Voting is open
[x] Plan Sucal MK5

I prefer that to the newer one. I couldn't give a reason, just my gut.
Well, literally the only difference between @Sucal's two plans is that one spends two actions on the write-in whilst the other only spends one, and uses the other action on Multiform. So I guess consider whether you prefer it that way? As ever, until we hit the Multiform cap I'm in favour of chasing those extra actions-per-turn.

Some people voted Sucals username instead of the plan name, so when he made MK6 it automatically jumped over and split the vote.
I think for the sake of sanity, we have to assume that when people do that they're giving the named person permission to update their plan and take their votes with them, or tallying votes will forever be a nightmare.
Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - Dragon Ball: After the End | Page 350 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.9
[x]Plan Sucal MK5
[X]Raise Grades (3)
[X] Improve Masque Affinity (1 action)
-[X] Train Maya,
[X] Feeling Weird (1 action):
[X] Train Tien Style x 2 (With mum if she knows it)
[X] Train Talent (Flight) (1 Action) With Mum
[X] Study Jaffur's Form (1 action): l.
-[X] With Mato.
[X] Train With Sensei (1 action, LOCKED):
-[X] Train Mind Projection
[X] Recruit Sensei Carrick (1 action):
[X] A Scion's Observations (1 action):
[X] Organise the better ki sensors of the two clans into patrols, searching for the enemy scouts - now that they aren't shielded by their ships' armour, hopefully any slipups will be detectable. (2 actions)
No. of Votes: 8
Plan: ◈Sucal MK5

The Fourth Monado

[X] Plan Deathbybunnies MK2
[X] Raise Grades (3 actions)
[X] Improve Masque Affinity (1 action)
-[X] Train Maya
--[X] With Dad
[X] Feeling Weird (1 action)
[X] Command Training (1 action)
[X] Train With Sensei (1 action, LOCKED)
[X] A Scion's Observations (1 action)
[X] Recruit Sensei Carrick (1 Action)
-[X] Since he's part of the conspiracy and a much better Seer than us, he should Mind Project into Jaffur!
[X] Ki (1 action, may be taken multiple times)
-[X] Flight
-[X] Multiform (After Flight, so as to benefit from Ki Talents levelling up)
[X] Research Project (1 action)
-[X] Perfect Multiform
--[X] Attempt to use Sight to See Cell perform the move
[X] Organise the better ki sensors of the two clans into patrols, searching for the enemy scouts - now that they aren't shielded by their ships' armour, hopefully any slipups will be detectable. (2 actions)
-[X] For the sake of information (and ethics), suggest that Plan A is to take enemies down nonlethally. You've got Solar Flare and Instant Transmission, you can do this!
-[X] Develop a plan that involves minimal loss of life, for the sake of gaining information (and your personal ethics). You (and Dad) can use Instant Transmission and/or Solar Flare to move in and incapacitate the scouts, while the rest of the group makes sure no one gets away or gets off a message.
--[X] This probably isn't Plan A, especially before you have an idea of how easily the enemy can sense you or send back info. But it's worth having a plan at hand in case the opportunity presents itself. (And boy, do you hope it does.)
No. of Votes: 5
Plan: ◈Deathbybunnies MK2


[X] Plan Sucal MK6
[X]Raise Grades (3)
[X] Improve Masque Affinity (1 action)
-[X] Train Maya,
[X] Feeling Weird (1 action):
[X] Train Tien Style x 2 (With mum if she knows it)
[X] Train Talent (Flight) (1 Action)
[x] Train Talent (Multiform) (1 Action)
[X] Study Jaffur's Form (1 action):
-[X] With Mato.
[X] Train With Sensei (1 action, LOCKED):
-[X] Train Mind Projection
[X] Recruit Sensei Carrick (1 action):
[X] A Scion's Observations (1 action):
[X] Organize Saiyan patrols to try and sniff out the scouts through ki and scent. (1 Action)
No. of Votes: 4
Plan: ◈Sucal MK6


