Voting is open
And I'll have to personally disagree with the SSJ powerups being unleashing their potential... it always came off as a "force multiplier" transformation, instead of a "force unleashed" one to me. But then again, what do I know anyway?
About as much as me. The wiki says Super Saiyan 3 extracts the maximum amount of ki for the Saiyan to use, but that's about it.
@PoptartProdigy, please take a look at this picture:
From the imagery, it seems like Goku is punching through King Piccolo with the power of a Great Ape while in his base form. Can we figure out how to do the same in a more conscious and intentional manner? We've mastered the Great Ape transformation, which gives us something to work with, and we did so well in the Great Ape roll that we got Golden Ape in a single turn with Dad teaching us, implying talent. Furthermore, we've proved that Great Ape and Super Saiyan can be used together, so learning how to use Great Ape's power while in Super Saiyan without going Golden Ape might be possible if we can get it to work in base form.

EDIT: Yamcha had a "wolf totem", whatever that was, so maybe it can be like that?

I see it as cool imagery, but ultimately nothing more that a willpower push. Internal transformation seems a bit dodgy a concept to take on.

I'm taking my wife home today, everybody! I may be writing later today. No promises, though; she'll be needing a lot of home care and I may not have the time while we're settling back in.
I see it as cool imagery, but ultimately nothing more that a willpower push. Internal transformation seems a bit dodgy a concept to take on.

I'm taking my wife home today, everybody! I may be writing later today. No promises, though; she'll be needing a lot of home care and I may not have the time while we're settling back in.
Hope she's Okay
That's great to hear! One of my friends has a wife who had her rotator cuff damaged in a car wreck two years ago. She's 5 surgeries in, and it still isn't fully repaired/healed.
This is not an update post despite the word count alert, but you may find it of value to read this anyway.

So! Finally got the time to sit down, get off my feet, enjoy being home with an acceptably-intact and recovery-bound wife, fire up SV for an update-length writing session, and then I looked at the vote tally and saw this:

Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - Dragon Ball: After the End | Page 292 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5

-[X] If at any point Dad brings up the idea of "marrying her in", point out that as a potential heavyweight fighter we'd prefer that she be more closely tied to us than a random Saiyan husband.
No. of Votes: 4

[X] Plan Apologize mk. II
- [X] "Dad, we need to talk."
- [X] Point out that he's raised us to keep her promises.
- [X] Tell him that we made a promise to a friend to keep a secret, and we kept it even if we should have told him. Then apologize for not telling him.
- [X] Explain that we met a human who was not only a ki user, but a very powerful one. (At least for a human.)
- [X] Tell him that she had found out about us through the Garenhulder martial arts class, and decided to reveal to us that she could use ki too.
- [X] Emphasize that she only knows about the ki use though. She thought they were superpowers after all. She has no idea about the masquerade or anything related to that.
- [X] Say that we wanted to tell him, but she was so afraid of anyone else finding out that she made us promise to keep it a secret.
- [X] Admit that we did... she was just so pitiable and scared that we couldn't say no. Point out that she's been so beaten down by the scorn of the other Garenhulders for her curious nature that she's come away with a stutter and that if we rejected her here, she may have closed off and never trusted anyone again.
- [X] State that she asked for help with her training, and we figured it would be better for us to help her than to just let her stumble around on her own and maybe get discovered.
- [X] Tell him that we've been training her... and also trying to get her more comfortable with the idea of opening up. That we figured it was only a matter of time before we convinced her to come to him.
- [X] "I didn't like lying to you during that time, but I made a promise to one of my best friends and I just couldn't break that promise. I just couldn't!"
- [X] Let him know that she finally said it was okay to tell him... that we convinced her that he wouldn't be mean to her like a regular Garenhulder adult would have been.
- [X] Vehemently state if she had ever threatened the masquerade in any way, we would have told him in a heartbeat, promise or no promise. We know that that is something way too important to mess around with.
- [X] Tell him it's Maya, our friend from school.
- [X] Finish off by apologizing once again for keeping this from him.
No. of Votes: 3

[x] I'm not, I'll be there when Maya does.
No. of Votes: 2

[x] Plan Anailater
- [x] Tell Dad we found out that somehow our school friend has massive ki potential
- [x] Tell Dad we trained her to try and find out her limits and to try and figure out how she was so strong
- [x] Tell Dad she doesn't know anything about Saiyans
- [x] Tell Dad she want's to meet with him
- [x] Tell Dad she knows other people with Ki abilities exist, but doesn't know who apart from me and you.
- [x] Tell Dad you're worried about what she might do when the invasion arrives if she tries to fight it.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Hey dad, just decided to teach this world how to fly!
No. of Votes: 1

