And hast thou slain the Jabberwocky?
- Location
- Dreamland
Tell the Truth-Inator (Good): Ah, one of the classics! Made to destabilize society by destroying the lies that hold it together, you realized it could be useful to foil your enemies plans! The next hostile Intrigue action taken against DEI automatically crit fails.
Tell the Truth-Inator (Bad): Should have accounted for mirrors: One of DEI's Tier 1 or Tier 2 secrets becomes known to the public.
For something like this, leaning away from it being a held effect. Maybe something like...
Tell the Truth-Inator: Ah, one of the classics! Made to destabilize society by destroying the lies that hold it together, you realized it could be useful to foil your enemies plans! The first hostile Intrigue action taken against DEI this turn automatically crit fails. If no one attempts such an action, a random spy is instead exposed. In addition, one of DEI's Tier 1 or Tier 2 secrets becomes public knowledge.
50 xp.
Money-Attract-Inator (Good): You have fairly recently figured out how your company actually makes money, and it does not involve making it out of thin air. That seemed weird to you, so you built this, which should be able to attract money to you on a probabilistic level! Any action DEI takes this turn that has a gain in funds as part of the reward cannot crit-fail this turn, with any crit-fails that do occur being automatically upgraded to regular failures. In addition, any successful actions to gain funds generate twice the funds they otherwise would.
Money-Attract-Inator (Bad): Why did you even add a reverse switch? Any actions taken this turn that generate funds is one degree less successful then rolled. Successes become Bare Successes, ETC.
This isn't bad per se, but I'm not feeling it. It creates some interesting incentives but we're probably going to be restructuring elements of the quest once a certain seminal even has occured, and Income/Funds are on that pile. Pass.
Silver Tongue Inator (Good): This Inator was intended to allow you a better understanding of other people, making you much more convincing! One Diplomacy action DEI does this turn gains a +20!
Silver Tongue Inator (Bad): Ow ow ow. Well, good news is it's just plating. Bad news, you are lain up while they surgically remove the silver. Doof can only take one personal action this turn, and cannot use Personal Attention. Talk with the Bossman and Elocution Training cannot be taken.
This one is technically fine but very boring. Inators can be weirder than this. Pass. Between this and the last one, another 25xp for effort.
@Argidoll Behold, the Dice-Size-Inator
Sick and tired of constalty being forced to play D20 systems, you have decided less is more by having more dice of a lesser value be used! Now, all dice rolls in the TRI-STATE AREA must be done using D6!
For the rest of the turn, instead of rolling a D100, you roll 15d6; which, in turn, makes it so your far more likely to roll a number in the middle of the graph then on the outer edges.
As written, this makes critical success and failure impossible, with a minimum dice roll of 15 and a maximum dice roll of 90. That's fine. It's boring. Makes boring turns. Pass for the time being.
The Project-Inator!
Who could tell that the live of a CEO could be so rushed? You really don't have the time to make inators like you used to before, so there was this plan: a Inator that made other Inators! Ah, you are a genius! Look at that machine...oh, that other one seems a bit dangerous. It seems the machine is as a iffy as you in doing these!
Mechanic: on the next turn, roll twice for Inators. No Neutral Inators here: the dice shall only stop when one dice has a good result and the other has a bad result. Then, apply both effects in the next turn.
Going to pass on this one because we've already had one of these go off.
The Myster-Inator!
Well, you somehow lost the keys to your home. That was embarassing. Good thing you had this Inator ready! Now you can use it to get a detective, wait, it was in the back pocket of your pants. Huh. Could as well put this guy to good use.
In the next turn, you gain access to one formidable detective as a unit! You can't recruit him, but he can be used to solve any one Intrigue action without wasting any of your actions! If you use him, however, you must pay a hefty price for his services. Crime doesn't pay, but solving crimes sure does!
This is a little vague on specifics, which I understand if you want us to be able to slot in whatever we want.
Sure. Since you've been so kind to offer, the Myster-Inator has been added to the list as a Neutral Inator. We already have someone in mind.
100 xp.
Edit: On second thought, 150 xp for inspiration.
The Fus-Inator (Good)!
Seeing one of those animes in television gave you this idea. If you could combine some of your guys for some time...what would happen.
Two random units are selected, then, in the next turn, they are treated as a single entity, adding their stats and traits to form a fusion character. Loyalty is that of the character with the highest.
The Fus-Inator (Bad)!
Dough! You should have known that it wouldn't be that simple! It turns out that compatibility is a thing, after all...
