Regarding Fry, I think more heroes would be too much, although that's not to say he can't be incorporated as an asset, he could be a trait for Gulan say or perhaps our organization has grown such that our lieutenants start having notable lieutenants of their own.
...There's actually another option for spending our extra omakes. @Dr. Snark, we know there are at least two rolls each turn that take place 'behind the scenes':
Would you be willing to let us apply an omake bonus to either one of these?

Those rolls are nowhere near as important as any of the rolls that take place during a turn.

Look, I appreciate the thoughts, but you people have been suggesting solutions to something that honestly isn't really that much of an issue. The +20 bonuses are big enough to make omake contributions meaningful, but there's still room for shit to go wrong with bad theory, given how lucky you people are...

So don't worry about it. The current system is fine as it is and is perfectly capable of handling overflows like what have suddenly popped up.
Regarding Fry, I think more heroes would be too much, although that's not to say he can't be incorporated as an asset, he could be a trait for Gulan say or perhaps our organization has grown such that our lieutenants start having notable lieutenants of their own.

Eh. A lot of our Heroes have big overlaps in capabilities. We have four Heroes with 30+ Martial Stats. Which is absurd. Having a Hero with alternate strengths is nice, given our non-Martial heroes aren't nearly as strong (though we do have Thrawn, who has good stats in like everything). That said, Talesan Fry is unlikely to become a Hero unit for us unless we buyout his company. Probably more of a Raith-like relationship where it opens up some options.

That said, increasing our Corporate Footprint is important if we wanna make the play for the Commerce Guild. Not only is it profitable and whatnot, but I'd really like to have a bigger share in the Guild in order to keep our position secure. Relatedly, upping our Stewardship Stat would be useful for general purposes and also because it makes us qualified to run a mega-corp. Or we find somebody capable who we own, and have them run it for us.
Those rolls are nowhere near as important as any of the rolls that take place during a turn.

Look, I appreciate the thoughts, but you people have been suggesting solutions to something that honestly isn't really that much of an issue. The +20 bonuses are big enough to make omake contributions meaningful, but there's still room for shit to go wrong with bad theory, given how lucky you people are...

So don't worry about it. The current system is fine as it is and is perfectly capable of handling overflows like what have suddenly popped up.
Honestly, I think a majority are more concerned about having such a bonus glut that it exceeds the length of the quest. I mean, have you seen the amount of writing that has been done, we have the next turn completely filled and this turn isn't even over yet, and likely won't for a little while due to dealing with Umbrella in the miniturn, so that when next turn does roll around, we would already have the two turns after that filled with bonuses.
Honestly, I think a majority are more concerned about having such a bonus glut that it exceeds the length of the quest. I mean, have you seen the amount of writing that has been done, we have the next turn completely filled and this turn isn't even over yet, and likely won't for a little while due to dealing with Umbrella in the miniturn, so that when next turn does roll around, we would already have the two turns after that filled with bonuses.
It won't last. Enjoy it well it lasts. We stand in awe used to have a glut of Omakes now there has not been anything for awhile.
Vote tally:

[X] Bring in support. You could use the opportunity to quietly spread the word about Order 66 and Palpatine to people you know will keep quiet about it, giving you useful allies in a worrying time.

-[x] Ferus Olin: He told you he would help you if you needed it after saving Darra and even though its been a few years since you last spoke with him now seems like the perfect time to cash in that favor. That, and he's a powerful Jedi on his own, making him an invaluable asset on the battlefield.
No. of votes: 7
dredloki, Renars, Jrin, Publicola, Publicola, ConfusedPotato, ConfusedPotato, NexysDhyArchen, fasquardon

-[x] Kal Skirata: Effectively one of the leaders of the Republic's commando divisions, you did promise him that you would tell him about the chips first thing. Contacting him would also likely get you some commandos or possibly even a Null ARC on your team.
No. of votes: 38
dredloki, HavocKeeper, Whumbly, Missingnoleader, UbeOne, Jack_Trade, Kyr'am, Delwgun, Dragontrapper, Yorick's Skull, Killerflood, Kshail, Rihtan, POTDL, random_npc, Void Stalker, Neo-Chan, Timewarriors, Darkfire, hcvquizibo, Night_stalker, Shadow-86, cl20, Ct613hulu, godofsmallthings, Renars, Artemis1992, ShadowNic94, brainlessdragon, Muer'ci, Jrin, Publicola, Publicola, ConfusedPotato, ConfusedPotato, DB_Explorer, fasquardon, dnzrx, Jarrik32, Habstab

