I'm a little concerned that even if Kitsune is a good replacement for Goofy she'll probably have a trait that greatly reduced how useful she'll be

For example a higher crit fail chance or a tendency to drive any action we assign her to into mischief whether we want her to or not
I'm advocating we just camp her on occult actions. Right now I really think she's too volatile to be trusted with other stuff.
I'm advocating we just camp her on occult actions. Right now I really think she's too volatile to be trusted with other stuff.
Which would probably be for the best but is unfortunate since one of the main reasons we went for her is to have a Diplomacy hero that could give Goofy a break

If she's untrustworthy we probably would've been better off going for Wendy
No, seriously. Is there a reason we can't just study Zero Point technology, build it up into a big laser instead of a tiny wrist-mounted device, mount it on a plane, and just rip the entire castle off the ground and bring it home that way?
No, seriously. Is there a reason we can't just study Zero Point technology, build it up into a big laser instead of a tiny wrist-mounted device, mount it on a plane, and just rip the entire castle off the ground and bring it home that way?
Zero Point Technology is DC 130, Doofhawk is DC 105. We roll +50 for stewardship and +82 for learning. We're only a little more likely to pass Zero Point research than we are to just move Doofhawk directly.
Which would probably be for the best but is unfortunate since one of the main reasons we went for her is to have a Diplomacy hero that could give Goofy a break

If she's untrustworthy we probably would've been better off going for Wendy
Uh....I thought we went with her because we need a good Occult hero, and Janna's off on quests often enough that having a backup with some actual skill would be useful.
I imagine that that would involve a lot more steps and be more complicated than just movin the castle
Way I see it, it's one Learning action to study it, possibly another to amplify it, and then a direct DC reduction to the transport action? Given we aren't transporting the castle now anyways because we're too reticent of failure, I don't see how we're losing anything, except opportunity cost of doing other Learning actions (which, admittedly, we have a lot of stuff needing attention there).

Edit: didn't see Tesseract's post.
"It really, really, really opens up the sinus! AHA HA HA HAA!!"
Well, I can see why Janna and Kitsune get along very well. Well Vanessa, you wanted your friend to lay off the seriousness a bit. You got your wish.

Probably a good idea not to send Kitsune to the auction. Aside from, y'know, the logic in not sending a hero you just recruited on an important quest.
Well... on the bright side, we now have an occult hero who is apparently very capable at what she does. Also, Vanessa can breathe fire now. So, yay? We don't have to worry about her as much? Though, the lack of a list of rewards at the end concerns me. @Made in Heaven is this on purpose or did you just forget to put it in?
Well, that happened. Shame, I was hoping for a bit of a better personality, but that's what we get. I don't think the good doctor will like her much, things that bother his baby girl are things that have a high likelyhood of having inators made to deal with them.
Well, that happened. Shame, I was hoping for a bit of a better personality, but that's what we get. I don't think the good doctor will like her much, things that bother his baby girl are things that have a high likelyhood of having inators made to deal with them.
It's a KITSUNE. They're CLASSIC tricksters and pranksters, we really didn't have a right to expect anything else.
Eh, kitsune was a bit scary, but having scary Hero units can only be of the good. Also, Kitsune was doing really well at swindling Vanessa before deliberately freaking her out, so I don't doubt she can be a great Diplo Hero when she wants to.
Uh....I thought we went with her because we need a good Occult hero, and Janna's off on quests often enough that having a backup with some actual skill would be useful.
That was one of the reasons but the other main argument, at least that I saw, was that she potentially has good enough Diplomacy to let Goofy take a break
Okay, could you People PLEASE stop being so completely negative about this before we have even seen her Stats and Traits?
There's a difference between being overly negative and acknowledging that a person doesn't have the best personality and could easily have a trait that makes them difficult to get along with

I should know, I've been guilty of the former a lot in the past