[X] Yes
WOG is that mind control hasn't been considered, so not really.
As of the finals, all House Heirs who participated in the bracket are still in, so in all it's a good showing for the peerage. Some are expected to go no further -- those are the ones people generally think have lucked their way through thus far. That said, it's looking like most of the Heirs will be going far. The next set of Heads is going to be an impressive one, by all indications. Most exceptional is Heir Stauber. Much like Hansha Kumoyen, he's only a few years older than yourself. Unlike her, he's the subject of the kind of training that Heirs typically receive, and it has apparently stuck. He's managed to overcome some professionals in the ring.@PoptartProdigy
How are things go among the various major houses prestige wise? I imagine the Tournament is a prime time for the houses to strut their stuff for prestige.
How many competitors have made it to the finals? It sounds like "more than two." Four? Eight? Sixteen?
oh boi*finishes update rolls*
Well, I thought the only rolling going on was for the tournament itself. What would be the most likely things to go wrong. Hm...
1) Someone getting killed in a match by accident? Political ramifications could be dramatic and I don't even know what it would mean if one of the RP-linked characters got killed.
2) Major upset victory, again with political ramifications?
3) Rolls that in Poptart's combat engine have such strange results that Poptart isn't sure how to write that happening?
This, I assume.[x] Highlights reel (Poptart writes some interesting fighting scenes, the final match, any other tournament events, and then proceeds on with the next event of the year.)
Dandeer finally snaps?A bunch of other behind the scene stuff disrupts the tournament?
If only. No she is going to stab us in the back well we are fighting the Dragon. I wish I could think of some way to prevent that.
Easy, just time travel back, kill the Kakara that was going to piss her off, and take her place, actually talking Dandeer into letting Jaron train instead.If only. No she is going to stab us in the back well we are fighting the Dragon. I wish I could think of some way to prevent that.