Oricho sector
- Borgo Prime: asteroid spaceport along Braxant Run hyperlane, originally mining colony, now a major trade world & financial center
- Polus: homeworld of Pyn'fani race, ice world rich in carbonite (carbon alloy, used for tibanna gas refining), invented carbon-freezing process
Lahara sector
- Agamar: thriving agriworld & tradeworld between Celanon Spur and Braxant Run hyperlanes, site of pre-Republic ruins of underwater civilization
- Oorn Tchis: rich in [unobtanium] (rare ore used to produce guidance systems)
Oplovis sector
- Ketaris: major trade hub along Braxant Run hyperlane, site of now-bankrupt 'University of Ketaris' that trained xenoarchaeologist
Atrivis sector
- Moltok: homeworld of Ho'Din race (botanists) and Makurth race (bodyguards), known for low-tech ecological & medical exports
- Fest: ice planet, rich in tydirium (ore used for anti-lightsaber alloy 'phrik'), site of CIS Weapons Research Facility that invented & produces phrik
- Generis: rich in hiridiu crystals (boost communication signals), site of multiple Rakatan temple ruins,
- Iridium: rich in iridium 'power gems' (disrupt shields), headquarters of Pirates of Iridium (CIS privateers)
Cassandran Worlds sector
- Garqi: agriworld, rich in caf beans, site of Agricultural University and Xenobotanical Garden, headquarters of Garqi Agricultural Combine
- New Bakstre: industrial center and trade hub on Braxant Run, Havridam City (capital) mostly destroyed by war & terrorist attacks
Cademimu sector
- Cademimu V: sector capital, heavily populated industrial world, Republic munitions depot ('War Chest of the Outer Rim')
- Lenico: dead planet orbited by space stations (trade, smuggling), site of Cairn Installation (asteroid base, cortosis processing plant)
- Phaeda: pirate haven & smugglers' den ("makes Nar Shaddaa look classy"), site of Phaedacomm (major Outer Rim comm-relay station)
Halthor sector
- Lokori: homeworld of Lokori race (insects), headquarters of Helical HyperCom (comm devices), current home of Galen Erso!
Fath sector
- JanFathal: sector capital and trade world on Entralla Route, brutal pro-Republic tyrant deposed by CIS-supported workers' strike
- Ord Cantrell: exclusive resort world mainly used by Coruscant elite, including business & government leaders
Dantus sector
- Arah: mining world, site of 'Belt of Arah' asteroid field, rich in orodium (ion engine fuel invisible to scanners)
- Cirrus: childhood home of Talesan Fry (technical genius)
- Kemla: homeworld of Kemlan race, site of Kemla Yard and other Republic shipyards sized for capital-ship construction & retrofitting
Prefsbelt sector
- Ord Mynock: homeworld of mynock species (space parasite), headquarters of ComNet Corporation (communications), site of Mynockra Freeport
- Prefsbelt IV: headquarters of the Republic Naval Academy, site of Castle Pradeux and the Naval Crypt
- Yaga Minor: homeworld of Yagai race (insectoids), major trade world, site of Yavvitiri Spaceport and massive orbital shipyards (built Outbound Flight)
Wild Space
- Esfandia: free-floating planet, homeworld of Brrbrlpp race, site of Esfandia Long-Range Communications Base (only comm relay to Unknown Regions)
Aeten sector
- Aeten II: only known source of stygium crystals, required for starship cloaking devices
Adumar sector
-Adumar: headquarters of Tarrvin-on-Kallik (starfighters) and Dammant Killers (missiles)
Gradilis sector
- Nirauan: homeworld of Qom Jha and Qom Qae races (telepathic bats), site of High Tower fortress (Rakatan-made, with energy-absorbing Hijarna stone)
Albarrio sector
- Aris: rainforest world, sector capital and trade world on junction of Braxant Run and Relgim Run hyperlanes
- Anemcoro: low-tech colony world of Ho'Din race (botanists), known for ecological & medical exports
- Bar Neth: originally a desert world, now thoroughly terraformed and known as a tourism & resort destination
- Mygeeto: childhood home of Hego Damask, rich in nova crystals (currency) and relacite (lightsabers), site of Dressian Kiolsh Merchant Bank vaults
- Scipio: ice world, homeworld of Muun race, childhood home of Rush Clovis, site of IGBC 'Main Vault Fortress'
- Oasis: mining colony located in Maelstrom Nebula, rich in oxite (ore), [NB: site of Maelstrom Prison space station that once held Revan...]
Clacis sector
- Gwori: Muun client world, headquarters of Gwori Revolutionary Industries, site of Gwori Shipyards (produce Munificent-class frigates)
Velcar sector
- Bextar: system of four gas giants, site of gas mining colony owned by Amber Sun Mining Corporate and (later) operated by Etymal slaves
- Churruma: primitive/low-tech planet, known for rich underground deposits of precious metals
- Entralla: trade hub along Entralla Route hyperlane, headquarters of Guild of Interstellar Merchants, site of Overhang industrial district
Perinn sector
- Brodo Asogi: homeworld of Asogian race [NB: E.T.], home of Grebeips (anti-Palpatine Senator), pro-Jedi, plans for extra-galactic expedition
Carrion sector
- Sojourn: Muun outpost called "Hunters' Moon" (populated by near-extinct game animals), site of ancient Sith fortress used by Hego Damask
Dynali sector
- Taspir III: heavily polluted volcanic planet, economy based on heavy manufacturing around lakes of molten lava
- Ord Thoden: industrial world, rich in lomnite (durasteel), headquarters of Bengel Shipbuilders (space stations, e.g. XQ1 Platform)
Obtrexta sector
- Muunilist: homeworld of Muun race (best bankers); childhood home of Larsh Hill (Damask Holdings partner, killed 52 BBY), San Hill (IGBC Chairman), Bitt Panith (cyberneticist) [NB: built Grievous], Pors Tonith (CIS admiral), Nix Card (Senator, conspired with terrorists), Clu Lesser (Core Five leader), Max Plain (IGBC representative to Senator), [NB: and Tal Feint (non-Jedi Force Adept, private investigator on Nar Shaddaa)]; headquarters of InterGalactic Banking Clans (IGBC) and Phlut Design Systems (weapons tech, developed IG-series battledroids), former headquarters of Damask Holdings; site of High Port (orbital city), Financial Funnel (skyhook), Damask Holdings Superspire (HQ), Aborah (Damask Holdings private island) [NB: Darth Plagueis's research lab], Mariunhus vault-spire, and Hill Fortress (ancestral estate); neutral!
- Jaemus: site of Jaemus Shipyard (2nd largest outside Core) run by Galentro Heavy Works, trade nexus on Braxant Run and Myto's Arrow hyperlanes
Braxant sector
- Sartinaynian: Muun client world, trade terminus of Braxant Run hyperlane [NB: later renamed 'Bastion' by Imperial Remnant after Endor]
Myto sector
- Criton's Point: isolated planet, site of mostly-unexcavated 'Library of Xer' (c. 26,000 BBY) that specialized in Force research
- Dubrillion: idyllic world dotted with high-rise cities, site of 'Belt-Runner I' asteroid mining station and Destrillion tibanna gas platform
- Gabredor III: unpopulated jungle planet, site of slave camp/transfer center run by Karazak Slavers Cooperative
Raioballo sector
- Dantooine: homeworld of Dantari race (primitive humanoids), kinrath (burrowing spider), and laigrek species (massive predatory insect); site of Jedi AgriCorps outpost [NB: abandoned?] and Garang Spaceport; location of Narro Sienar's death (father of Raith Sienar, killed by Xi Char in 38 BBY)
- Khoonda Plains: site of Crystal Caves (rich in kathracite, relacite, danite, mephite ('Adegan), rubat, bondar, and Ultima-Pearl lightsaber crystals); site of Rakatan Ruins (dark-side Force nexus) [NB: temple constructed c. 30,000 BBY, site of 'Star Map' to 'Star Forge' superweapon on Rakata Prime, home of 'Overseer' (still-active Rakatan guardian droid)]
- Fields of Banir: site of Ancient Grove [NB: used for sparring & meditation], abandoned Jedi Enclave (ruins since 3956 BBY, still-unexplored sublevels infested with laigreks) [NB: site of ancient fully-automated cloning facility discovered by terrorist Zeta Mangus c. 30 BBY and rediscovered by Darth Vader c. 2 ABY), droid bay (location of many GE3-series protocol droids), Jedi Archive (location of many Force artifacts from Ossus and Phateem, including 'Codex of Tython' original Jedi holocron with Old Republic tech)]
- Ferionic Nebula: dust cloud in Dantooine system, site of 'Second Star' asteroid, headquarters of 'Velocity Mercenaries' gang
- Gorvera Space: asteroid field in Dantooine system, headquarters of Aii'tkian Archaeologists and O.S.S. Junk Guild
- Gravlex Med: homeworld of Anx race, savanna planet, headquarters of Gravlex Launchworks (waste disposal), officially neutral in Clone Wars
- Wall of Dantooine: massive asteroid field in Dantooine system, rich in obsidian, mostly unexploited by miners
Relgim sector
- Ord Trasi: urbanized planet, rich in most natural resources (heavy mining), known for shipyards (produces capital ships), defensive space stations
Wild Space
Kadok Regions sector
- Guiteica: homeworld of Bitthævrian race (warlike), rich in yttrium, feldspar, & Bal'ta'ran crystals, conquered by Republic but prefers isolation/neutrality
Eckless sector
- Eckless: homeworld of Ecklessi race (primitive), resource-rich planet, formerly controlled by Hahz Fallone's Criminal Empire
Wild Space
Chrelythiumn sector
- Chrelythiumn: [NB: location of deep-space Mortis Monolith, gateway to Force-realm of Mortis]
- Mortis: [NB: Force nexus ("central conduit through which the entire Force of the universe flows"); home of 'The Ones' (Celestial embodiments of the Force) namely The Father (balance) and The Son (dark side), and The Daughter (light side); site of Well of the Dark Side, Mortis Cathedral (home of The Son), Mortis Monastery (home of The Father and The Daughter), and Altar of Mortis (location of 'Dagger of Mortis', anti-Celestial weapon)]
Outer Rim
Void of Chopani sector
Gree Enclave subsector (Veragi)
- Asation: member of Gree Enclave, major trading center and only Gree port-world accessible to non-Gree races, site of 'Grand Hypergate'
- Gree: capital of Gree Enclave, homeworld of Gree race (cephalopods), center of 'Administrator' caste (Gree government)
- Lonatro: member of Gree Enclave, major agriworld, site of Lonatro Zoo and Gardens (biological & botanical reserve)
- Malanose: member of Gree Enclave, center of 'Researcher' & 'Crafter' castes ('material synthesis' technologists), site of Totth'k Lotos (Garden of Youth)
- Te Hasa: member of Gree Enclave, artificial desert world, site of 'Great Library of Manuals' (repository for all Gree knowledge and artifacts)
Veragi sector
- Nharl: homeworld of Equani race (horse people), site of Republic superweapon testing facility that accidentally destroyed the planet (in 23 BBY)
- Revyia: homeworld of Revwien race (plants), center of 'Tyia Adept' light-side Force sect, site of 'Revyia Temple'
Dalonbian sector
- Sernpidal: colony word of Sernpidalian race, mining world (with many underground aquifer farms), site of Darth Zhorrid's estate, near 'Vector Prime'
- Vector Prime: [NB: only known 'hole' in Celestial-built hyperspace disturbance around galaxy's edge, site of Yuuzhan Vong invasion fleet]
Kanz sector
- Argazda: homeworld of Argazdan race (green skin), former capital of Argazdan Redoubt (conquered sector in 'Kanz Disorder' c. 3970 BBY), former headquarters of Myrialite Slavers, center of 'Vianism' faith (worships Force, "serve others by anticipating their needs"), childhood home of Raygar (archaeologist, conducted Wolhanian Expedition to Yavin IV) [NB: Sith artifacts now owned by Palpatine, in exchange for patronage & funding for Raygar's future expeditions]
- Bimmiel: headquarters of Jonex Mining, [NB: site of Yuuzhan Vong survey station, established c. 25 BBY ]
- Ereesus: Lorrdian colony, former homeworld of Ereesi race (slavers, exterminated by Argazdan Redoubt c. 3970 BBY), site of major battle (Clone Wars)
- Lorrd: sector capital and educational center; homeworld of Lorrdian race (humans with 'kinetic communication'); childhood home of Nee Alavar (anti-Palpatine Senator), Salis Kabor (anti-slavery activist), L'lacielo Sageon (Jedi quartermaster), [NB: and Fiolla (Corporate Sector auditor); sole source of Lorrdian gemstones (lightsaber crystals, boost combat precognition); center of 'Brotherhood of the Beatific Countenance' and 'Sisterhood of the Glorious Radiance' sects (Vianist pilgrims to Force sites); site of Crypt of Martyrs (anti-slavery memorial), Lorrd City University (one of best in galaxy, includes Lorrd Academy of Aquatic Studies, School of Conceptual Design, and University of Pangalactic Cultural Studies), Lorrd City Spaceport, Performance Square (17-level entertainment complex), Temple of the Beatific Countenance, Temple of the Glorious Radiance [NB: Force artifacts], and Slave Pits of Lorrd (built by Argazdan Redoubt slavers c. 3670) [NB: constructed by Yuuzhan Vong 'shaper', location of bioengineered Force-Blank "living superweapon"]
- The Home: iron asteroid in MZX32905 asteroid field, site of the mansion of Darth Vectivus that contains The Home, the mansion of Darth Vectivus [NB: site of Yuuzhan Vong survey station ]
Ciutric sector
- Ciutric IV: capital of Ciutric Hegemony, childhood home of Sate Pestage (Palpatine's senior advisor), site of Darth Bane's personal estate
- Corvis Minor: member of Ciutric Hegemony, rich in 'exotic xenobiologicals' sold as luxury goods
- Liinade III: member of Ciutric Hegemony, agriworld with light industry (produces comlinks),
- New Holgha: site of the 'Five Holy Cities' (religious pilgrimage destinations)
- Trif: site of 'World Below' (legendary underground city, unearthed during 'Old Republic' era)
Tragan Cluster sector
- Shaum Hii: homeworld of Kian'thar race (empaths) and Bentail & Derlac species, oceanic pastoralists, formerly affiliated with Black Sun
Corosi sector
Sprizen sector
- Abafar: rich in Rhydonium (rare but volatile fuel for starships), desert world
- Esooma: homeworld of Esoomian race (massively strong humanoids, useful as hired muscle)
Morshdine sector
- Edusa: member of Ciutric Hegemony, industrialized trade world along Axxila-Tangrene hyperlane
- Tangrene: homeworld of Tangrene race (peaceful nomads), hyperlane terminus, mountain planet with thriving underground lakes
- Vandyne: member of Ciutric Hegemony, industrialized trade world along Axxila-Tangrene hyperlane
Nijune sector
- Aar: homeworld of Aar'aa race (bloodthirsty mercenaries, employed by Huts and the t'landa Til)
Mieru'kar sector
- Jentares: [NB: former home of Siolo Ur Manka (retired Jedi battlemaster), killed by Darth Maul between 37 and 32 BBY]
Spinward sector
Gardaji sector
- Gardaji Rift: former location of 'living planet' Zonama Sekot (89 - 29 BBY), home of Vergere (Jedi), center of 'Potentium' Force sect
Meram sector
- Arcanum: Sith space station originally used as storehouse for dark-sided Sith artifacts, including 'Seeds of Rage' and 'the Darkstaff'
- Demesel: steppe world, trading hub for consortium of Core World corporations
- Kauron: homeworld of Kauronian race, site of Cavrilhu Pirates asteroid base [NB: with anti-Jedi holding cells]
- Regalia: site of 'Regalia Sub-Space Station 12' research laboratory
- Thalassia: homeworld of Thalassian race (slavers), port of call for 'Thalassian Pirates' gang
Corva sector
- Ligna: mining world, rich in Lignan (rare ore, can augment dark-side Force abilities) and Lignan lightsaber crystals (powerful)
- Oricon: volcanic moon, site of Darth Vitus's compound, site of 'Dread Fortress', former headquarters of 'Dread Masters' Force sect (Sith Empire)
- Ventooine: rich in Sansanna spice (drug) and shadeshine (power-augmenting stone), site of 'Hall of Satabs' (suspended animation chamber)
Bosph sector
- Bosph: homeworld of Bosph race (isolationist nomads), primitive steppe planet, center of "Ela b'Yentarr" Force sect (precognition & healing)
- Otunia: sector capital and major mining world, headquarters of Kabul Industries
Wild Space
Chiloon Rift sector
- Chiloon Rift: nebula with 'bountiful' asteroid field, rich in beryllius, duralium (armor), and quandranium (durable & energy resistant, used for fuel cells)
Tuvvel sector
- Gorsh: homeworld of Orgon race (mobile plant-clams), volcanic swamp planet controlled by Genetech Laboratories (medical research), site of Genetech Labs Orbital Research Station (biochemical research and processing facility)
- Gulma: swamp planet, homeworld of Gulmarid race (reptiles) [NB: enslaved and exterminated by Palpatine's New Order]
Kalamith sector
- Gaftikar: Marit colony world (engineers), rich in kelerium and norax (mineral rights sought by Shenio Mining company), under CIS occupation
- Hynah: heavily populated industrial center and trade world along the Hydian Way
- Pho Ph'eah: homeworld of Pho Ph'eahian race (inventors/mechanics), known for high-tech exports including custom hyperdrive engines
- Toprawa: forest world along Hydian Way, headquarters of Antarian Rangers (paramilitary support group for Jedi Order) with underground bases
Nembus sector
- Carosi XII: homeworld of Carosite race (healers), resort world, site of 'Academy of Medicine', port of call for hospital-frigate Sudden Restoration
- Kirtania: homeworld of Araquia race (naturalists), trade world governed by three competing corporate states of Dulai, Kinkosa, and Surana
Kwymar sector
- Artus Prime: rich in Artusian lightsaber crystals, mining facility later converted for Imperial use
- Citadel Station: massive orbital terraforming station over Telos IV, site of Ithorian Compound and Jedi AgriCorps chapter-house
- Teagan: homeworld of Devon race, headquarters of Teagan Tech Consortium (produces droids, including RWW-series protocol droid)
- Telos IV: terraformed agriworld; childhood home of Liora ('High Priestess', died 53 BBY), Crion (corrupt planetary governor, died 53 BBY), Dairoki (fallen Jedi padawan, ally of Crion), Xanatos (Dark Jedi, son of Crion, died 44 BBY), Vox Chun (treasurer for Xanatos, died 29 BBY), Bruck Chun (fallen Jedi padawan, son of Vox, died 44 BBY), Granta Omega ('Force Blank' terrorist, son of Xanatos, died 23 BBY), and Kad Chun (captain of BioCruiser, son of Vox); center of 'Order of Than-Onna' sect (pacifists, led by Liora), [NB: former center of 'Handmaiden Sisters' group (Echani guardians for Jedi Academy c. 4000 BBY)]; former headquarters of Offworld Mining Corporation (founded by Xanatos) and UniFy (Offworld front company); site of Park of Sacred Pools (polluted by Xanatos), Mirror Caverns, Anglebay Station (medcenter), Katharsis Dome (casino and gladiatorial arena, built by Xanatos), abandoned Telos Military Base [NB: HK-50 manufacturing plant, built by Revan], and Telosian Jedi Academy (former Polar Irrigation System hub, rebuilt by Atris c. 3956 BBY, now training center for Jedi archivists and Lore Keepers) [NB: location of many Sith holocrons and Force artifacts]; sole source of malab (reflective stone); homeport of BioCruiser ('titanic' colony ship, self-sufficient nomadic passenger liner built by UniFy); [NB: location of Telos Holocron (Sith encyclopedia, includes Ajunta Pall (original Sith Lord), Naga Sadow (original Sith Emperor), Darth Revan, and Darth Bane)]
- Vallt: homeworld of Valltii race [NB: yeti], ice planet, site of Zerpen Industries fusion plant and Tambolor Prison, former home of Galen Erso
Xappyh sector
- Thanta Zilbra: homeworld of Zilbra fungi (medicinal use), currently unsettled
- Tiss'sharl: homeworld of Tiss'shar race (velociraptors), rich in diatium (power cells), headquarters of Uhr-Vah-Vo TechWorks (droids, e.g. model 88-series administration droids, affiliated with IGBC), site of TaggeCo facilities, major corporate/commercial center governed by Tiss'Sharl League consortium
Aparo sector
- Lur: homeworld of Lurrian race (geneticists), known for genetic research & bio-engineering
- Cadomai Prime: homeworld of Snivvian race (artists), incredibly cold but popular resort world
Corporate Sector
- Biewa: poor industrial planet, headquarters of Corporate Sector Authority fleet
- Bonadan: terminus of Hydian Way, primary tradeport of Corporate Sector, strip-mined foundry world, headquarters of Bonadan Heavy Industries (TaggeCo), site of ten city-sized spaceports and Merchant Marine Academy
- Craci: homeworld of Cracian thumper species, major trade hub, system of five populous planets specialized in industry & agriculture
- Brosi: homeworld of Brosin race, rich in Zinsian (preservative), forest world known for multi-kilometer waterfalls
- Epiphany: headquarters of Zerpen Industries (energy production) [NB: and Salient Strategic Command (anti-Empire militia)]
- Ession: industrial center, headquarters of 'Pakkerd Light Transport' (Sienar, repulsorlifts)
- Etti IV: adopted homeworld of Etti race; capital of Corporate Sector authority & major trade hub; headquarters of Chiewab Amalgamated Pharmaceuticals Company (biotech megaconglomerate), Chiewab Laboratories (cloning), Chiewab Nutrition (agricorp), Cybot Galactica (civilian droids e.g. 3PO-series protocol droid), Degan Explorations (chemical surveying), Geentech (medical research), GoCorp (repulsorlifts), SanTech (pharmaceuticals), Utilitech (taxi-droids & waitress droids), and VernanGroup (mining)
- Issagra: massive space station known for extensive casinos, major hub for smugglers and thriving black market
- Kalla VII: headquarters of 'Unlimited Horizons Inc.' (mining company), site of 'University of Kalla' (business & technical education)
- Kir: mining world rich in 'crystalline vertex' (refined crystals = universal currency)
- Orron III: major agriworld, site of 'Authority Data Center' (archive/repository for all Corporate Sector data)
- Oslumpex V: headquarters of 'Starshipwrights and Aerospace Engineers Inc.' (custom & modified starships and cruisers)
- Pondut: space station & research facility, headquarters of 'Galactic Electronics' (produce tech and weapons)
- Tirsa: industrial center, headquarters of 'Tirsa Wargear' (vehicle company, produce landspeeders and Leviathan-class submersible carriers)
Wild Space
Trianii Space sector
- Trian: homeworld of Trianii race (warriors), headquarters of Trianii Rangers
Kobothi Space sector
- Koboth: homeworld of Kobok race (skeletal insect warriors), childhood home of Gaff (bounty hunter), headquarters of Kobothi S-Corp (private army)
Mytus sector
- Mytus VII: asteroid base controlled by Corporate Sector Authority, site of Stars' End prison complex
Farana sector
- Farana: homeworld of Ocsinin race (explorers), original terminus of Hydian Way
Kamar sector
- Kamar: homeworld of Kamarian race (insect technologists) and howlrunner species, home of Jo Ewsli (Incom starship designer), desert planet
Morellian Commonwealth sector
- Artiod Minor: homeworld of Artiodac race (strong) and prenga species, swamp planet with thriving fish farms, plagued by Zygerrian slave raids
- Morellia: homeworld of Morellian race (longevity), childhood home of Barosa Warren (explorer), headquarters of Morellian Weapons Conglomerate
Gordian Reach sector
- Arda: key trade port along Ardan Cross hyperlane, light industry (produce 'T-6 Diodem' home appliances)
- Atorra: B'trillan colony world, site of pre-historic space battle with alien starship wreckage strewn throughout 'Badlands' region
- Feldwes: industrial powerhouse of the 'Back Reach' region and major tradeworld on the Ardan Cross hyperlane
- Jovan III: premier agriworld supplying the whole Gordian Reach, orbited by massive Jovan Station with 8 docking ports sized for capital ships.
- Presbalin: commercial hub of the 'Loop Worlds' region, known for long-abandoned alien cities with 'strange' architecture
- Tenara: isolated agriworld famous as a former pirate bolt-hole and 'treasure planet' due to hidden vaults throughout the planet
- Yavin Prime: gas giant, homeworld of 'floater' species (gasbag herbivores) and 'hunter-floaters' (predators), sole source of ludicrously valuable 'corusca gems', headquarters of Damarind Corporation (jewels), site of Damarind Fishing Station and independent 'corusca fishing' trawlers, [NB: location of abandoned Suvam Tan cargo pod (contains five big corusca gems)]
- Yavin IV: jungle moon of Yavin Prime, planetary Force nexus; adopted homeworld of Massassi (extinct, pureblood Sith offshoot, Force-sensitive slave-warriors) and Critokian (tall spiders) races; homeworld of woolamander (semi-sentient blue primates), crystal snake (translucent), and Sith wyrm (exogorth mutated by Sith alchemy) species; rich in grenade fungi (explosive) and massassi trees (200 m. tall); location of Prisma storms ('Wonder of the Galaxy', rainbow lightning) [NB: and location of abandoned Suvam Tan cargo pod (contains Exar Kun Battle Suit, dark-side armor with cortosis alloy)]
- Ersham Ridge: site of Great Massassi Temple (massive hand-built ziggurat), former capitol of Naga Sadow (Sith Lord c. 5000 BBY), [NB: home of Malgrath (Massassi warrior in suspended animation), site of Grand Audience Chamber (throneroom) and Isolation Chambers (stasis pods and Massassi Archive)], site of Massassi Arena [NB: and Tomb of Naga Sadow]
- Isle of Kun: volcanic island, [NB: site of Tomb of Exar Kun, rich in corusca gems), location of Force ghost of Exar Kun (Dark Jedi c. 4000 BBY)]
- Lost City of the Jedi: [NB: fully automated secret subterranean city on Wetyin continent, home of DJ-88 (administrator droid), site of Jedi Library (location of 'Grand Computer' and Force relics) and Weather & Climate Command Station (terraformed Yavin IV after 'wall of light' in 3996 BBY)]
- Massassi Ruins: site of Temple Atun, Temple of Fire (sacrificial alter), and Temple of Sacrifice [NB: location of Revan's Mask and lightsaber], location of 'Great Hyperspace War Bas-Relief' frieze and 'Sith Chalice' relic (discovered by Wolhanian Expedition, 22 BBY)
- Taurin Delta: lush river valley, site of the Temple of the Blueleaf Cluster (ancient Massassi temple), [NB: location of 'mysterious blue energy crystal']
- Val'Arnos Jungle: site of Palace of the Woolamander (ancient Massassi temple), [NB: location of 'Golden Globe' dark-side prison (dimensional oubliette, full of captive Massassi children), home of Ikrit (Kushiban Jedi Master, guards 'Golden Globe', meditative trance since 378 BBY)]
- Yavin VIII: tundra moon of Yavin Prime, homeworld of Melodie race (mermaids), home of Esla ('Keeper of Legends'), [NB: location of Massassi Engravings (directions for release 'Golden Globe' prisoners) and abandoned Suvam Tan cargo pod (contains antique blaster, in pristine condition)]
- Yavin XIII: desert moon of Yavin Prime, homeworld of Gerb (rabbit, underground farmers) and Slith (venomous snakes nomads) races, [NB: location of abandoned Suvam Tan cargo pod (contains Sith holocron)]
- Yavin XXII: airless moon of Yavin Prime, site of 'Yavin Station' wreck (trade post) [NB: former home of Suvam Tan (Rodian genius inventor & treasure hunter, died c. 3900 BBY), location of Suvam Tan Lightsaber (custom-made, very powerful, resists cortosis), 'Heart of the Guardian' (ancient lightsaber crystal, bronze hue, boost Force speed for dueling, subject to Sith & Jedi prophecies), 'Mantle of the Force' (ancient lightsaber crystal, cyan hue, boost Force abilities in conjunction with other crystals), and Yavin Station databanks (contains cargo pod locations)]
Esstran sector
- Odacer-Faustin: icy planet, site of Darth Scabrous's Sith Academy, [NB: origin world of 'The Sickness' - zombie virus epidemic created by Sith alchemy]
- Ord Radama: homeworld of Devlikk race, urbanized wetland world, major battlefield during ancient Sith-Republic War, site of Narek Manor
- Thule: savanna world, site of Sith Temple and separate Sith Arts Academy, [NB: location of 'Dark Reaper' - Sith superweapon]
Sith Worlds subsector (Esstran)
- Begeren: desert world, site of massive Sith monuments (some ruins) built into outcrops and cliffs, now known for gemstone quarries
- Dromund Kass: capital of Sith Empire, site of 'Dark Force Temple' (Force nexus) and 'Imperial Citadel' (Mandalorian enclave), wetlands [NB: populated by ysalamiri!], [NB: last known location of Ebon Hawk (Revan's ship)]
- Korriban: homeworld (and sacred planet) of Sith race, site of the 'Valley of the Dark Lords', including the original 'Sith Academy' and 'Great Temple'
- Jaguada I: moon of Jaguada, site of multiple Sith temples [NB: used as Separatist communications & droid storage facilities by Count Dooku]
- Khar Shian: moon of Khar Delba (sacred Sith planet), site of palace & citadel of Naga Sadow dating from the Great Hyperspace War
- Krayiss Two: sacred Sith planet along Nache Bhelfia hyperlane, site of Krayiss Obselisk and massive underground Library-Temple complex
- Rhelg: sacred Sith planet along Nache Bhelfia hyperlane, site of palace & citadel of Ludo Kressh (Naga Sadow's rival)
- Ziost: adopted homeworld of Sith race, sacred planet & adopted capital of Sith Empire, planetary Force nexus, site of 'Great Citadel' and 'People's Tower'
Illisurevimurasi sector
- Aldivy: thriving agriworld and trade center, headquarters of Lachany Foods
- Mirial: homeworld of Mirialan race (agile humans), childhood home of Arwen Cohl (freedom fighter affiliated with Nebula Front, died 33 BBY), Luminara Unduli (Jedi Guardian), and Bariss Offee (Jedi healer, traitor), center of Trikarle religion (Force-based), site of Trikarle Ruins
Tynquay sector
Wyl sector
- Dra III: hunting planet, homeworld of nashtah and fullor species (big predators), headquarters of Kell Arms Corporation (Kell Mark II heavy assault rifle)
- La'Sombra: asteroid base & biotech research facility operated by 'Abyss Watchers' organization
- Thosa: homeworld of Draethos race (very long-lived telepathic hunters), childhood home of Odan-Urr (Jedi Master, founded Great Library of Ossus, died 3996 BBY), center of 'Keetael' Force sect (gray-aligned, hunters who specialize in Force Tracking and farsight)
Chorlian sector
- Baltimn: childhood home of Ephaan Kenzon (left Jedi Order) [NB: survived Order 66], site of School of Hidden Wisdom (Jedi dueling academy)
- Kip: homeworld of Kip race, rich in Ulikuo (gemstones), site of Girigard Subsurface Correctional Facility (Zorba the Hutt)
- Malachor II: desolate, site of Force ghost of Kreia (former Darth Traya), system includes 'dead planet' Malachor V
- Sigil: rich in sigil crystals (lightsaber), site of Sith Academy that trained Terrak Morrhage
- Sluudren: homeworld of Sludir race (stocky reptiles), childhood home of Omze'kehr Kahr (gladiator, freetrader); homeport of Omze's Incredible Traveling Starport (converted Neutron Star-class bulk cruiser, mobile shadowport) [NB: home of Wilam Olgreen (droid technician, spymaster), Con'varra (forger) and Futor (slicer), headquarters of Olgreen Intelligence Guild (droid spynet) and Futor's Network (private intelligence agency)]
- Vaynai: tropical resort world, rich in 'slick' (medicinal seaweed), headquarters of Fil'vye Transport (shipping/smuggling) and 'Ocean Harvesters' (fishing)
- Zygerria: homeworld of Zygerrian race (slavers), headquarters of Zygerrian Slavers Guild, site of 'Royal Palace' (slave prison)
Mortex sector
- Malkii: pirate base & smuggler's den, headquarters of 'Malkite Poisoners' assassins guild
- Taerab: headquarters of Taerab Starship Manufacturing (built Harrower-class dreadnoughts for Sith Empire c. 3600 BBY)
Almanian subsector (Mortex)
- Almania: homeworld of thernbee race (semi-sentient telepathic predators), site of Great Dome of Je'har (capitol building) and Mem'Kabarr Forest
- Drewwa: moon of Almania, headquarters of Trang Robotics ('Duelist Elite' training droids) and Lyster Innovations ('environmental design' consultants), site of Drewwa Spaceport and Crossroads Business Habitat [NB: location of 'Amulet of Kalara' dark-side Force artifact (Buried Presence)]
- Pydyr: moon of Almania, homeworld of Pydyrian race (flightless bird-men), home of Wuja Wojaine (pro-CIS Senator, conspired with Thalassian Slavers), sole source of seafah jewels, known for exporting Pydyrian healing sticks (pre-bacta 'miracle drug')
Sertar sector
- Elom: homeworld of Elom and Elomin races, rich in lommite (transparisteel), mineral-rich desert planet
- Florrum: homeworld of skalder species, site of Doshar Field (acid geysers), headquarters of the Hondo Ohnaka Gang pirates
- Vanqor: home-system of gundark species, militaristic society, site of Tomo Camp prison [NB: and research lab for Jenna Zan Arbor]
- Sembla: homeworld of Vurk race (diplomats), home of Sweitt Concorkill (anti-Palpatine Senator), waterworld with ancient subaquatic ruins
- Syngia: dark-side Force nexus, former home of Remulus Dreypa (Sith Lord c. 7000 BBY), site of Genesis Pool (used for Sith alchemy)
Spadja sector
- Bravis: former center of Bravis Sith (splinter Force Sect), site of Sith ruins
- Gambolla: cultural center known for music festivals, home of Whipid businessman Baron Galrowk
- Mazhar: jungle planet, headquarters for Embra the Hutt's business empire (notably kind/compassionate)
- Spintir: homeworld of icewolf, armored sloth, and flitterbat species; trade hub on Ardan Cross; site of 'Caves of Light & Shadow' (dark-side Force nexus, walls lined with kyber crystals) and 'Dawn Temple' (Jedi enclave on Mount Tellec, staffed by three holocron AIs), location of Rav Naaran (dark Jedi, held in Dawn Temple stasis chamber), site of University of Reles (genetics research) and Museum of Spintir (private collection includes ancient holocron)
- Stenos: homeworld of Stenax race (winged devils; fierce, brooding), center of 'Vol' religion (long-lost one-foot-tall idol/divine avatar; Stenax refuse to fly until rediscovered), plateau planet, site of Farruz (abandoned city ruins), [NB: responsible for 'Stenax Massacres' after Battle of Endor, trying to carve out empire]
Nuiri sector
- Lucasez: center of the 'Fallanassi' Force sect (illusions and Force immersion), mining facilities run by Tagge Mining Company
- Gala: homeworld of Galacian race ('moon people'), former headquarters of Galacian Mining Corp. (Offworld Mining), site of Galan Shipyards
- Resh 9376: icy comet, site of 'Point Nadir' shadowport owned by Hutt clan, primary base for 'Sable Dawn' Force assassins and 'Epsis' thieves
- Stygeon Prime: ice planet, homeworld of tibidee species, site of Spire (remote prison fortress) [NB: later converted for Imperial use]
- Vjun: dismal acid-rain planet populated by Hssiss (dark side Force lizards), former headquarters of Tac-Spec Corporation (produce FIII Footman droids) [NB: GenoHaradan front company], site of Bast Castle (dark-side fortress, built by Dooku) and Château Malreaux
Antemeridian sector
- Antemeridias: sector capital and trade hub on Perlemian Trade Route, site of Loronar Defense Industries factories (starship production)
- Krevas: homeworld of Krevaaki race (crustacean spiritualists), home of Vodo-Siosk Baas (legendary Jedi Master c. 4000 BBY, taught Exar Kun)
- Temako: headquarters of Keizar-Volvec (sublight engines, repulsorcraft), CIS foundry world
Meridian sector
- Caarimon: homeworld of Carrite race, inhabitants occupy floating cities over surface, headquarters of Metatheran Cartel (formerly of Trade Federation)
- Cybloc XII: moon of Cybloc, major trade hub on Perlemian Trade Route, site of Cybloc Transfer Station (IGBC space station)
- Nam Chorios: homeworld of Tsil race (Force-empowered crystals), penal colony governed by Beldorion the Hutt (Dark Jedi)
Vorzyd sector
- Auratera: site of Acablas (light-side Force vergence), site of both Jedi & Sith Temple and archaeological site, location removed from most starmaps
- Columex: trade world on Perlemian Trade Route and Salin Corridor, capital of the 'Commonality' (political alliance between nine nearby sectors)
- Paigu: homeworld of Paigun race (math), member of Commonality, stormy planet, cities powered by lightning
- Vorzyd IV: homeworld of Vorzydiak race (industrious), member of Commonality, major manufacturing center
- Vorzyd V: colony of Vorzyd IV, known as 'Gamblers' World', site of 'Casino Royale' (multi-kilometer floating entertainment district)
- Yablari: homeworld of Anomid race (technologists), trade world on Perlemian Trade Route, known for high-tech agriculture
Belderone sector
- Belderone: sector capital and trade world on Salin Corridor, site of Kuat Drive Yards factory, headquarters of regional anti-piracy fleet (funded by Ciaran)
- Lola Sayu: volcanic planet, site of 'Citadel Station' (Republic-designed prison for incarcerating rogue Force users)
Auril sector
- Bal'demnic: rich in cortosis (anti-lightsaber), mining facilities operated by Damask Holdings, site of Darth Tenebrous's trapped Force-spirit
- Cron Drift: massive pirate-ridden asteroid field created by Sith-triggered supernova, [NB: site of Sith tomb, where Sly Moore was imprisoned & 'rescued']
- Murkhana: trade hub, headquarters of Corporate Alliance (CIS Council), center of CIS Shadowfeed (HoloNet), site of Murkhana Landing (spaceport)
- Nespis VIII: site of abandoned 'Space City' (galactic Wonder), site of Old Republic museum and Jedi Archive
- Ossus: rich in Adegan crystals (lightsaber), center of 'Ysanna' Force sect, site of Great Jedi Library (original Jedi Archives) and Eye of Ashlanae (vergence)
- Teedio: orbited by Exis Station, site of ion/solar-energy mining station and former Jedi Archive [NB: verge of destruction, engines are repairable]
Cronese Mandate subsector (Tion Cluster)
- Argai: former home of Xim the Despot (c. 25,100 BBY), former capital of Xim's Empire, former center of GeneHaradan (Xim's secret police) [NB: still-surviving (secret) order of bounty hunter/assassins, manipulate galactic politics to benefit Galactic Republic]
- Derellium: major agriworld of Tion Cluster, trade hub on Indrexu Route and Greater Cronese Arc
- Duinarbulon: pastoral world, site of 'Parade Grounds' (of Xim the Despot's legendary 'Star Lancers'), site of Great Duinarbulon Museum
- Foran Tutha: archaeology dig, site of 'Foran Tutha star probe' wreck (of Celestial or Rakatan make) discovered in 498 BBY
- Janilis VII: rundown 'resort' world from Kingdom of Cron-era, site of Cronese Library (25,000-year-old archives)
- Nuswatta: site of 'Forbidden Gardens of Nuswatta' (Xim-era galactic wonder), site of 'High Fane of Xo' (abandoned religious site)
Allied Tion subsector (Tion Cluster)
- Amarin: former throneworld and hunting reserve for Xim the Despot, primary agriworld of Tion Cluster, CIS member
- Cadinth: major trading port along Cadinth Run, ruled by "firmly neutral" Cadinth Oligarchy, site of Xim-era ruins
- Corlax IV: key industrial world and materiel supplier for CIS war machine
- Jaminere: sector capital, primary manufacturing center for Tion Cluster, known for technological efficiency
- Lianna: commercial ecumenopolis; home of Narro Sienar (died 38 BBY), Raith Sienar (best starship engineer in galaxy), Lady Valles Santhe (CEO of Santhe Corporation); headquarters of Santhe Corporation (holding company), Santhe Security (private army), Santhe Passenger & Freight (produce 15% of galaxy's passenger liners), Santhe/Sienar Technologies (vehicles), Republic Sienar Systems (starships e.g. Marauder-class corvettes), Sienar Design Systems (prototypes, e.g. Sith Infiltrator Scimitar), Sienar Intelligence Systems (data security/corporate espionage), Sienar Advanced Systems (R&D, e.g. SIE-TIE twin ion engine), Curich Engineering (starship components), Thant & Sons Starshipwrights (repair), and Genetech Corporation (droids e.g. A2 accountant droid & 3D-4X administrative droid, formerly medical research company); site of First Star Academy (war college), Allied Tion Historical Society, Lola Curich Starport, Anxarta Spaceport, Santhe Mansion, and Santhe/Sienar Corporate Headquarters
- Lorrad: industrial planet dominated by neighboring Barseg system, headquarters of Lorrad Flightworks (repulsorcraft)
- Voss: home of Voss race (isolationist, Force sensitive), center of 'Voss Mystics' Force sect (best precognition, gifted healers)
- Gormak Lands: home of Gormak race (xenophobic, gifted technologists), headquarters of Tela Mining, site of Gorma-Koss (capital), [NB: King's Hall (vault), Chamber of Cleansing (Dream-walker shrine) and Halls of the Righteous (Voss Mystic shrine)]
- Nightmare Lands: dark-side Force nexus, site of Dark Heart (ancient Sith labyrinth-ruins) [NB: former location of Sel-Makor (dark-side Force entity, defeated 3641 BBY), Cave of Reflection (archaeological dig site)
- Old Paths: site of Dark Reliquary (Sith tomb), Ruined City, Halls of Enlightenment (abandoned Sith Academy), Holy Path of Mir (sacred cave), Ruins of Wisdom, Quel-Dora Ruins, Spirit Healers Grove (Dream-walker shrine), and Shrine of Healing (Voss Mystic monastery and hospital) [NB: location of Forbidden Ritual' chamber]
- Voss-Ka: mountaintop fortress of Voss race, center of 'Dream-walkers' Force sect (splinter group, spiritual healing), headquarters of Voss Commandos, Ambassador Commons, and Tower of Prophecy (Voss Mystic shrine)
Tion Hegemony subsector (Tion Cluster)
- Aria Prime: childhood home of Lyra Erso (Galen Erso's wife)
- Dellalt: center of 'Survivors' cult (maintain Xim-era 'Guardian Corp' battle droids), site of Xim the Despot's subterranean treasure vaults
- Desevro: former throneworld of Xim the Despot, former capital of 'Honorable Union of Desevro & Tion', destroyed by Republic (Tionese War c. 23,900 BBY); minor trade hub on Perlemian Trade Route, site of Jigani Port, CIS member
- Raxus Prime: 'childhood' home of Core (planetary AI), junkyard & industrial world, facilities run by Commerce Guild/Sienar, site of Dooku's fortress
- Raxus Secundus: lush planet, capital of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, site of Separatist Parliament Building
- Rudrig: primary education center of Tion Cluster, planet controlled and administered by University of Rudrig
Thanium Worlds sector
- Felucia: planetary Force nexus, center of 'Jungle Felucia' Force sect, Gossam colony world ruled by Commerce Guild, site of 'Ancient Abyss' (sarlacc pit)
- Rhen Var: ice planet, source of Solari (rare/powerful lightsaber crystal), site of 'Jedi Monument' (Force ghost of Ulic Qel-Droma), Darth Mekhis's fortress
Indrexu sector
Keldrath sector
- Escarte: asteroid mining facility run by Commerce Guild, home of Thal K'Sar [NB: designer of 'hyperwave transceiver' for Nute Gunray's mechno-chair]
Nilgaard sector
- Karkaris: homeworld of Karkarodon race (sharks), waterworld, produce Hydroid Medusa (cybernetic combat jellyfish)
- Makem Te: homeworld of Swokes Swokes race, rich in spice (drug), site of 'Tract of Makem Te' (continent-sized necropolis) galactic Wonder
- Reaper's World: sector capital and mining planet, ice age, former headquarters of Nilgaard Bioprocessing
Colundra sector
- Sonn Vilmari: homeworld of Pan-preneur race (amphibians), water world
- Troiken: homeworld of Xexto race, rich in spice (drug), forested mining world only inhabited around equator
Pakuuni sector
Calamari sector
- Dac: homeworld of Quarren & Calamari races (aquatic), childhood home of Gial Ackbar, headquarters of Mon Calamari Shipyards (all capital ships)
- Minntooine: colony world of Quarren, run by Commerce Guild, headquarters of Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corp (Recusant-class light destroyers)
- Pammant: colony world of Quarren, site of FDVEC 'Pammant Docks' (Providence-class carrier/destroyer, Subjugator-class heavy cruiser)
Wild Space
Drongar sector
- Drongar: only known source of bota (medicinal plant better than bacta but finicky, can boost Jedi's connection to the Force), major battleground
Zigoola sector
- Zigoola: barren planet, site of Sith Temple [NB: used by Sidious as storehouse for Sith artifacts] recently destroyed by Obi-Wan
Ash Worlds sector
- Haashimut: Old Republic fortress world, site of abandoned Jedi Enclave/outpost and Haashimut Caverns (minor Force nexus, meditative chambers)
- Millius Prime: moon of Iego, homeworld of Diathim race ('angels'), site of Cliffhold spaceport and black market
Lothal sector
- Atollon: homeworld of kyrkna species (giant spiders), site of Coral Mesa, [NB: Force vergence, home of Bendu (ancient entity, 'center of the Force')]
- Lothal: agriworld rich in greel wod (luxury) and kyber crystals (lightsabers), home of Cikatro Vizago (Devaronian crime lord), Rask Odai (Calamari crime lord) [NB: and Ezra Bridger (Rebels)], headquarters of Twin Horn Storage (smuggling front company), Broken Horn Syndicate (smuggling), site of Monad Outpost (mines), Tangletown farms, Easthills research lab (BlasTech Industries), Sienar Advanced Projects Laboratory [NB: designed 'Twin Ion Engine' for TIE fighter], Old Republic Senate Building (capitol), Phelarion School (elite business academy), and Lothal Jedi Temple (ancient megalithic Force vergence, subterranean chambers with hidden entrance) [NB: site of tomb of Master Lodaka (Jedi artisan), location of Lodaka lightsaber (resists cortosis)]
Dominus subsector (Lothal)
- Baros: homeworld of Brubb race (resilient mercenaries), heavily populated high-gravity dustbowl world
- Dornea: homeworld of Dornean race (defensive tacticians), headquarters of Dornean Braha'ket Fleetworks Conglomerate (gunships)
- Solanus: homeworld of Solanus super-brain (chemical-infused sentient ocean), site of many unique crystalline structures (created by super-brain)
- Trailia: homeworld of Trailian race (Force-sensitive, beautiful humanoids), low-tech jungle planet, peaceful & isolationist
Jubilar sector
- Jubilar: desert planet controlled by Hutts, known for spice smuggling, rich in jandarra (rare delicacy)
- Yaled IV: cyborg planet, center of cult based on war-droid 'god' ZIMM [NB: droid downloaded brain/mind scan of Xim the Despot?]
