Hey, lookit me! I'm in
Guys and Dolls!
Me: (singing with backup dancers)
And as I laughed at the warnings and the signs, (*maniacal laughter*)
it turned out that Janna had joined and turned Xanatos!
(Oh~ no~!)
And as Doofania fell,
and I hollered, "Someone save me!"
That's the moment I woke up!
Thank the Lord~!
(Thank the Lord! Tha~nk the~ Lor~d!)
Then I said to myself, "Say no! (Say no!)
Say no to the lizard man!" (Say~ no! Say no!)
I said to myself, "Say no!
Say no to the lizard man!
'Cause Janna's acting weirdly,
and if I don't shit'll hit the fan!
Say no! Say no! Say no! Say no!
Say no to the lizard man!"
(Say~ no! Say no!
Say no to the lizard man!
Say~ no! Say no!
Say no to the lizard man!)
Say no! Say no! Say no! Say no!
Say no to the lizard man!
Say no! Say no! Say no! Say no!
Say no to the lizard man!
Say no! Say no! Say no! Say no!
Say no to the lizard man!
Say no! Say no! Say no! Say no!
Say no to the lizard man!
Say NO~~~~!!!
(Say no! To the liz! Ard MAAAAAAAAAAAN~~~~!!!!!)