Why is this a key part of taking over the Commerce Guild? How did you come to this?
See here:
For my next trick... let's take a closer look at the Commerce Guild.
That contains The Plan for 'Naboo'ing the Commerce Guild.
Works for me. Definitely a shoe-in, in that case.
-Onderon: If we think that stopping the Onderon offensive will help keep the war going and not tilt things in one direction or the other, then we do that. If we think that helping Onderon will hasten the end of the war, we let them be. Brutal but thems the shakes.
Dooku ordered Tann to end the Onderon resistance, as a first step to freeing up enough assets to target us more directly. I'd say helping Onderon is a definite priority. Especially since, if we assign Thrawn, there's
an omake that lets us steal her flagship -- a heavily modified super-sized Separatist dreadnought would make a very nice addition to our home fleet...
To this end, I'd like to re-mention the idea of replacing Mas Amedda with Padme as Vice Chair of the Senate. Mas Amedda is a Palpatine pawn, and so we can't trust command of the Clone Army to pass to him. We want a trusted Senator in this position, and Padme qualifies.
Very good point. I like this as an medium-term plan, though I do worry that making Padme the Senate Vice-Chair would put her in close proximity to Palpatine. Which would be bad.
-Contact Alternate Force Sects: Again, possibly. I've never been huge on these options, but now it's got a very direct point for our boss battle. Training Ciaran (and probably also Ventress) with unique and quirky powers will be useful. Ventress' Lore Stat could conceivably get in range of what we need, and frankly Ciaran's isn't too bad either these days, though still not realistic for facing Palps.
Agreed. This will probably become a priority very soon, but right now we have other things to worry about. (I really wanted to contact the Zeison Sha...)
-Qiilura (CNS): So there are some goodies here. A Jedi falling out with the Order because of attachments and shapeshifters who are telepathic with one another and have a score to settle with the Republic. But that Jedi is only a Padawan. Definitely on the table as our CNS action.
Etain is actually a Knight at this point (she was a Padawan during the mission last year, and was Knighted for succeeding despite her Master's death.
-The Resurgent: Man... I mean, this will probably resolve itself on its own. But the whole "recruit Jango" bauble is tempting af.
Tempting, but I'm inclined to let it sort itself out in a turn or two,
then spend the action to actually recruit him.
-Ciaran Bank: This could help us out with nabbing the IGBC, though we still have to deal with Scipio. Encouraging them to invest in not-Scipio and pulling influence towards us and not San Hill or Clovis is a good idea. One of Palpatine's plots was gaining control of the banks so foiling that will deprive him of an asset he'd like. May stymie him enough to keep drawing things out.
That... is a very good point. OTOH,
@Dr. Snark indicated that the 'Bank of Ciaran' would be tangential to the political side of things -- it'd cover economic integration, rather than political integration.
-The Black Sun: Official Abyss Watchers policy is to steal everything not nailed down, then steal the nails. Apparently we left some nails behind. That said, aside from principle, I don't see the reason to prioritize this.
Besides the income, there's one good reason to prioritize: the Gurlanin natives
don't like offworlders on their home planet. Ord Mantell is the nearest neighbor to Qiilura, and is the trade & banking center for that sector. Basically, seizing a base on Ord Mantell would give us the ability to start recruiting...
-Find Ko Sai: This is important for the "hilariously steal the Clone Army" plot, and gaining access to the shiniest of all shinies Kal Skirata dangled in front of us. It will resolve itself though, but obviously our involvement will help things.
-Resignation Programs: So I'm hearing we get further on Skirata's good side and potentially get more clone assets/clones out of Palps hands. Neat, but a bit less enticing than the above though.
Given the need to set up that 'underground railroad' for clones, 'Resignation Programs' seems like the bigger priority. Omega Squad
will find Ko Sai with or without our help -- we'd merely accelerate that by a turn. 'Resignation Programs', otoh, would drastically increase Kal's ability to move clone commandos out of the GAR, and push forward our ability to work with him on smuggling medical equipment or using their Treasury access...
-Archeological Expeditions: Obviously. I don't have too many strong opinions here. Let's go for one of the Wonders. Obrai-Skai's Archive is most tempting to me, unless there's a super McGuffin on one of the other Wonders.
Uh... hi! I'm Publicola. I've been yammering on about the amazing super McGuffin that is the
Chu'unthor for about a month now, and frankly I think it's beginning to annoy everyone else. It's a fully automated capital ship that the Jedi used as a mobile Praxeum, and it's sitting on the surface of Dathomir waiting for someone like us to swing by and claim it. It has a full Jedi library, quarters for multiple research teams from affiliated universities, training rooms and lightsaber workshops, and
so much more. As Panory said about Blazing Chain, this is my hill, and I will die on it.
-Ysalamiri: Obviously useful for fighting Palpatine... except for the fact that it'd also cripple Ventress and Tyro and any other Force-users we throw in. A double-edged sword... that might actually put Grievous or the Silencer in play. Would also help with Jango and HK-47. I don't think this is the auto-lock people expected, but obviously it's a good potential asset.
Ysalamiri would be an amazingly useful tool, especially for making our non-Force assets more useful. Still, I think we have other priorities.
-Wesker's Data: Honestly. Eh. How often are we gonna deal with bioweapons in the near future? I doubt that's relevant to the Inhibitor Chips.
The Wesker data would also give us insight into genetics research. It'd also get us started on nanovirus & retrovirus research that might let us fix the inhibitor chips
en masse. Plus, we just scored a critical success for the Snake Eater mission, and we won't see the complete rewards until we actually look through it. Either 'Analyze' or 'Virus Library' should be completed this turn -- I'm inclined to go with 'Virus Library'.
-Personal Shields: Useful? Yes. But it takes Four Turns. If we want this let's lock it in now.
OTOH, activating HK-47 would make this research a
lot easier, since the droid knows how to construct them...
-Materials Research: Cortosis is obvious asset. Agrocite for power and Ionite to break shields are also tempting... but if we do this we're going for Cortosis. This would be very useful in a direct fight against Palpatine by helping neutralize his saber, and would work real well in conjunction with Force-nullification. That said, it is brittle so we can't rely on it too much. It's not an auto-win and Palpatine (like any other intelligent lightsaber user) has thought of ways to deal with it.
Most of these are useful, especially if we find a way to make a more resilient cortosis alloy. Or just equip our troops with both. Still, not as immediately urgent.
-AntiForce: I prefer this to the Ysalamiri, because it's more controlled. Senflax would probably want Taozin to help us actually infect Palpatine.
Agreed; all of these would help, though they're ridiculously expensive...
In the clone wars Rush Clovis somehow got his hands on a Droid Foundry that the CIS didn't know about. (This judging by the fact that he was negotiating with Dod for the coordinates.) I was thinking that we might be able to get rid of Rush as a nuisance and possibly get that droid foundry. If the foundry isn't the secret we can at least deal with someone who has the possibility to be a danger in the future.
...Very good point. Now I'm curious if that might be one of the potential rewards...
This one is likely to deal with the Spaarti Clones on Centax-2. While suspicious it's nothing that we can really deal with and even if it's not about the clones we have more certain things we can look into like ...
Yeah, I can confirm. Dr. Snark added that to the rumor mill after my Kal Skirata info-posts that gave exactly that info (and clarified how Omega Squad had found out about it).