Interlude: Cowabunga It Is
Tobe had traveled to New York City with a purpose. Sensei Doofenshmirtz had tasked him with their most difficult mission yet- to establish a working network within the city and extract information right under Xanatos' nose! After a brief flight and a very pleasant dinner at a nearby pizza place, his Vagabonds had gathered in their hotel room to discuss mission details.

"Vagabonds! Today we undertake an important mission, one that will push our capabilities to their limits! Today… we are going to infiltrate the dark heart of this city and steal its secrets away!"

Jing-Jing and Binggure exchanged a look. Sensei Doofenshmirtz had tasked them with setting up an intelligence network in New York City, and their first impressions… weren't really that great. Sure, they had done some recon work in the past, and most of it had actually been successful! But it seemed like everyone they had talked to over here was already on the take.

Most of the costumed heroes or villains had absconded before they could talk, and the Iron Gargoyles weren't nearly as conversational as Normbots were. That nice man at the pizza shop was clearly working for the mob, and the grouchy guy with the hot dog cart was probably working for the other mob. In fact, it took three days and ten different pizza shops to find someone who wasn't working for the mob. It was well worth the wait though, because the 'El Gato Italiano' and its unusual employees had been the highlight of the ninja's trip so far.

"Uh… boss, we've been at this for three days. Don't you think it's time to call it quits?"

"Of course not! We were given a mission, and we're not leaving until we carry it to its illogical conclusion! Now, our attempts to infiltrate the underground may have been less than successful-" All four ninja shuddered as memories of dodging laser blasts ran through their heads. "-but that's just because we weren't being literal enough!"

"...come again?" Jumong asked.

"Normally, 'underground' would refer to the network of illegal criminal contacts in an area… except this is exactly what our foes were expecting! Of course whoever's in charge would've secured his control over the mob! What we really should've been working on is infiltrating the subway system!"

"Uhh, sweetie?" Jing-Jing asked gently. "Are you sure that's our best option here?"

"Of course it is! The NYC subway system has a long and storied history." Tobe said, reciting what he had read on a pamphlet earlier that day. "It first began way back in 1904, and it has over 240 miles of routes! If there's anything hidden away in this city, it's going to be down there."

The Vagabonds had to admit that it was a surprisingly cogent argument. Well, Jing-Jing had to admit it. The other two did not know the word. They had heard tell from the witch-girl about the secret society in the middle of the city last Halloween, so surely that was as good a place to start as any, right?

"Perfect!" Tobe declared upon seeing the lack of confusion on his lackeys' faces. "We begin at dawn."


"No, no, no- look here! We're on Broadway and we need to be on Crosstown!"

"I thought we crossed Crosstown three hours ago!"

Tobe sighed. Trekking through the tunnels was supposed to be an exciting infiltration mission, not a boring slog in the dark! He had expected to dodge lasers, hide from cameras, and fight off sewer rats the size of garbage cans! Instead, all that happened was keeping to the maintenance walkways, avoiding incoming subway trains, and getting hopelessly lost.

"We've been at this for hours."

"Most of our interchangeable ninja mooks got left at the last station!"

"Guys, guys, don't worry! We have ninja magic!" Tobe sat down, cross-legged, on the damp floor. "Now I know that I still need a bit of practice with this, buuuuut… whooooooah. I'm still not used to the 'seeing eternity' thing."

"How do we get out of here?"

"No no no, that's exactly what we're not supposed to do! I just used my mystical danger sense to see if we're in danger, and aside from the subway cars, the only thing that presents a threat to us is…" Tobe pointed dramatically at the wall. "A mile or so in that direction!"

"And you want us to go towards the danger?"

"Yes! That's what we're down here for, isn't it? Even if we can't infiltrate successfully, we could earn a bounty on whatever horrible creatures wait down here to feast on tourists!"

"Tobe, we're tourists."

"Irrelevant!" came the response filled with confidence that was not entirely earned. "If we're incapable of handling a little danger, then what are we here for?"

"Because Sensei really likes sending us to poke random things and see what happens?"

"Never mind that! Onward!"


After another eternity of crawling through damp tunnels and squeezing into disused maintenance corridors, things were finally starting to look up! All of their searching led them right into the very heart of what Tobe had said was the most dangerous place in the area- some sort of long-abandoned laboratory complex built far below the earth.

At least, that's what Tobe told his Vagabonds. It sounded a lot more dramatic than the truth. Gen-U-Tech's mothballed labs hadn't seen use in months, but they were far from abandoned. The power was still on!

As Tobe measured how much he was exaggerating the level of danger they were stumbling into, something leathery brushed past his ear.

"Jing-Jing? You think that maybe this isn't the best time-" Whatever Tobe was about to say was cut short as a hideous, slavering creature dropped from the ceiling!

"AAAAAAAAAAAH"! The Vagabonds screamed as one. Tobe's heart raced as he ducked below the creature's claws, which raked through the stone behind him. The sewer mutant- because that's what it had to be- was a head or two taller than him, broadly built with fleshy protrusions that looked like wings in the dim light. Its eyes were blood red, the tufts of hair on its head white, and its skin coal black.

"Sewer mutant!" Binggure confirmed. "We've tried to fight Genghis Khan before, and sometimes we didn't even get all of our limbs broken! This thing is nothing compared to that!"

Months of training under someone who actually knew what they were doing had done wonders. Tobe felt something resembling pride as Binggure and Jumong moved as one to deliver simultaneous kicks to the creature's legs, dropping the hideous mutant on the ground.

"Woooow. Hooo. Okay. So! Mutants are real! Now, all we need to do is find the scientist responsible for the things, or the Mutant King, and- NOT NOW!" Tobe bellowed as another one of the things decided to try its luck.

The next hour and a half had made the previous six-hour trek seem like a peaceful vacation. As the Vagabonds slowly progressed into the depths of the Gen-U-Tec Auxiliary Lab, they were beset upon by mutants from all sides. At first, it was fun! A great way to test their might and do exactly what their sensei had told them to do. After the twelfth mutant things started to become boring. Sure, the things looked scary, but they didn't have any actual fighting skill. By the twentieth mutant, Tobe had had just about enough.

"Why are there so many of these things?!" Jing-Jing shrieked as she drove a knee into a mutant's abdomen. "Whoever's been making them is doing a really bad job of keeping them under wraps!"

"And why are they all so boring to fight?" Tobe demanded. "I've been working on a secret technique for the last two days and I haven't had the chance to try it out!"

"Boss… you know, you can just do it whenever, right?"

"But that's so boring. I need to use it on a worthy opponent!"

As if in answer to Tobe's unasked question, a nearby door snapped open, flooding the area with light. A muscular man-panther-bat-thing stood in the door frame, its hands crackling with electricity.

"Found you," the mutant growled.

In an instant, Tobe's excitement had returned. It was still a little hard to believe that ninja magic was real, and Tobe had been training in it for the past few months! It was all he could do to keep himself from cackling as he crawled up the wall and prepared a secret attack. The mutant wouldn't even know what hit him!

Light bloomed between his fingers as he leapt, preparing to strike at the thing's heart! "TsukuyaaaAAAAAAAGH!" Electricity crackled over Tobe's body, flinging him into a wall in a smoking heap.

Silently, Jumong, Jing-Jing, and Binggure turned to see the perpetrator.

"I didn't mean to do that," he said apologetically.

Tobe groaned. The red-eyed creatures were gathering in larger numbers, looming in as if they smelled blood.

"Quick, get your friend out of here!" the panther-man demanded. "They've gone feral and attack anything that moves! We need to--!"

"How dare you attack our fearless leader like that!" Jumong exaggerated for the sake of drama. "Striking from behind is one thing, but interrupting an attack name?! That's a low blow!"

"It was an accid- ow! That hurt!" the man-panther swatted away several kunai tossed in his direction, but he wasn't fast enough to avoid the bolas lobbed at his head! "We're on the same side, we don't have to- AGH!"

"Panther Destruction Wave!" Jing-Jing declared, deciding her attack name on the spot. A beam of bright blue energy washed over the other sewer mutant and melted a huge chunk of the wall behind him.

She was declaring mutant season!


Entering the fight, Talon had absolutely no idea what was going on, and he had no patience to find out the nice way.

When the more benign inhabitants of the New York subway system gave him the tipoff of some strange customers fighting in the sewers, he knew enough was enough. Ever since the fiasco back in December, more and more outsiders had been poking their noses into the last refuge of the city's homeless and outcast: The Labyrinth. Their more human members could handle a misguided tourist or two without a confrontation, but there were more than a few zealots trying to flush out the "monsters" by force. As the leader of mutates, the lunatics that didn't care to see the difference between the predators and those trying to get by were Talon's problem to deal with.

Recently, their hardships have only gotten worse. Having nowhere else to go, dozens of gargoyle clones that survived Demona's terror attack made their way down to the sewers. Talon suspected Xanatos had something to do with it, though he couldn't confirm the man who helped turn them into monsters had a hand in corralling the clones underground. Vat-grown to take orders and given little room to be anything but a soldier from birth, many had degenerated to feral states without Demona around to guide them. Lexington was sure that their minds developed properly during gestation, but they were taught only to hate, fight, and kill. It was proving… difficult… to show them another way.

Still, the clones never asked to be made and abandoned. The mutates knew that story all too well, and it would have been cruel to turn the ones in need away. Some were able to find new lives and peace in the depths of the Labyrinth, but if he had to intervene to stop others from mauling innocent people, then so be it. As Talon knew there were rogue gargoyle packs in these tunnels and that he would be the one taking them down, he failed to anticipate one of their victims attacking him instead.

The blast of lighting was pure instinct, honed from years of practice and donated to the first batch of mutates from electric eels. Only after the all-too-human yelp rang out did he realize his mistake. A hasty apology and an attempt to explain the situation got him nothing but several sharp objects thrown in his direction. When that was followed up by an energy attack that left him bruised and battered, he knew he had to take off the kid's gloves.

The mutant pulled himself out of the rubble, groaning. His hand-paws began to crackle with electricity once again.

"So this is how you hunters want to play, huh? If you're not willing to see reason… then I have no choice!"

The invaders had some powers and tricks up their sleeves, but Talon was no slouch in a fight. He fired off lightning bolts and used flight to maintain distance until he was ready to pounce. The gargoyles ran off by this point, leaving only him and them.

"NINJAS- ATTACK!" the leader screamed, right before passing out. Blue energy started to crackle around his hands.

Were they superheroes? Supervillains? Talon would've loved to sit down and talk through this misunderstanding, but the female ninja was out for blood. She screamed that ridiculously-named attack yet again as he dropped to the floor, feeling the heat pass over his back as the wave demolished part of a wall.

Talon retaliated with an electrically-charged kick, sweeping his leg out to knock the ninja off of her feet. She was a lot more agile than the average thug he was used to tangling with, managing to not only dodge, but balance on his leg long enough to kick Talon in the face.

His short-lived stint as a bodyguard rarely had him up against any opponents who could really fight back, and in the years he had taken to guarding the Labyrinth, the number of foes who presented a challenge were few and far between.

That just meant he had to start fighting dirty.

He grabbed one of the abandoned tables and swung it like a baseball bat, knocking the weird clown ninja out of a dropkick. He was taken completely off guard and tumbled through the air, crashing through a window and the multitude of filing cabinets behind it.

Two down, two to go.

As Talon's stance shifted and he launched several lightning bolts at the ninja, he didn't see the multiple pairs of red eyes that were gathering in the distance.


"Hold it!"

A bright spotlight appeared in the middle of the abandoned lab! At the center of the room were a trio of short, humanoid cats in cybernetic armor! The light stunned the feral gargoyle clones, interrupting their sneak attack on the weakened heroes!

"We know this sort of meet-and-greet is a superhero tradition!" the tall one in purple armor bearing a saber said.

"So that's why we're calling for a change of script!" the robotic cat woman with black and pink armor complemented by a whip continued.

The last member, a short cat in a yellow armored baseball uniform, took out his twin revolvers and spun them both at the same time for dramatic effect!

"How's about we cut to the good part, and do a temporary team-up to beat up these banditos before they gang up on you first?"

Talon and the ninjas looked around. They were surrounded, and beating on each other more wasn't going to change that fact.

"What are you, super cats?" Bingurre asked in sheer confusion.

"Nope!" They shouted as a group. "We're the New York Pizza Cats!"

"What, ya need us to start the team-up?" the yellow one asked in a sarcastic drawl. "Pizza Cats, let's set an example!"

Not waiting for a definitive answer, the New York Pizza Cats jumped into the fray with elegant fencing, wild lashes, and suppressive fire! It didn't take much convincing afterwards to follow their cue, the battle swiftly coming to an end after everyone banded together and pushed back against the tide of clones. They were driven away, back into the darkness of the sewer tunnels.

"We did it," Jing-Jing said with restrained cheer. There were affirmations from the others with the same amount of excitement. After gauntlet after gauntlet of fighting, the ninjas were ready to pass out from exhaustion.

"That was too close," Talon replied. He too was panting, taxed past his limit in spite of his enhanced stamina.

"Is no one else going to question this?" Jumong asked.

"Jumong, don't be rude!" Jing-Jing replied.

"You should know by now we take these things in stride."

There was a cough from Tobe on the ground.


"It takes more than being electrocuted to keep down my fighting spirit!" Tobe said. He then bowed respectfully to the Pizza Cats. "I thank you for bringing our disparate groups together!"

"Together?" the purple one asked.

"Yes. The ninjas and the cat people." Talon gave Tobe a look. "Is that not why you were sent here? To spread a message of peace and unity?"

The baseball ninja pizza cat shook his head and handed Tobe a bill.

"Actually, you tried to dine and dash. Does El Gato Italiano ring a bell?"

"You followed us underground for weeks?" Bingurre asked. "For a bill?"

"It's only been an hour tops," Jing-Jing replied. "Tobe, did you bring your DoofCard?"

"Never leave home without it!" Tobe replied. He then pulled out a black credit card that, as it was melted by an electric blast, broke up into smoldering chunks of plastic when he tried to run it through their card reader.

The pizza cats looked at the ninjas expectantly. The ninjas looked at Talon in turn.

"Oh no. Noooooo. You're not getting money off of me!"

"But you did electrocute our leader out of nowhere!" Binggure tried to make puppy dog eyes, but the effect was greatly diminished by the clown makeup.

Talon sighed deeply. "Fine. How much do I owe you?"

The female pizza cat in black and pink whispered the amount to him. He didn't look happy with the number.

"I'll cover it this time, but don't come back to the Labyrinth. Ever."

Tobe was satisfied with that. They shook hands with Talon and the Pizza Cats before departing from the New York sewer maze. After paying for a delivery fee for directions, of course.

"At least that's the last we'll see of cats with superpowers. Now home to Doofania!"


Miles away, David Xanatos took a sip from his coffee as he watched a strange scene unfold on the computer monitor. Apparently, Dr. Doofenshmirtz had seen fit to send 'infiltrators' into 'his' city and try to set up an intelligence network therein. All in all, a bold effort, even if he did see it coming from a mile away.

Honestly, it was a touch passe. Perhaps it was a bit churlish, but after Doofenshmirtz had actually managed to get under his skin once or twice, he expected a higher standard. He might not be able to predict the exact form of chaos the Doctor's minions would find themself creating but chaos, when you got right down to it, could be rather predictable. Not to mention entertaining.

Xanatos allowed himself a smirk as he examined the pitched battle going on beneath his city. Having to be bailed out of a fight by some of the most obscure vigilantes in the five boroughs was certainly one of the more amusing outcomes he could've predicted. It was technically not a good use of his time to be watching this fight personally. But Xanatos understood the necessity of relaxation time.


Tobe and his Vagabonds have failed to infiltrate New York! The two months they were there were a massive waste of time!

The DC for infiltrating New York has increased.

You met a Pizza Cats franchise? What is with you and cats?


You look over the small mountain of bills sitting on your desk.

"There's a story behind whoever bought this much pizza. It better be a complicated evil plan of some sort, or I will be very upset."
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May/June 2017 Rival Reports
Xanatos Enterprises
[ ] Offer to purchase climate tech from Doofenshmirtz

Mirage has let you know your good pal David has come to you with an offer! Apparently he's interested in that climate technology you managed to develop a while back, and rather than try to reverse-engineer it himself, he's willing to pay you a tidy sum for the rights. You wonder what it's for!

Offer: 3 Income for access to Climate Controlled Environments

Do you take Xanatos' offer?
[ ] Agree
[ ] Decline
[ ] Make a Counter-Offer
-[ ] Write-In

[ ] Research immersive VR with ENCOM
DC 130
Decent Success

The Parvati System has undergone sweeping changes in the past few months as ENCOM and Drakktech continue to improve upon it. Already hailed as revolutionary, this virtual reality console has made significant steps towards mitigating the issues that have plagued VR in the past, such as steep costs to entry and symptoms of motion sickness. Multiple game studios are developing titles for the system set to release around Christmas of the following year, and rumors from inside ENCOM whisper of even further improvements to the immersion; to the point of truly "going inside the game".

