Well, it's not like it was all her idea. Letta Turmond is still running around out there. Probably.
i think the only jedi/sith that had the charisma for it after revan was luke.The danger regarding dissent among the Jedi I'd be concerned would be Knights thinking that the Order aren't doing enough, although thankfully I don't think there's any Jedi alive who could pull a Revan and sweep an entire generation of Knights and Masters into going to war, there's simply no Jedi with the charisma for it as far as I'm aware.
I don't think we have much to worry about regarding the Jedi doing something rash, at least until Sidious is revealed.
Why would Barriss do the whole plot? The Jedi aren't as involved in the war.
Haven't we already changed things, though? Didn't Bariss go all mad bomber because she went nuts from being on the front lines of the war. And in this timeline we got the Jedi to reconsider that? Or am I completely misremembering?
... Huh. Never seen a triple "Ninja'd" before.Except Bariss Offee bombed the Temple in protest of the Jedi's increasing militarization. Remember how that didn't happen due to our influence?
Well then we've got a bombing to plan. I'm sure someone like Ciaran can find some morally repugnant sapients to 'tragically' be caught in the blast.Why would Barriss do the whole plot? The Jedi aren't as involved in the war.
Now I suggested it because cortosis battle droid hit all the right spots for me, but she's canonically there, fighting the good fight and getting her ass handed to her. So we might have a chance to influence her.Anakin pursues him to the underlevels. There, he meets fellow Padawan Barriss Offee, whose troops have been overrun by C-B3 cortosis battle droids.
As for Barriss, here's an excerpt from the plot summary of Star Wars: A New Droid Army, which the good doctor has confirmed will be integrated in some capacity. Now I suggested it because cortosis battle droid hit all the right spots for me, but she's canonically there, fighting the good fight and getting her ass handed to her. So we might have a chance to influence her.
She's the type of person who'd bomb the temple because she disagrees with what the Jedi are doing. And we've had plenty of discussion about how the Jedi aren't super great. We drop some hints about how the Jedi are super overhyped, and boom. Events set in motion.
The successful kind. You may notice that such things are always* followed by your plans failing spectacularly.
we need to find the 3rd horsemenBehold what happens when I let my thoughts run wild. I know it's not tidy and I'm probably missing some things, but right now I'm too lazy to do anything. Enjoy:
Star Wars: Eyes of the Abyss Achievements
Mask of Pain
Recruit Xruk
Humble Beginnings
Establish your first front business
Class Climber
Convince everyone you're a member of Coruscant High Society
Silver Service
Recruit PR-1
Make your first investment
Manuel Both-Hanz
Recruit Gulan Terrek
Casual Curiosity
Gain the Interest of Damask Holdings
Emerald Dream
Make a good First Impression on Naboo
Naboo System Shuffle
Steal from the Trade Federation, Naboo and Darth Sidious during the Invasion without being detected
Recruit Borvo the Hutt
Roger, Roger
Recruit OOM-9
Palpatine is Confused
Can't Touch This
Keep Nute Gunray out of Jail
Queen of Hearts
Befriende Padme Amidala
Ruin then Restore Naboo
I Fought the Law and the Law Lost
Subvert C-SEC
Rags to Riches
Become as wealthy as you claim to be
I Spy With My Big Eye
Purchase The Oracle
Just Business
Found a PMC
The Fourth Horseman
Recruit The Silencer
Alter Star Wars Canon
Destiny Defeated
Save General Grievous
Honest Scoundrel
Recruit Silas Cata
Captain of the Seven Voids
Recruit Tyro Torwin
Doctor Professor Explosion
Recruit Var Zheen
Expose the Truth about the Huk War
The Protagonists
Meet Obi-Wan and Anakin
Not as Planned
Palpatine is Utterly Confused
Lost Twentieth
Meet Count Dooku
Darth Sensible
Unlock Darth Vectivus' Holocron
Double Trouble
Discover the Clone Army before the Jedi without anyone noticing
Invisible Hand
Save the Outbound Flight
Tomb Raider
Collect Force Relics
Corporate Rule
Found a Megacorporation
By The Skin of Your Teeth
Barely Survive an Assassination
Make Team Coruscant Not Suck
Grandpa Strikes Back
Annihilate The Conspiracy In a Single Turn
Rise from near-death stronger than before
Blessing from Beyond
Darth Plaguise is Watching
Rewriting History
Kalee Victory in the Second Huk War
Noble Teachings
Learn Lightsaber Combat from Count Dooku