-[X] Zam Wessel (write in)
No. of votes: 3
Publicola, ConfusedPotato, fasquardon

[x] Operation Cleansing Flame
No. of votes: 1

[x] Operation Asklepius
No. of votes: 3
Jarrik32, Habstab, Missingnoleader

[X] Operation Snake Eater
No. of votes: 16
Whumbly, Jack_Trade, Dragontrapper, Neo-Chan, Timewarriors, Cheshire, Night_stalker, Shadow-86, Artemis1992, ShadowNic94, brainlessdragon, Muer'ci, Jrin, Publicola, ConfusedPotato, DB_Explorer

[x] Operation Rod of Asclepius
No. of votes: 12
UbeOne, Killerflood, Kshail, POTDL, random_npc, Void Stalker, Darkfire, cl20, Ct613hulu, godofsmallthings, Renars, dnzrx

Yeah, it's obvious who won the vote for support, though I love how the most contentious part of the voting has been for the operation name.

Speaking of which, I'm probably going to be closing the vote in the next 12-ish hours; I'm only keeping it open since the operation names are so close; the other results are fairly obvious at this point...

Edit: For the record, no one voted to go in alone, which is why the tally is formatted the way it is.
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Yeah, it's obvious who won the vote for support
It would be cool if Ferus is an option for some future action. He just doesn't quite fit for this operation, based on the circumstances and the need for trust & secrecy.

[x] Operation Snake Eater

I'm actually fine with both of the leading names. I'm amused by their potential innuendo. :3

So to the Jedi Council, Ciaran is the most likely suspect to be the Sith Lord they're looking for... that's actually hilarious.
Man, the names of Sith and Jedi ranks need more variety. Can we create a Sith CEO rank?
As awesome as Snake Eater sounds, let's save it for something more... appropriate. Wesker has been mostly an annoyance to us, let's not waste such a fine name on him.
(Omake) Rules (Canon)
Yeah, Panory could get sick one week.
Honestly, getting sick would probably make me more prolific. Just sitting in bed with nothing better to do but write.


"Did you honestly think I wouldn't notice?" Thrawn looked up from the chessboard towards his opponent.

"Notice what?" For all Ahsoka was a less than stellar chess player, she was an even worse liar.

"I moved my bishop to B-4. I left to get us refreshments at your behest, and now it rests on C-4." said Thrawn, gesturing to the piece in question.

"Maybe you just forgot where you moved it when you got up." suggested Ahsoka, rather unconvincingly.

"Ahsoka, I have two bishops, and both of them are sitting on white squares." said Thrawn, no longer attempting to beat around the bush. "If you've grown bored enough with the rules of the game to cheat, I'd be willing to either find a different game or a different partner."

Ahsoka sighed in defeat at Thrawn's displeasure. "I'm sorry. It's just that there's no way I'll ever beat you like this."

"On the contrary, you've improved in leaps and bounds. This current game has already gone on longer than our first." Thrawn was correct as usual. Their current match was multiple times longer than the time de beat her in a mere two moves. "I commend you for both how long you've stuck at it and how much you've improved."

"Yeah, but I'm still nowhere close to beating you. The only reason I've been doing better is because you've held back on me." muttered Ahsoka.

"That's certainly part of it." admitted Thrawn. "But even so, you've never attempted to cheat, quite poorly I might add, before now."

"I was talking with Master Skywalker on our last mission, and he said that there were no rules in war. So I figured I should apply that to war games, and maybe I'd actually win." confessed Ahsoka, unable to meet Thrawn's eyes.

"Be sure to inform your Master that he's wrong before he gets us all killed." said Thrawn with exasperation.

"What are you talking about? So long as you beat the other guy, that's it, right?" asked Ahsoka in confusion.

"I'll admit you won't find the rules of war in any book, but they exist nonetheless, and are perhaps more important than any other set of rules because of it." lectured Thrawn. "War often exists as an extension of diplomacy. When words cannot reach the desired outcome, conflict escalates. But factions are still fighting over the same things they were discussing prior."

"And this relates to rules how?" asked Ahsoka. She pretty much always learned something when Thrawn started talking like this, but that didn't make it any less tedious in the moment.

"If one is too destructive in their attempts to get something, they risk destroying it. If they are too violent, they risk others getting involved, extending the conflict beyond what they want. It's why no one attacks humanitarian organizations like Lady Ciaran, or infringes on the rights of the CNS. We hold back, because not doing so risks making all effort worthless." Thrawn then remembered his audience, and decided to throw in a more practical example. "Do you remember the Huk scandal?"

"Kind of. I wasn't really involved politically, but it was everywhere. Jedi aren't kept that cut off from the galaxy." said Ahsoka.

"Sometimes I wonder. Anyway, the Huk cheated. They violated a great number of the rules intended for humanitarian purposes by enslaving the Kaleesh for no adequate reason. When the full extent of their 'cheating' was discovered… well, you've certainly heard of what happened to them." said Thrawn.