Two random units are selected, then, in the next turn, they are treated as a single entity. Their stats are equal to the average between them, only one character's traits are inherited, and the loyalty equals that of lowest number.
The logistics are this are pretty annoying to sort through (the nightmare scenario would be two heroballs). Obviously we'd have control, over who gets picked, so it wouldn't be a huge issue, but it's actually like, bad for you guys, because you lose out on nationals. Overall, it's workable but I'm going to pass because of the work we'd have to put in on it.
The Haunting Stabiliz-Inator!
Hey, maybe if Malf got to hang out of the city for a bit, his humour can improve a bit!
For this turn only, Malifishmertz's Spellbound trait is negated, meaning he can leave the city! He will want to go to see the world regardless of anything else, lest you want to suffer a loyalty drop. If he's a member of the Council at the time, it means he won't give his stats to help in the situation.
Needs a bit more elaboration on the mechanics.
The Haunting Stabiliz-Inator!: Hey, maybe if Malf got to hang out of the city for a bit, his humour can improve a bit! For this turn only, Malifishmertz's Spellbound trait is negated, meaning he can leave the city! He will want to go to see the world regardless of anything else, lest you want to suffer a loyalty drop. If he's a member of the Council at the time, it means he won't give his stats to help in the situation. Malifishmertz's Opinion is raised by 5, or 15 if you take a personal action to spend time with him.
Good Inator. 50 xp.
The Collab-Inator! (Good)
Well, you were making lots of collaborative works with other groups, so why not collaborate with some of your fellow inventors? It turned out that Phineas and Ferb passed by at the moment, so you decided to call them. You feel good things will come out of this!
Next turn, you and the Flynn brothers are in the same wavelength! If rolling for a Inator, roll two dices and then sum the results. Great shot of getting something more ephemereal than usual -and that's saying a lot!
The Collab-Inator! (Bad)
You thought that two evil minds -in this case, yours and Jumba's -would make something good. Unfortunately, your fields of expertise are a bit different, so...
Next turn, you and Jumba are in the same wavelength! Oh no! If rolling for a Inator, roll two dices and subtract the lower from the bigger one. The resulting Inator will be a chaotic thing! Watch out!
I can work with this. Adding the following to the Neutral Inator list.
Collabor-Inator: A random Hero Unit has been drafted for ideas. A custom Inator will be automatically activated themed around that hero's interests. Whether this is good or bad is, as with all Inators, random.
50 xp.
The Job-Inator!
Well, you have to waste a lot of time recruiting people for your company. Why not make them come to you?
Next turn, a random unit currently in your Rolodex joins the company.
We've made a post, presumably after this was written, as to why we're going to be a bit more selective with recruitment. You'll get characters, and they'll be way better than average, but you'll have to find them in their own particular questlines.
The Mewni-Detector-Inator!
You heard that the Star that Janna and Marco are looking is from other dimension...maybe you should take a shot in helping with that. With a bit of talk with Janna, you are sure that something will come from that.
On activation, roll a 100 face dice. If it lands in any number between 1 and 100, the DC for "Hunt for Star" is reduced by a equivalent amount. A 1 gives you nothing. A 100 allows you to find the next place where she will appear.
The Retreat-Inator!
Ah, company retreats. They are usually productive times (You don't talk about the Drusselstein retreat). Shame you only have time for one at the year. Unless you could delay some events for enough time for a little week of respite...
Until the end of the year (next year, if done in the November/December turns), you can do two company retreats.
The Dump-Inator!
Ack! You were attempting to find a way to take your garbage automatically, but it went haywire and now you have to deal with this! Better prepare to clean up...
A big dumping ground is formed in the middle of the city, and everyone is putting their trash there! Until it is removed, negate the benefits of Greevil power, as you are accused of being a hypocrite.
The Doom-Inator!
Ergh! As if one Judge Doom is not enough, you have to deal with two of them! Hm? Wait a second. He's actually obeying you. This won't do many wonders for your Toon relations, but it would be a shame to not use it to your advantage...
You create a doppelganger of Judge Doom for the turn! Creepy! Slight hit for toon relations. Chance to cause some mischief. Note: this copy is only affected by what is know of Doom, so it may lack some traits.
The Kink-Inator!
...You don't want to talk about this or it's purpose. All it must be said is that you understood how hard it is to escape certain bindings.
Doof gains a +10 bonus for escaping any physical bindings.
These aren't very interesting.
