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Largely cultural in that it sends a huge message, but it does provide some measure of protection. It'll keep scratch damage a non-issue, and to an extent lessen larger injuries. It's not a game-changer, though, not by any stretch.

The copies wouldn't be able to do that, no; they're dividing up a single ki pool, not creating a bunch of new, smaller ones. Masques too are actually a transformation and a power limiter rather than a whole new body, so they would still split the ki. Great Apes, on the other hand, do draw from a separate source, so if you split off a single copy who then went Oozaru, both you and the copy would be at full strength. You cannot be fitted with multiple Masques.

Eh? Prophets?

You're pretty sure that that's Earth, huh?

By prophets I mean the Z Fighters, though Piccolo's... odd maze of a pedigree folds in an awful lot of people who wouldn't conventionally be considered.

I think a question needs to be asked first: What kind of message does it send?

Presumably, "I am here to punch things."
The armor would send a pretty powerful message considering Clan Vegeta is pretty much one step from open rebellion with their Lady. You would have the other Scion sending out a message of Strength and heritage. It could even say something like "I have the authority of Goku and Vegeta. Your Lady does not." It could also might say that we are in opposition to her.

But then again, unless Kakara actually says what her intention for wearing armor is, it's all individual opinion on what the meaning of her armor is.
Eh, the armor sends the wrong message, and adds a pretty negligible amount to actual combat. Not really a good investment, especially when our traits say we don't seek out violence, and thus, wearing it for combat basically means not wearing it, the fight would come to us when we don't have time to don armor.
God damn it guys, it's not sending any message! We plan to carry it around in a capsule, not actually wear it all day. Wearing it all day sends a message but carrying it around in a capsule doesn't.

Eh, the armor sends the wrong message, and adds a pretty negligible amount to actual combat.
Not negligible. It protects fairly well against minor damage and lessens major damage.
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God damn it guys, it's not sending any message! We plan to carry it around in a capsule, not actually wear it all day. Wearing it all day sends a message but carrying it around in a capsule doesn't.

Not negligible. It protects fairly well against minor damage and lessens major damage.

Bear in mind that the capsules are heavily restricted. Almost all are needed for research to see if they can reverse-engineer them, and they lose more every year. You'd need to convince Dad that you having one permanently was needful.

Spot-on about the armor, though. It's tough stuff. Enough to get you an edge against an opponent who doesn't lead you by a substantial amount, definitely.

EDIT: And I shall now commence radio silence, while I write the update.
Alright, it'll be up tomorrow morning, once I've had the chance to be conscious and edit it. Feel free to jabber away among yourselves until then. ;)
I'm not too comfortable with the armor idea then. I don't want to bug dad about getting a personal capsule and wearing it 24/7 is asking for trouble.
God damn it guys, it's not sending any message! We plan to carry it around in a capsule, not actually wear it all day. Wearing it all day sends a message but carrying it around in a capsule doesn't.
Besides the fact that I don't think we could persuade Berra to let us have a capsule, carrying armor around all day in a capsule implies Kakara is paranoid, and I'm not sure what it'd do for her mental health .

Not negligible. It protects fairly well against minor damage and lessens major damage.
And who do you think we'll need protection against? No one but Apra, Yammar and Berra can hurt us except with a surprise Kienzan or something like it anyways (in which case we're dead even WITH armor), we're significantly stronger than Apra and likely Yammar too, and if we planned on fighting Berra we could get armor at that point.
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Have you come to a conclusion about the precognition?

Does Ki Control help with charging up attacks?

If we were trying to learn Galick Gun and Masenko in the same turn, to give some examples, would using a cookie to increase our Ki Projection skill for the turn help with getting both?

Does the Combat skill help with learning styles?

Will we get a bonus to learning Goku Style since we have a Strong Ally relation with our dad and he's a master at it?
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Driven [Foundational Trait]: Some think your distaste for fighting makes you weak. Those people are idiots. Gain a permanent +10 to all Willpower checks and +1 yearly action.
I think we should do The Examined Life on this trait. Might give us more yearly actions and it boosts our willpower, which is always useful when situations are most dire.
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I think we should do The Examined Life on this trait. Might give us more yearly actions and it boosts our willpower, which is always useful when situations are most dire.
I don't think examining "Driven" is going to just upgrade it into "Hyper-Driven" which more extra actions and a higher willpower bonus, especially as it's already a significant trait. Most likely we'll just get some kinda flavor/small bonus to something else added to the trait, but I'm actually a bit paranoid that examining the trait will have Kakara end up thinking she'd actually be happier if she relaxed more and saved her determination for what she really cares about and thus lose the extra action.

