This I find is quite interesting, if we move against him, not sure if telling him is the same as moving against him but doing so will break our father's sense of right and wrong due to the sealing so its best to bring him in earlier and let him atone for what he unknowingly abetted. That way he can still help us change the Saiyan race into a new era.
I don't think she can accept a father holding large amount of guilt inside and self question his future decsions when we need him at his best for the unknown changes.
Also he still need to be a father instead withdrawing for fear of messing up and become Lady Goku this early is a big no no.
I wonder if we can get Apra to quietly talk to Kala and get her to understand the full detail before teaming up with Carrick Balor in order to present an united face and intervention to Berra. And if he wants proof that Jaron and Jaffur is not being violently abusive it would be best if Kakara let him mind delve her of all her interaction with those two after the sealing.
Let him understand how those two change after the sealing with her memories.
Let the record state that I would like to
very seriously consider trying to convince Berra of the need to un-Seal Jaffur before we go and do it ourselves.
Like, maybe we seize Jaron and put him in an unknown location (heck, the Senzus have a spaceship, we could stash him
off planet). We talk to Berra with Apra alongside. Yammar should... probably stay out of that conversation, because Berra hates Yammar and blames him for everything that has happened.
If Berra is still willing to fight to keep Jaffur sealed after everything we can tell him... well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. If he isn't, we've basically just won the whole thing with minimal fighting. Obviously Dandeer is still a problem while all of this is going on, but she's a LOT more manageable if she doesn't have Berra on-side.
Their head almost transformed into a super saiyan, they are on open rebellion and they want to destroy the seal.
Also, Dandeer is currently the regent of the Vegeta clan and currently their maximum legal authority. If she attacked Kakara publicaly, that is not a crime, that is a declaration of war on clan Goku (assuming she does so with magic, because if she tries to with ki there is no way she could actually harm us and everyone knows that). In case Dandeer were removed because of something like that, it would not be a case of us arranging something like that; Yammar would default to be the regent of Vegeta clan.
Berra, notably, would
hate this, because he
hates Yammar.
I would loveto have de-enemied Dandeer, but we burned that bridge pretty thoroughly by asking her abuser permission to train her son.
Fair, although
in our defense Dandeer literally had a chance to perform mind surgery on her abuser and remove all the parts of his psyche she didn't like. If she still has problems with him as a man, a husband, or a parent, she has basically only herself to blame.
Why would we want to de-enemy her? She's an awful person.
Dazarel has done things just as bad if not worse, to literally billions of times more people, without a shred of remorse. And we want to de-enemy him.
Dazarel may not be
as much of an asshole, but there's a difference between "I don't want to de-enemy Dandeer because she's done so much evil" and "I don't want to de-enemy Dandeer because she's an asshole."