- Toong'L: homeworld of Toong race, client world of the IGBC, headquarters of Toong'l Security Systems (security droids)
Shadola sector
- Gand: homeworld of Gand race, childhood home of Xruk, center of 'Findsmen' Force sect (bounty hunters), site of five orbital tradeports
Centrality sector
- Dela III: homeworld of Ulorin race, member and financial center of Centrality
- Dilonexa XXIII: member and primary agriworld of Centrality, site of weather-control orbital stations
- Erilnar: capital of Centrality, planet of a three hundred thousand lakes
- Oseon VII: member and tourism center of Centrality, site of 'Flamewind' (galactic wonder), site of Oseon asteroid belts (resorts & private estates)
- Rafa VI: homworld of Sharu race, member of Centrality, rich in Firkann lightsaber crystals, site of Great Pyramid and legendary Mindharp of Sharu
- Tund: adopted homeworld of Toong race, member of Centrality, planetary Force nexus, center of 'Sorcerers of Tund' Force sect (pureblood Sith, grey)
Cadma sector - Garn: [NB: colony world of Rozzum race (interdimensional parasites)], former center of 'Order of the Terrible Glare' Force sect (pro-Pius Dea Jedi splinter group, specialized in illusions & 'soul magic'), [NB: site of Portal Desolate, location of 'surviving' (digitized) High Shaman Rur]
- Garn asteroid field: former center of 'Ordo Aspectu' Force sect (Jedi splinter group, used Force to study longevity/immortality, eradicated by Jedi Order), [NB: home of surviving (digitized) sect leader Rur, site of 'Citadel of Rur' asteroid space station]
Tharin sector
- Annoo: homeworld of Annoo-dat races, headquarters of Fromm Crime Family (import/export), industrialized agriworld
- Cog Hive Seven: auto-reconfiguring space station (prison & gladiatorial arena), home of Iram Radique (Chiss weapons designer), controlled by IGBC
- Junkfort Station: major space station orbiting Junkford, trade nexus on Lesser Lantillian Route, Trillus Trade Route, & Cadma Conduit, smuggling haven
- Oovo IV: asteroid base orbiting Oovo, site of Desolation Alley (maximum security Republic prison) and three podracing courses
- Pirik: rich in corintium (ore) and ytterbium (explosives for laser cannons), site of Talamp Industrial District, thriving black market
Periphery subsector (Tharin)
- Af'El: homeworld of Defel race (literal wraiths), only source of meleenium (mineral used for durasteel), headquarters of Toxis Metals (mining)
- Novor XXIII: homeworld of Ry'coz race, headquarters of Jatayus Outbound (shipping) formerly controlled by Black Sun
- Nwarcol: trade nexus of Sisar Run and Salin Corridor hyperlanes, site of Sisar Terminal (refueling starport) formerly controlled by Black Sun
- Sedri: homeworld of Sedrian race (mermen), waterworld, site of Great Shell Dome, center of 'Golden Sun' Force sect (sapient coral)
- Sriluur: homeworld of Weequay race, childhood home of Sora Bulq, mining world rich in copper and other metals, formerly controlled by Black Sun
- Vaathkree: homeworld of Vaathkree race (traders), lava planet with domed cities, known for high-tech exports
- Yen II: asteroid mining facility orbiting Verde, rich in doonium (capital ship hulls), formerly controlled by Black Sun
Iotran Expanse subsector (Suolriep)
- Iotra: homeworld of Iotran race, industrial planet, headquarters of Iotran Police Force (multiple legendary military orders)
Suolriep sector
- Boonta: member of Hutt Space, site of 'Boonta's Eve Speeder Race' (podracing), site of orbital scrapyard (starships) and massive junkyard (droids)
- Saleucami: biggest trading hub in the Outer Rim, fertile mining world, controlled by Techno Union, site of Magma Caverns and Taleucema Starport
- Jabiim: valuable mining planet, anti-piracy fleet supplied by Lady Ciaran, government divided by civil war
Ansuroer subsector (Suolriep)
- Lijuter: homeworld of Houk race (muscular, violence-prone), headquarters of Houk Syndicate
Phelleem sector
- Kashi: in Orixon Nebula, center of 'Guardians of Breath' Force sect (healers, pre-date Jedi), headquarters of Eleaor Propulsion (star yachts)
Jospro sector
- Chad: homeworld of Chadra-Fan race (bats), childhood home of Callista Ming ('Altisian Jedi' Force sect), primary supplier of dairy (lactic milk)
Briefing the Boss Pt. 2 - Northern Mid Rim/Expansion Region
Mezeg sector
Strabin sector
- Lavisar: childhood home of Cin Drallig (Jedi battlemaster), resource-rich mining/industrial planet, headquarters of Skyrung Manufacturing (starships)
Hewett sector
Hollan sector
- Tartaglia: isolated planet near Fusion Clouds nebula, site of legendary 'Nova Vaults' (underground treasure vaults from Old Republic era)
Homon sector
Shiwal sector
Nicandra sector
Kordu sector
Alderath sector
M'shinni sector
- Genassa: homeworld of M'shinni race (mammals with moss symbiotes), major agriworld known for botanical bioengineering
- Ylix: ancient rivalry with neighbor Goelitz [NB: Goelitz-Ylix War ends in 20 BBY], childhood home of Gallandro (best gunslinger)
Ottega sector
- Ithor: homeworld of Ithorian race (best agriculturalists); rich in bafforr trees (telepathic); home of Tendau Bendon (anti-Palpatine Senator, pacifist), Roron Corobb (Jedi Master), Worror Dowmat (Jedi Lord, survived Ruusan, died c. 990 BBY) and Chodo Habat (legendary agriculturalist, restored Telos IV c. 3950 BBY); headquarters of Ithorian SkyYards (produce 'herdship'-cities) and Brathflen Corporation (Manolium-class herdships)
Urce Space sector
Kesh sector
- Ebra: homeworld of Ebranite race, rich in lu-ramin (medicinal oil), trade controlled by Carosi XII
Droma sector
Irishi sector
- Obredaan: homeworld of Jin'ha race (weaponsmiths), rich in cortosis (anti-lightsaber metal), trade world, formerly controlled by Trade Federation
- Ord Tessebok: thriving and heavily populated trade world, site of major Refugee Relief Movement settlements
Tyan sector
Qiilura sector
- Qiilura: homeworld of Gurlanin race (best spies, Force-sensitive changelings), rich in barq (delicacy), agriworld, formerly controlled by Trade Federation
Bright Jewel sector
- Aleen: home of 'Orphne', homeworld of Aleena (surface) and Kindalo (underworld) races, site of 'Great Seal' (Jedi outpost) and ancient ruins
- Ord Mantell: homeworld of Savrip race (low-tech brutes) and flutterplume species (peacock-vultures); childhood home of Mawkran (Savrip freedom fighter, killed 37 BBY); home of Taxer Sundown ('Jedi' crime lord, died 37 BBY), Mama (Columi smuggler) and Weeffil Liff (merchant); headquarters of Bright Jewel Command (Republic 8th Sector Army); major banking/trade hub ('Heart of Bright Jewel') formerly controlled by Black Sun
- Mount Avilatan: volcanic island and shadowport, site of Drelliad Tradeport, Fort Garnik (abandoned Republic outpost), and Mantellan Separatist stronghold (caldera fortress)
- Ord Mantell City: walled island-city [NB: looks like Mont St. Michel], site of Black Sun compound (now Abyss Watcher facility)
- Scraplands: massive hemispheric junkyard, home of salvagers (Jawas et al.), site of Junkheap (processing station) and Rusty Reach (reclamation plant)
- Ten Miles Plateau: near Scraplands, site of abandoned stellar-energy station (former home of Taxer Sundown, land baron/crime lord, died 37 BBY)
- Worlport: continent-sized capital city, tourism & commercial center, site of Morro Spaceport (primary), Government House (capitol), Hotel Grand, Red House (prison), Path of Coins (casino district, including Mugwaar's Palace and Lady Fate), and Jedi ExplorCorps outpost
- Jubilee Wheel: space station over Ord Mantell, 'antique' ring-shaped shadowport
- Mantellian Nebula: resource-rich comet cloud, sole source of midlithe crystals, site of H-5 70 Mining Facility, headquarters of Dynath Miners
- Nova Orion Station: private space station over Ord Mantell, headquarters of Nova Orion Industries (starship R&D)
- Tansarii Point Station: space station over Ord Mantell, controlled by Car'das Smugglers, major shadowport
Luuq sector
Vadigult sector
Abaar sector
Manoe sector
Dohu sector
Tiala sector
Thory sector
Corthenia sector
Pacor sector
Barsa sector
Glythe sector
- Iridonia: homeworld of Zabrak race, childhood home of Maris Brood and Agen Kolar (Jedi), site of Sith Academy, urbanized lava planet with valley-farms
- Vortex: homeworld of Vor race, site of 'Cathedral of Winds' galactic wonder, major tourist destination
Vorc sector
Jaloor sector
- Glee Anselm: homeworld of Nautolan race, childhood home of Kit Fisto (Jedi), waterworld with thriving aquaculture
Outer Jalor sector
- Kril'Dor: gas giant rich in tibanna (rare fuel), ringed by gas mining stations
Belshar sector
- Ord Varee: thriving and heavily populated trade world, site of major Refugee Relief Movement settlements
Chaama sector
Londori sector
Ariarch sector
Churnis sector
- Ansion: homeworld of Ansionian race, minor agriworld, home of Mousul (pro-CIS Senator) and Tam Uliss (pro-CIS industrialist, killed by Shu Mai in 22 BBY), signing member of 'Malarian Alliance' and 'Keitumite Mutual Military Treaty' [NB: if Ansion secedes, so do a dozen other sectors...]
Rago sector
Expansion Regions
Freestanding Subsectors
- 244Core: resource-rich foundry world (sole source of TOL-type ore), headquarters of Tor-Ro-Bo Industries and Eeook Mining & Reclamation (mining corps), center of 'Omenada' Force sect, site of The Dump (strip mine-turned-junkyard), Eeookko Crater mines, and Relaali Spaceport
Mid Rim
Freestanding Subsectors
- Ankus: homeworld of Cragmoloid race (bipedal elephants), home of Boulad (information broker on Coruscant), [NB: opposed Ruusan Reformation]
- Jedha: homeworld of Jedi Order, center of 'Guardians of the Whills' Force sect, site of Temple of the Kyber, rich in kyber lightsaber crystals
Wild Space
Freestanding Subsectors
- Acherin: isolated trade world, controlled by IGBC, known for high-security vaults and currency exchanges, site of Sood Spaceport
Utegetu Nebula sector
- Chiss Redoubt: member of Chiss Ascendancy, terminus of Way of Schesa hyperlane, site of multiple Chiss 'Firepoint' fortresses
Unknown Regions
7G Sector
- Ilum: ice planet rich in kathracite, mephite, and pontite ('Adegan') lightsaber crystals, site of 'Crystal Caves' and the 'Jedi Temple' (nexus)
Chiss Ascendancy
- Cioral: heavily urbanized trade world on 'Path of the Houses' hyperlane, headquarters of House Csapla (colonial affairs & agriculture)
- Copero: major trade world on 'Path of the Houses' hyperlane, headquarters of House Mitth (military affairs), site of Copera Shipyard
- Csaus: major trade world on 'Path of the Houses' hyperlane, headquarters of House Inrokini (industry, science & communications)
- Csilla: capital of Chiss Ascendancy, heavily populated hub on 'Path of the Houses' & 'Vagaari Corridor' hyperlanes, site of Expeditionary Library
- Mobus: gas giant in Klasse Ephemora A system, rich in Corusca gems [NB: orbited by living planet Zonama Sekot, colony world of Yuuzhan Vong...]
- Naporar: trade world on 'Path of the Houses', headquarters of House Nuruodo (military affairs) and of Chiss Expansionary Defense Force
- Rhigar: terminus of 'Path of the Houses' in the Rata Nebula, controlled by House Nuruodo [NB: site of Syndic Mitth'raw'nuruodo Military Academy]
- Sarvchi: trade world on 'Path of the Houses' hyperlane, headquarters of House Chaf (diplomacy)
- Sposia: major trade world on 'Path of the Houses' hyperlane, headquarters of House Sabosen (medicine & education)
Killik Space
- Ruu: member of The Colony, moon of Qoribu, agriworld for The Colony, headquarters of 'Saras Nest' (weavers/shapers)
- Kr: member of The Colony, moon of Qoribu, rich in ethmane (blocks sensors), secret headquarters of the 'Dark Next' (spies/assassins)
- Yoggoy: adopted homeworld of Killik race (hive-minded insects), capital of 'The Colony', at war with Chiss Ascendancy
Kharmort's Miasma
- Vagar Praxut: homeworld of Vagaari race (slavers), capital of Vagaari Empire, at war with Chiss Ascendancy
Expansion Region
Mondress sector
Vardoss sector
Hijoan Space sector
Neshei sector
Sarla sector
Carvandir sector
Deadalis sector
- Dorin: homeworld of Kel Dor race, childhood home of Plo Koon (Jedi), center of 'Baran Do Sages' Force sect (meditation), site of Jedi Enclave
Ryborean sector
Drannik sector
Trestis sector
Immalia sector
Fellwe sector
- Yinchorr: homeworld of Yinchorri race (Force-resistant thugs), under Republic interdiction due to Yinchorri Uprising a decade ago
Ehosiq sector
- Kiros: lush planet, site of Twi'lek artisan colony recently enslaved by Zygerrians [NB: freed by Anakin and Obi-Wan]
- Shili: homeworld of Togruta race (montrals), childhood home of Shaak Ti and Ahsoka Tano (Jedi), major trade hub
- Sljee: homeworld of Sljee race (blind olfaxes -- rely on sense of smell), childhood home of Jeseej (Force-sensitive information broker on Coruscant)
Corpheli sector
- Corphelion: asteroid space station (resorts), site of Corphelion Comets (galactic wonder & tourist destination)
Lostar sector
- Nessem: major trade hub on Hydian Way, headquarters of Nessem Shipyards (starship production & design), controlled by Trade Federation
- Teya IV: site of Teyan Praxeum (Jedi) and 'Cave of Truth', origin of Teyan Apologia (6-volume work, origin of Jedi practice of only training children)
Greater Plooriod sector
- Corsin: lush urbanized planet, major trade hub between Hydian Way and Vaathkree Trade Corridor
Dalqan sector
Ploo sector
- Merr: headquarters of Merr-Sonn Mil/Sci (megacorporate conglomerate, sponsor of Corporate Sector Authority), Merr-Sonn Munitions (top 3 military supplier, produces all the weapons), MerrWeapons, and Merr-Sonn Industrial Equipment (mining/construction), neutral!
Mid Rim
Thusa sector
- Dahgee: rich in Dahgee lightsaber crystals (zigzagging blade), center of 'Dahgee Jedi' Force sect
Vensori sector
- Katarr: former Miraluka colony world, rendered uninhabitable by Darth Nihilus in 3952 BBY
Trans-Gascon sector
Msst sector
- Cadannia: jungle planet, only known source of senflax (neurotoxin that disrupts ability to access/manipulate the Force)
- Garos IV: only known source of hibridium (less effective cloaking), site of University of Garos & major Refugee Relief Movement settlements
Esuain sector
- Anteevy: ice planet, rich in phrikite (used for lightsaber-proof alloy)
- Kromus: heavily populated planet, site of CIS research facility & shipyard [NB: currently developing Shadowblade aka 'Starkiller' superweapon]
Perkell sector
- Daminia: desert planet, only known source of damindium/daminid lightsaber crystals (broader blade)
- Gromas XVI: moon of Gromas, primary source of phrik in galaxy (lightsaber-proof alloy)
- Mooga: homeworld of Moogan race, smugglers haven, controlled by Commerce Guild
Tennuutta sector
Romintine sector
- Romin: homeworld of Romin race, childhood home of Elsae and Eldewn Sarvool (Force-sensitive twins), site of Cloudflower Wall (now defunct)
Halori sector
- Khorm: homeworld of Khormai race, rich in agrocite (very rare, can boost turbolaser blasts), slave mines run by warlords, under CIS occupation
- Velmor: homeworld of Velmoc race, rich in velmstone (natural permacrete), resource-rich but known for art & literature exports
- Contruum: childhood home of Airen Cracken [NB: Rebel general], rich in borium (ore), major trade world on Vaathkree Trade Corridor
Lantillian sector
- Lantilles: heavily urbanized trade hub on Perlemian Trade Route, headquarters of Lantillian ShipWrights (reliable starships, e.g. GX1 Short Hauler)
- Uyter: major agriworld on Randon Run, current Senator is Lexi Dio (anti-Palpatine member of Loyalist Committee, strong advocate for refugee relief)
Roche sector
- Roche: asteroid field, homeworld of Verpine race (starship engineers), headquarters of Roche Industries (droids) and 'Slayn & Korpil' (starships)
- Va'art II: jungle moon, homeworld of Taozin species (Force-invisible bugs with lightsaber-resistant armor), can be converted into taozin nodules/amulets
Sarka sector
- Sarka: jungle planet, homeworld of Sarkan race, only known source in 'Nova rubies' (high-demand luxury gemstone), heavily populated cave cities
Talcene sector
- Caramm: massive industrial center, controlled by Haor Chall Engineering to produce HMP Predator-class gunships, under CIS occupation
- Metalorn: massive industrial center, controlled by Techno Union [NB: to produce C-B3 cortosis battle droids], 'Foundry of the Confederacy' world
Eucer sector
- Euceron: homeworld of Euceron race, site of Great Dordon Caves (hosted Galactic Games of 26 BBY) formerly controlled by Commerce Guild
Maldrood sector
- Abhean: headquarters of Republic Fleet Systems (ancient shipwright, affiliated with Jedi, produced Aurex-class A-Wing tactical strikefighter) [NB: nationalized c. 22 BBY], site of Abhean Shipyards (massive orbital drydock, built Chu'unthor praxeum-ship), CIS foundry world
- Besh Gorgon: site of heavily-armed 'The Wheel' space station (casino & smuggling den), thriving black market in Tirefin spice (drug)
- Centares: heavily urbanized trade hub and resort world on Perlemian Trade Route, site of 'Rubyflame Lake', CIS foundry world
- Ganzik: orbital shipyards run by Mesen Corporation (light spacecraft, e.g. SCT Scout Craft)
- New Holstice: hospital world, homeworld of 'memory moth' species, site of 'Jedi Monument to the Fallen', neutral!
Bryx sector
- Anzat: homeworld of Anzati race (parasitic telepathic assassins) [NB: vampires...], orbital spaceports, thriving black market & smugglers den
- Loken III: industrial planet, headquarters of TransTech Droidworks (controlled by Trade Federation), CIS foundry world
Lifh sector
- Diado: ice planet, heavily industrialized, site of Techno Union facility [NB: prototyping an advanced bomber-fighter], under CIS occupation
Bortele Cluster sector
- Ingo: rich in scatrium & fravisite (rare ores), mining facilities run by Tagge Mining Company; nearby shipyard owned by Fromm Gang
Halla sector
- Bimmisaari: homeworld of Bimms races, major trade hub on Ilosian Spur, site of major Refugee Relief Movement settlements
- Boz Pity: 'graveyard planet' (homeworld of extinct Gargantelle race), site of major Separatist base & staging point
Taldot sector
- Balamak: major agriworld and trade hub, site of Republic's primary regional Holonet relay node [NB: and CIS's prototype comm-jammer platform]
- Charros IV: homeworld of Xi Charrian race (cathedral-factories), headquarters of Haor Chall Engineering (starfighters, e.g., vulture droids), CIS 'Foundry'
- Togoria: homeworld of Togorian race (pastoral lions), resource-rich but unindustrialized, known for exporting sc'rath (custom-made electrified scimitars)
Mytaranor sector
- Alaris Prime: Wookie colony world, headquarters of KashyCorp, site of former Decimator factory, Jedi Temple ruins, and Abyss Watchers businesses
- Chamble: major trade hub on Randon Run, headquarters of Bansche Tech (droids, e.g., assassin droids sold on the black market)
- Kashyyyk: homeworld of Wookie race and wroshyr trees, home of Chewbacca [NB: and Kento & Mallie Marek], headquarters of Wookie Trade Guild, KashyCorp (heavy starships), Uurbahhahvoovv Joiners & Artisans (evac-pods), Claatuvac Guild (hologrid of secret hyperlanes), site of Abyss Watcher base
- Messert: major financial hub in region, headquarters of Messert Mines Corporation and Kashyyyk Combine (bank for Wookie planets)
- Rakhuuun: Wookie colony world, site of Rakhuuun Shipyard (produces civilian starships, e.g., yachts and freighters)
- Trandosha: homeworld of Trandoshan race (slavers), site of Warlord's Palace, orbited by Wasskah ('hunting moon,' with Wookies as prey)
Terr'skiar sector
- Quas Killam: homeworld of Killam race, rich in trinium (weapon systems), factories & mining facilities run by Trade Federation, under CIS occupation
Trax sector
- Draenell's Point: heavily populated agriworld, headquarters of Draenell Industries and Thulpin Agriculture
- Essowyn: homeworld of Saurton race, cavern-cities, site of Thergum Pits, rich in iron alloys, mining facilities run by Messert Mines Corporation
- Genian: rocky planet known for secure bank vaults & research labs, headquarters of Fry Industries (security systems) owned by Talesan Fry (tech genius)
- Longwind: originally a Republic penal colony, now a major agriworld and primary textile producer in Mid Rim
- Nurstin: rocky planet rich in corthel and cortheum (droid photoreceptors), mining facilities run by Messert Mines Corporation
Kastolar sector
- Chalacta: home of Yudrish Senate (anti-militarist Senate),center of 'Chalactan Adepts' faith (resistant to mind tricks), site of Temple of Illumination
- Durkteel: homeworld of Saurin race, headquarters of Sublight Products ('Subpro') Corporation (starships e.g. NovaSword superiority fighter) and Icaris Tool & Drive (Subpro parts supplier), thriving agriworld, site of orbital shipyards and Refugee Relief settlements
- Kween: site of Kwenn Space Station (massive drydock & supply depot with up to six docking ports sized for capital ships)
- Sneeve: homeworld of Sneeve race, heavily populated mountain planet, site of major Refugee Relief Movement settlements
- Ubrikkia: industrial planet controlled by the Hutts, headquarters of Ubrikkian Industries (civilian vehicles & droids) owned by Kuat Drive Yards
Expansion Region
Prackla sector
- Cartao: homeworld of Cranscoc race, headquarters of Spaarti Creations (produce Spaarti cloning cylinders)
Locris sector
- Pirin: major trade hub on Perlemian Trade Route, headquarters of Kontag (starship security systems), regional office of Bounty Hunters' Guild
- Sermeria: major mining & agriworld on Perlemian Trade Route, current Senator is Ister Paddle (member of Loyalist Committee, opposes neutrality)
Hali sector
Nojic sector
- Valgauth: resource-rich but heavily polluted industrial world, headquarters of Trigdale Metallurgy (mineral/crystal mining & refining)
Dona Laza sector
Biivren sector
Annecy sector
Couronne sector
Axion sector
- Arkinnea: homeworld of Yuru race, site of 'Hidden Temple' (Jedi outpost), under CIS occupation
- Axion: Colicoid colony world, R&D facilities run by Colla Design (designed W-series droidekas, droid tri-fighters, buzz droids), CIS 'Foundry' world
Oeiros sector
Ghost Nebula sector
- Umbara: homeworld of Umbaran race, childhood home of Sly Moore (Palpatine aide), site of Sith Academy, produces Millicreep (assassin droids)
Noori sector
Briefing the Boss Pt. 3 - Inner Rim
Opila sector
- Fyrth: resource-rich asteroid field, sole source of opila lightsaber crystals (better for piercing/cutting)
Bilbringi sector
- Bilbringi VII: planetoid space station, site of resource-rich asteroid field and Bilbringi Shipyards (extensive drydocks, specializes in retrofitting/repair)
- Rondai II: pastoral resort world, used for low-profile business meetings, site of Ulta Center (high-security luxury conference rooms)
Voltare sector
- Aphran IV: trade hub on Namadii Corridor, idyllic forest world (woodworking & lumber exports), headquarters of Tadening Foodmakers
- Carratos: heavily urbanized trade hub on Namadii Corridor [NB: used by Fallanassi Force sect as refugee settlement after Imperial persecution]
The Whirl sector
Black Bantha Nebula sector
Waymancy sector
- Datar: homeworld of Ghostling race (ethereal humanoids) and Bayah species (trees), low-gravity planet, subject to routine slaver raids
- Ord Lithone: industrial planet, battle-droid factories formerly operated by Baktoid Armor Workshops (Techno Union) now abandoned
Marcol sector
- Barlok: homeworld of Brolfi and Karf races, major agriworld rich in ores, mining rights disputed between Brolfi Mining Guild and Corporate Alliance
- Tyberious: site of Tyberious Institute of Xenobiology (research facility)
Chagrian sector
- Champala: homeworld of Chagrian race, childhood home of Mas Amedda (Vice-Chair of Galactic Senate), heavily populated trade hub & resort world
Per Lupelo sector
- Drearia: fortress world & trade hub on Hydian Way, headquarters of Drearian Defense Conglomerate (weapons, esp. for Corporate Sector Authority)
- Paqualis III: heavily urbanized trade hub, childhood home of Corvastan Benelex, headquarters of House Benelex (retrieval, Bounty Hunters Guild)
Bogden sector
- Bogden: homeworld of ironwithe (durasteel-like plant) and renda bear (eats ironwithe) species, seismically active smugglers' den, populated moons
- Bogg III: moon of Bogden, site of Jedi chapter house and training facility, current home of Master Du Mahn and 'Soaring Hawkbat' clan (Jedi Initiates)
- Kohlma: necropolis moon of Bogden ('Moon of the Dead'), headquarters of Bando Gora (Force sect), site of Bando Gora citadel [NB: and Dooku's lair]
Mindor sector
- Taspan II: homeworld of 'Melter' race (energy beings), rich in meltmassif crystals (electrochemical weirdness), site of research facility (artificial gravity)
Ophidian sector
- Omonoth: asteroid fields mined by Adascorp, infested with exogorths (space slugs), site of wreck of Arkanian Legacy (former Adascorp HQ capital-ship)
- Caulus Tertius: lifeless planet that was once a Celestial colony world, site of discovery of 'Ophidian grotesque' sculpture
Silversisi sector
- Silversisi: site of ancient Library of Silversisi (derelict academy known for midichlorian research)
Nouane Allied Region sector
- Nouane: sector capital, economically isolated but politically dominant, known for libraries and tradition of statecraft (influenced Four Sages of Dwartii)
- Telerath: resort & banking world on Vaathkree hyperlane, headquarters of Telerath Interstellar Banking Initiative (customer service) owned by Adascorp
- Phateem: site of 'Halls of Knowledge' (abandoned Jedi library/artifact repository and 'Wonder of the Galaxy')
Shataum sector
-Kroctar: homeworld of Kroctari race, trade hub on Vaathkree Trade Corridor
Ryyk Nebula sector
- Myrkr: homeworld of Neti race (changeling plants) and ysalamiri species (Force negation), smugglers' den & blacksite (no Jedi), CNS member
Magataran Maelstrom sector
- Ubduria: homeworld of Ubdurian race, former capital of Ubdurian Trade Empire, devastated by Mandalorian Crusaders c. 4000 BBY
- Viamarr IV: agriworld known for subterranean fungal farms (known for Viamarr Blackroot exports), site of Velery Station (starport)
Paonnid sector
- Carest I: homeworld of Jiivahar race and thykar (massive conifer trees) species, resort/tourism world
- Nolar: heavily populated financial center and industrial planet, known for producing mining equipment, thriving black market
- Obroa-skai: site of Celebratus Archive ('Wonder of the Galaxy') and Jedi Academy (data analysis), headquarters of Obroan Institute and Aurora Medical
Six Sisters sector
- Eshan: homeworld of Echani race (genetically engineered albinos), capital of Six Sisters, known for Echani martial arts ('communication through combat')
- Thyrsus: homeworld of Thrysian race (genetically engineered warriors), headquarters of Sun Guard (Sith cult & mercenary army)
Larrin sector
- Asrat: headquarters of Holy Children of Asrat (faith that worships orphaned children), site of Holy Children temple
- Filordis: homeworld of Filordi race (opportunistic), heavily terraformed planet, branch offices of Metatheran Cartel (rivals of Trade Federation)
- Sab Rufo: isolated (poorly documented) world, site of Sab Rufo Academy (xenobiological studies), home of Obo Rin (sentientologist)
Eislomi sector
- Eislomi III: pastoral agriworld, chemical industry (exports 'cordioline trehansicol' anti-metalmite insecticide), site of HoloNet relay station (Vaathkree)
- Korda VI: homeworld of Kordan race (warriors), formerly associated with Death Watch, site of Jaster Mereel's tomb (battle where Jango's father died)
Pengalan sector
- Chrona: pastoral agriworld (bantha and primacale), rich in Chronamite (industrial chemical) mined by Corellian Chemical Corporation
- Hasiki: homeworld of Hasikian race, childhood home of T'Seely (Jedi Sentinel working in comm center of Coruscant Temple)
Taanab sector
- Amfar: idyllic resort world, homeworld of redfish species, tourism economy in decline due to Separatist Crisis and Clone Wars
- Norulac: mountain planet, headquarters of Norulac Pirates, smuggler's den and black market
- Taanab: major agriworld, site of Jedi Agricorp branch, headquarters of Banthal Shipping, farms controlled by Arcon Multinode, TaggeCo, Core Foodstuffs
Zeemacht Cluster sector
- Koaan: steppe planet, site of Galactic Research Academy (massive underground library, e.g. records of all new planets discovered by Republic scouts)
- Tirahnn: heavily populated trade hub on Perlemian Trade Route, site of Great Fair (galactic bazaar), headquarters of Osaji Syndicate (smugglers)
Anthos sector
- Berchest: trade hub, site of Calius saj Leeloo ('City of Glowing Crystal', tourist destination and 'Wonder of the Galaxy') and Refugee Relief settlements
Orus sector
- Chazwa: major trade hub and smugglers' den on Perlemian Trade Route, headquarters of Hahz Fallone's Criminal Empire
- Hijarna: former Rakatan colony world, site of Fortress of Hijarna (constructed out of energy-absorbent Hijarna stone)
- Poderis: stormy island planet protected by massive 'shield barrier' windbreaks, aquaculture economy and smugglers' den
- Uphrades: ancient agriworld ('Granary of Coruscant') turned seismically-unstable lava planet due to Sith 'Desolator' superweapon
Darlonn sector
- Vurdon Ka: homeworld of Vuvrian race (pacifist insectoids with highly sensitive skin), agriworld and trade hub along Perlemian Trade Route
Adari sector
- Adari: homeworld of Adarian race (known for 'carbon-ice drive' technology), mining & industrial world, Adarian mining colonies around sector
- Sochi: resort world, tourism economy
Colicoid Sovereign Nest sector
- Colla IV: homeworld of Colicoid race, industrial planet, headquarters of Colicoid Creation Nest (droids, e.g. droidekas, Pistoeka buzz droids, trifighters)
Ktilac Regions sector
- Ktil: homeworld of Ktilac race (xenophobic), subsector capital of Ktilac Regions
- Nahsu Minor: homeworld of Murachaun race (hard-working), subsector capital of Ktilac Regions, pastoral agriworld
- Tocoya: homeworld of Tocoyan race (religious), subsector capital of Ktilac Regions, desert world, headquarters of Disciples of Davrilat (music-based faith)
Zaric sector
- Kloper: homeworld of Kloperian race (mechanics), water world known for high-quality engineering exports
Neshig sector
- Corvanni IV: highly urbanized high-tech trade hub near Colonies, headquarters of Gandalom Paramedicinals Inc. (pharmaceutical research)
Gelviddis Cluster sector
- Manress: homeworld of Stokhli race (nomads), light industry, known for producing Stokhli spray sticks (stun guns)
Sistooine sector
- Telti: industrialized moon of Sistooine, battle-droid factories formerly operated by Baktoid Armor Workshops (Techno Union) bought by MerenData
Sunrider sector
- H'ratth: lush planet, site of ancient Jedi Academy (specialized in healing techniques)
- Pavo Prime: oceanic resort world, site of Pearl Island Cainso, headquarters of Invisible Shell (Jenet crime syndicate)
Transitory Mists subsector (Hapes Cluster)
- Olanji: site of Olanji/Charubah shipyards (Hapan Battle Dragons, Nova-class cruisers, Stella-class frigates, Hertrinar bombers, Miy'til starfighters)
- Roqoo: site of Roqoo Depot, refueling/supply space station and trade hub on Hapan Spine (external hyperlane to Perlemian Trade Route)
- Terephon: homeworld of murg species, game world, site of Warro Field (starport) and Villa Solis (House Galney retreat), trade hub on Hapan Spine
Hapan Rim Worlds subsector (Hapes Cluster)
- Zalori: homeworld of Zalorian rock-lion (resembles ancient Mandalorian Basilisk-class war droid)
Corsair Outback subsector (Hapes Cluster)
- Stalsinek IV: homeworld of Stalsineki race, jungle planet, site of ancient temple rumored to contain a Fountain of Youth [NB: it does]
Interior Region subsector (Hapes Cluster)
- Farnica: known for chime-paintings (multi-media musical/painting/sculpture, e.g. Idyll) [NB: seized by Palpatine for his Mount Tantiss storehouse]
- Gallinore: homeworld of firedrake species, rich in rainbow gems (silicon-based life forms, usable as lightsaber crystals), site of multiple high-tech labs
- Hapes: homeworld of Hapan race, capital of Hapes Consortium, rich in ditanium, site of Palace of Per'Agthra, port of call for Star Home (flagship)
- Millinar: mythic planet [cf. Avalon of Arthurian legends), homeworld of Millinaran race (keepers of long-lost Jedi techniques), site of ancient Jedi obelisk
- Selab: homeworld of Selab wisdom-tree species (increase intelligence when consumed!), rich in crystal vein deposits
- Thrakia: homeworld of Thrakian race (intelligent insects with genetic memory-sharing), agriworld rich in ore deposits
Gateworlds subsector (Hapes Cluster)
- Zadaria: primary agriworld of Hapes Consortium, known for Zadarian brandy exports
Rifle Worlds subsector (Hapes Cluster)
- Algnadesh: former site of Algnadesh Ship Graveyards (long-lost legendary shipyards)
- Charubah: headquarters of Royal Armaments Guild (high-tech weapons, e.g. 'Gun of Command') and Olanji/Charubah (starships)
- Lovola: headquarters of Lovolan (service droids, e.g. R-10 household droid)
- Maires: homeworld of Mairan race (squidmen), water world, population prejudiced against Jedi/Force Users, friendly rivals with neighbor Vergil
- Relephn: gas giant orbited by hundreds of populated moons, mining/industrial economy, headquarters of House AlGray
- Vergil: industrial planet, headquarters of Vergil Mining Corporation, headquarters of House Thane
Lorelli Reach subsector (Hapes Cluster)
- Ket: homeworld of Ketton race, desert planet
- Lorell: former headquarters of Lorell Raiders, trade hub on Lorell Route (external hyperlane to Lesser Lantillian and Trellen Trade Routes)
- Sennex: headquarters of the Sennex Pirates (slave-trading fleet, considered 'worse than the Hutts')
- Telkur: site of major shadowport/space station on Lorell Route (external hyperlane)
Lesser Lantilles sector
- Haariden: homeworld of lava crab species, agriworld, sole source of titanite (versatile ore, e.g. for bacta production), civil war over mineral rights
- Porus Vida: lush resort world, known for museums, botanical gardens, and artistic culture
- M4-78: legendary droid planet, settled before 4000 BBY, briefly controlled by Sith... still independent?