[ ] Steal lots of chemicals
DC 120
Critical Success!

When the government wasn't looking, Negaduck stole forty trucks full of chemicals. In addition to copious amounts of benzene, propanone, and terebenthine, he has also taken large quantities of precursor chemicals that could be used to synthesize all sorts of unpleasant things… or maybe just drugs. Either way, that's terrible.

This doesn't have that much to do with you, but you'll admit it is starting to get rather worrying to see Negaduck doing another concerning, scary thing every month or two. You could look into it you suppose, although you doubt it will be easy.

Investigate Negaduck's Plan Intrigue Action unlocked!

The Circle
[ ] Conduct San Fransokyo beautification
DC 100

The Circle, a community in San Fransokyo known for its devotion to the public, recently attempted to beautify San Fransokyo without much success. Their attempts to reduce pollution, homelessness, and graffiti ultimately went nowhere, but a lot of people noticed the group out and about, attracting more attention than they've had in a while.

This… reminds you of some report you got from Max a while back, that mentioned a 'group of nutters' in San Fransokyo. Maybe you want to look into it?

'Investigate the San Fransokyo Cult' DC reduced! DC revealed as 110!

Faiseurs de Rois
[ ] Distribute superpowers
DC 110
75+28+26+20 (???)+5=154
Great Success

An exclusive group of "power brokers" has been making waves in the US by offering the ultimate prize to the highest bidders: Superhuman abilities. There's plenty of cause to be skeptical about the stories, but enough people are talking about friends of friends taking up devastating loans, vanishing under dodgy circumstances, and being caught committing or stopping crimes in costumes months later that the news is running with the idea that it's real. The level of trial and error involved in trying to artificially produce powers on purpose is downright agonizing. You know that from experience! If someone cracked a way to do it reliably (if expensively), it really is newsworthy.

Gwen Grayson
[ ] Enact Sky High Audit
DC 60
Accountable Success!

Rumors abound of an in-depth internal audit of Sky High's staff and curriculum. Judging by the covers of the newsletters Mirage leaves on her desk, it's likely a fair few tenures are going to be cut short soon. For her part, Gwen Grayson has publicly assured investors that this will not affect the coming school year.

[ ] Build ???
DC 110
Decent Success

Glomgold has been working on a new construction project over the past few months. Very little is known about what he's working on aside from it being on the site of former prison Aquatraz.

[ ] Reach out to Doof on an issue
DC 70
Great Success

Olympia has approached you with an offer: they're interested in sponsoring a superhero, and the one they have in mind is none other than your former employee, Hego! According to Winston Deavor, he sees great potential in the man and wants to officially take him under a corporate sponsorship! Since Hego was publicly known to work with DEI in the past, they were hoping you would… introduce them. You get the sense he'll probably try even if you don't, but it's an open question if he could even find the man.

Do you help Hego meet with Winston?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No

[ ] Collaborate with Doof on an OS
DC 120

Cyrus Bortel was a little concerned about a collaboration with DEI, and so he was very pleased to have a non-supervillain to work with, his employer notwithstanding. He and Alan got along very well, and along with a crack team of interns, managed to produce a perfectly functioning OS. Compared to the monolith that is ENCOM and rising star Waddle it'll only have a small part of the market share… but it's far better than the current state that DoofOS is in. Bortel wanted nothing to do with the 'eldritch mess of spaghetti code' that your former OS was, so if you want to make it reverse compatible, you'll have to do it on your own time. Furthermore, Olympia has summarily vetoed every iteration of a name with 'Doof' or 'Inator' as part of it, leaving you with only a few that you could agree on:

Pick a name for your new collaborative OS:
[ ] DaedalOS
[ ] IcarOS
[ ] ChaOS

Your new OS will grant 2 Income per year!

[ ] Form a research agreement with Doof
DC 140 (Reduced by XP)
Decent Success

To be continued in Interlude: Tutelage

Judge Doom
[ ] Announce Flying Sentinels
DC 120
Decent Success

Finally embracing the future and the potential of the technology, Doom has announced a new line of Sentinel luxury vehicles. What better way to avoid traffic than in style? The Sentinel 280 flying sports car and Sentinel 400 flying limo will be available for civilian purchase in the coming months. The announcement was punctuated by the Sentinel sponsor, the Frank Sinatra android, driving away from the event with a robotic Rat Pack in a flying limo of their own. Apparently the old specter has enough of a smooth side to convince Sinatron to play spokesman. Or maybe he just has some blackmail on him.

Middleton Drug Cartel
[ ] Sell more drugs, baby
DC 80
Critical Success!

The arrival of actual, genuine superpowers for hire on the national scene has led to a massive boom for the various super-drugs gaining popularity across the country. Everybody wants the high of flying for a few minutes if they can get it, and Shego's utter failure to control the drug ring running rampant across her lands has poised them perfectly. They must be making a killing. Thankfully, there hasn't been much of a push for them in Doofania due to your more proactive policies and the constant state of insanity your criminal element operates in.

Outside of that, people are showing up shooting lightning from their hands all over the country, with the results one would generally expect giving complete novices access to unreliable and unpredictable bootleg drug powers. Then there was the headline you saw about a musclebound psycho bouncing here, and there, and everywhere, inflicting property damage and grievous bodily harm that's beyond compare.

Khan Industries
[ ] Undertake Khan Air contract with USAF
DC 100
Decent Success

In another measure to rebuild goodwill with the US government after their Thembrian fusion power blunder, Shere Khan has quietly ensured that Cape Suzette offers the use of its elite fighter planes (All Khan Industries models, naturally) in aggressor roles during live Air Force combat exercises. This isn't totally out of the kindness of their hearts -- these "red air" contracts are quite profitable -- but Mr. Khan has brought forward a variety of planes to better test the skills of the American pilots.

Overall, the training exercise went as expected. The US fighter pilots tested their mettle against Khan's own top-notch aces, with both parties leaving the exchange more experienced for it. The Khan Industries planes were showcased in a public event afterwards, allowing military and private concerns to see footage of the combat exercises and the planes' price tags.

Don Karnage
[ ] Pillage & plunder the West Coast
DC 90

Shere Khan isn't the only one testing air forces as of recent. The infamous air pirate Don Karnage has taken his flagship carrier, the Iron Vulture, on a tour up and down the West Coast USA. Unfortunately for him, the US Air Force had a few things to say about that, successfully fending off the majority of his assaults on noteworthy targets and leaving the canine empty pawed.

Mark Beaks
[ ] Collect on insurance
DC 90
Spectacular Success

Mark Beaks has successfully collected insurance for the Waddle HQ arson, giving him the funds to build another headquarters that he declares will be "even better than the last one." He promises new employee break rooms, smoothie bars, and an advanced fire suppression system that should nip any prospective arsonists in the bud. Despite this it's going to take a while to finish, and even the logical payout of an insurance contract can't ruin your good mood as you think about that stupid parrot having to rough it with only a 4G internet connection. Beaks has seen a large outpouring of sympathy on social media for the perpetrator of this vile deed, leading him to...

[ ] Investigate who did this
DC 140

Mark Beaks' crowdsourced campaign to find the perpetrator behind the Waddle Arson was completely unsuccessful. The investigation stalled after the police failed to find a reliable witness to the crime, leaving it a mystery still. Beaks has an open bounty of one million WaddleDollars for any information that will aid authorities in solving the case: This has the approximate value of a dozen licensed songs, some of last year's blockbuster movies on digital, and a few more extra lives in a mobile puzzle game via in-app purchases.

You're not particularly concerned.

[ ] Improve LEGACY security
DC 150
Great Success

Once again, ENCOM has pushed out another security update for their Legacy system that somehow avoided crashing and burning. Seemingly learning from their previous mistakes, ENCOM's devotion to security has ensured that Legacy is virtually impregnable. CEO Ed Dillinger appeared in a press conference touting the new update and declaring system security to be ENCOM's greatest priority for the foreseeable future.

Wizard Sports
[ ] Promote the Puppy Bowl
DC 70

Popular broadcaster Wizard Sports has unveiled an incredible new sensation in the world of sports- dogs that play basketball! To the confusion and amazement of all, The Wizard seems to have done it again, producing an entertainment extravaganza as literal, actual, non-anthropomorphic dogs play literal, actual basketball with teams and rules and everything. What a time to be alive.

Square Enix
[ ] Release Verum Rex
DC 90
Amazing Critical Success!

The long-awaited new title from Japanese company Square Enix released to unprecedented acclaim. Boasting over a billion dollars in sales their first month, action-RPG Verum Rex has already earned critical acclaim for its innovative mechanics and captivating world. The games released simultaneously on the PlayPlus, PC, and in a move that was expected to be a disaster but has proven inexplicably successful, new VR platform Parvati. Copy sales suggest Verum Rex is likely to join the best selling games of all time, and a franchise is likely inevitable.

[ ] KConsolidate KControl of the Doofanian Underworld

[ ] Contest control of the Doofanian Underworld

Candace Flynn
[ ] Bust your brothers
DC 999
Completely Expected Critical Failure!

That weird teenager who stalks your interns was snooping around the other day. Nothing really came of it after her mom dragged her off. Apparently this is normal? You hope her mom decided to look into that therapist.

[ ] Torment Doofenshmirtz
DC 40
Critical Success!

You received an absolutely infuriating email- from 'Agent K', no less- showing that hairless lilac tabby grinning malevolently at you as he eats caviar straight from a wine glass. The rest of the picture shows a beautiful sunset over New York City.

This… this really didn't do anything to you, but it sure does make you upset!


Random Event Roll: 43
??? steals the Declaration of Independence

You heard a strange news report about some delusional madman breaking into the National Archives and stealing the literal, actual Declaration of Independence. This really doesn't apply to you, but it's… kinda interesting? At least it gave those mean old Feds a black eye.


Do you take Xanatos' offer?
[ ] Agree
[ ] Decline
[ ] Make a Counter-Offer
-[x] Write-In

Do you help Hego meet with Winston?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No

Pick a name for your new collaborative OS:
[ ] DaedalOS
[ ] IcarOS
[ ] ChaOS

Which inator do you want to activate?

[ ] The Rain-Food-inator (Lose 3 income and some public opinion)

[ ] The Equivalent Exchange-inator (One random, successful action becomes a crit success, one random action becomes a crit fail.)

There will be a twelve hour moratorium on voting.
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Interlude: Tutelage
"Ok, are the P-values ready?" little known inventor and children's entertainment star Wendy 'Wower' asked, looking up from sheaves of data.

"Yes, I just finished." Trevor Trengrove, father of modern AI, said. "The most replicable variable appears to be-"

"Time." Wendy said, looking over the data with interest. "Compared to the control, experimental groups displayed increased processing speed, reduced need for operator involvement, and most notably, significantly higher performance in adapting to edge cases not perfectly matching their core programming. All it took was… experience."

"So robots what, grow up?" Trengrove asked skeptically.

"It's not that far-fetched." Wendy replied, beginning to pace and leaving Trevor following along in her wake. "Modern AI has a lot to do with the human brain, I de-" Wendy cut herself off. "I mean… Funtelligence designed them that way."

"I…" Trevor began, but Wendy cut him off before he could continue.

"They're self-learning, even if they're not as good at it as Omnidroids are. It seems like the longer they exist and the more stimuli they're exposed to, the better they get."

"Like… like time to ferment." Trengrove said slowly, long-ago memories of banjos and overalls bubbling to the surface.

"Yes, yes exactly!" Wendy cheered, moment of malaise forgotten. "That's brilliant Trevor, that's exactly what I mean."

"Y-yeah." Trengrove said. "I'm brilliant. Came up with it… just now, hah! So uh… have we cracked it?"

"We've cracked something." Wendy replied. "There's a lot we still don't understand, not least why physical robots somehow develop far faster than the same system in a virtual machine. There's room for a lot more research. The reason this was so hard to manage was the sheer number of other variables we needed to control for. There's a lot that still isn't explained. Especially with the most impressive cases…"


"I am fully capable of applying my functions to novel stimuli. You would be surprised how useful psychological training is when plotting bank robberies!" Technor declared.


"Hello! I am Norm!"

"Hi Norm!" Wendy replied cheerfully. "I'm trying to learn more about how robots work. How would you feel about playing kickball with me?"

"Boy howdy would I!" Norm said happily. His leg immediately popped off, rocketing across the room on jet boosters and slamming into the ball still held in Wendy's hand. The ball crashed into the wall and burst on contact, leaving rubber scraps embedded within the indentation the foot had left.

"...Oops." Wendy said.

"I'm bad at this!" Norm said, lowering his cheerfulness to an unheard of 8/10 on the scale.


"...let's just say age alone doesn't explain discrepancies."

"Even so, this is a breakthrough!" Trengove crowed. "I don't even have to do anything to make my robots better besides breaking them in a bit before shipping! Two months in a mock factory and I can turn any robot I want into a 'premium' model, they'll pay out the nose for it!"

"That's… great." Wendy said after a moment. "I'm… happy for you."

"Oh, um." Trengrove rubbed the back of his neck. "Of course, DEI will receive their share of the profits, in keeping with our agreements…"

"Right. Right." Wendy said. "I uh… I should get going."

"Of course, of course, busy woman, I'm sure. Lots of… children's shows to do." Trengrove paused for a moment, and then visibly winced. "I…"

"It was… nice to work with you again Trevor." Wendy said. "I'm sure Doofenshmirtz would approve of more collaborations."

"I… uh… yeah. Yeah." Trengrove stuttered. "I'll… see you around."

Trengrove's smile was not very convincing. But at least it lasted until she was out the door and the lights were off.


"Why?!?" Trengrove screamed, slamming himself down onto the lab counter. Discarded wires and servos rattled. "I don't understand! She should hate me! I took everything from her! Why doesn't she…"

Trengrove took a few uneasy breaths, head cradled in his hands.

"You can't keep doing this, Trengrove." He said to himself. "Every year I make more enemies. More people who know what I've done. More people who'd love my head on a pike. The lies! So many lies! One day this whole tower is going to collapse and then…"

Trengrove attempted to blink away whatever he was seeing. A few small, black specks scuttled at the edge of his vision. A strange skittering filled Trengrove's ears.

"I should just go." Trengrove said. "Face the music, end this farce. Before…"

The black spots were not going away. In fact, there seemed to be more of them. A trail of dark, glistening material leading to…

"Am I interrupting something?"

The figure was simply there. Thousands of long black strands crossed one half of the room, twisting together into a small pillar on which there was a man. Black melded into black. The figure, the metal, the shadows of the room… one would be hard pressed to say where one ended and the others began. The only spot of color was the mask, pure white, lines of bright red across its brow and cheeks.

"Aa-! Oh. It's you." Trengrove said, sounding not at all relieved.

"A crisis of faith, I take it?" The Yokai asked, a hint of synthesization occluding his voice. Slowly his black pillars carried him across the room, shifting him into a lazy spiral around the man below him.

"Ahaha, well. You know how those long nights can get, and you know, I- it's not a big deal, I'll be fine, really-"

"Just think of the good we can do, Trengrove. We can't give up now." The Yokai said grimly. "If we stopped now, all of this would be for nothing."

Trengrove gulped. "R-right you are sir. If uh… if you want to take a look at my results-"

"I already have. I'm impressed." The Yokai replied. "This new insight will be invaluable. Your artificial intelligence is very important Trengrove. We'll need more brilliant minds than even this city can produce if we're to make real change."

"We're… we're doing good?" Trengrove asked timidly.

The Yokai paused. After a moment his whole body snapped sinuously around, coming to rest directly in Trengrove's face.


"R-right." Trengrove replied. "How uh… how are the Cogs doing good, exactly?"

"A distasteful… but necessary step." The Yokai replied with a rumbling sigh. "The algorithms needed a field test if they were ever to protect anything. Our other resources were utilizing the Triads to their fullest, and we did not then possess the opportunities we have now."

"...Opportunities?" Trengrove asked.

The Yokai studied Trengrove for a moment.

"Keep an eye on Liv, will you?" The Yokai asked.


"She's more upset than usual about something, even if she thinks I don't notice."


"Think about it." The Yokai lectured like a proctor at his podium. "Miss Amara is a geneticist of the highest order. For months now, the city has been plagued by monsters."


"Where do you think they came from?"

"...Oh." Trengrove said after a moment.

"Full marks." The Yokai said in satisfaction. "You may soon have a better means of training your algorithms. Peacekeeper and the others using Bakaemono technology would welcome the help if it came from city hall, I'm sure. You'll engage with no more unpalatable allies. Make what agreements you want. If further sacrifice is necessary, I'll do it myself."

"I… thank you sir."

"Just keep up the good work." The Yokai said, in a tone that might have seemed indulgent, coming from someone else.

