About her 'Bringer of Peace' trait I would think she would get a lot of fans and support from the Jedi order.
I don't know why people would think the Jedi would still be against her due to her shady activities since those knowledge only exist within the high council, I mean she would get a lot of supporters with the rank and file Padawan, Knights and Masters especially with all her humanitarian aid and that event.
The trait could help us get reforms within the order and seriously not all High council are against us, and no I do not mean just Obi-Wan, there are other Masters she can approach.

Hell might get another Jedi schism in a peaceful manner.

Honesty I hope we get actions with the order, it would be nice to guilt her back and get command of our own unit of Jedi special forces in the name for peace of course.
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About her 'Bringer of Peace' trait I would think she would get a lot of fans and support from the Jedi order.
I don't know why people would think the Jedi would still be against her due to her shady activities since those knowledge only exist within the high council, I mean she would get a lot of supporters with the rank and file Padawan, Knights and Masters especially with all her humanitarian aid and that event.
The trait could help us get reforms within the order and seriously not all High council are against us, and no I do not mean just Obi-Wan, there are other Masters she can approach.

Hell might get another Jedi schism in a peaceful manner.

Honesty I hope we get actions with the order, it would be nice to guilt her back and get command of our own unit of Jedi special forces in the name for peace of course.

We do have good relations with the order at large. We are 7/10. The -3 can be understood to be the high council who are very influential within the order and even they are only suspicious and not actually against us. Note that in one omake (The Light Plan) the council collectively relaxed once it was thought that we were behind the rise of the new Mandalore. They see us as a force for chaos, not good or evil. They have bigger fish to fry (the CIS and Sith) and at the moment we're not even on their list of fish.
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I had a thought earlier when I was figuring out which systems now belong to Neutral Space.

Did you know that the Damask family has been around since basically forever? They're even a 'clan'. The original Hego Damask (Darth Plagueis's grandfather) was a Muun banker of some note. Plagueis's father (Caar Damask) was a Muunilist banker who was selected to serve as administrator of Mygeeto and later IGBC Chairman. Caar Damask was rich enough to buy the game planet of Sojourn (called "Hunters' Moon") and turn it into a IGBC resort-cum-think tank that would host annual 'Gatherings' of the financial elite.

As for Plagueis... Hego Damask II inherited so much wealth upon his father's death that in 120 BBY (a bit past his 20th birthday) he had enough money to start his own investment company and immediately purchase a superspire in the capital city of Harnaidan as its headquarters.

It's also worth noting that (per the 'Damask clan' article):

So he's basically your stereotypical rich kid, who's handed enough money in his 20s to literally buy a skyscraper, who then proceeds to use his resources and Sith training to off everyone else in the family, presumably arranging their murders so that all of their fortunes would ultimately be inherited by him.

For most of his 'youth' (until he was about 70 years old -- don't ask), Hego traveled the galaxy at the side of his master Darth Tenebrous (known as the custom starship designer & Damask family friend, Rugess Nome), familiarizing himself with the Baneite Sith network of agents/informants and making contact with the galactic elite. On Nome's death (aka, once Plagueis had killed him) in 67 BBY, Hego returned to Muunilist and took full control of Damask Holdings and his clan inheritance. After narrowly surviving an assassinations attempt (in 52 BBY) that did kill his business partners and Damask Holdings manager, Darth Plagueis retired to conduct his midi-chlorian research full-time.

And then, twenty years later (32 BBY), on the eve of Palpatine's election as Supreme Channcelor in 32 BBY, Plagueis was killed by his apprentice.

At the time of his death, Hego Damask II owned:
  • The "Hunters' Moon" of Sojourn, including an ancient Sith fortress used as his personal retreat
  • The Harnaidan superspire on Muunilist, which served as his corporate headquarters
  • The Aborah "vault-spire" (volcanic lava-column filled with precious metals), which served as Plagueis's research lab for midichlorian experiments
  • The Kaldani Spires Residential Apartment building in Coruscant's Monument Plaza (reserving the penthouse suite for his own personal use).
In addition to all his other properties and investments around the galaxy. (While Hego had retired after the 52 BBY assassination attempt, there's no indication that he sold off his Damask Holdings assets or revoked his investment portfolio).