Japrael sector
- Onderon: childhood home of Saw Gerrera, trade hub on Lesser Lantillian Route, site of Ov Taraba (university) and Unifar Temple (palace)
- Dxun: jungle moon of Onderon, site of Mandalorian Outpost (former HQ of Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders) and Tomb of Freedon Nadd (Sith nexus)
Airon sector
- Ambria: mining world rich in Luxum crystals, site of Sith obelisk, Jedi Enclave, and Meditative Canyon (light-side nexus) [NB: and base of Darth Bane]
- Ithull: homeworld of colossus wasp species (capital-ship-sized spacefaring wasps, corpses converted into Ithullian ore haulers, used to haul mutonium)
- Merson: headquarters of Merson Slavers (ally of Zygerrian Slave Empire), site of asteroid belt and wreck of Elegant Wake, controlled by CIS
- Stenness Node asteroid field: site of The Rig (converted dreadnaught), former headquarters of Crimson Nova (anti-Jedi chapter of Bounty Hunters Guild)
- Stenness: site of Stenness Hyperspace Terminal (space station along Whitebeam Run hyperlane), currently controlled by BolBol the Hutt
- Vo Dasha: barren moon of Taboon, original site of Bogga the Hutt's estate, currently serving as headquarters of BolBol the Hutt's criminal empire
Zel sector
- Virujansi: homeworld of borecrawler species, childhood home of Antoc Merrick, headquarters of Rarefied Air Cavalry, trade hub near Kashyyyk
- Zeltros: homeworld of Zeltron race (red empaths), heavily populated resort world, site of 'Paradise Oasis' cantina and complex
Gorse sector
- Cynda: moon of Gorse, natural preserve, rich in thorilide crystals (shock absorbent, used for turbolasers), massive reserves unmined & unexploited
- Gorse: industrial world rich in thorilide crystals (depleted deposits), headquarters of Introsphere (mining) and Transcept Media Solutions (surveillance)
Marasa Nebula sector
- Marasai: homeworld of Marasan race (marsupial cyborgs), technocratic agriworld, Marasan capital and colonies isolated from galaxy by Marasa Nebula
- Rasterous: industrial planet, site of orbital shipyard controlled by Kuat Drive Yards
Dartessex sector
- Calcoraan: acidic planet (oceans of chromyl chloride), site of Calcoraan Depot controlled by Count Vidian of Minerax Consulting
Inner Cluster sector
- Cona: homeworld of Arcona race, resource-rich jungle (Duinuogwuin colony), headquarters of Arcona Mineral Harvest Corporation (Commerce Guild)
Pyrshak sector
- Manaan: homeworld of Selkath race, water world, sole source of kolto (proto-bacta), headquarters of Order of Shasa (Force sect)
Karkaris sector
- Truuine: Patrolian and Karkarodon colony world, isolated water world, site of abandoned Jedi Praxeum
Prindaar sector
- Antar IV: moon of Antar, homeworld of Gotal race (sensors), heavily populated trade hub, headquarters of Antarian Rangers, under CIS occupation
- Antar V: moon of gas giant Antar, Gotal mining colony world, rich in mineral deposits especially magnetite (iron ore), under CIS occupation
Elus sector
- Ailon: homeworld of Ailon race (militaristic faith), headquarters of Ailon Nova Guard (massive 1-billion-strong mercenary outfit) founded in 13,000 BBY
Iseno sector
- Ardru: headquarters of Denon-Ardru Mutual (mining/refinery megacorporation, formerly associated with the Mining Guild)
- Denon: ecumenopolis and ancient Rakatan colony, trade hub between Corellian Run and Hydian Way, HQ of Republic's Second Sector Army
- Iseno: heavily militarized industrial world, represented in Senate by Ronet Coorr (militarist, corrupt/bribeable, Loyalist Committee)
Callia sector
- Genon: former Killik colony world, repurposed citadel-hive serving as headquarters of Grappa the Hutt's criminal empire (formerly with Black Sun)
- Ord Vaxal: Republic penal colony [NB: imminent Jailbreak], homeworld of risp and trigha species, site of Khorma Weapon Market and Soren starport
Ronyards sector
- Ronyards: droid junkyard planet, rich in varium, headquarters of droid-planet religion [NB: possible colony of Abominor, extra-galactic droid society]
Pallis sector
- Chardaan: trade hub on Hydian Way and Shipwrights' Trace, site of Chardaan Shipyards (produce starfighters), base of Republic's 16th Sector Army
Itani Nebula sector
- Darknon Station: ancient space station in Itani Nebula, originally built in 4000 BBY, currently a derelict shadowport, hostel & smugglers' den
- Perithal VI: trade hub on Hydian Way, site of Institute of Starship Engineers campus (galaxy-famous technical academy)
Dargulli sector
- Yorn Skot: gas giant rich in tibanna gas, site of Yorn Skot Mining Station controlled by Saul Moegantz [NB: basically 'alien Lando']
Prokreisha sector
- Vaklin: site of 'Temple of Imperfect Repose' (Jedi shrine) and Howling Ruins (cliff city), very friendly with the Jedi Order
Hadlress sector
- Hadlress: headquarters of Hadlress Defense Systems Limited (security systems) owned by Jasis Temm (corporate rival of Talesan Fry)
Mirak sector
- Mirak Major: heavily populated Republic world near CIS space [NB: imminent CIS geo-attack on planet's mega-volcanoes]
Koorivar sector
- Kooriva: homeworld of Koorivar race, childhood home of Passel Argente (Corporate Alliance), headquarters of Lethe Merchandising & Koorivar Fusiliers
Atzerri sector
- Atzerri: Gotal refugee colony, member of Association of Free Trade Worlds, site of Pemblehov Starport and Talos Medicomplex, thriving trade hub
Las Lagon sector
- Affa: trade hub on Shipwrights' Trace, heavily populated industrial planet, site of Cybot Galactica droid factory [NB: produced C-3PO's parts]
- Jenenma: industrial planet known for starship production, controlled by Pal-Nada (Force-sensitive Cerean crime lord)
Quarzite sector
- Aleen Minor: industrial colony world of Aleena race, site of Jedi chapter house, site of Aleen Classic (podracing event)
- Quarzite: homeworld of Belugan and Kage races, mining world with crystal caves, headquarters of Kage Warriors, site of Quarzite Skyhook and Subtram
Six Local Systems sector
- Beltrix III: industrial planet near Corellian Trade Spine, headquarters of Holstrum Talent Agency
Arkam sector
- Arkam XIII: wheelworld space station in Arkam system, site of the Holorepository (largest collection of lore outside Jedi Archives, curated by Atour Riten)
Caliginous sector
- Tomo-Reth: site of ancient ruins of Caliginous Automaton ('Wonder of the Galaxy': 50-meter-tall fire-breathing black droid built before 15,000 BBY)
Arakyd sector
- Mechis III: headquarters of Trilon (starships), automated droid factories (Arakyd Industries, Veril Line Systems, Genetech, SoroSuub, and Techno Union)
Givin Domain sector
- Yag'Dhul: homeworld of Givin race (math), childhood home of Var Zheen, site of Givin Shipyards (Wavecrest-class frigates), base of CIS First Fleet
Harrin sector
- Harrin: major trade hub between Corellian Trade Spine and Harrin Trade Corridor, controlled by CIS
- Qretu V: medical-industrial planet, site of Q5A7 Bacta Refinement Plant, controlled by Xucphra Corporation
Keller's Void sector
- Wroona: Pantoran colony world, home of Chi Eekway Papanoida (Senator), heavily populated trade hub, headquarters of Palestro's Wholesale Firearms
- Bestine IV: H'kig colony, water world known for oceanic-based shipyards (repair and frigate construction), site of Kestic Station shadowport
- Moorja: major agriworld (exports fenti beans & ruva grain), site of CIS research lab [NB: run by 'Doctor' tactical droid] and Avisio colony
Ukatis sector
- Themis: homeworld of Themian race, resource-rich moon with mining facilities (explosive ore for power source)
Jaso sector
- Thyferra: homeworld of Vratix race (logical hive), headquarters of Xucphra and Zaltin Corporations (bacta monopoly), base of CIS Third Fleet
- Tauber: trade hub on Rimma Trade Route, medical-based economy, headquarters and research lab of Neuro-Saav Corporation (produces cybernetics)
Vanik sector
- Vanik: headquarters of Republic Survey Corps and Republic Exploration Corps, site of the Republic Exploration Academy
Azurbani sector
- Kiffu: homeworld of Kiffar race (psychometry), childhood home of Quinlan Vos (Grey Jedi), former home of Tholme and T'ra Saa (Jedi Watchmen)
- Kiffex: Kiffar penal colony, site of Ven Karya Spaceport, headquarters of Kiffu Guardians, former site of Volfe Karkko's stasis-field and Anzati sanctum
Krenhner sector
- Patrolia: homeworld of Patrolian race (fish), childhood home of Robonino (bounty hunter) and Bannamu [NB: Abyss Watcher employee?]
- Terrelia: homeworld of Terrelian Jango Jumper race (agile), childhood home of Cassie Cryar [NB: Abyss Watcher employee?]
Penegelen sector
- Penegelen: site of the Penegelen Shards (fragmented ruins of an ancient Dyson Sphere built by the Celestials)
Biskar sector
- Biskar: headquarters of Biskaran Pirates (control space and hyperlane acess into Colonies region)
Pa Tho sector
- Pa Tho: homeworld of Pa Tho race (now extinct), site of Great Subcrustal Tubeway
Fennesa sector
- Fennesa: homeworld of 'mountain nerf' species, pastoral economy, headquarters of Grand Horn Ranch Corporation
Atrig sector
- Korbin: rich in kyrf (fruit), headquarters of Cross-Galactic Mining, site of Pleasant City shadowport (pirate haven and smugglers' den)
- Grillis: resource-rich asteroid field in Atrig system, controlled by Cross-Galactic Mining
Gyrlat sector
- Tasariq: homeworld of Tasari race, rich in tasar crystals, headquarters of Barimoq Industries (guns), site of Tasariq Crater ('Wonder of the Galaxy')
Niriktavi sector
- Taratos IV: homeworld of Niriktavi coral (medicinal effects) [NB: site of imminent CIS capture of Bant'ena Fhernan for bioweapon development]
Buoyant sector
- Buoyant: ancient Rakatan colony, artificial rotation, nature preserve & 'game planet' [NB: used by Darth Plagueis and Darth Sidious for early training]
Bamula sector
- Donadus: homeworld of Donadi race (meditative artists), headquarters of Chorran Shipjacker Gang
- Mindabaal: site of Mandabaal Royal Academy, headquarters of Mandabaal Customs (pleasure yachts), represented by Lord James Donovan in Senate
- Simocadia: homeworld of Mosciive race (stonecutter-sculptors), home of Sephani (Empress), lush crystal-mining planet rich in agrocite (amplify lasers), site of Ardana Shadex (giant stone automatons) and Library of Mosciive, neutral!
Seventh Security Zone sector
Freestanding Subsectors (Western Reaches)
- Jakku: homeworld of Uthuthma race, site of Sacred Villages and Consecrated Eremite, desert planet, rich in ores (bezorite, magnite, kesium gas)
Freestanding Subsectors (Western Reaches)
- Iol: barren planet rich in ores (esp. durasteel components), controlled by Tangan Industries, headquarters of Miners' Union
Freestanding Subsectors (Western Reaches)
- Oaka Prime: lush wildlife preserve planet, site of ancient Rakatan ruins
Briefing the Boss Pt. 4 - Hutt Space and Eastern Rims
Wild Space
Malagarr sector
- Malagarr: homeworld of Malagarrian race (high-tech, tried to turn planet into energy reactor, now extinct), irradiated wasteland populated by droids
Hurikane sector
- Hurikane: homeworld of Hurikane race (stone/crystal beings), sole source of Hurrikaine crystals (purple, used for Mace Windu's lightsaber)
Outer Rim
Calaron sector
- Dweem: ice world, home of Master Aqinos (Altisian Jedi), center of the 'Iron Knights' (Force sect for Shard race)
- F'tral: homeworld of Iyra race (cephalopod engineers), headquarters of Iyranis Gravitics Limited (physics tech, e.g. grav-field disruptor, gravity belts)
- Kegan: former center of 'Benevolent Guides' Force sect (isolationist) [NB: vision of Empire], childhood home of O-Lana Chion (Jedi, works with refugees)
- Kubindi: homeworld of Kubaz race (humanoid anteaters employed as spies), site of Silver Forest of Dreams (dark-side Force nexus)
- Lowick: homeworld of Pa'lowick race (singers), [NB: childhood home of Sy Snootles], marshy agriworld, site of Lowick asteroid field (rich in firegems)
- Seregar: jungle planet, rich in tolium (blaster gas) and littrium, mining facilities run by Trigdale Metallurgy and by Mining Guild
Kessel sector
- Formos: smugglers' den at terminus of Kessel Run hyperlane, site of Formos Spaceport
- Honoghr: homeworld of Noghri race (assassins), site of ancient Rakatan temple and Sith Academy [NB: site of impending CIS bioweapon spill]
- Kessel: homeworld of energy spider and bogey species, site of Spice Mines of Kessel (prison) [NB: site of Celestial-made biomechanical galaxy map]
- Oba Diah: homeworld of Pyke race, headquarters of Pyke Syndicate (spice) [NB: killed Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas and imprisoned Valorum's aide Silman]
- The Maw: cluster of black holes, site of Sinkhole Station, center of 'Mind Walkers' Force sect [NB: Celestial-made prison of Abeloth 'the Mother']
Bheriz sector
- Aduba III: desert agriworld run by Modirin Mining Concern, center of 'Sacred Way' (religion), [NB: site of 'Behemoth from World Below' Sith monster]
- Bheriz: homeworld of Bherizian race, mining planet rich in teniline granules (necessary component of hyperdrive cores)
- Eadu: mountain planet owned by Wilhuff Tarkin [NB: future site of Imperial kyber refinery]
- Rigel VII: homeworld of Rigellian race [NB: basically Hulk...], high-gravity botanical agriworld
- Teth: Hutt resort colony, childhood home of Janu Godalhi (security expert), site of abandoned B'omarr Monastery where Rotta the Hutt was recovered
- Outland Station: heavily damaged space station, formerly a major trade hub on Shag Pabol [NB: owner was Rozatta, close friend of Jango Fett...]
Albanin sector
- Barab I: homeworld of Barabel race (reptile warriors), rich in barab ore (lightsaber crystal), site of Neutral Jedi Zone, center of Jedi-worshipping cult
- Blaudu Sextus: homeworld of Blaudun race (slavers), headquarters of Sextuna Mining Corporation, slave labor from sister planet (Octusi race)
Zoraster sector
- Altor XIV: homeworld of Avogwi and Nuiwit races, resource-rich steppe planet, recently discovered by Rego Mineral Company
Al'Nasri sector
- Syvris: moon surrounded by asteroid belt, site of Syvris shadowport at nexus of Triellus Trade Route and Hollastin Run, thriving smugglers' den
Galov sector
- Gamorr: homeworld of Gamorrean race (porcine mercenaries), war-torn agriworld, site of Jugsmuk Station (off-world trade), [NB: ancient Sith Academy]
Tammuz sector
- Fyodos: homeworld of Galidyn race (high-tech mini-dragons), surface scoured by 'Great Cleansing' civil war [NB: nuclear countdown...]
- Shola: lava world, site of Shola Catacombs (ruins of extinct civilization, mined too deep and destabilized planet's core)
Quiberon sector
- Rothana: shipyards, headquarters of Rothana Heavy Engineering (Kuat) [NB: 'Project Icefang -- vehicles for Kamino clone] and ConCare (biotech)
Albrion sector
- Albrion Major: childhood home of Esu Rotsino (CIS Senator), major agriworld, sector capital administering 200 agriworlds
- Cloak of the Sith: nebula & asteroid belt surrounding Roon system, navigable by Death Wind Corridor (smuggling lane), site of Umboo Lightstation
- Garban: homeworld of Jenet race (survivalist rats with perfect memory), subterranean mining planet, six resource-rich colonies in the same system
- Gibad: childhood home of Ovolot Qail Uthan (mad scientist), site of Academy of Life Sciences (genetics) [NB: targeted by FG36 virus after 'New Order']
- Rishi: homeworld of Rishii race (birds), rich in exonium (fuel), headquarters of Nova Blades (pirates), site of abandoned Revanite Valley Stronghold, sole access point to Rishi Maze (companion galaxy), location of Veijel's longevity-machine schematics
- Roon: homeworld of 'mudmen' race, sole source of roonstones (valuable data crystals), isolated by Cloak of the Sith, [NB: imminent Manda-Roon route]
- Ukio: homeworld of Ukian race (farmers), massive agriworld and major Core supplier, currently controlled by Corporate Alliance (occupied by CIS)
- Varristad: mining planet, formerly controlled by Arcona Mineral Harvest, currently controlled by Offworld Mining Corporation
Yminis sector
- Alvorine: smugglers' den, crystal-rich forest planet, headquarters of Krova the Hutt's criminal empire covering most of sector
Klina sector
Wild Space
Smarteel sector
- Smarteel: homeworld of Smarteel race (humanoid), home of Cabrool Nuum (crime lord, 'ally' of Jabba the Hutt), desert shadowport
Rishi Maze a.k.a. Companion Aurek dwarf galaxy
- Kamino: homeworld of Kamino race, childhood home of Ko Sai (geneticist), site of Tipoca City cloning facilities [NB: and underwater Derem Jedi Library]
Pando Spur region
- Near Pando: emerging trade hub in southern Hutt Space, site of the Malabar Construct (ancient Rakatan ruins)
- Xolu: homeworld of Yahk-Tosh race (Hutt-like slugs), pleasant agriworld controlling colonies along Pando Spur
Hollastin Run region
- Aylayl: resource-rich forest world, slave-based mining economy, controlled by Shell Hutt kajidic
- Circumtore: throneworld of 'Shell Hutt' kajidic, artificial ring-shaped planethoid (wheel-world)
- Riileb: homeworld of Riileb race (empathic insects), rich in heklu (delicacy), controlled by Yorvi the Hutt
Shag Pabol region
- Diyu: industrial world based on slave labor, controlled by Popara of the Anjiliac kajidic
- Poytta: smugglers' den and pirate haven on bypass hyperlane off Shag Pabol
- Rorak IV: industrial planet and trade hub by Nal Hutta, orbited by Rorak V Station (neutral meeting ground), site of largest slave market in Hutt Space
- Ylesia: homeworld of reek species, industrial world known for slave-run spice processing facilities, controlled by Aruk of the Besadii kajidic
Bootana Hutta region ('Garden of the Hutts')
- Bootana Shagplan: trade hub (esp. for luxury goods) and primary slave market supplying the 'Garden of the Hutts' region
- Da Soocha: mythic planet of Hutt legend, unexplored & unpopulated water world rumored to have a sentient ocean [NB: it doesn't]
- Gos Hutta: fortress world guarding access to 'Garden of the Hutts' region, three agriworlds and many orbital stations in system
- Kor Anjiliac: throneworld of Anjiliac kajidic (Hutt spice-dealers, led by Zietta the Hutt)
- Kor Bareesh: former throneworld of Bareesh kajidic (Hutt arms dealers), in ruins due to supervolcano eruption
- Kor Besadii: throneworld of Besadii kajidic (Hutt slavers, rivals of Desilijic clan, led by Arok and Gardulla the Hutt)
- Kor Desilijic: throneworld of Desilijic kajidic (dominant Hutt clan, led by Jabba the Hutt)
- Kor Gejalli: throneworld of Gejalli kajidic (minor Hutt traders, rivals of 'Shell Hutt' clan)
- Kor Gorensla: throneworld of Gorensla kajidic (Hutt black market operatives, control shadowports and planets from shadows)
- Kor Hestilic: throneworld of Hestilic kajidic (original founders of Hutt Council, now minor clan)
- Kor Jiramma: throneworld of Jiramma kajidic (Hutt crimelords, control single-planet 'empires', e.g. on Nar Shaddaa or Cato Neimoidia)
- Kor Kajidier: throneworld of Kajidier kajidic (Hutt white-collar criminals, profit from money laundering, forgery, and holovid piracy)
- Kor Nasirii: throneworld of Nasirii kajidic (Hutt intelligence operatives, operate 'pleasure dens' for blackmail)
- Kor Qunaalac: throneworld of Kunaalac kajidic (Hutt admiralty, patrol Hutt Space hyperlanes)
- Kor Vosadii: throneworld of Vosadii kajidic (Hutt political operatives, manipulate elections and public sentiment)
- Nar Shunna: trade hub (esp. for trade between throneworlds) and archaeological site [NB: "awash in precious artifacts"]
- Saki: homeworld of Sakiyan race (mercenaries with supersenses), independent from Hutt Council (!), high-tech industrial planet with three colonies
- Varl: original homeworld of Hutt race and (Hutt-like) t'landa Til race, ancient Rakatan colony, now an irradiated wasteland with domed cities
The Cairns region
- Godsheart Station: Sakiyan space refinery used to enrich graxitium (exotic ore mined from Sakidopa colony, used for repulsorlift circuitry)
- Moralan: original homeworld of Moralan race (extinct), slave rebellion crushed by Boonta the Hutt in 25,100 BBY (inspired Boonta's Eve holiday)
Si'Klaata Cluster region
- Arrochar: lush underpopulated mountain world, isolated, ruled by human population, very resource-rich
- Kintan: homeworld of Nikto races (five specialized subspecies, reptiles), site of Wannschok ('fire desert'), center of Morgukai (anti-Force death cult)
- Klatooine: homeworld of paddy frog species, headquarters of Klatooinian Trade Guild, site of 'Fountain of Ancients' (wintrium - more resilient over time)
- Vodran: homeworld of Vodran race (communal identity) and dianoga species (garbage eaters)
Sisar Run region
- Cyborrea: homeworld of Cyborrean race (warriors) and nek species (battlemounts), recruitment & training center for Hutt military
- Dirha: industrial planet and trade hub, controlled by Gormo of the Vosadii kajidic
Ilosian Spur region
- Tal Nami: homeworld of Tal Nami race (honorable merchants) and egoa tree species, major trade hub on edge of Hutt Space
Pabol Sleheyron region
- Ilos: homeworld of Ilosian race, agriworld and trade hub controlling colony worlds along Ilosian Spur
- Nar Kreeta: major trade hub and industrial planet, mining facilities controlled by Mining Guild
- Nimban: homeworld of Nimbanel race (best bureaucrats), headquarters of Hoersch-Kessel Drive (starships, e.g. Lucrehulks), Delban Faxicorp (droids) and Delban Serv-O-Droid (utility droids, e.g. DUM-series pit droids, CZ-series comm-droids, salvage droids, etc.)
- Quesh: acid planet, rich in venenit queshaaga (used for adrenals and toxins), thriving chemical industry, site of Three Families palace
- Sleheyron: massive trade hub, slave-based industrial planet rich in tibanna gas, controlled by Thakba of the Besadii kajidic
- Ulmatra: minor trade hub, major financial center for money laundering operations, controlled by Kajidier kajidic
Ganath Cloud region
- Jilrua: homeworld of Jilruan race (humanoid warriors), recruiting center for Hutt military
- Boonda's Moon: moon of gas giant Kleeva, industrial economy, site of Rseikharhl Droidworks factory (produce LE-VO law enforcement droids)
- Nal Hutta: original homeworld of Evocii race, capital of Hutt Space, massive industrial trade hub, site of Gardulla's Palace and Hutt Council Chamber
- Nar Shaddaa: 'Smugglers' Moon' of Nal Hutta, homeworld of Gank race (high-tech bounty hunters), crime-ridden ecumenopolis, extensive Undercity
- Toydaria: homeworld of Toydarian race (shrewd traders), [NB: childhood home of Watto], feudal swampy agriworld, key trade hub by Nal Hutta
- Valsedian: site of resource-rich asteroid belt, mining facilities operated by Ugnaught slaves, sold to the CIS by Torpo the Hutt
Esaga sector
- Cygnus B: homeworld of 'giant algae-beds' race (botanical 'super brains' covering ocean surface)
- Rett II: colony world of Jante race, mining and industrial planet in fierce rivalry [NB: verge of war] with neighboring Freda system
Teraab sector
- Averill: mining planet rich in quadrenium (used for Old Republic starship construction)
- Drogheda: resource-rich mining planet controlled by Drogheda Mining Company, governed by corporate monarchy
- Istic II: homeworld of Istician race (mutants), resource-rich mining planet
- Ruusan: site of battle that led to Ruusan Reformation [NB: homeworld of bouncer race, rich in Ruusan crystals, site of 'Valley of the Jedi' Force nexus]
- Ruusan II: moon of Ruusan [NB: site of 'Skytop Station', CIS listening post built by Hyper-Communications Cartel & destroyed early in the war]
- Tyne's Horky: frontier mining planet rich in keschel ore (rare) and nergon-14 (used for proton torpedoes)
Kurost sector
- Kurosti: trade hub, headquarters of Kurosti Merchant Fleet (Corporate Alliance), currently under CIS occupation
Hune sector
Eclorar sector
- Nixor: homeworld of Nixor race (simmering feud with galaxy), site of decrepit Nixor Spaceport (no amenities, but good place for secret meetings)
Daalang sector
- Daalang: trade hub and former Separatist fortress world, currently a Republic military base
Oktos sector
- Ghtroc: former headquarters of Ghtroc Industries (shipwright, e.g. Ghtroc-720 light freighter and Cargo Empress-class super freighter, now bankrupt)
Lannik Space sector
- Lannik: homeworld of Lannik race, childhood home of Even Piell (one-eyed Jedi Watchman) [NB: recently imprisoned/killed at Citadel, on Lola Sayu?]
Lannik Wilds sector
- Nanth'ri: asteroid field, site of The Foundry (massive Rakatan-made automated mining/battledroid manufacturing space station)
Dohlbani sector
Bothan Space sector
- Bothawui: homeworld of Bothan race (bipedal horse-dogs, best spies); sole source of lidium (ore); childhood home of Polo Se'lab (neutral Senator), Savielk Trey'dra (Council Chief) [NB: opposed Emperor Palpatine], Glynn-Beti (Jedi Master), Kai Hudorra (Jedi Master, survived Order 66), Knol Ven'nari (gray Jedi Master, fire elementalist, killed c. 21 BBY), Karaksk Vet'lya (CIS admiral), Reug Yucon (scientist, studying titanite) [NB: bacta...], Elwis Bonraar, Ch'ord Sy'fon (Coruscant information brokers), Akris Ur'etu (Coruscant crime lord), Weasy (smuggler & informant), [NB: Varesk Bura'lya (anti-Palpatine ambassador, Bothan Embassy) and Oryon (anti-Palpatine agent, Republic Intelligence)]; center of 'Jeswandi' Force sect (martial arts); headquarters of Bothan Spynet (best intelligence network in galaxy), Bothawui Shipyards (starships), Bothawui Communications Conglomerate (military comms), MCS (computer mainframes), Elsinore-Cordova Engineering (starships), Droid Equality Foundation, Bothawui Defense Corps (sector fleet); site of Drev'starn Spaceport, Regal Bothan Hotel, and Intergalactic Trade Mission [NB: Bothan Spynet]; neutral!
- Kothlis: Bothan colony world, industrial planet, headquarters of Plextech Plastic Corporation (mining/processing) and Compart Corporation (droid parts)
- Sennatt: Bothan colony world, industrial planet, headquarters of Publictechnic (industrial maintenance droids)
Manda sector
- Holess: homeworld of Holessian race (literally worship rule of law), site of Mount of Justice (courthouse temple), rich in duranium (lightsaber-resistant)
- Manda: childhood home of Ebenn Q3 Baobab and Mungo Baobab, site of Baobab Archives (galactic wonder), headquarters of Baobab Merchant Fleet
Grohl sector
- Calast: orbited by massive Golan Space Colony, trade hub and refueling/repair/supply station along southern Triellus Trade Route
- Felacat: homeworld of Felacatian race (changelings, baseline form has super-reflexes, shift to powerful 'cat' state when stressed), under CIS siege
- Sucharme: childhood home of Kligson (Cuy'val Dar), headquarters of Grohl Liberation Front (anti-CIS), agriworld invaded by Trade Federation pre-Naboo
Arkanis sector
- Arkanis: sector capital and major trade hub, site of Arkanis Academy (Republic military) and Scaparus Port, former capital of Regency Worlds
- Austan: site of Austan Asteroid Cluster (resorts and mining facilities)
- A-Foroon: throneworld of Jahibakti kajidic (Hutt arms dealers), formerly controlled Tatooine water supply
- B-Foroon: throneworld of Faljozic kajidic (Hutt import/export), formerly controlled Tatooine offworld trade
- C-Foroon: throneworld of Besadii kajidic (Hutt spice smugglers, rivals of Jabba's Desilijic clan), headquarters of Decca the Hutt's criminal empire
- Cranan XII: resource-rich mining planet, trade hub, controlled by Mining Guild
- Geonosis: homeworld of Geonosian race (isolationist flying insects); childhood home of Poggle the Lesser (Archduke, member of Separatist Council), Gizor Dellso (engineer), Gorgol (aristocrat & gifted mechanic) [NB: and Karina the Great (Queen, Stalgasin hive)]; headquarters of Gordal Weaponsmiths (sonic guns), Geonosian Industries (Techno Union, battle droids), and Huppla Pasa Tisc Shipwrights (produce Nantex-class beak-wing fighter, Punworcca-class solar sailer, and Ginivex-class starfighter); site of Petranaki Arena, Progate Temple, and Stalgasin Hive (capitol-spire)
- Issor: homeworld of Issori and Odenji races, site of University of Be'Nal, industrial and scientific powerhouse of Arkanis sector
- Kemal: gas giant rich in tibanna gas, orbited by moon Kemal Station (trade hub and smugglers' den)
- Pii: heavily forested sister planets (Pii III and IV), sole source of greel wood (luxury), headquarters of Greel Wood Logging Corporation
- Tatooine: homeworld of Tusken and Jawa races & krayt dragon species, childhood home of Anakin Skywalker, site of Jabba's Palace and Shiin's Library
Savareen sector
- Apatros: mining colony rich in cortosis, controlled by Outer Rim Oreworks, [NB: childhood home of Darth Bane],
- Christophsis: crystal planet, major mining economy, asteroid fields rich in quadrillium, nergon-14, hfredium and chalon (rare dense ores for hull plating)
- Gellefon: homeworld of gellbeast species (wardogs), site of Kig Dannen Spaceport
- Nelvaan: homeworld of Nelvaanian race (warrior wolves), ice planet, [NB: site of Techno Union lab to conduct cybernetic experiments on natives]
- Rodia: homeworld of Rodian race, childhood home of Onaconda Farr (anti-Palpatine militarist Senator), Suvam Tan (legendary inventor c. 4000 BBY) [NB: and Suz Tanwa (New Republic-era treasure hunter)], headquarter of Rodmark Weapons and Goa-Ato (bounty hunters)
- Tythe: industrial world, headquarters of LiMerge Power [NB: Damask Holdings puppet, own The Works district in Coruscant, funded Outer Rim pirates]
- Zaadja: Mandalorian colony world, resource-rich asteroid belt in ring around planet, site of Geonosian hive-factory fortress, controlled by CIS
Dalchon sector
- Arapia: adopted homeworld of Kadri'Ra race (dragons), childhood home of Saadon-Kauldi [NB: Kadri'Ra declared non-sentient & enslaved by Empire]
- Orvax IV: trade hub on Old Corellian Run, slave-trade economy, headquarters of Orso Meeto's criminal empire (slaver)
- Son-tuul: jungle planet, headquarters of Son-tuul Pride (criminal organization, rivals of Jabba the Hutt)
Gaulus sector
- Ryloth: tidally-locked homeworld of Twi'lek race; childhood home of Aayla Secura (Jedi Master, padawan of Quinlan Vos), Orn Free Taa (corrupt Senator, leader of Rim faction), Bib Fortuna (majordomo to Jabba the Hutt), Amada Lakhasa (scout), Cham Syndulla (led 'Freedom Fighters', distrust Orn Free Taa), Xiaan Amersu (Jedi Knight), Vhiin Thorla (anti-slavery Jedi Master), and Kh'aris Fenn (anti-Jedi terrorist, allied with Dooku); headquarters of SchaumAssoc (PR firm, Corporate Sector sponsor), Galactic Exotics (rare plants), Lakhasa Caravan (scouts), Graxol Kelvynn's slaver empire, and Hunvar the Hutt's slaver empire; rich in ryll (spice); center of 'Freedom Fighters' (anti-CIS paramilitary); site of Floating Rock Gardens of Ryloth, Kala'uun Spaceport (hollowed-out mountain), Ryloth Archives, Secura Estate, Hunvar's Spire (slave-ring headquarters & gladiatorial arena), The Enclave (Jedi-run refuge for freed slaves), and abandoned Sith Academy (trained assassins)
- Skip I: hollow asteroid in Smuggler's Run asteroid field, massive space station used as smugglers' den and shadowport, controlled by Gorensla Hutts
Bitrose sector
Hunnovers sector
- Olanet: industrial planet, massive battledroid factories run by Baktoid Armor Workshop (Techno Union) [NB: sabotaged by Null-ARC Prudii ]
- Kaer: site of Kaer Orbital Platform (refueling/repair station built by InterGalactic Banking Clans), plundered for CIS by Sev'rance Tann
Ferra sector
- Hypori: industrial planet, droid factories run by Baktoid Armor Workshop (Techno Union), site of Damask Holdings compound [NB: Sith training ground]
Instrop sector
- Dagu: adopted homeworld of Rybet race, former Separatist prison planet liberated by Republic army
- Vlemoth Port: Talz colony world, site of Vlemoth Station (starport) and Sanshur Flats, major industrial planet controlled by InterGalactic Baking Clans
Sevetta sector
- Sevetta: homeworld of Polydroxol race (changelings, baseline form is liquid mercury-like 'denatium' metal, cannot mimic skin/fur)
Herios sector
- Excarga: headquarteris of Exargan Mining Authority (Mining Guild), site of massive asteroid field, major source in doonium (starship hulls)
- Pzob: Gamorrean colony world, site of Pzob Forest Battle Yard (gladiatorial arena), backwater world with warring clans
Wild Space
Naos sector
- Naos III: sole source of Naos sharptooth (delicacy), [NB: home of Fa'ale Leh (Twilek pilot, flew Scimitar)], NB: headquarters of Naos III Mercantile
Lamaro sector
- Lamaredd: homeworld of Menahuun race, site of Hua'Bal, resource-rich mining planet formerly run by Outer Rim Oreworks [NB: major Force nexus]
- The Reef: asteroid field outside Lamaredd's orbit, hyperspace anomaly (resulting in Lamaredd's isolation)
Gertafuu sector
- Gertafuu VI: Whiphid colony world, ice planet (produces furs), site of Fort Balarad (smugglers' den), mines controlled by Outer Rim Oreworks
Indoumodo sector
- Indoumodo: homeworld of kouhun species (assassin bug) [NB: in canon, used by Zam Wesell against Padme Amidala], 'poison jungle' planet
Briefing the Boss Pt. 5 - Southern Outer Rim
Outer Rim
Pelgrin sector
- Lessuris: childhood home of Luskin Exovar (legendary explorer in Republic Scout Service)
- Pelgrin: former site of The Oracle (prehistoric Force-empowered mechanical tower, giving clear visions/prophecies), destroyed by pirates [NB: Palpatine]
- Rordak: homeworld of Viska race (vampire bats), populated with repulsorlift cities, desert, mining planet rich in barthierum and other ores
- Sakuub: homeworld of Sakuubian race, resort planet, site of Sky Temple of Karsol [NB: ancient Jedi Temple, site of holocron with info on Abeloth...]