Trevor could never really be sure when the Yokai was gone. The figure simply faded into the darkness. His empty smile put up a valiant effort for several minutes until he collapsed at a table once again.

"I can't keep doing this…"

Trevor picked up his phone and scheduled a very long vacation.


You gain 2 Income as DEI and Funtelligence introduce new premium robotics models.
'Algorithmic Priming' upgrade unlocked for Normbots!
'Research Emergent AI' Action unlocked!
Trevor Trengrove is overwhelmed by crippling guilt! Further interaction with Funtelligence has the potential to change the situation rapidly.
Wendy Wower's current opinion of you: 5
July/August 2017
Your DOOFQUEST HERO CARDS for this round are JACK HENCH, 🤖 Q1-11, 🎭🎬 RUBBER CHICKEN, 🐰🎭 SHADOW GUY, and 🕵️ SHORYU!

Laser Pirate has informed you that the codes for the digitizer, Project Lumines, were acquired by a comestibles firm named Emerald Solanaceae! He gave you an address somewhere in Cleveland, former home of industry. You are fairly certain they have it, though some of the things Norm said make you feel a bit questionable about all this for some reason. You may now Write-In your approach toward proceeding!

[x] Make a Counter-Offer

-[x] Consult Mirage on how much this tech is actually worth and follow her recommendation

Doofenshmirtz Negotiation Roll:


Opposed Negotiation Roll:

Critical Failure!

Mirage may be a pretty skilled diplomat, but it's become clear that David is in another league entirely. Trying to get more out of Xanatos was like getting your teeth pulled with a very personable dentist. While you weren't able to get any more money from him, you were able to wring out one concession: monthly get-togethers!

Every month or two, you and the biggest man on the East Coast will be getting together to chat about your lives and be good, personable friends~ Just think of all the cool stuff you could find out!

You gain 3 Income.

Xanatos will be aware of a few random actions you take each turn that would normally be hidden unless searched for.

[X] Introduce Winston to Hego

Things with Hego and Winston apparently went good! You didn't want to pry but from the sounds of things they hit it off. Hero or not, you hope Hego has a bright future ahead of him.

[ ] Outfit your PMC with power armor

DC 150

Now that you've got the basics of power armor down, you can start mass production to outfit members of your PMC. While the suits won't be as great as your own- or even what the military has, according to what you've read online- it'll still greatly increase their effectiveness and even enable them to keep up with some lower-tier capes.

(Reward: PMC effectiveness increased)

[ ] Reorganize your PMC

DC 170

Your PMC has grown ever since you first established it, with those troops from Mendel-Gruman, some actual Mongols, and whatever other recruits offered to sign up. You need to reorganize it into some distinct divisions to prevent confusion and even get some more things done!

(Reward: Second Martial action unlocked per turn)

[ ] Form a black ops group
DC 90, four capes required
Sometimes you need to be a little more subtle than a group of armored goons marching down the street, and for that, you need superpowers. Or technology so advanced it comes off like superpowers, you're not one of those power/anti-power bigots. Recruit a couple noteworthy individuals and stick them together on a team, then go ahead and make sure they actually get along!

In this instance, "cape" refers to anyone of a heroic or villainous leaning who isn't afraid of going out and getting some field work done, making judgements on the fly, or possibly getting their hands dirty. Hego would be considered a cape, while Norm would not.

(Reward: Black Ops Team established, Team will function as a Hero Unit with better stats than any single hero; can use team to undertake special actions)

[ ] Upgrade Norm Prime

DC 100

You've made some improvements to your AI since you last upgraded Norm, so you might as well make sure he's as cutting edge as he can be. The more Norm-relevant technologies you have on hand, the more you will be able to pack into a single upgrade action. However, the DC of the task will also increase slightly for each new technology.

(Reward: Improve Norm Prime)

Current Technologies: Energy Weapons

[ ] Upgrade Normbots to current standard

DC 75

You've come up with a few upgrades that should bring your Normbots to a higher level. Right now they're getting the job done but they could always be improved. It might be difficult to rotate them out as you improve them while still maintaining law and order, but it's definitely possible with the right person in charge. You already have the technology!

(Reward: Normbots upgraded to current standard, Normbot efficacy increased)

Current Technologies: 'Algorithmic Priming'

[ ] Assault a rival
DCs variable

Simply finding out what they're doing is no longer enough! Send your more violence-oriented people in to cause some damage in enemy territory, hopefully without anyone noticing they are there. Beware! Some enterprising enemies may trace the attack back to you!

[ ] Choose any known King or Prince to attack

-[ ] Mark Beaks

So you can't sue him. Fine. You'll think of something else.

[ ] Write in the nature of the attack


[ ] Explode Doomtown Cog Factories

DC 110

[ ] Halt Seth Supplies Co Shipments

DC 140

[ ] Capture a few Sky High Graduates

DC 125

[ ] Deface the remains of Waddle Inc corporate headquarters

DC 80

Once you have a clear target and goal in mind, the QM will respond with the DC the attempt would require, unless it would be secret.

[ ] Perform Supervillainy
DC 85

Most of your evil schemes tended to focus on the acquisition of the Tri-State Area, but now that you've accomplished that lifelong goal it's time to look into some other options. Without any better ideas, you could always just search Knowsmore for anything 'extremely valuable and heavily guarded', and tell someone to steal it. That should tide you over for now.

(Reward: Income increase, increased cred in rogue and villain community, risk of reduced government or public opinion, ???; some hero units may dislike this. Nature of the assault depends on hero unit assigned.)

[ ] Recruit from your rolodex

DC variable

You've kept the contact information of certain noteworthy individuals in your rolodex, either people you've spoken to about employment in the past or people who you know in passing somehow. Perhaps by reaching out to them you can try and recruit some of them? They may refuse to work with you, or some of them might be off the market- the industry is a competitive one, after all!

(For clarity's sake, this means each hero unit below has a hidden % chance they're no longer available when you try to hire them.)

(Reward: Choice of one hero unit from the hero cards. Some units may not be available.)

[ ]
Professional thief and underworld sushi chef that you're sure has multiple federal crimes under her belt.

Pragmatism: High

Quirkiness: Low

Instability: Medium

Tolerance for Nonsense: Low

Sushi Quality: Exceptional

[ ]
Freelance mesmerist supervillain with a strong Silver Age vibe. Government gets antsy around mind-control and she knows it; limits her crimes to acceptable levels.

Pragmatism: High

Quirkiness: Low

Instability: Low

Tolerance for Nonsense: Medium

Petty Theft: Continual

Favorite TV Show: Hollywood Squares

[ ]
Grouchy fireball and son of a famous supervillain. Would really prefer you not call him 'Prince Pyrus'.

Pragmatism: High

Quirkiness: Very Low

Instability: Fiery

Tolerance for Nonsense: Low

Bluntness: Very High

[ ]
Atomic Hound. Loyal, true, good with kids, emits harmful particles. Should probably not be left unsupervised.

Pragmatism: Medium

Quirkiness: Very High

Instability: Medium

Tolerance for Nonsense: High

Pupper: Rare

Geiger Counter: Sadly necessary

[ ]
San-Fran Cape interested in collaboration with an Unknown Agent. Genre Savvy. Frequently Wrong Genre Savvy.

Pragmatism: Low

Quirkiness: Very High

Instability: Medium

Tolerance for Nonsense: Astronomical

Captain Fancy Original Run Collection: Nearly Complete

[ ]
A real go-getter whose exposure to mutagenic soda caused her to become half girl, half buzzsaw. Don't ask us, that's what the paper says. Former Defender of Dynatron City.

Pragmatism: Low

Quirkiness: Medium

Instability: Low

Tolerance for Nonsense: Medium

Heavy Equipment Certified: Yes

[ ]
Former member of The Pack with minimal interest in returning to his former associates. Known to have picked up a few unusual tricks since the old days.

Pragmatism: Low

Quirkiness: Medium

Instability: Low

Tolerance for Nonsense: Medium

Nanomachines: Son

[ ]
Triple threat of geisha enforcers. Last seen working for Yama.

Pragmatism: Low

Quirkiness: Medium

Instability: Low

Tolerance for Nonsense: Medium

Fashion Sense: Uncivil

[ ]
Felonious feline-themed cat burglar well-versed in all things cat.

Pragmatism: Low

Quirkiness: Medium

Instability: Low

Tolerance for Nonsense: Medium

Cat Whispering: Maximum

[ ]
Genius engineer whose obsession with all things fast and wild has caused him to become a supervillain. Only buys from the Planet Tool hardware store.

Pragmatism: Low

Quirkiness: Medium

Instability: High

Tolerance for Nonsense: Medium

Catchphrase: "Seriously"

[ ]
Notoriously violent speed demon and St. Canard escapee. Wanted for vigilantism in several states.

Pragmatism: High

Quirkiness: Low

Instability: Low

Tolerance for Nonsense: Low

Go Fast: Gotta

[ ]
Country-fried hero whose exposure to mutagentic soda allows him to use his head as a projectile weapon. Former Defender of Dynatron City.

Pragmatism: Very Low

Quirkiness: High

Instability: Low

Tolerance for Nonsense: Extremely High

Head Shape: Pointy

[ ]
Grounded, street-level vigilante who fights with trick arrows and other handy devices shaped like arrows.

Pragmatism: High

Quirkiness: Low

Instability: Low

Tolerance for Nonsense: Medium

Accuracy: 100%

[ ]
Living toolbox that was transformed into a robot with a hammer for a face. Former Defender of Dynatron City.

Pragmatism: Medium

Quirkiness: Medium

Instability: Low

Tolerance for Nonsense: High

Sharpness: Adequate

[ ]
Mutant dynamo with flight and bursts of electricity. Former Defender of Dynatron City, and the one with the least bizarre gimmick.

Pragmatism: Medium

Quirkiness: Low

Instability: Low

Tolerance for Nonsense: Medium

Preferred Current: AC

[ ]
Camera-shy, cryptid-themed hero who is attracted to crime like a Non-Man-Moth to a flame.

Pragmatism: High

Quirkiness: Medium

Instability: Medium

Tolerance for Nonsense: Medium

Additional Secrets: REDACTED

[ ]
Supposed Arch-Nemesis of Boss Awesome and sultan of steam power. Don't get him started on millennials.

Pragmatism: Can We Use Negative Numbers? He's not pragmatic but for exactly inverse reasons.

Quirkiness: Very High

Instability: Medium

Tolerance for Nonsense: Actively Required

Steam: Punk

[ ]
Surprisingly Russian ninja master who does private tutoring and ninja consultation.

Pragmatism: High

Quirkiness: Low

Instability: Low

Tolerance for Nonsense: Medium

Ninja Rank: Jounin

[ ]
Artistic acrobat from Lyontreal with unparalleled infiltration abilities and a passing resemblance to a San Fransokyan boogeyman.

Pragmatism: Medium

Quirkiness: Medium

Instability: Low

Tolerance for Nonsense: Very Low

Frenchness: 150%

Hoops: Jumped Through

[ ]
Calisotan mutant with a level of elasticity above and beyond the normal chicken. He has practically opted to become a private eye.

Pragmatism: Medium

Quirkiness: Medium

Instability: Low

Tolerance for Nonsense: Medium

Cowardliness: Above Average

[ ]
Avant-garde artistic villain known for power over paintings and spontaneous criminal acts against those who offend her artistic sensibilities.

Pragmatism: Very High

Quirkiness: High

Instability: Very High

Tolerance for Nonsense: High

Taste in Art: Eclectic

[ ] Officially Rejoin the US Government

DC 170

Okay. So. Apparently a lot of people are upset about the whole 'tin pot dictator in the middle of the country' thing. You suppose you might possibly try to technically officially rejoin the Union in order to calm them down. The downside is, of course, that sort of, kind of, technically, you wouldn't be Supreme Ruler of the Tri-State Area anymore?

Technor did raise some good points about your inferiority complex manifesting itself in negative ways, and the government is back to full strength… but still, do you really want to give this up? You'll really need to think about this.

Note that the DC for this roll represents not convincing the government or other parties to agree to it, but getting Doofenshmirtz to consider the idea in the first place.

(Reward: Massive opinion boost with the federal government, reduction in pro-federal loyalty maluses)

[ ] Reach out to Glomgold
DC 70
The richest duck in the world is predictably pompous. While he's not the type of guy you'd invite to lunch he knows his way around a corporate boardroom, a trait which could be invaluable in a collaboration. Besides, both of you are known for your love of eccentric expenditures! On the other hand, he's notoriously greedy and might end up stiffing you in the end.

(Reward: Establish contact with Glomgold, ???)

[ ] Reach out to Shere Khan

DC 70

Shere Khan's corporate empire is a lot more subtle than most of your fellow corporate overlords. Instead of consolidating in a few states or cities, his company is based in a single tax haven and from there spreads out across the world to maintain a stranglehold on the world's oil and shipping lanes, as well as the forefront of the world's newest energy sector.

(Reward: Establish contact with Shere Khan, ???)

[ ] Reach out to Bellwether

DC 120

So it turns out there's this really friendly looking sheep that runs Zootopia now! You hadn't really paid it much mind before, but now that she's started taking actions on the national stage, maybe there's a reason to get in contact. It can't be too hard right? Well, then again, your track record with small animals is not the best…

(Reward: Establish contact with Bellwether, ???)

[ ] Reach out to Magical New York

DC 95

The center of the magical world in America is undoubtedly New York. You've already met some of the movers and shakers, but establishing an official line with whoever runs the place on paper would certainly prove useful. Apparently that's someone called a 'Patrician'.

(Reward: Establish contact with the 'Patrician of the Magus Bazaar')

[ ] Campaign for Flubber

DC 220

Flubber is an undeniably useful tool, but it's got one heck of a bad reputation among the general public. Not surprising considering how most people believe it to be responsible for the destruction of an entire island chain. While this is admittedly a concern, it's nowhere near as bad as the public has been led to believe. With some educational videos and a massive PR campaign, you should be able to reduce the effects of any of your further Flubber research.

Unfortunately Flubber seems to be back in the public eye again, and not in a good way. Ever since Judge Doom donated a big paycheck to a surprisingly legitimate charity foundation, public opinion of the exotic substance has been at an all-time low.

(Reward: Public opinion malus for Flubber actions greatly reduced)

[ ] Form a Research Agreement with the Government

DC 100/Variable

The Feds have all sorts of think tanks and research institutes and so on and such forths to learn and study and make bombs and whatever. But they've never seen genius quite like you!

-[ ] With the Imagination Institute

DC 85

The Imagination Institute is an organization formed to study 'the Anthrofictus genus and related sub-clades'. You're only about 70% sure what that means, but it sounds neat!

By taking this action, you will be able to collaborate with a King on an action they are interested in. You'll still have to take that action yourself, but you will receive the bonus of the king or one of their hero units (whichever is higher) on the relevant roll. Of course, you will have to share the spoils of your efforts as well…

The DC of this action is like that of Assault a Rival- once you suggest a specific issue to speak about, I'll estimate a DC for the following action for you.

[ ] Try to Collaborate with the Government on an Issue

DC 100/Variable

Foreign nations ally all the time, right? Sure, usually they don't contest each other's territory, but you can proooobably work that out. You have all sorts of things you could help the Feds with! You bet they'd want some Normbots!

By taking this action, you will be able to collaborate with a King on an action they are interested in. You'll still have to take that action yourself, but you will receive the bonus of the king or one of their hero units (whichever is higher) on the relevant roll. Of course, you will have to share the spoils of your efforts as well…

The DC of this action is like that of Assault a Rival- once you suggest a specific issue to speak about, I'll estimate a DC for the following action for you.

[ ] Form a Research Agreement with Shego

DC 90

You and Shego definitely both have some neat tech from the Sands gala that, now that you've managed to establish an actual relationship with her, she might be willing to trade for. Or she might even be willing to work together on something new!

By taking this action, you will be able to collaborate with a King on a research topic they are interested in. You'll still have to take that action yourself, but you will receive the bonus of the king or one of their hero units (whichever is higher) on the relevant roll. Of course, you will have to share the spoils of your efforts as well…

(Reward: Collaborative research action unlocked, Potential for improved relations)

[ ] Try to Collaborate With Shego on an Issue

DC 90/Variable

There's lots of problems you can think of that would be much easier to solve alongside a terrifying super woman with plasma hands. The hard part will be getting Shego to see it that way.

By taking this action, you will be able to collaborate with a King on an action they are interested in. You'll still have to take that action yourself, but you will receive the bonus of the king or one of their hero units (whichever is higher) on the relevant roll. Of course, you will have to share the spoils of your efforts as well…

The DC of this action is like that of Assault a Rival- once you suggest a specific issue to speak about, I'll estimate a DC for the following action for you.

-[ ] On the Drug Trade

(Unlocked action will have DC 230)

All these superpowered drugs have got you nervous. Now that you know the perpetrators are a lot more sophisticated than they let on, your concerns about them weaseling their way into your territory are back. Finding and dealing with their Wasteland safehouses will be a challenge, let alone getting to whoever's at the top, but maybe this would be a good chance to show Shego some genuine cooperation in dealing with a shared issue.