[X] Plan Compromise
[X]Raise Grades (3)
[X] Improve Masque Affinity (1 action)
-[X] Train Maya
--[X] With Dad
[X] Feeling Weird (1 action):
[X] Train With Sensei (1 action, LOCKED):
-[X] Train Mind Projection
[X] A Scion's Observations (1 action):
[X] Organise the better ki sensors of the two clans into patrols, searching for the enemy scouts - now that they aren't shielded by their ships' armour, hopefully any slipups will be detectable. (2 actions)
-[X] Try and get the Seers scrying systematically across the planet. And looking into the past, to get hints.
-[X] Finally, see if anyone has trained in using their sense of smell. Perhaps they could track them down by scent? They're not from Garenhuld, so they could smell different.
-[X] Try not just to sense ki, but the absence of Ki. We know that they have material that blocks ki sense. However if it blocks ki sense we should be able to sense the blockages in the same way that we can detect a perfectly black airship in the sky because it block the stars.
[X] Train Talent (Flight) (1 Action)
[X] Train Tien Style (1 Action)
[X] Recruit Sensei Carrick (1 Action)
[X] Ki (1 Action)
-[X] Multiform (After Flight, so as to benefit from Ki Talents levelling up)
[X] A Scion's Observations (1 action)
No. of Votes: 1
Plan: ◈Compromise

Total No. of Voters: 18

If you're voting for Sucal MK5 but want a Multiform Training action, you should switch to MK6 - the only real loss is the write-in change. If you decide my plan was great all along and you've seen the light, vote for mine! I'll quote why you should here, rather than rehash the arguments all over again and annoy people:

So! Plan Sucal's strengths are thus:
  1. It begins training in the Tien style. The Tien style is a useful long term goal, but right now we aren't going to see many benefits from it - we don't get any effective benefit to Multiform until we reach Master, which is explicitly years away. As a Super Saiyan, we are extremely unlikely to be in a fight we might conceivably lose against the scouts, and the main invasion force is still 2 years away.
  2. It studies Jaffur's form with Mato. Studying Jaffur's form with Mato is nice. It's bonding time with Mato, and we get closer to figuring out Jaffur's style. We'll still almost certainly be some time away from it though (and to be honest, I was hoping to give Mato a headstart on our little "competition" so it could be his special thing, but I suspect that's a matter of personal opinion.)
  3. We speak to Sensei Carrick ourselves. Speaking to Sensei... isn't a big deal? It's possible it might result in increased relationship, if he takes it especially well. He might not. Importantly, if we don't take this someone else will, most likely his brother - we don't need to take this option to bring Sensei into the conspiracy, that's already happening.

Plan Deathbybunnies' strengths are:
  1. We contact Jaffur this turn, as we agreed we would with our conspiracy council. This is really important - we agreed to do this after a year of learning from Sensei, which means that this is the turn to choose this, as it will happen at the end of the year. Delaying here will lead to some very pointed questions from our fellow conspirators. EDIT: Bear in mind that with the invasion going on, there may be disruptions! We might need the planned "calming down" year to cover for them!
  2. We train Multiform (and almost certainly level it to Exceptional). Between levelling Ki Talents to Exceptional and the synergy with Researching Perfect Multiform, this will likely only take a single action (which means that Tien Style's training bonuses are irrelevant, as we can't lower it to 0) and will give us an extra action every turn! I am frankly very surprised that every plan doesn't include this, especially given how are actions are being reduced at the moment!
  3. We begin researching Perfect Multiform. @PoptartProdigy has explicitly confirmed that researching this will unlock it as an Elite version of Multiform. As far as I can see, this is the single biggest combat upgrade in the game short of a transformation that increases our Power Level - with it, we will literally be able to fight every single other Super Saiyan alive, including Jaffur, at the same time. It even guarantees our ability to use Golden Oozaru in a fight, by fighting the enemy with one or more bodies and transforming with the rest. This turn, it also synergises with Training Multiform, to help it along to Exceptional.
  4. We take Command Training. This is important to take this turn, as it will bring us to the trainable cap of "Talented" - we want to get this early so that any XP we gain for Command in the future (such as against the invasion force or the scouts) is above this cap, rather than wasted below it.
  5. We suggest a plan to Dad to, if the opportunity arises, take a Scout prisoner so we can gain information regarding the invasion. This plan will be used only at Dad's discretion and if a good opportunity comes up, so we won't be risking the escape of a scout.
  6. We include Dad in our training with Maya. Family bonding!
I'm pretty sure this is comprehensive, but if I've missed anything do tell me, and I'll add it!

