Yeah, a task force that had like what, 3-5 jedi(counting Mace himself)? That's not good odds for anyone. However, one on one? He kicked Yoda's ass and could easily kick ours compared to Yoda's. He's definitely a direct threat. He just won't move personally until he's either out of options to take us down or patience because that kind of disrupts his plan/is not in The PlanTM​.
I still say there was force fuckery happening that let Palps pull from Anakin's absurd control over the force.

But yes, the armies ARE an issue.

For now.
Finding a way to blunt Order 66 will be hard af to not only accomplish covertly but coordinate in a timely fashion. The best idea for a timeline I have so far (which his very much a work in progress because we also have to deal with the Dooku/CIS half of the equation and decide how we'd work in the Jedi) is that we'd need to handle Order 66 more or less immediately before/after exposing/killing him. Obviously we'd want to prevent him from going full "If I die I'm taking the Jedi down with me" by activating Order 66 or any other Order as a fuck you. But if he finds out what we've done before we're ready to off him, then he'll just pull out all the stops and use his other resources to kill us dead. Then undo what we did as best he can.

And, of course, deprive him of Anakin.
Is there an Order calling for the removal of the Senate? Because nothing lights a fire under someone's ass like self interest.

Probably, no mention of it though.

You gotta admire Palpy's balls though, he put all those Orders out in the public eye, including Order 66, and NOBODY made a fuss about it. None of the Jedi found it unusual...

It's worth noting that you'd have to de-chip the entire army which is kind of difficult. There is that entire de-chipped group and of course there's Kal Skirata.

And I'm sure yanking chips out of people's noggins after they've been in there for so long can't possibly have any sort of side effects on their minds, no siree.
Christ can we please finish one zombie subplot before digging up more?

What part of this conversation makes you think we want to engage in this? There could be undeniable evidence of Sidious's identity and all of his plans in a building crawling with Blackwing zombies and I'd still argue we burn it all from orbit.
What part of this conversation makes you think we want to engage in this? There could be undeniable evidence of Sidious's identity and all of his plans in a building crawling with Blackwing zombies and I'd still argue we burn it all from orbit.

I agree with this plan, as good as subtly is overwhelming force dose have its pluses
epically if lead by Thrawn as fleet leader and with Grievous and Silencer on the as front line
So we're going to invest heavily into Taris, right? With it being the future capital of our own empire and all that :p
they are talking about making us their ruler.
we literally took a burned down building and made a god damned mansion out of it.
let me put it this way.
if we said that the sith were the good guys. the jedi evil. and the mandalore a pacifist? they would believe it.
because we are carian. why would we lie to them?
they are talking about making us their ruler.
we literally took a burned down building and made a god damned mansion out of it.
let me put it this way.
if we said that the sith were the good guys. the jedi evil. and the mandalore a pacifist? they would believe it.
because we are carian. why would we lie to them?
Getting to Kaleesh levels of love and adoration.
I'm more surprised the Jedi's opinion isn't moving. We've done more in the name of peace and stability than their entire order.
I'm more surprised the Jedi's opinion isn't moving. We've done more in the name of peace and stability than their entire order.

Hm...could probably bump that up by 1 but the fact of the matter is that Ciaran isn't really that popular with the more traditionalist/monkish Jedi. They tolerate her and see her as an ally of convenience more than anything at this point, but they really don't like her methods.

Yes, yes, insert comments about hypocrisy here, but the fact of the matter is she's been associated with some pretty shady business and has a nasty habit of making a situation far more complicated with her presence.
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Yes, though funnily enough Scipio alone has been showing a lot of resistance to the idea thanks to one Rush Clovis for some reason or other.

So, as it turns out, Rush Clovis is a Senator double dealing with the Separatists for his own profit. This is an unacceptable violation of the Abyss Watcher's official policy of "nobody gets to play both sides of the war for profit besides Lady Ciaran," (and the Hutts, but they don't really count). The fact that Palpatine used him as a plot to add the Banks to his ever growing set of executive powers is just an added plus.

This sounds like something we'll have to deal with next turn.
Hm...could probably bump that up by 1 but the fact of the matter is that Ciaran isn't really that popular with the more traditionalist/monkish Jedi. They tolerate her and see her as an ally of convenience more than anything at this point, but they really don't like her methods.

