As in all things, depends on how the players talk about it. To date the thread has been near-silent on the matter.
I wonder, because I don't really see how it
can develop. The mechanics are
fairly obvious, but the far more important thing is the
fluff, how it defines/refines her character. Still, I've been thinking about this sort of thing quite a bit, so lets go down the list. Here's all the traits that can be advanced, last I checked at least:
A Cause: Your mind has centered on the issue of Jaffur's Sealing since that summer at the Training Hall, and you find yourself repelled by the whole affair. Everything about it sickens and horrifies you, and rage at Lady Vegeta for her part in it never fails to follow on its heels. Behind these, though, lingers a more quiet, yet insistent conclusion: that this is wrong. That everything about this situation, and everything leading up to it, was wrong. And you will never let it happen again. Experiences heavy vote weighting in favor of options spiting or thwarting Dandeer Vegeta and must pass Willpower checks to act in line with her interests. Slight prejudice against sorcery and its practitioners gained. Gains +1 yearly action that must be used to mitigate or reverse the consequences of Jaffur's Sealing (if you can justify that it aids this to the QM, you can spend this action on it). +10 flat bonus to Willpower at all times, which spikes to +20 when acting against Lady Dandeer Vegeta or Jaffur's Seal.
Ambitious: You have grand dreams, and want power some day. You will push yourself to get it. Gain +1 yearly action and a passive +5 to Willpower. Slight vote weighting on options that lead to you gathering more power.
Compassionate: Your first thought is often of helping others, and you find value and affirmation in making sure that the people around you are okay. Gain a small bonus to Medicine checks.
Compelling Presence: When you speak, people listen. Something about your words draws and fascinates those around you. You have an almost indefinable charisma about you that draws people's attention whenever you have something to say. Minor bonus to all Communication checks and moderate boosts to take charge of a situation.
Convictions: A fearful whisper, let loose by Dandeer Vegeta, made you fear for your integrity and possible likeness to Lord Vegeta. Upon confronting this, you found...nothing. You aren't like him, and your behavior was not out of line. You were in the right, and the knowledge of this has strengthened your faith in yourself. Gain a small bonus to all actions taken in what you believe to be in the service of right.
Decisive: While level-headed, you recognize that when a crisis beckons the time for waiting has passed and the time for action has come. In a time-critical situation, gain a small bonus to all actions that resolve or defuse the situation swiftly.
Hot-Blooded: While you are a gentle girl, you don't take kindly to insults or abuse. You have a fiery temper, and while you have great practice in restraining it, sometimes lose your head when the right insult is offered. Your QM will identify certain triggers. When those triggers are hit, heavy vote weighting will come into effect favoring aggressive and to a lesser extent violent responses.
Inquisitive: You like to know things and are none too shy about poking around until you find them out. Gain a small bonus to all actions to gather information.
Knowledgeable Gokun Foreigner: With the conclusion of your noble education has come an advanced understanding of both the ways and customs of Clan Vegeta, and their deep cultural tolerance of Gokun failures to adhere to these customs outside of extreme offense. You will take a lesser penalty on social interactions with Vegetans as a result and they will think more highly of you, but the fact that you know enough to do that means they'll stop trying to overlook failures.
Level-Headed: You are a calm girl, at heart. You don't react to provocation easily, and keep your head when somebody is doing their level best to set you off. Gain a small bonus to all calm or patient actions.
Mature: You have been forced to make difficult choices and endure great pains and trials well before anybody your age should have. This experience has changed you in some undefinable yet easily-noticeable way, putting you a lonely step ahead of your peers. The QM will transcribe more age-inappropriate statements verbatim, and you gain a small bonus to all mental actions. You take a small penalty to interact normally with others of your age group, although you can counteract this with careful action.
Oddball: What everybody can agree on is that your mind works in strange ways. You tend to take people off-balance. Gain a slight bonus to any check involving you acting in unconventional ways, and a moderate bonus to take others off-guard in doing so.
Socializer: You don't have many friends, but you like people, and it's hurt you deeply to be able to talk to so few of them. But when you get the chance, you tend to seek out others. Gain a small bonus to all Communication checks.
A Cause: I can see two main ways this would be refined, we either double-down on the conspiracy to release Jaffur, or we develop so our hatred lessens or at least becomes more tranquil as we try and convince Dandeer to abandon her path. The first being far more likely.
Ambitious: I honestly have no idea. I mean "Power Hungry" would be logical, but that's not really Kakara, while "Hopeful" and "Driven" have already been taken. Visionary, maybe, our constant striving forward, but that seems to have been more a "Driven" upgrade. Is it too late to rename Hopeful?
Compassionate: Again, not exactly sure. Selfless, that we put others before ourself? But we haven't really done that *cough*. Virtuous, in that we try to act moral with people?
Compelling Presence: I can see this developing in three ways. Alluring, in which we become something desirable. Not really Kakara's thing, maybe when she's older. First amongst equals, where we walk amongst people and they in turn walk beside us. And Royal Authority, where Kakara radiates "I am the one in charge, obey me". Both could fit with Kakara, and represent a more "Gokun" and "Vegetan" style respectively.
Convictions: Our morals and beliefs have been tested, and we've come out the other side. On the other hand, we buckled under the weight of our morals in the first place, so should we really be so sure? I feel like it would involve into a trait that emphasises our experience, but whether it focuses on upholding our morals, or to gain humbleness of some sort I have no idea.
Decisive: Well, we've been upholding this. Something like "Snap decisions" or "Fast response"? I don't know...
Hot-Blooded: We've made progress on removing this, so reflecting on it would likely remove it, but would it do so outright, or change it into something else?
Inquisitive: Again, haven't done this much from what I can see. No real idea.
Knowledgeable Gokun Foreigner: I really only see one way this would develop. I mean, becoming a
deliberately rude and insulting person is a potential way I can see this developing, but that doesn't really fit Kakara.
Level-Headed: We've been doing this a lot. Something like "Thoughtful", to show we think things out?
Mature: Not sure how this would develop, I can see two ways it could happen. We either become something that bridges the gap between our behaviour and age group, or it becomes something like "Wise". Maybe resulting in GM hints?
Oddball: Well, since Kakara isn't going down the "insane" route, something like "Unorthodox" or "Outside the Box" would fit, where we don't blindly accept conventional thought or social expectations.
Socialize: Honestly, not something we've really done, though hopefully that'll change soon.