Tolonda sector
Karthakk sector
- Llanic: major spice-trade shadowport, headquarters of Crymorah Syndicate (crime families affiliated with Hutts and Tenloss Syndicate)
- Lok: headquarters of Lok Revanants (anti-Trade Federation pirates), site of Nym's Stronghold (city/spaceport), formerly controlled by Trade Federation
- Magravia: major spice producer in Outer Rim, known for 'Magravian cat-spice' variant rumored to sharpen reflexes
- Maramere: homeworld of Mere race, massive resort world, [NB: site of 'Invisible Island' stygium repository], formerly controlled by Trade Federation
Kiblini sector
- Duunir: adopted homeworld of bha'lir species (jungle cats), headquarters of Black Bha'lir (honor-oriented smugglers gang)
- Neftali: icy world, underground fungus-producing caves, site of Cordel Cove (spaceport) [NB: and Exovar's Emporium, cantina and spacer museum]
- Socorro: childhood home of Qu Rahn (Jedi) [NB: and Lando Calrissian], headquarters of Socorro Freight, smugglers den, site of Jedi Academy (Guardians)
- Thrugii: asteroid belt near Socorro, rich in doonium and turminium, mining facilities controlled by Kanauer Corporation
Astal sector
- Bahalian: site of Bahalian Shipyards (built prototype Z-95 Headhunter), controlled by Tenloss Corporation (produces starships, secret criminal Syndicate)
- Eredin: headquarters of Ororo Transportation (starship and shipping conglomerate, run by Tenloss Corporation/Syndicate)
- Jarvanam: site of Baradis School of Technology (secret training facility for slicers and criminals, run by Tenloss Corporation/Syndicate)
Cor'ric sector
- Andasala: mining planet (rich in tungsten, copper, chromium, etc.) controlled by Gesenix Mining, pirate haven and shadowport
- Qiaxx: homeworld of Jeodu race, tourism economy, site of Bubble Cliffs of Nezmi (massive ancient 'city' of bubble-shaped cave dwellings)
Portmoak sector
- Droxian: headquarters of Droxian Traders League (spice smugglers) and Droxian Manufacturing (produces droids, controlled by Traders League)
- Reuss VIII: homeworld of Reussi race, headquarters of Reuss Corporation, thriving agriworld [NB: converted into polluted dystopia under Empire]
Dail sector
- Danadine: headquarters of Relekin Confidential (collection/enforcement agency controlled by Tenloss Corporation/Syndicate)
- Friijillis: headquarters of Friij News Service (underworld alternate HoloNet, sponsored by Hutts, controlled by Tenloss Corporation/Syndicate)
- Lesu: headquarters of Malakin Enterprises (venture capitalists & loan sharks, sponsored by Hutts, controlled by Tenloss Corporation/Syndicate)
Lol sector
- Drexel: homeworld of sea-dragon race, water world, site of Great Ship (massive city-ship populated by scavengers), center of Dragon Lords faction
- Kendamar: headquarters of Kendamari Casinos (casino/resort chain, sponsored by Hutts, controlled by Tenloss Corporation/Syndicate)
- Lol: homeworld of Sumrias race (mathematicians who use base-8 math and developed 'Df' scale for artillery firepower & range)
- Majilop: headquarters of Lucin Syndicate (produce holo-porn, controlled by Tenloss Corporation/Syndicate)
Merel sector
- Ragnar VIII: sector capital, headquarters of Ragnar Syndicate (chapter of Bounty Hunters Guild, specialized in 'unorthodox techniques')
Samix sector
- Sabrix: ice planet, rich in radioactive elements, mining economy
- Lasan: adopted homeworld of Lasat race [NB: 'hairless Wookies'], headquarters of Lasan-Malamut Firearms (bo-staff) and High Honor Guard
Skine sector
- Lucrenn: headquarters of Galindas Exports (mass-market fencing, controlled by Tenloss Corporation/Syndicate), site of many hollow-asteroid depots
- Skine: headquarters of Skine Bounty Hunter College (chapter of Bounty Hunters Guild, elite specialists trained low-level recruits)
- Wodenstam: headquarters of Lucross Collections (collections agency & money laundering, controlled by Tenloss Corporation/Syndicate)
Thuris sector
Torch Nebula sector
- Shownar: homeworld of Shownarri race, crystalline resort world illuminated by Torch Nebula, rich in vertag crystal spires
Sujimis sector
- Ab'Bshingh: homeworld of Farang and Waroot races (centuries of civil war, led to development of unique tactics and military customs)
- Alzoc III: homeworld of Talz race, resource-rich ice planet (sole source of Alzoc pearls)
- Karazak: headquarters of Karazak Slavers Cooperative (slaver gang) and Slaver Syndicate (slave-trading chapter of Bounty Hunters Guild)
- Maryx Minor: headquarters of Ancient Order of Pessimists, site of Pessimist hermitage
- Ord Plutonia: Talz colony world, ice planet, site of Gild Station and Beetle Base (abandoned Republic & Separatist military outposts)
- Pantora: moon of Ord Plutonia, homeworld of Pantoran race, childhood home of Baron Papanoida (media mogul), under Trade Federation blockade
Parmic sector
- Spice Terminus: massive trade hub and deep-space shadowport on Llanic Trade Route, used by spice smugglers
Quence sector
- Eirrauus: homeworld of Eirrauc race, childhood home of Puroth (Jedi Master), desert planet
- Elshandruu Pica: resort world, childhood home of Kina Margath, headquarters of Margath's (massive entertainment complex) and Droid ReServe
- Godo: homeworld of Godoan race, sole source of flame gems, site of House of the Goddess [NB: techno-organic machine to protect planet from virus]
- Shogun: Mandalorian colony world, crystalline planet (known for 'dreamscapes'), site of Mando'a shrines and center of religious pilgrimages
- Susevfi: moon of Suarbi VII, center of 'Jensaarai' Force sect (Grey-aligned, known for ballistakinesis)
- Tresidiss: shadowport controlled by Herglic cartel, known for casinos, loan sharks, and slicers
Khuiumin sector
- Breshkall: heavily fortified space station controlled by Prengahl Kreen (Twi'lek arms dealer)
- Courkrus: headquarters of Eyttyrmin Batiiv (revolutionary pirates), site of Margath's (entertainment complex), pirate haven
Svivreni sector
- Svivren: homeworld of Svivreni race (geologists), childhood home of Tyro Calladin (Senate), trade hub, site of Svivren Xenomineralogy Institute, neutral!
Wild Space
- Lira San: [NB: original homeworld of Lasat race (powerful & agile warriors, "hairless Wookies"), long-forgotten & hidden by imploded star cluster)
Outer Rim
Cadavine sector
- Eos: resource-rich lava world, site of demolished Trade Federation droid foundries and weapon testing facility
- Gall: moon of gas giant Zhar, site of Smuggler's Canyon and Gall Spaceport (shipyard)
- Melida/Daan: industrial planet ravaged by recently-concluded civil war, site of 'Halls of Evidence', center of Melida, Daan, and 'the Young' factions
Juris sector
- Trigalis: Corellian colony world, major smugglers' den and pirate haven, formerly controlled by Black Sun
- Vorusku: water world, headquarters of Blue Star Pirates, [NB: former home of Kina Ha, ancient Kaminoan Jedi Master]
Bajic sector
- Kabaira: headquarters of Delgas Medical (pharmaceuticals) and Hydrospeare Corporation (aquatic vehicles & weapons), foggy island-dotted water world
- Talofan: childhood home of Fema Baab (pro-Palpatine Senator), industrialized and militarized trade hub
- Vergesso Prime: planetoid in asteroid belt, major shipyard & research lab, shadowport jointly controlled by Tenloss Corporation and Crymorah Syndicate
- Vergesso III: middle asteroid belt, headquarters of Vergesso Pirates (Crymorah Syndicate)
- Verisin: headquarters of Tenloss Coalition (kidnappers & slavers, original member of Tenloss Corporation/Syndicate)
Sarin sector
- Parein II: gas giant, orbited by moon that is major regional agriworld (export sweetgreen and daranu), recent site of Clone Wars battleground
- Seylott: homeworld of Seylott race, jungle planet with Rakatan-made canals, center of Disciples of Shaa (cult), site of Infant of Shaa (Force superweapon)
Parmel sector
- Kallistas: mining planet rich in gemstones and radioactive elements, major pirate haven
- Turcan III: headquarters of Churhee's Riflemen (low-profile mercenary specialists -- reconnaissance, infiltration, snipers)
- Vohai: semi-ecumenopolis, headquarters of Arkanian Microtechnologies (genetic engineering), site of Churhee's Riflemen compound and Vohai Unirail
Hook Nebula sector
- Lan Barell: homeworld of Qieg race (insects), headquarters of Human-Qieg Guild (control multiple resource-rich mining planets in system)
- Santarine: headquarters of Mantis Syndicate (chapter of Bounty Hunters Guild, specializes in large-scale anti-piracy operations)
Sanbra sector
- Aquilaris: water world, economy based on resorts and sports tourism, especially undersea pod-racing courses
- Beheboth: homeworld of Tirrith (sentient hives of energy-mist particles) and Behebothian races, desert world with moisture-farming economy
- De'etta: site of University of Sanbra (specialized in sentientology and xenoarchaeology research), home of Dr. Callow Batta (political history)
- Loratus: industrial planet, headquarters of Loratus Manufacturing (mobile weapons systems and battle droids)
- Rugosa: former Rakatan colony ('Infernal Ones' inscriptions) and former Toydarian resort world, known for massive coral forests
Toblain sector
- Shafr: site of Shafr Center (university, specialized in xenoarchaeology), home of Dr. Follnor Callat (treasure hunter)
Tamarin sector
- Dravian Station: massive deep-space starport and smugglers' den, headquarters of Topatz Shipping, Skypath Industries, and Jontz Freight (shipping)
- Kirdo III: homeworld of Kitonak race (slow), desert planet with nomadic culture, plagued by slave raids
- Sevarcos II: homeworld of spice eel species, sole source of andris and carsunum (spice), mines worked by Republic penal colonies
- Tertiary Fujar: former headquarters of Fujari (pirate fleet), destroyed by Trade Defense Force (Trade Federation) in 214 BBY
- Viraxo LIV: space station, major trade hub controlled by Viraxo Shipping (associated with Trade Federation, formerly associated with Black Sun)
Rseik sector
- Chortose: homeworld of Chortose race (intuitive mechanics & engineers)
- Corva Yag: former headquarters of Hajara (pirate fleet), destroyed by Trade Defense Force (Trade Federation) in 214 BBY
- Cotellier: childhood home of Firmus Kett, headquarters of Kett Shipping (Trade Federation subsidiary), mining planet rich in ores and nova crystals
- Ma'ar Shaddam: headquarters of Ma'ar Shaddam Weaponsmith Guild (Trade Federation subsidiary), mining planet rich in high-grade ores
- Rseik: homeworld of Rseikharhl race (high-tech), headquarters of Rseikharhl Hullspace (Trade Federation subsidiary), also export droids and medicine
- Vestar: homeworld of Icarii race (humanoids with weird biology, can survive dismembering/decapitation), jungle planet
Wild Space
Kesh sector
- Kesh: [NB: homeworld of Keshiri race, center of 'Lost Tribe of the Sith' Force sect, site of 'City of the Doomed' (ruins), Circle Eternal, and Sith Temple]
Jahilid Drift sector
- Shiva IV: [NB: homeworld of T'Syriél race, planet ravaged by civil war between 'Twelve Tribes of T'Syriél' and 'Calian Confederacy' factions]
Outer Rim
Kathol Rift subsector (Kathol)
- Aing-Tii: secret homeworld of Aing-Tii race (monks), [NB: center of 'Aing-Tii' Force sect (grey-aligned) with teleportation & 'flow-walking' abilities]
- Danoor: independent scientific outpost (study Kathol Rift nebula and its possible Celestial origins), orbited by resource-rich Duhrib Belt asteroids
- Kathol: [NB: homeworld of Cthol race (Celestials?), home of DarkStryder (supercomputer), site of Lifewell (stasis chamber) and orbital launch gate]
- Kathol Construct: [NB: prehistoric Cthol-built space station, site of Codex (Force artifact), self-sufficient, organic, & seemingly autonomous...]
- Q'Maere: site of Q'Maere Research Facility (major xenobiology and planetology lab, run by University of Sanbra)
Kathol Outback subsector (Kathol) - Bresan: member of Pimbrellan League, barren planet with dome-habitats built in underground caves, highly educated industrial economy
- Dayark: capital of Kathol Republic (colonists), moon of gas giant Nepe, fertile agriworld (Ithorian rice farms), headquarters of Kathol Republic Navy - Dolstan: capital of Pimbrellan League (Pinacist cult), fertile agriworld, headquarters of Pimbrellan anti-piracy fleet
- Exocron: protostar gas cloud [NB: contains legendary garden planet 'Exo', settled by Exocros Cabal colony ship, technocratic society, anti-piracy fleet]
- Pitann: member of Kathol Republic, childhood home of Han Olbegg (Senator), resource-rich desert planet, strip-mining & industrial economy
- Shatuun: site of 'Ophidian grotesque' artifacts (Celestial colony world), home to mated pair of Duinuogwuin (star dragons) - Swedlan: member of Pimbrellan League, barren planet with dome-habitats built in underground caves, educated commercial economy
- Uukaablis: homeworld of Uukaablian race (diplomats & medical researchers), high-tech medical and industrial economy
Kathol sector
- Aaris III: homeworld of Aaris race (revert to savagery), jungle planet, site of 'Place of Kastays' [NB: contains 'Plaque of Victory' omnicidal Sith artifact]
- Brolsam: Fefze colony world, fertile agriworld and artists' retreat
- Charis: major industrial planet, trade hub near Gandle Ott on Trition Trade Route
- Corjain: Svivreni colony world, resource-rich mining planet
- Gandle Ott: terminus of Trition Trade Route, heavily populated industrial center, site of Jedi chapterhouse and Corellian Merchants Guild offices
- Kal'Shebbol: Twi'lek colony world, pastoral agriworld (chollas and rice), major trade hub on Trition Trade Route, site of Kal'Shebbol Starport
- Kolatill: resource-rich factory world, headquarters of Ikas-Adno (speeders), Kal'Shebbol Transport and GandleMotors (repulsorlift vehicles)
- Oon Tien: homeworld of Jarell race ('hired muscle'), mining planet rich in gemstones and ore
- Pembric II: resort world for criminal underworld, major shadowport & smugglers' den, site of asteroid belt rich in hfredium ore (starships)
- Sebiris: homeworld of Sebiri race (hunters), site of Stone Temple (Celestial-built ruins), jungle planet rich in poisons and medicine
- Tanquilla Beach: asteroid mining facility-turned-shadowport, black market and smugglers' den, headquarters of Spang's Repair Shop
- Torize: heavily populated volcanic planet, industrialized trade hub, headquarters of Kazellis Corporation (light freighters), orbited by many shipyards
Minos Cluster sector
- Adarlon: Alderaan colony world, [NB: basically Hollywood], site of Glow Dome (nightclub), headquarters of Tri-Nebula Entertainment (holovids)
- Jilsaria: homeworld of Jilsarian race (four arms), childhood home of Golben (technician on Omze's Incredible Traveling Starport)
- Karideph: subterranean ecumenopolis, homeworld of Kari race (burrowing insects), headquarters of Spagga Core Inc. (gem mining), overpopulated agriworld dotted with massively tall skyscrapers, trade hub at terminus of Rimma Trade Route
- Mestra: massive asteroid field (100 trillion rocks!) controlled by Arcona Mineral Harvest (Commerce Guild), rich in durelium (hyperdrives)
- Pergitor: mining planet colonized by Jesa Corporation, currently ruled by Church of Infinite Perception (anti-Force theocracy)
- Quockra IV: homeworld of Quockran race (xenophobes), desert planet inhabited almost entirely by droids
- Shesharile V: moon of gas giant, headquarters of Gallis-Tech, Dutan Mining Supply Exports [NB: weapons smuggling] and Minos-Mestra Corp (mining)
- Teh'Jar II: legendary location of Um'Tal ('Sky Stone', Force artifact "invested with mystical powers")
- Yelsain: forest planet, massive trees (400 m tall) and massive carnivores (trogliths and garaths), home of Jedi Watchman, site of Jedi chapterhouse
Elrood sector
- Akana: barren world with biodome cities, orbited by shining quartz moon Akanala, headquarters of Professiona Artists Guild
- Alluuvia: homeworld of Anguilla race (eels), water world [NB: rich in alanium, doonium, and zersium ores used for starship hulls and dura-armor]
- Almar: tourist-friendly agriworld, rich in norris root (used by Jedi for 'Norris robes', resist lightning & energy attacks), orbited by Almar Upside tradeport
- Bodrin: mining planet rich in bodrite (marble), controlled by Elrood Quarry Corporation
- Coyn: homeworld of Coynite race (gladiators), site of Rols'Kus (arena) and five stellar-class starports, headquarters of Ekkar Arms and Mercenary Guild
- Dega: former Radell mining colony, smugglers' den isolated in Dega Gas Clouds region, headquarters of Degan Explorations (chemical surveyers)
- Derilyn: childhood home of Wuxod (anti-Palpatine Senator), high-tech industrial planet, headquarters of Elrood StarYards Ltd. (produce Prosperity-class Customs Cruisers/patrol ships), site of Park of Peace [NB: 'National Mall', site of government] and Derilyn Platform (spaceport)
- Elrood: sector capital, home of Lud Chud (crime lord), headquarters of Radell Mining Corporation (own several planets), Transsector Lines (shipping), and Ganrite Yards (starships), site of Elrood Bazaar and Daya Plaza, CIS member world
- Gelgelar: Sullustan colony world, homeworld of swarm wyrm (big!), swamp planet rich in shvash gas, site of Gelgelar Free Port (resupply depot)
- Kidron: homeworld of Orfite race, headquarters of Orfa Olfactory Corporation and Attakril Meats, jungle planet, site of High City of Refuge
- Korad: massive orbital junkyard, headquarters of Renew (starship salvage company)
- Kuras III: homeworld of Aganof and Pulra (changeling) races, volcanic planet, isolated by Kuras Drift Nebula and asteroid belt
- Lanthrym: Gamorrean colony world, pirate haven & shadowport, center of 'Marauding Dark Jedi' Force sect (defeated 32 BBY by Jorus C'Baoth)
- Merisee: homeworld of Meri and Teltior races, primary agriworld, headquarters of Utozz Prime Brewery and Tozzin Foods, center of Jedi-centric cult
Tantra sector
- Tantra: ice world rich in banfra resin, major trade hub on Rimma Trade Route
Methall'has subsector (Tantra)
Tarabba sector
- Glova: former precious-metal mining colony, now major agriworld, site of Orchid Hotel and Drepplin Starport
- Skustell: homeworld of Ongree race (diplomats), childhood home of Pablo-Jill and Coleman Kcaj (Jedi Masters), waterworld [NB: with treasure cave!]
- Utapau: homeworld of Pau'an (long-lived) and Utai (miners) races, home of Tion Medon (Chairman), sinkhole-cities, neutral [NB: under CIS occupation]
Sluis sector
- Bpfassh: homeworld of Bpfasshi race (Force sensitive), site of Jedi Praxeum (affiliated with Jensaarai Force sect), orbited by Commerce Guild trading post
- Canoliss IV: homeworld of Cannolite race (3D mathematicians), high-tech industrial world, export 'unique' security systems
- Dagobah: homeworld of Hepsalum Tash race (worms), biodiverse swamp planet, planetary Force nexus, [NB: site of Cave of Evil]
- Kerest: homeworld of Kerestian race (high-tech, reverted to savagery), orbited by two moons (former colonies), isolationist/neutral
- Orto: homeworld of Ortolan race, childhood home of Max Rebo (musician), resource-rich mining planet, neutral! [NB: imminent CIS occupation]
- Praesitlyn: headquarters of Intergalactic Communications Center (HoloNet hub), site of Freedom's Sons outposts (Jedi auxiliary & paramilitary fleet)
- Sluis: homeworld of Sluissi race (technologists), site of orbital Sluis Van Shipyards (largest in Outer Rim), CIS Foundry world, under Republic blockade
Danjar sector
- Engebo V: former Outer Rim Oreworks mining colony, then nerf-herding pastoral agriworld, now uninhabitable due to skekfish infestation
- Entooine: moon of gas giant, homeworld of Askhew (humanoids) and 'blue bantha' (Force-sensitive sapient mamooth) races
- Qexis: high-security secret research facilities [NB: owned by Talesan Fry...?]
- Queyta: lava planet controlled by Techno Union, site of Separatist base and mobile chemical plant
- Rhamsis Callo: homeworld of Schenor race (Force-sensitive martial artist cat-people), low-tech vehicle industry produce 'reaction cars' (hovercraft)
Mayagil sector
- Clak'dor IV: homeworld of Y'bith race (mutated 'ghost Bith'), colony world and site of New Nozho trading post
- Clak'dor VII: homeworld of Bith race (craniopods, scientists & musicians), heavily populated biodome-cities, pacifists and reluctant CIS ally (neutral...)
- H'nemthe: homeworld of H'nemthe race (pacifists), romance-centric society with tradition of female killing the male after mating...
- Kabal: major trade hub on edge of civilized space, manipulated by Trade Federation embargo to join the CIS
- Triton: homeworld of Tritonite race (insects), center of Gactimus cult (anti-entertainment) and theocracy, orbited by three Triton Moons
- Virmeude: icy mining planet, headquarters of Issham Mining Corporation [NB: will become anti-Palpatine Rebellion front company]
- Xagobah: homeworld of Xamster race (fungal farmers), agriworld conquered by CIS, site of Mazariyan (organic fortress bioengineered by Techno Union)
Bon'nyuw-Luq sector
- Arbra: homeworld of Hoojib (telepathic rabbits), site of Grotto City (ancient subterranean ruins), [NB: home of 'The Darker' Force creature]
- Destreg II: site of Destreg Spaceport (orbital space station and civilian trading post)
- Verdanth: Bothan colony world, strategic trade hub on Duros Space Run hyperlane, fierce battleground during Republic Dark Age
Garis sector
- Azzameen Station: family-owned space station, headquarters of Twin Suns Transport Services (trading company), site of Comm Datacore
- Omwat: homeworld of Omwati race (scientists), home of Bleth Fahr (former Jedi, now 'Believer' cultist), honeycomb settlements, [NB: imminent battle]
Grumani sector
- Aquilaris Minor: water world, headquarters of Seacroppers' Guild (aquaculture), trade hub with tourism economy, site of Capital Cay spaceport
- Darkknell: former capital of 'Daimanate' Sith Empire, major trade hub, rich in iridium (used for starfighters), former site of Black Fang research complex
- Jubalene: former capital of 'Odionate' Sith Empire, rocky volcanic planet, heavily industrialized foundry world
- Jutrand: former capital of 'Bactranate' Sith Empire, ecumenopolis, headquarters of Industrial Heuristics (build 'arxeum' ships, mobile military academies)
- Nilash: homeworld of Nilashi race (telepathic hive-mind), jungle planet rich in anthracite (starship fuel), former site of Daimanate munitions factory
- Phaegon III: mostly-depleted mining world, moon rich in Lignan ore (lightsaber crystal, boosts dark-side Force abilities)
- Sanrafsix: massive trade hub and terminus of Sanrafsix Corridor, depopulated by Candorian plague during Republic Dark Age but since recovered
- Syned: former capital of 'Arkadianate Sith Empire, ice planet rich in Synedian algae (fuel & food, also used for Chagras' Blood nerve-toxin)
- Tramanos: Celagian colony world, water world rich in cyanogen gas
- Vellas Pavo: mining planet rich in gadolinium (superconducters)
Brema sector
- Callos: homeworld of Callosian race (cultured elite), urbanized jungle planet known for research facilities, neutral! [NB: opposed Palpatine's New Order]
- Ord Ibanna: gas giant, site of abandoned tibanna gas mining platforms-turned-podracing courses, shadowport and smugglers' den
- Sullust: homeworld of Sullustan race (best navigators), home of Beolar Bribbs, headquarters of SoroSuub Corporation (Commerce Guild),
- Sulon: moon of Sullust, agriworld, headquarters of Sulon Incorporated (SoroSuub weapons testing & research blacksite), [NB: home of Morgan Katarn]
Reithcas subsector (Brema)
- Bortras: lush agriworld, childhood home of Jorus C'Baoth (Outbound Flight)
Seswenna sector
- Dzass IV: headquarters of Lunis-Medix Medical Academy (cybernetics)
- Eczar: financial & banking center of Seswenna sector
- Eriadu: childhood home of Wilhuff Tarkin, headquarters of Valorum Shipping, Eriadu Mining, and Quintad Orbital, site of Eriadu Manufacturing Shipyards
- Orryxia: homeworld of Orryxian race (felinoids), woodland world with agro-forestry economy
- Parwa: homeworld of Parwan race (electrified floating squid), childhood home of Gubacher (droid mechanic for Jedi) and Derrown (bounty hunter)
- Phelarion: industrial planet rich in megonite moss (explosive), headquarters of Motti Industries [NB: relatives of 'Admiral' Motti (Death Star)]
- Uvena Prime: homeworld of Shistavenen race (wolfmen), childhood home of Voolvif Monn (Jedi), forest world
Steniplis sector (neutral!)
- Kelrodo-Ai: homeworld of Kelrodoan race, mining planet rich in gelatin [NB: ...huh?], site of ancient Citadel of Axes, neutral!
- Rogue Antar: nearby asteroid field is site of Black Stall Station (Cad Bane's headquarters) [NB: former HQ, now in ruins?]
Atravis sector
- Ather: industrial planet, headquarters of MicroData Technologies (datapads)
- Carreras Major: homeworld of Shifala race (simians), controls ice-mining facilities on sister planet Carreras Minor
- Mustafar: homeworld of Mustafarian race, lava mines (rich in mirkanite and dolovite), headquarters of Klegger Corp, site of Techno Union droid foundry, Damask Holdings facility, Black Sun fortress, and Southern Jedi Ruins, center of 'Blackguard' Force sect, location of HK-47 and Chu-Gon Dar cubes
- Rutan: homeworld of Rutanian and Senali races (planet & moon at civil war) and Kudana species (bronze skin), trade hub plagued by piracy
- ZXK-100346: ice planet, [NB: site of Cavern of Light -- light-side nexus, contains 'Soulsaber' dark-side artifact]
Airam sector
- Mobetta: headquarters of Gallofree Yards (civilian shipwright, freighters e.g. GR-45 medium transports) and Airam Clans (nomadic mechanics)
- Mylok IV: homeworld of Habeen and Nharwaak races (engineers), site of Corellian Engineering facilities, [NB: developed compact hyperdrive in 3 ABY]
- Nocto: headquarters of Nocto Clan (Airam pirates) [NB: funded by Palpatine via LiMerge Power, to drive sector into CIS]
- Ochotl Ag: childhood home of Kob Mondray (sports celebrity), agriworld (rich in chak-root) associated with Corporate Alliance, rivals of Eriadu
- Pangaree Nebula: 'Pangarees' region with multiple agriworlds, dominated by Eriadu-controlled agricorporations, rivals of Ochotl Ag
- Paradise: homeworld of Ugor race (monocellular scavengers), junkyard, headquarters of Ugor Salvage (garbage disposal & starshipwright)
- Skor II: homeworld of Squib race (traders), headquarters of Fegegrish Heavy Industrials (tensor guns) and Squib Merchandising Consortium (scavenging)
Cegul sector
- Askaj: homeworld of Askajian race (six-breasted humanoids), desert world, pastoral economy known for exporting tumuon fabric
- Besberra: site of Zirtran's Anchor (makeshift space station owned by Geelan merchants), shadowport for free-traders and smugglers
Subterrel sector
- Kallidah: homeworld of Kallidahin race (faceless hermits), headquarters of Archaeological Research Council, site of massive xenobiological database
- Orax: homeworld of Shard race (crystals), childhood home of Cheriss Sair, mineral-rich crystalline world [NB: slave-run mines under Empire]
- Polis Massa: asteroid field, adopted Kallidahin homeworld, headquarters of Polis Massa Assemblage (droids), site of Polis Massa Base (archaeology dig)
Kallea sector
- Delrakkin: homeworld of Delrakkin race (lizards), stormy mountainous jungle planet, shadowport and smugglers' den
- Katchan: homeworld of Katchani race (elves), forest world governed by elfin monarchy
- Terminus: massive trade hub at the end of Hydian Way and Corellian Trade Spine, [NB: inspired by Asimov's Foundation trilogy]
Outer Rim
Bozhnee sector
- Belsavis: ice planet with lush canyon-rifts, home of Plett (Ho'Din, Jedi botanist), site of Plettwell (rift-city, with Jedi enclave, research lab and greenhouse caverns) and Belsavis Prison (massive rift-prison complex, used by Old Republic), [NB: location of many Rakatan teleportation devices!)
- Minimum Security Section: district of Belsavis Prison, site of Carbonite Prison Storage, Cliffside Generators, Prison Administration Center, [NB: and Condemned Caverns (original home for prisoners' descendants, given rift-cities of their own after a Sith invasion & prison riot)]
- High Security Section: district of Belsavis Prison, cell-blocks adapted for different species (Gamorrean, Gand, Gen'Dai, Gran, Rattataki, Rodin, Trandoshan); site of Scientific Research Compound [NB: headquarters of 'Project Noble Focus', Old Republic experimentation on prisoners], Republic Watchtower [NB: site of 'Noble Focus' gladiatorial arenas], Geothermal Collectors, and Prison Maintenance Facilities
- Maximum Security Section: district of Belsavis Prison, site of Special Restraint Cells, Ultraviolent Offenders Containment, and Ancient Prison Caverns
- Deep Prison: 'The Tomb' beneath Balsavis prison, site of Central Power Core (planetary hypermatter generator) and Zedalus Keep (main prison area), [NB: original Rakatan prison-complex beneath Belsavis Prison; home of Ashaa ('Mother Machine', Rakatan artificial intelligence capable of "modular life-form adaptation" -- reconstructing Force-sensitive bodies and/or designing new species), World Razer (original prisoner...), and Failsafe (Rakatan artificial intelligence, responsible for maintaining security on World Razer, ); site of Burning Way (magma-circuits used as prison security failsafe), Caves of Elshuu ('mind prison' for Rakatan dark lord), Caves of Primeval Wardens, Cells of the Lords of the Infinite (stasis vaults for Force-sensitive prisoners), Greater Menagerie (prison for Rakatan-made creatures and sithspawn), Jedi Containment Vault (vault for fallen Jedi Masters), Megasecurity Ward 23 (former headquarters of 'Star Cabal' anti-Force group), Tomb of Hallow Voice (Esh-Kha faction leader), Transporter Control Center (control mechanisms for Rakatan teleporters...), Vault of the Mother Machine (A.I.), Vault of the Tyrant (pureblood-Sith dark lord), Waters of the Primal Destroyer]
- Eternity Vault: [NB: Rakatan mountain prison (stasis-vaults) built before 24,000 BBY, all inhabitants killed in 3641 BBY, former home of Soa ('The Infernal One', ancient Rakatan dark-side Force User; once ruled 'Infernal Empire' of 1000+ planets, including Korriban), 'Infernal Council' (pureblood Sith slaves & advisors to Soa), and Silentior (Annihilation Droid XRR-3, constructed by Soa with mechu-daru)
- Brodogon Station: headquarters of Brodogon Consortium (slave traders, middle-men between Hutt Space and Senex-Juvex)
- Garnib: homeworld of Balinaka and Vernol races, ice planet, headquarters of Galactic Crystal Creations (produces 'Garnib crystal' sculptures)
Videnda sector
- Dorvalla: mining planet, rich in lommite ore (durasteel), headquarters of Dorvalla Mining (multi-corp conglomerate controlled by Trade Federation)
- Golh: water world, controlled by Hydrospeare Corporation, site of Hydrospeare weapons testing & research blacksite
Jjannex sector
Tungra sector
- Gam Tim'nisi: resource-rich asteroid field, site of Shusko Station (mining facility, owned by fringer Kelko) and Tallis Outpost (Republic listening post)
Javin subsector (Greater Javin)
- Aztubek: former Mugaari colony world, commercial center, most of the population lives on Javin and works week-long rotations
- High Chunah: former Mugaari colony world, phosphorescent rocks, industrialized 'factory world' specializing in land-speeder manufacturing
- Javin: Mugaari colony world, heavily urbanized trade hub in Greater Javin region
Anoat subsector (Greater Javin)
- Allyuen: one of four Mining Worlds, icy planet rich in chromite, controlled by Figg Excavations (Mining Guild)
- Anoat: depopulated ecumenopolis, sector capital (center of 'Noble Court' aristocracy), former Ugnaught mining colony, controlled by Figg Excavations
- Bespin: gas giant rich in tibanna gas (energy); site of Cloud City (platform-city), Ugnorgrad (Ughnaught colony-city), Tibannopolis (abandoned platform-city), [NB: and BesGas Three (droid-run colony); location of Chu'unthor II praxeum-ship and mobile enclave, center of 'Altisian Jedi' Force sect]
- Burnin Konn: one of four Mining Worlds, center of Trade Spine League (smugglers), rich in dolovite and kammris ores, controlled by Figg Excavations
- Cloud City: platform over Bespin (built by Incom, controlled by Figg & Associates), home of Voras the Hutt, center of 'Ivax Syndicate' (Anoat criminal organization), headquarters of Bespin Motors, Ugnaught Mechanics Union, and Bioniip Laboratories (cybernetics), site of Administrator's Palace, Paradise Atrium, Royal Park, Port Town (shadowport), Trest (casino), Royal Casino, Yarith Bespin (hotel), Grand Bespin Hotel, and SkyCenter Galleria
- Darlyn Boda: Yarkora colony world, headquarters of Ivax Syndicate and Trade Spine League, biggest shadowport in Greater Javin
- Delphon IV: headquarters of the Black Hole Pirates (slavers)
- Gentes: homeworld of Ugnaught race (subterranean pig-men), plagued by slave raids, site of Sith Academy (trained warriors & marauders)
- Gerrenthum: heavily urbanized trade hub in Greater Javin region, headquarters of Figg Excavations and Figg & Associates, neutral!
- Hoth: homeworld of Skel race, Wampa and Tauntaun species, ice planet, orbited by massive mineral-rich exogorth-infested asteroid field
- Ione: urbanized trade hub, sole staging point for four Mining Worlds, controlled by Figg & Associates
- Isis: one of four Mining Worlds, homeworld of Gutretree race (crystals), crystalline planet, controlled by Figg Excavations
- Ivax Nebula: colony of purrgil species (deep-space whales), asteroid field rich in Clouzon-36 (fuel), site of Mining Guild gas refinery
- Mataou: former throneworld of Gnuda kajidic (Hutt), homeworld of ro hypa species (venomous, some medicinal uses), center of 'Kouhun' assassins, site of Necropolis (Hutt burial ground, source of 'Waters of Truth' ritual poison), Gnuda Estate (abandoned) [NB: populated with Hutt Guard Droids and mining droids], and Shrine of Dynasties
- Nothoiin: homeworld of Nothoiin race (goldskin, intuitive pilots), orbited by crystalline moon rich in ur-diamonds, mining planet
- Tokmia: one of four Mining Worlds, homeworld of Oku race, ice planet, controlled by Figg Excavations
- Varonat: adopted homeworld of Morodin race (herbivores), site of Great Jungle, rich in Yagaran aleudrupe planet (delicacy) [NB: can use as blaster fuel]
Yarith subsector (Greater Javin)
- Isde Naha: heavily industrialized trade hub in Greater Javin region, site of Figg & Associates branch offices (engineering and financial center)
- Lutrillia: homeworld of Lutrillian race (nomads), desert planet with heavily populated mobile platform-cities, rich in ochroid dust
Kriz sector
- Banvhar: asteroid field, site of Banvhar Station, headquarters of Banvhar Combine (miners)
Dalicron sector
Seitia sector
- Barkhesh: lush agriworld, site of Great Temple Valley [NB: ancient Sith compound?]
- Cosmatanic Steppes: solid ground suspended in gas giant atmsophere, headquarters of Archaeological Association, site of Archaeo-Prime (space station)
- Manpha: homeworld of Shawda Ubb race (amphibians), [NB: childhood home of Rappertunie (Max Rebo Band musician)], site of Shanpan Spaceport
- Sil'Lume: asteroid field with 800,000 catalogued, site of 24 Tredway (asteroid base & family estate of Axton Tredway, Jedi Knight married with children)
Saijo sector
- Faldos: smugglers' den and shadowport, thriving black market in stolen military tech (weapons, armor, etc.)
Wild Space
Geelan sector
- Needan: homeworld of Geelan race (merchants), ice planet with biodome cities
Anoth sector
Kinooine sector
Zonju sector
Wild Space
Red Nebula sector
- Red Nebula: extra-galactic planet with comet field, [NB: homeworld of (unnamed) race, site of Untouched Valley and 'Great Life Gems']
Seoularian Space sector
- Seoul V: [NB: homeworld of Seoularian race (prehistoric humans), site of Onrai Square (religious shrine & control center), Rakatan colony world]
Mephout Dominion sector
- Plintep: homeworld of Mephout race, matriarchal government, headquarters of Plintep Cybernetics Corporation
Void of Aogros sector
- Quintarad: galactically unique five-star system [NB: constructed by Celestials, possible similarities to The Maw...]
Outer Rim
Varada sector
- Baralou: homeworld of Krikthasi (mollusks) race, water world rich in gems (sasho, etc.), headquarters of Aqualis Food Conglomerate (bestrum algae)
- Bestal III: sole source of Vortal trees (medicinal seeds), orbited by Kadal asteroid field (rich in aluminite and corax ore) [NB: later owned by Alara Fax]
- Dyspeth: moon, center of 'Disciples of Twilight' Force sect (light-aligned), specialized in light-bending techniques (illusions, Force cloak, shadow vision)
- Marat V: homeworld of S'kytri race (winged humans), pending petition to join CNS! [NB: site of Skye Citadel? formerly controlled by Zeta Magnus, CIS?]