(Reward: Collaborative action unlocked, Potential for improved relations)

[ ] Form a Research Agreement with Xanatos

DC 90

Now that you've established formal relations between DEI and Xanatos Enterprises, it's probably time to take advantage of them. You like science, he has people that can like science for him... Set up another meeting with the man and see what you can get up to together!

By taking this action, you will be able to collaborate with a King on a research topic they are interested in. You'll still have to take that action yourself, but you will receive the bonus of the king or one of their hero units (whichever is higher) on the relevant roll. Of course, you will have to share the spoils of your efforts as well…

If this option succeeds, there will be a vote later on for specific collaboration options.

(Reward: Collaborative research action unlocked, Potential for improved relations)

[ ] Try to Collaborate With Xanatos on an Issue

DC Variable

There's definitely a lot going on in the world that affects you both. If you want to start building towards greater cooperation, it might be a good idea to talk to Xanatos about any potential issues you both face, or a possible point of conflict you'd like to nip in the bud.

By taking this action, you will be able to collaborate with a King on an action they are interested in. You'll still have to take that action yourself, but you will receive the bonus of the king or one of their hero units (whichever is higher) on the relevant roll. Of course, you will have to share the spoils of your efforts as well…

The DC of this action is like that of Assault a Rival- once you suggest a specific issue to speak about, I'll estimate a DC for the following action for you.

(Reward: Collaborative action unlocked, Potential for improved relations)

[ ] Form a Research Agreement with the Zaibatsu

DC 100

Now that you have links to each of the big three megacorps that dominate west coast production, you can take advantage of it to collaborate on whatever issue has you tied up in knots. Your cooperation will extend to whichever Zaibatzu is focused on the topic you are reaching out for- Bakaemono for robotics and electronics, Funtelligence for AI, or Sycorax for genetics.

By taking this action, you will be able to collaborate with a King on a research topic they are interested in. You'll still have to take that action yourself, but you will receive the bonus of the king or one of their hero units (whichever is higher) on the relevant roll. Of course, you will have to share the spoils of your efforts as well…

If this option succeeds, there will be a vote later on for specific collaboration options.

(Reward: Collaborative research action unlocked, Potential for improved relations)

[ ] Form a Research Agreement with Olympia

DC 75

Devtech originally made telecommunications, and as inheritors of Kronos they of course also master a wide variety of robotics. A collaboration in those areas would be fruitful.

By taking this action, you will be able to collaborate with a King on a research topic they are interested in. You'll still have to take that action yourself, but you will receive the bonus of the king or one of their hero units (whichever is higher) on the relevant roll. Of course, you will have to share the spoils of your efforts as well…

(Reward: Collaborative research action unlocked, Potential for improved relations)

[ ] Repair the power plant

DC 120

Those horrid little cats busted up your power plant, you can't believe it! Instead of a good old-fashioned nemesis battle they went and destroyed part of your city! That power conservation campaign your interns ran is the only thing standing between you and rolling brownouts. If this action isn't completed soon, there may be severe consequences!

(Reward: City partially repaired)

[ ] Repair Normbot hubs

DC 120

Your Normbot distribution and recharging centers were damaged in the Kataclysm (you're calling it that now, it sounds pretty cool) so you need to repair them before your city is back up and running at maximum efficiency. Normbots are 78% of your police department, which is kiiinda important! If this action isn't completed soon, there may be severe consequences!

(Reward: City partially repaired)

[ ] Revamp Bueno Nacho
DC 125

Bolton Gramercy managed the impossible and turned Bueno Nacho into a decent restaurant! All it took was the removal of every single recipe and piece of equipment inside the restaurant and a four-day fumigation. You're kind of looking at a 'Taco of Theseus' situation here, since barely anything other than the foundation is still original, but you'll take what you can get. Anyway, there's a lot of PR work to do to overcome the decades of bad press and chronic heartburn, and that falls on your shoulders.

(Reward: Bueno Nacho becomes a passable restaurant)

[ ] Implement Large Herbivore Exhibits

DC 120

All of the research is done, you just need to send someone out there and do it! Doofrasic Park will look awesome with gigantic exhibits of free-roaming brachiosauri! Brachiosaurus? Brachiopoedes! Brachipeople?

(Reward: Doofrasic Park income increases)

[ ] Make DoofOS compatible with DaedalOS

DC 120

As much as you hate to admit it, DoofOS is dead in the water. Fortunately your collaboration with Olympia bore fruit in the form of DaedalOS! It's not as impressively named or nearly as chaotic as your prior project, but with a bit of doing, you could make the two systems compatible.

(Reward: DaedalOS becomes reverse compatible with DoofOS)

[ ] Clear the name of Bonkers Bobcat

DC 120

This isn't quite as flashy as you'd expected. Instead of a huge courtroom battle with a lot of dramatic declarations and the true culprit being revealed, what you're going to get is a long, boring legal slog. You're mostly going to be providing Bonkers with financial and legal aid to ensure that he gets the fairest trial possible. That'll be difficult in Doomtown, but between your corporate influence and the extremely blatant framejob, you think you can pull it off.

[ ] Litigate against Mark Beaks

DC ???

This is probably a bad idea. Roger told you, Mirage told you, all of the bean counters told you, but you can't just sit by and let someone make fun of you like that! Take that stupid parrot to court and sue him for everything he owns!

(Reward: Lose ??? Income, ???)

[ ] Study Diecast Robotics

DC 130

Coyote and friends brought back a few scrapped robots from that terrible wasteland over in the Rust Belt. While their electronics are completely unrecoverable (you haven't seen that level of corrosion in electronics since… ever, really) you think you can still get some use out of them. According to the debriefing you read, there were thousands upon thousands of these things, seemingly churned out with little care or effort. While mass-producing a metal shell is certainly not beyond your capability, studying the little things seems to imply that the entire robot came out of the same one-press mold. That kind of efficiency could do wonders to your own supply lines, if you can just figure out how it works!

(Reward: Slight income increase from efficiency improvements, reduced DC of robotics-related actions)

[ ] Establish a Bakaemono Supply Chain

DC 90

Bakaemono has officially offered to begin supplying DEI with advanced materials manufacturing and production solutions. What this means under all the technical jargon is that they want to sell you circuit boards and actuators and pneumatics and all the other bits and bobs that go into making your Normbots, slightly alien coffee makers, and other large-scale inventions. While you're certainly capable of doing that yourself, Bakaemono is the recognized market leader, and has both the scale and the expertise to make outsourcing worth it.

(Reward: Potential for improved relations, certain actions will reduce in DC)

[ ] Solidify your Hero Structure

DC 100

So. Your bean counters came to you the other day with what they consider to be a serious problem. Apparently your whole system of assigning certain people chosen by you mostly at random to handle personal projects, often when said individual is officially an office intern, is 'inefficient' and 'ripe for lawsuits'. You don't get the big deal, but if the paper pushers really need you to you suppose you can find some time to explain to them how it all works so they can manage whatever it is they need to manage.

(Reward: Hero Unit Cap increased by 5)

[ ] Sponsor SPLIT/SECOND

DC 80

Janus Lee told you about his idea for what sounds like the most awesome racing show of all time- a glorious affair called SPLIT/SECOND, which is nothing more than no-holds-barred racing with live explosions, souped-up vehicles, and just general mayhem and high-octane action. It'd take a bit of doing to make sure nobody gets hurt and everything is nice and legal, but if it succeeds you'll probably have one of the greatest shows of all time!

(Reward: SPLIT/SECOND show established, moderate income increase, moderate public opinion increase, ???)

[ ] Comedize your Supply Line

DC 100

Coyote figured out that the trick to taking advantage of ACME's Express Delivery service is to incorporate comedy! Unfortunately this is going to take some doing, since there isn't very much humor in moving supplies from place to place, and the Toonforce is notoriously unreliable.

(Reward: Moderate income increase)

[ ] Develop a New Social Media Platform
DC 160
So. ENCOM recently released 'The Grid', and in defiance of all conventional logic it's actually really good. Everyone's migrated from all those old horrible platforms to this new one, and while they haven't quite forgotten past debacles, the public is fickle. It's going to be harder to gain a significant share of the market now.

(Reward: New source of income, general public opinion boost, increased technological edge, possible actions unlocked)

[ ] Collaborate with Smarty Mart

DC 70

Martin Smarty, the CEO of major supermarket/wholesaler chain Smarty Mart and one of the richest non-ducks in the world, has offered to collaborate with you on a large scale upgrade to your Doofenshmirtz Evil Megamarts. In addition to splitting the profits with you, he was so enthused by his meeting with Coyote that he's offered to do a bit of consulting for you on other projects.

(Reward: small income increase, Marty Smarty will be available to perform a few stewardship actions for you.)

[ ] Improve Recycling Programs
DC 45
A big part of being Greevil is learning to reduce, reuse and recycle. You've already made changes to your personal life by repurposing several of your old Inators, but in order to improve things nationwide you're going to have to give people some guidance on what proper recycling practices are. You've got it! Talking trash cans!

(Rewards: Contributes to overall Greevil image, slightly increases income as processes become more efficient, every third trashcan is given a helpful AI)

[ ] Construct Doppleganger Body

DC 70

Construction of a true to life artificial humanoid as accurately as possible is neither a cheap nor a rapid process. At the end of it however, you'll have a functioning vessel for nearly limitless possibility.

-[ ] Specify a Doppleganger

(Reward: Doppleganger chassis created for specific form)

[ ] Stop Paying Your Taxes

DC 260

So, ever since you took over the tri state area, you've been paying taxes on it. Oddly the income taxes on you seem to perfectly line up with what the approximate taxes would be on every single one of your citizens combined if they were still US citizens. Weird. Anyway, the IRS is pretty scary, but maybe you could just... stop? Giving them the money? What's the worst that could happen?

(Reward: massive income boost, massive hit to relations with the Federal government)

[ ] Attempt a hostile corporate takeover
DC varies depending on the corporation. Olympia Corp DC 310, DrakkTech DC 325, Xanatos Enterprises DC ???, Khan Industries DC 300, Glomgold Enterprises 425, Sycorax DC 200, Funtelligence DC 270, Gen-U-Tech DC 200, Bakaemono Corporation DC 200, Cloverleaf Industries DC 300)
The other corporations aren't coming to the table? No problem! Do things the underhanded way and gain control of them for yourself! While this is technically legal it's not likely to make you many friends in the business world. Also, some of the owners of these companies are criminally insane, and managing to cheat them out of their whole company might have consequences.

(Reward: Varies, Weakens controller of relevant corp, possible new research or technology options obtained)

[ ] Buy out a rival corporation

DC varies

There are some corporations that aren't rich enough to ignore you and lack the legal chops to fight a takeover, so you can just cut straight to the point and buy them out. Perfectly legal and on the level, and it won't even make you enemies aside from whatever fanboys are upset that you now own their favorite brand. Descriptions provided for companies as needed.

Beware that rival conglomerates will also have the chance to pounce on opportunities you don't.

Choose One:

[ ] Hopper Food Group - Fast food conglomerate with multiple smaller restaurants under their North American banner. Cost: 8 Income

Yearly Income: +3
DC 95

[ ] WyndComm Enterprises - Civilian aeronautics company that constructs and launches satellites for commercial use. Has worked on contracts with government and private space programs in years prior. It might be a good way to jump-start any plans you might have. Cost: 5 Income

Yearly Income: +1

DC 80

[ ] Investigate Negaduck's plan

DC 160

Negaduck's planning… something. It involves lots of chemicals, and it's probably not good. Other than that, you barely know where to start, so maybe you could just send someone out after him? This has the potential to be very dangerous.

(Reward: ???)

[ ] Investigate the Suburban Smilers

DC 120

Florida creeps you out. Like, in general, yes, it has a weird shape and is far too flat. But in particular, you've found out that several towns and cities seem eerily quiet, regimented and cheerful. No town is this happy, there must be something horribly wrong! Send someone to look into it so you can sleep at night.

(Reward: More information on Florida)

[ ] Investigate the Hatless Man

DC 100

Your spy- by which you mean Lizzy- reported a strange, hatless man attempting to contact you in code of some kind, though its deeper secrets elude you. Normally a hatless man would be a completely unnoteworthy thing, but apparently there's such a hat craze going on in the southeast right now that it's kinda odd.

(Reward: ???)

[ ] Investigate the Cat Mafia

DC 120

Even after you kicked that hairless rat from the fair streets of Doofania, you've noticed an awful lot of cats around. The real Agent Kitty gave Monogram a very long report on everything he knew about the 'cat mafia', which is apparently a thing. Ever since you wiped out organized crime a while back, it's been slowly but surely growing back, bit by bit. Maybe you want to put a stop to it before it's too late.

(Reward: Unlock actions to deal with the Cat Mafia)

[ ] Track down Kat

DC ???

That pernicious tabby sent you an email that showed him eating caviar over in New York! It really made you mad since he should be rotting away in a jail cell for what he did to Doofania! Send someone to track him down and haul him back to where he belongs!

(Reward: ???)

[ ] Investigate the Murderous Toon

DC ???

Apparently the team you sent to investigate Hawk's death came back with a surprising revelation- the murder actually was committed by a toon! Not Bonkers, thankfully, though it is really concerning that there's someone capable of this out there. You don't have much to go on at the moment, but… maybe you could send someone to look into it? There was some sort of lead going on with ACME serial numbers, that might make things easier.

[ ] Steal Digitizer Codes

DC ???

So. It turns out that the SVH 20905 is useless without the accompanying algorithms unless you want to end up as a random mash of body parts inside the computer. The guy who stole the plans in the first place might not even know about them, so why not go straight to the source? Break into ENCOM and try to find what you need! It's not without risk though, they've already been robbed once and surely don't want to get robbed again…

Reward: ???

[ ] Investigate the San Fransokyo Cult

DC 110

Agent Russ brought back some interesting news from San Fransokyo. Apparently there's a group of 'like-minded individuals' who all dress in red with weird symbols on their robes, marching around the docks and performing community service. You have no idea what to make of it, but it sounds sufficiently cultlike to you... maybe something will come out of it if you investigate?

[ ] Attempt to steal Dimensional Scissors

DC ???

You remember a news report a while ago about a 'Seth Supplies Co' experiencing a terrible attack that resulted in the building's total destruction. You're not certain, but if you had to guess… maybe it had something to do with those scissors Tobe had mentioned? You could always try to find them yourself, but there's no telling if they even exist anymore.

(Reward: ???)

[ ] Infiltrate a Hotspot

DC Variable

There's a number of places around the country that see a lot of underworld activity; mostly those that have a lot of mercantile trading going on. It might be a good idea to set up some small informant rings in order to keep your ear to the ground on what's happening across the shady side of the country.

Choose One:

-[ ] Zootopia: DC 70

Home to creatures great and small, and a major trading city in the northwest.

-[ ] New York: DC 125

Xanatos' own personal stomping ground. You have no doubt Davey has his fingers in everything from the Sykes gang to Brocamas, but he doesn't seem like the kind of guy to get annoyed at you putting out feelers. Tobe didn't exactly manage this one with flying colors though, so it won't exactly be easy.

(Reward: Expanded rival reports for relevant regional underworld)

[ ] Investigate what's happening in Oregon
DC ???
Lately Oregon has been a hotbed of weirdness. People are spotting all sorts of cryptids up there, like the Jersey Devil (who's a long way from home), the Mothman, Bigfoot, and lots of others. Despite having modern cameras on them at all times it's inexplicably hard for people to snap accurate pictures, but your instruments are better than that, right?

(Reward: ???)

[ ] Spy on your employees
DC 115
It's not very nice, sure, but better safe than sorry. Besides, they already document most of their daily lives, what with your social media mandate, so all you really need to do is look a little deeper. Maybe one of them is up to the wrong sort of no good… or maybe you're just being paranoid *again*.

(Reward: Discover if any of your employees are disloyal, potentially discover secrets of hero units)

[ ] Conduct corporate espionage
DC varies depending on the corporation. Olympia Corp DC 140, DrakkTech DC 160, Xanatos Enterprises DC ???, Khan Industries DC 140, Glomgold Enterprises ???, Sycorax DC 140, Funtelligence DC ???, Gen-U-Tech DC 140, Bakaemono Corporation DC 120, Nightstone DC 139, ENCOM DC ???, Cloverleaf Industries DC 170, NMEIZ 140
This is very slightly illegal, but hey, you're already evil. You should probably expect some huge PR disaster if you're found out, not to mention sending what's left of your reputation into the basement.

(Reward: access to some secrets or technology you wouldn't have otherwise.)

