Voting is open
Which means this is one of most exceptional group of Lords and Scions, except for Vegeta Vegeta, who was a scrub.
I wouldn't be quite sure about this. An evil bastard and an abusive and horrible father, yes (though nowhere as evil as his father), but I'm pretty sure he managed to fight Berra evenly, so he shouldn't be a slouch in the combat department, and as people are actually angry about Vegeta being sealed away, I doubt he was a completely terrible ruler either.
It is left intentionally vague.
..Is it left intentionally vague for PoptartProdigy to interpret, or do you want Kakara to be vague?

Also, one more question.

@PoptartProdigy, has any Lord (possibly Oni Goku?) ever done something as terrible as Yammar's butchering of House Talt?
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@Quest , @KaintukeeBob @KnightDisciple @Terrabrand @pianoman @Rmnimoc @Kairos123 @Karnax626 @Nathaniel Wolff @Aranfan @dunk1010

Slight modification to the wording of my vote because of @Andres110 concerns. I was adviced I should tagg you in case there were any objections.

It is left intentionally vague.

CHANGE OF SUBJECT! Just checked the charácter sheet. Berra is master diplomancer, best user of Goku style since the exile and best Lord of Goku ever. Jaffur was considered the most naturally talented saiyan warrior since the exile and MAYBE before it. Kakara is the strongest since the exhile and first Seer Scion. Which means this is one of most exceptional group of Lords and Scions, except for Vegeta Vegeta, who was a scrub.

Also, apparently Jaron doesn't blink. It also seems like he is hiding something, which is hilarious and I have my fingers crossed for child superhero who thinks is the only one with powers.
No problems here.
Voting for the original, mostly because I feel it was fine before the change and disagree with Andres' assesment.

[X] Plan Demigoddess
-[X] Oppose the motion
-[X] Shut up the screams by turning super saiyan then moving to the stage to stand next to Celeran.
-[X] Adress the problem: half of our society is used to autority figures mediating more closely in their affairs and the resulting unrest is affecting the whole. It is your duty to take a more active role in your society to help with this and the cult is an important part of it.
-[X] Offer to mediate until the current crisis is resolved. You are still learning but with advice from your elders (implying grandma and Celeran though not outright mentioning them) you will get through this situation, as saiyans always have.
-[X] Leverage your position as the gold and that it happened in these times, as well as the feeling you had regarding training Oozaru. Leave open to interpretation the possibility of divine inspiration.
-[X] Act confident, with autority. Give the Vegetans something familiar to latch into.
-[X] Move on the discussion to the religious matters they are here to discuss. Act as observer and defeer to those who know more of the subject.

[x] Use Public Cookie
I wouldn't be quite sure about this. An evil bastard and an abusive and horrible father, yes (though nowhere as evil as his father), but I'm pretty sure he managed to fight Berra evenly, so he shouldn't be a slouch in the combat department, and as people are actually angry about Vegeta being sealed away, I doubt he was a completely terrible ruler either.

..Is it left intentionally vague for PoptartProdigy to interpret, or do you want Kakara to be vague?


Edit: Well, it is not like Poptart would have used the same wording and the idea behind it is basically the same.
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@Quest , @KaintukeeBob @KnightDisciple @Terrabrand @pianoman @Rmnimoc @Kairos123 @Karnax626 @Nathaniel Wolff @Aranfan @dunk1010

Slight modification to the wording of my vote because of @Andres110 concerns. I was adviced I should tagg you in case there were any objections.

It is left intentionally vague.

CHANGE OF SUBJECT! Just checked the charácter sheet. Berra is master diplomancer, best user of Goku style since the exile and best Lord of Goku ever. Jaffur was considered the most naturally talented saiyan warrior since the exile and MAYBE before it. Kakara is the strongest since the exhile and first Seer Scion. Which means this is one of most exceptional group of Lords and Scions, except for Vegeta Vegeta, who was a scrub.

Also, apparently Jaron doesn't blink. It also seems like he is hiding something, which is hilarious and I have my fingers crossed for child superhero who thinks is the only one with powers.
Fine by me.
An evil bastard and an abusive and horrible father, yes (though nowhere as evil as his father)
From what's been seen in the updates, Vegeta is actually considered worse than Yammar. He hasn't been involved in any major evil events like his father, but in general is more evil and cruel than his predecessor.
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I wouldn't be quite sure about this. An evil bastard and an abusive and horrible father, yes (though nowhere as evil as his father), but I'm pretty sure he managed to fight Berra evenly, so he shouldn't be a slouch in the combat department, and as people are actually angry about Vegeta being sealed away, I doubt he was a completely terrible ruler either.