Behold, my Redistribute-Inator!
You have done it! Your most recent Inator will redistribute your brainpower to cover literally every potential weakness. Sure you won't be nearly as good at science, but certainly it won't be that bad, right?
You gain the Average of all your current Stats for the next turn, rounded Down. AKA, you roll a +20 for everything instead of what Doof would normally roll (This may change depending on if Doof gets a Stat Bonus)
Fun concept, interesting characterization opportunities. Good Inator. 100 xp.
Dloheb, ym Rotani-Esrever!
Whoops, what was intended to force everyone to have to rewind a video when you did has instead made it so everyone acts in reverse! Next turn all actions show up in the reverse order. Yay.
This does nothing, we already have one of those on the list. Fun sell though.
Behold, my Rice-Pudding Inator!
No longer will you be forced to eat this at the company Goulash! This Inator will suck up all the Rice Pudding in the Tri-State Area; and blast it somewhere else! Hopefully Thembria, but eh, you have no idea where its set to, you kinda just punched in a random set of coordinates. A Random King has to deal with a large, pudding based projectile crashing into their city of operations, damaging infastructure and hindering any operations they make until cleaned up.
This is missing a little spice of some kind. Five-Spice, maybe. As is, I think it needs a bit more before we'll take it.
Behold, the Californ-inator!
Why does everything seem to happen in California these days? Your tired of that, and will deal with it the only way you know how. By Making Every State California! That will help right?
No one reads the discord.
The Platypus-Inator!
Oh. were thinking a lot about Perry the Platypus recently, so you must have created this by accident. It...turns people into platypus. Yeah.
One of your units is turned into a Platypus for the turn! It's a semi-aquatic egg-layin' mammal of action, so it gains some bonus in the water! Doof has -10 Learning this turn, as he reminisces of those old times...and because the Inator blew up and bonked him in the head, meaning that he's are not all there.
The Space-Inator!
Telescopes wouldn't do. Neither did most conventional ways of seeing the skies. What did you do? You used it a Inator, of course! You only needed to iron some quirks, and-oh, dammit, where that monkey came from? And why did it have to pull the lever down?!
Sends a wave energy that allows you to map the entire solar system! It's a quite big map, but it can lead to reveal some interesting secrets! Chance of outer space civilizations taking notice of that.
This is far too much work at this state in the game.
The Xanatos-Inator!
You had to admit: there was a certain charm in having situations where, regardless of what happens, you still get out winning. Of course you won't ask the man himself, but maybe something that can allow you to think like him will help with your plans.
This turn, one action that would end in failure insteads turns to be successful, as you sets things up to go right regardless of any hiccups. In addition, in the Rival Reports, you can see more of Xanatos' actions.
To quote Arathnorn, "It's not very Xanatos-y." Still, we can work with this.
The Xanatos-Inator! If you can't figure the guy out, you can at least beat him in chess! Or, uh, try to. This turn, you choose to reroll a single national action of your choice, but take the second result, even if it's worse.
Good Inator. 50 xp.
The Ant-Inator!
You were hanging out with Lizzy too much. So long, in fact, that you had the idea to make a ant-like machine that can dig deeper than most drills can! Yeah...
Vehicle Ant-Inator (allows for travel through the earth) added to your stuff. Also adds 5 Martial to the hero equipped with it. If Lizzy, she also has a continuous +10 Loyalty.
This is too replicable without Inators to warrant a spot on the page.
The Acume-Inator!
You heard that some people had this thing called a "Business Acumen." You weren't quite sure of what it was, but you decided to make a Inator either way. Now shoot it at yourself and...woah, you had this sudden feeling that something will happen soon. You had the feeling that if you order things a bit, you could make a place for yourself in some industry...
Before the start of a turn, select one random industry: this turn, any actions performed in that area by DEI will have significant chances of improving their standing in the industry.
This is not particularly inspiring. It's not technically bad we just don't think it's interesting to write.
The Balance-Inator!
You did this to reduce the difficulty of a game that had no difficulty selection (seriously, who does that kind of thing these days?) by passing part of the difficulty to one of Vanessa's childhood games. Then, Mirage wondered if this had some more...practical applications, and you decided it was as good a time to test it.
Select one random category of action (except Lobby and Espionage actions): this turn, the actions with the lowest and highest DC have their DCs be the medium number between them.
This seems like it could be interesting. Taken. 100xp.
Behold, My One-Step-Two-Step-Inator!
