@Argidoll The Make-My-Choice Inator!

After getting stuck into to many arguments on things like "Who should infiltrate this", and "Who would like Wrestling more?" well you decided that this ingenous Inator will decide who is working for you in the next 2 months! It will pull a highly calculated list of who should do things this month, one of the most ingenius ever!

Instead of selecting a hero for national actions this turn, roll a dice for each action, the higher the roll, the better the hero. After the heroes are rolled you can then assign them an action of the type they were rolled for.
The Battery-recharge-inator

You've heard people talk about how they would "take a break and recharge their batteries" and come back better so you're going to aim this at a set of batteries and use them in your next inator. Next turn, you cannot roll for inator, as the batteries are being supercharged, however, the next time you roll for an inator after that, if the result would be bad, negative or neutral, raise it by one tier.

The Cold Feet-inator

The sensation of stepping onto a cold surface can be jarring , unpleasant, and sometimes it even makes you feel that you can't get on with your day until you've had some hot chocolate; you will now inflict that on... wait, did you forgot to install an aiming mechanism?
One random hero unit in the country does not take their planned Personal Action this turn.

The Whisper Listen-in-ator

This inator picks up on a conversation snippet relating to a figure of importance; gain a clue about a random action or secret being performed/kept by a random faction.

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The Infiltrate-Inator (Good)

This inator immediately grants level 3 infiltration of a random faction for one turn - this is lost afterwards if the proper intrigue action is not taken to make it permanent.

The Infiltrate-Inator (Bad)

This inator immediately grants level 3 infiltration of DEI to a random faction for one turn - this is lost afterwards if the proper intrigue action is not taken to make it permanent.

The inator roundup returns.

Success-To-Success Inator (Positive): They say that success begets more success, and now it can! This turn, every time one of Doof's national actions succeeds, the next national action rolled gains a +10!

Success-To-CRUSHING-Success Inator (Positive): An upgraded version of the above. Same as before, but, now, if the second national action also succeeds, the one after that gains a +20 instead! If that succeeds, the one after that gains a +30 and so on, up to a maximum of +50! Note that, if any of those actions fail, the bonus resets to +10 at the next success.

Success-To-Success Inator (Positive): If there was some kind of actually interesting fluff around it, we'd take it (maybe stack a -5 to the next action when you fail a national action too, for a little spice). As is, while technically functional it's not super amazing. No XP for now.

Success-To-CRUSHING-Success Inator (Positive): As you can probably guess, this is way too strong to use.


The Surprise-Party-Inator: In the world of corporate intrigue you find yourself in, nobody gets to have a surprise party. You almost managed to throw Hego one but Lizzy found the cake unattended in the break room.

The DC for a person to discover your actions goes up by 15 so long as the following conditions are met:
  • Your plan/heist results in the person of interest having dessert with at least one associate.
  • The person of interest has something worth celebrating.
The inator does not take affect for two turns after its rolled. Increasing the level of surprise.

The Surprise-Party-Inator: This inator isn't really an inator? Like, it's not an object that does something so much as a 'add event X to script of turn' thing. This is more of a concept than a hypothetical invention. It doesn't even explain how the surprise party element would be implemented. Concept is potentially interesting but is actually pretty complicated in practice.


The Metal-Destruct-Inator: Originally purposed for destroying the bridge between the Fireside Girls Cupcake factory so you can lose that last bit of flab, you have now repurposed this device to try and up your PR after all the recent... mishaps.

You create a massive amount of broccoli and other healthy veggies by converting metal beams into the things, then sell them for really cheap. Take a small public opinion boost and 1 funds, but any construction actions taken during that turn take a -5 due to a lack of resources.

The Metal-Destruct-Inator: This sure is an inator of all time. From the show. Maybe if we run out of options or something.


Entertain-Inator: Created after seeing television for way too long, and realizing that most of these shows were trash! Reboots and all the crap rolling around! No more! With this inator, you are sure to get some ideas for a good show, and maybe win some cash in the way.