"So moving your bishop is a war crime? I get why actual war has rules, but after a point, the scale makes them different." said Ahsoka.

Thrawn pulled his blaster out and pointed it across the table at Ahsoka. "Well if there are no rules, then I'm free to escalate as far as I'd like, correct?" Ahsoka reached for her lightsaber out of habit, but stopped when Thrawn lowered and holstered his blaster. "An extreme example perhaps, but important nonetheless."

"I get it." said Ahsoka, moving Thrawn's bishop back to its original position when a thought occurred to her. "Didn't the Republic side with the Huk initially? Doesn't that kind of shoot a hole in all your reasoning?"

"Not at all. The punishment came for the Huk because they cheated and Lady Ciaran caught them. Cheating is perfectly fine so long as you don't get caught." said Thrawn, holding up the white queen between his fingers.

"Hey! My queen!" shouted Ahsoka. Thrawn chuckled and placed the piece down on the board once more.

"I trust we'll both abide by the rules going forward?"

AN: I felt particularly drained after Oki, so here's more Ahsoka and Thrawn, since they're an easy concept for me.
Honestly, getting sick would probably make me more prolific. Just sitting in bed with nothing better to do but write.


"Did you honestly think I wouldn't notice?" Thrawn looked up from the chessboard towards his opponent.

"Notice what?" For all Ahsoka was a less than stellar chess player, she was an even worse liar.

"I moved my bishop to B-4. I left to get us refreshments at your behest, and now it rests on C-4." said Thrawn, gesturing to the piece in question.

"Maybe you just forgot where you moved it when you got up." suggested Ahsoka, rather unconvincingly.

"Ahsoka, I have two bishops, and both of them are sitting on white squares." said Thrawn, no longer attempting to beat around the bush. "If you've grown bored enough with the rules of the game to cheat, I'd be willing to either find a different game or a different partner."

Ahsoka sighed in defeat at Thrawn's displeasure. "I'm sorry. It's just that there's no way I'll ever beat you like this."

"On the contrary, you've improved in leaps and bounds. This current game has already gone on longer than our first." Thrawn was correct as usual. Their current match was multiple times longer than the time de beat her in a mere two moves. "I commend you for both how long you've stuck at it and how much you've improved."

"Yeah, but I'm still nowhere close to beating you. The only reason I've been doing better is because you've held back on me." muttered Ahsoka.

"That's certainly part of it." admitted Thrawn. "But even so, you've never attempted to cheat, quite poorly I might add, before now."

"I was talking with Master Skywalker on our last mission, and he said that there were no rules in war. So I figured I should apply that to war games, and maybe I'd actually win." confessed Ahsoka, unable to meet Thrawn's eyes.

"Be sure to inform your Master that he's wrong before he gets us all killed." said Thrawn with exasperation.

"What are you talking about? So long as you beat the other guy, that's it, right?" asked Ahsoka in confusion.

"I'll admit you won't find the rules of war in any book, but they exist nonetheless, and are perhaps more important than any other set of rules because of it." lectured Thrawn. "War often exists as an extension of diplomacy. When words cannot reach the desired outcome, conflict escalates. But factions are still fighting over the same things they were discussing prior."

"And this relates to rules how?" asked Ahsoka. She pretty much always learned something when Thrawn started talking like this, but that didn't make it any less tedious in the moment.

"If one is too destructive in their attempts to get something, they risk destroying it. If they are too violent, they risk others getting involved, extending the conflict beyond what they want. It's why no one attacks humanitarian organizations like Lady Ciaran, or infringes on the rights of the CNS. We hold back, because not doing so risks making all effort worthless." Thrawn then remembered his audience, and decided to throw in a more practical example. "Do you remember the Huk scandal?"

"Kind of. I wasn't really involved politically, but it was everywhere. Jedi aren't kept that cut off from the galaxy." said Ahsoka.

"Sometimes I wonder. Anyway, the Huk cheated. They violated a great number of the rules intended for humanitarian purposes by enslaving the Kaleesh for no adequate reason. When the full extent of their 'cheating' was discovered… well, you've certainly heard of what happened to them." said Thrawn.

"So moving your bishop is a war crime? I get why actual war has rules, but after a point, the scale makes them different." said Ahsoka.

Thrawn pulled his blaster out and pointed it across the table at Ahsoka. "Well if there are no rules, then I'm free to escalate as far as I'd like, correct?" Ahsoka reached for her lightsaber out of habit, but stopped when Thrawn lowered and holstered his blaster. "An extreme example perhaps, but important nonetheless."

