Alright let's do this.
Martial Actions (Pick 2)
Our policy on the war right now is to keep it going as long as we can. We profit from it, and almost as importantly, the longer the war goes on the more time we have to prep for the boss battle. Palpatine will not make his move until the war is over (unless he's been made), so we will have to delay that until we're ready.
-Black Ops: No. If we're going to sabotage the CIS' war effort we'll do it through Onderon
-Mercenary Work: No. We need to put focus on the boss battle.
-Wookies: Possibly. A team of Wookies would be a nice asset, and also they make shit like the Decimators.
-Piracy: Eh. CNS recruitment, unless for a specific gain like the IGBC or whatnot, is not a priority. And I'd rather not put a Martial action on that anyway.
-Onderon: If we think that stopping the Onderon offensive will help keep the war going and not tilt things in one direction or the other, then we do that. If we think that helping Onderon will
hasten the end of the war, we let them be. Brutal but thems the shakes.
-Durge: Far as I'm concerned we should probably just lock this in as an option. Let's kill Durge.
My Opinion: Durge and then we discuss Onderon. If Onderon is worth defending to prolong the war, we do it. If defending Onderon may have the opposite effect we do the Wookies. I don't think its worth devoting either of those to Free Action consideration.
Diplomacy Actions (Pick 1, and then 1 CNS)
Our diplomatic strategy will be properly setting the political stage for Palpatine's downfall. To this end, I'd like to re-mention the idea of replacing Mas Amedda with Padme as Vice Chair of the Senate. Mas Amedda is a Palpatine pawn, and so we can't trust command of the Clone Army to pass to him. We want a trusted Senator in this position, and Padme qualifies. Also she's our bae.
-Recruit Shard Engineers: Eh. Possibly. Shards are weird and so their engineers can make weird/cool shit as we're seeing with Cheriss
-Contact Alternate Force Sects: Again, possibly. I've never been huge on these options, but now it's got a very direct point for our boss battle. Training Ciaran (and probably also Ventress) with unique and quirky powers will be useful. Ventress' Lore Stat could conceivably get in range of what we need, and frankly Ciaran's isn't too bad either these days, though still not realistic for facing Palps.
-CNS Recruitment: Once again, unless it's for a specific plot-related purpose, we can chill and let the auto-roll do its thing.
Shadow Meeting: Yes. We need anti-Palpatine political assets. This is the first step of cultivating them. Also its an auto-success.
-Qiilura (CNS): So there are some goodies here. A Jedi falling out with the Order because of attachments and shapeshifters who are telepathic with one another and have a score to settle with the Republic.
But that Jedi is only a Padawan. Definitely on the table as our CNS action.
-Ferrus Olin: Not yet.
-President Ciaran: We really don't need to spend an action on this. We good.
-The Resurgent: Man... I mean, this will
probably resolve itself on its own. But the whole "recruit Jango" bauble is tempting af.
My Opinion: Qiilura looks to be our CNS action. Shadow Meeting is frankly too important to pass up this turn, so we have to take it. We can look at The Resurgent as the Free Action later on.
Stewardship Actions (Pick 2)
Alright, so, financial security aside, we've got two goals here. 1: Anti-Palpatine assets. 2: We're still trying to own the galaxy dammit.
-Sienar Ships: Okay so we were all excited when we made contact with Raith and have proceeded to do fuck all with it. I'm not sure if we need any custom ships at this point though. Funny enough, that absurdly ridiculous Shoni idea may be useful for ambushing Palpatine by ramming into his office.
-Incom Incentives: I mean sure, build up Taris, but... naw.
-Other Ship Builders: Eh. I mean, we're not making that much use of them as is. We can chill.
-SoroSuub: I mean, this is a key part of the plot to takeover the Commerce Guild. So obviously it's on the table.
-Cord of Three Strands: I have a soft spot for Kalee so stabilizing the two is always nice. Plus, that area of CNS space is one of the most vulnerable, and if it gets attacked you can say goodbye to Grievous until that's rectified.
-Ciaran Bank: This could help us out with nabbing the IGBC, though we still have to deal with Scipio. Encouraging them to invest in not-Scipio and pulling influence towards us and not San Hill or Clovis is a good idea. One of Palpatine's plots was gaining control of the banks so foiling that will deprive him of an asset he'd like. May stymie him enough to keep drawing things out.
