We do know what Goofy took the road trip with his son and that he participated in the X Games with him, so I think it's a safe bet that things went (at least mostly) unaltered. If not, well, maybe we can suggest Max to Vanessa and start building our dynasty in true CK2 fashion.
No. Just no. We are not being that dad who tries to set there daughter up with politically advantages relationships even if it is just a "suggestion".

Yeah, Vanessa does what she wants anyways, trying to set her up with someone would only damage our relationship with her. She is quite independently minded.

We're a King according to DVV, but we aren't a Crusader King, despite the quest mechanics.

Edit: Though it honestly sounds like something Doof would do in a P&F episode, if only should he honestly think the boy was good for her. It would of course backfire hilariously but still have a heartwarming ending.
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Hmmm agent W if we can shrink the inator then we could instal it inside the hat edit: possibly use some parts of the country music inator for a accent or language modulator, a universal translator but it ONLY works from or to whale
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Idea: what if we get agent W to report or scout the marine world using the Whale Translator-inator?
Have an add-on to that idea: Use the Whale to investigate Hawaii. It's an intrigue action which means Monogram can be put here, and we can get our report from the Whale afterwards.

This would be possible. I'm not going to add hero profiles for dozens of OWCA units, but as long as Monogram continues to work for you, you'll have access to OWCA's agents.

Uh @Made in Heaven sorry if I'm misunderstanding something here but shouldn't the OWCA and Greevil actions have been critical successes since they rolled more than half again the DC?
My apologies, that's a mistake I left in from an earlier draft. It should have been double the DC, not half again. 1.5 times would cause crit successes to occur far too often, while this way they occur infrequently enough that getting one is a treat, but it's not impossible to do so. The actual numbers you needed to pass for a crit on OWCA and Greevil actions were 130 and 140, respectively. Thank you for bringing that to my attention, I'll change the mechanics section to reflect this.

As a thought, this might be a pretty trivially easy way to massively boost Goofy loyalty. Theres an episode of House of Mouse (available here) where Max seems incredibly grateful at a few strings being pulled to set him and Roxanne up on a date at a fancy restaurant.

I'm sure we could pull some strings and put the two of them in a nice restaurant, maybe even one above the city's perpetual layer of smog in a high rise or something.

I think it would be worth considering. What would others thoughts be on that?

Edit: Oh yeah, and I'm certain it would warm Max up to the idea of becoming an intern.
After you pass a certain point of loyalty you'll start getting diminishing returns on the more generic actions. After they're above 50 or so they'll start to consider you a friend, and start to consider unquestioning loyalty above 75... but this has to be earned. You need to truly show your employees that you deserve their loyalty, and that won't come through simple bribes like that.

Earning some loyalty early on, though? That's definitely doable. You can make write-in suggestions for personal actions too, and if I approve them they'll show up in the future.
I think that, if max is dating Roxannne, it's hardly out of the question to set the two of them up on a nice evening. If not, casually mentioning Max's name to Vanessa can't hurt anything.

Worst case we get a classic saturday morning cartoon miscommunication and Vanessa/Max both don't want to go on the date but do so to not hurt their patriarchs feelings.

Edit: Fun times all around so far Made in Heaven, nice work.
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Huh, lilo and stitch and gravity falls are two series that exist in this timeline. Could be a problem. I wonder if Toy Story would be real?
Iirc, toys do come alive in DVV. I also think that Bill is much more liable to give us trouble than the Space Aliens. I've just got my fingers crossed we can recruit Ford one day.
I also think that Bill is much more liable to give us trouble than the Space Aliens. I've just got my fingers crossed we can recruit Ford one day.

Yeah, the Beast with Just One Eye is probably the greatest threat. Oh, there are oodles of villains who are all around horrible people, but Bill Cipher is smart, crazy, and if he gets out of Oregon, a multiversal threat with very few counters. Hopefully OWCA still has that mind-wiping rig they had in the movie...
Huh, lilo and stitch and gravity falls are two series that exist in this timeline. Could be a problem. I wonder if Toy Story would be real?
Toy Story exists in one of three states. The stakes of the films (personal drama) are small so we are allowed to be flexible with it.

