Actually, there is an answer there: the Sight. With his powers sealed, we should be able to use it on him to determine the truth of things. Also, we can train deception, make it harder for him to fool us.
Scrying inside of ourselves seems to cause OW OW OW and failure.
@PoptartProdigy, why is this a default option? Protector means that this shouldn't be a default option.
Present circumstances may be bending the rules. Dazarel is like the kind of thing you'd make up
specifically to give someone an incentive to break the Code of Superman and kill the villain. And even a "paragon for life technical pacifist run" character like Kakara might be at least
tempted. For a brief, guilty moment.
@PoptartProdigy, can we use ki to cancel forces like gravity and inertia?
When do we ever do anything else? I mean, we can pick up mountains on a whim, and make sharp ninety-degree turns while flying at hypersonic (or, hell,
relativistic) speeds.
"I'm disappointed in you, Adrian. I'm very disappointed. Violating conservation of momentum was the first trick I learned. It didn't stop Maya when she was
six. Did you really think it would stop me?"
In this case, it's more "a bunch of experts confidently assure that me a simple system featuring known elements has zero chance of failing". With the "1 in 10,000,000 chance" being that they don't understand it as well as they thought and that said situation would come up.
I'm fairly sure that, based on what has been said, such a thing happening is the equivalent of the solar system suddenly becoming geocentric. Theoretically there's situations that'd it occur, but they're rare and you now have a bigger issue then "we need to remake the solar system models".
The probability, in 1870, that within the next century, our solar system would suddenly become geocentric and forcing all our astronomers to rethink their models
that way was effectively zero.
The probability, in 1870, that within the next century, we would find out that time and space are interrelated quantities, that rays of light bank-shot around the Sun on curved trajectories, and that the planet Mercury can make a complete circle around the Sun while tracing out only 359.99997 degrees instead of 360, was effectively
The average 1870 astronomer would have considered "there are exactly 360 degrees in any circle, no more and no less, as was shown by Euclid and the Babylonians" to be just about as certain a proposition as "the Earth orbits the Sun," and both propositions to be about as certain as "light travels in a straight line."
Then the general theory of relativity happened.
The reason I bring this up here is that we're in unknown territory in terms of the amounts of power being thrown around and the capabilities being sealed, as well as Kakara personally having a high likelihood of encountering similarly unknown phenomena in the future. Relativity doesn't have readily measurable effects when you drop an apple out of a tree, but has (barely) measurable effects on a planet orbiting the Sun closely. And even more measurable effects when you talk about, say, black holes*. Extreme conditions are the conditions
most likely to show us that we didn't quite know everything we thought we knew.
This isn't my only, and may not even be my primary, reason for voting "chibi." But it's in there.
*Black holes shouldn't even
exist under Newtonian physics, but their existence becomes so obvious under relativity, a guy working in a World War One trench with
a box of scraps a notepad could figure it out, before Einstein was even finished publishing and confirming the whole theory.
Um... for reference, we can allow him nominal control of Kakara One while she's using multiform, so he can interact with other people...
That sounds like a
super bad idea. I mean, "on par with letting go of Raditz' tail" bad.
That is the most likely reason. It would make her drop everything.
Also it would seem to make sense to me to break the seal now when Kakara's political capital is at its highest. It is well know that political capital devalues fast.
Yeah. The
MOMENT this is over, we check up on Jaron., okay, congratulations on persuading me to stop lurking for the sole and specific purpose of voting against you.
[X] Seal him in a less imposing physical body, with his powers sealed as well (somewhat harsh, renders him almost completely harmless while still giving him physical freedom. Implement chibi Dazarel).
I super sympathize.
I do NOT want Kakara going down the road of "I become lethal and/or dangerously power-hungry."