"I get it." said Ahsoka, moving Thrawn's bishop back to its original position when a thought occurred to her. "Didn't the Republic side with the Huk initially? Doesn't that kind of shoot a hole in all your reasoning?"

"Not at all. The punishment came for the Huk because they cheated and Lady Ciaran caught them. Cheating is perfectly fine so long as you don't get caught." said Thrawn, holding up the white queen between his fingers.

"Hey! My queen!" shouted Ahsoka. Thrawn chuckled and placed the piece down on the board once more.

"I trust we'll both abide by the rules going forward?"

AN: I felt particularly drained after Oki, so here's more Ahsoka and Thrawn, since they're an easy concept for me.

I really like how you have Thrawn not just teaching her, but making her think about what he's teaching her.
Yeah, I'm not going to lie; should Ahsoka's stats ever become relevant she's definitely going to have some insanely high Martial and Intrigue for her age thanks to Thrawn effectively taking her on as his protege. Canon, +10 as usual.

Any chance she'll have traits reflecting her superior Command/Strategic/Intrigue capabilities?

EDIT: Like all elite squads under her command gain bonuses to subversive actions? Or something that buffs the effectiveness of the forces under her command when used for strategic level objectives?
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Given that for the moment we're speaking strictly in hypotheticals, I'm going to say "probably."

I may be a little too excited about Commander Snips, but I really do like her character and I really have enjoyed how her learning from Thrawn is shaping her into an even more awesome character...

Also I want to see Skyguy and Beardo react to her completely outmaneuvering, outwitting, and out right cheating her way to victory against Severance'Tann in the face of what seemed like certain defeat...

EDIT: And instead of running to either of her Jedi mentors for praise and headpats she goes straight to Thrawn. Heh heh heh.
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Their current match was multiple times longer than the time de beat her in a mere two moves.
If the opponent does exactly the right thing a checkmate in two is possible, but that's specific enough to be unlikely to happen by accident. It almost needs cooperation.

Four moves for a Scholar's Mate, is a trap a new player can easily fall into.
If the opponent does exactly the right thing a checkmate in two is possible, but that's specific enough to be unlikely to happen by accident. It almost needs cooperation.

Four moves for a Scholar's Mate, is a trap a new player can easily fall into.
So basically Thrawn probably tricked/goaded Ashoka into trapping herself in a checkmate in two moves. Yeah that would probably be something he would do.
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If the opponent does exactly the right thing a checkmate in two is possible, but that's specific enough to be unlikely to happen by accident. It almost needs cooperation.

Four moves for a Scholar's Mate, is a trap a new player can easily fall into.

It's a reference to Checkmate, the first omake of this series. And it was an intentional choice there as well, to show that Ahsoka was moving pieces randomly, and Thrawn was sharp enough to see the possibility and exploit it. On a more meta level, I decided to go with the quickest possible checkmate to show the gulf of strategic skill between the two.
@Dr. Snark, something's screwy with this vote tally:
...I'm listed as voting for 'Snake Eater', when I cast my vote for 'Rod of Asclepius'. (I'm also listed as voting twice for both Kal Skirata and for Ferus Olin. So yeah, I'm going to go over and retally the votes by hand.
Don't know what happened to snarks tally, have a more accurate one.

Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - May The Invisible Hand Be With You - (Star Wars CK2-Style Quest) | Page 162 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally

-[x] Kal Skirata: Effectively one of the leaders of the Republic's commando divisions, you did promise him that you would tell him about the chips first thing. Contacting him would also likely get you some commandos or possibly even a Null ARC on your team.
No. of Votes: 35

[X] Bring in support. You could use the opportunity to quietly spread the word about Order 66 and Palpatine to people you know will keep quiet about it, giving you useful allies in a worrying time. (Choose one or both)
No. of Votes: 22

[X] Operation Snake Eater
No. of Votes: 15

[x] Operation Rod of Asclepius
No. of Votes: 14

[X] Bring in support. You could use the opportunity to quietly spread the word about Order 66 and Palpatine to people you know will keep quiet about it, giving you useful allies in a worrying time.
No. of Votes: 13

-[x] Ferus Olin: He told you he would help you if you needed it after saving Darra and even though its been a few years since you last spoke with him now seems like the perfect time to cash in that favor. That, and he's a powerful Jedi on his own, making him an invaluable asset on the battlefield.
No. of Votes: 5

[x] Operation Asklepius
No. of Votes: 3

[x]- operation cleansing flame
No. of Votes: 1

[x] Invite Kal-El Skirata
No. of Votes: 1

[x] Bring in
No. of Votes: 1

[x] Kal Skirata
No. of Votes: 1

-[X] Zam Wessel (write in)
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 41