Kitsune's taking up everyone's brainspace, which, understandable, but we've also learned a couple of things about Vanessa and her point of view, here.
1) Like all teenagers, she is prone to overexaggerating her father's faults, and how poorly people react to them.
2) Like all teenagers, at the core of the exaggeration, self-importance, and rebellion, she does have a pretty perceptive point.
While I doubt people need to "deal with" Doofenschmirtz's eccentricities even a tenth as much as Vanessa perceives, I think maybe people have been nervous about Doofania's declaring independence, perhaps, a tad more than our main POV character is capable of noticing. It's. uh, something to keep in mind for the future, and also maybe easing up a tiny bit on how weird we let things get for our employees.