..Is it left intentionally vague for PoptartProdigy to interpret, or do you want Kakara to be vague?

Also, one more question.

@PoptartProdigy, has any Lord (possibly Oni Goku?) ever done something as terrible as Yammar's butchering of House Talt?

Lord Oni is a conflicted example. He was noted to be personally unpleasant and somewhat vindictively cruel, and it's suspected that his reign would have been an unhappy one for all involved, but he moved fast once he became Lord, so nobody knows.

The Death of House Talt is a standout, definitely.
From what's been seen in the updates, Vegeta is actually considered worse than Yammar. He hasn't been involved in any major evil events like his father, but in general is more evil and cruel than his predecessor.
Eh? We don't really know how good or bad they're considered to be by the general population, the only thing we have to go by is that Dandeer thinks that Yammar was less mad than her husband, but she's not exactly unbiased here given that she's been directly affected by Vegeta's abuse.
Slight modification to the wording of my vote because of @Andres110 concerns. I was adviced I should tagg you in case there were any objections.

I'm fine with it. I think it was fine before, but I'm still ok with it as it stands now.

That seems good for the most part. I'm trying to think of a way to leverage our Mysterious or Oddball traits, but I can't think of one that would be helpful. :)

We could make our announcement while flying upside down, instead of right-side-up (as normal).

I'm still in favor of painting our armor pink, with floral accents (yes, I know we aren't wearing our armor right now).
@PoptartProdigy, how many Houses are there, and how many Saiyans are there in the average House?
In terms of what's relevant to you all, "Many," and, "Lots." In short, as many separate Houses and NPCs as needed to always have characters readily generated. Completely modelling the makeup of saiyan society is quite beyond the bounds of fun world building, though.

Discussion seems to have dropped off a cliff. Before I close the vote, as you can see, the

Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] Impose order, so that things calm down, slow down, and give you time to think.
-[X]Turn Super Saiyan to attract their attention
-[X]Ask them if they have any specific concerns that they would like the nobility to look into and address, as there is representatives from both major clans including a former and current Leaders/Regents
No. of votes: 1

[x] Go Super Saiyan
-[x] Having gotten their attention, say the following: You are acting less mature than schoolchildren! There will be order for a decision as important as this or no decision can properly be made. Pause for breath. I am not a member of the Ancestor Cult, and so I do not feel and can properly express an opinion on how it should organize itself. However, for so important a decision as this I feel it should be made with a full knowledge of the relevant facts. Fenella, I hope you will forgive me, but they must know that your uncle the High Priest is still taking orders from the Head of House Peat.
-[x] Flare power to silence the resulting furor, SILENCE! THERE WILL BE ORDER! Now, however this sort of decision making is supposed to be done, do it that way instead of shouting at each other like barbarians!
No. of votes: 1

[X] Watch and wait.
No. of votes: 2
SMuha, Bommelom

[X] Blame Ms. Vegeta for everything.
No. of votes: 1

[X] Fly up above Celeran and power up to maximum to attract everyone's attention, but don't go Super Saiyan.
-[X] Once you have it, power down and calmly state that if they're worried about falling apart without a leader, you are willing moderate this Council and enforce order.
-[X] If people start getting rowdy and you can't calm them down, start ejecting them with Instant Transmission, or throwing them out, whichever is faster.
No. of votes: 1

[X] Plan Demigoddess
-[X] Oppose the motion
-[X] Shut up the screams by turning super saiyan then moving to the stage to stand next to Celeran.
-[X] Adress the problem: Nobility's hands-off approach is causing unrest. It is your duty to take a more active role in your society to help with this and the cult is an important part of it.
-[X] Offer to mediate until the current crisis is resolved. You are still learning but with advice from your elders (implying grandma and Celeran though not outright mentioning them) you will get through this situation, as saiyans always have.
-[X] Leverage your position as the gold and that it happened in these times, as well as the feeling you had regarding training Oozaru. Leave open to interpretation the possibility of divine inspiration.
-[X] Act confident, with autority. Give the Vegetans something familiar to latch into.
-[X] Move on the discussion to the religious matters they are here to discuss. Act as observer and defeer to those who know more of the subject.
No. of votes: 1

[X] Plan Demigoddess
-[X] Oppose the motion
-[X] Shut up the screams by turning super saiyan then moving to the stage to stand next to Celeran.
-[X] Adress the problem: half of our society is used to autority figures mediating more closely in their affairs and the resulting unrest is affecting the whole. It is your duty to take a more active role in your society to help with this and the cult is an important part of it.
-[X] Offer to mediate until the current crisis is resolved. You are still learning but with advice from your elders (implying grandma and Celeran though not outright mentioning them) you will get through this situation, as saiyans always have.
-[X] Leverage your position as the gold and that it happened in these times, as well as the feeling you had regarding training Oozaru. Leave open to interpretation the possibility of divine inspiration.
-[X] Act confident, with autority. Give the Vegetans something familiar to latch into.
-[X] Move on the discussion to the religious matters they are here to discuss. Act as observer and defeer to those who know more of the subject.
No. of votes: 1