[ ] Research Emergent AI

DC 150

The latest reports from your Funtelligence collab suggest that you're closer than ever to cracking the secret of AI! Now that she's had a chance to test things in a controlled environment, Wendy is sure that the time AIs spend 'fermenting', so to speak, greatly influences how developed they are, but you still feel like you're missing a piece of the puzzle. Wendy has asked for permission to engage in a multi-month, deep dive into every possible variable until she's cracked what might be the greatest breakthrough in AI ever- the existence of truly sentient beings!

(Reward: Secrets of AI revealed!)

[ ] Re-Develop Digitizer Codes

DC 150

Your options for finding these things include tracking down a mystery company that's probably a front for someone important, or breaking into the company that made them to begin with. Neither seem really ideal, so… maybe you can just make them from scratch? It won't be easy, but on the bright side it isn't going to cause you any problems.


(NOTE: You can choose to Write-In any means you would like of dealing with Solanaceae. This option is just still available too.)

(Reward: SHIVA algorithms created)

[ ] Research Large Carnivore Domestication

DC 150

You'd like to avoid what happened in Jurassic Park- that scene with all those dinosaurs escaping and eating lawyers still gives you nightmares! Domesticating large carnivores to the degree that they can be safely kept in exhibits will take some doing, but come on. Who wouldn't want to see a T. rex in the flesh?

(Reward: Income produced by Doofrasic Park increases)

[ ] Research Dinosaur Weapons Platforms

DC 140

Is it impractical? Definitely. Could it be done more efficiently with a tank? Of course. But it's impossible to deny how awesome it'd be to send out armies of dinosaurs carrying artillery! Maybe even Uncle Sam will be interested in purchasing some of these if they turn out right!

[ ] Continue the Doofenshmirtz Evil Space Program
DC 140

So. LOVEMUFFIN didn't exactly get you off to the best start. It's not insurmountable, some work has technically been achieved, but you'll be honest here: you'll basically be starting from scratch.

(Reward: Progress to the next level of your space program.)

Current Level: At Least the Paperwork is Filed

[ ] Cure genetic diseases I

DC 150

Jumba has apparently done a lot of work on the subject of curing human genetic diseases while 'working for' the Galactic Federation. You're not going to cure cancer overnight, but with what he's done so far you could solve a whole bevy of genetic problems. The hard part is going to be getting him to actually work on it without trying to give your test subjects seventeen legs.

(Reward: Income and public opinion increases, further genetics options unlocked)

[ ] Sequence crop genomes

DC 110

While the incipient food crisis has been mostly curtailed thanks to the work of both you and others, the central US still suffers from a very bland diet. Man cannot live on corn and dinosaur alone. If you could get a general understanding of crop genomes, you could begin to develop hardier strains that could grow in Doofanian soil. Thanks to Ludivine's excellent work on climate controlled environments, you'll get slightly more of a yield than you would have otherwise.

(Reward: Develop Genemod Crops unlocked)

[ ] Study weird object

DC 140, cannot assign a human or toon

You recovered a strange object from Malifishmirtz's castle. This wooden octagon is slightly smaller than a human palm, covered on all sides by miniscule runes you cannot read. While at first it appears solid, a hidden latch reveals it is in fact filled with several thin panes of wood of the same color and form as the exterior. Malifishmertz warned you it has been enchanted to catch flame if any human touches it. After subjecting it to a battery of magical tests, he's still unable to find anything concrete about the object or the runes, so a path forward will require you to try and decode the runes themselves with cryptography.

(Reward: ???)

[ ] Research superpowers

DC 160

Despite Jumba having done most of the work already, when he returned to his lab he found his computer was wiped and all of his notes were gone. This wasn't a huge setback since he possesses an eidetic memory and a keen understanding of genetics, but it will require work to transform his knowledge into a format that can be understood by normal people. Thus, the main potential for failure here is just Jumba getting bored of retreading old ground.

(Reward: Basic understanding of superpowers; superpowers tree unlocked)

[ ] Research extradimensional tech

DC 60

Now that you know that other dimensions exist, and are apparently hostile, it's probably a good idea to dust off those old plans for the Other-Dimension-Inator and try to look into this great new horizon. The hard part is going to be making sure it doesn't explode after 6 hours of use. Thankfully, the basic mechanics of the Crystal Key give you something to build your systems around.

(Reward: Other-Dimension-Inator created)

[ ] Research exotic vehicles

DC 85

Lee Industries are veterans in vehicle design, both civilian and military. Integrating their best and brightest into your R&D department and letting them go wild will allow you to unleash truly inventive machines upon the world! Now that you have an example of a limo that, by all accounts, should not exist, this should be even more productive!

(Reward: Reduced DC to vehicle-related actions like mass transit, unlocks ??? when combined with sublight drives)

[ ] Research sublight drives

DC 140

Jumba's ship may not have a hyperdrive, but what it does have is jet engines, or something like them, at least twice as fast as anything the US military is currently running. And also probably far more efficient. The benefits of this should be obvious.

(Rewards: Rapid deployment for your own hero units cross-country, opportunity to begin commercializing alien tech, ??? when combined with exotic vehicles)

[ ] Research Uburnium fuel

DC 130

'Uburnium' is a superheavy transuranic element that is astonishingly stable given how far along the periodic table it is. You theorize that it's somehow existing on the Island of Stability, or maybe even the theoretical 'Continent of Stability'. According to Jumba, this is the most abundant, most efficient, and cheapest fuel in the entire universe… and for some ungodly reason, there's not an atom of it on Earth or anywhere else in the solar system. Seriously, you even ran the spectrographs to check. It looks like you're going to have to do things the hard way and synthesize things yourself… or get out there in deep space and look.

(Reward: Option to build a particle accelerator and synthesize Uburnium unlocked, option to search outer space for uburnium unlocked after a space program is developed)

[ ] Decrypt GalFed Computers

DC 140

The GalFed computers onboard the ship were stripped of a lot of their data and functionality so as to make it more difficult for Jumba to use them for evil, but there's still a wealth of data locked away. You're sure that decrypting things will give you a better picture of the galaxy as a whole, and maybe some insight into how these aliens think.

(Reward: Knowledge of galactic-scale politics, happenings, etc)

[ ] Research GalFed Cloaking Tech

DC 140

The cloaking device on the GalFed ship you appropriated isn't the greatest, but it's still way beyond anything on the civilian market, and at least on par with the military's finest toys. It does have a pretty nasty power requirement though, so you're not going to be able to slap it on everything.

(Reward: Cloaking device reverse-engineered)

[ ] Psychologically profile a target

DC varies depending on target

The first step to creating a robo-doppelganger AI is creating a profile of the target. All their little nuances that make them them- what are their likes and dislikes, their voice, their inflections, the way they think and act? It's no small feat, but nobody ever said creating a robotic duplicate of someone would be easy.

-[ ] Who do you psychologically profile? Living people will be easier than dead ones, famous people easier than people with little public record, and volunteers will be even easier.

(Reward: Doppleganger of a specific person 50% done; Build physical doppleganger action unlocked)

[ ] Research Animal Uplink Suits

DC 120

Lizzy has drafted up some blueprints for the antborg armor she utilized earlier, but her handwriting is terrible and her notes are arcane. You're pretty sure that with enough effort you can make it so any animal can uplink to the armor and gain advanced strength and mobility, but you're not sure how to do that yet.

(Reward: animal uplink suits unlocked, changes ??? in the future)

[ ] Research Insect Control

DC 140

Lizzy has constructed some sort of mechanism that allows her to assume rudimentary control over nearby insects. When combined with the uplink suits, you can already imagine how effective they might become in combat, but as it stands her tech is barely out of the concept phase. With a little effort, you might turn this into something truly intimidating.

(Reward: insect control technology unlocked, ???, ???, ???)

[ ] Decode Odd Transmissions

DC 160 (Reduced by Translator Suite, Increased by ???)

The odd transmissions have drastically shifted tone recently. Instead of being a looped, incomprehensible message on repeat, a series of new and just as incomprehensible messages are being transmitted, and you're pretty sure there are no repetitions in there whatsoever. You're going to have a slightly harder time figuring out what they're actually saying, but at least you've got more to work with this time.

(Reward: ???)

[ ] Research Silphium
DC 90

This wondrous herb has been extinct for centuries… everywhere except Drusselstein, that is. According to some ancient literature the uses for this thing are innumerable, ranging from the culinary to the pharmaceutical. Unfortunately you've got no idea where to begin given that most of the literature on the thing is older than any modern nations. Get your scientists cracking to see if they can figure out how to best use it!

(Rewards: new research unlocked, ???, ???)

[ ] Research Fusion Power
DC 105
Now that you've exhausted the possibility of lesser power sources, you think it's finally time to go for the golden goose. Fusion power could theoretically provide you with vast amounts of energy, and even though Shere Khan already cracked it, you can always attempt it on your own so you don't have to pay him anything. This action must be completed several times at successively increasing DCs to unlock fusion power.

(Reward: New research options unlocked, income)

[ ] Research Zero Point Energy Technology

DC 130

One of Syndrome's most closely guarded secrets was his so-called 'zero point energy' technology, which are basically fancy gauntlets that allow him to immobilize anyone who looks at him funny. Now, you're not sure if this is true zero point energy tech- you know, the stuff that could potentially lead to free unlimited energy- or if he just chose that name to sound cool, but either way, it's full of potential!

(Reward: Research unlocked, stasis field technology unlocked, ???)

[ ] Research Greco-Roman Terraforming

DC 100

You did some more research into Stanley's notes on terraforming, and despite being entirely in an odd dialect of Greek, you managed to discern a bit of information. This is terraforming in the most literal sense- literally moving earth. Unfortunately it doesn't seem as if Stanley cracked the whole 'modify the environment to form a climate' thing just yet, but still… putting up a volcano in a short amount of time is a rather impressive feat.

(Reward: New Stewardship options unlocked)

[ ] Research Flubber Power

DC 100

Flubber offers a path to clean and cheap energy, and while it's not actually limitless, the upper limit is so high that it might as well be. The only problem is that the majority of the world thinks that Hawaii was destroyed in a prototype Flubber power plant explosion, and with the "tragedy" still recent in memory, you're going to face a lot of public backlash for rolling out a power plant.

(Rewards: Massive public opinion decrease, power problems for all of your territory removed, Technor's 'Power Hungry' malus removed)

[ ] Research Flubber Antigravity

DC 90

It turns out that if you vulcanize Flubber and apply an electric current to it, the resulting substance can produce exceptionally stable gravitons. It might be possible to exploit this and produce effective antigravity technology, though of course you'd have to get past the public opinion of the substance.

(Reward: Flubber Antigravity technology unlocked, significant public opinion decrease)

[ ] Research Flubber Weather Modification

DC 90

Flubber is an impressively versatile substance. Your lab monkeys have found that it serves as a near-perfect nucleation site for water droplets, meaning it is capable of producing seemingly miraculous rainfall and cloudcover in all but the most arid regions more or less on demand. Your boys even think they can manipulate its structure to break down after several months, meaning there's little concern of it becoming a pollutant. If you can manage to get this together properly, the benefits would be obvious- just think of all the dramatic storms you could pull together at a moment's notice!

(Rewards: Weather modification technology unlocked, significant public opinion decrease)

[ ] Environmental Adaptations (Dinosaurs)

DC 130

You may have brought them back from extinction, but as they are now, dinosaurs simply aren't suited for every situation. Minor adjustments to their DNA will change that, allowing you to make specialized dinosaur strains and subspecies for whatever comes their way! Floods, droughts, cold weather, or bullets! Where one dinosaur subtype fails, another will prevail!

(Reward: Increased effectiveness of dinosaurs in combat. Miscellaneous benefits in other areas.)

[ ] Repair the Avatar of Felldrake

DC 80

The Avatar of Felldrake got smashed by Temujin after your latest excursion. Right now it's not doing much other than sitting in a warehouse, but you're pretty sure you can put it back together. You're personally a little hesitant on messing with that thing- it wasn't very helpful, after all- but Felldrake has been griping to Janna about it, and you're pretty sure that if you sit on this too long he's going to be upset.

[ ] Basic Magic Theory

DC 75

If you're going to move forward with magic on an organizational scale, you're going to need a basic understanding of what magic is. What's a cantrip, where do spells come from, what are wizards actually doing, and why?

(Reward: Study Magic personal action unlocked, look into magical people online action unlocked, hold a magical seminar action unlocked, track magical creatures action unlocked, look back through your magic stuff action unlocked, Map Leylines action unlocked, allows further magical actions)

[ ] Dance Magic Theory

DC 90

You were unable to unlock the secrets of dance combat in the heat of the witch-fighting moment, but Juniper has managed to suss out the secrets of dance magic! You knew leaving a youth unsupervised with a magical artifact was a good idea. Now she just needs to, you know, write down how it works.

(Reward: Dance Magic personal action unlocked)

[ ] Search for Magical Individuals

DC 90

There's got to be other people out there who know how magic works. Now that you're sure they're not ALL quacks, you should try to see if you can find anyone who can actually be of use to you in magical tasks. Your knowledge of magic is a bit limited at the moment but hey, that's why we're looking.

(Reward: Occult hero units available for hire)

[ ] Summon Demons

DC 70

So, now that Janna has ticked 'Summon a Ghost' off the magical bucket list you've just now learned she had, the next thing in line is apparently 'summon demons'. She claims Tom 'doesn't count'.

What could go wrong?

(Reward: ???)

[ ] Summon Celena the Shy

DC 100

The Vagabond Ninja somehow managed to luck into summoning one of the ancient Queens of Mewni to do a tarot reading. She apparently likes you enough that she told Janna how to do it again.

(Reward: Celena the Shy performs another Mewberty Spread, ???)

[ ] Form a Coven

DC 95

At some point, it might be a good idea to create some sort of organized structure to your various spellslingers. As is, you're doing things pretty bespoke. Throw together a coven, or a circle, or a bogwarts, or whatever you call an organized group of mages.

(Reward: Second Occult action unlocked, Court Wizard council position unlocked)

Quest Actions

[ ] Continue the Feldrake World Tour (Part 2 of ???)

Feldrake's map contains an extensive listing of dozens of locations across the world, each filled with magical items, monsters, and other assorted neat things that Feldrake seemed to think would help an aspiring world conqueror. It also seems like Donald might be at one or another of these places. It will likely be a long and winding road, but there are goodies along the way. And hey, at least this World Tour won't be a paper-thin excuse for half a dozen low-quality backdoor pilots.

Next on Feldrake's list is: "Some place in Norway." He's pretty sure someone already breached the sanctum in Norway and is long gone, but it's probably worth looking into anyway.

Personal Actions

[ ] Browse Online for Interesting Stories

Sure, most of what you find online is crap, but you might just stumble across something that'll end up being useful. Whether that's a rumor that will pan out, an online blueprint, or just the next popular viral video is all up to chance.

[ ] Practice Elocution

You will admit that, time to time, you have been known to ramble on. Lose you point. Repeat yourself. Get into a long winded digression about that thing that happened to you last Thursday, and you can't believe they spelled their dictator's name wrong on the coffee cup! You don't even like coffee but they had this new hazelnut blend that…

(Reward: Doof's Diplomacy may Increase)

[ ] Read About Lean Evil

You're more of a hands-on type of boss. It miiiight be a good idea to try and read some of those evil self-help books on management and organizational leadership and stuff, to see how the field of evil masterminding has progressed since college.

(Reward: Doof's Stewardship may Increase)

[ ] Lie to Your Mirror

You are a trickster par excellence of course, routinely outwitting the best spies platypus kind could offer you. But lies are what hold society together, and you gotta stay on top of your game. There are a lot of competing evil geniuses out there, and you've got to be sure you can manage to get one over on them, get one under on you, and figure out what they're planning before you don't.

...Or uh. Something like that.

(Reward: Doof's Intrigue may Increase)

[ ] Start Writing a Musical

You've written a couple musical numbers in your day and you've got a penchant for showtunes. Put them all together in a glorious musical that can actually be performed on Broadway, assuming they forgive you for what happened back in '11! (You gain +40 to the first roll you make on this action.)

[ ] Tinker with your Inators

No matter how big your evil schemes get, you will always have time for the creations that started it all. If you choose to roll on the inator table, you can roll twice and choose an inator.

[ ] Chat with the Bossman

Your employees are valuable resources in the pursuit of evil. You should see how they are doing. Choose a hero to spend time with. That hero gains a +10 to loyalty for the next 3 turns. This option can sometimes also lead to learning more about your chosen hero, possibly granting new traits or events.

-[ ] Choose a Hero Unit

[ ] Do some introspection about Norm

Your feelings on Norm are more complicated than you thought. Is he your son? Are you comfortable with that? How are you supposed to be treating him? Is he even really sentient? You've given him a lot of upgrades over the years, but you never remember instructing him to call you father. Wendy says robots can get more complex with time, and you don't think he was like this to start, so...

Slightly improved due to Norm's actions. The results of this action may change depending on your understanding of Artificial Intelligence.