-Galactic Sushi: Food for Taris. Eh. Eventually sure, but not yet.
-The Black Sun: Official Abyss Watchers policy is to steal everything not nailed down, then steal the nails. Apparently we left some nails behind. That said, aside from principle, I don't see the reason to prioritize this.
My Opinion: SoroSuub is gonna happen. Cord of Three Strands and Ciaran Bank are both worth considering. One of them should be our second pick. I don't think either is worth taking up our Free Action. I lean a bit more towards the IGBC here, as pairing this with Scipio could settle that plan nicely, and again.
Intrigue Actions (Pick 2)
Intel. Assets. Plots. Sabotage. That is the focus here. Our anti-Palpatine efforts are typically gonna take priority, but after that comes our Commerce Guild and IGBC plots. This is going to be a supplementary category, and our best route for taking on Palpatine directly for now.
-Sabotage the CIS: See Onderon in Martial.
-Find Ko Sai: This is important for the "hilariously steal the Clone Army" plot, and gaining access to the shiniest of all shinies Kal Skirata dangled in front of us. It
will resolve itself though, but obviously our involvement will help things.
-Resignation Programs: So I'm hearing we get further on Skirata's good side and potentially get more clone assets/clones out of Palps hands. Neat, but a bit less enticing than the above though.
-Bad Moon Over Coruscant: Intel on Palpatine? If anybody knows what's actually going on here, that'd be great, but just on the face of it I'd like to keep tabs on the guy and his plots.
-Grassroots: Man is that important for hitting him on the political front, but I think its superseded by the other options here, even if it has nice synergy with the Meeting with the Anti-Palp faction.
-Codebreaker: This is an Omake Ordained Action.
-Scipio: Okay. So. Rush Clovis is the lynchpin of Palpatine's efforts to gain control of the banks in time for him to declare Empire. That's unacceptable.
We are the ones who get to claim control of the banks. So this is a very very important action.
-Rumblings of a Giant: Is this the Death Star? I'm split on whether or not I hope it's the Death Star. If it is, then we know it's not going anywhere anytime soon. But then it's still the Death Star. And blowing open
that secret is could definitely do things.
-Legacy of Damask: I mean. Poking around Damask may tick off Palpatine and get us an idea of what's left... so it's useful but we have so many other more important things here.
My Opinion: Oh boy. So, as stated, Codebreaker is an Omake Ordained Action. Also, the Republic is making a bid for it and so it's time sensitive and no we're not giving that to Palpatine. Scipio is also key to an anti-Palpatine
and a pro-Ciaran plan. So that's also a lock. The Moon and That's No Moon options are probably more important than Ko Sai unless we know what we'd find in both cases and don't think they're important. There's potential here for using our Free Action.
Lore Actions (1 Regular, 1 Archeological)
Here the idea is to train up ourselves and especially Ventress. Get as many tools in our arsenal as we can for the physical fight against Palpatine. This probably won't be the most critical area unless we get a huge shiny like, say, a +6 Lore Bonus and a mantle that would make the Jedi and Palpatine quake in their boots.
-Tomb Raider: Would prefer one of the more targeted options.
-Force Research: Same
-Incorporate Luka Sene: I gotta say, it's kinda annoying that we have to Research a School than take another action to train our Agents. But we decided to Research it so may as well.
-Research a New School: Sure. Why not. We've got Force Bullets, Force Strength, and Force Stealth. Stealth seems the most useful. Buried Presence is good for hiding from Force Sense, but the Fallanasi techniques can hide from anybody.
-Archeological Expeditions: Obviously. I don't have too many strong opinions here. Let's go for one of the Wonders. Obrai-Skai's Archive is most tempting to me, unless there's a super McGuffin on one of the other Wonders.
My Opinion: Hit up Obrai-Skai, then we should probably go for Luka Sene unless Snark tells us that we can Research and Train the Fallanasi techniques in one go.
Learning Actions (Pick 2, or 1 and Halve the Time)
We're all about developing assets here, obviously. Either for direct use against Palpatine or general prosperity. Because there's a lot of options, I'm just gonna list the relevant ones.
-Ysalamiri: Obviously useful for fighting Palpatine... except for the fact that it'd also cripple Ventress and Tyro and any other Force-users we throw in. A double-edged sword... that might actually put Grievous or the Silencer in play. Would also help with Jango and HK-47. I don't think this is the auto-lock people expected, but obviously it's a good potential asset.