Sketches of The Plan
Discover the link between Damask and Kamino
Secession in Progress
Discover the CIS
Shard of Genius
Recruit Cheriss Sair
Zann Plan
Influence the Galactic Senate
It Was Behind The Sofa
Reveal the Clone Army to the Jedi
Blushing Beard
Embarrass Obi-Wan
Third Way
Help Found the CNS
Hot Gold
Gain a Lava Crystal
Sparring Partner
Meet Asajj Ventress
Omega Protocol
Defeat Omega, Save Darra
Pointless Picture
Rewrite Attack of The Clones
Mother of the Sun
Save Shimi Skywalker
History in Motion
Attend the Founding of the CIS
Saved by Adaption
Prevent the deaths of Zam and Jango Fett
Different Path
Side with the CNS
No Laws, No Borders
Work with both the CIS and the Republic
Become a Humanitarian
From a Certain Point of View
Deceive The Jedi High Council
Irons Hands of Light
Recruit Darra Thel-Tanis
True Sanctuary
Reform the CNS
Technically Innocent
Nullify the Sith Blackmail
The Great Tank Robbery
Steal a Decimator without alerting the Republic and CIS
The First Horseman
Recruit Thrawn
Complete Operation RESI
Crystal Heart
Learn Cherris' Secret
This is Mine
Become the De-facto Leader of the CNS
Lose Darra Thel-Tanis
King Krayt
Build a Decimator Factory
Shades of Grey
Convince Anakin Skywalker to Lie to the Jedi Council
Hunter of Hunters
Meet Jango Fett
Death Watched
Kill Pre Vizsla
The Second Horseman
Recruit General Grievous
Kicked Upstairs
Neutralise Duchess Satine without violence
Turning Point
Complete Operation Skyfall
Badass Normals
Meet Skirata, Ordo and Delta Squad
Sith Exile
Recruit Asajj Ventress
Past Refined
Found the Mandalorian Guardians
Bright Eclipse
Annihilate the Black Sun Syndicate
Meet Albert Wesker
Queen of Crime
Partnership with the Hutt Council
Corporate Client
Partnership with Raith Sienar
Tales from the Dark Side
Introduce Anakin Skywalker to Sith Lore
Bailing Bail
Protect Senator Organa
War, What War?
Remove all Income Penalties from the Clone Wars
We Have The Technology
Genetically Modify a Hero
Return of the King
Jango Fett Becomes Mand'alor The Resurgent
The Illusive Man
Rescue Seti Ashgad
Homo Superior
Find Albert Wesker and his background
Great Mother
Ally with the Nightsisters
The Not-So-Menacing Phantom
Recruit Darth Vectivus
Secret Service
Install Armed Agents in the Senate Building
Statement: I'm Back Meatbags
Retrieve HK-47
Family First
Recruit Your Cousins
Organise a Ceasefire and Peace Conference
Become Revered Across the Galaxy
Trials of Malachor
Earn the Title of Darth Traya
Legacy of Plaguise
Discover the origins of Ciaran's Luck
No Remorse, No Regret
Silencer Learns from and then Betrays the Sun Guard
Order 66
Discover the Purpose of the Control Chips
I Know Where You Live
Discover Darth Sidious' Identity
Palpatine is Confused
Not as Planned
Palpatine is Utterly Confused
I was guessing Jango myself.we need to find the 3rd horsemen
complete the set. i guess we already have him though(hk-47)
This. So much this. I regret that I have but one like to give. This needs to be a recurring thing like the Vault.Behold what happens when I let my thoughts run wild. I know it's not tidy and I'm probably missing some things, but right now I'm too lazy to do anything. Enjoy:
Star Wars: Eyes of the Abyss Achievements
Mask of Pain
Recruit Xruk
Humble Beginnings
Establish your first front business
Class Climber
Convince everyone you're a member of Coruscant High Society
Silver Service
Recruit PR-1
Make your first investment
Manuel Both-Hanz
Recruit Gulan Terrek
Casual Curiosity
Gain the Interest of Damask Holdings
Emerald Dream
Make a good First Impression on Naboo
Naboo System Shuffle
Steal from the Trade Federation, Naboo and Darth Sidious during the Invasion without being detected
Recruit Borvo the Hutt
Roger, Roger
Recruit OOM-9
Palpatine is Confused
Can't Touch This
Keep Nute Gunray out of Jail
Queen of Hearts
Befriende Padme Amidala
Ruin then Restore Naboo
I Fought the Law and the Law Lost
Subvert C-SEC
Rags to Riches
Become as wealthy as you claim to be
I Spy With My Big Eye
Purchase The Oracle
Just Business
Found a PMC
The Fourth Horseman
Recruit The Silencer
Alter Star Wars Canon
Destiny Defeated
Save General Grievous
Honest Scoundrel
Recruit Silas Cata
Captain of the Seven Voids
Recruit Tyro Torwin
Doctor Professor Explosion
Recruit Var Zheen
Expose the Truth about the Huk War
The Protagonists
Meet Obi-Wan and Anakin
Not as Planned
Palpatine is Utterly Confused
Lost Twentieth
Meet Count Dooku
Darth Sensible
Unlock Darth Vectivus' Holocron
Double Trouble
Discover the Clone Army before the Jedi without anyone noticing