Straight Adaption: Toys come to life. They are the first line of defense against the monsters that come to take children, some venturing beyond the magic doors with tales of horror and valuble intel against the enemy. I prefer this one.

Star Command: Buzz Lightyear is not a fictional toy, and the Evil Emperor Zurg controls a wide swathe of the galaxy. Watch out! This is the default state of the characters in DVV Space.

Weird Third Option: This happened in MiH's Gridlocked campaign as a gag. Toy Story is a movie, but it's the very early version where Woody was an evil puppet and nobody likes it. Unlikely to occur here.
Small problem. McGucket is currently in Oregon. I mean, eventually we probably could, but we'd have to get him out of Hell on Earth, then sneak him through Syndrome's territory.

Getting through Syndrome's territory is a piece of cake. He'll barely notice anything's happening unless you attack his base with a bunch of capes or something. Doof likes to term things as 'territories', but in reality it's more like 'a few states that are under the functional control of the Kronos Corporation/Drakktech/etc.' rather than a set of hard and fast borders.
I'd imagine Toy Story if it's a thing, is all the toys in a fairly small area, otherwise this has major setting ramifications. Or are they something like Toon actors, since TS2 had bloopers?

Incidentally, which franchises count as Toons? Is Shere Khan one? Or just a sapient tiger?
I'd imagine Toy Story if it's a thing, is all the toys in a fairly small area, otherwise this has major setting ramifications. Or are they something like Toon actors, since TS2 had bloopers?

Incidentally, which franchises count as Toons? Is Shere Khan one? Or just a sapient tiger?
The way I see it is as follows, based on setting premises, levels of seriousness, worldbuilding, and other niche factors.

Toons: Roger Rabbit, Uncle Scrooge/Ducktales, Darkwing Duck, The Forbidden One AKA Bonkers
Animals: Zootopia, Talespin, The Other Forbidden One AKA Chicken Little

EDIT: Is nobody gonna comment on the fact Daffy Duck starred in The Mummy in this timeline?
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A Trip to the Park (Canon)
First Omake I've made, please don't punt it into the stratosphere. Also this is on mobile so formatting may be a bit weird. Enjoy?

A Trip to the Park

Vivian wiped some sweat off her forehead as she waited atop her bike for the light to change.
It was a nice day to go biking, the smog kinda made it hard to tell what the weather would be like but it was still surprisingly easy to breath despite the seemingly endless haze. Angela had said something about it being related to the weird boxes that could be found practically everywhere but considering how so many things had changed at once it was rather hard to tell.

Danville, or Doofania as their new pharmacist looking overlord insisted it be called, hardly looked anything like it had mere months before. It was a riot of shapes and sizes, colors splashed haphazardly next to clean and sterile whites. Certainly made navigation easy if you didn't like road signs.

She just had to take a left at the tie-dye sphere then keep going till she hit the cathedral looking super market, after which she headed right past the edgy building with a fence made with spikes and fake skulls, across the bridge that looked nearly the same if not for the weirdly colored water beneath it. Her biked skidded to a stop when she made it to the park with a platypus statue. One of the many robots roaming the streets waved at her as she locked her bike into the bike rack.

When she turned from her lock Angela was there and greeted her with a smile and a picnic basket full of snacks. The two sat beneath the smoggy skies atop the wilting grass, they joked and laughed over one thing or another as Angela dramatically sighed about losing their view of a brick wall to that of a weird shape reminiscent of twisting vines.

Vivian just listened onwards as her friend's ongoing dissection of style and inspiration hopped from building to building, the girl studying to be an architect was extremely enthused about this recent change. Vivian quietly sighed in relief, it seemed despite the changes, some things remained the same.