EDIT: It was pointed out that by Recruiting Sensei ourselves, we can get him to contact Jaffur immediately - he's a much better Seer than we are! Updated my plan to mix the two (Recruiting Sensei ourselves, and asking him to Mind Project to Jaffur.)

EDIT: Updated my plan in the tally.
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While we're still at this, I might point out that something that just occurred to me:

In spite of @Deathbybunnies going on about how we need to mind-delve Jaffur this turn or the conspiracy will be enraged, it's quite possible that when (since I'm almost 98% convinced he will) Sensei Carrick joins us, since he would obviously be the better choice seeing as he is already trained, the Council might think to have him be the one to do the mind delve.

I mean, if it were you, who would you choose: The spunky barely-trained kid or the wise mentor who trained her and probably already has some decent experience in the field?
While we're still at this, I might point out that something that just occurred to me:

In spite of @Deathbybunnies going on about how we need to mind-delve Jaffur this turn or the conspiracy will be enraged, it's quite possible that when (since I'm almost 98% convinced he will) Sensei Carrick joins us, since he would obviously be the better choice seeing as he is already trained, the Council might think to have him be the one to do the mind delve.

I mean, if it were you, who would you choose: The spunky barely-trained kid or the wise mentor who trained her and probably already has some decent experience in the field?
*Prepares to deliver a scathing rebuttal*
*Realises that no such rebuttal exists*

Well, shit. If Carrick accepts, he should do it, and if he doesn't then the plan is fucked anyway.

...So, I have an action free in my plan. What should I put in it? I'm torn between Tien Style and talking to Sensei now.

EDIT: To be clear, this is now my plan:

[X] Plan Deathbybunnies MK2
[X] Raise Grades (3 actions)
[X] Improve Masque Affinity (1 action)
-[X] Train Maya
--[X] With Dad
[X] Feeling Weird (1 action)
[X] Command Training (1 action)
[X] Train With Sensei (1 action, LOCKED)
[X] A Scion's Observations (1 action)
[X] Ki (1 action, may be taken multiple times)
-[X] Flight
-[X] Multiform (After Flight, so as to benefit from Ki Talents levelling up)
[X] Research Project (1 action)
-[X] Perfect Multiform
[X] Organise the better ki sensors of the two clans into patrols, searching for the enemy scouts - now that they aren't shielded by their ships' armour, hopefully any slipups will be detectable. (2 actions)
-[X] Develop a plan that involves minimal loss of life, for the sake of gaining information (and your personal ethics). You (and Dad) can use Instant Transmission and/or Solar Flare to move in and incapacitate the scouts, while the rest of the group makes sure no one gets away or gets off a message.
--[X] This probably isn't Plan A, especially before you have an idea of how easily the enemy can sense you or send back info. But it's worth having a plan at hand in case the opportunity presents itself. (And boy, do you hope it does.)
---[X]Organise some trained seers as a response to the alien invasion. Initially attempt to scry the past on the ship to gain more information on the aliens and use that information to track them down though both Sight and other plans.
[X] Recruit Sensei Carrick (1 Action)
-[X] Since he's now part of the conspiracy and a much better Seer than us, he should Mind Project into Jaffur!

I added the part about Sensei contacting Jaffur himself as an explicit write-in, though this should be doable without it; better safe than sorry.

...I don't suppose this changes anyone's votes?

DOUBLE EDIT: Actually, we might need that explicit write-in to get him to do it. @PoptartProdigy , can we ask whoever asks him to get him to do the Mind Projection without folding it into the talking action?

TRIPLE EDIT: I'm going with talking to Sensei for now, until Poptart confirms either way, just to be safe.
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...I don't suppose this changes anyone's votes?

Well, from the start I've been pretty clear that I'm happy with whichever plan wins, so I haven't really been thinking of changing.

But just for the sheer novelty of having preemptively shut down one of your rebuttals, which are generally well thought out, (even if I don't generally agree with them) well... sure, you got my vote.

