Okay… So… There never seems to be a "right" moment to say something, so I'll just do it here.
I'll preface this by saying that this is all a very unorganized mess, that was made with no eye for the strategic or logistic maths involved. And that it isn't even an actual plan of action.
I get the hunch that Stitch (Experiment 626) is an untapped genius, or perhaps a broken genius. He's unmotivated. He may even have clinical depression for all I know. (But not necessarily likely. He is motivated by some specific triggers, it seems. And I'm hardly an expert on the subject.) And while this probably makes him a relatively safe super intelligence, it makes for a poor employee. The solution, I think, may lie with one of four options:
• (1) Psychoanalyze Stitch
• (2) Have Dennis the Duck head a project with the think tank, to invent the tastiest, most satisfying, most "extra" sandwich to have ever graced the universe in the entire history of sandwiches. Then give it to Stitch with the promise of more if he agrees to put his full effort into doing jobs.
• (3) Have Jumba genetically engineer a coffee plant that produces superior beans for coffee. Which may have the side benefit of improving morale, and possibly boost productivity in the company, for those who drink coffee. But ultimately, it is to create a better bribe motivation for Stitch. PS—You may want to involve Princess Coffee Java for her insight, and also for humorous conversational blunders.
• (4) Combine options (2) & (3)
Here is an another idea, for a completely different thing…
Norm Prime has an obsession with platypode. But is the obsession itself really the problem, or is it that he is (presumably) supposed to seek them out for neutralization? (I haven't watched the show he's from. All I know is from this thread.) What if you were to find the value in his code, that governs his feelings toward them, and flip the sign around. (Negative to positive, or vis versa.) Would this make him a champion protector of platypode instead? The reason that this looks like a good idea to me, is that it's relatively uncomplicated, and low effort, and leaves the removal of the obsession open as an option in the future. (Well, I think it would…)
The reason that Norm's obsession concerns me, is that it could get in the way of resurrecting Perry. And I really don't want anything to get in the way of that. In fact … I've been thinking about that.
The scene at the frightfully disreputable nacho place reminded me of Coco. The shrine thing that my spell check doesn't think exists, but which sounds similar to "friend". You see; Coco, while being made by Pixar, was released by Disney. Meaning that there may infact be a ghost of Perry somewhere in an afterlife of some sort. So all we really need to do, is build a shrine to Perry, with his photo, to lure him into visiting on the Day of the Dead. And use some kind of ritual to trap his spirit there, and force him into a prepared vessel for him to inhabit. But the vessel in the case is the interesting part. Because you don't necessarily have to stick with a plain old normal platypus-like body, do we? We have a wealth of options, to bring him back stronger than he was before!
We could have Jumba head a project to create the Platypus Mark 2, genetically based on the standard natural platypus template. We could adapt the android technology from Syndrome to a platypus form, and possibly upgrade it with other technology, like an internal flubber powerplant for inexhaustible free energy, and energy weapons, and basically anything you can think of! You could even make his body bigger! Anti-gravity technology can tell the Square-Cube law to shove off. Although Perry may not appreciate being unable to fit indoors…
Another idea that kinda ties into the Perry one, is the potential synergy of certain technologies within Doof's grasp… Is it possible to create a biological analog to the android? And if so, can you use the neural interface technology of the reformed (?) ant themed villian to load the bio-android with an existing mind? Could you use weird spooky magic to translate a spirit's mind to digital form, and then to a biological body? There are probably a great number of dead or not too distantly dead people that you might want to bring back. One of which is Perry. You might even be able to bring back some of those dead heros, or Doof's Great Grunkle^65. Or Judy Hopps! (I was so sad to learn of her death…) (But I guess Doof and co. don't exactly have much association with the City, or City-State, or whatever of Zootopia. *sad face* She was mentioned in the national news at least, because the Zootopian Mayor did that memorial thing for her.) (I better wrap this up; I'm starting to go off on tangents.)
But another application of this technology might be to create a backup system to resurrect Doof in the case of his untimely demise, or any other associates of his. Although a major limitation would be that this wouldn't allow them the same physical abilities as their previous bodies. Although this might be seen as a bonus in some cases.
A couple more last things to talk about: I can't remember if DoofOS was made open source or not. Because if it was, what's to stop that other OS development company from using code from DoofOS, considering that it's already binary compatible. And that their own OS isn't open source. They could simply be passing DoofOS code off as updates to their own system. Which might explain the bizarre success of their "Legacy" version. If they are, maybe DEI could lay a trap for them in their code. See, what if you added some new awesome features to DoofOS, which become popular, as bait. But the bait is poisoned against the competing OS specifically, because the new features interact with eachother like a binary explosive, where the individual parts are harmless, but combined, they explode! See, you could find some feature that is utterly unique to DoofOS, and inherent in the visible in-system branding of the OS, and use that as a key to make the explosive/poison harmless, but if the features are just copied from DoofOS to an OS without the right key, they'll EXPLODE! But, uh, subtly. Because we don't actually want to to explode computers all across the world. But it should do something that makes is very obvious that they're just copying the DoofOS code, and presumably going against the open source license by selling it. That way, you can hit them in their weak spots: their barely recovering reputation, and a legal battle! Bwuhahahaha~! —But this all kinda hinges on the question of whether or not DoofOS is open source. Which … now that I think about it, how would DEI be making money on it? I suddenly recall a little snippet of a message about an increased income. …Dangit. Nevermind.
And the last thing. Does anyone think that a biological CPU would be a neat thing to make and sell, for consumer computers? I bet it would be really neat, and probably a great warm-up for Jumba to get a handle on creating a bio-android. And if it turns out that it requires a completely different type of machine-code level programming than binary, but the computer itself is vastly superior in performance to that other OS, then you could create a new version of DoofOS that runs on the biological hardware, which includes software emulation of the old DoofOS for backwards compatibility, but still ends up running faster due to the hardware. But opens the way to customers seeking to migrate to the native OS environment, to get an even better boost in performance, which should allow you to slowly faze the old compatibility out of use, except in holdouts like lazy corporations that don't want to re-program all their tools for a completely novel programming language. (To be fair, that a heck-ton of work, and might be impossible in for weird cases.) This should leave that Legacy thing in the dust while they try to catch up.
Dangit, I thought of something else I wanted to say… Okay! Last thing for sure this time!
I think Doof should have his new pint-sized genius employees build an institute of higher learning, for the teaching of advanced SCIENCE! But I'm not sure if there would be much time to get any benefit out of it. I'm getting the vibes of a kind of end-game boss coming up, and I don't know if it's supposed to be a finale, or just a really big major world event, kind of like how the Gala got hyped up. But anyway, I think an Institute of Higher SCIENCE! would be a greate addition to Doofania, and it would probably benefit the next generation of geniuses in Doofania as well. Heck, it might uncover some that we didn't know about! It should go without saying that the education there should be made pretty cheap. And that there should be an arts program, which should of course include theater.
Huh… I think I'm actually done this time. I thought I had jinxed myself with that last declaration.
Well, all that's left to say, is that I throw these ideas upon the mercies of the horde, and that you all can sort them out or discard them as you see fit. The truth is that I'm not fast enough or reliable enouto properly take part in this quest. And I don't have that much free time either. But I had to get the wiggles out, so to speak, by voicing these ideas, and hopefully inspiring someone. Bye.