- Rhamalai: agriworld, center of Cherishite religious sect, protected by post-Ruusan Jedi Lord
- Varada V: sector capital, industrial economy controlled by SoroSuub Corporation, site of SoroSuub regional headquarters
Tunka sector
- Absit: homeworld of Yatir race (humanoids), neutral!
- Thakwaa: homworld of Thakwaash race (horse-men with multiple personalities), isolated agriworld
Rayter sector
- Karra: homeworld of Karran hive-mind race (insectivores), inhospitable and unexploited mining planet rich in varmigio (hyperdrive cores)
- Gastrula: homeworld of Gastrulan race (gastropods), atmosphere contains naturally-occurring LSD
- Pako Ramoon: high-tech industry, headquarters of TransGalMeg Industries (starships, notably hyperspace transports ring for Jedi interceptors), neutral!
Koradin sector
- Abridon: industrial planet, headquarters of Abridon Shipyard (Incom), site of Killik citadel-hive used as seat of government
- Sump: homeworld of Nuknog race, formerly enslaved mining planet, site of pre-Ciaran humanitarian efforts, anti-Senate but neutral
- Virgillia VII: sector capital, main battlefield of Virgillian Civil War (between 'Aristocracy' and 'Free Alignment' factions), site of disastrous Jedi mission
Wazta sector
- Cuthbern: barren moon, heavily industrialized Republic foundry constructing high-quality weapons
- Lotho Minor: homeworld of junker race (cyborg scavengers), junkyard world orbited by 'Wreck Belt' debris field, [NB: current location of Darth Maul]
- Oko E: volcanic resort world, known for 'wild-water rafting' down streams of molten sulfur
- Ryoone: homeworld of Lyunesi race (gifted linguists), [NB: and five other (unnamed) sentient races], inhospitable ash world
- Vassek III: moon owned by Count Dooku, [NB: in canon, site of Grievous's Castle and personal retreat, home of his pet roggwart Gor
Bri'ahl sector
- Bri'ahl: homeworld of Bri'ahl race and Bri'ahlian mammoth species, lush agriworld, neutral!
- Lanteeb: isolated agriworld, rich in damotite & trenomite (industrial chemicals), [NB: site of Lok Durd's bioweapon lab], controlled by Trade Federation
Stensen sector
- Mastare: childhood home of Rahm Kota (Jedi, recruited at age 18), sole source of mestare lightsaber crystals (anti-cortosis, curved blade)
- Verkuyl: isolated industrial world with widespread alazhi forests (bacta ingredient!), home of Corlin Quarle Deld, headquarters of Verkuylian BactaCo
Fusai subsector (Outer Zuma)
- Fusai: site of Obroa-Skai branch library (affiliated with Celebratus Archive), home of 'Mistress Mnemos' (artificial intelligence in a BRT supercomputer)
Iknomin subsector (Outer Zuma)
Kakani subsector (Outer Zuma)
Sugai subsector (Outer Zuma)
- Firrerre: homeworld of Firrerreo race (gold-skinned regenerating humans), site of Great Falls spaceport
Spar subsector (Inner Zuma)
- Abbaji: forest planet, site of Irugian Rain Forest, sole source of firethorn trees (ludicrously expensive)
Inner Moddell subsector (Inner Zuma)
- Kuna's Eye: orbited by mineral-rich protoplanetary disk, site of Mote (shadowport catering to prospectors and small mining companies)
- Kuna's Tooth: mining world with chemical processing plants, sole source of 'Rokna Blue' (narcotic), site of Doestes High Port
- Maya Kovel: homeworld of Ayrou race (gifted intelligence gathering), colonized and control rest of sector, neutral!
- Qina: moon of gas giant Hanchin, site of Inicus Mont (religious retreat and shrine for Vashan pilgrims)
- Ovise III: Ayrou colony world, industrial economy, headquarters of Tripartite Lines (shipping)
- Ovise V: gas giant rich in tibanna gas, orbited by mining platforms and two populated moons (Midakos and Midakinos) with biodome cities
- Thonner: Ayrou penal colony, homeworld of Cxala race (fishermen, human/Kian'thar cross-breed), archipelago world with aquaculture economy
- Vasha: homeworld of Vashan race (hard-working insectoids), heavily populated mining planet controlled by Ayrou
Outer Moddell subsector (Inner Zuma)
- Ast Kikorie: recently abandoned (!) Republic astrocartographic research outpost, site of Kikorie Station (control center for orbital ring of telescopes)
- Din Pulsar: 5000-year-old supernova, orbited by Din Crystal (planet-sided diamond, hardened core of a former gas giant with atmosphere stripped away)
- Dor: planetoid in Endor system, rich in phobium (power cells), doonium (starship hulls), zersium, neutronium, lommite (durasteel), iron and gold
- Endor: 'forest moon', homeworld of Ewok, Yuzzum, and wistie (fairy) races [NB: dozens more?], rich in sun crystals, site of many starship wrecks
- Linear Miasma: nebula in Endor system, site of Onyx Beacon (space station), headquarters of Endorian Researchers Guild, ravaged by Blacklight Pirates
- Sanyassa IV: homeworld of Sanyassan race (ape warriors), headquarters of Sanyassan Marauders (pirate fleet)
- Zorbia: insular Corellian colony world, headquarters of Zorbian space pirates
Ablajeck subsector (Inner Zuma)
- Xal III: ice planet, headquarters of CryonCorps (scanners), original HQ of Armorers' Confederacy (black market weapon technicians, best in Outer Rim)
Wild Space
Bakura sector
- Bakura: homeworld of Kurtzen race, headquarters of Bakur Mining Corporation and Bakur RepulsorCorp, center of 'Cosmic Balance' religious sect
Shiritoku Spur sector
- Abran: resource-rich asteroid field, site of B'Knos mining colony
- G'rho: Chandrila colony world, homeworld of Ilwizzt race, agriworld rich in juvica, site of Boku Settlement (crimson ore mining colony)
Pacanth Reach sector
- Bunduki: Epicanthix colony world, center of 'Followers of Palawa' Force sect (anti-Jedi, study midichlorians, developed Teräs Käsi martial art)
- Panatha: homeworld of Epicanthix race (humans with genetic immunity to Force mind tricks & telepathy), sector capital with mining economy
Trilon sector
- Rattatak: homeworld of Siniteen race (best navigators), childhood home of Asajj Ventress, site of The Cauldron (gladiatorial arena) and Castle Ventress
Mastare sector
Briefing the Boss Pt. 6 - Southern Mid Rim
Trans-Nebular sector
- Goroth Prime: homeworld of B'Dellyi race, headquarters of Vaufthau Processing Industries (urban construction, sponsor of Corporate Sector Authority) and Vaufthau Shipyards (Invincible-class dreadnaught/heavy cruiser, affiliated with Rendili StarDrive), mining planet rich in osmium, iridium, and hyperbarides (turbolasers), volcanic wasteland (due to asteroid strike c. 4000 BBY)
- Iskalon: water planet, colony world for 17 'Iskalonian' races, plagued by slave raids, site of Pavilion (underwater city) and many sea caves
Dufilvian sector
- Blenjeel: desert planet, homeworld of 'sand burrower' species [NB: inspired by sandworms of Arakis, from 'Dune' series]
- Filve: homeworld of Filvian race (camel technologists), biodome cities, thriving commercial center, site of BlasTech, Sienar, and Trade Federation facilities
Onatos sector
- Lahsbane: homeworld of Lahsbee/Huhk race (limited polymorphs), site of the Forbidden City (Huhk sanctuary/prison) with treasure vaults
Yucrales sector
- Leritor: homeworld of Sauxvax race (crab-centaur fishermen), resource-rich but mostly unexploited, site of Sith shipwreck and 'Bracers of Najus' artifact
- Uridia: moon of gas giant, rich in uridium ore (enhance lasers), mines depleted and abandoned, [NB: Empire used Andoan mineral-fish for extraction...]
Xan sector
- Katanos VII: asteroid mining colony rich in cortosis, lack of support from Senate led system to join CIS, site of illegal cloning research labs
Likasha sector
Haserian sector
- Monastery: homeworld of sabercat species, center of 'Order of the Sacred Circle' faith (nonviolent), site of CIS refugee settlements
- Orsis: homeworld of chargrecks race, site of Orsis Academy [NB: taught Darth Maul], site of Blackguard's Gorge (pirate fortress) [NB: used by Sidious]
Hertae sector
- Nexus Ortai: peaceful trade hub on hyperlane nexus between Bothawui and Druckenwell, site of major battle between Republic and CIS
Tandon sector
Noolian sector
- Dressel: homeworld of Dresselian race, childhood home of Reeft (Jedi), orbited by mineral-rich asteroid belt mined by Bothan colonists
Aida sector
- Lomabu III: homeworld of Lomabuan race and 'living sand' species, archipelago world with industrial economy
- Makeb: sole source of isotope-5 (insanely valuable), headquarters of Avesta Mining Corporation, mining & commercial center, site of Keylander Station
Maerdocian sector
- Deneba: site of Mount Meru (hollowed-out mountain, Jedi Shrine), site of Great Jedi Conclave and resulting massacre in Great Sith War of 4000 BBY
- Shador: homeworld of Shadorian race (assassins), swamp world with stilt-cities, site of Mud Station spaceport
- Tarshan: mining planet, headquarters of Tarshan Ring Excavations (tried to use cloned miners from Kamino)
Fei Hu sector
- Stewjon: quiet agriworld, childhood home of Obi-Wan Kenobi ('The Negotiator', Jedi Master)
Sevastol sector
- Benja-Rihn: homeworld of Carthasian race, site of Temple of Tet-Ami [NB: location of 'Orb of Passage' time-travel device used by Mace Windu]
Ividal sector
- Ongary IX: mining planet rich in hfredium (havod alloy for starships), mines converted into droid foundries due to CIS occupation
Sloo sector
- Lorahns: center of 'Order of the Ffib' religious sect (anti-Jedi theocracy with ties to the criminal underworld), site of Great Temple of the Ffib
- Sanza: homeworld of Krish race (competitive 'gamers'), headquarters of Franchise (entertainment, esp. swoop-dueling)
Churba sector
- Churba: high-tech industrial planet, headquarters of Sencil Corporation (assassin droid parts) [NB: site of Dreadnaught-class museum-ship New Hope?]
- New Cov: deadly jungle plane with biodome cities, headquarters of New Cov Biomolecule Corporation (valuable animal/planet harvesting)
Doldur sector
- Druckenwell: Trade Federation foundry world, headquarters of I'att Armaments and SGI Systems (weapons), site of BlasTech manufacturing complex
- Falleen: homeworld of Falleen race (self-disciplined reptiles), childhood home of Xizor (Black Sun), heavily polluted industrial world, member of CIS
- Machenry Station: abandoned deep-space gas-mining facility in Dragonflower Nebula
- Monor II: homeworld of Sunesi race (metamorphizing amphibians), childhood home of Aquinos (leader of Iron Knights Force sect), rich in cirrifog
- New Dawn: space station orbiting Druckenwell system, controlled by Grand Army of the Republic as forward-operating base
Paqwepori sector
- Paqwepor Major: homeworld of Paqwe race (libertarians), major trade hub and refueling station along Corellian Run, controlled by CIS
Corweilllian sector
- Kabray: volcanic forest world orbited by Kabray Station, neutral high-security meeting ground for diplomats
Daimar sector
- Daimar: lush trade hub on Corellian Run, major economic & military rival of Rodia, home of Alet Komain (Senator, dislikes Onaconda Farr)
- Ooo-sek: Rodian colony world, homeworld of yo'uqiol species (man-sized Venus flytrap), jungle planet used to train Rodian bounty hunters
- Radnor: homeworld of Radnoran race, half of planet devastated by bioplague in 27 BBY, saved from follow-up invasion by Jedi (Obi-Wan...)
- Ragna III: homeworld of Yuzzem race (Wookie-caliber strength), forest planet
Herdessa sector
- Herdessa: sector capital, home of Shea Sadashassa (anti-Palpatine Senator), headquarters of Herdessan Guild, neutral!
Lambda sector
- Algara II: homeworld of Xan race (heavily bureaucratized), headquarters of Algar Mining and Prosperine Entertainment, site of Club Prosperine (resort)
- Ando: homeworld of Aqualish race and mineral-fish species (sedrellium), headquarters of Hyper-Communication Cartel (CIS Council), home of Po Nudo
- Ando Prime: homeworld of Talid race, rich in vonium, headquarters of Elesa Mining Union, center of 'Order of Dai Bendu' Force sect [NB: pre-date Jedi]
- Andosha II: Aqualish colony world, home of Gorothin Vagger (Senator), capital of 'Andoan Free Worlds' (Republic loyalists)
- Argus: site of Celestial School of Spaceflight Engineering [NB: forced to close by Emperor Palpatine for unknown reason], home of Professor Maggis
- Mon Gazza: shadowport and major trade hub on Llanic Spice Run, spice mines controlled by Galactic Spice Mining Guild, site of pod-racing circuit
- Rintonne: sector capital, urbanized industrial planet, home of Rasit Brun (anti-CIS Senator)
- Secundus Ando: homeworld of Harch race (bipedal spiders), childhood home of Trench (CIS Admiral)
- Thape: [NB: original center of 'Order of Dai Bendu' Force sect (grey-aligned, non-confrontational, merchant-monks, fifth day of week named 'Benduday')]
- Zolan: homeworld of Clawdite race (changeling), childhood home of Zam Wesell (bounty hunter), center of 'Mabari' sect (Jal Shey warrior-knights),
Vendusii sector
- Vendusii: sector capital, mining economy, sole source of 'Vendusii crystals' (multi-use, value depends on quality levels "001-999")
Far Xandil sector
Ryndellian sector
- Farstine: major trade hub with inhospitable methane atmosphere, terminus of Five Veils Route, shadowport for spice trade
- Kallida Nebula: site of Kalidda Shoals Medical Center (massive original Haven-class medical space station), administered by Nala Se (Kaminoan doctor)
- Ryndellia: sector capital near Kaliida Nebula, neutral!
Alui sector
- Enarc: Neimoidian colony world, major trade hub near Naboo, terminus of Enarc Run hyperlane, controlled by Trade Federation
Iskin sector
- Kishpaugh: site of Kishpaugh Spaceport, major shadowport and smugglers' den deep in Nelvana Gas Cluster
Hevvrol sector
- Hosk Station: moon of Kalarba, converted into massive Esseles-class space station by Alderaan Royal Engineers, major trade hub & refueling station
- Indobok: living moon of Kalarba, homeworld of B'rknaa race (Force-resistant silicon crystals, control stone bodies), [NB: moon is itself a B'rknaa]
- Kalarba: undeveloped resort world, site of Three Peaks of Tharen and major Refugee Relief Movement settlements, CIS member-world
- Triffis: homeworld of Triffian race (triangle face), home of Eelen Li (pro-Palpatine Senator) and Ebe E. Endocott (pod-racer)
- Tyria: industrial planet known for exporting shimmersilk (very expensive 'Tyrian cloth') and pod-racer parts
Chommell sector
- Behpour: acidic lava planet, site of Behpour Facility (Techno Union base, used to develop 'gravitic polarization beam' superweapon, destroyed in 22 BBY)
- Chommell Minor: major urbanized trade center, childhood home of Janus Greejatus (former Senator, member of Palpatine's Inner Circle)
- Naboo: homeworld of Gungan race, childhood home of Sheev Palpatine, Kinman Doriana (Palpatine's inner circle) and Padme Naberrie Amidala; headquarters of Legislative Youth Program, Theed Hangars (starships), Free Trader Association (smuggling), and Plasma Energy Engineering, site of Plasma Refinery Complex (Damask Holdings), Theed Royal Palace, Theed University, Varykino (Naberrie estate), Kwilaan Starport (black market), Porso Hill N-1 starfighter-factory (Borvo the Hutt), Moenia vault-complex, [NB: Nuvo Vindi's lab], major Refugee Relief settlements, and Abyss Watcher base
- Ohma-D'un: moon of Naboo, Gungan colony, [NB: targeted by 'swamp gas' bioweapon made by Jenna Van Arbor in canon], site of Jedi monument
- Rori: swamp moon of Naboo, rich in kassoti (spice), headquarters of Kobola Miners (slavers) and Naboo Moon Mining Union, site of Nal Raka tradepost
- Storm X: moon of gas giant in Naboo system, site of major TaggeCo trading post
Vilonis sector
- Alassa Major: lush resort world, exclusive tourist destination for richest citizens of Core Worlds
- Kirima: former headquarters of Vespula Manufacturing (destroyed by Commerce Guild), site of Verena City [NB: everyone named "Bren-___ Rordan"]
- Nomlis III: site of Bretie Facility (deep-space facility used for Republic military research
- Ord Zeuol: homeworld of Zeuol race (solid black eyes), home of Eeusu Estornii (Senator, friend of Padme)
Vish sector
- Conjenus: homeworld of Conjeni race (bipedal red-furred starfish) [NB: Yeah, that's a thing]
Tyus sector
- Deep Space Demolition & Removal: destroyed space station, former home of Darnada (Black Sun Vigo, killed in 33 BBY) [NB: by Maul]
- Nuralee: thriving agriworld, home of Bog Divinian (anti-Jedi Senator, pawn of Commerce Guild) [NB: and Lune Oddo Divinian (Force-sensitive child)]
- Tyus Cluster: Maw-like black holes, [NB: home of Aryzah (Jedi ghost)], site of Ashanda Ray 'wreck' [ship & owner in suspended animation for 50 years]
- Zelos II: homeworld of Zelosian race (humanoid plants), site of Zelosian's Chine [NB: undersea ridge w/ buried treasure], mining economy
Mulgard sector
- Seltos: agriworld known for mining outpost and lumber exports, home of small Tarro refugee community
- Umgul: homeworld of Umgullian blob species (amoeba), gambling world known for 'blob racing', site of Sith storehouse (artifacts & Lundi lectures)
Hallu subsector (Mulgard)
- Yellowblade's Landing: ice planet, home of Nukss (Trandoshan pirate) headquarters of The Scourge (pirate fleet)
Quess sector
- Trevi IV: Truishii trade colony, regional headquarters of Truishii Trade Guild, site of Trevi City Spaceport and manufacturing facilities
Dustig sector
- Bormus: Gran colony world, site of Koensayr Manufacturing orbital testing facility (produces BTL-B Y-wing starfighters)
- Haruun Kal: homeworld of Korunnai race (Force sensitive), childhood home of Mace Windu and Kar Vastor, jungle plateau with single city, CIS member
- Loposi III: moon contains 'artificial atmosphere' supersaturated with kolto (medicinal proto-bacta from Manaan)
- Malastare: homeworld of Dug race and Zillo-beast species, Gran colony, rich in fuel, home of Ainlee Teem, Aks Moe, & Ask Aak (pro-Palpatine Senators)
- ZeHeth: homeworld of ZeHethbra race (aggressive hunters, strong sense of smell, can naturally emit 'biochemical spray' to stun/blind enemies nearby)
Var Hagen sector
- Alakatha: moon of K'Vath V, lush semi-tropical jungle, resort world for Coruscanti elite
- Lanthe: industrial planet, headquarters of Lanthe Artifice (droids) [NB: supplies most of Tapani sector, sister corp of 'Danthe Artifice']
- Vondarc: trade hub and terminus of Enarc Run, lush urbanized planet
Indupar Crown Worlds subsector (Ado)
- Indupar: capital of Indupar Crown Worlds, headquarters of House Indupar, childhood home of Peet Sieben (Jal Shey), plagued by regional piracy, CIS member
Ado sector
- Eiattu VI: waterworld with floating capital city, monarchy, home of King Antbbianplourr III and Uthorferrell Cartha (heir), [NB: basically Romanovs...]
- StarForge Station: massive mobile shadowport in StarForge Nebula, site of Starwind Chandlery (supplies) and StarForge Shipyard (repairs), neutral!
Hadar sector
- Echnos: moon of gas giant Tinn VI, headquarters of Mandellian Corporation, site of Echnos City (high-tech biodome-city and starport)
- Tibrin: homeworld of Ishi Tib race (ecologists), home of Suribran Tu (dead dictator) & Gume Saam (Senator, pro-Techno Union), [NB: ruled by Sora Bulq]
Senex sector
- Anturus: throneworld of House Picutorion ('Outsider House'), formerly of formerly House Anturi, weakest noble house in Senex
- Asmeru: headquarters of Nebula Front (anti-corporate terrorists), site of Asmeru Anomaly (gravitic sink) and ancient ruins
- Atron: throneworld of House Garonnin (mining), overpopulated mining world, penal colony for Senex-Juvex
- Boro-Borosa III: mining planet in triple-star system, controlled by House Garonnin, reputed site of legendary Rakatan Infinte Empire 'lost treasure'
- Caltinia: throneworld of House Elegin, site of hundreds of fields, museums, temples, mausoleums dedicated to art of dueling
- Crovna: headquarters of Birtraub Brothers Storage (criminal syndicate), site of Peven Auction House (art), controlled by House Taneel
- Cyimarra: throneworld of House Araba, site of Crystal Spires (ancient towers and galactic wonder), crystalline planet
- Denebia: throneworld of House Hax, steppe agriworld
- Doreen: waterworld controlled by House Petra, rich in Doreenian ambergris (perfume), smugglers' den
- Fengrine: primary agri-industrial world in Senex sector, known for hydroponic shells and 'armchair farming'
- Hutlar: homeworld of Hutlar race (mercenaries recruited by Noble Houses), sole world in Senex-Juvex not ruled by one of seventeen Noble House
- Kalgo XIII: moon of gas giant, throneworld of House Petro
- Karfeddion: throneworld of House Vandron (strongest noble house), home of Crueya Vandron (Palpatine's Inner Circle), site of main Senex slave market
- Kedorzha: homeworld of Kedorzhan race (rodent miners), controlled (and enslaved) by House Garonnin
- Knores: throneworld of House Viholn (minor noble house), resort world
- Manforgon: primary penal colony for Senex and Juvex sectors
- Nantama: resort world controlled by House Elegin, site of 'shooting stars' (novas), location used for four Nantama Synods (pacts between noble houses)
- Nars: homeworld of Nartian race (four-armed servants)
- Neelanon: throneworld of House Taneel, childhood home of Terr Taneel (non-isolationist Senator, friend of Chi Eekway Papanoida, possibly pro-slavery)
- Skärtis: homeworld of Skärtian race (blue Sephi), resort world controlled by House Araba, known for seven eccentrically orbiting moons
- Tekurr'k: headquarters of Herzfall Communications, primary industrial world and trade hub controlled by House Picutorion
- Tranthellix: homeworld of Tranthellixan race (slaves) and Tranthebar Mountain ripper species (massive bird of prey), sky cities, controlled by House Petro
- Trieron: icy waterworld, site of oceanographic research labs run by Sab Rufo Academy, Metharg's University, and United Chem/SoroSuub University
- Varadan: desert mines operated by slaves, controlled by House Petro
- Veron: homeworld of Gazaran race (flying squirrels), site of Trelbio Tower spaceport and Sea of Graves, jungle planet controlled by House Araba
- Voorsbain: industrial planet controlled by House Picutorion, site of scientific research labs [NB: developed 'nanogene droids' (zombies) under Empire]
- Yetoom Na Uun: shadowport controlled by former slaves, headquarters of Fargednim P'taan criminal syndicate (spice dealer)
Juvex sector
- Arporatal-Lanin: homeworld of Arpor-Lan race (horned humanoids, explorers), enslaved by Senex-Juvex noble houses
- Dioll: homeworld of Diollan race (featherless birds, mercenaries, specialize in unarmed combat), employed by Senex-Juvex noble houses
- Dramassia: throneworld of House Halliikeenovich (minor house), home of Són Halliikeenovich (suitor of Terr Taneel), known for Dramassian shimmersilk
- Juvex: throneworld of House Streethyn (militaristic slavers, second in strength to House Vandron),
- Kassidio: throneworld of House Kassidio (very rich traders, low-prestige due to outside contact), primary trade hub of Juvex sector
- Loovria: throneworld of House Sisemon, headquarters of Galaxy Gladiator Federation (league), site of Strako gladiatorial pits
- Malador: overpopulated & polluted slave-run industrial planet, controlled by House Kellermin
- Pirralor: throneworld of House Pirra (hedonists), major trade hub for neighboring sectors
- Q'mara: primary shadowport and smugglers' den, known for gambling halls & spice traders
- Resti Kel: throneworld of House Kellermin (industrialists), site of Kellermin Competition (marksmanship contest, held every five years), foundry world
- Talhovi: throneworld of House Mekuun, headquarters of Mekuun Corporation (military repulsorcraft, e.g. HAET-221 and UT-AT, affiliated with Kuat)
- Thermon: former penal colony for Juvex, now controlled by inmates, major smugglers' den and shadowport
- Thull's Vault: desert planet with luminescent sand, reputed site of legendary ancient treasure fleet hidden beneath sand
- Tinallis: industrialized jungle planet known for (poached) wildlife, homeworld of tresher (seabirds), razorcat, blue-ringed sea crab, and cliff spider species
- Tyluun: homeworld of Nightsoarer race (blue bipedal bats, stealthy assassins)
- Velga Prime: throneworld of House Carbinol, resort moon of Velga ('most opulent gambling planetoid in galaxy'), headquarters of Haj Shipping Lines
- Vulcar: mining planet rich in oridium ore, mines operated by KM1 'crab' mining droids, site of Sulphur Pits of Vulcar
- Yhifar: gas giant, site of 'Gas Vortex' mining colony [NB: similar to Cloud City]
- Zaria: homeworld of Zarian race (amphibians), industrial planet
Agarix sector
- Dasoor: shadowport known for smugglers, thieves, and slaver gangs, site of Dasoor Challenge podracing course
D'Aelgoth sector
- Argul: homeworld of Argullian race, prosperous commercial center, site of fiercely-fought battle in Clone Wars due to Separatist blockade
- Feenix: sector capital, home of Tanner Cadaman (anti-Palpatine Senator) [NB: arrested immediately after Declaration of New Order]
- Mima II: homeworld of Bilars race (hivemind teddy bears -- groups of two are roughly 'trained pet' level, groups of seven are genius-level), agriworld
- Ogem: homeworld of Ogemite race (traders & smugglers), major trade hub, non-political & neutral!
Mektrun sector
- Joralla: homeworld of Tikiarri race (predatory birds), site of Wasilsi ruins, jungle planet rich in gems (opals and pearls)
Eidoloni sector
- Yarma: [NB: site of Reklam Station, secret salvage yard for dismantling/recycling Old Republic starships, possibly pre-date Empire?]
Spirva sector
- Lenthalis: sector capital, headquarters of Galladinium Galactic Exports (megacorp, tech supplies), site of Hreas Spaceport, trade hub
Irnaj sector
- Ebenmal: plantoid, site of ancient Citadel of Ebenmal ('impregnable') [NB: captured in Imperial raid, so not impregnable, despite 10,000 history]
Wornal sector
- Bomis Koori IV: Koorivar colony world, site of Corporate Alliance droid foundries and Separatist arsenal/fortress
- Justa: moon of Mutanda, site of Justa Starport, site of BlasTech Industries, Blethern Gas Industries, and Czerka Arms subterranean offices
- Killaniri: gas giant rich in ammonia, rethen, and prothium (blasters), site of BlasTech prothium refining station [NB: similar to Cloud City]
- Mutanda: homeworld of Horansi race (bipedal panthers), savanna planet, safari/hunting tourism, center of 'Mashi' Force sect (Horansi hunters/mystics)
Sombure sector
- Ichtor VIII: homeworld of 'attack stohl' species (furry serpent guard-dog), resource-rich ice planet, resort world
Iska sector
Yushan sector
- Abraxes: depleted mining planet, site of abandoned orbital refineries and freighters, debris makes system a virtually unnavigable deathtrap
- Dalisor: headquarters of Dalisor Merchant Fleet (shipping conglomerate)
- Jiroch-Reslia: homeworld of Tunroth race (hunters), site of Hall of Predation (sacred monument), capital of Triumvirate
- Jiroch-Saloch: Tunroth colony world, member world of Triumvirate
- Kaal: former Rakatan colony, archipelago world, aquaculture and resort economy, site of Unis Island Spaceport
- Kalok: Tunroth colony world, member world of Triumvirate
Bruanii sector
- Mugaar: homeworld of Mugaari race (anti-Republic slavers), headquarters of Mugaari Pirates, home of Clabburn the Elder ('scourge of Anoat')
Gendius sector
- Lorta: homeworld of Lortan race (violent, expansionist religious fanatics), [NB: responsible for Reslian Purge, 12-system genocide, in 10 BBY]
- Paradise: deep-space shadowport, smugglers' den, slave market, and pirate haven
Elbaran sector
- Hirsi: homeworld of Qwohog race (amphibious 'wavedancers'), waterworld (lakes & seas) rich in rudic crystals (rare, used for sensors)
Almak sector
- Almak: sector capital, homeworld of Leffingite race, childhood home of Magaloof [NB: low-level Abyss Watcher employee], agriworld
- Jiaan: childhood home of Tyneir Renz (Jedi archaeologist) [NB: married with two children; in canon, Tyneir survived Jedi Purge]
Narrant sector
- Narrant: sector capital, homeworld of Narrant race (and many subspecies, with very complicated feudal ties between 'liege-holder clans')
- Riflor: homeworld of Advozse race (bureaucrats), home of Silvu Dante (pro-CIS Senator), foundry world exporting fuel, ore, and industrial equipment
- Tejrivozs: Advozse colony world, home of Zom Dubrotin (colony governor), headquarters of Bomminde crime family, site of Dozu Lam shadowport
Aldino sector
Graador sector
- Graador: homeworld of Graadorian [NB: and 'mutant mynock'] races, agriworld [NB: infested with planetary exogorths]
- Orellon II: homeworld of Kentra race (flying cats), center of 'Holy Order of the Je'ulajists' light-side Force cult (founded by a shipwrecked Jedi geologist]
Corbett sector
- Corbett Cluster: center of 'Solar Guard' Force sect (isolationist, defensive-oriented, neutral!)
- Taronda: remote mining planet, site of Clone Wars battleground (armies led by Anakin Skywalker and Asajj Ventress) over access to raw materials
Dononter sector
Semagi sector
- Cerea: homeworld of Cerean race (binary brain), childhood home of Ki-Adi-Mundi (Jedi), sole source of guilea (spice), tech-free agriworld, neutral!
- Cheelit: homeworld J'feh race (octopus), home of Lady Dhol (ruler), headquarters of Guild of Vindicators (light-side religious assassins)
Marzoon sector
Tashtor sector
- Chalcedon: Indexer colony world (boneless crystal-eyed race), site of slave market ('hub of galactic slave trade') and Rakatan ruins, volcanic planet
- Takodana: home of Maz Kanata (Force-sensitive 'pirate queen'), site of Nymeve Castle (ancient fortress, smugglers' den), neutral!
Halm sector
- Halm: Gran colony world, desert mines, rich in adegan crystals (lightsabers)
- Petabys Station: FireStar orbital space station built by Rendili StarDrive, thriving (& heavily fortified) black market, controlled by Uopled (Rodian)
Oriolan sector
- Oriolanis: sector capital, site of Oriolanis Shipyards (military research facility controlled by Cygnus Spaceworks) [NB: nationalized by Empire]
Tren Space sector (Freestanding Subsectors)
- Nopsin: Tren colony world, headquarters of Tren military
- Opitha Tren: homeworld of Tren race (resilient blue-skinned humanoids), capital of Tren Space,strongly order-driven society
Freestanding Subsectors
- Mhatma V: home of Shantee Ree(celebrity), natural preserve for 'attack stohls' species
Iskallon sector (Freestanding Subsectors)
- Iskadrell: homeworld of Iskalloni race (blue-skinned cyborgs), isolationist slavers, sole hyperlane to galaxy links to Brevost (Expansion Region)
Terrabe sector (Freestanding Subsectors)
- Jedha: moon of NaJedha, [NB: homeworld of Jedi Order], center of 'Guardians of the Whills' Force sect, site of Temple of the Kyber, rich in kyber crystals
Briefing the Boss Pt. 7 - East and South Expansion Regions
Tolemses sector
Hangshan sector
- Erai: orbital ring (former third moon, destroyed by Sith bombardment) sole source of eraladium (used for eralam lightsaber crystals, rare & powerful)
Serathrace sector
Belasco sector
- Belasco: home of Uta S'orn (former Senator, now in prison for sponsoring bioterrorist Jenna Van Arbor), location of recurring 'seven-year plague'
- Tambor Station: mobile deep-space shipyard built by Geonosians for repairing the CIS fleet, home of Gorgol the Handy (chief mechanic)
- Zirulast: homeworld of Temolak race (scavengers), headquarters of Temolak Salvage Consortium, desert planet, water harvested from orbiting ice rings
Kossa sector
- Hrasskis: homeworld of Hrasskis race, socially stratified by seniority
Kossa Prime subsector (Kossa)
Maladi sector
- Maladi: homeworld of Maladian race, center of 'Maladian assassin' cult (on par with Jedi) [NB: once targeted and nearly killed Hego Damask]
Circarpous sector
- Circarpous IV: financial capital of Republic Space (comparable to Mygeeto for CIS), banks 'back' the Republic credit, site of multiple Separatist attacks
- Fabrin: headquarters of Fabritech (targeting computers & sensors), home of Kvarn Mandel (pro-Palpatine CEO)
- Gyndine: site of Gyndine Shipyards (research shipyards affiliated with Kuat Drive Yards) and Republic droid reclamation plant, location of Tikkes slave ring
- Mimban: homeworld of Coway and Mimbanite races, sole source of Thaissen crystals, site of Temple of Pomojema [NB: Kaiburr Crystal], CIS member
- Niro: financial center, private planet owned by InterGalactic Banking Clans (IGBC)
- S'krrr: homeworld of S'krrr race (insectoids), center of beetle-worshiping 'drog' cult, site of Sikadian Garden
- Rabaan: Corellian colony and mining planet, site of Ban Belos spaceport, orbited by 'Combat Moon' (single-combat arena to settle disputes with S'krrr)
Harron sector
- Reytha: massive agriworld, known for Reythan berry juice export, headquarters of Teks Granaries, site of Yeere Spaceport
- Tarhassen: sector capital, headquarters of Tarhassan Security, [NB: home of Zazana Renkel and Edbit Teeks (CIS and Republic spies, in love)], CIS member
Harron Marches sector
Askarian sector
Hocatar sector
- Attahox: junkyard world rich in phosovane salts (natural painkillers), headquarters of Torgaigne Syndicate (smugglers)
- Hellhoop: space anomaly, ringed by asteroid field, headquarters of 'The Five' demonic slaver cult [NB: location of Wutzek, captive Force Demon?]
Authala sector
- Emberlene: headquarters of the Mistryl Shadow Guard (all-female mercenary band), expansionist CIS member [NB: imminent Thyrsian counterattack]
- Mordagon: homeworld of Mordageen race, home of Bendix Fust (smuggler)
Nuon e Safyd sector
- T'surr: homeworld of T'surr race (predatory slavers), home of Krayn (slaver-pirate) [NB: once ruled Nar Shaddaa before being killed by Anakin Skywalker]
Indra-su-Mar sector
- Farfalla: homeworld of 'half-Bothan' race (ungulate humanoids), home of Valenthyne Farfalla (long-dead Jedi Lord who commanded at Battle of Ruusan)
Null Zone subsector (Indra-su-Mar)
Ombakond sector
Sepan sector
- Dimok: homeworld of Dimok race, decades-long Sepan Civil War with neighbor Ripoblus
- Ripoblus: homeworld of Ripoblus race, decades-long Sepan Civil War with neighbor Dimok
Dimean sector
- Dimea: sector capital, homeworld of Dimean race ('nasty'), formerly expansionist center of regional warlords
Imberlin sector
- Silorna: crystalline planet, rich in Silorna Force crystals
- Zaraksander: headquarters of Eloinie Petro-Munitions (weapons), home of Darred Eloinie (CEO), center of 'Neo-Fundamentalist Phlangites' cult/gang
Charra sector
- Charra: sector capital, site of major caf-bean processing facilities, agriworld and trade hub on Gamor Run
Treffani sector
Narvath sector
- Aridus: homeworld of Chubbit race (reptiles), headquartes of Yutrane-Trackata (mining & military vehicles), ionized mining planet, plagued by slavers
- Iktotch: moon of Iktotchon, homeworld of Iktotchi race (precognitive telepaths), home of Saesee Tiin (Jedi), site of Jedi Temple, [NB: Force vergence]
- Narvath: homeworld of Narvath race (long-limbed humanoids)
Hilo sector
- Gruvia: homeworld of Gruvian race (amoebas with eight eye-stalks), agriworld known for exporting Gruvian Tovash (alcohol)
Cyrillian Protectorate sector
- Cyrillia: homeworld of Cyrillian race (tall reptiles), headquarters of Serv-O-Droid Inc. (utility droids, e.g. DUM pit droids and TT-8L gatekeeper droids)
- Prazhi: homeworld of Zexx race (long-lived tusked humanoids), trade hub
- Sarrahban: homeworld of Sarrahbanian race, mining planet rich in ytterbium (explosive compound used for laser cannons), neutral!
Parcelus sector
- Parcellus Minor: jungle planet rich in tzeotine (flammable resin), [NB: recent/imminent CIS orbital bombardment causes combustion of planet...]
Venzeiia sector
Tokamac sector
- Drgi: homeworld of Drgian race (horned birds), home of Rorr'hn (Jedi) [NB: survived Purge]
Merthian sector
- Rhommamool: homeworld of Rhommamoolian race, site of Redhaven Spaceport, desert mining planet used as penal colony by neighbor Osarian
Palamut sector
- Voidfire Nebula: homeworld of Lucent race (Force-sensitive crystal spiders, gifted navigators), site of Crystal Web Station (Lucent-operated trade hub)
Kailion sector
- Bovo Yagen: homeworld of Bovorian race (vestigal wings), isolated jungle planet, near Tava Yagen asteroid belt (rich in quadrillium, durelium, hfredium)
- Kailion: major trade port on Corellian Run (largest in Expansion Region), headquarters of Sheyasti Trade Syndicate (pro-CIS smugglers)
Tynna sector
- Allanteen VI: heavily populated trade hub, headquarters of Allanteen Shipyards (produce Venator-class destroyers, e.g. Anakin's flagship Resolute)
- Tynna: homeworld of Tynnan race (beavers), home of Steamdrinker (anti-Palpatine Senator), 'beautiful' forest world, trade hub, neutral!
Immerian Outback sector
- Bogoa: waterworld rich in 'durable coral', used for organically grown starship hulls, location of recent Clone Wars battle
- Ciratu: site of 'Ciratu Spheres' -- six iron spheres carved with honeycomb labyrinths [NB: Celestial-made, 'wondrous machinery' at center of each]
- Pamorjal: jungle planet rich in garna trees, center of 'Freeman's League' (anti-TaggeCo terrorists), site of Temples of Vormijj [NB: map to 'Soulsaber']
- Shaymore: homeworld of Sessehshelllah race (otters), rich in hydrocarbons and fossil fuels
Immeria sector
Chaykin sector
- Vendaxa: homeworld of acklay and vanx species (terrifying predators), roggwart colony, [NB: home of Gor, Grievous' pet roggwart in canon]
Brak sector
- Amthau: terraformed resort world near Genesia
- Asran: crystalline planet rich in prismatic crystals (gems), controlled by Lant Mining Corporation
- Bacrana: sector capital, headquarters of Bacrana System Defense Force, site of Bacrana Shipyards (starship construction), neutral!