[X] None.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Plan Apologize
- [X] "Dad, we need to talk."
- [X] "You've always raised me to keep my promises, right?"
- [X] "I made a promise to a friend to keep a secret, and I kept my word- even though I probably should have told you. I'm sorry."
- [X] "Dad, I met a human who is a ki prodigy, just like me. Only she thought they were 'super powers'."
- [X] "She had figured out that I was a ki user too, and approached me to tell me that she was one as well."
- [X] "She only knows about ki, though. She has no idea about the masquerade or anything else, I swear."
- [X] "I wanted to tell you, but at the time she was so scared of anybody finding out that she asked me to promise not to tell anyone."
- [X] "I did... she was just so scared that I couldn't say no."
- [X] "She asked me for help with her training, and I figured it would be better for me to help her than to just let her stumble around on her own and maybe get discovered."
- [X] "So I've been training her and also trying to get her to open up to the idea of letting someone else know."
- [X] "I didn't like lying to you, but I made a promise to one of my best friends and I couldn't bread that promise. I just couldn't!"
- [X] "But she finally said it was okay to tell you. I convinced her you wouldn't be cruel to her like the regular Garenhulder adults."
- [X] "I just want you to know that if she had ever threatened the masquerade in any way, I would have told you in a heartbeat, promise or no promise. I know that that is something way too important to mess around with."
- [X] "Dad, it's Maya, my friend from school."
- [X] "I'm sorry I couldn't tell you sooner."
No. of Votes: 0

[x] Plan Honesty
-[x] Tell dad that Maya can use ki. That she told us at Sophie's birthday and swore us to secrecy, but we just convinced her to let us tell him.
-[x] She figured out that Karen can use ki during the sparring in the martial arts classes we use. Since we were too durable. She only knows about ki, not Saiyans.
-[x] She asked me to train her, and we did. She's ludicrously strong.
No. of Votes: 0

[X] Plan The Whole Truth
-[X] Wait until the weekend, like we promised Maya. Make sure we aren't in Multiform at the time.
-[X] Ask Maya to wait outside while we talk to Dad
-[X] Tell Dad we have something important to discuss
-[X] Tell Dad that 6 months ago, our friend came to us and told us that she'd had "superpowers" for years, and that she knew we had them too - and proceeded to prove it by getting into a spar with us.
--[X] She knew we were like her from seeing us in a Garenhulder martial arts class - no-one who wasn't aware of the possibility noticed anything odd.
-[X] We were delighted, told her that Dad (and we only mentioned Dad, and not anything about Saiyans) had ki powers too, and that we should tell him - and we spooked her, since she's so shy.
-[X] We agreed to not immediately tell Dad, for three reasons :
--[X] We were certain that she'd agree to tell Dad eventually; Dad would find out anyway if she trained and her power level kept rising, since we told her you could sense ki. And we were right.
--[X] She'd kept these "superpowers" a secret for so long, there was no risk to the Masquerade.
--[X] "And also... she's my friend. She's incredibly shy, she suddenly opened up and told me her life story, but panicked when I started talking about how we should tell you, and made me promise to keep it a secret until she'd decided for herself one way or the other whether to tell you... and it was such a huge show of faith, I just couldn't say no."
-[X] We made sure she knew she absolutely had to keep this a secret - and if it looked like she might risk the Masquerade, we'd have told Dad then anyway.
-[X] She's incredibly talented - she had a power level of nearly 1000 when she told us, after not knowing what she was really doing in the woods for a few years. We agreed to train and supervise her, and she now has a power level of >70,000.
-[X] We discussed telling Dad again, and she agreed to do so - and now here we are.
-[X] Throughout all of this, show Dad carefully selected memories via telepathy, reinforcing/confirming our points.
-[X] If at any point Dad brings up the idea of "marrying her in", point out that as a potential heavyweight fighter we'd prefer that she be more closely tied to us than a random Saiyan husband.
No. of Votes: 0

[x] Plan Hope (this gets summarized)
No. of Votes: 0

Total No. of Voters: 12

@Deathbybunnies, I'm assuming that "Plan The Whole Truth" is the one that your present vote post in the winning vote is modifying. However, given the way this shook out, I can't be sure. In the future, please either introduce new sub-votes as [ ] Empty Boxes So As Not To Register As a New Vote, or as [X] Reposting the Entire Plan Whole Cloth. Otherwise, it breaks NetTally.

And in the now, am I correct in my assumption?

I have also learned today that this quest is not PMAS, and I do not have the thread culture to healthily institute all-write-in votes. Seriously, on a quest that has a typical per-update turnout of 30 voters, here we've had 12. Lesson learned! :confused: You all may notice that I've not issued my typical announcement of a closed vote; that's deliberate. While new write-ins are now no longer valid, would any present non-voters whose eyes have been drawn to the word-count alert care to weigh in on one of the options spoilered above? So long as we're here, we may as well take a few hours to close up voting.
-[X] If at any point Dad brings up the idea of "marrying her in", point out that as a potential heavyweight fighter we'd prefer that she be more closely tied to us than a random Saiyan husband.

Largely because it is the shortest write in option. Longer write-ins seem to bug me more often than not, and the whole simple angle appeals to me way more.
-[X] If at any point Dad brings up the idea of "marrying her in", point out that as a potential heavyweight fighter we'd prefer that she be more closely tied to us than a random Saiyan husband.

Largely because it is the shortest write in option. Longer write-ins seem to bug me more often than not, and the whole simple angle appeals to me way more.
That is only part of a write-in, though.
I'd honestly go for Plan The Whole Truth, but it seems that I'd be adding +1 to 0 voters. Not exactly encouraging.
I'd honestly go for Plan The Whole Truth, but it seems that I'd be adding +1 to 0 voters. Not exactly encouraging.
Depends on what Deathbybunnies gets back to us with. I believe the vote they're actually attached to is The Whole Truth. So go ahead and throw your vote in there. It's hardly wasted, and I know plenty of people tend not to move on votes unless they already have people behind them, which generally means that otherwise-winning votes get no votes and no attention.
Voting is open