Hego Demask, Darth Plagueis, sneers at his former apprentice.
Plagueis must be enjoying the accident that is Ciarans rise to power A WHOLE LOT right now.
I had a thought earlier when I was figuring out which systems now belong to Neutral Space.
Albarrio sector
- Mygeeto: childhood home of Hego Damask, rich in nova crystals (currency) and relacite (lightsabers), site of Dressian Kiolsh Merchant Bank vaults
Obtrexta sector
- Muunilist: primary Muun world, headquarters of both IGBC and Damask Holdings, site of 'High Port' station, 'Aborah' labs, and 'Mariunhus' vault-spire
Did you know that the Damask family has been around since basically forever? They're even a
'clan'. The original Hego Damask (Darth Plagueis's grandfather) was a Muun banker of some note. Plagueis's father (Caar Damask) was a Muunilist banker who was selected to serve as administrator of Mygeeto and later IGBC Chairman. Caar Damask was rich enough to buy the game planet of Sojourn (called "Hunters' Moon") and turn it into a IGBC resort-cum-think tank that would host annual '
Gatherings' of the financial elite.
As for Plagueis... Hego Damask II inherited so much wealth upon his father's death that in 120 BBY (a bit past his 20th birthday) he had enough money to start his own investment company and
immediately purchase a
superspire in the capital city of Harnaidan as its headquarters.
It's also worth noting that (per the 'Damask clan' article):
Plagueis claimed, in
65 BBY, that he killed all his relatives, leaving him the sole heir to the Damask fortune.
So he's basically your stereotypical rich kid, who's handed enough money in his 20s to
literally buy a skyscraper, who then proceeds to use his resources and Sith training to off
everyone else in the family, presumably arranging their murders so that
all of their fortunes would ultimately be inherited by him.
For most of his 'youth' (until he was about 70 years old -- don't ask), Hego traveled the galaxy at the side of his master Darth Tenebrous (known as the custom starship designer & Damask family friend, Rugess Nome), familiarizing himself with the Baneite Sith network of agents/informants and making contact with the galactic elite. On Nome's death (aka, once Plagueis had killed him) in 67 BBY, Hego returned to Muunilist and took full control of Damask Holdings and his clan inheritance. After narrowly surviving an assassinations attempt (in 52 BBY) that did kill his business partners and Damask Holdings manager, Darth Plagueis retired to conduct his midi-chlorian research full-time.
And then, twenty years later (32 BBY), on the eve of Palpatine's election as Supreme Channcelor in 32 BBY, Plagueis was killed by his apprentice.
At the time of his death, Hego Damask II owned:
- The "Hunters' Moon" of Sojourn, including an ancient Sith fortress used as his personal retreat
- The Harnaidan superspire on Muunilist, which served as his corporate headquarters
- The Aborah "vault-spire" (volcanic lava-column filled with precious metals), which served as Plagueis's research lab for midichlorian experiments
- The Kaldani Spires Residential Apartment building in Coruscant's Monument Plaza (reserving the penthouse suite for his own personal use).
In addition to all his other properties and investments around the galaxy. (While Hego had retired after the 52 BBY assassination attempt, there's no indication that he sold off his Damask Holdings assets or revoked his investment portfolio).
Now, given Palpatine's own ambition and cunning, I have no doubt that most of his fungible assets were (indirectly) taken over by Palpatine himself. That probably includes the Kaldani Spires building as well, given the Coruscant proximity.
However, I'm not at all confident that Palpatine got his hands on Hego Damask's properties on Muunilist. For one thing: the connection between Palpatine and Dasmask was not public knowledge -- it was apparently a shocking revelation when Pax Teem (Gran senator and potential Chancellor candidate) discovered the two of them working together. Moreover, if only because Hego's entire clan had died, there was no one able to inherit directly. Frankly, given the size of the company, the genetic distance to the closest surviving relative, and Hego's own twenty-year isolation, it wouldn't surprise me if the estate was still in probate court.
Why do I bring all this up? Because two years before Hego Damask's death, we received:
a package containing a credchip, a few datachips and the location of your new office... with the the ones who sent the package apparently having been Damask Holdings... which is strange since it has been disbanded 20 years ago.
So we did a favor for the IGBC, and Hego Damask came out of isolation to pay us back. Considering that those credits let us hook up with the Trade Federation on their Naboo invasion, and the datachips gave us a headstart to understanding the Force... we're basically Hego Damask's protege.
Of course, we later found out that Damask Holdings had funded the Sienar fleet and the clone army that are the backbone of the GAR, and that he was in all likelihood a Sith lord. But we don't have problems with Sith Lords -- in fact, we're already employing one.
And what did we do with Darth Vectivus, again? Right -- we went to his home and claimed it in the name of the Abyss Watchers.
Anyone interested in doing the same with Damask's Aborah research-lab, or Sojourn? In fact, I'm kinda curious to see what's new with the Damask Holdings superspire in downtown Harnaidan, given that it's been (mostly) unused for twenty years. Depending on how that probate case is going, I wonder if Muunilist might be willing to sell it to us. We
are pretty popular there, or so I'm told.
...Right now, I'm wondering if we could ret-con our Muunilist mansion purchase (last turn) so that it turns out we had
actually purchased the Damask Holdings superspire. That would be just. so. perfect
-- to
accidentally lay claim to the Damask legacy, as his rightful protege (the only one that
didn't kill him, after all). The building is in downtown Harnaidan, so it still fits the 'cheap due to bomb & blaster damage from the recent battle'. And it would be
exactly our kind of luck to unwittingly purchase a building once owned by a Sith Lord.
The original reason I brought all of this us was to convince us to use our amazing public image & connections to lay claim to some of Hego Damask's other assets, especially Abadon and Sojourn. Frankly, given our incredible Intrigue stat and our past connection, I'm wondering if we couldn't slice into the Damask files and insert some proviso that lets us 'inherit' parts of his business empire outright. Or something that clears us the probate so we are allowed to buy up some of his other properties on the planet.