Borgo Prime -> west
Oricho sector
- Borgo Prime: asteroid spaceport along Braxant Run hyperlane, originally mining colony, now a major trade world & financial center
- Polus: homeworld of Pyn'fani race, ice world rich in carbonite (carbon alloy, used for tibanna gas refining), developed carbon-freezing process
Lahara sector
- Agamar: thriving agriworld & tradeworld between Celanon Spur and Braxant Run hyperlanes, site of pre-Republic ruins of underwater civilization
- Oorn Tchis: rich in [unobtanium] (rare ore used to produce guidance systems)
Oplovis sector
- Ketaris: major trade hub along Braxant Run hyperlane, site of now-bankrupt 'University of Ketaris' that trained xenoarchaeologist
Atrivis sector
- Moltok: homeworld of Ho'Din race (botanists) and Makurth race (bodyguards), known for low-tech ecological & medical exports
- Fest: ice planet, rich in tydirium (ore used for anti-lightsaber alloy 'phrik'), site of CIS Weapons Research Facility that invented & produces phrik
- Generis: rich in hiridiu crystals (boost communication signals), site of multiple Rakatan temple ruins,
- Iridium: rich in iridium 'power gems' (disrupt shields), headquarters of Pirates of Iridium (CIS privateers)
Cassandran Worlds sector
- Garqi: agriworld, rich in caf beans, site of Agricultural University and Xenobotanical Garden, headquarters of Garqi Agricultural Combine
- New Bakstre: industrial center and trade hub on Braxant Run, Havridam City (capital) mostly destroyed by war & terrorist attacks
Cademimu sector
- Lenico: dead planet orbited by space stations (trade, smuggling), site of Cairn Installation (asteroid base, cortosis processing plant)
- Phaeda: pirate haven & smugglers' den ("makes Nar Shaddaa look classy"), site of Phaedacomm (major communications relay for Outer Rim)
Halthor sector
Fath sector
- JanFathal: sector capital and trade world on Entralla Route, brutal pro-Republic tyrant deposed by CIS-supported workers' strike
- Ord Cantrell: exclusive resort world mainly used by Coruscant elite, including business & government leaders
Dantus sector
- Arah: mining world, site of 'Belt of Arah' asteroid field, rich in orodium (ion engine fuel invisible to scanners)
- Cirrus: childhood home of Talesan Fry (technical genius)
- Kemla: homeworld of Kemlan race, site of Kemla Yard and other Republic shipyards sized for capital-ship construction & retrofitting
Prefsbelt sector
- Ord Mynock: homeworld of mynock species (space parasite), headquarters of ComNet Corporation (communications), site of Mynockra Freeport
- Prefsbelt IV: headquarters of the Republic Naval Academy, site of Castle Pradeux and the Naval Crypt
- Yaga Minor: homeworld of Yagai race (insectoids), major trade world, site of Yavvitiri Spaceport and massive orbital shipyards (built Outbound Flight)
Wild Space
- Esfandia: free-floating planet, homeworld of Brrbrlpp race, site of Esfandia Long-Range Communications Base (comm relay to Unknown Regions)
Aeten sector
- Aeten II: only known source of stygium crystals, required for starship cloaking devices
Adumar sector
-Adumar: headquarters of Tarrvin-on-Kallik (starfighters) and Dammant Killers (missiles)
Gradilis sector
- Nirauan: homeworld of Qom Jha and Qom Qae races (telepathic bats), site of High Tower fortress (Rakatan-made, with energy-absorbing Hijarna stone)
Abyss sector
- Kiln: private planet operated by Abyss Watchers, farming & industrial center, site of the Kalameet Decimator Factory
Corporate Sector --> south to Nuiri
Wild Space
Mytus subsector
- Mytus VII: asteroid base controlled by Corporate Sector Authority, site of Stars' End prison complex
Farana sector
- Farana: homeworld of Ocsinin race (explorers), original terminus of Hydian Way
Trianii Space sector
- Trian: homeworld of Trianii race (warriors), headquarters of Trianii Rangers
Outer Rim
Aparo sector
- Lur: homeworld of Lurrian race (geneticists), known for genetic research & bio-engineering
- Cadomai Prime: homeworld of Snivvian race (artists), incredibly cold but popular resort world
Corporate Sector
- Biewa: poor industrial planet, headquarters of Corporate Sector Authority fleet
- Bonadan: terminus of Hydian Way and main trade port in Corporate Sector, overpopulated mining/industrial world, ten city-sized spaceports
- Craci: homeworld of Cracian thumper species, major trade hub, system of five populous planets specialized in industry & agriculture
- Brosi: homeworld of Brosin race, rich in Zinsian (preservative), forest world known for multi-kilometer waterfalls
- Ession: industrial center, headquarters of 'Pakkerd Light Transport' (division of Sienar, produces repulsorlifts)