[X] Plan Demigoddess
-[X] Oppose the motion
-[X] Shut up the screams by turning super saiyan then moving to the stage to stand next to Celeran.
-[X] Adress the problem: half of our society is used to autority figures mediating more closely in their affairs and the resulting unrest is affecting the whole. It is your duty to take a more active role in your society to help with this and the cult is an important part of it.
-[X] Offer to mediate until the current crisis is resolved. You are still learning but with advice from your elders (implying grandma and Celeran though not outright mentioning them) you will get through this situation, as saiyans always have.
-[X] Leverage your position as the gold and that it happened in these times, as well as the feeling you had regarding training Oozaru. Leave open to interpretation the possibility of divine inspiration.
-[X] Act confident, with autority. Give the Vegetans something familiar to latch into.
-[X] Move on the discussion to the religious matters they are here to discuss. Act as observer and defer to those who know more of the subject.
No. of votes: 3
KnightDisciple, Terrabrand, pianoman

[X] Plan Demigoddess
-[X] Oppose the motion
-[X] Shut up the screams by turning Super Saiyan and moving to the stage to stand next to Celeran.
-[X] Adress the problem: half of our society is used to autority figures mediating more closely in their affairs and the resulting unrest is affecting the whole. It is your duty to take a more active role in your society to help with this and the cult is an important part of it.
-[X] Offer to mediate until the current crisis is resolved. You are still learning but with advice from your elders (implying Grandma and Celeran though not outright mentioning them) you will get through this situation, as Saiyans always have.
-[X] Leverage your position as The Gold and that it happened in these times, as well as the feeling you had regarding training Oozaru. Leave open to interpretation the possibility of divine inspiration.
-[X] Act confident, with authority. Give the Vegetans something familiar to latch into.
-[X] Move on the discussion to the religious matters they are here to discuss. Act as observer and defer to those who know more of the subject.
No. of votes: 1

[X] Plan Demigoddess
No. of votes: 4
Kairos123, Karnax626, Nathaniel Wolff, Andres110

[x] Plan Demigoddess
-[x] Use the Public Cookie
No. of votes: 2
KaintukeeBob, dunk1010

[X] Plan Demigoddess
-[X] Oppose the motion
-[X] Shut up the screams by turning super saiyan then moving to the stage to stand next to Celeran.
-[X] Adress the problem: half of our society is used to autority figures mediating more closely in their affairs and the resulting unrest is affecting the whole. It is your duty to take a more active role in your society to help with this and the cult is an important part of it.
-[X] Offer to mediate until the current crisis is resolved. You are still learning but with advice from your elders (implying grandma and Celeran though not outright mentioning them) you will get through this situation, as saiyans always have.
-[X] Leverage your position as the gold and that it happened in these times, as well as the feeling you had regarding training Oozaru. Leave open to interpretation the possibility of divine inspiration.
-[X] Act confident, with autority. Give the Vegetans something familiar to latch into.
-[X] Move on the discussion to the religious matters they are here to discuss. Act as observer and defeer to those who know more of the subject.
[x] Use Public Cookie
No. of votes: 1

says that Plan Demigoddess has won in not only a plurality, but a landslide majority.

I will interpret as according to the vote with Bakkasama's name on it. As it is their plan, I will address them with this. @Bakkasama, the following is my read of your vote:

[X] Plan Demigoddess
-[X] Oppose the motion
-[X] Shut up the screams by turning super saiyan then moving to the stage to stand next to Celeran.

First move is to transform to overawe them and then move next to Celeran (lacking a listed motivation, this will be portrayed as you trying to borrow his authority)

-[X] Address the problem: Nobility's hands-off approach is causing unrest. It is your duty to take a more active role in your society to help with this and the cult is an important part of it.

Having identified to her satisfaction that the ultimate cause of this unrest is the crowd's dissatisfaction with the current inaction surrounding the crisis, Kakara will say that she needs to step up and help close this gap. In the doing, she will particularly call out and acknowledge the Cult's importance in your society.

-[X] Offer to mediate until the current crisis is resolved. You are still learning but with advice from your elders (implying grandma and Celeran though not outright mentioning them) you will get through this situation, as saiyans
always have.