I'd much rather examine traits with smaller bonuses (such as Inquisitive and Convictions) as I think there's a higher chance of developing them into better traits (and we lose less if examining the traits actually ends up making them weaker).
"Historically, this armor was an affectation by Prince Vegeta as a means of holding onto both his Saiyan heritage and his royal blood. Since the Exile, the Lords Vegeta have used this armor to reinforce their claim to the royal throne by drawing a direct parallel to Prince Vegeta. While other Saiyans wear this armor if they intend to fight somebody, to wear it outside of combat sends a very definite message of heritage, tradition, and legacy. In my case, wearing the armor in a situation where no combat will take place says this: 'The Lords of Vegeta may traditionally lay their claim to the throne, but my blood and my station are as noble as theirs. By wearing this armor outside of the battlefield, I am declaring my intent to lay my claim as Princess of the Saiyans, and dare any who disagree to force me to retract it.' Doing so lends a distinctly royal weight to my decisions and words, one which strikes with particular force amongst Vegetans and decided controversy amongst Gokun. Among Ancestor Cultists, I am already a demigod; wearing this armor will only add to that. Finally, the armor will lend a distinctly martial tint to anything I say.

"In short, to wear this armor outside the battlefield is to declare myself royalty, lending my words all the weight and impact that that implies. It also tinges my words with a silent promise of violence."

Definitely not the kind of message I want to send.
Dude. Read other peoples' posts. It won't send any message if we only wear it in combat.

Sure, but donning armor takes a certain amount of lead time. Kakara is a pacifist, and only Jaffur's seal has enough emotional impact to make her break those convictions. And sure, when we move against the seal we should wear the armor, but against anyone else but Berra, Yammar, and Grandma it's more affectation than utility.

Edit: To clarify, I did read other people's posts, and I agree with the people arguing against you.
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Edited my previous post, not that it matters much. To be honest I just thought it'd be a nice bonus to have in situations where it would be of use, not that we'd face many situations where it would be. So long as you get that simply having armour isn't enough to send a message, I guess I'm satisfied.

But I am curious, what arguments did you agree with? I see some arguments saying that it'll be sending a message (which as has been noted many times is false), there's an argument saying that it provides negligible protection (debunked by the GM), there's the argument which says we don't want to bug Dad about it (a no-action communications check with no apparent stakes on the line if we fail), and finally there's the argument saying that it'll turn Kakara paranoid and do unpleasant things to her mental health.
But I am curious, what arguments did you agree with

This one:

And who do you think we'll need protection against? No one but Apra, Yammar and Berra can hurt us except with a surprise Kienzan or something like it anyways (in which case we're dead even WITH armor), we're significantly stronger than Apra and likely Yammar too, and if we planned on fighting Berra we could get armor at that point.
Eh, that to me is more an argument (or rather an explanation) for why we wouldn't use it that often, not an argument for not having it at all.
In which case, why bother carrying it around all the time?
In case there's a situation where we have a few seconds to take it out but not enough minutes to go get armour from wherever we might be at the time. It's a narrow window of effective use but not a non-existent one and we don't really lose anything by preparing for such a scenario.
In case there's a situation where we have a few seconds to take it out but not enough minutes to go get armour from wherever we might be at the time. It's a narrow window of effective use but not a non-existent one and we don't really lose anything by preparing for such a scenario.

We have Instant Transmission, and are a FPSSJ. Getting the armor from wherever isn't going to take much time at all.

Edit: Also, saying we should go around constantly prepared for a fight seems to rather go against Kakara's character.
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Edit: Also, saying we should go around constantly prepared for a fight seems to rather go against Kakara's character.
Not really. The Pacifist Style we have planned will rely a lot on defensive manoeuvres and techniques. Adding physical armour would just be an extension of that. Now, keeping a sword on standby in case we need it, that's different. Armour is pure defence but swords...aren't.
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