- Etti IV: adopted homeworld of Etti race, capital of Corporate Sector authority & major trade hub, headquarters of Cybot Galactica (produce droids)
- Issagra: massive space station known for extensive casinos, major hub for smugglers and thriving black market
- Kalla VII: rich in pallodenite, headquarters of 'Unlimited Horizons Inc.' (mining company), site of 'University of Kalla' (business & technical education)
- Kir: mining world rich in 'crystalline vertex' (refined crystals = universal currency)
- Orron III: major agriworld, site of 'Authority Data Center' (archive/repository for all Corporate Sector data)
- Oslumpex V: headquarters of 'Starshipwrights and Aerospace Engineers Inc.' (custom & modified starships and cruisers)
- Pondut: space station & research facility, headquarters of 'Galactic Electronics' (produce tech and weapons)
- Tirsa: industrial center, headquarters of 'Tirsa Wargear' (vehicle company, produce landspeeders and Leviathan-class submersible carriers)
Wyl sector
- Dra III: hunting planet, homeworld of Nashtah species, headquarters of Kell Arms Corporation (produces Kell Mark II heavy assault rifle)
- La'Sombra: asteroid base & biotech research facility operated by 'Abyss Watchers' organization
Chorlian sector
- Kip: homeworld of Kip race, rich in Ulikuo (gemstones), site of Girigard Subsurface Correctional Facility (Zorba the Hutt)
- Malachor II: desolate, site of Force ghost of Kreia (former Darth Traya), system includes 'dead planet' Malachor V
- Sigil: rich in sigil crystals (lightsaber), site of Sith Academy that trained Terrak Morrhage
- Vaynai: tropical resort world, rich in 'slick' (medicinal seaweed), headquarters of Fil'vye Transport (shipping/smuggling) and 'Ocean Harvesters' (fishing)
- Zygerria: homeworld of Zygerrian race (slavers), headquarters of Zygerrian Slavers Guild, site of 'Royal Palace' (slave prison)
Mortex sector
- Malkii: pirate base & smuggler's den, headquarters of Malkite Poisoners assassins guild
- Pydyr: moon of Almania, homeworld of Pydyrian race, rich in seafah jewels, known for exporting Pydyrian healing sticks (pre-bacta)
- Drewwa: moon of Almania, industrial world, headquarters of Trang Robotics (Duelist Elite droids) and Lyster Innovations (business consultants)
Sertar sector
- Elom: homeworld of Elom and Elomin races, rich in lommite (transparisteel), mineral-rich desert planet
- Florrum: homeworld of skalder species, site of Doshar Field (acid geysers), headquarters of the Hondo Ohnaka Gang pirates
- Vanqor: home-system of gundark species, militaristic society, site of Tomo Camp prison (and research lab for Jenna Zan Arbor)
- Sembla: homeworld of the Vurk race (diplomats), water world, rich in coral and undersea crystals, site of ancient subaquatic ruins
Spadja sector
- Spintir: trade world on Ardan Cross, site of 'Caves of Light & Shadow' (dark-side Force nexus) and 'Dawn Temple' (Jedi center, staffed by holocrons)
Belderone sector
- Belderone: sector capital and trade world on Salin Corridor, site of Kuat Drive Yards factory, headquarters of regional anti-piracy fleet (funded by Ciaran)
- Lola Sayu: volcanic planet, site of 'Citadel Station' (prison designed to incarcerate rogue Force users)
Vorzyd sector
- Auratera: site of Acablas (light-side Force vergence), site of both Jedi & Sith Temple and archaeological site, location removed from most starmaps
- Columex: trade world on Perlemian Trade Route and Salin Corridor, capital of the 'Commonality' (political alliance between nine nearby sectors)
- Paigu: homeworld of Paigun race (math), member of Commonality, stormy planet, cities powered by lightning
- Vorzyd IV: homeworld of Vorzydiak race (industrious), member of Commonality, major manufacturing center
- Vorzyd V: colony of Vorzyd IV, known as 'Gamblers' World', site of 'Casino Royale' (multi-kilometer floating entertainment district)
- Yablari: homeworld of Anomid race (technologists), trade world on Perlemian Trade Route, known for high-tech agriculture
Nuiri sector
- Lucasez: center of the 'Fallanassi' Force sect (illusions and Force immersion), mining facilities run by Tagge Mining Company
- Vjun: dismal acid-rain planet populated by Hssiss (dark side Force lizards), site of Bast Castle (owned by Dooku) and Château Malreaux
- Resh 9376: icy comet, site of 'Point Nadir' shadowport owned by Hutt clan, primary base for 'Sable Dawn' Force assassins and 'Epsis' thieves
From Nuiri --> up Perlemian -> around Tion Hegemony -> to Calamari
Meridian sector
- Caarimon: homeworld of Carrite race, inhabitants occupy floating cities over surface, headquarters of Metatheran Cartel (formerly of Trade Federation)