Now, given Palpatine's own ambition and cunning, I have no doubt that most of his fungible assets were (indirectly) taken over by Palpatine himself. That probably includes the Kaldani Spires building as well, given the Coruscant proximity.

However, I'm not at all confident that Palpatine got his hands on Hego Damask's properties on Muunilist. For one thing: the connection between Palpatine and Dasmask was not public knowledge -- it was apparently a shocking revelation when Pax Teem (Gran senator and potential Chancellor candidate) discovered the two of them working together. Moreover, if only because Hego's entire clan had died, there was no one able to inherit directly. Frankly, given the size of the company, the genetic distance to the closest surviving relative, and Hego's own twenty-year isolation, it wouldn't surprise me if the estate was still in probate court.

Why do I bring all this up? Because two years before Hego Damask's death, we received:

So we did a favor for the IGBC, and Hego Damask came out of isolation to pay us back. Considering that those credits let us hook up with the Trade Federation on their Naboo invasion, and the datachips gave us a headstart to understanding the Force... we're basically Hego Damask's protege.

Of course, we later found out that Damask Holdings had funded the Sienar fleet and the clone army that are the backbone of the GAR, and that he was in all likelihood a Sith lord. But we don't have problems with Sith Lords -- in fact, we're already employing one.

And what did we do with Darth Vectivus, again? Right -- we went to his home and claimed it in the name of the Abyss Watchers.

Anyone interested in doing the same with Damask's Aborah research-lab, or Sojourn? In fact, I'm kinda curious to see what's new with the Damask Holdings superspire in downtown Harnaidan, given that it's been (mostly) unused for twenty years. Depending on how that probate case is going, I wonder if Muunilist might be willing to sell it to us. We are pretty popular there, or so I'm told.

...Actually... :rofl: ...Right now, I'm wondering if we could ret-con our Muunilist mansion purchase (last turn) so that it turns out we had actually purchased the Damask Holdings superspire. That would be just. so. perfect -- to accidentally lay claim to the Damask legacy, as his rightful protege (the only one that didn't kill him, after all). The building is in downtown Harnaidan, so it still fits the 'cheap due to bomb & blaster damage from the recent battle'. And it would be exactly our kind of luck to unwittingly purchase a building once owned by a Sith Lord. :D


The original reason I brought all of this us was to convince us to use our amazing public image & connections to lay claim to some of Hego Damask's other assets, especially Abadon and Sojourn. Frankly, given our incredible Intrigue stat and our past connection, I'm wondering if we couldn't slice into the Damask files and insert some proviso that lets us 'inherit' parts of his business empire outright. Or something that clears us the probate so we are allowed to buy up some of his other properties on the planet.

As awesome as that would be, it would put us at the top of Palps' shit list fast. I think he knows he didn't get everything his master left behind and doing that would make him take us serious, as in personally coming to kill us.

It could just be me being paranoid again, but we cannot take that chance right now.
it would be nice to have our own unit of Jedi special forces in the name for peace of course.

Force Users:
15 Abyss Apprentices (Tier 1) + 2-5 per turn, 25% chance to tier up per turn
4 Abyss Agents (Tier 2), 5% chance to tier up per turn
- Current Skills Known: Blazing Chains, Buried Presence

We sort of do already.

As awesome as that would be, it would put us at the top of Palps' shit list fast. I think he knows he didn't get everything his master left behind and doing that would make him take us serious, as in personally coming to kill us.

It could just be me being paranoid again, but we cannot take that chance right now.

After everything we just did in the last interlude, taking his Master's old place of residence isn't even going to register. We're beyond petty stuff like that moving us up on his shit list.
After everything we just did in the last interlude, taking his Master's old place of residence isn't even going to register. We're beyond petty stuff like that moving us up on his shit list.

