"Minions! Destroy him! Kill him, slowly and painfully!" an angry bespectacled man screeched at anyone within earshot. He was tied to an impractically sized rocket that was currently being aimed out of a window, glaring daggers at the Toon responsible for his current predicament. Vainly, he struggled to free himself from the ropes. "I'll have you lowered into the piranha pit for this! Why are you just sitting there?! I'll fire you all if you don't move!"
The four women, five men, and one fully dressed skeleton sitting around the boardroom chamber made no attempts to get up. A few of them had to actively struggle to keep a smile from spreading across their faces, and their effort only doubled when Coyote pulled a match out of nowhere, scraped it against his leg, and lit the comically large fuse sticking out of the bright red cylinder.
Coyote (Canis Fed-Upwithis)
As the fuse began to burn away the man tied to the rocket started to sweat. "N-no! Get me off of this thing! I...I'll give you a full two vacation days per year, I promise! That- the nine months in advance was just stupid of me, of course you put in the request back then!" His speech grew faster and more incoherent as the flame moved inexorably closer to the fuselage. "I'll stock toilet paper in the company washroom! Lower coffee prices to a dollar a cup! Get rid of Mystery Meat Mondays! Give you a raaaaiiiiiiiiiiiAAAAAAAAAAH-" his rant devolved into a terrified, hysterical shriek as the rocket ignited, launching the former Chairman of the ACME Corporation into the open desert sky!
Approximately three hundred feet out of the boardroom window the rocket sputtered a few times, and in complete defiance of Newton's laws of motion turned a sudden ninety degrees to the ground. Gravity took hold, bringing the contraption- and the man who was strapped to it- crashing down in a massive, fiery explosion! The former Chairman's pained groans could be heard echoing off in the distance as Coyote grinned a truly malevolent grin. He was met with thunderous applause.
Coyote pulled a sign out of nowhere and held it up to the rest of the board.
ALL RIGHT EVERYONE, it read, printed in neat lettering. He then spins the sign to the opposite side. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS AS CEO. Reaching behind himself, the coyote grabbed another sign. I NEED A FOLDABLE CATAPULT, A BIG ROCK, AND A PILE OF BIRD SEE-
The Toon blinks at the dash on the sign for a second. He wasn't expecting to get cut off already.
"Phone call for Chairman Coyote!" a receptionist calls from the next room over. Word travels fast in the world of business politics.
Concerned, Wile puts down his sign to accept the portable red telephone the young woman hands to him.
The toon coyote's expression flies through the five stages of grief before the boardroom's eyes. He occasionally nods to the other person on line, confused and saddened… but not very surprised.
"The buyout of ACME proceeded perfectly!" you explain to Goofy who is wearing a grin to match yours. "The lady on the phone said their CEO was a little tied up at the moment, so I used my knowledge of legalese and corporate loopholes to purchase the entire company!"
Doofenshmirtz (Doofus Innatorius)
"What, what was that?" you ask Goofy as a backwards taxonomicical name appears and disappears in front of you.
"That's a label gag!" exclaims Goofy. "I haven't seen one of those in years!"
"Well, it's a horribly inaccurate one! Everyone knows that the species name should be lowercase!"
"How's the current CEO responding?" Goofy asks.
Coyote holds up a sign reading WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THIS? Unfortunately, Doofenshmirtz cannot see him over the red plastic phone. He drags a hand down his face, stretching his features out to comical proportions before they snap back as if made of rubber.
"Hey Goofy, our new submanager seems a bit quiet. The secretary told me he was just promoted, I think he might be unhappy with the acquisition."
"Maybe we should try to cheer him up!"
"Oh, good idea." you reply, turning back to the phone. It takes about three seconds for you to realize you have no idea how to improve someone else's mood.
"So, uhhh…"
The awkward silence continues for a few moments.
"I'm having a barbecue next weekend! Want to come?"
Coyote scratches his chin for a moment. Then, he holds up one last sign. HMM, THAT DOESN'T SOUND TOO BAD.
"Goofy, he's still not saying anything."
Wile E. Coyote has been unlocked as a hero unit!
The ACME Corporation has been acquired by Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated, slightly increasing your income!
"Express Delivery" research option has been unlocked!
Thanks to the 'goodwill' that ACME Corp carries with it, you have been awarded the trait "Laugh Factory", giving you a permanent +5 loyalty to all Toons! Some people will hate you for this, but if they hate Toons, they're probably not that great to have around anyhow.