Ok so Judge Doom dug of the Monkey Corpse and gave it to Liv. Neat.

I still want to know why she wanted this giant monkey corpse, but we will probably find out in, say, 2 or 3 turns.

Also Trengroves reaction was less Seethe and more mild panic attack Liv.
While it wasn't a great movie, the Mighty Joe Young remake had some great effects on the gorilla. Giving him a tragic death in DQ means he really goes back to his roots as a follow up to King Kong.

Of course, the whole "we shot the ape and now everything sucks" meme takes on a new meaning these days...
Oh wow. That's an interesting interlude.

I wonder what Di wants him for?
So the person that turns supers into monsters is interested in kaijus / animals with gigantification?
Sounds like a godzilla equivalent in the making, which would be much worse than just giant animals.
We are in danger.

Other than that, an interesting perspective on Judge Doom.
I'm scared. I am now very scared.

Also, Amara's thoughts prove we should expand on our "true AI" line soon, before someone beats us to the punch. I don't care what Janus says, let's make some sentient robots and get them rights!
Would Mayor Saito possess the initiative to do something about traffic of her own accord? Cloverleaf's offer to export their successful model elsewhere was extremely tempting; she had already heard rumors that everywhere from Zootopia to New York were considering the benefits. On the other hand, helping people wasn't something he was known for doing during his rage-induced temper tantrums, so she supposed the point was moot.
So looks like Doom is getting the chance to heavily boost his position in the vehicle industry pretty soon? Probably helps get him PR and money as well considering how much people despise traffic.

The news about DEI's scientist cracking 'true AI' was an interesting one. She could only imagine how Trengrove had taken the news, and privately hoped that he was seething over the fact. Doom's AI, on the other hand, was good; very good. Sometimes she could even pretend that she was talking to a person, but there were always those little tics that stopped it from crossing that threshold.
So we really need to expand into robotics/AI. We need to make sure we are not overtaken by Doom and stay the leaders considering how good Doom's AI is being touted as here. The main two options this turn are Diecast Robotics and Civilian AI.

Civilian AI is doable with Alan as its been confirmed his +20 works on it, so before exp he reaches 85 in bonii on a 120 DC action. Its not something we want to share and so should probably avoid being our collab with Olympia even if they are willing. Though Alan's personals being very important is something to note and we might not be able to afford not using him on them this turn. Otherwise our best option is Moseby, with him hitting a 76 before exp on a 120 DC project, which is shakier than I'd like.

Meanwhile Diecast Robotics is an option we should probably only do if we have the collab on here due to the DC and importance of getting Civilian AI done. Winston has a +34 to my knowledge which is important since it makes it so that Moseby goes from a 76 to a 110 in bonii before exp with a DC 130 action. Wasabi hits a 104 if we're willing to risk the slight % chance of failure in exchange for Moseby's personals.

One thing that is an option is putting Monogram on Diecast if he's around, with him reaching 89 before exp with the collab. Its not perfect odds but would give us a legitimate chance at achieving both Diecast and Civilian AI on the same turn.

The fifteen-foot gorilla was a far cry from 'The Bearcat', a butchering of the name assigned to the giant red panda that had sent the entire Canadian armed forces into an uproar, or even the 'King Sturgeon' that was known to harass vessels on the Great Lakes, dwarfing even some submarines. Kaiju incidents were not uncommon but they were far from a frequent occurrence, with the last attack in Japan costing nearly a hundred lives and a few billion dollars in property damage.

So the first one is from Turning Red and having the armed forces get involved is more than minorly concerning for the fates there. No clue on the King Sturgeon stuff.

Also gives us knowledge that while Kaiju attacks exist, they're at least not super common. Depending on the exact timeframe though, we might be able to help with the rebuilding efforts in Japan if we make contact? I don't consider it likely but its still an option that needs to be considered.
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I'd be surprised if anyone catches 'King Sturgeon' outside of one user I know has been reading the source material. I suggested him and a few others as example kaiju to ease you all into the idea that kaiju are an uncommon occurrence.
'The Bearcat', a butchering of the name assigned to the giant red panda that had sent the entire Canadian armed forces into an uproar,
Oh shit, are the cast from Turning Red alive?

King Sturgeon' that was known to harass vessels on the Great Lakes, dwarfing even some submarines.
This one I have no idea on.

Kaiju incidents were not uncommon but they were far from a frequent occurrence, with the last attack in Japan costing nearly a hundred lives and a few billion dollars in property damage.
I feel like this tells us somwthing about using Divinos. Not sure if positive or negative, but something.

I still want to know why she wanted this giant monkey corpse, but we will probably find out in, say, 2 or 3 turns.
Probably to clone it and stuff.
So looks like Doom is getting the chance to heavily boost his position in the vehicle industry pretty soon? Probably helps get him PR and money as well considering how much people despise traffic.