Yeah, I'm kinda paranoid sometimes, that twigged it. I do think he would step up his plans if he finds out we have a connection to his master though and claiming to be his protege, taking all Damask Holding's assets in the process, would announce it the most public way possible.
They are okay but not really good especially against dark siders or Paps.
The Jedi got their asses handed to them as well when they tried to bring him in. Mace Windu was the only one to survive before Anakin ruined that too, and if we leech off the Jedi, we're not likely to get anyone of his caliber. If we want our Force users to be better, investing in them is a better use of resources than trying to break off a group of Jedi.

It's a good idea on an individual basis, like what we're doing with Anakin, but it just seems like a bad idea to try and do it large scale.
They are okay but not really good especially against dark siders or Paps.
To be far, that would also describe most of the Jedi Order itself -- Palpatine absolutely slaughtered the three other Jedi Masters that Mace Windu brought with him in canon.

But fair point -- as far as number of Force Users we are far outmatched by either of the two main powers. That's why I'd like to start recruiting some non-Jedi Force users.... That's also why I'd like to start 'poaching' specific Jedi as well, especially Anakin Skywalker.

I mean, let's face it folks. Palpatine already takes us seriously -- we're messing up his plans, and we will continue to do so. Sure, giving citizenship to the clone troopers would cause him to sit up and pay us even more attention. As would our 'inheriting' most of Damask Holding assets. But you know what would make him really pay attention to us?

Stealing his future apprentice out from under him, that's what.

And we're already doing that! We're not going to let Anakin fall. Frankly, we've dangled enough hints and caused enough self-doubt where I really wouldn't be surprised if 'Skyguy' approaches us about whether to leave the Jedi Order due to his struggles with attachment. Even if Palpatine were to start sending him Force Visions of Padme's death, I'd expect Anakin to reach out to us first to see if we know any Force tradition that could apply and save her. He wouldn't reach out to Palpatine -- an old friend, sure, but one who's totally unfamiliar with the Force (at least as far as Anakin is aware).

So yeah. Wait a couple turns, and we're going to positively skyrocket to the top of Palpatine's hit-list. We're already inching our way up, but this is something else. That's why I'm not too terribly dissuaded by fears of "what if he starts targeting us seriously?" -- he's going to.

The only question is, what sort of power-up will we gain as we're getting his attention? Amazingly good PR? Money? Sith artifacts? The loyalty of The Chosen One himself?

Why not "all of the above"? :evil:
Is it possible to implement a five year plan after the embargo to make the CNS more independent?
Of course we should look for more trade routes with the Hutts and the black market, but that does not mean we can't use our money and resources to start up the CNS economy?
Is it possible to implement a five year plan after the embargo to make the CNS more independent?
Of course we should look for more trade routes with the Hutts and the black market, but that does not mean we can't use our money and resources to start up the CNS economy?
if they embargo, we are going much more independent, such as we won't be joining back. we already want this, so it would have happened, now however we would have a reason other then "i want to start a empire and you can't stop me"
I'd expect Anakin to reach out to us first to see if we know any Force tradition that could apply and save her.
Worth noting that we totally do know techniques for cheating death. Or at least Darth Vectivus does, and he works for us. And we've debated getting him a physical body, so we can just make that a higher priority if Anakin's not down with the whole Force phantom thing.

Or more practically, we could just continue pioneering more advances in medical technology. Or get Obi-wan in bed with Siri or Satine, so Anakin doesn't see him, fly off the handle, and kill his own wife. Really, Ciaran is just working all the angles.
I hope Palpatine does do an embargo. Because it will leak like a sieve because of greed and neassary and there is nothing more corrosion to ones own authority than giving an order that is not obeyed.
Well if he does go wih trying to pressure the CNS with embargo's we still win as we can use it as an excuse to start making them more economically independent but one that's fully under our control.
Well if he does go wih trying to pressure the CNS with embargo's we still win as we can use it as an excuse to start making them more economically independent but one that's fully under our control.
No we should go for smuggling. We still have the advantages of trade and we corroded Palpatine's authority. That way are not trying to just rule the CNS as a queen, but to own the galaxy that means having hocks everywhere. Also most people are going to have no problem with smuggling when the goods are obviously benign.

We don't want the CNS to be dragged into the war is we should try and make everyone dependent on it.
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No we should go for smuggling. We still have the advantages of trade and we corroded Palpatine's authority. That way are not trying to just rule the CNS as a queen, but to own the galaxy that means having hocks everywhere. Also most people are going to have no problem with smuggling when the goods are obviously benign.

