so either..

Again, security reasons are why that's not going to be happening; with localized control modules you'd now have the terrifying possibility of the Seps using sleeper units if they captured one of these hypothetical devices. That or they could just steal one, mass-produce it and have them used everywhere possible if such things existed. Which they don't.
@Dr. Snark, let's say we tamper with Palpatine's communicator to edit his order to Order Six instead of Sixty Six. Would Order Six be to throw your communicator away as fast as possible or to stab a smuggler in the jugular and watch him die?
@Dr. Snark, let's say we tamper with Palpatine's communicator to edit his order to Order Six instead of Sixty Six. Would Order Six be to throw your communicator away as fast as possible or to stab a smuggler in the jugular and watch him die?

As much as I dearly, dearly want it to be the latter...it would probably be the former. Sadly. This quest is Serious BusinessTM​, we can't just have everyone acting like they did in the Robot Chicken Star Wars specials as hysterical as that would be.
As much as I dearly, dearly want it to be the latter...it would probably be the former. Sadly. This quest is Serious BusinessTM​, we can't just have everyone acting like they did in the Robot Chicken Star Wars specials as hysterical as that would be.

... But an order brainwashing the clones into chucking their communicator as fast as possible isn't too far fetched?

... Actually, it could be interpreted as an order for a communications blackout with Coruscant effective immediately, due to blah blah blah.