- Demar: headquarters of Lant Mining Corporation (controls sector), site of Janos Spaceport
- Genesia: crime-ridden industrial planet and trade hub, controlled by Lant Mining Corporation, orbited by G-Stations (private space-station cities)
- Lish V: resource-rich moon near Demar, site of Gadde City (massive repulsorlift biodome city & mining platform), controlled by Lant Mining Corporation
- Mangez: site of Lormar XXIII (Lormar-class deep-space refinery, built by Kuat), controlled by Lant Mining Corporation)
Aramand Cluster subsector (Brak)
- Aram: homeworld of Aramandi race (four arms), high-gravity jungle planet, center of 'Eeronon' cult (isolationist) and Cirra clan (militarists)
- Orma: junkyard world with a reputation for insanely valuable artifacts (Old Republic tech, Force relics, historical pieces, etc.)
Cularin subsector (Thaere)
- Almas: homeworld of 'Dark Lizard' race (dark-side mutants) and kaluthin species (phosphorescent grass), site of Forard Research Station (botany), site of Sith Fortress (made of beskar) [NB: home of Darsin (enslaved Force ghost), location of Almas Holocron (farsight) and Pulas (dark-side relic), center of 'Believers' dark-side Force sect], site of Almas Academy (experimental Jedi praxeum), home of Lanius Qel-Bertuk (Jedi Watchman & headmaster) and Felanil Baaks (lightsaber Artisan)
- Dorumaa: resort moon of Almas, terraformed waterworld, homeworld of Nus whale, Dorumaan leviathan and gorskin species (aquatic megafauna), headquarters of Dorumaa Investment Group and Intergalactic Freight, home of Rufus Trammel (smuggler), site of Dorumaa Excavation (inaccessible archaeological dig), Marine Biology Research Station, Tropix Island Resort, ActionWorld, [NB: and underground base of Ko Sai (Kaminoan geneticist)]
- Cularin: homeworld of Tarasin race (Force-sensitive chameleons) and ch'hala tree, home of Dariana ('Mother of Hiironi'), Lavina Wren (anti-Palpatine Senator), Dr. Wahl (cybernetic surgeon), Gerta Haman (leader of anti-Metatheran 'Cularin Resistance'), headquarters of Cularin Militia and Cularin Resistance, center of 'Wyrd' dark-side Force sect, site of World Tree Ch'hala [NB: location of 'Eye of the Sun' light-side Force artifact], Force vergence
- Bayonard: platform-city over Cularin jungle, headquarters of Culpharm and Genasys (pharmaceutical research), site of Bayonard Institute
- Bollin: platform-city over Cularin jungle (first one built), site of Bollin Exotic Animal Exporium [NB: pet Rancor] (smuggling front company)
- Gadrin-Hedrett: sole city on Cularin surfac, headquarters of CreedCon Construction and Wookie Liberation Front, site of Jedi Enclave, Five Masters Academy, and Hedrett Medcenter
- Mikish: platform-city over Cularin jungle, headquarters of Restimar Mining Corporation, site of Riboga Estate (currently owned by Nirama)
- Soboll: platform-city over Cularin jungle, military base controlled by Thaereian Navy (occupation army), headquarters of Task Force Pest (anti-Force)
- Tilnes: moon of Cularin, homeworld of yri worm species, headquarters of Verga Mer Mining Corp., rich in crystals including mephite (lightsabers)
- Tindark: platform-city over Cularin jungle, headquarters of Metatheran Cartel (splinter group of Trade Federation), site of SoroSuub regional offices
- Genarius: radioactive gas giant in Cularin system, orbited by four moons and many orbital refinery platform-cities
- Conkesta: abandoned fortress (now in deep space) built over Genarius, built by Shilaea Motacc (best propulsion engineer) for Dark Jedi Karae Nalvas
- Deparatar: orbital platform over Genarius, shadowport used as 'neutral ground' by five criminal syndicates, thriving black market
- Edic Bar: orbital platform over Genarius, thriving Sullustan colony, produces G-59 Cannibalizer for SoroSuub (reverse-engineered Z-95 Headhunter)
- Friz Harammel: orbital platform over Genarius (first profitable refinery), controlled by Daedalus Gas Mines, produce specialized mining craft
- Ipsus: orbital platform over Genarius, headquarters of Naescorcom (diversified manufacturing), industry produces textiles & thermal detonators
- Oluna Biqua: orbital platform over Genarius, luxury resorts built by Riboga the Hutt, site of Port Epsilon [NB: Trinex-M gas leak in 21 BBY]
- Rorkee: orbital platform over Genarius, research facility and resort for archaeology tourism, site of 'Dorumaa Dig' and Sanads of Rorkee (hotel)
- Tolea Bique: orbital platform over Genarius, gambling resorts, former headquarters of Riboga the Hutt's criminal empire, location of annual 'Festival'
- Uffel: 'droid moon' of gas giant Genarius, home of QS-2D (protocol droid), foundry world (e.g. MSF mouse droids), site of X2-4 (droid city, spaceport)
- Varna Biqua: orbital platform over Genarius, shadowport built by Riboga the Hutt, thriving black market (weapons, spice dealers)
- Oblis Belt: asteroid belt, rich in songsteel (lightweight luminescent lightsaber-resistant ore...) headquarters of Organization (anti-slavery criminal empire) and Smugglers' Confederation, home of Nirama (Organization boss)
- Animiasma: wrecked flagship of Phylus Mon (Chevin slaver), 'slave zoo', [NB: dark-side Force nexus due to influence of Darkstaff]
- CMC-3: abandoned Czerka Mining outpost in Oblis asteroid belt, [NB: headquarters of Liana Liberators slicer gang]
- Crystal Snare: 4-kilometer wide crystal sphere, deep-space hazard known to mess with autopilot navigation
- Darkside: space station controlled by Organization, drydock (ship repairs), [NB: home of 'shadow lurkers' (drain power cells), mysterious 'green room']
- I-9: asteroid in Oblis asteroid belt, [NB: home of 'shadow lurkers', site of 'Room of Six Shadows', current location of Darkstaff & focusing crystals]
- L-7: asteroid in Oblis asteroid belt, headquarters of Red Fury Brotherhood (pirate fleet)
- Oblis: former homeworld of Oblee race [NB: now 'shadow lurkers' energy beings], destroyed by Darkstaff long ago to form asteroid belt
- Rothe Gate: space station controlled by Organization, weapons storage facility, former headquarters of The Cell (anti-Nirama gang members)
Thaere sector
- Burnout: space station orbiting Zham Hlar, POW camp controlled by Thaereian Navy [NB: prisoners fed to acklay]
- Thaere Privo: sector capital, home of Yush Baskalar (Force-sensitive polymath, hates Jedi), headquarters of Thaereian Navy [NB: pirates], CIS member
Citlik sector
- Nivek: 'night planet', homeworld of 'Shadowmen' race (gifted hunters with night-vision), CIS member
Brevost sector
- Archae Teuthis: homeworld of Sulituan race (nautilus-squid), home of Tzidik Wrantojo (podracer), water world, float-cities made of phrnnoc coral
- Gormdin: homeworld of Gorm race (pacifist reptiles), forest moon of gas giant Sarellon V, mining planet rich in spice
- Krann: homeworld of Kluuzot race (lemurs), headquarters of Mon Tondievz Ltd. (nova crystal mines), site of Cathedral of Shade (Kluuzot temple ruins)
Zarracina sector
- Zarracina III: homeworld of Zarracine race (anti-human nomads), irradiated and rendered uninhabitable by Pius Dea Republic (11,000 BBY)
Tacuni sector
Mbandamonte sector
- Moloskia: homeworld of Moloskian race (gifted pilots, thanks to extra rear-facing eyes)
Kira sector
- Kerkoidia: homeworld of Kerkoiden race, home of Whorm Loathsom (CIS general), headquarters of Retail Caucus (megacorp), CIS droid foundries
- Lazerian IV: homeworld of Akwin race, sole source of Empeth Crystals (Force-enhancing), site of Jedi Outpost ruins, high-tech foundry world, trade hub
- Nigel VI: inhospitable ice planet, sole source of lexonite (powdery poison, favored by assassins and terrorists), site of Nargo Spaceport
- Plagen: homeworld of Chikarri race (gifted mechanics), headquarters of Treeker Security Systems, controlled by Klatooinian Trade Guild, CIS member
- Ropagi II: homeworld of Kalduu (symbiotic telepathic jellyfish) and Ropagu races (pacifists), site of Great Library, high-tech foundry world (electronics)
Majoor sector
- Bimin III: industrial planet with a very pro-Jedi population
- Majoor: homeworld of Majooran race (frog-men), sector capital and trade hub on Hydian Way
- M'haeli: homeworld of H'drachi race (Force-sensitive camels), center of 'H'Drachi Seers' Force sect (precognition), rich in dragite crystals (lightsabers)
- Ragith III: homeworld of Ragithian race (genetically engineered homo superior), high-gravity colony world
Baroli sector
- Gacerian: homeworld of Gacerite race, desert planet rich in gacerite gems, site of the Singing Forest (s'ae tree) and Musical Rocks
- Tytun IV: moon of gas giant, cyberformed into single massive databank of HoloNet transmissions, orbited by Tytun Rings (converted starship-archives)
Athallia sector
Mikaster sector
Jurzan sector
- Hargeeva: lush mining planet, rich in coralline, sole source of ostrine (anomalous material: heat absorption), site of Arginall Spaceport
Yataga sector
- Adner: homeworld of Adnerem race (tribal, entertainment economy, site of Red Lisken (casino) and many amusement parks
Hakartha sector
Vulcusion sector
Alchenaut sector
- Nkllon: mineral-rich but unexploited desert planet (harsh irradiated wasteland), rich in hfredium, kammris, dolovite [NB: future site of Nomad City]
- Pendar III: headquarters of Pendarran Warriors (Jedi-affiliated paramilitary group), childhood home of Gendal Delan and Davits Draven (military analyst)
Parnabe sector
Woostri sector
- Daemen: site of Clarion Scholars Academy (high-quality university, popular among Outer Rim planets along southern Rimma Trade Route)
- Woostri: homeworld of Woostoid race (gifted technologists), headquarters of Neuro-Saav Corporation (civilian electronics) and BioTech Industries (cybernetics), site of HoloScan Database (biggest research library in galaxy, Wonder of the Galaxy), resort world with automated cities
Epsi Collective sector
- Asturias: irradiated junkyard world, abandoned factories formerly controlled by Oviedo Engineering, CIS member
- Epsi Nadir: headquarters of Most Honorable Guild of Armorers (best weapon suppliers, esp. rare items) [NB: planet purchased by Guild under Empire]
- Old Barag: original homeworld of Baragwin race (hunchbacked reptile weaponsmiths)
- Vandelhelm: headquarters of Metalsmiths Guild (best custom alloys in galaxy), industrial planet in Vandelhelm Cloud asteroid field, CIS foundry world
Hythrope sector
- Edan II: ice planet, homeworld of snowcat species, [NB: childhood home of Teles and Shela Jalahafi, Dark Side adepts who served Emperor Palpatine]
- Oolidi: homeworld of Oolid race (round...)
Boeus sector
- Lohopa II: heavily populated mining colony and foundry world
Tregillis sector
Rocantor sector
- Grange: childhood home of Galen Walton Erso (polymath, energy research, foremost expert on kyber crystals...), strategically placed agriworld, CIS siege
- Rocantor: original homeworld of Rocanar race (all sold into slavery offworld after epidemic in 500 BBY)
- Skalokor: moon of Yabosta, homeworld of Dolandu race (yeti), home of Niquon (Jedi hermit), former home of Nason Laric (Padawan)
- Yabosta: homeworld of drethi species (birds with anti-Force venom), [NB: center of unnamed 'Dark Jedi' Force sect (multiple assassin-apprentices)]
Bes Ber Bikade sector
- Annamar: headquarters of Annamar Manufacturing (prototype battle droids), site of massive Annamar asteroid belt, CIS foundry world
- Arquata Station: neutral diplomatic meeting ground (in CIS Space), location of Arquata Amendments (expanded protections in galactic bill of rights)
- Epica: lush resort world, site of Lord Lestra Oxic's estate (fantastically wealthy Coruscant defense lawyer, very anti-Palpatine, ties to Republic Group!)
- Kinyen: homeworld of Gran race (three eyes), home of Kharrus (pro-Palpatine Senator), center of 'Doellinist' faith (peaceful), lush agriworld, CIS member
- Roona: homeworld of Roonan race (punctilious), home of Aang (Senator, Rim faction, swing vote on Military Oversight Committee)
- Troxar: homeworld of Troxan race (neck gills), headquarters of Bureau of Patriotic Defense ('neutral' but Separatist-funded), CIS member
- Validusia: site of Naval Station Validusia, massive refueling/repair station (able to service dozens of capital-ships), built for Republic, now in CIS Space
Andirma sector
Arc d'Stot sector
- Calabosh II: headquarters of Caliban (weapons manufacturer, e.g. Model X blaster-pistol)
Vensensor sector
- Sarrish: homeworld of Sarrish race [NB: pureblood Sith descent?], home of Veedaaz Awmetth (loyalist Senator, friend of Padme), [NB: imminent battle]
- Tar Morden: Skakoan colony world, site of LM-432 'crab droid' factories, controlled by Techno Union, CIS foundry world
Vatha sector
Piryn Shar sector
- Noe'ha'on: homeworld of Noehon race (preying-mantis slavers) and k'lor'slug species, jungle planet
Har Worlds sector
- Har Binande: sector capital, site of many Lahag Erli ruins, archaeology-tourism economy
- Rellnas Minor: moon of gas giant Rellnas, homeworld of Rellarin race (low-tech Wookie-like pacifists), center of 'un'Yala' Force sect (sages & ethicists)
- Stennaros: homeworld of Stennes race, center of 'Stennes Shifter' Force sect (telepathy, Force stealth, 'Force eaters' -- feed of others' use of Force!)
Trans-Jardeen sector
Chitarghar sector
- Gholondreine-β: homeworld of Gholondreine race (seek truth), renowned for scholars & philosophers, [NB: site of 'Dessication', early Imperial atrocity]
- Solibus IV: homeworld of Soliban race (crystalline humanoids), site of Shu-Wang Prism, location of 'Mystery of the Lodi'
Itopol sector
Great Agash sector
- Ergeshui: homeworld of Ergesh race (haystacks...), headquarters of Industrial Swampfields (organic machines, e.g. StarJumper ships), swamp planet
Thand sector
- Kafrene: asteroid field, site of Ring of Kafrene (deep-space mining colony and trading post
- Thandruss: homeworld of Krytollak race (mammals with insect exoskeleton), absolute monarchy [NB: worshipped Palpatine once he became Emperor]
Extorin sector
- Extorin Minor: homeworld of Extorin race (warriors), pre-Clone War expansionism stopped by Jedi intervention
Cantons of Lahag sector
- Lahag Erli: homeworld of Lahag Erli race (extinct empire, left magnificent architectural ruins across former territory in Har Worlds)
Montitian Grant sector
- Montitia: homeworld of Montitian race (saved by Jedi in 'Montitian Extraction'), poverty-stricken population (subject to slave raids), neutral!
Thuldin's Grant sector
Trailing Grant sector
Freestanding Subsectors
- Aruza: homeworld of Aruzan race (non-violent blue humans) with Attanni (cybernetic empath implants) and near-sentient dola trees (medicinal nectar)
- Taloraan: gas giant rich in tibanna gas, homeworld of fleft-wauf (mega-hawks) species, site of Taloraan City (refinery), island-beast cities (Wind Raiders)
Briefing the Boss Pt. 8 - The Colonies
Ollonir Boundaries sector
- Thrantin: home of Barosa Warren, headquarters of Galactic Outdoor Survival School (survivalist/scouting academy), terraformed training environment
Lontar sector
- Batorine: homeworld of 'Blood Carver' race (artist-assassins), severely depopulated due to centuries-long war (recent peace) with Lontar neighbors
- Lontar: homeworld of Lontar race (militaristic expansionists), forced by Senate to end their war of conquest on Batorine
Fakir sector (Bakchou Arm)
- Abonshee: homeworld of 'Anointed People' race (feudal reptiles), home of Trisstan ('Godking' monarch), low-tech and isolationist
- Alabash: volcanic planet rich in alantium (volatile compound used for starship construction)
- Doneer'so: homeworld of Doneer race (insect technologists), headquarters of Tokks'vik Starshipwrights (starship design), site of Tokks'vik Shipyards
- Fakir: sector capital, controlled by Corporate Alliance, member of CIS
- Halowan: headquarters of Halowan Laboratory (IG-88 assassin-droids) and Halowan Mechanicals [NB: MagnaGuards), site of Trans-System Data Library
- Mrisst: homeworld of Mriss race (scholarly birds), headquarters of Mrisst Trade and Science Academy (galactic renown), site of spirepine (1-km tall tree)
- Mycroft: headquarters of Intergalactic Zoological Society, site of Jedi chapterhouse (Exploration Corps), location of Titavian IV (menagerie capital-ship)
- Palanhi: major trade hub & commercial center on Shwuy Exchange and Namadii Corridor hyperlanes, headquarters of Palanhi Central Bank
- Sinkar: homeworld of Sinkar (telepathic solar-powered helium-based slugs), ice planet, surface covered in frozen oxygen
- Tsukkia: headquarters of Tsukkian Transporation (Corporate Alliance, produce 'water freighters' to supply desert planets)
- Yirt: asteroid field, site of Yirt-4138-Grek-12 planetoid, former headquarters of anti-Corporate Alliance slicer training compound (destroyed before war)
Venjagga sector
- Borlleias: headquarters of Alderaan Biotics (pharmaceutical hydroponics), jungle planet rich in ryll kor (rare medicinal spice), Republic resupply station
Noquivzor sector
- Sif-Uwana: homeworld of Sif-Uwana race (bad with money), headquarters of Sif-Uwana Council (agri-corporate government), agriworld
Tangee sector
- Baradas II: childhood home of Rovan Tresario (naval officer), [NB: future headquarters of House Tresario (chapter of Bounty Hunters Guild, anti-piracy)]
- Yir Tangee: sector capital, home of Havriso Looruya (corrupt pro-Separatist Senator originally named to Loyalist Committee)
Wyloff sector
- Wyloff: sector capital, childhood home of Ilo Jev [NB: father is HoloNet journalist, Ilo became Imperial intelligence agent and Rebel Alliance informant]
Eeropha sector
- Eeropha: childhood home of Sano Sauro (Deputy Chancellor, Palpatine's inner circle, friend/sponsor of Granta Omega), trade hub on Hydian Way
- Nierport VII: bleak moon of Eeropha, starport and resupply station, childhood home of Granta Omega (anti-Jedi terrorist)
Arkanian sector
- Arkania: homeworld of Arkanian race (geneticists) and dragons, headquarters of Adasca Biomechanical Corporation (genetics), gem-rich ice planet, Veeshas Tuwan ruins
- Kluistar: planetary nature preserve, site of Ace of Sabres resort, headquarters of Ace Entertainment Corporation [NB: Hutt-owned front company]
- Yaka: homeworld of Yaka race (strong but originally dimwitted , now highly intelligent/high-tech due to Arkanian cybernetic experimentation)
Doldrums sector
- Perilix: homeworld of 'thinking clams' race (sentience disputed by xeno-ethnologists), water world
- Tentator: Republic penal colony, site of Greylands Security Complex (poorly-run maximum security prison)
Shwuy sector
- Ord Antalaha: newly constructed Ordnance/Regional Depot, Republic military facility and resupply base, site of Fort Divin spaceport
- Tolan: industrial planet and trade hub on edge of Core Worlds, site of Tolan Navy Shipyards (retrofit/repair drydocks)
- Uviuy Exen: heavily populated commercial center and trade hub on Hydian Way and Shwuy Exchange
Nara sector
- Wakeelmui: industrialized forest planet, site of major Republic Sienar Systems manufacturing plants (weapon systems)
Jatir sector
- Plavin VI: home of Dr. Nash Llalik and Dr. Loran Llalik (scientists) [NB: children become best cybernetics/power armor designers in galaxy]
Shelsha sector
- Drunost: quiet agriworld, site of Conso City Holonet center, Consolidated Shipping supply hub, and Jedi chapterhouse
- Merakai: Khil colony world, homeworld of Mungra race, site of Chrenda Spaceport
- Ranklinge: headquarters of Consolidated Shipping, site of Incom Corporation manufacturing plant, and Janusar Spaceport
- Shelkonwa: sector capital and trade hub, site of Makrin City Spaceport, Nightowk Repository (museum), and Makrin Catacombs
Ifmix sector
- Ifmix VI: homeworld of Squalris race (charismatic merchants), major trade hub on Perlemian Trade Route, windswept planet
- Yabol Opa: headquarters of University of Yabol Opa (single planet-spanning university), home of Solokin Sakellar (Grand Warden and governor)
Raithal sector
- Castell: homeworld of Gossam race, childhood home of Shu Mai, headquarters of Commerce Guild and Gossam Commandos, site of Abyss Watcher base
- Orbital Shipyard CC-24: shipyard orbiting Castell, controlled by Republic Sienar Systems, produces Imperialis-class pleasure yachts for Palpatine
- Raithal: inhospitable ice planet, site of Raithal Academy (best naval officer school, taught Gilad Pellaeon)
- Shulstine V: major shadowport along Perlemian Trade Route
Belnar sector
- Belnar: homeworld of Khil race (face-tentacled cosmoplitans), heavily urbanized swamp world with extensive nature preserves
Haldeen sector
- Haldeen: Alderaan colony world, commercial center, home of Earnst Kamiel [NB: founder of Justice Action Network, anti-Imperial terrorist group]
- Findris: Alderaan colony world, current sector capital, senator is outspoken member of Rim faction, [NB: future headquarters of Justice Action Network]
Caridan sector
- Carida: homeworld of Caridan race (merchants), site of Carida Academy (best military college), site of ancient city ruins inTarkin's Teeth mountain caves
- Valor: massive space station orbiting Carida, controlled by Republic Navy (GAR), used for Republic military strategy conferences
Barma sector
- Dakshee: Alderaan colony world, sector capital with industrial economy
Kliap sector
Binarran Cloud sector
- Hok: Gran colony world, childhood home of Philo (anti-Palpatine Senator) and Mawhonic (podracer), tidally locked crystal-rich mining planet,
- Pelemax: homeworld of Pelemaxian race, rainforest world, known for exporting domesticated 'tentacle birds' as beasts of burden
Baronos sector
Kilbanis sector
Berrun sector
- Berrun: site of ancient Republic penal colony, resort world that hosted Galactic Games in 33 BBY
- Kattada: home of Mia Ikova (anti-Palpatine elected planetary governor), site of Haleoda Spaceport, smugglers' den on Commenor Run
Balmorra sector
- Balmorra: homeworld of 'metal parasites', headquarters of Balmorran Arms (battle droids, Techno Union), site of Sobrik foundries, industrial economy
Neimoidia sector
- Neimoidia: homeworld of Neimoidian race, agriworld with fungal farms (rich in mulch mold), site of orbital shipyards and communal hives
Xobome sector
- Resht VII: headquarters of House Salaktori (chapter of Bounty Hunters Guild, preeminent chapter for most elite bounty hunters)
- Hino CXI: unexceptional agriworld in a densely packed solar system with hundreds of planets, dozens inhabitable
Belter sector
- Uquine: headquarters of Uquine Shipyards (TriAstra Belter tractor-beam ship), home of Tepha Leonis (agriculturist) [NB: Force-sensitive children]
Vertseth sector
- Foundry: Skakoan colony world, rich in hfredium, kammris, dolovite, site of Wat Tambor's Redoubt, abandoned Baktoid droid foundries (Techno Union)
- Vertseth: headquarters of Vertseth Automata (techno-service droids), [NB: 'home' of Todo 360, droid owned by Cad Bane]
Rachuk sector
- Chorax: shadowport on Quellor Run, smugglers' den and pirate haven
- Commenor: Humbarine colony world, childhood home of Jan Dodonna (general) and Ahalas Svindren (scholar), heavily urbanized commercial center
Morobe sector
- Talasea: homeworld of kaha tree species, low-tech pastoral agriworld, site of Talasea Palentary Palace, pro-Jedi population
- Vanjervalis: foundry world, headquarters of Vanjervalis Systems (computing, developed Vanjervalis Chain) and Rendili/Vanjervalis Drive Yards (built Inexpugnable-class tactical command ship)
Quellor sector
- Cato Neimoidia: Neimoidian 'purse world', headquarters of Trade Federation, site of Baktoid factory (Abyss Watchers), Lott Dod's Palace, bridge-cities
- Deko Neimoidia: Neimoidian 'purse world', controlled by Trade Federation
- Koru Neimoidia: Neimoidian 'purse world', controlled by Trade Federation
- Narq: homeworld of Narquois race (technicians), conquered and enslaved by Trade Federation, swamp planet with fungal forests
- Quellor: sector capital, site of Terrina Square [NB: site of anti-Imperial rally and massacre], neutral!
Exodeen sector
- Exodeen: homeworld of Exodeenian race, trade hub on Hydian Way, major historic battleground in Mandalorian & Sith Wars
- Tholoth: homeworld of Tholothian race (wear flesh-like 'headdresses'), childhood home of Adi Gallia and Stassi Allie (Jedi), site of Jedi chapterhouse
Agridorn sector
- Agridorn: sector capital, childhood home of Rhya Taloon (anti-Palpatine Senator)
- Gra Ploven: homeworld of Ploven race ("finbacks"), water world with coastal cities [NB: site of Imperial atrocity]
- Huulia: industrial planet known for producing 'Huulian starfighters', site of training academy for starship pilots
Aquilae sector
- Aquilae: Duros colony world, heavily populated trade hub on Hydian Way
- Koensayr: headquarters of Koensayr Manufacturing (primarily starship parts; also produce Y-wing light bomber and K-wing assault starfighter)
- Herstell V: childhood home of Janstren Brell (con artist), headquarters of "Red & Black League" (galactic-scale swindlers and criminal gang)
Black Nebula sector
- Loronar: ecumenopolis,, headquarters of Loronar Corporation and Loronar Defense Industries (military gear), site of Loronar Shipyards (starships)
- Jade Moon: moon of Loronar, transfer station & supply hub, site of massive Loronar Corporation manufacturing facility
Pencael sector
- Byblos: ecumenopolis, headquarters of Byblos Drive Yards (starships, speeders) and University of Byblos, site of SoroSuub, Sienar, and BlasTech facilities
Belazura sector
- Belazura: resort world, lush natural beauty, headquarters of Belazura Medcenter (specialize in rejuvenation surgery) and Belazura Sensor Technologies
Varvenna sector
- Enisca: sector capital, trade hub on Corellian Trade Spine, senator is strongly anti-Palpatine [compared to Sern Prime and Kashyyyk by Mon Mothma!]
Anarid Cluster sector
- Seymarti V: homeworld of prehistoric K'kybak race (extinct), [NB: location of hyperspace nullifier superweapon, remotely controls access to hyperspace]
- Froswythe: pastoral agriworld, major source of meat and textiles for Core and Colonies, controlled by Tagge Restaurant Association
Duluur sector
- Kelada: Republic foundry world, site of Arakyd Industries plant (droids), headquarters of Desler Gizh Mobility Corporation (repulsorcraft/speeders)
Devaron Space subsector (Duluur)
- Devaron: homeworld of Devaronian race (devils), site of Temple of Eedit (force nexus) and Montellian Serat, location of 'Eyes of Laqasa' (Jedi artifact)
Foless Crossroads sector
- Foless: heavily populated trade hub on nexus of Corellian Trade Spine and Shipwright's Trace hyperlanes
Vulvarch sector
- Bassadro: resource-rich mining world, recent Battle of Bassadro (unaffiliated mining town Agao Nir leveled on orders of Jedi general Empatojayos Brand)
- Teyr: resort & agriworld, headquarters of Mobquet Transports, site of Teyr Rift [NB: continent-sized Grand Canyon], Rift Skyrail and Pyre Folas Spaceport
- Transel: site of Transel Shipyards (formerly run by Core Galaxy Systems, produce Dynamic-class freighter e.g. Revan's Ebon Hawk)
Vindalia sector
- Vindalia: homeworld of Vindalia race (fox-people), childhood home of Baron Vlaçan Umber (art connoisseur and patron)
Cadriaan Province subsector (Tapani)
- Achillea: throneworld of House Cadriaan (merchants, ties to House Pelagia), agri-forestry economy known for 'spacia tree' plantations and exports
Pelagia Province subsector (Tapani)
- Bethal: headquarters of Bethal AgriCorps, agri-forestry world known for 'apocia hardwood' timber exports
- Pelagon: throneworld of House Pelagia (pro-Jedi diplomats), lush water-world, site of Pelagian Shipyards, location of Pelagia Star (super-capital ship)
Calipsa Province subsector (Tapani)
- Calipsa: throneworld of House Calipsa (mining interests), industrial processing economy, site of the Crystal Forest
- Coorimbus IV: gas giant, [NB: source of (extremely rare) corusca gems mined by House Calipsa]
Reena Province subsector (Tapani)
- Reena: throneworld of House Reena (highly-educated industrialists), headquarters of Reena University
Mecetti Province subsector (Tapani)
- Javis: headquarters of Tampson Consolidated (produce ferrocrete and transparisteel), controlled by House Mecettii
- Nyssa: former center of Mecrosa Order (Sith assassins) [NB: still alive, sponsored by House Mecetti and affiliated with Count Dooku]
- Obulette: throneworld of House Mecetti (militaristic, ties to Count Dooku), headquarters of Obulette Shipyards and House Ministry of Inquiry (spynet)
Melantha Province subsector (Tapani)
- Soterios: throneworld of House Melantha (Core World business investors), major commercial center, known for swoop-racing and sports economy
Barnaba Province subsector (Tapani)
- Barnaba: throneworld of House Barnaba (cosmopolitan hedonists), major agriworld in Tapani sector
- Vycinyth: resort world, site of Tapani Arts and Sports Complex, orbited by four casino space stations, moon Vilhon serves as game preserve (hunting)
Tapani sector
- Procopia: sector capital & trade hub, site of Alaphoe Gardens [NB: basically Versailles, with a Hanging Garden at the center...], Tapani Noble House embassies, Royal Spaceport, and Shey Tapani University; original center of 'Jal Shey' Force sect (nomadic philosophers & diplomats, known for Force Imbuement e.g. 'meditation gloves', 'mentor belts' and light armor)
Freeworlds Territory subsector (Tapani)
- Aleron: resource-rich mining world with canyon biodome-cities, headquarters of Macander Heavy Ores, LIN Corporation, and Aleron Trade Cooperative
- Fondor: ecumenopolis, headquarters of Guild of Starshipwrights, site of Fondor Academy (engineers) and Fondor Shipyards (capital ships), anti-CIS
- Mrlsst: homeworld of Mrlssi race (scholarly birds), headquarters of Mrlsst Academy (best outside Core) and Mrlsst Center (linguistics), under-funded...!
- Neona: headquarters of Hanson Mining Consolidated (underwater mining) and Aquatic Ecosystems (fish farming), site of Neona Military Academy
- Sheva: highly industrialized planet with lax law enforcement, smugglers' den and thriving black market
- Tallaan: heavily populated sector capital, headquarters of Tapani Starship Cooperative, site of Tallaan Shipyards, site of Corellian Merchants Guild branch
Sern sector
- Ghorman: trade hub on Rimma Trade Route, site of Fang Zar's personal retreat, [NB: site of Ghorman Massacre, early Imperial atrocity]
- Sern Prime: sector capital, childhood home of Fang Zar (anti-Palpatine Senator and leader of the Republic Group)
- Treylon II: commercial center, headquarters of Zygian's Banking Concern (galaxy-spanning bank) and Zygian's Saving & Loan (microloans)
Herglic Space sector
- Giju: homeworld of Herglic race (land-whales), high-tech industrialized waterworld, former capital of Herglic Trade Empire, colonized Tapani sector
- Laakteen: planetoid on Giju Run, site of Laakteen Depot (pirates' haven and shadowport), former home of Iram Radique (nuclear weapons designer)
Clipari sector
- Cilpar: homeworld of Cilpari race (extinct), site of prehistoric temples (indestructible), jungle agriworld, site of Mos Tommro Spaceport
- Ophideraan: homeworld of 'flying serpent' species, center of 'Serpent Masters' gang (dragon-riding paramilitary slavers), site of Great Well
Qixoni Nebula sector
- Lammax: site of Port Bianco shadowport, headquarter of Lamuu Bianco's pirate fleet
- Qixoni: asteroid field (planet vaporized by long-ago supernova), rich in Qixoni lightsaber crystals (natural red color, boost Force powers)
Zenox Cluster sector
- Dordolum: commercial center, headquarters of Solferin Shipping Company, site of Stand of Public Expression plaza
Ophuchi sector
- Aur: site of the Aur Diamonds -- two planet-sized diamonds (former gas giant cores?) and 'asteroid field' diamond cloud, reputed to be Celestial-made
- Phu: Bardottan colony world, homeworld of Phuii race, home of Mars Guo (podracer), tourism & gaming industry
- Trunska: homeworld of Trunsk race (fearsome warriors) [NB: conscripted as slaves by Palpatine], trade hub in Western Reaches
Shasos sector
- Bardotta: homeworld of Bardottan race, home of Julia (queen), center of 'Dagoyan Order' Force sect (anti-Jedi monks), site of Royal Palace, neutral!
- Zardossa Stix: center of 'Frangawl Cult' Force sect (pre-Dagoyan dark-side warriors, affiliated with Nightsisters), site of Frangawl Pyramid
Shotem sector
- Hjaff: homeworld of Tarc race (isolationist lobsters), waterworld with desert landmasses
- Mephitis: homeworld of Mephitisian race (noseless, supersensory horns), noxious swamp world
- Shotem: rich in Shotem lightsaber crystal (powerful pulsing blade), center of 'Shotem Jedi' Force sect [NB: conscripted in Jedi Order post-Ruusan]
Briefing the Boss Pt. 9 - Core Worlds
Corridan sector
- Khadaji Singularity: 'active' black hole, [NB: consumed Jalorian Solidarity worlds (Mid Rim) c. 20 BBY]
Hatawa (Kokash) sector
- Marai: sector capital multiple populated worlds
Praxlis sector
- Praxlis: sector capital, headquarters of Black Sword Command (Republic 6th Fleet), site of Praxlis Shipyards [NB: built Executor-class Star Dreadnoughts]
Vannell sector
- Pollillus: homeworld of Troig race (two heads, four arms), childhood home of Fodesinbeed Annodue (Tatooine podracing announcer), poor jungle planet
Farlax sector
- Elcorth: Morath mining colony, [NB: conquered, enslaved & depopulated by neighboring Yevetha in 16 ABY]
- Galantos: homeworld of Fian race (large feet), surface covered in gelatin pools, headquarters of Black Hammer Pirates, site of Gal'fian'deprisi Starport (half-submerged capital city) and Chirk'pn Wastes Spaceport (solid ground city), mining planet rich in chromite
- Norat: homeworld of Norats race, capital of Norat Sovereignty, [NB: conquered, enslaved & depopulated by neighboring Yevetha in 16 ABY]
- Orooturoo: homeworld of Orooturoon race (titanic Hutt-like purple slugs) [NB: preying mantis mating custom...], trade hub, terminus of Widek Bypass
- Utharis: Tarrack colony, headquarters of Starway Services (starship repair)
- Wehttam: homeworld of Wehttam race, trade hub on Widek Bypass
Koornacht Cluster subsector (Farlax)
- Kutag: major agriworld near terminus of Metellos Trade Route, automated 'factory farms' (exports livestock)
- J't'p'tan: adopted homeworld of Galandan race, center of H'kig religion ('simple living'), site of Temple of Infinite Spirit (shrine)
- N'zoth: homeworld of Yevetha race (skeletal warriors, retractable 'dew claw', technologists), capital of Yevethan Protectorate (xenophobic, expansionist), center of 'Tolotan' death cult, headquarters of Nazfar Metalworks (starships, e.g. Aramadia-class thrustships), site of Valley of Rejection
- New Brigia: Brigian mining colony, rich in chromite, [NB: conquered & depopulated by neighboring Yevetha in 16 ABY]
- Polneye: Grannan colony, high-tech urban world, home of Fall Topas (plant biologist), site of 10S Technical Institute, [NB: destroyed by Yevetha in 16 ABY]
Torranix sector
- Cal-Seti: trade hub on Ag Circuit and Metellos Trade Route, site of Ramsees Hed Starport
- Canastra IV: waterworld, homeworld of two-headed tortuce species
- Fresia: home of Seti Ashgad, headquarters of Incom Corporation (starfighters, e.g. 'Z-95 Headhunter'), site of Coromon Islands factories
- Galand: homeworld of Galandan race, home of H'kig (religious leader, died in 179 BBY), original center of H'Kig faith ('simple living')
Core sector
- Alland: trade hub on Metellos Trade Route, site of Alland Yards (repair facility & drydock)
- Coruschal: decrepit foundry world, headquarters of Coruschal WeaponWorks (slugthrowers, e.g. 'Dagger' combat pistol)
- Granna: homeworld of Grannan race (humans with retractable fingers, can breathe 'methanogen')
- Jevelet: Coruscant penal colony, site of Valorum Center Isolation Facility (asylum/prison)
Salliche sector
- Ensolica: homeworld of Enso race (cold-resistant, agriculturalists), headquarters of Tusus Comestibles, ice planet, carved-out cities & greenhouses
- Ruan: Kaikieli colony, idyllic agriworld controlled by Salliche Agricultural Corporation
- Salliche: agriworld, home of Selnia Harbright [NB: anti-Palpatine Senator], headquarters of Salliche Agricultural Corporation and House Harbright
- Stassia: homeworld of Stassian race, placid agriworld controlled by Salliche Agricultural Corporation
Negs sector
- Ondos: Force-rich planet, one candidate for home planet of Jedi Order predecessor
- Osadia: former center of 'Mandalorian Knights' Force sect (c. 3960 BBY), site of abandoned New Generation Academy (trained Mandalorian Knights)
- Volgax: homeworld of Volgaxi race (extinct), site of Volgaxi ruins and abandoned Dueling Pits once run by The Crucible (Sith slave-empire, c. 4000 BBY)
Dolomar sector
- Caprioril: sporting planet, home of Serji-X Arrogantus (swoop-bike racer), site of Swo-O'Rim Racing Circuit (swoop-bike course) and Doolis Podrace Arena
- Denevar: home of Janq Paramexor, headquarters of House Paramexor (chapter of Bounty Hunters Guild, produce Paramexor Squire armorer droid)
- Dolomar: sector capital, mineral rich ice planet with heavily populated cavern-cities, known for exporting crystals, ores, and Dolomar spice wine
- Jervo's World: massive space station over Pantolomin, formerly controlled by Lhosan Industries, site of Hall of Champions swoop-dueling arenas
- Kamparas: agriworld, site of Jedi Training Center (built c. 4000 BBY, compared to Coruscant and Ossus, specialize in training 'Lore Keepers'/Jedi archivists)
- Merakai: Khil colony [NB: fiercely anti-Empire], site of Chrenda Spaceport and Merakai Prison
- Pantolomin: waterworld with tourism economy, homeworld of Lomin race (amphibians), headquarters of Pantolomin Shipwrights (custom-made luxury cruisers), site of Towers of Pantolomin (resort) and extensive coral reefs
- Toloran: ice planet with tourism economy, homeworld of Tolo race and ice-dragon species, site of Frotton (long-lost mountain hall)
- Wor Tandell: peaceful jungle planet, childhood home of Cuvir [NB: future Moff], site of Cuvir Mansion [NB: future home of 2-1B (Rebel surgical droid)]
Farrfin sector
- Charmath: home of Arhul Hextrophon (journalist) [NB: Executive Secretary for Rebel Alliance], site of University of Charmath (massive historical archive)
- Farrfin: sector capital, homeworld of Farghul race (bipedal cats, known as fighters & con artists), childhood home of Mika (anti-Jedi bounty hunter, former leader of Crimson Nova), anti-Jedi shadowport & smugglers' den, site of Jahhnu Betting Houses
- Kidiet Olgo: shadowport, smugglers' den and primary slave market for northern Core Worlds
- Mamendin: homeworld of Mamendinian race, home of Roper Slam (notorious thief), former headquarters of 'Slam Gang' (worked with Granta Omega)
Kanchen sector
- Davnar II: homeworld of Davnarian race (crocodile executioners) and kalidor species (bird of prey, 'most perfect flying creature in the galaxy')
- Pakrik Major: sector capital, governed by Grandiose Elector, headquarters of Pakrik Defense (sector fleet), sister planet (Pakrik Minor) is agriworld
- Ragoon VI: lush nature preserve world, homeworld of Ragoon race, site of Jedi survivalist training course (administered by Jedi Master Wren Honoran)
- Xa Fel: homeworld of Xa Fel race (formerly humans with long life, now disfigured & genetically damaged; gifted mechanics), foundry world controlled by Kuat Drive Yards, site of KDY hyperdrive manufacturing facilities, heavily polluted atmosphere with few & underfunded environmental clean-up crews
Krenher sector
- Kar'a'katok: homeworld of Shimholt race (long-lived purple skeletons), fiercely isolationist
- Voon: trade hub on Hyabb-Twith Corridor, former headquarters of Nelori Marauders (pirates), defeated by Arca Jeth (Jedi) c. 4000 BBY
Uoti sector
- Hoszh Iszhir: homeworld of Gekti race (self-regenerating reptiles, known as artists), tidally-locked mining planet, sole source of guerrerite (boost tech)
- Topris: urbanized planet, headquarters of Drach'nam Slavers Consortium [NB: prominent in New Republic era]
Tanjayan sector
- Bolenia: agriworld, homeworld of hillspinner species (massive creatures, terraform landscape to make hill-homes)
- Darada: home of Jev Sunrider (Jedi Watchman c. 4000 BBY) and Nomi Da-Boda Sunrider (Jedi Grand Master), site of ancestral Sunrider Estate
- Tanjay IV: sector capital, homeworld of Tanjayan race, home of Nemrileo irm-Drocubac (pro-CIS Senator murdered by Shu Mai in 22 BBY)
0, 0, 0
Corusca sector
- Duneeden: ice planet, site of Cascardi Mountains, home of Didi Oddo (Coruscant information broker, affiliated with Jedi)
Coruscant subsector (Corusca)
- Coruscant: ecumenopolis with more than 5,000 levels; [NB: originally named 'Notron']; homeworld of Cthon (troglodytes), Taung (extinct 'Progenitors' of Mandalore), and Zhell (ancestral human!) races; capital of the Galactic Republic
- Administrative Sector: administrative center of Coruscant (near Senate), headquarters of Judicial Department (law enforcement), Interstellar Consortium on Technology (Republic intelligence agency), Republic Corps of Engineering, and Library of the Republic (official Republic data repository, includes 'Special Acquisitions Branch' intelligence agency), site of Coruscant Central Court, Judicial Arcology, Senate Overflow Offices, Minisci Arcology (Ministry of Science HQ), and Valorum Center (asylum) [NB: current home of Ovolot Qail Uthan, scientist]
- The Abyss: underworld district of Coruscant, home of Zippa (Toydarian conman) [NB: owned Sith holocron in BBY 32], site of 'Old District' and Corusca Circus, location of Underworld Portal to Coruscant sublevels [NB: Level 1313...]