[ ] Remove an Employee

-[ ] Specify a Hero

As much as you hate to say it, not everyone is cut out for the DEI lifestyle. If you have an employee who isn't helping, is falling behind, or just isn't worth the salary anymore, you can choose to let them go. Shuffle them off to an unimportant area, or simply end their contract entirely. This may upset them, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

(Reward: A single hero unit leaves your roster.)

[ ] Clean out Your Rolodex

Wow, have you been letting this get out of hand. You should really clear out your contacts list of any superfluous notes. Heck, up until last time The Pack was still in there, somehow.

(Reward: Vote on up to three potential hero units to remove from your rolodex.)

[ ] Hire the Dickens Detective Agency

The Dickens are willing to work for you, hooray! Their services don't come cheap, and you'd probably want to be careful about sending them on any 'eeevil' missions. But if you pay them, their expertise will give you a free Intrigue action, and a hero to do it. You're really starting to develop a rapport with them.

-[ ] For a small (-2) income decrease, a lower level member of the Dickens family will come to aid you for a turn.

-[ ] For a medium (-5) income decrease, a veteran member of the Dickens family will aid you on an action, and likely bring some of their immediate family as well.

-[ ] For a large (-7) income decrease, the Commodore himself will complete your appointed task, and bring his entire dynasty with him.

[ ] Brew a Potion

Time to put that alchemy skill to good use! And hopefully not explode. Unless you want to make an explosion potion. Then that'd be expected.

(Reward: List of potions to choose from; one created.)

[ ] Activate Automatic Potion Brewer

Oooor, you could just let the machine do it for you. So convenient!

(Reward: Two random potions created!)

[ ] Give a project your 'personal attention' (3 personal actions)

- [ ] Write In:

Spend all your free time on ensuring a project goes off as smoothly as possible!

[ ] Do some home gardening

Sure, all the Japanese maples make the place look different from back in Spoonerville, but the concept is still the same, right? Do some gardening, take a load off, and maybe grow some food that isn't produced in a vat.

[ ] Finish your degree online

The incident at the X-Games pretty quickly put an end to your plans for a degree. Fortunately all sorts of colleges offer online degrees now, and you've got just enough time to try and finish one! Not only would this make you feel better about yourself, it might have some actual effects on your job, too! Must be completed three more times to obtain your degree.

[ ] Find Mickey

Mickey has dropped off the grid recently. Donald has too, but at least you know that he's off traveling the world with a 'goddess of adventure' or something. While you got a Christmas card from the both of them this last year, you're not sure where Mickey is, exactly. That doesn' sound like him. Now that your living situation is a little more secure you can devote some time to finding your old friend.

[ ] Look into Pete

Your old... well, maybe 'friend' is pushing it. Neighbor? Your old neighbor has dropped off the grid as well without so much as a goodbye. While that does sound like him you're sure he'd at least give you a call to gloat about something, but so far there's been no communication. Take a look into what he's doing now that his car dealership is long gone.

[ ] Work for Dr. D

-[ ] Which project?

[ ] Get an apartment

Temujin is now fluent in English, but he's not accustomed to the way the modern world works. He can work on changing this one bit at a time. Finding a place of his own to live is a good start.

[ ] Study history

Temujin has missed hundreds of years of history since he was revived and only touched upon the barest of basics in his studies of the English language.

[ ] Aid your Descendant

-[ ] Which project?

[ ] Personally oversee ACME product testing

While you no longer have the title of CEO, you are still technically in charge of ACME. It behooves you to oversee the process of making sure ACME products maintain the standard of quality they are known for.

[ ] Set up a trap

If there is one thing you and Doof have in common, it is a love of trapmaking. Why not throw together some sort of impressive imprisonment and see what comes of it?

[ ] Look through ACME's records

AMCE as a corporation has records going back even longer than you've existed, starting as a minor joke company and blossoming into the primary supplier of Toon goods before the murder of Marvin Acme and the dark days of Mr. Chairman. Take a look through that storied history and see what ELSE you can find.

[ ] Expand ACME products to Japan

(Reward: 62/250)

[ ] Work for the Bossman

-[ ] Which project?

[ ] Take an acrobatics course

You may be… getting on in years, but that doesn't mean you can't still try for your true passions! Dreams don't have an expiration date. But life does, so better get cracking.

[ ] Watch El Matador de Amor

Doofenshmirtz introduced you to it a few months ago. It's a guilty pleasure.

[ ] Work for Doctor Doofenshmirtz

-[ ] Which project?

[ ] End your obsession with platypodes

Norm's internal circuitry is still based around a single, fundamental, platypus hunting core. This limits his usefulness in non-platypus related areas. Attempting to rewire your own circuits is a dangerous activity, but Norm is determined to be the best Norm he can be. The better your AI technology is, the more likely this is to improve things and not make them worse.

[ ] Follow Father around

Norm's desire to help and please his creator knows no bounds. Practically, this means he spends a lot of time just watching you. He may end up helping you with whatever you're working on at the time, or even learn a thing or two from you.

You're putting a moratorium on this. Norm's been creeping you out by showing up in the oddest places just to stare at you.

[ ] Try to become a Real Boy

Norm's most fervent, secret desire is to be a real boy. Maybe if he wishes on a star hard enough, it will come true.

[ ] Work for Father

-[ ] Which project?

[ ] Search for Donald

Just because you found a brilliant lead on where Donald might be doesn't mean you should stop looking everywhere else!

[ ] Train with Maui Mallard

You've found someone who closely resembles Donald! Now only is this way cooler than your last magical ninja teacher, but it might even provide you clues towards finding the real Donald.

(Progress revealed: 50/250)

[ ] Make Sandwiches

You're going through them at an alarming rate. Better build up a backlog!

[ ] Help the Pharmacist

[ ] What project?

[ ] Psychoanalyze

The first step to recovery is admitting Technor is right about everything. Despite the megalomania, Technor is a qualified therapist. Send him to talk to one of your employees to make sure they're still within two standard deviations of mental health. This can shed light on their issues or even reduce the burden of their manias for a short while!

[ ] Which employee?

[ ] Build a giant robot body

It's been too long since you've had some time to make a bigger body for yourself! Use your free time to construct a body worthy of TECHNOR, THE MECHANICAL MAN!

[ ] Build giant robot arms

Your robot body can't very well get anything done without arms, now can it?! Devote some time to constructing the arms!

[ ] Build giant robot legs

How can your giant robot stomp all over your enemies without legs?! Floating robots just don't have the same impact!

[ ] Work for Dr. Doof

[ ] What project?

[ ] Go to see a Powerline concert
Getting to be on stage with Powerline was the highlight of your high school experience. Powerline has had an unexpectedly long shelf life for such a gimmicky act, so why not check out one of his concerts again? Who knows, he might even remember you.

[ ] Play some video games

It's been awhile since you took some time for yourself, and this year has been a pretty good one for video games so far. Use some of your paycheck to purchase a nice new gaming rig and have some fun.

[ ] Work for the Doof
-[ ]Which project?

[ ] Look into wayward supers

You understand the tactics involved in finding supers that shy away from the limelight. There are limits to how far you're willing to go in order to uncover a super that doesn't want to be found, but your talents might do some good. Finding a villain who needs to be stopped or a hero at the end of their rope. You'll monitor the news for anything of note and report back to Doofenshmirtz.

[ ] Reinforce Kronos Corp contacts

There are still people in Kronos… sorry, Olympia that know you, and that means there are levers to be pulled.

[ ] Recruit new talent

Dr. Heinz has a lot of contacts that he hasn't followed up on. Take the liberty of following through on a few of them and hire some new talent. (Recruit one random hero from the rolodex if a number greater than 50 is rolled.)

[ ] Recruit at an SFIT Career Fair

The San Fransokyo Institute of Technology is the premier technical institute in California, rivaled only by the juggernaut of West Coast Tech. They are known for top of the line education and research producing wonders from the artificial brain to the world's first commercially viable lighter-than-air turbine. It is also known for the sheer number of graduates using their skills to enter the Cape scene, for better or worse. Thanks to a chance meeting with Dean Granville, you have an in to the best of the best's awkward formative years. You could get all sorts of valuable resources here; HATEBAGEL recruits, networking opportunities, or maybe even something better. It's like a gashapon, but with entire people.

[ ] Work for Dr. Heinz

-[ ] Which project?

(Vanessa has a +10 to all personal rolls until she starts college.)

[] Get involved at school

Not like, in class, or anything; school's always been super easy anyways. Something like a club. Try something new, make some friends that aren't your dad's employees for once. Maybe theatre?

[] Watch the Eggheads

Plus side of being the daughter of the CEO means you get to see all kinds of restricted things. In this case, it means you're allowed to bring popcorn to the prototype testing sessions DEI is constantly running. It's always fun watching things explode, on purpose or otherwise. Who says science can't be interesting?

[ ]Work for dad
-[ ]Which project?

[ ] Prank your Coworkers

Ancient Mongolian warlords. Paranoiac laser specialists. Pompous supervillains. Exasperated interns. Even the big boss himself. DEI is a smorgasbord of potential targets. This is gonna be fun.

[ ] Study magic with Feldrake

You can't remember the last time you sat down to study anything, but circumstances have changed. You need to be ready for the worst.

[ ] Study the Manual of Witchcraft and Alchemy

You got this cool book at the auction for the low low price of absolutely free, and it's just brimming with all sorts of dark magic and secrets. Take some time to give the thing a read and see what more you can learn.

[ ] Commit Identity Theft

The Devil was dumb enough to put his signature right under the 'About the Author' section, and you've been practicing it for weeks. Now that you can forge Lucifer's name, you can think of all sorts of cool things to get up to.

[ ] Work for Brocamas

The king of dirty money has a lot of work that needs doing, and he needs clever young youths to do it for him. Sometimes, when things fall off trucks, their owners come back. And there might be a misunderstanding. You know?

(Reward: Possible further contacts in the Magus Bazaar, Janna may obtain new magical items)

[ ] Do Stuff for the Doof

-[ ]Which Project?

[ ] Experiment!

Your evil Experiments are to being a scourge across entire spiral arm! Tinker in your workship and see what abomination you may create next!

Depending on the results of the roll, something great or terrible could come of this. Think of it as a second Inator roll weighted towards chaos. Recent events have made this slightly more likely to end well.

[ ] Visit Graceland

GalFed nanny police were never letting you visit home of King! Well they cannot stop you anymore, can they? May as well be taking the beanstalk too.

[ ] Talk with fellow evil scientists

Your employer seems to know the importance of Evil Science. It should being time to share your genius with them. It turns out a few of them are not simply being idiot country bumpkins.

[ ] Work for fellow Evil Genius

-[ ] Which project?

[ ] Instruct your Coworkers.

Being ze smartest person in the room is exhausting. Zankfully, you haf years of experience in pedagogy to fall back on, and plenty of udda people to teach ze joy of knowledge.

-[ ] Choose a hero unit

The benefits of this roll will change depending on the aptitude and temperament of the hero unit, as well as how much of a difference there is between Ludivine's stats and theirs.

[ ] Repair the Martian Robot

Ludwig may haf gotten ze Bootle Beetle when you separated, but you got ze robot! Right now though, he's not good for much of anyting udda dan some light housework. Thankfully, you just happen to be a genius!

Progress revealed: (62/150)

[ ] Work for Dokta Doof

-[ ] Which project?

[ ] Work on excavation tech

You had a pretty good thing going before you were forced to scrap it all, lest your technology fall into enemy hands. Now that you've been let out of villain jail on work release, you might gain some points with your boss by drafting up some plans for your rapid excavation technology. He'll still have to figure out how to decipher your notes, but at least it'll be a gesture of goodwill.

[ ] Build backup tunnels

You've still got a few antborgs left over, hiding out in your lowermost warrens. You could direct them to build an escape route out of the city, just in case the worst comes to pass. You're not keen on the idea of running away again, but with all the crazies around it's better to be safe than sorry.

[ ] Hang out with Janna

It almost feels natural to talk to a person.

[ ] Work for the Pharmacist

-[ ] Which project?

[ ] Train with Maui Mallard

You've finally met a worthy master who isn't a quack!

...well. Anyway! If you pester him enough he'll have to keep his promise to train you in the ways of ninjutsu!

[ ] Study the Mad Mojo Cookbook

There's all sorts of interesting stuff inside the Cold Shadow's second greatest treasure. You can only imagine how this will synergize with the ninja magic you've already learned!

[ ] Look for a worthy opponent

It's been too long since you've sworn vengeance on someone. Find a worthy opponent so you can find something to drive you to even greater heights!

[ ] Train the Vagabond Ninja

They're not exactly up to par with what a competent employer would expect. You should really get on that.

[ ] Train ''''''your ninja'''''' some more

Yep, just training the Vagabond Ninja. No other ninja at all. You're definitely not training anyone else secretly because if the boss finds out their heads could explode. Nope.

[ ] Work for Master Doofenshmirtz

-[ ] Which project?

[ ] Know What We're Going To Do Today

Phineas and Ferb strive to make every summer day as interesting and unique as possible. You never know what it's going to be. Consider this another Inator roll weighted towards the positive but ephemeral. It will probably be cool, it will probably be impossible, but it will probably not last long.

[ ] Work for your Summer boss

-[ ] What project?

[ ] Custom Design

You can design or upgrade a unique vehicle for another person, factoring in and accounting for their strengths and weaknesses. Good for missions abroad and action in the Tri-State Area.

[ ] Which hero?

[ ] Work on Personal Projects

While DEI has given you all sorts of new opportunities, and Doofenshmirtz certainly doesn't seem to be limiting your ability to do what you love, you have your own ambitions you've always wanted to work on.

[ ] Spend Time with Coworkers

Get to know your new colleagues in the DEI think tank and the various unique individuals Doofensmhirtz has attracted to his company.

[ ] Work for Dr. Doofenshmirtz

-[ ] What project?

[ ] Spread Chaos

See what mischief can be made somewhere other than your new home.

(Reward: Trouble caused for someone you don't like.)

[ ] Set off Fireworks

It's like Spread Chaos, but with less steps.

[ ] Work for the Odd Apothecary

-[ ] Which project?

[ ] Study Kronos AI

Wendy's never had the chance to see what makes an Omnidroid tick before. Since she's going to be working on improving the field of robotics as a whole, it behooves you to have her caught up on what the competition is doing. Oddly, she seems quite familiar with Funtelligence work.

[ ] Talk to Trevor

Trevor seemed really upset the last time you talked. Maybe if you spoke with him again, you could get through to him on something?

[ ] Study a Robot

You have several unusual robots on staff, at least one of which might be sentient. Who knows what Wendy could uncover in figuring out how that… you know, happened.

-[ ] choose a robot

[ ] Upload more on Buzztube

Wendy may be a real scientist at last, but she still cares a lot about her work educating children. She doesn't need to keep the videos flowing anymore to put ramen on the fold-out table, but she doesn't want to leave her Woweroos behind either! Put out some more good content to help the kids of tomorrow learn to love science.

[ ] Offer Beginner Science Lessons

It's not that your job doesn't pay well. It does! Way, way better than before. But you do miss the satisfaction you get from seeing kid's faces light up about science. You can handle a couple of tutoring sessions a week.

[ ] Work for Doctor Doof

-[ ] Which project?

[ ] ???


[ ] Work for Doctor Heinz Doofenshmirtz

-[ ] Which project?

[ ] Design a Lair

-[ ] Write-in a hero unit

Lairbuildin's what you do. And you're darn good at it. Seems like this Doofenshmirtz has a whole mountain of characters who could be doin' with their own private workspace.

Costs 1 income.

[ ] Work for the Supervillain

-[ ] Which project?

[ ] Rule the Underworld

You're the prince of an entire dimension. You have stuff to do, as much as you wish you didn't.

This action will automatically be taken at least 3 turns per year. Tom only has one free action left this year.

[ ] Search for Star

You've never really had much luck before but apparently she was seen recently!

[ ] Work for the Weird Guy

-[ ] Which project?

[ ] Organize your Workstation

You have a system. A place for everything, everything in its place.

Considering there are Toons in the building, that place may need to be bolted down.

(Progress revealed: 69/150)

[ ] Practice Mindfulness

Gardening, Knitting, Tai Chi, Model Trains. Your hobbies allow you brief respite and control away from the insane chaos of the world around you. If there's one thing Doofania has done, it's convince you that your worst fears were right all along. Hopefully not including the one about public speaking in your underwear.

[ ] Obsessively Check San Fransokyo Cape News

It's nothing, really. You just… really like Bluff Dunder. That's all. He has a very soothing voice, okay!?!

[ ] Work for your employer

-[ ] Which project?

[ ] Train with Macbeth

The demon is still out there, and Janna's prophecy indicates that she's going after Star next. Macbeth seems to have some sort of relationship with her- exactly what, you're not sure- but he's offered to teach you all her tricks and the best way to kill her. Spend the next few months training so you don't have a repeat of what happened in New York.

(Progress revealed: 80/250)

[ ] Search for Star

She's out there.