So we really need to expand into robotics/AI. We need to make sure we are not overtaken by Doom and stay the leaders considering how good Doom's AI is being touted as here. The main two options this turn are Diecast Robotics and Civilian AI.

Civilian AI is doable with Alan as its been confirmed his +20 works on it, so before exp he reaches 85 in bonii on a 120 DC action. Its not something we want to share and so should probably avoid being our collab with Olympia even if they are willing. Though Alan's personals being very important is something to note and we might not be able to afford not using him on them this turn. Otherwise our best option is Moseby, with him hitting a 76 before exp on a 120 DC project, which is shakier than I'd like.

Meanwhile Diecast Robotics is an option we should probably only do if we have the collab on here due to the DC and importance of getting Civilian AI done. Winston has a +34 to my knowledge which is important since it makes it so that Moseby goes from a 76 to a 110 in bonii before exp with a DC 130 action. Wasabi hits a 104 if we're willing to risk the slight % chance of failure in exchange for Moseby's personals.

One thing that is an option is putting Monogram on Diecast if he's around, with him reaching 89 before exp with the collab. Its not perfect odds but would give us a legitimate chance at achieving both Diecast and Civilian AI on the same turn.

So the first one is from Turning Red and having the armed forces get involved is more than minorly concerning for the fates there. No clue on the King Sturgeon stuff.

Also gives us knowledge that while Kaiju attacks exist, they're at least not super common. Depending on the exact timeframe though, we might be able to help with the rebuilding efforts in Japan if we make contact? I don't consider it likely but its still an option that needs to be considered.
Keep in mind that one of our Stewardship actions next turn needs to be the Zootopia climate systems.
So if you want to go for Diecast robotics, it's better for it to be a Monogramm action.
So, with all the terraforming tech we've got open we could probably make a serious dent into Japan's destroyed infrastructure. And with Khan's help maybe the next Kaiju attack could blow over with less damage. Perhaps we should look at breaking into new markets soon?
Keep in mind that one of our Stewardship actions next turn needs to be the Zootopia climate systems.
So if you want to go for Diecast robotics, it's better for it to be a Monogramm action.
I mean, yes if we're attempting both Civilian AI and Diecast in the same turn we need to use Monogram on Diecast. I had thought that I made it clear that I was mostly talking about the options for doing one of them barring Monogram being there at the end.

Its just that it also requires the thread being willing to collab on Diecast with Olympia, Monogram being around, and Alan not having his personals be important enough that we can use him this turn (Moseby is an option but at those lower numbers it becomes slightly more questionable compared to say putting Wasabi over Moseby on Diecast for personals). None of which are guaranteed and so I was mostly just laying out the potential options and numbers accordingly.
I mean, yes if we're attempting both Civilian AI and Diecast in the same turn we need to use Monogram on Diecast. I had thought that I made it clear that I was mostly talking about the options for doing one of them barring Monogram being there at the end.

Its just that it also requires the thread being willing to collab on Diecast with Olympia, Monogram being around, and Alan not having his personals be important enough that we can use him this turn (Moseby is an option but at those lower numbers it becomes slightly more questionable compared to say putting Wasabi over Moseby on Diecast for personals). None of which are guaranteed and so I was mostly just laying out the potential options and numbers accordingly.
Pretty sure attempting both on the same turn is pointless. Diecast reduces the DC on robotics actions but even if we passed on diecast it wouldn't retroactively apply to the Civilian AI action taken on the same turn.

I think the safer play is to do Diecast this turn and Civilian AI next.
I think we should do Civilian AI as soon as possible, because it takes time to give the rewards, and we don't want to wait too long.
I say we do Diecast first to avoid the critfail with Alan. Unless you want Alan to earn his no-crit fail trait on the corpse of our first batch of AI, perhaps being sent to a maximum security prison for the process of being treated like a person instead of the safety of our interns or something.
@Arathnorn so, this interlude and a bit of discussion brought back memories of the giant boot wearing star nosed mole that's still wandering around the tri-state area. Is it possible to recruit it or make it an asset like the dragon guarding the volcano is?
I say we do Diecast first to avoid the critfail with Alan. Unless you want Alan to earn his no-crit fail trait on the corpse of our first batch of AI, perhaps being sent to a maximum security prison for the process of being treated like a person instead of the safety of our interns or something.
With a +85 bonus, it's only like a 4 or 5 percent chance of crit fail, and I doubt Diecast Robotics will decrease DCs by that much.

Actually, @Arathnorn , how much would the DC be decreased by on Civilian AI if we did Diecast Robotics?
Pretty sure attempting both on the same turn is pointless. Diecast reduces the DC on robotics actions but even if we passed on diecast it wouldn't retroactively apply to the Civilian AI action taken on the same turn.