- Level 1312: sublevel of Coruscant, [NB: canon home of Ventress after she was betrayed by Dooku]
- Level 2685: sublevel of Coruscant, site of Club Kasakar [NB: where Palpatine first started his 'grooming'/recruitment of Anakin Skywalker]
- Level 5000: sublevel of Coruscant, site of Central Power Distribution Grid and generators
- Level 5127: 'surface' sublevel of Coruscant
- Ambassadorial Sector: residential district of Coruscant, site of 500 Republica (1000-story-tall residential tower with mostly unexplored basements), current home of Sheev Palpatine, Padme Amidala, Bail Organa, Raith Sienar, Orn Free Taa, and Simon Greyshade (and former home of Jenna Zan Arbor and Jheramahd Greyshade), [NB: site of Palpatine's command center & surveillance station in deep subbasement], headquarters of Novaplex, site of Candreal Gardens Center, Gran Protectorate Embassy (burnt in 52 BBY), Loijin Plaza, Valorum Tower, and Cantham House (Alderaan Embassy)
- Azda Cluster: district of Coruscant, headquarters of Anooba Press, site of Pyochayarit region and Satele Shan Boulevard
- B'ankora Refuge: district of Coruscant, site of B'ankora Sanctuary (after homeworld destroyed in 112 BBY)
- Black Sun Territory: district of Coruscant, (former) headquarters of Black Sun, site of Coruscant Heights Apartments and Gangland Plaza
- Boribos Prefecture: district of Coruscant, site of Duros Cultural Center and Duros Embassy
- Bothan Quarter: district of Coruscant, site of Bothan Embassy
- Calocour Heights: advertising center of Coruscant, headquarters of NullComm (marketing), site of ShaumAssoc branch office
- Central District: district of Coruscant, site of Institute of Applied Science (former home of Galen Erso), Sienar Advanced Projects Laboratory, Braltzamir Museum of Antiquated Machinery, and Galactic City Spaceport
- CocoTown: commercial district of Coruscant, home of Dexter Jettster, headquarters of Bithuband (musicians' guild & booking agency), site of Dex's Diner, and branch location of Galactic Museum
- Column Commons: media district of Coruscant, headquarters of Veritas Press (printer), Coruscani Publishing (non-fiction), TriNebulon News and NovaNetwork (media corporations)
- Corellian Quarter: district of Coruscant, site of Jabi Town and Corellian Embassy
- Dacho District: industrial district of Coruscant, dark-side nexus (due to massive industrial accident in 722 BBY), headquarters of Greth Lan-Dwu Corporation (energy) and Kerdos Company (recycling), former headquarters of Serv-O-Droid, Nebula Manufacturing, Huvicko (IGBC affiliate), and Rodia Consolidated Refineries, site of The Works, Grungeon Block, NovaCORE Kelerium Refinery, Galaxy IV Coolant Refinery, and LiMerge Building [NB: owned by Palpatine, center of 'Baneite Sith' Force sect]
- Darkside: underworld district of Coruscant, home of Boulad (Cragmoloid information broker) and Akris Ur'etu (Bothan crime lord), headquarters of Skar'kla Consortium (gang), site of Industrial Sector (headquarters of Haugg Nerf Industries, a death-stick front company), Recycling Sector (junkyard), Residential Sector (site of Happyland high-rise apartments), and Services Sector ('Vice Central', red-light district)
- Destrini District: district of Coruscant, immigrant slum-turned-toxic waste site (massive garbage spill in 22 BBY), location of dianoga infestation
- Diplomatic Sector: district of Coruscant, former home of Perrive (pro-CIS Jabiimi terrorist), location of Delta/Omega Squad anti-terrorist mission
- Exmoor: district of Coruscant, private estate of Clan Beruss, natural preserve with lake, site of Illodia Tower (known for external staircase)
- Factory District: irradiated district of Coruscant, 'The Antipodes' (opposite side of planet from Senate Rotunda), location of 'feral droid' infestation
- Financial District: commercial center of Coruscant; headquarters of Bank of the Core (major investor in Corporate Sector, controlled by House Praji), Senatorial Accounts Presidium (watchdog group), Corusca Bank, Galactic Capital Bank, Farbreini MicroElectronics (jewelry), and Huosnoughow Foundation (financial think-tank); site of Bank of Aargau branch office, TaggeCo branch office, Bror Towers (Commerce Guild), First Bank of Coruscant, Shir Bank, Bank of the Core Plaza, and Praji Estate (1-km-long private gardens); home of Tannon Praji (Minister of Ingress, Palpatine's inner cirlce)
- Fobosi District: district of Coruscant, headquarters of University of Coruscant (co-founded by Supreme Chancellor Fillorean and Duinuogwuin philosopher Borz'Mat'Oh in 15,500 BBY), Coruscant College of Law, Order of the Canted Circle (long-storied secret society, members include Hego Damask and Sheev Palpatine), and People's Inquest (anti-Jedi watchdog group, organized 'Baby Ludi' protests), site of the University of Coruscant main campus, First Republic Medical Academy, Lodge of the Order of the Canted Circle (location of assassination attempt on Hego Damask in 52 BBY), and Skydome Botanical Gardens
- Hirkenglade Prefecture: site of Royal Icqui Aquaria (most famous aquarium on planet), Holographic Zoo, and Deodurn Polar Pipeline
- Jrade District: district of Coruscant, headquarters of Spotts Tradechip Company, site of Jrade Plaza, Chancellery Walkway, and Finis Valorum Memorial
- Manarai Heights: district of Coruscant (near Senate and Palace districts); headquarters of Galactic Museum (built 12,000 BBY, includes Jedi Order Wing, Sith Hall, and Artifact Recovery Office) and Refugee Relief Movement; home of Asran Headows (Master Curator), Shelbin Dang (Plaza Director) and Anniha Nega (bounty hunter), former home of Hath Monchar [NB: Deputy Viceroy of Trade Federation, tried to sell holocron with details of impending invasion of Naboo, assassinated by Maul] and Hego Damask; center of 'Flames of Umate' cult (monks); site of Manarai Mountains (twin peaks, sole uncovered natural-stone outcropping on planet's surface), Monument Plaza, North Garden, Manarai restaurant, Curat Commercial Center, Traveler's Palace, Old Senate Hall (built 15,000 BBY), Kaldani Spires Residential Apartments [NB: Damask Holdings, penthouse suite owned by Hego Damask], Tannik Spaceport (refugee center), Eastport Docking Facility (oldest & 3rd largest starport on planet), Cybot Galactica Research Institute, and Hazad's Skytunnel; [NB: canon location of Lusankya (buried Executor-class Star Dreadnought, Imperial Intelligence base and secret prison)]
- Manarai Hills: residential district of Coruscant, apartments designed by Benits Stinex, home of Baron Vlaçan Umber (art connoiseur & patron)
- Palace District: district of Coruscant, home of Xizor (obscenely rich Falleen prince, former Vigo of Black Sun), headquarters of Xizor Transport Systems (shipping) and Grand Army of the Republic (GAR); site of the Palace of the Republic (Wonder of the Galaxy, official residence of Supreme Chancellor), Mon Calamari Inglehook (massive spa, designed for aquatic races), Ambassadorial Habitation Pyramid, Xizor's Palace (on former site of Farfalla Skyscraper), GAR Headquarters, and Glitannai Esplanade; location of the All Planets Market (bazaar) and Galactic Fair (annual festival)
- Petrax Historical Quarter: oldest continually inhabited upper-level district of Coruscant, original pre-ecumenopolis skyscrapers, site of Cell of Imu (vault of Humat, ancient Jedi hermit c. 19,000 BBY; location of 'soul stealer' and other arcane artifacts) and archaeological digs
- Plains of Coruscant: district of Coruscant (between Jedi and Senate districts), headquarters of Supreme Court and Capital Reclamation and Sanitation Company, center of Cayan Club (naval officer society), site of Galactic Courts of Justice Building, Republic Central Medcenter, Diplomat Hotel, Pius Dea Spaceport, City Municipal Authorities Building, and Grand Symposium
- Port Quarter: commercial district of Coruscant, site of Grand Republic Medical Facility [NB: fortress used by Palpatine for Sith alchemy rituals], Republic Science and Technical Science [NB: conducted Zillo Beast experiments], and Chancellor Palpatine Spaceport
- Rampart Town: residential district of Coruscant, home of Jaller Obrim (ally of Kal Skirata, captain in Coruscant Security Force, Anti-Terrorism Unit), Thrynka Padaunete (People's Inquest), and Kinman Doriana (Palpatine's Inner Circle), site of Third Ring Apartment Towers
- Retail Sector: district of Coruscant, headquarters of CoruFresh Farm Produce and Zelcomm Industries (shipping/smuggling), site of Core Comestible Warehouse (city-sized wholesaler), location of Delta/Omega Squad anti-terrorist mission
- Sah'c Town: district of Corucant, home of the Sah'c Family (extremely wealthy), site of Sah'c Canyon [NB: and Palpatine's secure fallback bunker]
- Savvam Lake: district of Coruscant, 200-story-tall artificial lake on residential & commercial rooftops
- Senate District: administrative district of Coruscant; home of Armand Isard (spymaster); headquarters of Galactic Senate, Senate Bureau of Intelligence (civilian intel, includes Cryptanalysis Department), Republic Intelligence (military intel, includes Office of Analysis), Senate Intelligence Oversight Committee, Republic Security Organization (standard Senate protection), Senate Guard (elite security teams), Coruscant Security Force (planetary police), Republic Domestic Security (internal affairs), and Strategic Advisory Cell (includes Republic Special Weapons Group); site of Senate Rotunda, Old Senate Library (established 25,053 BBY), Commerce Hall, Avenue of the Core Founders, Gardens of Justice and Equality, Republic Executive Building, Republic Center for Military Operations, Strategic Planning Amphitheater, Heorem Complex, Galactic Justice Center, Hospital Plaza, Galactic Senate Medcenter, Nicandra Memorial Building, Embassy Mall, and Senate Apartment Complex
- Southern Underground: district of Coruscant near South Pole icecaps, site of Ice Crypts (Wonder of the Galaxy, burial chambers for chiefs of 'Thirteen Nations of Zhell', earliest ancestral-human archaeological site) and Hasamadhi Warehouses, location of stone mite infestation
- Taung Heights: residential district of Coruscant, site of Ando Embassy, former home to 145 million Aqualish residents (before Separatist Crisis)
- Temple Precinct: district of Coruscant, site of the Palace of the Jedi (Temple Ziggurat); center of the 'Jedi Order' Force sect; headquarters of Jedi High Council, Jedi Service Corps, Technical Division, and Academy of Jedi Archaeology; site of Sacred Spire (central mountain Force nexus), [NB: ancient Sith Shrine], Chamber of Conclaves, [NB: Kuddaka Chamber (location of Muntuur Stones), Safe Room]; site of Lake Level (five-story artificial lake), Meditation Gardens, Jedi Trials Chamber, Room of a Thousand Fountains (greenhouse), Temple Menagerie, Obstacle Course, Combat Training Center and Sparring Arena, [NB: Black Vault (Sith weapons storage), Pyre Room, Chamber of Judgment], Detention Center, Storage Level, Technical Center, Analysis Rooms, AgriCorps Research Lab, Temple Refectory; site of Great Hall, Temple Museum, Accommodations Sector, Reception Hall, and Processional Way
- Halls of Healing: headquarters of Circle of Jedi Healers (Jedi MedCorps), location of Healing Crystals of Fire (artifact)
- Temple Archives: headquarters of Librarians' Assembly (Jedi EduCorps), site of First Hall (history/philosophy), Second Hall (math/engineering), Third Hall (geography/culture), Fourth Hall (zoology), Rotunda (central database), and Holocron Vaults [NB: location of Great Holocron (encyclopedia), Crown of Verity (artifact)]
- Tranquility Tower: site of Hall of Knighthood, Pinnacle Room, and Temple Veranda, location of heritage tapestries, sacred texts, and meditation chambers
- High Council Tower: headquarters of Jedi High Council, site of High Council Chamber, Operations Planning Center, Treasury Room, Situation Room, Central Security Station, and Temple Communications Center
- Tower of First Knowledge: headquarters of Council of First Knowledge (Jedi Academy), site of Council Chamber, Planetarium, and Holocron Chamber
- Tower of Reconciliation: headquarters of Council of Reconciliation (Jedi diplomats), site of Council Chamber and Map Room
- Reassignment Council Tower: headquarters of Council of Reassignment (Jedi Service Corps), Council of AgriCorps Masters and Council of ExplorCorps Masters, site of Council Chambers
- Uscru District: entertainment district of Coruscant, home of Acros-Krik (mayor) and Romeo Treblanc ('Galaxies' owner), site of Galaxies Opera House [NB: "Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?"], Revwien Comedy Academy Playhouse, Vos Gesal Hotel, and Outlander Club
- Yaam Sector: district of Coruscant, 'Blackpit Slums', [NB: canon home of Jax Pavan (Jedi Knight, survived Order 66)], site of Magra Monad (arcology) and Mongoh Mezzanine (market)
- Zi-Kree Sector: district of Coruscant, former home of Lorn Pavel (former clerk for Jedi Temple, fired when his son was became a Jedi, information broker, investigated & was killed by Darth Maul) and I-5YQ (heavily modified protocol droid), headquarters of Raptors gang, site of Crimson Corridor, Tusken Oasis (formerly affiliated with Yanth the Hutt, of Black Sun), and Ploughtekal Market
- Centax I: moon of Coruscant, Republic maxmimum-security penal colony, site of drydocks affiliated with Sluis Van Shipyards (Centax-class heavy frigates)
- Centax II: moon of Coruscant, site of Centax Station (Republic Navy fleet maintenance drydocks) and abandoned Jedi Starfighter Corps piloting academy, [NB: location of Spaarti cloning facilities built by Dhannut Logistics (Palpatine front company) and operated by Arkanian Microtechnologies]
- Hesperidium: moon of Coruscant, luxurious resort world and transfer/tradeport for departures from Coruscant Space
- Improcco I: ice moon, site of massive subterranean vaults belonging to the Galactic Museum of Coruscant
- Metellos: densely populated ecumenopolis ('Coruscant That Wasn't'), headquarters of CarsinShare and Nonsu (rival information-broker corporation), site of 17 'stratoblocks' & thousands of platform-cities for 'gentry' (planetary slums for 'groundpounders'), site of Hellwell (bottomless pit/junkyard)
- Panoply Orbital Facility: space station over Coruscant, conference center owned by Galactic Senate for use by Senators
- Perlemian Orbital Facility: space station over Coruscant, conference center owned by Galactic Senator for use by Senators
- Sinharan T'sau: skyhook over Coruscant, private estates for wealthy Coruscanti, site of Midnight Hall [NB: canon headquarters for Empire-era Black Sun]
- Vandor III: moon of Platoril, headquarters of 'Tech Raiders' (tech thieves/smugglers), site of Camp Vangard (elite clone trooper training grounds)
Velus sector
- Dervdis: headquarters of Dervdisi (textiles corporation, known for business suits)
- Thorgeld I: childhood home of Kvarn Mandel (CEO), headquarters of Fabritech (starship sensors), site of Fabrin cavern-city and Mandel Mansion
- Velusia: homeworld of Aquar race (water-breathing humans), aquaculture water world, site of Mount Hollow Spaceport (controlled by Nexcore Mining)
Shawken sector
- Challon: headquarters of Assassins Guild (controlled by 'Elite Circle'), neutral!
- Shawken: homeworld of Shawkenese race (ancient), site of Shawken Spire (first space-elevator/skyscraper, c. 18,780 BBY, Wonder of the Galaxy), presumed location of 'Shawken Device' (long-lost superweapon) [NB: sets off hypermatter chain reaction to annihilate galaxy and spark new 'Big Bang']
Rift sector
- Erigorm: sector capital, home of Gopple (Senator, anti-Corporate Alliance), former member of secessionist Rift Alliance (c. 3600 BBY)
- Yerphonia: university planet, site of prestigious All Science Research Academy (matriculated Granta Omega c. 33 BBY)
Alsaka sector
- Alsakan: ecumenopolis, former Killick colony world, former capital of 'Axis Coalition' (limited-government faction, fought Coruscant-led 'Spin Coalition' in seventeen 'Alsakan Conflict' wars, spanning 17,000-3017 BBY), home of Mirkovig Hirken (Corporate Sector 'Viceprex of Security'), site of Alsakan Mosaics ruins (Wonder of the Galaxy), Xenvaer Civic Auditorium, original location of 'Alsakan Tessent' (long-lost artifact) [NB: now in Moddell sector]
Grizmallt sector
- Grizmallt: industrial ecumenopolis (colonized Naboo, Nam Chorios, Centrality), home of Tashrikam (loyalist Senator), site of massive Grizmallt Shipyards
- Perlemia: namesake of Perlemian Trade Route hyperlane, site of Perlemian Shipyard ruins (built scout ships, destroyed in Tionese War c. 24,000 BBY)
Azure sector
- Anaxes: fortress world ('Defender of the Core') and lightly-populated ecumenopolis ('Green Coruscant'), childhood home of Thull Yularan (War College instructor), Wullf Yularan, Bannidge Holt, and Arhul Holt (admirals) [NB: and Tyber Zann (Rebellion-era crime lord)], headquarters of Garde d'Azure (sector defense), Anaxes War College (Republic Navy), Anaxes MotorWorks (luxury landspeeders), and Zann Reanufacturing (recycled military gear), site of Anaxes Citadel (capitol & War College), Sirpar Hills, Yularen Estate, Holt Estate, Pols Anaxes Spaceport, Republic Detention Center [NB: location of Ruusaan Skirata (POW)], and Anaxes Shipyards (Republic Navy), orbited by Anaxes Station
- Axum: sector capital, former capital of Azure Imperium (c. 25,500 BBY), site of Brass Soldiers of Axum (Wonder of the Galaxy) [NB: in-universe Terra Cotta soldiers), heavily urbanized industrial planet
- Vento: trade hub on Perlemian Trade Route, site of Vento Shipyards (major Republic facility used in Great Sith War c. 4000 BBY)
Bormea sector
- Brentaal IV: trade hub on Hydian & Perlemian, home of Sirona Okeefe (high-born smuggler) and Jerrod Maclain (governor), headquarters of Curavao ImpEx (military shipping) and Travis Motors (freighters), site of Trade Hall (guilds), Commerce Academy, Brentaal Fortress (prison), and Votrad Downport
- Chandrila: childhood home of Mon Mothma (anti-Palpatine Senator) and Tanis Mothma (governor of Hanna City), site of Crystal Canyons, Tomb of Third Barsen'thor (Jedi Warden), Hanna Institute of Antiquities (museum), Brionelle Memorial Military Academy, and Gladean State Parks
- Corulag: Coruscant colony, home of Zafiel Snopps (pro-Palpatine Senator), Tavin Korden (anti-Palpatine CEO), [NB: and Juno Eclipse], headquarters of Aether Hypernautics (hyperdrives), Danthe Artifice (droid software), Gwain Spices, Korden Outfitting & Surveying (colony supplies), Mansom Corporation (high-end space stations) and Coreguard Security, site of Corulag Military Academy, Sienar Advanced Research Division, & Tasjon Swoop Racing Course
- Nadiri Dockyards: deep-space starship manufacturing station, capable of building capital ships and 'recycling' disassembled ships
- Sel Zonn Station: spaceport orbiting Brentaal IV, home of Switch (protocol droid & crime lord), headquarters of Delgas Medical Supplies
Darpa sector
- Esseles: sector capital ('Esselian Empire'), home of Gabrial Atanna (Senator, low-profile anti-Palpatine spymaster) and Dezono Qua (rich slaver/serial killer), center of Algaran Faction (terrorists), headquarters of Caldrahlsen Mechanicals (e.g. 'litigation droids'), DynaCorp (mining), Trinkatta Starships (automated factories), and Damorian Manufacturing (e.g. Carrack-class gunships), site of Curamel Intergalactic Spaceport, Togatto Speedway (podracing), Esprix Estate (Senatorial residence & headquarters of 'Esselian Spynet'), Nurumbal Shrine, and Fort Cravus (museum with Old Republic artifacts) [NB: and hidden vault of Old Republic battledroids!]
- Ralltiir: financial center, childhood home of Alexi Garyn (Force-sensitive Vigo of Black Sun, killed by Maul in 33 BBY) and Pharl McQuarrie (Naval captain)[NB: Rebel Alliance general]; former headquarters of Black Sun (galaxy-spanning crime syndicate); headquarters of Regency Spires Republic Trust (bank), Cambriele SolidState Corporation (power cells), The Herd (Ithorian smuggling gang), Kalmec (pro-CIS Wookie spynet), XwiziMarble and Ralltiir Consolidated Marble (quarries); site of Grallia Spaceport, High Ontis mountains (rich in marble), Cambriele Exploration Auditorium (museum), Obohn Gallery, University Faculty Medical Center (research hospital), Bartokk Assassins Guild hive, and abandoned Black Sun Fortress; neutral!
- Rhinnal: medical center, headquarters of Athakam Medtech (biotech & medical supplies), site of Rhire Medical Academy (best medical university in galaxy), Rhire Concourse of History (museum), Zirfan Glacier, and Jedi chapter-house (Jedi MedCorps, academy for Jedi Healers)
Skakoan sector
- Basilisk: homeworld of Lagartoz War Dragons species (formerly Basiliskan race of intelligent dragons, conquered and 'domesticated' by Mandalorian Crusaders), uninhabitable (chemically poisoned) planet, former foundry world, original creators of 'Basilisk war droids'
- Skako: industrial ecumenopolis with methane atmosphere; homeworld of Skakoan race (xenophobic, wear pressurized suit) and octuparra species ('vine walkers'); childhood home of Wat Tambor (former Senator, Foreman of Techno Union, Executive of Baktoid Armor Workshops), Vylagos (CIS engineer, builds prototype weapons e.g. wormhole generator), and Kul Teska (cyborg mercenary, built gravitic polarization beam); headquarters of Techno Union (high tech), Baktoid Industries (holding company), Baktoid Armor Workshops (vehicles), Baktoid Combat Automata (battle droids), and Baktoid Fleet Ordnance (warships)
Tepasi sector
- Tepasi: commercial center; throneworld for House of Tagge (Republic loyalists, control TaggeCo); childhood home of Sanya Tagge (Baroness until 20 BBY), Orman Tagge (gifted technologist, designed L8-L9 prototype battle-droid for GAR, Tagge Baron after 21 BBY) [NB: recruited by Armand Isard for Palpatine's inner circle], Domina Tagge (Force-sensitive) [NB: leader of 'Order of Sacred Circle' monks], Massimo Tagge (Carida military instructor), and Faro Argyus (Senate Commando); headquarters of Tagge Company ('TaggeCo', holding company, originally front company for smuggling syndicate c. 200 BBY), Tagge Restaurant Association (agricorp), Biscuit Baron, Tagge Industries Shipyards Ltd. (produce freighters, 'Mining Explorer' and 'modular taskforce cruiser'), Tagge Mining Company (mining, e.g. AEA-500 'mineral extractor'), GalResource Industries (refining), and Trast Heavy Transports (armored speeders)
Ixtlar sector
- Coruscul: center of the 'Order of the Silver Jedi' Force sect (light-aligned 'Dark Jedi hunters'), led by Jedi Knight Tel Angor [NB: became 'Force Vampire']
- Ixtlar: sector capital, commercial center (covered in holo-ads), under CIS occupation, site of long-defunct human-only chapter of Bounty Hunters' Guild
Ancill sector
- Wukkar: ecumenopolis & sector capital, site of Iltarr City Spaceport and Marblewood Estate [NB: Black Sun], location of Festival of Four Honorings
- Kailor V: Sedrian colony, water world, home of Plo Smarx, Tolum Harous, Diran Miciluz, and Sere Lure (scientists & weapons developers) site of Republic Zoological Gardens (aquarium) and Hydrospeare Corporation research facility ('Design Team Beta' mod packages)
Lytton sector
- Foerost: Kaikieli colony and foundry world, orbited by Foerost Shipyards (oldest in Republic, controlled by Techno Union), CIS member world
- Kaikielius: suburban ecumenopolis (colonized Foerost, Ruan), ancestral home of House Praji, site of Vahali Estate (ancestral home) and ring-city ruins
- Spira: sector capital, waterworld, homeworld of camray eel(sea serpents), headquarters of Tourist Guild, site of Shinkai Abyss, The Wreck (mysterious alien starship, tourist trap), Aspre Plunge (resort), and 4526 other luxury hotels, location of Spira Regatta (annual yacht race)
Vultar Nebula sector
- Vultar: [NB: Celestial-madesolar system, destroyed in 'Vultar Cataclysm' c. 4250 BBY, location of Cosmic Turbine superweapon (cf. Centerpoint Station)]
Zug sector
- Aargau: thriving banking world, orbited by Coins of Guaha asteroid belt; headquarters of Bank of Aargau (affiliated with IGBC), Bank of Aargau Security (private army, planetary defense force), BAS Research & Development (security tech, e.g. BAS44 holoscanner), Z-Gomot Ternbuell Guppat Corporation (IGBC vehicles, e.g. TSMEU-6 wheel-bike); center of 'Aargau Home Guard' (security force) and 'Aargau Medical Observer Corps' (neutral war-crimes watchdog group); site of Dawn Pyramid of Aargau (Wonder of the Galaxy, massive structure of indestructible, iridescent plastic, built by Sharu engineers c. 100,000 BBY), Garden of Butterflies and Dragonbird Gardens (conference centers), New Escrow Old Spaceport, Great Databank of Aargau, and IBC Arcology (massive pyramid with seven city-sized levels, site of IGBC regional offices, IGBC droid foundry, and Undercity with thriving Hutt-controlled black market); location of Malastare Senator Aks Moe assassination (22 BBY); neutral!
- Broest: sole source of ruica seeds (grain export), agriworld controlled by Salliche Agricultural Corporation
- Yulant: major agriworld controlled by Salliche Agricultural Corporation, headquarters of Dasobo Meats (gornt factory-farms)
Chatos sector
- Palawa: original center of 'Followers of Palawa' and 'Paladins' Force sects (precursors/rivals to Jedi Order), site of abandoned Chatos Academy
- Xorth: major agriworld (rich in farrberries), trade hub on nexus of Corellian Run and Ag Circuit
Cirius sector
- Caamas: homeworld of Caamasi race (pacifists, memnis memory-sharing ability) and behemoth species, childhood home of Vlenic It'Kla (Jedi Consular), Eeshrin Ot'Hyne (pacifist Senator), and Hespecia Tik'kla (philosopher c. 24,000 BBY, inspired Jedi Code), site of Palace of Memnii and Jedi Enclave, neutral!
- Khramboa: homeworld of Khramboan race [NB: cross between Rakatans and Quarren], trade hub on Commenor Run
- Korfo II: trade hub on Commenor Run, headquarters of Republic Bank of Korfo II
Alderaan sector
- Alderaan: homeworld of nerf and thranta species, [NB: former homeworld of Killik race (Celestial-enslaved insects)], childhood home of Bail Organa (anti-Palpatine Senator) Halagad Ventor (Jedi Knight), and Christoph Jam (spymaster); former home of Jorus C'baoth (Jedi Watchman from 32-27 BBY, before 'Outbound Flight') and Ulic Qel-Droma (Sith Lord c. 4000 BBY); center of Alderaanian Diplomatic Corps (peacemakers during Clone Wars) [NB: and Justice Action Network (post-Clone Wars terrorists]; headquarters of Alderaan Royal Engineers (founded c. 20,000 BBY), University of Alderaan (affiliate campuses across galaxy), AlderaanMotors (drive systems), Descorp (restaurant supplies), Alderaan Biotics (hydroponics), ; site of the Castle Lands (abandoned Killik hives), Crevasse City (Wonder of the Galaxy), Terrarium City (underground pods), Belleau-a-Lir (island resort, artistic center of Core Worlds), Eeseen Spaceport, Galactic Polysapient Medical Center (can treat halogen- and silicon-based life-forms), Okonomo Retreat ('Royal Pavilion', site of Okonomo Tragedy terrorist attack in 32 BBY), Alderaanian Biological Research Institute, and many Refugee Relief Movement settlements
- Aldera: capital city of Alderaan, site of Aldera Royal Palace (Organa residence), Aldera Universal Medcenter (one of galaxy's best, includes medical-droid research labs and medical school), Epicurium (best culinary school in galaxy), and Royal Library of Alderaan
- Alsakan Lowlands: region of Alderaan, site of Fort Orrus (Organa outpost), Baliss Estate, and Teral Estate
- Apalis Coast: region of Alderaan, site of Castle Organa (ancestral estate), Pallista Spaceport, Organa Vinerium, and Seaside Windfarms
- Glarus Valley: region of Alderaan, site of Castle Panteer (ancestral estate), Elysium (ruins), abandoned Jedi outpost, and Sendoth Ruins
- Juran Mountains: region of Alderaan, rich in lanthanide (armor), site of Drovis Cavern (abandoned assassins' lair), Alde Estate (includes Royal Museum of Alderaan), Jamona Ruins, Juranno (mountain resort city), Mount Tessef Ruins, Rist Estate, and Ulgo Fortress (ancestral estate)
- Kaamos Territory: region of Alderaan, site of Anzaada Cavern (ruins), Cortess Estate, Girard Estate, Lerantha Dam, Rue Caenus Spaceport, and Thul Palace (ancestral estate)
- King's Pass: region of Alderaan, site of House Trader's Circle (market-city and meeting ground for Alderaan Noble Houses), and Syrush Estate
- Alderaan asteroid field: sole source of bondar crystals (generate lightsaber blades with 'stun' effect, often used for training sabers)
- Tyed Kant: gas giant with 'floating ranches' (repulsorlift cities), headquarters of Nebula Consumables, Republic Meats & Produce, Gryseium Incorporated (Corazon), and Premier Provisions [NB: anti-Empire], site of Paragon (commercial center, floating capital city), under CIS occupation (Commerce Guild)
Kuat sector
- Kuat: terraformed paradise; childhood home of Onara Kuat (head of House Kuat), Risi Lenoan (corrupt Senator, caught embezzling, replaced by...), Giddean Danu (anti-Palpatine Senator), Hurlo Holowan (droid designer, conspired with Groodo the Hutt to blow up Fondor Shipyards), and Bultar Swan (Jedi Guardian, specialized in unarmed combat); home of Walex Blissex (best starship engineer, designed Aethersprite-class Jedi interceptor and Victory-class Star Destroyer) [NB: anti-Palpatine, became Rebel general] and Lira Wessex (starship engineer, designed Venator-class Star Destroyer); headquarters of Kuat Vehicles (speeders & swoop-bikes), InterGalactic Bank of Kuat (Bank of Aargau), Kuati Sector Forces, HyperTech Industries (hypercomms), and House Kuat (owns Kuat Drive Yards); site of Holowan Estate, Gardens of Tralala, Teskar Falls (casino), Kuat City Spaceport and Kuat Freight Port
- Kuat Drive Yards Orbital Array: ring of shipyards around Kuat; headquarters of Kuat Drive Yards (top 3 starship company in galaxy, sponsor of Corporate Sector Authority, affiliated with Trade Federation (pre-33 BBY, two seats in seven-member Directorate), briefly affiliated with Techno Union, parent company of Rothana Heavy Engineering, Ubrikkian Industries, and Chempat Engineered Defense); headquarters of Kuat Systems Engineering (after-market upgrades, also built Aethersprite-class Jedi interceptor and Firespray-class patrol craft, e.g. Slave I), Kuat Leisure (star yachts), and Kuati Security Forces (law enforcement); site of Andrim Shipyards (House Andrim), Depon Shipyards (House Depon), Maw Shipyards, and Kuat Main Spaceport
- Kuat Passenger Port: massive transfer station in Kuat system (25 km long, 2 billion visitors per day), divided into four 'Dome' ports and Central Plaza
Humbarine Rule sector
- Humbarine: industrial ecumenopolis (colonized Balmorra, Commenor), home of Bana Breemu (anti-Palpatine Senator) and Barrow Oicunn (naval officer)
- Pria: homeworld of Priapulin race (many-limbed pacifist sea worms), childhood home of Charz Kwinn (pilot & spymaster affiliated with Jedi Order)
- Ruul: resource-rich mining planet [NB: exploited by Empire, future site of Sounders Flat Computer Complex and Tarkin Detention Facility]
Trellen sector
- Sarapin: lava planet, homeworld of vaapad/juyo species (namesake of lightsaber form), primary energy producer for Republic (provides roughly 80% of power for Core Worlds) with nigh-impenetrable defensive grid, site of Mount Corvast Citadel, geothermal generator-farms, and abandoned Jedi ruins
Demophon sector
- Demophon: sector capital, primary star due for imminent supernova (50 years away, per 22 BBY measurements by University of Sanbra [NB: occurred 1 BBY...], irradiated surface with industrialized bio-domes, rich in rare ores; home of Elena Ray (researcher) and Rigis Corazon (business magnate); center of G'uotr Network (black market) and 'Jhonterius Park' cult; headquarters of Corazon Industries, Shankti Drive Works (hyperdrive research), TransGalMeg (starships), Tumleh Navigation (hyperspatial astrogation), and Vortex Corporation (weapons); site of Bryneport, Stellar Monitor Station, The Block [NB: Imperial slave market], and Network Shipyard; neutral!
- Jatee: homeworld of Ssither race (telepathic snakes), high-gravity mining planet rich in rutgar-4 (crystalline explosive)
Vuma sector
- Ator: ecumenopolis, childhood home of Owen Lars [NB: stepbrother of Anakin Skywalker], headquarters of Thornen Games
- Leria Kerlsil: homeworld of 'life-bearer' race/Force sect [NB: basically 'black widows' -- long-lived women who marry and 'Support' their husband's life for 3-5 years; husband dies when Support is withdraw & wife inherits], site of many Refugee Relief Movement settlements (only wealthy single men...)