This Inators meticolous ability to plan will let you pivot a lost endevour into something far better. Next turn, for every Regular (Non Bare or Crit) Failure you get, another Action is considered to have Bare Failed.
Xanatos doesn't win when he loses, he pivots, or has a subgoal. He still failed, but lowered the damages. It also encourages us to do long shot actions, instead of just "Safe" actions.
Unfortunately, this overlaps with the Xanatos-Inator, and isn't quite sparkly enough to warrent adding on.
Behold, My Golden-Rule-Inator!
This incideus device will allow you to use your scientific genius on more then just science! Like... accounting, or talking to people. The only issue is you made it coin operated for some reason, and require oh... several thousand dollars in quarters to activate. For the next turn, you may spend a fund on any action to replace whatever stat it uses with your learning, multiple actions will take multiple funds.
Based off Glomgold's supposed Ability to spend funds to use his Stewardship instead of whatever Stat is actually there, this lets Doof mimic it for one turn. It also gives us a choice, how many funds to spend on swapping Attributes?
Behold, My Golden-Rule-Inator!
This incideus device will allow you to use your scientific genius on more then just science! Like... accounting, or talking to people. The only issue is you made it coin operated for some reason, and require oh... several thousand dollars in quarters to activate. For the next turn, you may spend a fund on any action to replace whatever stat it uses with your learning, multiple actions will take multiple funds.
Based off Glomgold's supposed Ability to spend funds to use his Stewardship instead of whatever Stat is actually there, this lets Doof mimic it for one turn. It also gives us a choice, how many funds to spend on swapping Attributes?
That's not how that ability works, but good guess. Very Good Inator. 100 xp.
You now know that you know that your not the best choice for everything, luckilly you have employees! This Inator will give them CEO PRIVLEDGES FOR A FULL 2 MONTHS! WITH ALL THE RESPONSIBILITIES THAT COME WITH IT! For one turn, a random non-contractor hero unit will get equal billing for the turn, with your second action in every catagory using their bonus instead of doofs (Or if they're a counciler, half of Doofs instead of half of theirs), and making it so both you and them get 2 Personal actions, in return they can not do any Quest or National Actions. The have the ability to, if they dislike an action they are assigned, do a random other action they prefer. They also get a Talk with the Bossman personal action, though it will not generate loyalty.
Based off how Sinatron and Winston share a kingship, this forces us to get one as well... though who it is is up for debate.
This is the On-Ice-Inator again, in a lot of ways. Not every one, but close enough we're not compelled to repeat tricks.
Behold, the Lamb-Inator!: After one to many nights of being bugged by you mother for not having a pet, you've created a machine that turns drawings of animals into ACTUAL ANIMALS! And with a push of a button... wheres the old drawings Vanessa made for for you? They were just on the... oh no.
For the next few months sheep of all shapes, sizes and ages roam DEI headquarters, eating any documents they find. Next turn, any action in DEI headquarters has a maximised Crit-Fail chance, as important documents and sheep wool gets shredded and stuck everywhere. Any actions outside of DEI headquarters are uneffected.
This would, as written, affect enemies taking infiltration actions. Accepted as a Bad Inator. 100 xp.
This Inator is actually a product of you working together with Ludivine, in hopes of improving how well your science division works. It enhances whomever is hit by it to be even smarter. It… may also have some side-effects.
Mechanically, it hits a random hero unit and increases their learning by half the difference between their Learning and Ludivine's, while also giving them the Absent-Minded (with the chance of wandering being 1/2) and Omnidisciplinary traits. And of course, it lasts only one turn.
Fey-Mood-Inator: A random Hero Unit undertakes a random national action in their highest attribute, rolling on their own with no aid. Learning Heroes do not suffer a critical failure chance penalty from lacking a specialization.
Very Good Inator. 50 xp.
Legalise-Inator (Good): Lawyers. Back in Drusselstein, they didn't belive in lawyers, as the practice of law was technically a form of witchcraft. But you figure nothing that Drusselstein hated could be all that bad, so you've built this machine that you belive will allow you to harness their dark powers, bamboozling opponents with an endless string of legal buzzwords! Quid pro quo, directed verdict, attorney-client privilege, ETC. This turn, Doof may use his Stewardship in place of his Intrigue or Diplomacy scores on one national action of player choice!
We could work with this as a base, but have no ideas for it.
XP Distribution Totals
@woweed +50 xp.
@Underdog Emiya +300 xp.
@Penguinbowler +300 xp.
@BurnBright +50 xp.
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