We don't want the CNS to be dragged into the war is we should try and make everyone dependent on it.
I never said we would stop smuggling. Quite the contrary we should probably set up some more smuggling routes in advance but. Making the CNS more economically stable and independent is always a good thing especially if we can turn the table and start producing stuff that would make the Republic and the CIS dependent on the CNS.

With how much assets we have in the CNS space having to smuggle regular items isn't efficient or really get us much when they would get sold in our shops anyway. Though since we don't have as much invested outside of it the reverse doesn't hold true.
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Re: Mandalorian Citizenship. I think that, like the Chu'unthor, it's a card better played post-war than during. Once the war's over and the clones are just kinda there, then bringing up their human rights will have more traction. And, if all goes well, Palps will be done with and so we'd lose the biggest obstacle in our path, and it'll help the Republic wash off the stink of Sidious, given that he was all over the army's discreet creation.
(Omake) Overextension (Semi-canon)

Thrawn looked over the intelligence reports with annoyance. Ever since Lady Ciaran had decided the rebels of Onderon needed a grand strategy to retake their planet more than they needed daring raids, he had replaced Grievous as head of the operation. It had been intriguing to learn more of their history. The people of Onderon were not well versed in the ways of war, historically united by the threat of the creatures living beyond the walls of their cities.

Their time with Grievous had proven them quick learners of the art of war however, as their strategy after the Kaleesh general was done closely resembled those of the Kaleesh warriors when they fought against the Huk. This luckily bled over into a willingness to adopt Thrawn's strategies with little resistance. This rebellion had been a phenomenal chance to utilize the guerilla tactics he had studied and found little use for at the head of a fleet, and dare he say it had even been somewhat fun.

This report stood to change that however. Reinforcements, more than doubling the number of droids on the planet, led by Sev'rance'tann. She was no genius of the field, but she was still leagues more competent in strategy than the usual droid commanders employed by the CIS. Which meant Thrawn was going to need to change his strategy. Which was a shame, as he had a perfectly good plan to depose the current king.

"So what do we do now? You're good, and we're good, but there's no way we can take out that many droids, even if they just stood still and waited for us to shoot them." said Steela Gerrera. She and her brother Saw were essentially the leaders of the rebel movement, though they deferred to Thrawn in matters of strategy.

"You are not wrong. We simply do not have the resources to repel the Separatists with these reinforcements. Even if we did, the planet if not likely to be habitable knowing the lengths Sev'rance'tann is likely willing to go to. Still, I believe there is a way to deny our foes victory." said Thrawn.

"What is it?" demanded Saw Gerrera. "How can we beat this many droids?"

"I have a plan." said Thrawn cryptically. "But first, I must ascertain something. What are you fighting for?"

"To beat those Separatist bastards." said Saw Gerrera aggressively. "For freedom!"

"For our home." said Steela, more melancholy than her brother.

"And what is your home? Is it where you live? You fight for these woods? Or is it the people of Onderon? Do you fight for them?" probed Thrawn. It was a carefully worded question, phrased as a yes or no, while a third option would have been equally viable. But he needed them to stop thinking of Onderon as the planet and start thinking of it as the people and resources.

"Enough of this!" shouted Saw. "What's this plan of yours? Tell us so we can do it!"

"General Grievous had the rebels attack, and I won't deny the advantage of the element of surprise. But I often find it more efficient to let your opponent overextend their forces. If I know Tann, she will commit all her forces at once to crush us entirely with sheer force. So we let her right into the base, emptied of valuables, and blow every last one of her droids to kingdom come along with the base."

"Where would we go then? We only have the one base. They'd just hunt us down as we tried to get away. We don't even have ships to get away quickly." criticized Steela.

"And a cornered rat does desperate things. If she starts killing the people in the city to get to us…" Saw grit his teeth rather than voice his fears, lest they become reality.

"Indeed, a lack of transport would pose a significant problem." admitted Thrawn, before smiling coyly. "Luckily, our dear Sev'rance'tann is bringing us her own ships. Tell your spies to prep the civilians. We will need to strike quickly."


