Do Wendy first. Get all the bugs worked out. She is our expert after all. Then she'll get a "Gemini" buff or something or a loyalty bonus since she can research and do kid shows at the same time.

THEN we make Mr. Rodgers.
You know. Twice the Wow is actually a good option.

She is:
an expert in the field, and would be fully capable of self-diagnostics
kind and empathetic, very likely to not do damage if malfunction affects anything but her kindness directly
multi-talented and multi-faceted, able to be satisfied with a variety of project types
able, as an expert in the field, to question her own sapience and likely to generate a sympathetic view towards digital sapience going forward
opens a Wendy Wow version as a competent quest unit, which would be interesting because. Well. If Work Operator Wendy (W.O.W.) develops stat changes separate from her creator that would strongly support that she has achieved digital sapience.

Robo Rogers should be created once W.O.W. is fully operational. Multiwork process, big popularity for creation, maybe a diplo stat boost if we talk with him enough. Gah. What a good man <3 <3
oh god

any artificially made Wendy's first thing she wants to do will be to understand how she works, and start building more

we're gonna accidentally a new species, guys
we're gonna accidentally a new species, guys
Do not the cat

All grammar jokes aside, this is actually really interesting... Imagine we finally make contact with Von Flugel... But instead of one Wendy geeking out, there's one squealing with joy at the top of her lungs, while the other is literally comparing her internal workings with the Princess's. Probably upgrading herself based on what she likes. Commenting on what could be done better.

Completely ignoring the uncomfortable human parallel: "Hey, your liver's shaped nice... Can I copy that for myself?"
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Thus is the power of Omake.
My Brain: This is free real estate.

Presenting some Inator ideas!

Da Good!
The Omake-Inator!
After binge watching an unholy amount of anime, you find your sleep deprived mind tapping into your magic to peer across reality and see into the countless alternative universes. Strangely, they all seem to take after those 'Omakes' that some of the anime had. Hence this Inator, which will allow him to record events from across time and space to look at whenever you want for inspiration or amusement!

As a result of seeing all of the cool and amazing possibilities, Doofenschmirtz effectively takes his personal Actions for the turn twice - including oversight Actions.

Da Bad...
The Omake-Inator...?
Your first target for the so-called 'Omake-Inator' ends up shocking you. A perfectly reasonable timeline? Heroes and hero-like individuals flourishing? A United States that doesn't look like someone tried duck taping together half of a volatile library of intellectual IPs and settings? And as you look upon this glorious universe, you know, deep in your heart, that this is how it was meant to be.

The crushing despair has Doofenshmirtz rename his Omake-Inator the 'Canon-Inator'. Oh, and he loses all of his personal Actions for this turn.

Da Heck?
The Omake-Inator???
Oh god what the hell is this? Worlds separated by supernatural barriers - ones the size of anywhere from a town to the South American Jungle no less? A magical plague of darkness that make zombies look *tame* in comparison? KEYBLADES!?

Instead of anything mechanical, the Questers must SUBMIT at least 1 Omake where DEI Heroes + Doof (And any special guest stars) commentate on Kingdom Hearts. Failing to do so will result in a fine of 500 EXP. EDIT: Omake does not have to be canon to satisfy this requirement, but I guess is preferred since it's an inator-roll result?

Belated Edit: The Cost for the 'Da Heck' tier of Omake-Inator applies for 1 Omake from the entire quester base - same with the fine. Unless the QMs are more sadistic than I thought...
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Instead of anything mechanical, the Questers must SUBMIT at least 1 Omake where DEI Heroes + Doof (And any special guest stars) commentate on Kingdom Hearts. Failing to do so will result in a fine of 500 EXP. EDIT: Omake does not have to be canon to satisfy this requirement, but I guess is preferred since it's an inator-roll result?
You monster! A fine of 500 XP for each and every quester with XP? You're a monster.
Woo! Procrastination got me a win for once!

Doesn't stop me from seeing Janna with a Keyblade that is also a very angry Feldrake.
"Because it was funny, and you hit stuff pretty well."
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Checkmate Omake-Inator. Checkmate indeed.
The Good:
When you think about fellow king Xanatos, you cannot help but think about how he has a plan for every occasion. You don't think that it is your style, but having backup plans don't hurt. You get to re-roll a single random failing national action as a series of seemingly near-random coincidences are revealed to be a part of your random plan.

The Bad:
When you think about fellow king Xanatos, you cannot help but think about how he has a plan for every occasion. What better way of developing planning skills then playing chess. Loose all personal actions as you spend all of the turn playing and loosing chess games. Who knew the pieces moved like that.

The Weird:
When you think about fellow king Xanatos, you cannot help but think about how he has a plan for every occasion. Somehow, this lead you to build a Inator that applies chess rules to the world. As kings are the weakest piece in chess, this reduces every kings stats to one for the turn, while giving their oldest hero unit, their "queen", all the stats that lost that turn.
Idea to cheat/improve the Greevil tree with SCIENCE!

Plastic Enzymes

Looking through gunk at a Japanese recycling center, some researchers found some microorganisms that could naw at PET. Then while trying to recreate the enzyme scientist accidentally improved it.

So my idea is to have either Jumba 1-up them or let him make an omnivore. Less screaming is involved with the former.
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Are you... Are you suggesting we summon the spirit of Mr. Rogers so Technor can speak with him?

Nono, because that would be an ACTUAL ressurection and therefore against the quest rules.

We could always go the easy route and doppelgang someone who's able and willing to cooperate instead of our favorite dead celebrities.

...And let ourselves be *upstaged* by friggin SYNDROME, who went and "revived" (in a manner of speaking) Frank Sinatra? Surely you must jest, for our/Doofs pettiness demands of us/him to do better than that jumped-up brat who at one point wore the mantle of "Second-Most Hated Enemy".

Nono, both our pride as SV questers and Doofs as mad scientists demand that "Wields Charisma like a Knife" Sinatron must be topped by "Kindest Man Ever" Mr. Bot-gers.

Can I just say that I love how my half-baked idea for a Mr. Rogers doppelganger got so much support.

Well, Mr. Rogers was a genuinely popular man in life and only became moreso after his passing, so it makes sense that people would want to give him a second chance.

To say nothing of the fact that "use The Kindest Man Ever as template for an extremly sophisticated AI doppelganger" is just the right amount and kind of "half-baked" for SV to gain a lot of traction.
But guys we have to ask ourselves... Would Mr.Rogers want to come back? Would he approve or ... would he be diss appointed in us? For not letting go?
Robo Rogers would understand that Mr Roger's soul is in heaven, and that he should try to live the best life he can while he's here.
because this isn't a Resurrection. It's modeling potential sapient life on the kindest soul we know

which should have approval <3 It'd be odd to make multiple of them, as it would be odd to make multiples of any robo-doppel.
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