Invisible Hand
Save the Outbound Flight
Tomb Raider
Collect Force Relics
Corporate Rule
Found a Megacorporation
By The Skin of Your Teeth
Barely Survive an Assassination
Make Team Coruscant Not Suck
Grandpa Strikes Back
Annihilate The Conspiracy In a Single Turn
Rise from near-death stronger than before
Blessing from Beyond
Darth Plaguise is Watching
Rewriting History
Kalee Victory in the Second Huk War
Noble Teachings
Learn Lightsaber Combat from Count Dooku
Sketches of The Plan
Discover the link between Damask and Kamino
Secession in Progress
Discover the CIS
Shard of Genius
Recruit Cheriss Sair
Zann Plan
Influence the Galactic Senate
It Was Behind The Sofa
Reveal the Clone Army to the Jedi
Blushing Beard
Embarrass Obi-Wan
Third Way
Help Found the CNS
Hot Gold
Gain a Lava Crystal
Sparring Partner
Meet Asajj Ventress
Omega Protocol
Defeat Omega, Save Darra
Pointless Picture
Rewrite Attack of The Clones
Mother of the Sun
Save Shimi Skywalker
History in Motion
Attend the Founding of the CIS
Saved by Adaption
Prevent the deaths of Zam and Jango Fett
Different Path
Side with the CNS
No Laws, No Borders
Work with both the CIS and the Republic
Become a Humanitarian
From a Certain Point of View
Deceive The Jedi High Council
Irons Hands of Light
Recruit Darra Thel-Tanis
True Sanctuary
Reform the CNS
Technically Innocent
Nullify the Sith Blackmail
The Great Tank Robbery
Steal a Decimator without alerting the Republic and CIS
The First Horseman
Recruit Thrawn
Complete Operation RESI
Crystal Heart
Learn Cherris' Secret
This is Mine
Become the De-facto Leader of the CNS
Lose Darra Thel-Tanis
King Krayt
Build a Decimator Factory
Shades of Grey
Convince Anakin Skywalker to Lie to the Jedi Council
Hunter of Hunters
Meet Jango Fett
Death Watched
Kill Pre Vizsla
The Second Horseman
Recruit General Grievous
Kicked Upstairs
Neutralise Duchess Satine without violence
Turning Point
Complete Operation Skyfall
Badass Normals
Meet Skirata, Ordo and Delta Squad
Sith Exile
Recruit Asajj Ventress
Past Refined
Found the Mandalorian Guardians
Bright Eclipse
Annihilate the Black Sun Syndicate
Meet Albert Wesker
Queen of Crime
Partnership with the Hutt Council
Corporate Client
Partnership with Raith Sienar
Tales from the Dark Side
Introduce Anakin Skywalker to Sith Lore
Bailing Bail
Protect Senator Organa
War, What War?
Remove all Income Penalties from the Clone Wars
We Have The Technology
Genetically Modify a Hero
Return of the King
Jango Fett Becomes Mand'alor The Resurgent
The Illusive Man
Rescue Seti Ashgad
Homo Superior
Find Albert Wesker and his background
Great Mother
Ally with the Nightsisters
The Not-So-Menacing Phantom
Recruit Darth Vectivus
Secret Service
Install Armed Agents in the Senate Building
Statement: I'm Back Meatbags
Retrieve HK-47
Family First
Recruit Your Cousins
Organise a Ceasefire and Peace Conference
Become Revered Across the Galaxy
Trials of Malachor
Earn the Title of Darth Traya
Legacy of Plaguise
Discover the origins of Ciaran's Luck
No Remorse, No Regret
Silencer Learns from and then Betrays the Sun Guard
Order 66
Discover the Purpose of the Control Chips
I Know Where You Live
Discover Darth Sidious' Identity
we need to find the 3rd horsemen
complete the set. i guess we already have him though(hk-47)
Tyranny has to be Dooku. His Sith Lord name is fucking Darth Tyrannus. It was meant to be.For Third Horseman we need someone to represent either Famine or Tyranny.
Tyranny has to be Dooku. His Sith Lord name is fucking Darth Tyrannus. It was meant to be.
took a few days but now all up to speed.
...Lava Crystal lightsaber for dual wielding when?
For Third Horseman we need someone to represent either Famine or Tyranny.
I once more submit Jango as the Third Horseman. Even if he isn't doing it that way, the title of Mand'alor is that of a Tyrant in the old sense ("an authoritarian sovereign without reference to character" according to Wikipedia).Tyranny has to be Dooku. His Sith Lord name is fucking Darth Tyrannus. It was meant to be.
next personal item we are getting the blazing chain and making a goddamned personal lightsabertook a few days but now all up to speed.
...Lava Crystal lightsaber for dual wielding when?
I just thought of something:
Thyferra monopolizes the bacta industry, right? How about getting a foothold over there?
Going up against a galactic monopoly? Honestly scarier than SidiousI just thought of something:
Thyferra monopolizes the bacta industry, right? How about getting a foothold over there?