Sev'rance Tann was not a patient woman at the best of times. What most people mistook for patience was actually planning. Spending an hour doing something pointless chaffed far less when one had spent time beforehand getting used to the idea of doing something pointless for an hour. Unfortunately, her superiors cared little for her plans, diverting her and her forces to quash some rebellion on Onderon.

She was in a hurry, and had optimized her strategy to produce results quickly, regardless of losses and resources required. Dooku had asked for results from Onderon, not efficient results. It was petty, but it was her revenge. All her forces had congregated in the city that had been targeted most heavily by the rebel forces. Given their lack of heavy transports, they had to be located relatively nearby. Sev'rance had sent out droid scouts in all directions to find their base. She would get an answer, if just from the gaps in the line when the rebels shot one.

Then the results came. One side of the line went dark, one after the other. Others reported being caught in traps in the same area. She had them. Commands were given, and every droid in the city amassed into three armies to crush the rebels with overwhelming force. As they departed the city, Sev'rance Tann sat back and enjoyed the calm before the storm. Soon, she would be back on track, launching her assault of Sullust.

The forces met little resistance as they cut through the jungle, two forces approaching from the front, angled to prevent the rebels from slipping around, and the third sweeping around the rear in case they tried to flee. It was a plan elegant in its simplicity and speed. Soon those pesky rebels would be no more and she could be on her way, Onderon done and dusted behind her.

She heard a beeping noise and answered the call from her commander on the front lines. "Report."

"We've reached the rebel base, but it appears to be deserted ma'am. Just a lot of traps in the woods that got our scouts." came the tinny reply. Needless to say, Sev'rance Tann was no happy to receive the news.

"Then where are they? Search their base for clues, and don't report back until you have something to report!" Sev'rance Tann hung up in a huff, her rage giving her power that had no foe to be directed at. Another hour passed, with Sev'rance Tann destroying the room to vent her anger as she waited longer and longer. Then her communicator beeped once more, and she hurried to answer it, eager to get results.

Her hopes were crushed however, when she saw not one of her battle droids, but Mitth'raw'nuruodo projected before her. "You. What do you want?" she spat.

"I simply wanted to thank you. It's not always I can ask for such a straightforwardly aggressive to run headlong into my traps. It would have been much more difficult to usurp your capital ship without you sending most of its security on a romp through the woods." said Thrawn casually.

"You what?!" asked Tann, turning to look out her window at the capital ship slowly flying away from its place above the city.

"Yes, it was quite the daring raid to steal a transport ship, hide some rebels aboard, fly up to the ship proper, take control without raising the alarm, and then board all the refugees of Onderon. Enjoy your empty city." taunted Thrawn. "It's a shame you did not moor your entire fleet. I'm certain Lady Ciaran would have derived no end of pleasure from you being stranded here."

"I will end you." cursed Tann.

"By all means, overextend yourself again. Perhaps in your attempt to end me you will stumble into a room I used to occupy, now filled only with bombs." Thrawn pressed a detonator in his right hand, and Sev'rance Tann heard the explosion from the direction of the rebel base. She didn't need to look to verify what had happened and focused instead on trying to kill Thrawn with the Dark Side of the Force through the communicator.

Thrawn continued undeterred, as casually as if they were sharing a cup of tea. "Don't you worry, I'll be sure to return your rebels once I'm done dropping off these refugees somewhere safe. Don't go anywhere in the meantime."

Sev'rance watched in silent fury as Thrawn hung up on her, and the ship he was aboard left the planet's atmosphere. Finally, the rage inside her burst out. "THRAAAAAWN!"

AN: Both sides send their Chiss to take Onderon. Too bad our Chiss is best Chiss. Thrawn's plan was originally different, but as I wrote it became increasingly difficult to justify Thrawn not killing Tann by carpet bombing the city, so he had to settle for crippling her armies and coming back to annoy her later, setting everything back to square one.

