So, dumb question from someone who never watched "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?", but how exactly would Doom employ it as anything other than a means of execution? ie., how would he be able to weaponize Dip without running into problems with it's chemical composition? Benzene is "can kill you if you breath in too much", where "too much" is 10,000 to 20,000 parts per million in the air, even with brief exposure, turpentine is potentially equally toxic if it's inadvertently ingested or too much is absorbed through the skin (not exactly unlikely if a compound including it is being sprayed around like fuel from a flamethrower), and acetone, the least unpleasant of the components of Dip for humans, is still a massive irritant if it gets anywhere sufficiently sensitive, and can also cause nausea, headaches, etc., when ingested.
Ironically, it's chemical properties (assuming Dip doesn't follow cartoon logic and is somehow only toxic to Toons, even though it's components should be toxic to humans too) could make it seem like a potentially attractive way of trying to assassinate Doom - have him get doused in Dip as a result of an "accident", and then slip a more lethal poison into something that he eats/drinks (or which is injected into him by a doctor) while recovering from benzene/turpentine poisoning.