Glithnos sector
- Fedalle: trade hub and foundry world on Hydian Way, site of Thorm Estate
- Glithnos: sector capital, childhood home of Jannie Ha'Nook (militarist Senator, member of Palpatine's 'War Council' and Inner Circle)
Trantor sector
- Marfa: adopted homeworld of Murakami orchid race (Force-sensitive telepathic plant) [NB: primary ingredient of 'The Sickness' bioweapon developed by Darth Drear and Darth Scabrous on Odacer-Faustin, recipe in Drear Holocron beneath Sith Academy], major agriworld, site of Jedi AgriCorps facilities
- Trantor: ecumenopolis [NB: named after capital-planet of Isaac Asimov's Foundation series], homeworld of 'Trantor pigeons'
Corellian sector
- Altawar: homeworld of Corragut race, Corellian colony, headquarters of Joben Crate Company (containerization)
- Aurea: crystalline resort world, headquarters of Aurean Glassworkers Guild (best in galaxy), site of Mardri Soulworks Collective (artists' arcology)
- Craeen: mining planet, site of many experimental research labs and engineering facilities, orbited by 'Cinnabar Moon' (inhospitable resort world)
- Dorsis: ecumenopolis, called "Mini-Coruscant," headquarters of Corellia Digital (datacards), industry specializing in cheap consumer goods
- Froz: homeworld of Frozian race (long-limbed agriculturalists & bureaucrats), produces 'Frozian scout belt' [NB: "offsets clumsiness", enhances dexterity]
- Jumus: jungle world, site of many pharmaceutical research labs, controlled by Corellian Chemical Corporation
- Keral: mining planet, sole source of Keral firegems (jewelry & industrial energy source; can sabotage hyperdrive reactors), export banned by Senate
- New Plympto: homeworld of Nosaurian race (toothed bird/dinosaurs) and hiakk trees, home of Clegg Holdfast (podracer) and Rootrock (Jedi-friendly CIS general), sole source of rikknit eggs (delicacy) and ji rikknit (drug), site of Cadgel Meadows Spaceport, CIS member
- Nubia: home of R2-D2 (best droid), headquarters of Nubian Design Collective (e.g. J-type 327 Nubian Starship), PharmCorp (agriculture & pharmaceuticals, owned by Prall the Hutt), Industrial Automaton (massive droid manufacturer, produces R-series astromech droids), TradeCo (shipping), and Intergalactic Grav-Ball Federation, site of Nubian Palace (resort), Tallera Downs (ronto racing)
- Phemis: rocky planet controlled by Corellian Mining, sole source of rubat crystals (more powerful lightsaber blades), Jedi possess legal monopoly
- Saberhing: industrial ecumenopolis controlled by Corellian Engineering (starships), near resource-rich asteroid belt controlled by Corellian Mining
- Sacorria: primary agriworld in sector, site of Watchtower Base and Dorthus Tal Prison ('escape proof'), orbited by necropolis-moon Sarcophagus
- Vagran: nature preserve world with high-density bio-dome metropolises, site of Zoological Preservation Habitat and Estania Hunting Grounds
- Velx-Shel: privately owned self-sufficient research planet known for innovative thinkers, site of many universities, research facilities, design firms, etc.
- Vo: iceball planetoid in Sacorria system, site of abandoned shrines and vaults (considered 'ancient' in 3600 BBY)
Five Brothers subsector (Corellian)
- Centerpoint Station: massive space station [NB: built by Celestials over 100,000 years ago], ultra-high energy systems [NB: generate 'hyperspace tractor beam' that artificially constructed the Corellian system], site of Hollowtown (botanical biodome on sphere interior), Glowpoint (artificial sun/energy source), TechSec (high-tech manufacturing & research facilities), and Null Town (smugglers den & criminal underworld, controlled by Baron Benton Kaldo)
- Corellia: commercial center, known for best pilots; home of Garm Bel Iblis (anti-Palpatine Senator), Shyla Merricope (anti-militarist Diktat) and Neeja Halcyon (Jedi recruiter, married with a child), [NB: also Han Solo, Wedge Antilles, and Soontir Fel]; center of 'Green Jedi' Force sect (splintered from Jedi Order, permit marriage) [NB: post-Ruusan Jedi Lords], Drall Patriots (paramilitary gang), Afarathu (defunct Selonian terrorists), Corllian Security Force and CorSec Intelligence; headquarters of Corellian Merchants Guild (trade company) and Corellian Masternav (astrogation); site of Agrilat Crystal Swamps
- Blue Sector: commercial district near Coronet City, site of Treasure Ship Row (massive trade bazaar) and The Pit (junkyard & archaeological dig site)
- Coronet City: capital city, 'Jewel of Corellia'; headquarters of Corellian Engineering Corporation (best civilian starships, company pre-dates Republic), Gowix Computers, Corellian Technologies (military gear, e.g. anti-blaster field generator!), Coronet Mining Corporation, Coronet Ion Works, Corellian Arms (high-quality blasters), Rendili Vehicle Corporation (hoverbikes and Defender-class light corvettes (Jedi), affiliated with Rendili StarDrive), and Coronet Shipping (trade company); center of Ministry of War, Corellian Corporate Council, [NB: and 'Acolytes of the Beyond' dark-side Force sect]; site of Green Jedi Enclave (impregnable fortress), CorSec Academy (best law enforcement), Republic Foundation Museum, Coronet Medcenter, Corellian Museum of Space Exploration, Corona House (palace), Axial Park science museums, and Selonian Tunnels (subterranean metropolis)
- Doaba Guerfel: city of Corellia, mountain resort and natural preserve, center of 'Ensterite' cult (xenophobic), site of 'Nomad's Retreat' resort
- Kor Vella: city of Corellia, mountain mines and commercial center, headquarters of Frosch Industries (biomedical research), Corell Industries (intra-sector shipping), Allied Grain & Roughage (agricorp), and Corellian Personal Defense (armor)
- Gus Treta: moon of Corellia, site of Gus Treta Market Station (orbital spaceport built by Hoersch-Kessel Drive, controlled by Gormo the Hutt)
- Labor Valley: industrial district near Coronet City, headquarters of Beharen Droidworks, Corellian Chemical Corporation (industrial chemicals), Saxan Chemicals, Ardus Industries (biochemicals), Celestial Industries (starships), and Akin-Dower (mining gear), site of Black Hole (hypermatter refinery)
- Orbital Industrial Zone: massive 'net' of space stations in geosynchronous orbit, headquarters of Corellian Defense Force fleet, Chempat Engineered Defenses (deflector shields), Carbanti United Electronic (sensors), and Corellian Shipbuilders Union; former headquarters of Corellian StarDrive; site of CDF Naval Academy, Corellian Engineering Shipyards, [NB: and The Nerfworks (think-tank for experimental starship design, e.g. Crusader droid frigate)]
- Tyrena: city of Corellia, tourism capital, location of Gold Beaches, headquarters of Corellidyne Visuals (holoprojectors), site of Tyrena School of Art
- Drall: homeworld of Drall race (burrowers, archivists & scientists) and ibbot species (giant birds), center of Wingriders ('mounted' security force); home of Tiran (long-dead scientist) [NB: in-universe Einstein], Drusa (information broker), Sarella (duchess) [NB: and Meloria (cryogenically frozen Jedi)]; site of Great Archives of Mastigophorus (35,000-year-old library), Mastigophorus Academy (major university), Luminous Gardens (spa & conference center)
- Pirate's Shadow: asteroid field, site of Rayless Lantern, headquarters of Binayre Pirates (formerly affiliated with Black Sun)
- Rubicund Eye: deep-space observatory and space station located below the galactic orbital plane
- Selonia: homeworld of Selonian race (isolationist otters), childhood home of Zonder (Jedi, Padawan of Barriss Offee), waterworld and subterranean ecumenopolis, foundry world, site of Kas'as Chen'ru Den ruins, Selonian Orbital Shipyards (Corellian Engineering), and Deepwater Docks
- Talus: 'Twin World' orbiting Centerpoint Station, headquarters of Aggregate Civil Liberties Organization (medical supplies), Talus Ironworks, and Chunkers (junkyard salvagers/gang); center of Aa'kuan Champions (anarchists) and Lost Aqualish (exiled warriors); site of Fort Praji, Dearic Spaceport (trade hub), Qastar Ridge Spaceport (shadowport), Kahmurra Biogenetic Research Station and Nashal Cloning Facility, thriving black market
- Tralus: 'Twin World' orbiting Centerpoint Station, [NB: home of Han Solo's father Jonash], site of Selonian Tunnels, mineral-rich agriworld
Duro sector
- Bburru Station: largest orbital city over Duro, capity city, headquarters of CorDuro Shipping (merchant fleet), site of Bburru Arboretum and Port Duggan
- Duro: homeworld of Duros race (gifted pilots), childhood home of Cad Bane (bounty hunter), Felanil Banks (Jedi lightsaber artisan), and Cei Vookto (Jedi elementalist), headquarters of Pri-Andylan Propulsion Systems (repulsorlifts) and Duro Shipwrights Guild (massive string of orbital shipyards), site of Pri-Andylan Shipyards, Tayana Ruins, Valley of Royalty (Wonder of the Galacy), legendary Queen Rana's Vault, Ranadaast ('City of Ashes'), and 20 orbital cities
- Jyvus Space City: orbital city over Duro, home of Hoolidan Keggle ('Chief Representative Officer'), site of Duro planetary shields control center
- Pellezara Station: massive (40 km long) space city, refueling/resupply spaceport for Core freighters, nearby medcenter station, owned by Datch family
- Rrudobar: orbital city over Duro, headquarters of Zenowai Crime Society, home of Slim Jek [NB: basically Moriarty], site of Event Horizon (cantina)
Leemurtoo sector
- Rosha: homeworld of Roshan race (humanoids with head-tentacles), Trade Federation client state, CIS member world
- Samaria: sector capital, homeworld of Samarian race, home of Aaren Larker (anti-Palpatine prime minister), desert planet, site of Sath Canals (artificial bay & canals), Hall of Ministers, Twilight Fountain and Crystal Forest, densely populated with personal droids
Lettow sector
- Columus: homeworld of Columi race (craniopods), childhood home of 'Mama' (Ord Mantell information broker), low-gravity swamp with pillar-cities, automated factories produce GH-7 medical droids (Chiewab) and Columi mental hoverpads, location of cloning facilities (required for reproduction)
- Lettow: former center of 'Legions of Lettow' Force sect (first Jedi schism, c. 24,500 BBY), site of Legionnaire Academy ruins (studied non-Jedi traditions)
Seyugi sector
- Mawan: homeworld of Mawan race, once-thriving Naatan criminal underworld, location of 'Great Purge' (civil war) & death of Yaddle (Granta Omega)
- Recopia: homeworld of Seyugi race (extinct nomads), home of Razi Khan (Seyugi Dervish), headquarters of Tuldok Clan (pirates), center of Mallif cult (weird monks) and 'Seyugi Dervish' Force sect (assassins, specialized in tracking & unarmed combat), site of Mallif Cove (Seyugi Devish island fortress) [NB: surviving assassins carbon-frozen in fortress sublevels], Tuldok Ranch (pirate haven), Thoren Spaceport, and Hinder Market (livestock), location of Bandercamp Auctions (rare animals), sulfur planet
Rendili sector
- Baraboo: homeworld of biomold species (microscopic), headquarters of Institute for Sentient Studies (xenobiology/xenoarchaeology)
- Bellassa: home of Ferus Olin (former Jedi), [NB: childhood home of Trever Flume] headquarters of Olin/Lands (private witness protection program), [NB: center of 'The Eleven' (anti-Empire revolutionaries)], site of Eclipse (exclusive hotel) and Ussa (capital city with seven lakes)
- Rendili: foundry world, headquarters of Rendili StarDrive ('Founding Shipwright', built Katana Fleet), Rendili Hyperworks (built Hammerhead-class cruiser), Rendili Star Systems (built Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser, used in Katana Fleet and Outbound Flight), and Rendili Home Fleet (sector defense)
Lolnar sector
- Carconth: second-largest star in known galaxy, site of Astrographic Survey Institute outpost (600-year supernova watch)
- Perma: Faust colony, former home of Nuvo Vindi (CIS mad scientist, 'Blue Shadow Virus'), headquarters of Perma Families (criminal cartel)
Nemaryne sector
- Rydonni Prime: homeworld of Rythii beast species [NB: inspired AT-AT design], home of Rilvaan K'ntaar (corporate monarch), headquarters of Rythani Products (high-tech manufacturing) and Rythani Labs (weapons research), site of K'ntarr Estate and Royal Zoo, high-tech foundry world
Quanta sector
- Tinnel IV: sector capital, childhood home of Tiaan Jerjerrod (GAR logistics officer) [NB: Force-sensitive, future Moff], site of Jerjerrod Estate
Hosnian sector
- Condular: site of Grand Astrocartographic Institute (post-graduate education in astrogation/navigation)
- Gandeal: Fondorian mining colony, fortress world & trade hub on Corellian Trade Spine
- Hosnian Prime: ecumenopolis, [NB: New Republic capital], headquarters of Galaxy Beacon (media), site of Hanging Gardens and Darropolis crystal dunes
Parmorak sector
- Karvoss II: original center of 'Matukai' Force sect (best martial artists, nomads specializing in physical enhancement)
- Hemei IV: original center of 'Cosmic Balance' sect (anti-Jedi cult), headquarters of Bakur Mining Corporation, foundry world
Emmo sector
- Danteel: sector capital, home of Veilred Jydor (casino magnate) and Carisca Vanq (heiress), site of High Card Casino, location of two Tchine artifacts
- Gailea: resort world, site of Marqua Spas (luxury resort), location of annual Marqua Grand Ball
Testarr sector
- Sestria: financial center (banks viewed as more corrupt & less trustworthy than InterGalactic Banking Clans on Muunilist...)
Gama sector
- Balosar: homeworld of Balosar race (humanoid, retractable antennae) and balo mushroom species (death sticks), childhood home of Elan Sel'Sabagno ('Sleazebaggano'), heavily polluted industrial ecumenopolis, controlled by criminal underworld (primary producer of death sticks)
- Gama: sector capital, homeworld of Gama-Senn race [NB: Duros look-alike, with two thumbs per hand]
- Oligtaz: jungle planet, site of Esraza Temple ruins (Wonder of the Galaxy, original shrine imparted gift of teleportation & foresight? Or hallucinogen...)
Lansono sector
- Azbrian: lush agriworld, homeworld of dray beast (draft animal) species
- Lansono: sector capital, home of Candabrine Bu (anti-Palpatine militarist Senator)
Thomork sector
- Thomork: foundry world, site of Thomork Shipyards [NB: seized by Empire to produce 'World Devastator' superweapon]
Andaran sector
- Andara: sector capital, home of Berm Tarturi (Senator, rival of Sano Sauro), headquarters of Leadership School (caters to children of Core Worlds elite)
Ishori Confederene sector
- Isht: homeworld of Ishori race (highly emotional, with 'horn-tipped fists'), major commercial center, rival with neighboring Diamala sector
Iphigini sector
- Iphigin: homeworld of Iphigini race ('craggy face' with 'melodious voices'), major trade hub & shipping center
Diamala sector
- Diamal: homeworld of Diamala race (calm white-maned lions), major commercial center, rivals with neighboring Ishori Confederene sector
Tiisheraan sector
- Tiisheraan: sector capital, childhood home of Galen Derlin (anti-Palpatine Senator, friend of Bail Organa) [NB: assassinated post-New Order]
Frego sector
- Frego: childhood home of Crote (corrupt former Senator) and Lena Cobral [NB: basically female Talesan Fry...], center of 'Cobral' crime family
- Plexis: shadowport (spice smuggling) controlled by Zenowai Crime Society
Illodia sector
- Illodia: sector capital, ruled by Five Families, childhood home of Doman Beruss (Senator, friend of Bail Organa), site of Illodian Officer Academy, neutral!
- Kloodavia: homeworld of Kloodavian race (can regenerate limbs, immune to mind tricks), home of Boll Trinkatta (CEO of 'Trinkatta Starships')
- Vrakolia: homeworld of Vrakolian race (durable, thick skin), known to treat 'Vrakolian spin-blades' (razor discs) for 'hamless games of skill'...
Dentaal sector
- Abregado-rae: homeworld of Gados (gifted acrobats) and Moocher races, trade hub and shadowport, terminus of Rimma Trade Route, site of Abregado-rae Spaceport (canal city), Le Yer (coastal resort), and Gilt Gusher (natural spring, source of rare electrum ore), orbited by debris field from recent battle
- Belgaroth: homeworld of swamphulk ('droidbreaker') species, home of Tarin (pro-CIS factory owner), site of The Scrapyard (country-sized junkyard) and Czerka Arms factory (IGBC affiliate, produces FEX-M3 nerve-gas grenades)
Gerrard sector
- Gerrard V: sector capital, foundry world with mineral-rich deserts, Senator belongs to Rim faction
- Piton: homeworld of Piton race (subterranean humanoids), home of Miro Daroon (Jedi Sentinel, tech supervisor of Jedi Temple on Coruscant)
Botor Enclave sector
- Botor: 'Allied Region' capital, homeworld of Botori race (bears), rivals with neighboring Daupherm Planet States ('Dawferim Selfhood States')
Daupherm Planet States sector
- Daupherm: 'Allied Region' capital, homeworld of Dawferim race, home of Evram Darkmere (merchant) [NB: then marine, then anti-slavery pirate, then Rebel Alliance operative], headquarters of Daupherm Merchant Fleet, site of Daupherm Shipyards (produces Discril-class attack cruisers)
Weemell sector
- Kler'terria: homeworld of Kler'terrian race (three eyes, four arms), dust bowl world
- Siola: homeworld of Siolan race (bloodhounds with super-smell)
Dahrtag sector
- Necropolis: homeworld of boneworm species, site of Crypt of the Ancients [NB: Force ghost of 'witch' Sycorax?], galactic tombworld
- Protobranch: homeworld of Bivall race (intelligent, head-crests), childhood home of Sionver Boll (Republic scientist) and Usk Haffa (real estate magnate)
Atrisian Commonwealth sector
- Atrisia: sector capital, headquarters of Yovshin Swordsmen (dual-wield Jar-Kai dueling sabers), site of Imperial History Library (Uueg Tching's Sayings)
Questal sector
- Questal: sector capital, minor agriworld, [NB: rich in ardanium (metal ore grows stronger in radiation, used for fuel cells)], site of Gralleenya Starport
- Nathas I: homeworld of Protean race (low-intelligence protoplasm, chameleonic changelings), home of Lonchant (bounty hunter), airless planet
Nebulas of Osssorck sector
- Rakaa IV: homeworld of Rakaan race (vicious giant spiders), childhood home of Lud Chud (crime lord), jungle planet
Inysh sector
- Inysh: homeworld of Abinyshi race (forked tail), mining planet rich in kalonterium (cheap, low-grade ore for weapons/construction)
Moving the 'Deep Core' worlds here due to space restrictions:
Briefing the Boss Pt. 10 - The Deep Core
Beshqek sector
- Byss: lush garden planet, planetary Force vergence [NB: later corrupted by Palpatine], site of 'spectacular' Rakatan Temple ruins; [NB: terminus of artificial 'Byss Run' hyperlane, constructed with S-thread boosters by early Empire; site of Emerald Splendor Estates (luxury houses for Palpatine's dark-side 'batteries'), Imperial Citadel (includes throne room, Great Hall, barracks, Inquisitorius training rooms, Clone Labs, offices of 'Constable of Homunculi' and 'Clone Keepers', and Sith alchemical labs used to breed 'Chrysalide rancors'), Imperial Control Sector (continent-sized industrial district), and Imperial Freight Complex]
Prakith sector
- Odik II: sector capital, headquarters of Fifth Deep Core Army (Republic fleet), [NB: converted into top-secret political penal colony by Palpatine]
- Prakith: semi-volatile volcanic planet, controlled by Mining Guild; adopted homeworld of Stereb race (subterranean hairless Wookies); childhood home of Myrum Geddis (mine owner); headquarters of Prall, and Thaarke Corporation (mining); site of Asonel Caves (rich in gemstones), Geddis mines, Herkeath mines, Prak City (plateau spaceport), Rilkean mines, Skoth riverbed (rich in ores); [NB: site of Citadel Inquisitorius (center of Imperial-era spies and Jedi hunters) and Andeddu's Keep (ancient Sith fortress, center of Malevolence dark-side cult); original location of Holocron of Heresies (includes 'transfer essence' Force technique and lightsaber crystal of Darth Andeddu), current location of Andeddu's Tomb)
Vulpter sector
- Besero: mining planet, controlled by Tagge Mining Corporation (TaggeCo)
- Had Abbadon: mythic 'lost planet', candidate as original birthplace of Jedi Order
- Vulpter: homeworld of Vulptereen race (short bipedal crocodiles), heavily polluted 'junkyard'/droid manufacturing planet; home of Rina Fio (VSIS president) and Hordis Boil (Arakyd CEO); headquarters of Arakyd Industries (e.g. DRK-1 probe droid, AAD-4 assault droids, Viper probe droid, Hunter-Killer probot (massive), and RA-7 protocol droid; affiliated with Techno Union), Arakyd Aerodyne (e.g. AJP-400 stealth jet-packs), and Viper Sensor Intelligence Systems (e.g. XPLR-R explorer droid; founding member ofTrade Federation, hostile takeover by Arakyd in 22 BBY); site of Charbi City Spaceport, Viper Tower (corporate HQ), and Orbital Advertisement Ring
Jerrilek sector
- Adana: homeworld of Faust race, childhood home of Nuvo Vindi (CIS mad scientist)
- Barbeen: headquarters of 'Brothers of Barbeen' (ultrachrome armor-wearing mercenaries)
- Jerrilek: tropical archipelago world, childhood home of Chel Dorat (Admiral, 'strategic genius'), site of pre-historic ruins (c. 1,000,000 BBY) and Dorat villa
- Kuar: former homeworld of Kuaran race (subterranean humanoids, conquered by Mandalorians c. 4002 BBY, now extinct), adopted homeworld of 'combat arachnid' species, site of Plains of Harkul (location of legendary duel between Ulic-Qel Droma and Mandalore the Indomitable c. 3996 BBY
Koros sector
- Atale: blood-red moon of Empress Teta, primary source of andris (spice), controlled by Mining Guild
- Empress Teta: ecumenopolis, primary source of carbonite and andris (spice); commercial center with thriving black market; monarchy controlled by Mining Guild; childhood home of Teta ('Warrior Empress' c. 5000 BBY), Jori Daragon (explorer and hero of Great Hyperspace War), Satal and Aleema Keto (original co-founders of Krath), Duke Teta (300 years old) and Duchess Koyi Mateil (young Twi'lek consort), Emperor Alor Keto (reigning monarch, puppet of Mining Guild), Serra Keto (Jedi Knight, best student of Battlemaster Cin Drallig), Sebban Keto (quietly refounded Krath during Clone Wars era), Sargo VenHalgon (aristocrat), Sianna Sekko (noble orphan trained as Krath Death Witch, hunted Jedi during early Empire); former [NB: future] center of Krath (dark side Force cult); headquarters of Brotherhood of Navigators (hyperlane explorers in Deep Core, Wild Space, and Unknown Regions) and Koros Spaceworks (Old Republic starship manufacturer, e.g. CX-133 Chaos fighter, Tetan interceptor, and Supremacy-class attack ship); former headquarters of Aarrba's Repair Dock and Carbonite Guild; site of Hyperspace Navigator's Guildhouse (hyperlane archive and Monument to Lost Navigators), Mining Guild regional headquarters, Core District (commercial center, architecture of each building in style of different Core Worlds culture), Great Library of Cinnagar (museum of Great Hyperspace War), Cinnagar Royal Palace (seat of government, massive complex of nine spires); former site of Iron Citadel (ancient legendary palace complex, rumored location of lightsaber of Ulic-Qel Droma, translation talisman of Satal Keto, and operational Basilisk war droid)
- Keres II: ice planet rich in carbonite, site of mining outpost (abandoned c. 3643 BBY due to re-awakened terentatek), rich in carbonite
- Kirrek: also known as Mozos, childhood home of Llaban (general of Kirrak rebels), former center of Kirrak rebels (anti-Unification and anti-Krath paramilitary), site of two major battles during Unification War and Great Hyperspace War
- Krath Command Station: military space station built by Koros Spaceworks, used in Krath Holy Crusade c. 3997 BBY against Republic and Jedi forces
- Ronika: slightly terraformed and very inhospitable desert plant, rich in ores, Tetan penal colony and mining outpost, site of Orbital Security Station
Tythos sector
- Ashla: moon of Tython, sanctuary and retreat for Je'daii who strayed too far to the light side, site of pre-Republic stone ruins
- Bogan: moon of Tython, sanctuary and retreat for Je'daii who strayed too far to the dark side, site of Stone Cities of Bogan (pre-Republic ruins)
- Furies Gate: outermost planet in Tython system, orbited by Fury Station research station and supply outpost for pre-Republic Tythan sleeper ships
- Kalimahr: lush cosmopolitan planet, site of Rhol Yan (commercial center), Hang Layden (island with Gree ruins), and The Pits (gladiatorial arena)
- Krev Coeur: inhospitable planet with inactive volcanoes, rich in raw blue crystals (used for lightsabers and Force-sabers)
- Nox: heavily polluted industrial center, population concentrated in dome-cities, former headquarters of Craedos Shipyards (pre-Republic starships, e.g. CRSF-27 space freighter), site of Boneyard dome-city and Gratz Foundry (able to mass-produce Force-sabers...)
- Shikaakwa: lush planet formerly ruled by Nine Houses (feudal gangsters), site of Ryo Fortress (home of Ryo Clan, Twi'lek crime family)
- Ska Gora: marsh planet, homeworld of 'apex trees' species, population concentrated in floating city-ships, site of Rakatan Base Prime (pre-Republic fortress)
- Tython: lush planet colonized by eight Tho Yor pyramid ships; adopted homeworld of Flesh Raiders (mutant Rakatan cannibals); location of planetary Force vergence (known for 'Force Storms' if imbalanced between light and dark); center of Je'daii Order (pre-Republic gray-aligned Force sect, known for 'Great Journey' to nine Je'daii Temples) and Jedi Order (light-aligned successor to Je'daii, founded due to schismatic Force Wars c. 25,783 BBY); site of Chasm (canyon known to 'interfere' with the Force), Rift (massive canyon), Abyss of Ruh (apparently bottomless dark side vergence located in Rift), Silent Desert (known for sound-nullifying sands), Old City (pre-historic complex of megalithic ziggurats, location of Gree hypergate and 'Fount of Rajivari' original Je'daii Archives), Lost City of Aurum (built by settlers brought by Tho Yor, destroyed in Force Storm), Jedi Academy (center of Jedi Order c. 3650 BBY after defeat in Great Galactic War, site of 'Eye of Zallow' holocron-like monument), Matriarch's Summit (site of Kalikori Village and Kolovish's Tower, on Tythos Ridge), Darzu Fortress (Sith fortress, barracks of bioengineered humanoid 'technobeasts', original location of Holocron of Belia Darzu, with notes on Sith alchemy and mechu daru); former site of Nine Je'daii Temples (now ruins): Akar Kesh (Temple of Balance, home of wisest Je'daii Temple Master, meditation pool surrounded by eight monoliths, near Waterfalls of Akar Kesh), Akil Kesh (Temple of Science, metallic structure straddling the Chasm), Bodhi (Temple of the Arts, pavilion built over a subterranean Tho Yor near Edge Forest), Kaleth (Temple of Knowledge, original location of Holocron of A'nang (Kwa relic), site of 'Chamber of Speech' computer terminal/prototype holocron and 'Forsaken Den' cave/meditation shrine), Mahara Kesh (Temple of Healing, floating city in Deep Ocean, resting over submerged Tho Yor), Padawan Kesh (Temple of the Je'daii, home to Initiates and younglings), Qigong Kesh (Temple of Force Skills, cavern complex in Silent Desert), Stav Kesh (Temple of Martial Arts, sandstone city built on mountain peak in Ice Giant Range), and Vur Tepe (The Forge, built on lip of active volcano in Rift)
Cosian Space sector
- Cosia: homeworld of Cosian and Nu-Cosian races (bipedal reptiles), childhood home of Tera Sinube (Jedi investigator on Coruscant)
Treskov sector
- Ebaq IX: moon of gas giant Ebaq, barren planet rich in bronzium, mining facilities controlled by Deep Core Mining Corporation
- Eclipse: [NB: hidden planet in asteroid field, site of Eclipse Station (Jedi Academy founded by Luke Skywalker in 26 ABY)]
- Ojom: frozen waterworld, homeworld of Besalisk race (four arms), childhood home of Dexter Jettster (Coruscant cook), Pong Krell (Jedi Master, dual-wield double-bladed lightsabers, CIS traitor, died 21 BBY on Umbara) and Xerius Ugg (CIS admiral and slaver, died 21 BBY on Kiros)
Khomm sector
- Khomm: homeworld of Khommite race (bioengineered conformists), headquarters of Khomm Central Population Planning (cloners) [NB: data stolen by Clan Skirata due to clone aging issue], site of Heh'l City (mathematically perfect grid-cities)
Lialic sector
- Constancia: homeworld of Constancian race (orange telepaths), [NB: childhood home of Gamine (anti-Empire activist) and Sharlee (battle-armor specialist), site of Outpost 8 (Sharlee's base) and Zeltron colony (red empaths)
- Fex: purple moon of Sha Qarot, crystalline surface and ecology, homeworld of Fexian skullborer species (tree-dwelling predators)
- Kalist VI: mountainous deserts, site of Kalist Base penal/labor colony [NB: Imperial-era political prison, childhood home of Dak Ralter (Rebel pilot)]
List & Links to all of Publicola's plans (both threads):
EDIT 2: This just applied to the +10 bonus. If you're asking about canonicity... well, either depict something that's already happened (even if off-screen), or depict something that could happen in the relatively near-future (qualifying as "currently non-canon"). Hope that helps.
You were already getting income from the cybernetics branch as it is. Though increasing cybernetics production would be a viable option to increase income from there.
We make 2 units of battle droids per turn but we've hit our cap at 10. Can surplus battle droids be sold? If we build a droid factory on Lordran, would we be able to sell the results?
In the Undercity Investment option for Nar Shaddaa, we're improving the local economy and thus making money indirectly like with our Coruscant charities, which makes the 20% increase make sense. Unlike the charities, however, we're not giving the money away, we're investing it in stuff like factories and shipyards, things that produce profit and which we would have shares in if not outright own. Therefore, I suggest adding a flat income increase (perhaps similar to the Kashyyyk Business Investments option?) on top of the 20% increase in Nar Shaddaa income.
I'm going to deny that for mechanical reasons as both options cost the same amount of money/expenses and suddenly increasing the income of the upgrade would be unreasonable by those terms.
The text for Labour Droid Factory says that it would make construction go faster as well as well as decrease upkeep, but the only reward was the decrease in upkeep.
You were already getting income from the cybernetics branch as it is. Though increasing cybernetics production would be a viable option to increase income from there.
@Dr. Snark, can 'expand medical production' and 'expand cybernetics production' be base upgrades instead? Given just how many Learning options are available to us, and just how important most/all of them are, I can't see us ever spending a Learning action for a minor income boost. Plus, making it a base upgrade would be a lot more comparable to the upgrades we've done on Taris and Castell, for instance.
When you make the light burny stuff go out from a lightsaber, it's called igniting the blade. When you make the light burny stuff go back into a lightsaber, what's it called?
When you make the light burny stuff go out from a lightsaber, it's called igniting the blade. When you make the light burny stuff go back into a lightsaber, what's it called?
Hey, @Dr. Snark, since we killed off Durge, do we get to keep his starfighter? The NovaSword is apparently superior to the Z-95 Headhunter, which is why the CIS purchased a bunch of them for their top commanders. (It possesses an internal hyperdrive like the X-Wing, among its other features).
The throne room of Count Dooku's palace was a dark, unsettling place, the green light flooding in from the window at the back only adding to the eerie atmosphere and barely illuminating the area despite its brightness. The sides of the room were lined with BX commando droids, uncaring of the ambience, silent and still as they stood guard. In front of the window was an obsidian-coloured desk in the shape of a chevron, and in front of that desk was Count Dooku, one arm behind his back as he watched Sev'rance Tann enter through the single door leading in.
As she made her way to the centre of the room and bowed in front of her master, he could sense the shame, the anger, and most of all the fear that she could only mostly mask. 'Yet further disappointment', thought Dooku. Dooku himself appeared from without to be a veritable wall of stoicism, betraying no emotion even as rage roiled inside him at the sight of Tann, a constant reminder of the more gifted, more loyal assassin his master forced him to eliminate for fear of her growing power. One day he would get his revenge, but for now he had to deal with the worm in front of him.
After a brief moment of silence, it was Sev'rance who spoke first, "Master...I have answered your summons and appear before you now." Taking a breath, she continued, "This is about what happened on Onderon?"
The hand behind Dooku's back tightened into a fist in restrained anger. "The Separatist Alliance loses respect as its supposedly mighty forces are beaten off by a ragtag group of untrained irregulars, most of the considerable amount of forces sent there were destroyed, further operations in the region prevented as the Neutral Systems expand their territory, your flagship stolen from right under your nose." The mask of stoicisim had by now loosened, some of the emotion within Dooku leaking out. "'What happened on Onderon' can be described as no less than a disaster."
For her part, Sev'rance kept her eyes glued to the floor as she began to speak, "My lord, please, I beg you forgiveness. I underestimated the rebels, they were more cunning, more organised than I had imagined. It must've been Ciaran. She- hrk!" She was cut off as Dooku lifted his hand and tightened the Force around Tann's neck, lifting her off the ground and walking towards her as he did so.
Dooku responded, raising his voice higher than it was before, "It was your own overwhelmingly reckless strategy that caused your defeat." He said, taking his time as she squirmed under his invisible grip, "You had the resources necessary to succeed whatever interference that woman might've been capable of, and you wasted them in your impetuousness." Finally releasing her, she flopped onto the ground, unable to respond as she coughed and struggled to catch her breath. Dooku continued, tersely but more softly, "You have disgraced yourself and dishonoured my teachings. There will be no repeat incidence or there will be consequences. Do I make myself clear, apprentice?" He said, speaking the last word with enough venom to bring down a bantha.
"Yes, my lord," responded Sev'rance as she kept her emotions carefully buried now that the immediate threat had passed and anger began to replace fear in earnest, "I will not fail you again. This I swear."
With that, she rose from the ground and left Dooku's throne room. After she left, Dooku made his way behind his desk and sat on the chair behind it, steepling his fingers as he began to think. He will not be able to destroy Sidious alone. To pay back for the loss of his favoured assassin, the constant derision levelled against him, the utter lack of respect for him despite his importance in his plans, he will need an assassin to use as a tool for his vengeance. Sev'rance Tann is skilled, but her growing arrogance could prove a serious hindrance to his plans, as proven by her actions on Onderon. Should she fail to improve and redeem herself, he may need to acquire a new assassin, but there would be the issue of finding one.
It would unrealistic to expect another prospective student to come to seek him out, so he must be the one to search out and find a worthy candidate. Doing so would take a great deal of time, however, time he was sorely pressed for while the Clone Wars continued to rage. Perhaps, should Sev'rance fail to learn from her mistakes, it might be worth calling in the favour Talzin still owed him...
Dooku responded, raising his voice higher than it was before, "It was your own overwhelmingly reckless strategy that caused your defeat." He said, taking his time as she squirmed under his invisible grip, "You had the resources necessary to succeed whatever interference that woman might've been capable of, and you wasted them in your impetuousness." Finally releasing her, she flopped onto the ground, unable to respond as she coughed and struggled to catch her breath. Dooku continued, softly this time, "You have failed me for the last time. You are no longer my apprentice, and now...you shall die."
"Master, no!" were the last words Sev'rance Tann managed to yell out before Dooku cleanly separated her head from the rest of her with a quick, precise twirl of his lightsaber.
Dooku extinguished his saber as he stepped away from the smoking remains of his former assassin, motioning to a pair of droids to dispose of the body. He made his way behind his desk and sat on the chair behind it, steepling his fingers as he began to think. He will not be able to destroy Sidious alone. To pay back for the loss of his favoured assassin, the constant derision levelled against him, the utter lack of respect for him despite his importance in his plans, he will need an assassin to use as a tool for his vengeance. It is unrealistic to expect another prospective student to come to seek him out, so he must be the one to search out and find a worthy candidate. Doing so would take a great deal of time, however, time he was sorely pressed for while the Clone Wars continued to rage. Perhaps it was time to call in the favour Talzin owed him...
AN: So yeah, since Onderon Flashpoint went "really really well" for us, by that same logic it must've gone "really really bad" for someone else, in this case Sev'rance. Dooku obviously cared for Ventress in some capacity going by this, even if only as a particularly useful tool, and Sev'rance never seemed to show the same depth of loyalty that Ventress showed for Dooku, so I figured Dooku would feel bitter towards Sev as a result. This also opens up the possibility of the Savage/Maul storyline, which would be interesting.
So yeah, since Onderon Flashpoint went "really really well" for us, by that same logic it must've gone "really really bad" for someone else, in this case Sev'rance.
I could get behind this as canonical. I never really cared for Sev'rance as an antagonist, and the Sith are known to punish failure quite harshly.
More importantly for story reasons: this gives Dooku a reason to contact Mother Talzin, which leads to the introduction of Savage Opress (and eventually the reintroduction of a surviving Darth Maul). It also gives Dooku a reason to rely more heavily on his 'lesser' Dark Acolytes, among them Quinlan Vos.
On the other hand, Tann is no idiot and probably wouldn't bank her survival on "begging for life" and "Dooku feeling merciful." Why would she show up to what would almost certainly be her execution? As said, Sith tend to really punish failure, so way would she not expect it? She could run, hell, she could out of desperation run to us for protection in exchange for information she has on the Sith (completely unaware of Asaij, leading to... interesting possibilites), or find some deep, dark hole to hide in for a little while (or fake death). Or at the very least attempt to defend herself against Dooku instead of futilely begging for her life, even if there's no way in hell she'd win.
At the very least, I find it doubtful that she would beg for her life instead of doing anything else. Canonically she taunted her killers right to the end. Granted, her seemingly out of character behavior could be blamed on the situation and realizing just how boned she is, but... I dunno. Doesn't feel quite right.
Hey, @Dr. Snark, since we killed off Durge, do we get to keep his starfighter? The NovaSword is apparently superior to the Z-95 Headhunter, which is why the CIS purchased a bunch of them for their top commanders. (It possesses an internal hyperdrive like the X-Wing, among its other features).
Under normal circumstances I'd say no, but given the rampant kleptomania of the Abyss Watchers in general I can totally see that happening. For convenience's sake I'll probably fold that under "Personal Assets" given that it's just the one fighter.
Hmmm...Much as I do really like this I don't think Dooku's quite at the "you have failed me for the last time" phase. Do remember that up until now Sev'rance was doing a great job at winning the war against the Republic, and while Kamino was a wash she did succeed in killing Ventress (as far as the two of them know. Hahaha).
That being said he is super pissed off right now, probably would be willing to choke out Sev'rance for a bit, and is definitely reassessing her use to his plans now.
You'll still get the +10 bonus because it's well done though. If you want to rework it a bit I can certainly declare it fully canon.
Under normal circumstances I'd say no, but given the rampant kleptomania of the Abyss Watchers in general I can totally see that happening. For convenience's sake I'll probably fold that under "Personal Assets" given that it's just the one fighter.
Yeah, I aim for a thousand, at least on omakes that aren't intended as jokes, like the Darth Plagueis one, but 500 is the absolute bottom limit for me. If I can't get that much out of an idea, it's not good enough to get an omake.
Well, they are sea dragons, so no flying or fire-breathing. On the other hand, they are massive sea serpents, and the Dragon Lords are definitely badass.