Look back at my post. That scenario of us choosing to use her as a weapon is only if the implication that we would use her as such was the truth. I'm glad to hear that it's not, but that means we're lying about what we're implying, and it's a lie we don't have to make.
But we aren't lying - if aliens invade and pose a real threat, then assuming her Power Level is significant (say, >10,000,000) we'd ask her to fight for Garenhuld. I'm just saying that there's 2 scenarios: scenario A, where it never happens and so it doesn't matter, and scenario B where aliens invade and post a real threat, and we ask her to fight for Garenhuld
because there's billions of people unknowingly relying on us not to be slaughtered.
This implies that you plan to train her to become a warrior, even as she doesn't know that that's why you're training her. Not that I'm saying that's what your plan was.
You can't train up your power level without learning how to fight - that's what a power level
is. If she decides not to train, then fine, that's her decision, and then she ends up not being the military asset she could be and we don't ask her to fight off hypothetical alien invaders to defend her homeworld, because she's basically a glorified civilian. If she
does decide she wants to train her "superpowers", then she's training to become a warrior. It's her choice?
Firstly, my argument wasn't that he'd be incompetent, my argument was that if he was the kind of person to put Maya's well being at stake to increase the military power of his Clan, we shouldn't be telling him about Maya.
Secondly, he might be Lord, but that doesn't mean he should or would maximise the prosperity of his Clan if it meant doing the wrong thing. Patriotism is no excuse for evil and he's not the kind of person who'd manipulate or use a little girl to make his Clan more powerful.
Oh, you've misunderstood slightly. We haven't gone from:
Maya is a Civilian => Maya is going to make our Clan more powerful (though I think you actually meant House here?)
We've gone from:
Maya is a Civilian => Maya is going to be a strong fighter and a relevant player in military and political terms => Since she's going to be those things anyway, let's make sure she's on our side, rather than a political enemy's side e.g. The Peats
It's not so much the end goal of her being in the Saiyan community, so much as if she's in the Saiyan community, this is where we should try to make sure she is.