Boys, boys? This is serious stuff, happening. Please, could you stop flirting for like two seconds??? positive are we that this is Xanatos? Not, say, a robot duplicate, or some kind of shapeshifter? I realize that's paranoia and all, but New York is literally multiple time zones away, and ...
... no, yeah, it's Xanatos. He reacts too nonchalantly to stuff that would be surprising for people who weren't him. It's weird that he was able to get to the Midwest from the East Coast so fast, though. I know it's been a couple days, but, like, that's dropping a lot of things for an in-person meeting to say nothing much in particular.
... but even if it isn't Xanatos, and we spill the beans, oh well, someone we don't realize isn't Xanatos knows that probability is broken. Not exactly the end of the world.
[ ] "Oh, that reminds me. I maaaay have accidentally broken probability for a bit."
...I'm probably just paranoid.