I mean, there's one, which Mirage is conveniently profoundly aware of.
Mr. Incredible was called in, long after his retirement, by a mysterious woman who claimed she needed his help defeating a rogue experimental robot.
I'm not sure precisely when the timeline diverged, but the short version is simply that it was a trick. She manufactured a story, preyed upon his desire to return to his glory days, and lured him into a trap for her employer. And in this version, it killed him.
For Hego, the details are a little different, but the plot is the same. He was hungry for a return to heroics, so someone unscrupulous manufactured fake problems for him to solve. We haven't seen the end of it yet, but it's probably not good (and possibly Screenslaver based).
Maybe something approaching the truth is in order. Maybe not to the degree of telling Hego Mirage was part of it, but hearing one of his idols went down the same path and died because of it would be a hell of a wakeup call. Even more so if Mirage shares that it was Kronos which did it, given that Hego works for the company that previously was Kronos.