[ ] Work for the Deranged Lunatic

-[ ] Which project? (Note that if assigned to an action or quest unrelated to his own focus of finding Star and stopping Toffee, Marco will cost 1 income.)

[ ] Tend your goozim menagerie

The spiteful balls of fur and hatred made the trip across the Atlantic intact. You're not sure whether you're relieved or disappointed, but they seem to be even angrier than usual. Better take a look at them.

[ ] Watch El Matador de Amor

Your descendant introduced it to you on the magic picture box. It's got a surprisingly compelling narrative, and that one episode with Ponce de Leon had you on the edge of your seat.

[ ] Create Meatlings

Potted meat is one of the most evil substances known to mankind. Surely you can commit all sorts of heinous acts with the stuff once a little black magic is introduced! Apparently potted meat is a little harder to come by these days, but you know the recipe. This will definitely go better than last time, you're sure of it.

[ ] Work for your descendant

-[ ] What project? (As a reminder, Malifishmirtz cannot be sent on any quests or work on any National Action that would require him to leave the city limits.)

[ ] Dance Practice

It's what Dr. D hired you for, isn't it? Dance along to some musical numbers and earn your paycheck!

[ ] Meet your Coworkers

You like meeting new people! Especially new people who don't complain about petty larceny.

[ ] Work for the Bossman

-[ ] What project?

Overclock Technor?
This will give Technor access to his full stats for this turn, but raise the DC of all non-Technor National Actions by 5.

[ ] Overclock Technor
[ ] Don't overclock Technor

Activate an Inator?

[ ] Activate an Inator

[ ] Don't activate an Inator

Hire Olivia?

Martial: 23

Diplomacy: 18

Stewardship: 20

Intrigue: 34

Learning: 19

Occult: 7


Mr. Valentine: Olivia was able to hide her villainous identity from the greatest detective in the world, aka her husband, for two decades straight. When suffering a critical failure, Olivia never reveals your involvement in the failed scheme; though this does not prevent the action from going horribly wrong in other ways.


Matriarch: Olivia will appreciate actions that give her family reason to pursue her. Assigning Olivia to a criminal action makes it likely that the Commodore or other members of the Dickens will appear as a temporary nemesis encounter.

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

Assign an Item

Swap around who has what. Heroes will use items to the best of their ability and judgement.

[ ] Lord Feldrake (currently assigned to Janna)

-[ ] to whom?

Feldrake will only accept reassignment to someone with a higher Occult or better evil credentials.

[ ] Avatar of Feldrake (Currently unassigned)

-[ ] To whom?

Currently Damaged

Assigning this item will take up the assigned character's turn

You may only assign this item to a character with an Occult score

[ ] Ruby Wings (currently assigned to Vanessa)

-[ ] To whom?

[ ] Jī Talisman-Telekinesis (Currently assigned to A$@%^ ^#@#)

-[ ] To whom?

[ ] Amur (Currently assigned to Kitsune)

-[ ] To whom?

[ ] Yang Talisman-Dream (Currently assigned to A$@%^ ^#@#)

-[ ] To whom?

There will be a twenty-four hour moratorium on voting.

As a reminder, write-ins are acceptable pending QM approval. Just tell us the action you want to complete and we'll provide a DC, though some DCs will be unknown and presented as ???.
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July/August 2017 Results
--[x] [Martial] Upgrade Normbots to current standard (Ludivine)
1d6=3 Absent Minded does not activate
DC 65 (Reduced by XP)
Critical Success!

To be Continued in Interlude: Spark

--[x] [Diplomacy] Recruit from your rolodex: Mesmerella (Technor)
DC 70 (Reduced by XP)
Decent Success

Mesmerella graciously accepted your offer of employment with a gleeful cackle followed by five hours of careful negotiation with your best insurance lawyers to confirm the details of her mesmerization powers. No mesmerization to kill, no mind controlling public officials. Otherwise, she is ready and willing to BEND THE WORLD TO YOUR WILL.

She yelled that last part. You like this girl.

--[x] [Diplomacy] Form a Research Agreement with the Government: With the Imagination Institute (Goofy)
DC 75 (Reduced by XP)
Decent Success

To be Continued in Interlude: Inspiration

--[x] [Stewardship] Repair the power plant (Roddy)
DC 110 (Reduced by XP)
Great Success

Roddy managed to do a great job at repairing your power plant within the time allotted. He wasn't able to really improve it or anything, but you realize that asking him to do that on top of everything else might've been a bit too much to ask. Either way, your power grid is running at full capacity once again! Even better, that energy conservation campaign is paying dividends- thanks to all the energy you're saving, TECHNOR is able to run at his full capacity!

Technor's Power Hungry malus has been eliminated!

--[x] [Stewardship] Repair Normbot hubs (Phineas and Ferb)
DC 110 (Reduced by XP)
Acceptable Success

To be Continued in Interlude: Spark

--[x] [Intrigue] Investigate the hatless man (Olivia)
DC 90 (Reduced by XP)
Bare Success

To be continued in Interlude: Family Finding

--[x] [Intrigue] Track down Kat: ACME Unlimited (Wile E. Coyote)
DC ??? (Reduced by XP)
Massive Failure!

Two months worth of investigation in New York and any adjacent cities got you absolutely nowhere. Coyote wasn't able to find out a single thing about Kat or where he may be hiding; as far as he knows Kat might not have been in the city at all. You sure hope that David will be able to tell you something after conducting his own investigation.

--[x] [Intrigue] Investigate the theft of the Declaration of Independence (See write-in) (Monogram and NOWCA)
---[x] Hack into surveillance data from cameras in the National Mall, use CoffeeJava processing power to determine any suspicious individuals on the scene at the time of the theft.
DC 115 (Reduced by XP)
Unmitigated Critical Failure!

To be continued in Interlude: Red Tape Do Not Cross

--[x] [Learning] Decrypt GalFed Computers (Alan Bradley)
DC 140
1+38+23+20+2+10 (XP)=94
Critical Failure!

To be continued in Interlude: Deja Vu

--[x] [Learning] Research Emergent AI (Wendy)
DC 140 (Reduced by XP)

To be Continued in Interlude: Spark

--[x] [Occult] Form a Coven (Gomez)
DC 95
46+19+11+1+10 (XP)=87
Bare Failure

Gomez has made a pretty good start of meticulously cataloging and examining the spellcasters you know and what they can actually do. Once that was done, he proceeded to send invitations out to every mage or individual with a scrap of arcane knowledge in your organization for a delicious mystic community luncheon, plus a few people in your contacts. Unfortunately due to scheduling conflicts the luncheon won't actually occur until next month.

The DC for Form a Coven has been reduced to DC 48!

--[x] Continue the Feldrake World Tour (Part 2 of ???)
---[x] Kitsune (leader)
---[x] Janna
---[x] Queen Lizzie
---[x] Dennis

-[x] Personal Actions:
--[x] Doof:
---[x] Tinker with your Inators

[ ] The Duplicatinator! This inator replicates the effect of the last five inators rolled, all at once!
[ ] The On-Ice-inator! Doofenshmirtz cryogenically freezes himself for two months as a proof of concept. Next turn, Mirage is in charge of DEI! King stats and National Actions will be changed to reflect this!

[x] Brew a potion

Bubble bubble, boils and stubble! Oooh, this is fun!

Choose one:

[ ] Potion of Invisibility
Single use. The target gains +10 to a single national action where Stealth would be useful.

[ ] Philter of Glibness
Single use. The target gains a +20 roll to a single diplomacy or intrigue roll they make during a Quest or as a Personal Action to lie to someone.

[ ] Potion of Haste
Single use. The target gains one free Personal Action the turn this is used.

[ ] Healing Potion
Generic, we know. Single use. The first time a character using this potion would be defeated and removed from a combat, they are not.

---[x] Chat with the Bossman: Wendy Wower

To be Continued in Interlude: Spark

---[x] Start Writing a Musical

Action Completed!

To be Continued in Interlude: Spark

--[x] Genghis Khan (Get an apartment)

You finally got around to providing Genghis Khan with an apartment... is what you would have said, if Khan hadn't been living in Doofania for two and half years now. He's apparently quite happy in the small yurt community that he's built up with his fellow temporally displaced Mongols inside of Downtown Doofania National Park, but he seemed to appreciate the gesture and accepted the improved cable package.

Genghis Khan gains 5 Loyalty!

--[x] Norm Prime (Help father write a musical)

To be Continued in Interlude: Spark

--[x] Max (Go to see a Powerline concert)

To his own astonishment, Powerline actually remembered Max! Good thing too, since he pulled what Goofy has been referring to as 'the same stunt as last time', and probably could have been arrested if he didn't. Max was invited backstage and found out that, due to the whole Danville-Doofania renaming confusion, Powerline has not put on a concert in your city in years. Maybe you can fix that!

Hold a Powerline Concert action unlocked!

--[x] Mirage (Recruit at an SFIT Career Fair)

Mirage rounded up a gaggle of promising interns at the SFIT Career Fair. While you're a little disappointed you didn't find any super geniuses or anything, these interns should really help you out on all sorts of your projects.

Internship Program: +2 to corporate stewardship rolls

--[x] Vanessa (Watch the Eggheads)

Vanessa spent the rest of her summer observing your scientists and sitting in on a few of their seminars. Overall, things went okay. You get the sense this went better than it would have if L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N. were still around.

Vanessa gains 1 Learning!

--[x] Tobe (Train ''''''your ninja'''''' some more)

Tobe came back into his office recently smelling like shoelaces and orange soda, exhausted but clearly happy.

You're not sure you want to know what goes on in his """Training Sessions""".

--[x] Jumba (Experiment!)

To be continued in Interlude: Deja Vu

--[x] Janus Lee (Help Jumba Experiment! Muahaha!)

To be continued in Interlude: Deja Vu

--[x] Tom Lucitor (Rule The Underworld)
No roll needed

Tom spent the past two months in the Underworld, doing… hrm. Actually maybe it's best not to dwell on it.

--[x] Wasabi (Organize your Workstation)

You're not sure how anyone could spend that much of their free time doing nothing but organizing their workspace, but Wasabi sure did. Even more surprising, he seemed to really enjoy himself!

(Progress revealed: 148/150)

--[x] Malifishmertz (Create Meatlings (use the meat from the rain-food-inator))

To be continued in Interlude: Deja Vu

--[x] Marco Diaz (Train with Macbeth)

"Remember boy. Impossible to kill does not mean impossible to incapacitate. You just need to broaden the definition of 'incapacitate' when the Demon is involved."

(Progress revealed: 161/250)

--[x] Juniper (Meet your Coworkers)
Semi-random roll: Wasabi

Juniper, managed to make friends with your perennial neat freak Wasabi over their home city of San Fransokyo, mutual love of Yaki Taco and, oddly, the Cheetah Girls. It may take him a bit longer to get used to cooperating with a crazy cape but… not as long as you were expecting.

Progress revealed: (77/100)

-[x] Item Assignments:
--[x] Ruby Wings: Wile E. Coyote

-[x] Miscellaneous:
--[x] Don't Overclock TECHNOR
--[x] Activate an Inator
--[x] Hire Olivia this turn

There will be a twelve hour moratorium on voting.
Last edited:
Quest: Midnight Sun- ᚱ
---[x] Kitsune (leader)
---[x] Janna
---[x] Queen Lizzie
---[x] Dennis

You are called Kitsune. And you are enjoying yourself.

You feel alert as you have not felt in decades as you walk along the rocky crag that so typifies this part of the world. The rugged escarpment below you falls away towards a foaming fjord fed and drained by the crashing tide. The pale sky stretches above you, brimming with energy. Ley lines thrum with power here, at the top of the world. The paths to Asgard are thin but still open. In this place Odin still reigns upon his lonely throne, last survivor of Ragnarok. You would fear his intrusion, if you did not know exactly where he was.

Janna is following along behind you with her delightfully stoic friend, trying hard to appear as nonchalant and unbothered as Lizzy truly is. In actuality you have been hiking for three hours. You will have to let her rest soon. It would not do to forget human needs.

The living thought, of course, trips over every root and stone, forever flailing. Always being hurt but never experiencing harm. How these 'Americans' can look upon a being with magic so clearly woven into its very form and not see it for what it was astounds you.

"So, Feldrake." Janna says, careful to disguise the panting between the worlds. "What exactly are we looking for?"

"My sanctum!" the staff replies scathingly. It always amused you to see how forceful it was, desperate to ignore its sorry state. A shred of what once was, screaming in the hopes that it would appear to match the whole it had once been, before it lost to something stronger.

You consider the irony for a moment, and then discard it.

"I thought your Sanctum was back in Peru." Lizzy points out.

"Okay fine. Backup sanctum. Sheesh. It's at the other end of the fjord, don't worry. Soon, we shall… okay honestly, my wards say this place was broken into months ago. So honestly, there might not be much left."

"Why did you even build it up here anyway?" Dennis asks, partway through falling into a treestump.

"This land is home to rare and powerful arcane beasts, glutted on the flow of magic and formed from the very bones of the earth itself!" Feldrake cackles as the rest of you stop to help Dennis free himself. "They proved excellent shock troops for my armies. I hope a couple of them are still alive."

"How would you know?" Janna asks as the small duck pops out of the stump and flies through the air. None of you deign to comment.

"Well, they feed off magic. So if they're still here, we should expect to see some weird, magic-y things."

Dennis points at the next thing to come into view.

"Something like that?"

As a light fog rolls into the outskirts of the staff's sanctum, you see the hulls of war-torn viking longships that had been dashed against the cliffs in centuries past. The relics of some forgotten naval battle that could have happened before or after Felldrake set up shop. An archeologist might have made a fuss about the out-of-place siege weapons and strange mechanisms that poured out of the shipwrecks, but a layman, and you, would be more concerned with the fact that the boats were beached 200 feet above the fjord's waterline and scattered against the sides.

Odd. You cannot recall the Valkyries using ships.

"Genuine air vikings! Don't get much more weird or magic than that!" Feldrake declares happily, in a tone that implies he would be marching forward if he had legs.

Intrigue Check: Is anyone (or anything) nearby?
DC 60 needed
Critical Success!

It's very quiet up here. Aside from a few distant ravens and the occasional rustle of underbrush, there doesn't seem to be anyone nearby for leagues on end. The path before you is littered with rubble, as if piles of stone were discarded here and there. Apart from that, there's- ah.

"Guys, I dunno what it is but… it just feels like Donald was here. I think we're on the right track." Dennis says.

"Uh-huh." Janna replies.

Dennis trips over a rock and falls into a very distinct duck-shaped hole in the ground. Hat and all.

"I knew it! We're clothe!" Dennis' muffled speech issues from the hole as he chews and then spits a clump of dirt out of his mouth. "I can almotht tathe it!"

The next rise passes faster now that the party has evidence this isn't all their wild goose's chase. As you rise over the last summit and look down… oh, you can't help it.

You start laughing.

Below you is an ancient earthen hillfort, wooden logs practically still covered in bark haphazardly lashed together into a defensive line.

"Look!" Feldrake whines defensively. "Impressive, isolated, good access to thralls. Pick two."

As you approach the fort, you realize the entrance, as much as it ever existed, has been destroyed. A pile of splintered wood now blocks the way forward.

A test. Excellent.

"Now then, Janna." You say, stepping aside with a flick of your tail. "This will be an excellent chance to see how your training has progressed."

"Piece of cake." she says, raising Feldrake.

"Without. The bird." You wag a finger, grin set in that most unsettling way. You don't get the responses you usually do now that you're with those used to you, but you are not a quitter.

Janna Occult Check: Remove the rubble without using Feldrake!
DC 50 needed
Bare Success

Janna immediately goes for the pad of paper she's been carrying for occasions like this, sketching out the basic shape of a fire sigil with only a few moments of hesitation. She taps it. And nothing happens.

"Argh, hold on…" She mutters, placing the pad on a nearby rock and trying again. A small puff of smoke rises from it.

"Agh! Who the heck can draw a perfect circle first time?!?" Janna complains, before reaching into her pack and removing a small sheaf of pre-prepared spell tags. Two fire sigils forced together in the act of activation and then thrust into the entrance detonate the pile in a great conflagration that sends debris raining down across the fort, shattering already damaged battlements.

No one ever said you couldn't cheat.

"Hey! Watch it" the staff squawks. "You're ruining my ruins!"

"Well done, little one." You say with an indulgent smile, before swishing into the now open-path with gentle satisfaction.

The interior of the fort is exactly as impressive as you imagined. It stands about thirty meters in diameter, populated with a single wooden hut shrouded in darkness.

"So what do these 'Meteorbeasts' look like, anyway?" Lizzy asks, somehow injecting even more sardonic disinterest into the term than her normal speaking voice.

"Titans of earth and magic, living rock itself infused with runic power, glowing with the light of the aurora itself!"