[X] Plan Deathbybunnies MK2

EDIT: Under the understanding that if you drop the Talk to Sensei option, I'll be dropping you for Plan Sucal again.
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Well, from the start I've been pretty clear that I'm happy with whichever plan wins, so I haven't really been thinking of changing.

But just for the sheer novelty of having preemptively shut down one of your rebuttals, which are generally well thought out, (even if I don't generally agree with them) well... sure, you got my vote.

[X] Plan Deathbybunnies MK2
Hey, it's a good point. It would be incredibly disingenuous for me to come here to make points to try and change other people's minds and their votes without being willing to do the same myself.

EDIT: I should update that spoilered argument I made for my plan.

Hey, this should count as one of those do-two-things-with-one-action write-ins I was talking about earlier! Efficiency ho!
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Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - Dragon Ball: After the End | Page 350 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.9
[x]Plan Sucal MK5
[X]Raise Grades (3)
[X] Improve Masque Affinity (1 action)
-[X] Train Maya,
[X] Feeling Weird (1 action):
[X] Train Tien Style x 2 (With mum if she knows it)
[X] Train Talent (Flight) (1 Action) With Mum
[X] Study Jaffur's Form (1 action): l.
-[X] With Mato.
[X] Train With Sensei (1 action, LOCKED):
-[X] Train Mind Projection
[X] Recruit Sensei Carrick (1 action):
[X] A Scion's Observations (1 action):
[X] Organise the better ki sensors of the two clans into patrols, searching for the enemy scouts - now that they aren't shielded by their ships' armour, hopefully any slipups will be detectable. (2 actions)
No. of Votes: 8
Plan: ◈Sucal MK5

The Fourth Monado
[X] Plan Deathbybunnies MK2
[X] Raise Grades (3 actions)
[X] Improve Masque Affinity (1 action)
-[X] Train Maya
--[X] With Dad
[X] Feeling Weird (1 action)
[X] Command Training (1 action)
[X] Train With Sensei (1 action, LOCKED)
[X] A Scion's Observations (1 action)
[X] Ki (1 action, may be taken multiple times)
-[X] Flight
-[X] Multiform (After Flight, so as to benefit from Ki Talents levelling up)
[X] Research Project (1 action)
-[X] Perfect Multiform
--[X] Attempt to use Sight to See Cell perform the move
[X] Organise the better ki sensors of the two clans into patrols, searching for the enemy scouts - now that they aren't shielded by their ships' armour, hopefully any slipups will be detectable. (2 actions)
-[X] Develop a plan that involves minimal loss of life, for the sake of gaining information (and your personal ethics). You (and Dad) can use Instant Transmission and/or Solar Flare to move in and incapacitate the scouts, while the rest of the group makes sure no one gets away or gets off a message.
--[X] This probably isn't Plan A, especially before you have an idea of how easily the enemy can sense you or send back info. But it's worth having a plan at hand in case the opportunity presents itself. (And boy, do you hope it does.)
[X] Recruit Sensei Carrick (1 Action)
-[X] Since he's part of the conspiracy and a much better Seer than us, he should Mind Project into Jaffur!
No. of Votes: 6
Plan: ◈Deathbybunnies MK2

[X] Plan Sucal MK6
[X]Raise Grades (3)
[X] Improve Masque Affinity (1 action)
-[X] Train Maya,
[X] Feeling Weird (1 action):
[X] Train Tien Style x 2 (With mum if she knows it)
[X] Train Talent (Flight) (1 Action)
[x] Train Talent (Multiform) (1 Action)
[X] Study Jaffur's Form (1 action):
-[X] With Mato.
[X] Train With Sensei (1 action, LOCKED):
-[X] Train Mind Projection
[X] Recruit Sensei Carrick (1 action):
[X] A Scion's Observations (1 action):
[X] Organize Saiyan patrols to try and sniff out the scouts through ki and scent. (1 Action)
No. of Votes: 3
Plan: ◈Sucal MK6

