:eek: <sees dozen posts suggesting names for new dreadnought>
Question. If Thrawn does rip off Tann's ship, would there be a chance for a repainting and renaming job? To something nice like....oh I dunno, Chimaera? :V
You! What have you done?

As long as everyone's is kicking around names for things, can I suggest...
Humanitarian Organization
Can we get around to picking out a Star Wars-y name for our generically-named 'Humanitarian Organization' and our 'Security Company'?
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:eek: <sees dozen posts suggesting names for new dreadnouht>

You! What have you done?

As long as everyone's is kicking around names for things, can I suggest...

Can we get around to picking out a Star Wars-y name for our generically-named 'Humanitarian Organization' and our 'Security Company'?
Why, they already have the best names!

Our security team is based off Coruscant, yes? Which means glittering/sparkling.

Rainbow Guard?

For the humanitarian, maybe Silver Cross, after our traditional silver visor and blond hair?
If we're naming the ship, I would recommend something like Astrologer, Tarot or Fortune-Teller. It keeps with the naming scheme set by the Oracle, and is fitting with Thrawn's MO of reading all these various signs to predict the future.
If we're naming the ship, I would recommend something like Astrologer, Tarot or Fortune-Teller. It keeps with the naming scheme set by the Oracle, and is fitting with Thrawn's MO of reading all these various signs to predict the future.
A Haruspex is one trained in the art of haruspicy, the art of reading the future from entrails. Or, to put it another way, making predictions by analyzing the guts of things. Seems appropriate.
A Haruspex is one trained in the art of haruspicy, the art of reading the future from entrails. Or, to put it another way, making predictions by analyzing the guts of things. Seems appropriate.

Nice, but I prefer either the astrology references because this is STAR Wars, or the card reading due to card games translating well as analogies to the scheming and conspiring going on. Also relates to a hand in a poker game, which relates to the title of this quest and Grievous's capital ship from canon which shares said name.

I do like your line of thinking though. It's not enough to just have a name that fits the naming scheme, it has to go deeper.
How about Tarot cards? Simply calling it Chariot, or also fittingly starting from the first The Fool. Maybe give each flagship in our fleet an appropriate Tarot nomenclature.
Or, because Ciaran is a cheeky bastard, she names it something deliberately designed to tweak Dooku's nose.
Nice, but I prefer either the astrology references because this is STAR Wars, or the card reading due to card games translating well as analogies to the scheming and conspiring going on. Also relates to a hand in a poker game, which relates to the title of this quest and Grievous's capital ship from canon which shares said name.

I do like your line of thinking though. It's not enough to just have a name that fits the naming scheme, it has to go deeper.
Honestly, I just think it's the kind of pun Thrawn would enjoy.
Only in Basic. Turns out that it's only one word in Chiss.
It's only one syllable in Sith. Also a mortal insult.*

Very succinct language Sith. Darth actually means "One who has triumphed over death". Or possibly "One who has triumphed through the death of enemies". The translation isn't very clear. **

* Not actually true. Probably. They did get up to some weird shit.

** Actually is true.