I'm honestly more surprised at why people are so pissed at her to begin with. She's a jerk that treats kids as incapable of thought, but that describes a large portion of the world's population. She wasn't aware of what effects her seal would have on Jaffur/Jaron, so while she might be blamed for not checking her son for sorcery, she didn't exactly do that to him intentionally...
Honestly, a lot of her issues come from the fact that her husband abused both her and her son and she wanted to protect him from that, and from the psychosis she associated with being saiyan (which we have done little to convince her isn't a thing).
General observation: The primary protagonist of most stories, even non quest stories, tends to get treated as a personal stand in by most fans of the story.
This extends to judging characters by how they treat the main character in a manner as if it was aimed at them. Example: Most Naruto fans have an opinion of Haku and Zabuza that is honestly better than they deserve if neutrally evaluated rather than based on how they specifically interacted with Naruto. Similarly, many Naruto fans (though not all) either ship Naruto with Sakura or
hate Sakura. (presumably, under this observation, either focusing on Naruto wanting her or her initially poor treatment of him.)
Ergo, regardless of whether an impartial observer would rate her as all that bad, the combination of talking down at Kakara and disrespecting her (while also trying to manipulate and use her) is likely being quite literally taken personally by at least some posters.
It is extremely likely that if we were playing eg Berra or Yammar or Apra that the average voter perception of her would be, if not more positive, than at least less invested.
As we are in fact playing a child character (who is thus the main character) her derision towards children hits far closer to home emotionally, and is more practically threatening (as she would not treat Berra as
beneath the need to listen to, for example. And thus diplomacy would be overall a more readily possible course of action.), than with any of those alternates.
Not gonna go into it any more directly than that, though.
Yeah, as one of the louder voices in the "Fuck Dandeer" crowd at the time, it was basically just that line that kept us banded together. The arguments were good enough that if the line was removed, the block would have at least split enough for the "talk to dandeer" option to win.
Yeah, if I recall correctly 'talk to Valentine' was my idea originally, and a
lot of voters were explicitly being 'fuck that line, talking to Valentine doesn't have that line, voting that'.
... I also got, what, two or three voters who wanted to watch the world burn? At any rate.