I think the safer play is to do Diecast this turn and Civilian AI next.
I'm not worried about any potential DC reduction not applying retroactively in this case and I do even agree that the safer plan is Diecast this turn (if we are doing it as the collab) and then Civilian AI next turn.

I've been heavily behind the idea of using Diecast as our Olympia Collab specifically since it is at a DC that is annoying for us to reach due to lack of fitting traits, meaning it likely should be done this turn with the collab.

The main reason I'm even bringing up the option of doing both is concern about Doom's AI wrt how its described + Civilian AI needing time to build up. I'm worried about a combination of action economy in stewardship and just not doing this early enough to let Doom build up on the AI front.

Since this is probably also going to be influenced by how many stewardship options are opened up by franchises. Since if there aren't that many, we can take the safer approach and then grab Civilian AI/Herbivores the next turn without too many issues. If we have a lot of Stewardship options though? Trying to get ahead on the action economy with Monogram (if available) is something we distinctly need to consider imo.
It was interesting to hear more about Doom's territory and "Liv"'s thoughts on the man were very perceptive

Just the two-part finale for this turn to go... a very important two parter that includes the status of Russ, the possibility of uncovering spies, learning what happened to the Fairy Book, seeing what Blot had planned and probably more
All work and no play lead to a mental breakdown outside of acceptable time parameters.
Is Di's health on the RER?
"You are listening to… swing music." the AI commented. "An acceptable choice."
Of course Doom wasn't going to hire a voice actor.
coffee cup, bone dry and covered with a thick layer of dust through which she could only barely see a faded 'Wilkins' logo.
He's been standing there waiting for two months.
the giant red panda that had sent the entire Canadian armed forces into an uproar
A singular red panda? Did someone call the army halfway through Mei's coming of age story?
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Diecast doesn't seem like it should help with Civ AI too much. After all, the core of that is on the side of software and interaction with the AI, rather than on creating mass produced bodies. In fact, Uniformly mass produced bodies could be counterproductive to the goal of personifying AI, but that's a more distant matter.

I'm kinda tempted to do Civ AI as a collab with Olympia, since there isn't really a reason for the rewards to be exclusive. It's not payment that must be shared, after all. And Olympia has seriously been gutted in the aftermath of both this and the last crisis. Lost people and territory/business three times each, all in all.
Instead my main concern is security, and infiltration of Olympia, which could endanger our advantage and thereby also the future of AI. Plus, the fact that mechanics may still force the rewards of the actions to be less anyway.
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Diecast doesn't seem like it should help with Civ AI too much. After all, the core of that is on the side of software and interaction with the AI, rather than on creating mass produced bodies. In fact, Uniformly mass produced bodies could be counterproductive to the goal of personifying AI, but that's a more distant matter.

I'm kinda tempted to do Civ AI as a collab with Olympia, since there isn't really a reason for the rewards to be exclusive. It's not payment that must be shared, after all. And Olympia has seriously been gutted in the aftermath of both this and the last crisis. Lost people and territory/business three times each, all in all.
Instead my main concern is security, and infiltration of Olympia, which could endanger our advantage and thereby also the future of AI. Plus, the fact that mechanics may still force the rewards of the actions to be less anyway.
It's not just the rewards we'd split, we would also be giving them the secret to making AI so they could make consumer AI without us, cutting us out of the profits.
Hm, if Doom if Anti-Humor, and Max is Explaining the Joke, then the obvious solution is to have Max do his Personals, and then Russ and Max can double-team Doom.
The Judge was waiting for her in the doorway, silhouetted against the amber lights that illuminated the interior. He was shrouded in a black cape that almost seemed to absorb the ambient light, devoid of even the slightest speck of dust. In one gloved hand he clutched a coffee cup, bone dry and covered with a thick layer of dust through which she could only barely see a faded 'Wilkins' logo.
Okay, I know he's technically a muppet but the Wilkins coffee mascot is basically the template for an evil toon, it's no wonder the Judge is a fan (perhaps he is the Wilkin's coffee guy in disguise? Roger Rabbit never established his original identity in the movie, though I know some other versions of the story did).
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It's not just the rewards we'd split, we would also be giving them the secret to making AI so they could make consumer AI without us, cutting us out of the profits.
I don't think them doing Consumer AI makes sense.

I mean, it'd be betraying an alliance with the corp that already participated in taking down Olympia/Kronos leadership twice. Not conducive to a long rule. And that's just on a cold blooded risk/reward level.

Sinatron is an AI, so he probably has something to say about selling what's basically people. (Which, btw, is also why we would probably not want to do consumer AI as currently posed.)
And Winston is a pretty nice dude that Doof has a good relationship with, and who feels like he owes us a lot for supporting him and stopping his sister.
So on an emotional and motivation level, it also seems unlikely.

Much more risky is that someone else could attain secrets of AI through infiltration, which is why I pointed towards that.
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