This shows that force choke can be used over a com call.
As for this, which was somehow posted before I wrote an omake wherein Sev'rance tries to kill Thrawn with the Force over a comm-link, I'll just say Tann hasn't learned that skill yet. Seriously though, that timing. How?
As for this, which was somehow posted before I wrote an omake wherein Sev'rance tries to kill Thrawn with the Force over a comm-link, I'll just say Tann hasn't learned that skill yet. Seriously though, that timing. How?
The force is strong with this one. However I think you should not mention Lady Ciaran's name she is trying to maintain the appearance of neutrality.
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Thrawn looked over the intelligence reports with annoyance. Ever since Lady Ciaran had decided the rebels of Onderon needed a grand strategy to retake their planet more than they needed daring raids, he had replaced Grievous as head of the operation. It had been intriguing to learn more of their history. The people of Onderon were not well versed in the ways of war, historically united by the threat of the creatures living beyond the walls of their cities.

Their time with Grievous had proven them quick learners of the art of war however, as their strategy after the Kaleesh general was done closely resembled those of the Kaleesh warriors when they fought against the Huk. This luckily bled over into a willingness to adopt Thrawn's strategies with little resistance. This rebellion had been a phenomenal chance to utilize the guerilla tactics he had studied and found little use for at the head of a fleet, and dare he say it had even been somewhat fun.

This report stood to change that however. Reinforcements, more than doubling the number of droids on the planet, led by Sev'rance'tann. She was no genius of the field, but she was still leagues more competent in strategy than the usual droid commanders employed by the CIS. Which meant Thrawn was going to need to change his strategy. Which was a shame, as he had a perfectly good plan to depose the current king.

"So what do we do now? You're good, and we're good, but there's no way we can take out that many droids, even if they just stood still and waited for us to shoot them." said Steela Gerrera. She and her brother Saw were essentially the leaders of the rebel movement, though they deferred to Thrawn in matters of strategy.

"You are not wrong. We simply do not have the resources to repel the Separatists with these reinforcements. Even if we did, the planet if not likely to be habitable knowing the lengths Sev'rance'tann is likely willing to go to. Still, I believe there is a way to deny our foes victory." said Thrawn.

"What is it?" demanded Saw Gerrera. "How can we beat this many droids?"

"I have a plan." said Thrawn cryptically. "But first, I must ascertain something. What are you fighting for?"

"To beat those Separatist bastards." said Saw Gerrera aggressively. "For freedom!"

"For our home." said Steela, more melancholy than her brother.

"And what is your home? Is it where you live? You fight for these woods? Or is it the people of Onderon? Do you fight for them?" probed Thrawn. It was a carefully worded question, phrased as a yes or no, while a third option would have been equally viable. But he needed them to stop thinking of Onderon as the planet and start thinking of it as the people and resources.

"Enough of this!" shouted Saw. "What's this plan of yours? Tell us so we can do it!"

"General Grievous had the rebels attack, and I won't deny the advantage of the element of surprise. But I often find it more efficient to let your opponent overextend their forces. If I know Tann, she will commit all her forces at once to crush us entirely with sheer force. So we let her right into the base, emptied of valuables, and blow every last one of her droids to kingdom come along with the base."

"Where would we go then? We only have the one base. They'd just hunt us down as we tried to get away. We don't even have ships to get away quickly." criticized Steela.

"And a cornered rat does desperate things. If she starts killing the people in the city to get to us…" Saw grit his teeth rather than voice his fears, lest they become reality.

"Indeed, a lack of transport would pose a significant problem." admitted Thrawn, before smiling coyly. "Luckily, our dear Sev'rance'tann is bringing us her own ships. Tell your spies to prep the civilians. We will need to strike quickly."


Sev'rance Tann was not a patient woman at the best of times. What most people mistook for patience was actually planning. Spending an hour doing something pointless chaffed far less when one had spent time beforehand getting used to the idea of doing something pointless for an hour. Unfortunately, her superiors cared little for her plans, diverting her and her forces to quash some rebellion on Onderon.

She was in a hurry, and had optimized her strategy to produce results quickly, regardless of losses and resources required. Dooku had asked for results from Onderon, not efficient results. It was petty, but it was her revenge. All her forces had congregated in the city that had been targeted most heavily by the rebel forces. Given their lack of heavy transports, they had to be located relatively nearby. Sev'rance had sent out droid scouts in all directions to find their base. She would get an answer, if just from the gaps in the line when the rebels shot one.