On activation, pick one activity that can be defined as 'entertaining' and roll a ten-sided dice. If you get a number equal or lower than five, that action fails, and you cannot use that action again in the next turn. If you get a number higher than 5, that action is successful. It's not possible to crit on either case. Depth of the success or failure scales according to dice roll.

Entertain-Inator: This is fine, though a bit unclear. Still, it's usable.

Entertain-Inator: Created after seeing television for way too long, and realizing that most of these shows were trash! Reboots and all the crap rolling around! No more! With this inator, you are sure to get some ideas for a good show, and maybe win some cash in the way. This turn, if you take any national or corporate actions involving entertainment of some kind, select one such action and roll 1d10. On a 6+, it succeeds, on a 5- it fails. Degree of failure or success depends on number rolled, however it can never reach the level of a critical, positive or negative. You don't *have* to use it, but it will be wasted in that case. If an appropriate action is done it must be placed on that action.

50 xp.


Rock-the-Vote-Inator: It's tough to have to listen to these people rattle on, blocking you from doing cool stuff, well no longer!

Councilor voting preferences change. Passes become abstain. Abstains become veto. Vetos become Pass.

A negative to neutral inator for sure as actions that are mostly pass and abstain will become blocked but could be interesting to have a turn where we are making heavy use of negotiation.

Prioritization-Inator: It's tough to find the time for the things you really want to do. Well, now you can focus on what truly matters!

Next turn, you have 2 less national actions, but you can reallocate the remaining national actions across any category. If a category has no actions, the councilor for the category gets a free personal. If activated during a councilor personal turn, this means they would have two.

Less two nationals seems like a decent middleground to be slightly bad while also giving us enough actions to do interesting things with.

Exchange-Program-Inator: It's always fun to see how things operate in a new environment, and this inator gives your hero units this opportunity!

On the next turn you can choose up to three non-councilor hero units to temporarily trade and get the same number of hero units of similar value from factions that are at least neutral or better opinion with you/DEI, raising that faction's opinion of you.

Crime-Always-Pays-Inator: You'll show those cretins that say crime never pays! And give your fellow villains a boost to boot!

You must perform supervillainy this turn. You can perform an additional supervillainy national action by taking a Doof personal "Villainous Scheme." +5 to the base roll for supervillainy actions this turn for all cape related supervillainy, not just yours.

Table-Embiggen-Inator: The council table was nice and cozy... too cozy. An upgrade was in order.

Invite a hero unit of your choice to join the council meetings for a turn. They gain full veto priveleges and may offer a bonus of one fifth of their stats rounded down to each national action category by taking a special personal action "Advise the Council" instead of their normal national action or personal action. If activated during a councilor personal turn, the additional councilor also gets a free personal action.

Could be fun to see some action commentary from a hero unit that we probably wouldn't otherwise put on the council.

Rock-the-Vote-Inator: Mechanically this is interesting but fluff-wise it's unclear how it works or what the inator itself is. If you can fix it up in that regard we could use it. Pretty harsh though.

Prioritization-Inator: Second verse, same as the first. Interesting mechanics, please provide any kind of explanation on what this inator actually is or how it does this narratively.

Exchange-Program-Inator: Going on the list, good job. We'll come up with the fluff for this one ourselves. Oh, and we're tacking on temporary tier 2 infiltration for this, going both ways. 50 xp.

Crime-Always-Pays-Inator: This looks good, though I would stipulate that the 'Villainous Scheme' action would take 2 personals and only use Doof's own stats. You know, cause he's doing it himself. 50 xp.

Table-Embiggen-Inator: You wouldn't get to choose who to put on it. Other than that? Pretty good. 50 xp.

@Argidoll Behold!

The Collectible-Cards-Inator! - With the Supers scene picking up again, it's become increasingly difficult to keep track of everyone and compare them for possible hiring purposes. You created this beaut to automatically index and analyze supers in the form of collectible trading cards, isn't that convenient?

But oh no, you accidentally bumped the "Print, Publish & Mass Distribute" button with your elbow! Honestly, why would you even make that button in the first place? It makes no sense!

