When will the vote close? I have a feeling this argument will only be resolved when the next update is posted and we actually get to vote on it.
*trying to stave off a headache* I had also gotten that notion.
Okay! Let's clear some things up.
Technically, Vegeta is still the supreme authority in Clan Vegeta. He's not brain-dead, just Sealed. Legal authority still derives from him, and because she relays legal questions to him through metaphor and veiled hypotheticals before bringing his decisions to the Clan, Dandeer can claim to speak for him. So legally, only he has the right to speak on this issue. He just can't. If he were to die, Yammar would step in as regent until Jaffur produced the next Scion (the criterion for the Lordship). If both were to die, Jaffur would be the rightful Lord, although that would be a precarious position for the Clan indeed. So in terms of legalities, the Cult does not have the right to dictate punishments in this context. Neither do you; as Scion, you technically hold no authority at all. Your words hold weight, but you the Scion hold only as much authority as your father sees fit to invest you with -- presently, none. Even if you were Lady, you'd be the Lady Goku, which gives you no legal authority over internal Vegetan matters. Technically, your father gave Clan Vegeta an ironclad cassus belli when he intervened in the Sealing. But doing so altered the balance of power so severely that there's no response that can be made.
I've quoted people below not to respond to them specifically, but to address the contested points they bring up. I didn't select them out of any process, but because they were the first comments I saw that brought up the issue and I lack the patience to quote all 30+ posts per topic. Thus, if you see your post below and I get exasperated in response to it, I'm responding to the entire discussion surrounding the issue, not you.
Well his constant second chances thing then. That screwed over the world so often it's crazy. Yeah it worked with Buu, after he literally had the Evil forced out of him, and Vegeta, after him allowing Perfect Cell to become a thing, working to revive Majin Buu, and killing all those people on Namek. It was still a stupid thing to do.
Your pacifism does not demand that you refuse to administer justice or impose consequences. It will demand that you cease capital punishment, but binding somebody hand and foot, putting them under constant guard, and sentencing them to life imprisonment is also an option -- one provided for in the Saiyan justice system for rogue Sorcerers, in fact. Just as in real life, the spectrum does not run directly from, "Got off scot-free," to, "Electric chair," with no stops in between. There are gradations of consequence that are seeing frighteningly little consideration in the discussion, and I want all of you to be aware of them. You are playing a pacifist, yes, but bear in mind that you are also Driven, which says, "Some people think your distaste for fighting makes you weak. Those people are
Kakara's character, which was partly predetermined but also chosen yourselves in the character generation threadmark, is one that is determined to find a way for her mindset to work, or failing that, make one. She is intelligent enough to recognize that it makes things harder on her, but you all have my word that I'm not going to feed you no-win situations for as long as you have Pacifism hanging around. There will be situations where the non-violent solution won't be obvious, but there will be one. Also bear in mind that pacifism is not a monolith. Get two pacifists in the same room, and they can disagree fiercely on
what constitutes violence, ranging from favoring absolute non-engagement and passivity, to physically restraining aggressors without harming them. You have options, and I'm not opposed to introducing nuance. And hell, you
are permitted to develop Kakara into concluding that while fighting should be an absolute last resort, it's a resort that must sometimes be taken. It will take time, and the experience for her to develop a viewpoint as deeply nuanced as that (she is, after all,
nine), but it can be done.
As a general note on pacifism, I encourage people to discard any preconceptions that because this is a Dragon Ball quest, I've made the non-combat elements of the setting less present. Fighting is and always will be a part of Dragon Ball, but don't think that I've put any less effort into the non-combat aspects of the setting. I'm particularly confused that this is even a conclusion I'm getting at all from the comments, given that quite a few people have said that they derive a great deal of enjoyment from Kakara's interactions with the Misfits, which I unashamedly base on cheesy slice of life animes. I'm committed to offering a deep and nuanced experience no matter which way you jump. Please, don't assume that Pacifist is something that will harm the quest. You can evolve into a warrior princess or even a queen if that's the way your ambition runs, or you can be a diplomat extraordinaire. You can even become a villain if you so choose, I don't care. I'll work with it and make sure you have options. Ultimately, I don't actually mind if you regret pursuing pacifism so far and choose to nix it and become a bloodthirsty conqueror, although you'll need to take Kakara down a long road to reach that point. But if you make that choice, please make it informed that you're not desperately severing a dead-end storyline by doing so. Trust me.
Please also
stop insulting the viewpoints of people on the other side of the pro-/anti-pacifism divide. It's died down, which I'm grateful for, but until I reached the second half of the page above this post it hadn't. I will
not name names (I didn't even make the effort to remember who was most involved, so I couldn't if I wanted to), but attacking the worldview of somebody else in an online debate over a
fictional character is not cool. Discuss, yes. Insult, no. Thank you.