[X] Plan Compromise
[X]Raise Grades (3)
[X] Improve Masque Affinity (1 action)
-[X] Train Maya
--[X] With Dad
[X] Feeling Weird (1 action):
[X] Train With Sensei (1 action, LOCKED):
-[X] Train Mind Projection
[X] A Scion's Observations (1 action):
[X] Organise the better ki sensors of the two clans into patrols, searching for the enemy scouts - now that they aren't shielded by their ships' armour, hopefully any slipups will be detectable. (2 actions)
-[X] Try and get the Seers scrying systematically across the planet. And looking into the past, to get hints.
-[X] Finally, see if anyone has trained in using their sense of smell. Perhaps they could track them down by scent? They're not from Garenhuld, so they could smell different.
-[X] Try not just to sense ki, but the absence of Ki. We know that they have material that blocks ki sense. However if it blocks ki sense we should be able to sense the blockages in the same way that we can detect a perfectly black airship in the sky because it block the stars.
[X] Train Talent (Flight) (1 Action)
[X] Train Tien Style (1 Action)
[X] Recruit Sensei Carrick (1 Action)
[X] Ki (1 Action)
-[X] Multiform (After Flight, so as to benefit from Ki Talents levelling up)
[X] A Scion's Observations (1 action)
No. of Votes: 1
Plan: ◈Compromise

Total No. of Voters: 18

Hey @adaer, @ChildishChimera , @Karnax626 , @KnightDisciple , @Lupercal , @MagikarpLvl58 , @The Fourth Monado , @Sucal updated his plan but you're still down as voting for the old one, so you should change your vote to his new one. I updated my plan too, and I'd be chuffed if you could take a look at it and consider it (it combines Contacting Jaffur and Recruiting Sensei into one action!) but even if you hate me and my plan you should really update your votes.

On the other hand, @Gore17 my Plan is now only a single action away from your plan. I don't suppose I could convince you to change your vote?

EDIT: Actually @Gore17 , your plan lists "A Scion's Observations" twice, so you're only using 13 actions.

DOUBLE EDIT: There's some uncertainty regarding which vote Sucal's going with - just vote []Sucal to match him.
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Are people just ignoring how I haven't formally proposed Mk6 yet?

I'm still trying to get peoples thoughts on it.
Are people just ignoring how I haven't formally proposed Mk6 yet?

I'm still trying to get peoples thoughts on it.
You put {X}es in the vote, so it shows up as your current vote on tally systems, and people think you're voting for it - because right now, you are. Well, now people are going to come and see it I guess?

I would note that so far, of the people who've seen it only one has said that they prefer the old one, by gut feeling only - he couldn't think of a reason.
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[X] Sucal
There, no plan vote. Should just group my vote with theirs, as I understand it.
Are people just ignoring how I haven't formally proposed Mk6 yet?

I'm still trying to get peoples thoughts on it.
So basically we reduce the scouting action by 1 (from "run around scouting" to more "propose and give general guidance on"), to pick up multi-form training? I'd be okay with that. I just hadn't switched because you'd said it was a draft, not an actual Plan yet.
So basically we reduce the scouting action by 1 (from "run around scouting" to more "propose and give general guidance on"), to pick up multi-form training? I'd be okay with that. I just hadn't switched because you'd said it was a draft, not an actual Plan yet.
If you want to swap over when he does or doesn't go through with the change, you can just vote [] Sucal
I'd prefer my vote to win, but failing that (as seems likely) I would prefer MK6 to MK5
[X] Plan Deathbybunnies MK2

I like the update.

Honestly, folks, let's not derail the plan we set up with the Conspiracy to Restore the Actual Prince.

We don't need to go messing with CRAP's plans, especially not when we worked so hard to shape them.
[] Sucal

As for "messing with the Conspiracy plan", I'm specifically voting against going into Jaffur's mind this year because I get the sense we're still at least a year's learning away from being solidly-proficient with Mind Projection. We do not want to mess around with this stuff. I am explicitly choosing Sucal's plan for, among other reasons, us not jumping that gun.
I mean, I figure everyone involved would be okay with us waiting 1 more year if it's because we're making sure we don't irreparably shatter Jaffur's mind....
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I mean, I figure everyone involved would be okay with us waiting 1 more year if it's because we're making sure we don't irreparably shatter Jaffur's mind....