Yes, yes, insert comments about hypocrisy here, but the fact of the matter is she's been associated with some pretty shady business and has a nasty habit of making a situation far more complicated with her presence.

Bah, the Jedi only call it complicated because they're boring; the correct adjective would be Interesting...

EDIT: Also they have terrible fashion sense and are hopeless at parties.
Tears of Caamas => Miracle. When I read this, I felt a miracle… Thank you

*Few hours later~*

OK, now since waterworks are done, The temporary peace agreement while not damaging to Sids plans, does give some small time for Galaxy to heal and time for us to "consolidate/expand".

But the fact that this, especially
"This is why I have faith in you."
Comes before meeting our resident Force philosopher will do wonders to our understanding and Learning
(She'll try to break not only our thoughts about the Force, but our world-view in general

AND while she might be successful, what happened here won't allow Ciaran to break: Profit and power are MEANS to an end, and the end is life as shown in Mitth'raw'nuruodo painting "The Tears of Caamas")
Hm...could probably bump that up by 1 but the fact of the matter is that Ciaran isn't really that popular with the more traditionalist/monkish Jedi. They tolerate her and see her as an ally of convenience more than anything at this point, but they really don't like her methods.

Yes, yes, insert comments about hypocrisy here, but the fact of the matter is she's been associated with some pretty shady business and has a nasty habit of making a situation far more complicated with her presence.
is there any way to cause a rift in the jedi?
like say, introducing the old teachings to their library or something? because they believed in understanding and accepting the emotions, then letting them go. instead of repressing them.
Top of the List​

Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine was not in a good mood. The day had been filled with a sense of dread from his connection to the Force all week, and yesterday the source had been revealed. Lady Ciaran had been an annoyance from the beginning, and had only gotten better at forcing Sheev to change his plans as the years went on.

And yesterday, the galaxy's foremost humanitarian had used her considerable influence (including some favors he hadn't been aware she even had) to call an emergency meeting of the Senate. Her efforts in the past had never been insurmountable, but it always ruined his day when he found out she had made Jango Fett Mand'alor or brought his war to a grinding halt for several weeks with a ceasefire or thwarted his plans to throw the Hutts and the Jedi into conflict. Admittedly, many of those could be turned to his advantage, or had been long shots in the first place but it was still irritating.

And now she had summoned every politician together to make some announcement. Sheev contemplated a bit of alcohol before going, but while he no doubt going to need some by the end of the day, he needed his mind clear in case she managed to become more frustrating to his plans. Again. The woman had slowly but surely been inching her way up his personal "People I Should Get Around To Killing" list.

Chancellor Palpatine entered the senate chambers, making idle chitchat with the Gungan representative from Naboo, doing an excellent job of handling his bloodlust around the buffoon while waiting for every senator to arrive. It always took a while. Hutts were not known for their mobility.

Finally, the Senate chamber was full, and Sheev performed his traditional duties of opening the floor, listing every accolade and title afforded the governing body just to stroke their own egos, reminding everyone why they had assembled in case they had forgotten, which was actually possible considering how dense many of them were, etcetera, etcetera. All the decorum that predicated Lady Ciaran's announcement only served to irritate him more and more.

Palpatine used that irritation, changing it to anger, then to hate, and reaching out to the Dark Side of the Force. It in turn fed him power, and he reveled in it. The knowledge that he could kill every last one of these annoyances if he truly felt like it worked wonders as it always did, and he had calmed considerably by the time the pod carrying Lady Ciaran made its way to the floor.

Standing on Lady Ciaran's right was Jango Fett, base of the Grand Army of the Republic and newly instated Mand'alor. A Mand'alor that was a surprisingly good public speaker as it turned out, effectively ending his plans to smash the Jedi and the CNS together in a single night. To Ciaran's left was her Kaleesh dog, another one of his plans ruined by the Miralukan woman. Though at the time he couldn't have cared less about her, just the fact that someone had gotten word out about the Huk irritated him. That had been Ciaran's debut on his list though.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the Galactic Senate." began Ciaran. "I come before you today not as a leader in the Council of Neutral Systems, but as a concerned citizen of the galaxy, who has happened to uncover some distressing news." Well that wasn't good, whatever it was. "This war that many on both sides view as pointless and horrible is not the natural result of diplomatic tensions, but instead the machinations of a threat thought long deceased. The Sith."

