I do hope so, since doing *that* would catapult us right outta "kooky, kinda benevolent Mad Scientist" right into the deepest pits of *psychotically cackling Super-Villainy* where not even the likes of Judge Doom dare to dwell.
What? It definitely can be done without killing.
Well, shearing practices aside, I think we will need to show at least some air force capacity before dealing with Shere Khan. May be our own Khan on pterodactyl steed will be intimidating enough…
What? It definitely can be done without killing.
Well, shearing practices aside, I think we will need to show at least some air force capacity before dealing with Shere Khan. May be our own Khan on pterodactyl steed will be intimidating enough…
I thought we already got Norm air force in the city already.
What? It definitely can be done without killing.
Well, shearing practices aside, I think we will need to show at least some air force capacity before dealing with Shere Khan. May be our own Khan on pterodactyl steed will be intimidating enough…

You do realize that despite his animalistic appearance, Shere Khan is still essentially a human being in terms of mental capacity?

Skinning or even only shaving a human being to make a furcoat outta it would cause our PR to tank hard.

That and royally pissing off one of the most calculatingly ruthless Kings around the block just to get a furcoat
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...No, guys...We are not going to kill/humiliate *Shere* Khan just to get a furcoat and maybe bullshit a harebrained way to maybe buff up *Genghis* Khan

Even disregarding the atrocious asininity of it, it has no way to work because "Genghis Khan" is a TITLE unlike "Shere Khan" which is a NAME

Seriously, Doof is not friggin Leatherface/Cruella DeVille, so please stop that train of thought
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...No, guys...We are not going to kill/humiliate *Shere* Khan just to get a furcoat and maybe bullshit a harebrained way to maybe buff up *Genghis* Khan

Even disregarding the atrocious asininity of it, it has no way to work because "Genghis Khan" is a TITLE unlike "Shere Khan" which is a NAME

Seriously, Doof is not friggin Leatherface/Cruella DeVille, so please stop that train of thought

I dunno man, Doof's Inators are conceptual enough that I could kinda see us use DNA from Shere Khan to increase the sheer amount of Khan present in Temujin, and maybe go from 300% to 400%. Seems like the kinda wacky physics breaking nonsense Doof could get up to.

On the other hand, shaving another King as if we were college fratboys in a prank war is probably not the best idea. Unfortunately, de-facto rulers of what might as well be sovereign nations don't appreciate practical jokes.
I dunno man, Doof's Inators are conceptual enough that I could kinda see us use DNA from Shere Khan to increase the sheer amount of Khan present in Temujin, and maybe go from 300% to 400%. Seems like the kinda wacky physics breaking nonsense Doof could get up to.

On the other hand, shaving another King as if we were college fratboys in a prank war is probably not the best idea. Unfortunately, de-facto rulers of what might as well be sovereign nations don't appreciate practical jokes.

Yeah, that´s what I am saying:

It´s just not worth it - not for moral reasons and not because of the nasty fallout
Honestly I think it is a bad idea to shave the oil tycoon Kitty.
Although I do think it would be funny, still a very very bad idea though a funny one, it's bad.
Because contrary to popular belief not all ideas are great ideas.

Case and point the umbrella corporation's plan to take over the world...... Actually now that I think about did they even have a plan?
Yeah, Khan doesn't even register as a Hated Enemy®. We should save the humiliations for the people we have enormous, childish grudges against for slights real and imagined.
On the other hand, shaving another King as if we were college fratboys in a prank war is probably not the best idea
It´s just not worth it - not for moral reasons and not because of the nasty fallout
We dont need "all" his hair: we could just send a robot to collect done samples in his mansion or whatever, maybe send some ninja barbers. We have more options that a full shave, is what I'm saying
Yeah, Khan doesn't even register as a Hated Enemy®. We should save the humiliations for the people we have enormous, childish grudges against for slights real and imagined.


Keep the humiliating/gruesome fates for pshychotic idiots like Doom, Bellwether and Syndrome, not a reasonable if unscrupulous oil magnate we didn´t even explicitly clashed before.

Seriously, when I first read the turn threadmarks, I thought to myself "Well, they could try reaching out to the more reasonable and pragmatig Kings, while dismantling all the sociopathic bastards"

...Man, does this convo hurt in the like of those musings...
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