Stewardship Check:
DC 60
Bare failure

Distracted by imagining all the ways in which the thought's ambient magic might twist the staff's words against it, you are nearly upon the hut before a low growl alerts you to the glowing yellow eyes peeking out of the gloom, twisting lines of arcane symbology tracing the dark form to which they belong.

Ah yes, you think to yourself. It is not amusing if you are expecting it.
Quest: Midnight Sun- ᚠ
You take a moment to examine the beast before you. Its jagged fur is living stone, flesh rippling and shifting with the grinding of the deep earth. Its body is covered by glowing lines of arcane power, twisting into Elder Futhark in places where its nature reflects the magic inherent to its form. This is all academic, of course, since it is currently prowling towards you with obviously hostile intent.

Diplomacy Check: Calm down the Meteorbeast
DC 110

"How dare you growl at me!" Feldrake complains. "I am your master, and you will-"

Janna bonks the staff on a nearby log.


"Good kitty." She says cautiously, slowly reaching into her backpack. "Good golem beast. Uh… here." She says, pulling out a small packet. "Want some fishy frisky bits?"

"…Why do you have that on you?" Dennis stops to ask.

"Our entire city was just invaded by evil superpowered cat criminals."

"Yeah ok fair enough."

Suspiciously, the beast plods forwards, sniffing the air. After a moment it swipes the package out of Janna's hand with a paw bigger than her head, ripping into it with teeth like sharpened stalagmites before purring happily.

"It… worked?" Lizzy asks, confused.

"There's always a lever." Your student replies smugly. You feel a brief twinge of pride.

"Yeah yeah, good job, whatever." Feldrake grudgingly admits. "Woulda been more effective to just assert dominance, but I guess bribery is acceptable behavior for an evil overlord in training. How do you expect to get it out of here now, then?"

Janna grins, raising Feldrake into the air. A moment later, a giant cat carrier appears in a flash of green light. The lion beast looks up, blinking at the light.


Martial Check: Obtain the Meteorbeast!
Opposed Martial Check:
Extreme Critical Success!

Looming behind it, the great beast Leopold shoves the lion into the cage with the barest of effort. A few bolts of what look like lightning issue forth, but Janna tosses in another bag of those ridiculously named snacks and the creature immediately quiets.

"Ha ha! Deception! Much better!" the staff crows.

"Well that was easy." Dennis notes, looking at the now quiescent meteorbeast happily.

Intrigue check: Notice ???
Critical successes knock-on effects- automatic success!

Occult check: Notice ???
DC 60 (reduced by crits)

"All right, let's get this guy loaded up onto Leopold and-"

Janna stops talking as you press a hand over her mouth.

"whuh?" She mumbles through your fingers.

"Someone approaches." you whisper. Without the rush of battle to distract you, you can hear footsteps echoing faintly behind you, the steps of one who thinks themselves far more adept at stealth than they truly are. Perhaps an excellent passing amusement, if you were to disguise yourself. On the other hand, the lion will be difficult to hide, and while you hear only a single pair of plodding feet, you sense… a presence. Something foreign disturbs the aether of Asgard, though you know not what or from whence it comes.

What now?

[ ] Hide yourselves
The lion will be difficult to disguise, but the rest of you should be able to slip into the shadows before whoever arrives shows themselves. A perfect position from which to have some fun.

[ ] Face whoever comes
You are not inconsiderably powerful and in possession of what you wanted. Face whatever interloper comes head-on.

[ ] Attempt to discern the magic's source
Rather than do either, you could use the time you still have to learn more about the source of the foreign magic you sense.

[ ] Write-in

There will be a twelve hour moratorium on voting.
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Quest: Midnight Sun- ᛋᛒ
[x] Attempt to discern the magic's source

Occult check: Discern the magic's source!
DC 100 needed:
Bare Success!

The interloper approaches quickly, but your focus is elsewhere. The magic vexes you for a moment, strands of memory woven into a novel shape. It is foreign, yes, but there are little touches of familiarity within the greater whole which remind you of something on the edge of thought. It is the little duck that finally makes you realize what you are dealing with… it is not a member of the Children, but the Idea of them; a creature born from the collective thoughts and emotions of what humanity thinks some member of the fey was. Possibly created by some real god or spirit or simply sprung into being like the thought beside you. You explain this to those following you.

"Huh." Dennis says. "A spirit made in the image of… now why does that sound familiar?"

No sooner had you made this realization than the one you had heard before makes himself known.

Krantz Intrigue Check: Avoid Notice
Kitsune Contest:

It's actually mildly embarrassing. You all make the barest possible effort to look like you don't see him as a dognosed man with round glasses, white gloves, and a poorly concealed gun slips into the room. He sees you all, starts, and then tries and fails to hide in the shadows. You notice a spark of recognition on Janna's face as the dognose 'stealthily' makes his way past you and towards the massive cat container your new pet is in. As soon as he reaches it, the bad attempt at subtlety ends.

"Ha ha! Fools! Your wasteful time wasting has allowed me, the indomitable Dr. KRANTZ, to once again pilfer your pathetically obtained treasure! This creature will shock and amaze the world! I'll make a fortune off of revealing it, just as soon as I…"

For the first time, Krantz attempts to move the cat carrier. He strains and toils, pathetic muscles utterly failing to even rock the cage in which a living stone cat is currently grooming itself.

"Huuugh! ...hold on. Arrgh! Haaa! Huuuughhh!"

You watch in bemusement as things continue in this manner until 'Dr. Krantz' falls to the floor in exhaustion.

"He's not really a threat, is he?" Lizzy asks.

"You'd be surprised. Janna replies. "But yeah, I think we're ok."

"I knew he was going to be a recurring enemy!" Dennis declares.

"Dennis, you weren't there when we met him the first time."

"Oh, yeah. I forgot."

"I would not rest easy just yet." You remind them. "There is still the oncoming issue of the-"

A blinding white light issues forth from the entrance to the fort as what was left of the frame is torn to shreds. When it finally fades you see an unreasonably buff bird standing in its place, posing in a manner some might generously describe as 'heroic'. It reminds you of the japanese zhĭyĭngxì Janna watches when she thinks nobody is looking.


"Ha!" Feldrake squawks. "I told you it was a sanctum!"

Storkules Learning Check: Remember what Dennis or Feldrake look like
DC 50
Critical Failure!

"GASP!" the eudaemon gasps. In a flash, he races over to your group and bends down to greet… Dennis?

"You, adorably tiny monochrome creature! I find you… familiar. You remind me of a dear compatriot I once fought beside! Tell me. Do you perhaps know a fine feathered fellow by the name of Donald Duck?!"

"Okay first off, not all Ducks know each other." Dennis chastises. "Second, YOU KNOW DONALD?!?! I LOVE DONALD!!!!!!!"

Janna drags a hand down her face.

"You're talking to the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and oooonly member of the Donald Duck fan club!"

"How could this be?! My good friend Donald is kind, intelligent, selfl- selfie.. .erm, he never thinks of himself first, he never shows even the slightest bit of issue with his temperament-"

"You remember 'temperament' but not 'selfless'?" Lizzy questions with a raised eyebrow.

Dennis seems to vibrate with glee. "Do you want to join the Donald Duck Fan Club?"

The eudaemon's face is split with a massive grin. "I would! I have seen every one of Donald's cartoons multiple times, and I've spoken to him on more than one occasion when he's been traveling with the Goddess of Adventure!"

You and Janna exchange a look. This is not how you planned on the encounter turning out, but it is amusing to watch.

"Then join with me in reciting the Donald Duck Fan Club Theme Song! D-O-N-A-L-D D-U-C-K-Missing beat!" Storkules' repetition of the song is flat and several seconds behind Dennis, but he can't be faulted for his enthusiasm.

"Excuse me! Has everyone forgotten about me?!?" Krantz complains.

"Look, dude. You're not winning this." Janna replies.

"Oh yeah?" He asks. "Then how about this?!"

Krantz Martial Check
Kitsune Contest:
Massive Success!!!!!
Have a Sandwich activates!

"As the newest and so far only inductee of the Donald the Duck fanclub," Dennis begins. "I now present you with the customary submarine sandwich of brotherhood. Eat of it, and remember Donald's wisdom:"

Krantz whips out his gun and aims directly at Janna. Thankfully, the bullet is blocked by the rising meal, which explodes into pastrami, lettuce and cheese on wheat shrapnel as it splatters across all of you.

"Aw. phooey." Dennis says.

"Gasp!" Storkules gasps again. "How dare you harm my new friend Dennis?"

"He was… aiming for me." Janna points out.

"How dare you harm my new friend's friends! Face me, villain!"

Storcules Martial Check:
Krantz contest
88(Underdog-nose: reroll!)+41+26=155
Critical Failure!

Storkules winds up a massive punch, pulling back a fist the size of a ham and aiming straight at the dog-man's head! At the very last second Krantz steps to the side, leaving Storkules to slam into the massive cage. His head lodged itself between the bars.

"Ooooh, my temples..." Storkules moans, blinking away stars. He looks up just as the Meteorbeast smells freshly caught bird. It salivates, and Storkules tugs, trying to pull his head out of the bars to no avail.

"Uh… nice kitty?"

In between the screams, Storkules manages to reassure you.

"AAAAAH! It's ok! I'll reform eventuallAAAHHHH!"

Krantz Martial roll
Kitsune Contest:
Krantz Success?!

With a gentle twist, Krantz bashes Janna with the flat of his gun, knocking her away before leveling the sights at you once again.

"Why is this hard." Lizzy asks. "This shouldn't be hard."

"It's kinda his thing, I think." Janna complains, rubbing her jaw as she stands up.

"He's the only foe we have left. He has to be a challenge!" Dennis exclaims fearfully.

"This is becoming tiresome." You say to disguise just how much Janna being hurt has upset you. In a flash you are upon the obnoxious little fool, claws out and very anxious to be put to use.

Kitsune Martial Check:
Krantz Contest:

"You fool! Never rush a man with a gun, he- why aren't you stoppi- OW OWWOWOWOWOW!" Krantz screams as you scratch and stab him with a feral growl. Desperate, he attempts to throw you off.

Krantz Martial roll
52+26-10(noodle arms)=68
Kitsune Contest:
Kitsune Success!

With that, you claw the dimwitted doctor a few more times before attempting to tie him up.

Kitsune Martial Check:
Krantz Contest:
Extreme Critical Success!

Climbing rope is surprisingly multipurpose, and in a few seconds the dognose is hogtied and thrown to the ground with a rough thump.

"Ow! How dare you do this to me! I'm-"

"We can't kill him, can we." Lizzy says with disappointment.

"I guess we could take him back and… imprison him or something?" Janna suggests

"No judge in the world would convict me! There's no evidence, I wore gloves! The second I get out of here you ignoramuses will-"

You contemplate the prospect of carrying this man across an entire mountain range and back to civilization.

"Leave him here?" Lizzy suggests.

"Leave him here." Janna nods.


"I have no problems with this whatsoever!" Dennis declares.


Quest: Midnight Sun Completed!

You have obtained a Meteorbeast; a rare, trainable, unintelligent magical creature!

Golumetric Theory action unlocked!

Kitsune has gained 1 Martial!

Dennis' Joking Around changes to Aw, Phooey!

Aw, Phooey's effects apply to the Quest Leader on any Quest Dennis is put on; positive and negative. However, if Aw, Phooey causes a crit failure on a defensive roll, Have a Sandwich does not activate!

Aw, Phooey applies when Dennis performs a Personal Action!


Krantz was upset.

Trussed up, hogtied, left for dead in this godforsaken wilderness. How could things possibly get worse?

Two pairs of feet hit the ground.

"Are you sure she's here, Hildy-Wildy?" A voice asked. "All I see is that pathetic looking man on the floor over there."

"Ugh!" a second voice screamed. "Late again! This is all your fault, Beelzebub!"

There was a sound like a woman being hit over the head with a broom.

"To be fair dear, you did provoke him."

"It's gotta be perfect!" The voice of Jay Leno rang out.


"The timing! It's gotta be perfect!"

No one spoke.

"Eh? Eh? Pretty good, right?"

Krantz screamed.
Interlude: Red Tape Do Not Cross
Major Monogram leapt to his feet and clapped his hands together. "Alright men! …animals! Dr. Doofenshmirtz has tasked us with finding out who stole the Declaration of Independence! We will put a stop to whatever this nefarious culprit has started, find out if they've acquired any other strange items to fulfil their evil scheme, and save America! Not necessarily in that order. We'll start by stealing the surveillance records from the National Mall. Everyone ready?"

Across the briefing room, a goose gave him the side eye.

"Oh come on! What could go wrong?"


Major Monogram glared as the cell bars closed in front of him.

"Don't you dare say a word, Agent G."

Okay, Major Monogram admitted to himself. Maybe he'd gotten a bit overconfident in his newly trained agents. Maybe he'd made a few mistakes along the line. But now was not the time for pointed wingtips. Now was the time to develop some brilliant plan to get them out of this scenario. Something that would wow everyone with his espionage skill and covert brilliance.

Monogram thought.

"…Hey! Don't I get a phone call!?"

The guard sighed. "Fine, who are you calling?"



"Don't worry sir." Carl began calmingly. "I have an idea on how to get you out of this without causing a major incident. Heh, Major incident. Heh heh."

"Focus, Carl!" Monogram yelled into the phone receiver.

"R-right, sorry. So, you didn't actually do anything wrong. It's hard to believe, but technically we still are…"


"-a Federal agency." The bear across the table from you sighed in a thick Thembrian accent. He was dressed in a dark suit, dark tie, and a frown that showed off his extremely sharp teeth.

"I kannot belief it. You seempeltons are aktually government agents. While what you have done represents gross incompetence and initiative bordering on insubordination, you haf not, tekhnically, committed crime."

"Of course we are! Mr, uh… Gryzlikoff?" Monogram read off the bear's nametag. "While I will admit I may have had a few… missteps today, The Organization Without A Cool Acronym has been a bastion against Evil Science for years, I'm sure our achievements and accolades are-"

"I had to find the files myself. They were at the bottom of bathroom stall in sub-basement of SHUSH branch office behind locked door with sign saying 'Beware of Elephant'."

"Well, once you cross Agent E he never really forgets." Monogram replied offhandedly. "I suppose the name change to NOWCA might have caused some issue. Now, if we're all done here, I do have other duties-"

"Yeys." Agent Gryzlikoff replied. "I haf no more interest in being here than you. Uncle Sam is thinking 'oh, animals problems. We will send our own animals.' Feh. You will report to Agent 'Lucky 31' from now on. Expect orders within the week once channels are eystablished."

"Yes yes, I- wait what?"

"You work for government." Gryzlikoff replied bluntly as he stood up. "Prepare to start working."


Lack of Agency: The US Government has been reminded that NOWCA works for them! Each turn, Major Monogram must make a weighted roll to see if the government has a job for him (depending on how busy the government is). If so, he will be locked into a personal action while the government receives him as a hero unit for the turn. You can expect Monogram to be free more often than not, but you won't know until the turn is posted at the start of each turn.
DEI Sleep habits
DEI Sleep habits
Doof - Ruined by Mad science.

Goofy - Crash lands into his bed at 9 pm and wakes up via alarm at 7.

NOWCA - Someone is always watching Doof.

Wile E - Having never seen the sun set in the desert he tries to get to sleep before that happens.

Khan - Decent scheduled but the lightest sleeper on staff.

Norm - Batteries are good enough that he can do simple tasks while the weasel sleeps.

Dennis - must have comically large midnight snack.

Technor - 24 hour therapy, 15 hours of continuous villainy.

Max - Goes to bed at 8 so he doesn't have to hear his dad snore.

Mirage - Unknown

Vanessa - Standard teenager habits

Janna - Extreme teenager habits

Jumba - Knows exactly how the lack of sleep messes with him physically but ignores it for evil genius aesthetic.

Ludivine - Can fall asleep halfway through configuring a death ray.

Lizzy - Does not sleep as far as anyone knows.

Tobe - Will forget to sleep unless Vagabonds remind him.

P&F - Adhere to bed time unless inspiration strikes.

Janus Lee - Is up all night designing OC's. Needs exorbitant amounts of caffeine to tolerate peers.

Kitsune - Seen asleep in workspace. It might be an illusion, but no one is stupid enough to check

Alan - Stares at computer screens long past midnight. Waiting.

Wendy - Practices what she preaches to kids.

Roddy Blair - 9 to 5 work 10 to 6 sleep. Charges extra for anything that throws him off schedule.

Tom - Won't sleep in same dimension as Janna if he can help it.

Wasabi - 10 hours of sleep. He will not let anything prevent that other than his stress.

Marco - Scissor lag messes him up.

Juniper - Night owl ready to do a midnight gig. Somewhat cranky if a music number occurs before 8 but hides it well.

Gomez - Sleeps when Doof sleeps.

Mesmerella - Needs sensory deprivation to sleep. Somewhat paranoid about her tech being used against her.
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