Fuck. A murmur ran through the Senate Chambers, and Sheev desperately tried to figure out how she could have found him out. Or if she even had. Perhaps she had discovered Dooku's connection with Darth Sidious, and was attempting to rat him out without knowing who he specifically was. Sidious calmed slightly, no longer gripping the lightsaber in his sleeve quite so tightly.

There was no way she'd found him out. He had been careful to only be called Darth Sidious in his communications with Dooku. And if they didn't know who he was, all Palpatine would need to do was command Dooku to step up the attack. Even if they knew they were playing into the hands of the Sith, they'd have no choice but to defend their territory, prolonging the war until he could find a more permanent solution.

It was a credit to Lady Ciaran's skill as an orator that all conversation halted when she resumed speaking. "It has come to our attention that Count Dooku of the Confederacy of Independent Systems has been conspiring with a Sith Lord known as Darth Sidious to control this war, and eliminate those who would oppose the Sith. And even more recently, we have looked even more closely to determine the identity of this threat, rather than deal with vagaries. We have determined the identity of theis Darth Sidious to be Chancellor Sheev Palpatine."

Fuck. Palpatine mentally crossed Master Yoda and Count Dooku off his list, firmly putting Ciaran at the top of the list. He wondered if the situation was still salvageable or if he should cut his losses and just throw his lightsaber across the Senate Chambers at her head. He decided to cut his losses upon seeing several Jedi emerge from the recesses of the chamber.

Palpatine's daring escape was something that would go down in history books, but that was little consolation to the Sith Lord. His plans had been ruined, and he would not stop until those responsible had perished.

AN: I'm too tired to even care how non-canon/impossible/OOC this scenario is. Doesn't help that I thought of something way better in the middle of writing this one. I feel like Sheev. Fuck.
I have a suggestion with regards to the inhibitor chips.

We cant very well extract all of them unless we engineered a virus, bacteria, parasite etc that attacked that individual part of the brain and then destroyed itself then we'd have to gas a good portion of the army or at least find a vector to a good portion of clones.

Anyways my suggestion is that we would need to infiltrate Kamino again as well as any other cloning sites and alter the plans in the design of the inhibitor or the clones genetic make up so that they dont 'grow one'. Clone production ramps up massively towards the end of the war and while not the nicest of outcomes conflict within the ranks of the GAR or a straight up clone civil war would give us a lot of breathing room in dealing with ol'Palpy if it gets that far. It would give many Jedi generals a greater chance to live and would allow us to pull systems to our side as Sidious would no longer have the monopoly on violence to coerce systems into line.

We could do both of the above but it would significantly dip into a few actions for the foreseeable future.
It would give many Jedi generals a greater chance to live

Remember, Ciaran stopped the Jedi from becoming generals (or at least MOST Jedi from becoming generals - I imagine there will be a couple of special cases, like Sheev's pet, Anakin) by talking sense into them back when Teron was QM. The Jedi are instead focusing on special forces type actions (and thus are much less vulnerable to Order 66 anyway).

@Dr. Snark: I add my voices to those congratulating you on a very emotive piece of writing in the last update. I have to ask though, what did the peace talks actually achieve? The action listed "reputation, short truce and ???" as rewards, what was the "???"? And what sort of peace is it? I am imagining what was negotiated was some sort of humanitarian truce where both sides have paused to allow aid to be delivered and refugees to evacuate etc.

Remember, Ciaran stopped the Jedi from becoming generals (or at least MOST Jedi from becoming generals - I imagine there will be a couple of special cases, like Sheev's pet, Anakin) by talking sense into them back when Teron was QM. The Jedi are instead focusing on special forces type actions (and thus are much less vulnerable to Order 66 anyway).

@Dr. Snark: I add my voices to those congratulating you on a very emotive piece of writing in the last update. I have to ask though, what did the peace talks actually achieve? The action listed "reputation, short truce and ???" as rewards, what was the "???"? And what sort of peace is it? I am imagining what was negotiated was some sort of humanitarian truce where both sides have paused to allow aid to be delivered and refugees to evacuate etc.

a short time ceasefire, this will most likely help us with refugees and probably going to help us in the next turn were the fecal matter hits the rotary device