I disagree. I don't think it will drive us to absolute pacifism. We love winning too much, and we can probably modify our pacifism trait towards a more "It's okay to fight when you have to" approach by learning combat styles.
@PoptartProdigy , what kind of "The Examined Life" actions would we need to go for a "peace is absolutely better, but sometimes it must be defended with violence" stance that the thread seems to want.
That trait has progressed to the point where it can only be improved through play. Given the attitude of the thread, I imagine Kakara will further develop her sense of Pacifism into a more nuanced approach with
resounding speed, although not instantly.
What interpretation of Goku are you going with. The anime where he is a righteous hero of justice or like the manga where he is selfish and self-centred.
Both. Pacifism means that you don't fight, although the specifics of that vary. Goku is gleefully eager to fight, has killed deliberately, and sometimes goes out of his way to ensure that he will have the biggest and "best" fight he possibly can -- no matter what interpretation you base him on. Even if you accept the interpretation of a warrior of justice, fighting for a good cause is not pacifist. It's not necessarily bad depending on your ethical system, but it's not pacifist either. Since she picked up the trait, Kakara hasn't been in a real fight, so it hasn't come up yet. Training, yes, but not real combat. Not every pacifist makes that distinction, but she does. So when you have the opportunity to enter real combat, you'll be able to see the vote weighting the trait talks about.
That said, the argument for mercy is a bad idea because we shouldn't need to make it in the first place since it legitimises their right to that decisión... actually, do we even know if it is likely for them to aim for that or if it was Apra being particularly fanatic?
A cogent question.
@PoptartProdigy has the ancestor cult ever decided to kill over heresy? How did that go for them if that was the case?
Two more questions that have nothing to do with that:
It was said in passing that while most saiyans feel contempt for sorcerers, Berra is one of the saiyans that respects them the most. Could you tell us why or is it something Kakara doesn't know?
We know that ki healing is a thing but is there magic healing like Dende or Majin Buu could use? If so, what are its limits? Diseases? Can it help with pregnantcies or weak babies?
They have not, at least on any organized scale. Bear in mind, its founder was the husband of the first Lady. She would have looked dimly on the secular consolidation of religious authority.
He respects them for their contributions and the fact that pursuing their Art means that they forfeit large amounts of societal respect and acceptance. He respects and values both their work and their sacrifices.
You've actually seen Lady Vegeta use magic to heal Jaffur. It was after Vegeta pegged him with a Final Flash. All kinds of healing work extremely well with any kind of medical work, but beyond things with visually obvious causes like actual injuries, suffer greatly in the absence of trained medical knowledge.
There is the option of advocating for Dandeer, poorly. There will be a side advocating for her, but with her prominence Kakara could dominate the voice of that side, and if she does a poor job of arguing for it end up neutering it while still earning herself a reputation for mercy.
My personal preference is actually for her to dodge the will check entirely and just speak her honest mind: let Dandeer live until Jaffur has a chance to weigh in. He is the legitimate authority as well as the one most well informed about the crime. It also brews support for having the sealing undone.
Speaking of that, something we might want to try is to have Kakara recreate the sealing on herself. She is a Super-Saiyan and actually stronger than Jaffur was at the time. She can even become a golden great ape. It lets her experiment with the situation and way to break out of it. It might even produce a new sister for her to multi-form out as a permanent ally.
@PoptartProdigy : could this be done?
I'm not sure which of the scenarios you propose above you're asking after. Regardless, my motto is: "I'll let them try anything." That said, I do mention if something is impossible, and multiform cannot be used to create permanent second persons. I have said before that that might be a base for a sorcerous method of splitting a person, though.
Also, guys, Jii-chan probably wouldn't want us to murder people in cold (or hot) blood. He'd be cool with us killing in self-defense or the defense of others, sure...but not this.
Also, did we even consider sleeping the night before the meeting, and maybe TALKING to Jii-chan? I mean, if we make a habit out of going to him for advice and then laying down his WORD AS LAW FROM THE GODS, he'd probably not like it, but we're 9 years old and about to take a very adult move.
We probably should have talked to him.
Do we have time for a nap? Maybe during the opening ceremony?
You don't have the control to deliberately seek him out yet, and have not stumbled across him.
Beyond that, the vote has consolidated to the point where there is no doubt as to the winner.
Vote closed. You will enter with no fanfare but not under stealth, having procured armor but left it at home. Additionally, you will invite Jaffur to your training sessions with the Misfits.