She will offer to serve as a mediator (lacking a stated list of parties to mediate between, she will offer to generally ride herd on things) "until the current crisis is resolved." You will preemptively soothe fears of your inexperience by acknowledging that and saying you will be seeking advice from your elders. You hope that they will interpret that as "my grandmother and the High Priest." You will also emphasize that this is not the first time your society has suffered turmoil and that this one is survivable just as all the rest were.

-[X] Leverage your position as the gold and that it happened in these times, as well as the feeling you had regarding training Oozaru. Leave open to interpretation the possibility of divine inspiration.

Imply that you're a prophet by mentioning the strange compulsion to investigate the Oozaru form, explicitly and intentionally drawing people's attention to your "The Gold" Reputation, particularly its parts about your holy status.

-[X] Act confident, with authority. Give the Vegetans something familiar to latch into.

Given that the Gokun will be listening to you more easily anyway, you'll seek to win the Vegetans over by acting like a Vegetan noble in terms of your bearing.

-[X] Move on the discussion to the religious matters they are here to discuss. Act as observer and defer to those who know more of the subject.

Politely shut down discussion on the matter of the Sealing and the Cult's reaction to it and move the discussion to whatever item was next on the agenda. You then suit words to action and ensure things don't spiral out of control.

Is this correct?
First move is to transform to overawe them and then move next to Celeran (lacking a listed motivation, this will be portrayed as you trying to borrow his authority)
I got the feeling that it was more to go to the location where attention was being directed and where we could be noticed.

Imply that you're a prophet by mentioning the strange compulsion to investigate the Oozaru form, explicitly and intentionally drawing people's attention to your "The Gold" Reputation, particularly its parts about your holy status.
Implying that we're a prophet is a dangerous move and one we could easily regret. @Bakkasama, perhaps it would be better to instead go along the line of "The same instinct that guided me to Golden Ape is the same one that guides me here"? They'll still trust in the instinct since Golden Ape is double holy to them, but this way we're not saying or implying we're holy, just that we know the "right" path.
I got the feeling that it was more to go to the location where attention was being directed and where we could be noticed.

Implying that we're a prophet is a dangerous move and one we could easily regret. @Bakkasama, perhaps it would be better to instead go along the line of "The same instinct that guided me to Golden Ape is the same one that guides me here"? They'll still trust in the instinct since Golden Ape is double holy to them, but this way we're not saying or implying we're holy, just that we know the "right" path.
You're already on the stage, as mentioned in previous updates. You're already in that location. Going over to Celeran makes you no more noticeable.

Implications are subtle. In this case, implying that you're a prophet will be achieved by drawing a link between that instinct and your present (nonexistent) one. I'm not envisioning you coyly dancing around the point, you're just going to lay claim to a nonexistent instinct guiding you to success. This is the Cult; they'll conclude you're inspired by their gods all on their own. Your non-participation in their Faith will actually make them less likely to pick up on your deception.

In short, you aren't this guy:

Implying that we're a prophet is a dangerous move and one we could easily regret. @Bakkasama, perhaps it would be better to instead go along the line of "The same instinct that guided me to Golden Ape is the same one that guides me here"? They'll still trust in the instinct since Golden Ape is double holy to them, but this way we're not saying or implying we're holy, just that we know the "right" path.
To be fair, we are an actual prophet. We've been directly advised by Gohan, and are on a mission from him to correct the Sealing.

Guys, we're on a Mission From God.

With that being confirmed, vote closed. It's been quite long enough, and like I said, discussion has thoroughly died. I just needed to confirm that I was reading this right (and also announce how it was being read).

Additionally, this also locks in the public-use cookie for use, passing with no objections. Thank you, @Execute/Dumbo, for your contribution to the jar. :D For those wondering what that cookie was originally earned for, check out the canon omake snippet under the theadmark "Tails of the Goku Clan," two entries after the Year 1 post.

My other quest is cued up for an update first, but you'll see something in this space tomorrow at the latest.
I wonder if it can be added as flavor text, but just staring Celeran in the eyes with our own turquoise one's before we speak and just having one of those silent stare downs where you crush someone just by looking at them.

Not something that would affect the write in, but having an "I see you" moment with an upset demigod would probably shake the man. And then we tip off grandma and he's already offset a bit... hopefully, otherwise that means he's just paying lip service to the Faith.
I wonder if it can be added as flavor text, but just staring Celeran in the eyes with our own turquoise one's before we speak and just having one of those silent stare downs where you crush someone just by looking at them.

Not something that would affect the write in, but having an "I see you" moment with an upset demigod would probably shake the man. And then we tip off grandma and he's already offset a bit... hopefully, otherwise that means he's just paying lip service to the Faith.
Not calling a vote for it, but get the thread generally agreeing with you by the time I post and yeah, I'll throw that in.
Voting is open