- Cybloc XII: moon of Cybloc, major trade hub on Perlemian Trade Route, site of Cybloc Transfer Station (IGBC space station)
- Nam Chorios: homeworld of Tsil race (Force-empowered crystals), penal colony governed by Beldorion the Hutt (Dark Jedi)
Antemeridian sector
- Antemeridias: sector capital and trade hub on Perlemian Trade Route, site of Loronar Defense Industries factories (starship production)
Jospro sector
- Chad: homeworld of Chadra-Fan race (bats), childhood home of Callista Ming ('Altisian Jedi' Force sect), produce dairy (lactic milk)
Auril sector
- Bal'demnic: rich in cortosis (anti-lightsaber), mining facilities operated by Damask Holdings, site of Darth Tenebrous's trapped Force-spirit
- Murkhana: trade hub, headquarters of Corporate Alliance (CIS Council), center of CIS Shadowfeed (propaganda), site of Murkhana Landing (spaceport)
- Nespis VIII: site of abandoned 'Space City' (galactic Wonder), site of Old Republic museum and Jedi Archive
- Ossus: rich in Adegan crystals (lightsaber), center of 'Ysanna' Force sect, site of Great Jedi Library (original Jedi Archives) and Eye of Ashlanae (vergence)
- Teedio: orbited by Exis Station, site of ion/solar-energy mining station and Jedi Archive
Cronese Mandate subsector (Tion Cluster)
- Derellium: major agriworld of Tion Cluster, trade hub on Indrexu Route and Greater Cronese Arc
- Duinarbulon: pastoral world, site of 'Parade Grounds' (of Xim the Despot's legendary 'Star Lancers'), site of Great Duinarbulon Museum
- Janilis VII: rundown 'resort' world from Kingdom of Cron-era, site of Cronese Library (25,000-year-old archives)
- Nuswatta: site of 'Forbidden Gardens of Nuswatta' (Xim-era galactic wonder), site of 'High Fane of Xo' (abandoned religious site)
Allied Tion subsector (Tion Cluster)
- Cadinth: major trading port along Cadinth Run, ruled by "firmly neutral" Cadinth Oligarchy, site of Xim-era ruins
- Corlax IV: key industrial world and materiel supplier for CIS war machine
- Jaminere: sector capital, primary manufacturing center for Tion Cluster, known for technological efficiency
- Lianna: ecumenopolis and massive trade nexus, headquarters of Santhe/Sienar Technologies (all vehicles) and Allied Tion Historical Society
- Lorrad: industrial planet dominated by neighboring Barseg system, headquarters of Lorrad Flightworks (repulsorcraft)
- Voss: homeworld of Voss and Gormak races, center of 'Voss Mystics' Force sect, site of 'Halls of Enlightenment' (Sith temple) and 'Shrine of Healing'
Tion Hegemony subsector (Tion Cluster)
- Dellalt: center of 'Survivors' cult (maintain Xim-era 'Guardian Corp' battle droids), site of Xim the Despot's subterranean treasure vaults
- Raxus Prime: 'childhood' home of Core (planetary AI), junkyard & industrial world, facilities run by Commerce Guild/Sienar, site of Dooku's fortress
- Raxus Secundus: lush planet, capital of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, site of Separatist Parliament Building
- Rudrig: primary education center of Tion Cluster, planet controlled and administered by University of Rudrig
Thanium Worlds sector
- Felucia: planetary Force nexus, center of 'Jungle Felucia' Force sect, Gossam colony world ruled by Commerce Guild, site of 'Ancient Abyss' (sarlacc pit)
- Rhen Var: ice planet, source of Solari (rare/powerful lightsaber crystal), site of 'Jedi Monument' (Force ghost of Ulic Qel-Droma), Darth Mekhis's fortress
Indrexu sector
Keldrath sector
- Escarte: asteroid mining facility operated by Commerce Guild, home of Thal K'Sar (designer of 'hyperwave transceiver' for Nute Gunray's mechno-chair)
Nilgaard sector
- Karkaris: homeworld of Karkarodon race (sharks), waterworld, produce Hydroid Medusa (cybernetic combat jellyfish)
- Makem Te: homeworld of Swokes Swokes race, rich in spice (drug), site of 'Tract of Makem Te' (continent-sized necropolis) galactic Wonder
- Reaper's World: sector capital and mining planet, ice age, former headquarters of Nilgaard Bioprocessing
Colundra sector
- Troiken: homeworld of Xexto race, rich in spice (drug), forested mining world only inhabited around equator
Pakuuni sector
Calamari sector
- Dac: homeworld of Quarren & Calamari races (aquatic), childhood home of Gial Ackbar, headquarters of Mon Calamari Shipyards (all capital ships)
- Minntooine: colony world of Quarren, run by Commerce Guild, headquarters of Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corp (Recusant-class light destroyers)
- Pammant: colony world of Quarren, site of FDVEC 'Pammant Docks' (Providence-class carrier/destroyer, Subjugator-class heavy cruiser)