(DEI releases a limited edition Super-themed trading cards collection with stats. Gain +3 Liquid Funds and another pull on the Doofquest Hero Cards gacha this turn. However, some people may feel offended by their cards. One non-DEI affiliated heroic cape and one villainous cape gain negative opinions of DEI)

Leaning on the fourth wall a little bit, but I figure it could be fun to integrate gameplay elements into the story canon. Plus, making new enemies is always interesting.

The Collectible-Cards-Inator!: Fun concept, the mechanics aren't super interesting? We can spin something from this, but it'll be something completely different...thanks for inspiring us.

And just for fun:

The Mission-Improbable-Inator! - You know, you feel like it's been a while since you've last been on an adventure of any sort, and frankly, you need to take a break from all this "running" a "company"! So you built this inator to find an adventure for you!

(Next turn, DEI "borrows" a Quest Action available to another faction in the U.S., for that turn only. Players may decide wether or not to do this Quest, but not who goes on it, as Doofenshmirtz is automatically the Quest Leader, plus four random Hero Units that happened to be on the DEI lobby the moment the Inator was activated. For ease of planning purposes, the Randomly Selected Heroes will be listed on the Quest Action description, and are locked-in if the Quest is chosen)

A concept that could be good or bad or do absolutely nothing, but would be chaotic.

The Mission-Improbable-Inator!: Something has been added to the inator list.

hmm, here's an inator idea from me @Argidoll

Crossing-Paths-inator: During your next turn, if you go on a quest one random/narratively appropriate/QM decision hero unit from another faction will join your quest, taking up a spot on your team and applying their bonuses as appropriate.

I'm not sure what the best criteria for picking the relevant hero unit would be, so that'd be up to the QM's if this one gets accepted I think.

Crossing-Paths-inator: This would work, though don't necessarily expect the person who shows up to actually want to help you. 50 xp.

The Junk-Inator!:
So, after the whole "Platypus Controlling Me" incident, you haven't been able to sort through Junkyards without some teenagers asking you to play the turntables, which would normally be fine except whenever Vanessa heres about it during school she floods your text (Even though she's in California?); and it's also kind of awkward when the teenagers realise your not gonna be "Dropping some Beats" for them. So after Roger, Mirage, and Vanessa all told you that "Banning Teenagers from Junkyards" was never going to pass as a law; you decided it's better to just bring stuff from the Junkyard directly to DEI. Bad news is you forgot to set a radius so the upper floors are flooded with garbage from across the country. Your gonna be digging yourself out of this for a while.

You must make a sort through the junk personal action, and have to assign 3 heroe units to use their personal action to assist you. In return each hero has a chance to find something that interest them from the usable things in the horde. The rest of the possibly useful things will be sold to repair your office.


The Junk-Inator!: This is fine, I guess. It's alright. 50 xp.

@Argidoll The Make-My-Choice Inator!

After getting stuck into to many arguments on things like "Who should infiltrate this", and "Who would like Wrestling more?" well you decided that this ingenous Inator will decide who is working for you in the next 2 months! It will pull a highly calculated list of who should do things this month, one of the most ingenius ever!

Instead of selecting a hero for national actions this turn, roll a dice for each action, the higher the roll, the better the hero. After the heroes are rolled you can then assign them an action of the type they were rolled for.

The Make-My-Choice Inator!: This is pointless complexity for us. The concept of randomizing isn't heroes isn't necessarily bad, but this isn't a particularly compelling way to do it and creates a lot of work for us.

The Battery-recharge-inator

You've heard people talk about how they would "take a break and recharge their batteries" and come back better so you're going to aim this at a set of batteries and use them in your next inator. Next turn, you cannot roll for inator, as the batteries are being supercharged, however, the next time you roll for an inator after that, if the result would be bad, negative or neutral, raise it by one tier.

The Cold Feet-inator

The sensation of stepping onto a cold surface can be jarring , unpleasant, and sometimes it even makes you feel that you can't get on with your day until you've had some hot chocolate; you will now inflict that on... wait, did you forgot to install an aiming mechanism?
One random hero unit in the country does not take their planned Personal Action this turn.