This..this is a CHALLENGE! Where is your Saiyan pride?!
Is what a real Saiyan would say, especially a Vegetan.
Besides Kakara has already been in there once and nothing bad happened.
And that surely wasn't luck! It's probably perfectly safe.
Besides, with the oncoming storm, we're going to want all the SSJ we can to defeat the main invasion force.
Except Jaffur's dad. Screw that guy.
So if they're 2 years away, we need to contact Jaffur this year, so we can free him safely next year.
That way he won't pop the 'Jaron' bubble when the inevitable strike against him occurs during the big attack.

But really, there's good reasons to free Jaffur as quickly as practical. Sometimes you just have to look deeper to find them. Look underneath the underneath!
Next time, on Naruto: After the End...
[X] Sucal

As for "messing with the Conspiracy plan", I'm specifically voting against going into Jaffur's mind this year because I get the sense we're still at least a year's learning away from being solidly-proficient with Mind Projection. We do not want to mess around with this stuff. I am explicitly choosing Sucal's plan for, among other reasons, us not jumping that gun.
I mean, I figure everyone involved would be okay with us waiting 1 more year if it's because we're making sure we don't irreparably shatter Jaffur's mind....
My new plan has us asking Sensei to do it instead, specifically because he's a much better Seer than we are. It's a subvote for Recruiting Sensei that Poptart said was ok.
This..this is a CHALLENGE! Where is your Saiyan pride?!
Is what a real Saiyan would say, especially a Vegetan.
Besides Kakara has already been in there once and nothing bad happened.
And that surely wasn't luck! It's probably perfectly safe.
Besides, with the oncoming storm, we're going to want all the SSJ we can to defeat the main invasion force.
Except Jaffur's dad. Screw that guy.
So if they're 2 years away, we need to contact Jaffur this year, so we can free him safely next year.
That way he won't pop the 'Jaron' bubble when the inevitable strike against him occurs during the big attack.

But really, there's good reasons to free Jaffur as quickly as practical. Sometimes you just have to look deeper to find them. Look underneath the underneath!
Next time, on Naruto: After the End...
My new plan has us asking Sensei to do it instead, specifically because he's a much better Seer than we are. It's a subvote for Recruiting Sensei that Poptart said was ok.

My vote's staying where it is.
My vote's staying where it is.
Sure, you just made it sound like you were voting based on not wanting to enter Jaffur's mind as a novice seer with only a year's training on the subject:
As for "messing with the Conspiracy plan", I'm specifically voting against going into Jaffur's mind this year because I get the sense we're still at least a year's learning away from being solidly-proficient with Mind Projection. We do not want to mess around with this stuff. I am explicitly choosing Sucal's plan for, among other reasons, us not jumping that gun.
I mean, I figure everyone involved would be okay with us waiting 1 more year if it's because we're making sure we don't irreparably shatter Jaffur's mind....
I was just pointing out that literally no votes in contention are voting for such, so your stated position didn't seem to make sense.
Sure, you just made it sound like you were voting based on not wanting to enter Jaffur's mind as a novice seer with only a year's training on the subject:

I was just pointing out that literally no votes in contention are voting for such, so your stated position didn't seem to make sense.
That is one of my motivations, yes. I prefer several aspects of Sucal's approach, really.
That is one of my motivations, yes. I prefer several aspects of Sucal's approach, really.
I think at this point the only real difference is that he's spending 2 actions on Tien style I'm spending on taking part in the Scout hunt and starting PM research, so I can infer that you prefer Tien style over those two actions enough that it outweighs the subvote differences? I'm hoping he'll take those, actually - there's no downside to "Multiform after Flight" and "ask the competent Seer to do the Seer thing", and it looks like he'll win the vote.
Sure, you just made it sound like you were voting based on not wanting to enter Jaffur's mind as a novice seer with only a year's training on the subject:
Can you add organising/using the Seers into the plan as well? Also if you want to keep the aliens relatively unharmed, then it's a good idea to mind delve them, manipulate their memories and then using them to send back false information.
I like going with the scouts because practical experience seems to be the way to level up Ki sense. Also if we don't find the scouts they are likely to give us -actions next year as well.
Voting is open