Then the results came. One side of the line went dark, one after the other. Others reported being caught in traps in the same area. She had them. Commands were given, and every droid in the city amassed into three armies to crush the rebels with overwhelming force. As they departed the city, Sev'rance Tann sat back and enjoyed the calm before the storm. Soon, she would be back on track, launching her assault of Sullust.

The forces met little resistance as they cut through the jungle, two forces approaching from the front, angled to prevent the rebels from slipping around, and the third sweeping around the rear in case they tried to flee. It was a plan elegant in its simplicity and speed. Soon those pesky rebels would be no more and she could be on her way, Onderon done and dusted behind her.

She heard a beeping noise and answered the call from her commander on the front lines. "Report."

"We've reached the rebel base, but it appears to be deserted ma'am. Just a lot of traps in the woods that got our scouts." came the tinny reply. Needless to say, Sev'rance Tann was no happy to receive the news.

"Then where are they? Search their base for clues, and don't report back until you have something to report!" Sev'rance Tann hung up in a huff, her rage giving her power that had no foe to be directed at. Another hour passed, with Sev'rance Tann destroying the room to vent her anger as she waited longer and longer. Then her communicator beeped once more, and she hurried to answer it, eager to get results.

Her hopes were crushed however, when she saw not one of her battle droids, but Mitth'raw'nuruodo projected before her. "You. What do you want?" she spat.

"I simply wanted to thank you. It's not always I can ask for such a straightforwardly aggressive to run headlong into my traps. It would have been much more difficult to usurp your capital ship without you sending most of its security on a romp through the woods." said Thrawn casually.

"You what?!" asked Tann, turning to look out her window at the capital ship slowly flying away from its place above the city.

"Yes, it was quite the daring raid to steal a transport ship, hide some rebels aboard, fly up to the ship proper, take control without raising the alarm, and then board all the refugees of Onderon. Enjoy your empty city." taunted Thrawn. "It's a shame you did not moor your entire fleet. I'm certain Lady Ciaran would have derived no end of pleasure from you being stranded here."

"I will end you." cursed Tann.

"By all means, overextend yourself again. Perhaps in your attempt to end me you will stumble into a room I used to occupy, now filled only with bombs." Thrawn pressed a detonator in his right hand, and Sev'rance Tann heard the explosion from the direction of the rebel base. She didn't need to look to verify what had happened and focused instead on trying to kill Thrawn with the Dark Side of the Force through the communicator.

Thrawn continued undeterred, as casually as if they were sharing a cup of tea. "Don't you worry, I'll be sure to return your rebels once I'm done dropping off these refugees somewhere safe. Don't go anywhere in the meantime."

Sev'rance watched in silent fury as Thrawn hung up on her, and the ship he was aboard left the planet's atmosphere. Finally, the rage inside her burst out. "THRAAAAAWN!"

AN: Both sides send their Chiss to take Onderon. Too bad our Chiss is best Chiss. Thrawn's plan was originally different, but as I wrote it became increasingly difficult to justify Thrawn not killing Tann by carpet bombing the city, so he had to settle for crippling her armies and coming back to annoy her later, setting everything back to square one.

As for this, which was somehow posted before I wrote an omake wherein Sev'rance tries to kill Thrawn with the Force over a comm-link, I'll just say Tann hasn't learned that skill yet. Seriously though, that timing. How?

This reminds me of another tactical genius.
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She didn't need to look to verify what had happened and focused instead on trying to kill Thrawn with the Dark Side of the Force through the communicator.

Thrawn continued undeterred, as casually as if they were sharing a cup of tea. "Don't you worry, I'll be sure to return your rebels once I'm done dropping off these refugees somewhere safe. Don't go anywhere in the meantime."
"Did you think I am some sort of cartoon villain? Do you think I would call you to gloat if their was any chance of you stopping me? This is a recording I left the planet more than an hour ago."

You will note that Thrawn never replied to anything Sev'rance said.
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