The Whisper Listen-in-ator

This inator picks up on a conversation snippet relating to a figure of importance; gain a clue about a random action or secret being performed/kept by a random faction.


The Battery-recharge-inator: Bit leery by virtue of this being a meta inator, but in this case it's pretty tame. We can work with it. 50 xp.

The Cold Feet-inator: Wow this is underwhelming. Gonna say pass.

The Whisper Listen-in-ator: This one is fun. We can make it shaped like a giant ear or stuff. 50 xp.

The Infiltrate-Inator (Good)

This inator immediately grants level 3 infiltration of a random faction for one turn - this is lost afterwards if the proper intrigue action is not taken to make it permanent.

The Infiltrate-Inator (Bad)

This inator immediately grants level 3 infiltration of DEI to a random faction for one turn - this is lost afterwards if the proper intrigue action is not taken to make it permanent.


The Infiltrate-Inator: The overall trend of fluffless inators continues. Also it's really really harsh. Passing entirely on how devastatingly punishing this is, in either direction.
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Prioritization-Inator: Second verse, same as the first. Interesting mechanics, please provide any kind of explanation on what this inator actually is or how it does this narratively.

Thanks for the feedback, here's take two for the prioritization-inator with an alternate name that aligns more with the new narrative explanation.

Prioritization-Inator Take Two (Cross-Training-Inator?): Being forced to decide between what you ought to do and what you wanted to do was very frustrating. Some divisions had employees under stressful time crunch, while others were so relaxed that people were begging you for something to do! Well, that was mostly Gomez. Anyway, this inator provides cross-training to all DEI employees, allowing them to effectively contribute to projects from any division in the company!

Next turn, you have 2 less national actions, but you can reallocate the remaining national actions across any category. If a category has no actions, the councilor for the category gets a free personal. If activated during a councilor personal turn, this means they would have two.

Rock-the-Vote-Inator: Mechanically this is interesting but fluff-wise it's unclear how it works or what the inator itself is. If you can fix it up in that regard we could use it. Pretty harsh though.

I'll try to think up some fluff for the Rock-The-Vote-Inator in the meantime.
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@Arathnorn So i just realised I probably should have gone more in depth with my write in Ideas, so I deleted to old @ (I hope you didn't read it already, that would be awkward) for them in greater detail.

Is it possible for us to potentially (As in like, DCs, rewards and councilor votes):
  • (Occult) Learn to utilize Malfs Meat Magic as a company?
  • (Stewardship or Occult) Build a Wizards Tower to help focus our magical studies/prepare rituals/Appease Malf?
  • (Occult) gain the ability to place curses on our enemies (Such as putting pest is Seth Supplies Co Corn Caravans, Magnetic Fields in LA to mess with flying cars, or freak storms in Florida?)
  • (Learning) Study Cryogenics for potential use in refrigeration and healthcare?
  • (Stewardship) Create a company Kickball team?
  • (Learning/Occult) Create ways to track dimensional travel?
  • (Stewardship) Install Training Facilities to help heroes gain stats?
  • (Learning) Make Sapient Dinosaurs (So we can make a cool Super-T-Rex)
  • (Learning) Make very cheap corn (To flood the market)
  • (Intrigue) Find out where we left the keys to the company garage /s
  • (Personal-Doof) Call Vanessa for Advice on Norm (Shades Idea)
  • (Personal-Lizzy) Transcribe your Notes to a computer (Hopefully lowering the DCs)
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The Babel-Inator (Good)

You are in a religious mood today, and, when passing through the church, you heard something interesting. Something about a common language, a tower, and crap like that. Later, you had to deal with an imbecile mexican delivery man, and he couldn't make jack shit of your complaints about the taco being cold. You want to make your displeasure known.

Choose one unit: for three turns, that unit will gain bonuses when dealing with foreign languages (a.k.a not English), wether they may be written or spoken.

The Babel-Inator (Bad)

You were trying to make the Babel-Inator, but you got distracted by one of your employees playing some japanese song at full power, and made you mismake the Inator. Blast! And who knows who the blast will hit!