-Wesker's Data: Honestly. Eh. How often are we gonna deal with bioweapons in the near future? I doubt that's relevant to the Inhibitor Chips.
-HK47: Meatbag hunter activate.
-Personal Shields: Useful? Yes. But it takes
Four Turns. If we want this let's lock it in now.
-Materials Research: Cortosis is obvious asset. Agrocite for power and Ionite to break shields are also tempting... but if we do this we're going for Cortosis. This would be very useful in a direct fight against Palpatine by helping neutralize his saber, and would work real well in conjunction with Force-nullification. That said, it is brittle so we can't rely on it too much. It's not an auto-win and Palpatine (like any other intelligent lightsaber user) has thought of ways to deal with it.
-AntiForce: I prefer this to the Ysalamiri, because it's more controlled. Senflax would probably want Taozin to help us actually infect Palpatine.
My Opinion: Man. So many options... that's usually Intrigue's job, not Learning. HK-47 is an obvious options. Then
maybe Personal Shields if we want it, because the time requirement on that means we need to have an early investment. Otherwise, I'm thinking we investigate the Taozin.
Personal Actions (Pick 2)
Will reiterate the preface on that and say, yes, we need to get stronger.
-Boost Martial: Maybe. We could use a better Martial score, sure, but also Blazing Chains and Shatterpoint
-Boost Lore: If we don't pick Blazing Chains, Panory may have a heart attack.
-Personal Attention: Some of these options have eh percent chances and giving one of the Intrigue Options a 50/50 shot at critting is always good fun.
-Accelerate Research: If we somehow don't need to do Personal Attention and pick Personal Shields, this may not be a bad idea to free up that action slot.
My Opinion: I'm always a fan of Personal Attention because it's a really powerful choice. Beyond that, Blazing Chains is prolly gonna happen.
Hero Actions (Pick 1, 2, or None)
-PR-1. Poor droid. Are we ever gonna show him some love?
-Silas: I mean. I'm not sure if Silas really needs the boost for a Diplomacy Cousin, but looking out for family is always nice.
-Silencer: Training up the Silencer will also boost Grievous, so this is a pretty efficient pick.
-Cheriss: I mean. We could. Some Force-related stuff would be nice, but I think it's not a priority.
-Grievous: Training the Silencer is more efficient... although Grievous is promising us a rancor pit in return...
My Opinion: See where we need to throw Hero Support then we can go from there, as usual. None of these are important enough to take priority over our other actions, though they are useful. I think Priority goes Silencer -> Silas -> Grievous -> PR-1 -> Cheriss
I'm not expecting anything super valuable for our Palpatine efforts. Stuff on Castell for the Commerce Guild plot and then maybe a bit of work on Muunilist and such for the IGBC. As with Learning, I'll just list what's relevant.
-Scipio Base: Would help tie up claiming the IGBC a bit, but honestly it's very expensive and not worth it, since it's not a necessity.
-Undercity Charity: We have a lot of income come from Coruscant, including almost all of our Information income. This is a very efficient option to take, and would pay for itself very quickly.
-Clone Safehouses: I mean. Would probably be a nice step towards Skirata goodwill and Clone recruitment. Putting up one somewhere isn't a bad idea, considering that they're cheap.
-Oracle Customization: Eh. Could. idk how much upgrading the Oracle will help though.
-Beskar: Upgrading our troops may finally be worth the investment.
-Droid Factory: Do we want more droids? idk if we really do.
-Rancor Pit: I really want a rancor pit... though not yet.
-Nar Shadaa: Could buy some of it. Not picky which. Undercity Investment isn't worth it yet.
-Castell: Yeah we're doing this for the sake of replacing Shu Mai. Take your pick.
-Muunilist: More money. So much money. Keep in mind that the Muun Bankers are barely worth it, so don't buy them.
-The Home: I mean. +5 Lore bonus is nice, but I don't think it's necessary.
-Wookie Warriors:
-Taris: If nowhere else, invest here. This is our domain.
Gotta say, our treasury is annoyingly low given our income. We spend a lot of money. Personally, I'm thinking Wookie Warriors and Income Options on Taris and Castell, then call it a day.
@Dr. Snark what would the stats look like on an action to go to Kamino and mess with the inhibitor chips of future clones?