Roll for a random unit: for three turns, that unit will gain malus when dealing with English-speakers, as, while they'll think they'll be speaking English, they will actually be speaking a completely different language.

Two inators to mess around with language, nothing much to say.


People say that the eighties are in the past, but you refuse to believe on that! While not the best days for you (again, few moments were), maybe you want to feel nostalgic for once.

Hit the sound! Next turn after activation, things will be like in the eighties! Those with skills in dancing gain bonuses during that time. Some actions may be altered because of that.

80's time!

The Healthy-Mind-Healthy-Body-Inator!

You once heard the saying, "healthy body, healthy mind." Well, you body looks as wimpy as it always did, but maybe you can get something from that?

Next turn, your Martial will be equal to your Learning.
I actually asked this one already; MiH gave a DC of 200 when I asked in the Q&A in Discord shortly before it was closed off... though, it might actually be higher than that since I specifically asked if we did that while Doof was still frozen
Wasn't that to reverse engineer the Inator?

I was figuring we start smaller and only reverse engineer the Inator at the very end.
Wasn't that to reverse engineer the Inator?

I was figuring we start smaller and only reverse engineer the Inator at the very end.

I was told that the main reason for to being that high was that it was a completely new tech tree but I guess that maybe aiming for something small first, like better fridges for the restaurant, before seeing if we can use what's left of the inator might be viable
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The Cartoon-inator:
So, after getting some advice from Russ, you've decided that Comedy isnt that hard to control, there must be a science behind it, and this Inator will give you complete control of the "Toon Force"

Or at least thats what you thought before you realised DEI became a nightmarish horrorshow of Slapstick and punnery. Turns out "Comedy" and "Control" go together as well as Goozim and a peasent who smells like Doonkleberries. At least its localised to the tri-state area so David won't get on you about this...

For the next turn all crit values for any actions taken in the tri-state area are inverted, except those done by characters with already inverted crit values, which instead use the regular crit mechanics.

The Anyone-Can-Cook-Inator:
After the last company cook out ended with your Goulash scoring 11th place, you decided to create this machine. By copying the knowledge of the greatest chefs and cooks on the planet, it will turn anyone struck by it into an amazing chef! You were gonna use it on yourself when you realised making really, really good food for your employees isnt really petty revenge. At all. You might as well save it for the employee who impresses you the most in the upcoming months. Maybe start doing that employee of the month thingy?

You may select one hero unit, and they recieve the trait Master Chef: +25 for all cooking rolls

The Compatibilit-Inator:

You were surfing in the internet when you found one of those dating sites, and all that compatibility stuff. You took an try and...your type of woman is still the sarcastic type that wears polo and has short dark brown hair. That really didn't make you mad, just curious: how well did people get with each other? Not necessarily romantic, just overall.

Choose one unit: in the end of the turn, along with the Rival Report, you'll also receive a compatibility sheet indicating which units the unit get along well, and which ones he does not. You may even learn a thing or two from that!

The Cry-Me-a-River-Inator:

You received a traffic ticket today. When you complained about it to the security guard, he was very rude and said something along the lines of 'cry me a river.' You could make his life a living hell -being ruler of the Tri-State Area and all -but you appreciated some good irony from time to the time.

You create a river of tears! It's salty! What did you expect? You lose one fund to repair the destruction caused by the Inator. New actions available.

The Overwork-Inator:

Oh crap! You need to do something important, but there's neither time nor coffee enough to help you finish it! What do you do? Well, obviously, you create something to make you work harder and faster! Though you already can feel that you're going to feel that later...

OVERDRIVE! When activated, double all your stats! In the next turn, because you're feeling the kickback from working too much, halve your stats.
The M-inator:

Honestly you have no idea what happened with this one! You were going for a whole energy transference thing, you know, like an emanations pun or whatever, but you were having a nice phone conversation with Winston over at Olympia while you built it and started thinking about Greek mythology and... now there's a large half-man half-bull stalking the tunnels below Doofania. You don't really know what's up with that.

Creates a fearsome mythological minotaur in the Doofanian Underground! Will appear as a temporary nemesis encounter during underground actions! Unlocks actions to capture the minotaur!