No. Just no. We are not being that dad who tries to set there daughter up with politically advantages relationships even if it is just a "suggestion".maybe we can suggest Max to Vanessa and start building our dynasty in true CK2 fashion.
No. Just no. We are not being that dad who tries to set there daughter up with politically advantages relationships even if it is just a "suggestion".
Idea: what if we get agent W to report or scout the marine world using the Whale Translator-inator?
Have an add-on to that idea: Use the Whale to investigate Hawaii. It's an intrigue action which means Monogram can be put here, and we can get our report from the Whale afterwards.
My apologies, that's a mistake I left in from an earlier draft. It should have been double the DC, not half again. 1.5 times would cause crit successes to occur far too often, while this way they occur infrequently enough that getting one is a treat, but it's not impossible to do so. The actual numbers you needed to pass for a crit on OWCA and Greevil actions were 130 and 140, respectively. Thank you for bringing that to my attention, I'll change the mechanics section to reflect this.Uh @Made in Heaven sorry if I'm misunderstanding something here but shouldn't the OWCA and Greevil actions have been critical successes since they rolled more than half again the DC?
After you pass a certain point of loyalty you'll start getting diminishing returns on the more generic actions. After they're above 50 or so they'll start to consider you a friend, and start to consider unquestioning loyalty above 75... but this has to be earned. You need to truly show your employees that you deserve their loyalty, and that won't come through simple bribes like that.As a thought, this might be a pretty trivially easy way to massively boost Goofy loyalty. Theres an episode of House of Mouse (available here) where Max seems incredibly grateful at a few strings being pulled to set him and Roxanne up on a date at a fancy restaurant.
I'm sure we could pull some strings and put the two of them in a nice restaurant, maybe even one above the city's perpetual layer of smog in a high rise or something.
I think it would be worth considering. What would others thoughts be on that?
Edit: Oh yeah, and I'm certain it would warm Max up to the idea of becoming an intern.
I also think that Bill is much more liable to give us trouble than the Space Aliens. I've just got my fingers crossed we can recruit Ford one day.
Toy Story exists in one of three states. The stakes of the films (personal drama) are small so we are allowed to be flexible with it.Huh, lilo and stitch and gravity falls are two series that exist in this timeline. Could be a problem. I wonder if Toy Story would be real?
We could recruit fiddlefird right? I mean yeah he's crazy, but Doof crazy with less evil.
Small problem. McGucket is currently in Oregon. I mean, eventually we probably could, but we'd have to get him out of Hell on Earth, then sneak him through Syndrome's territory.
The way I see it is as follows, based on setting premises, levels of seriousness, worldbuilding, and other niche factors.I'd imagine Toy Story if it's a thing, is all the toys in a fairly small area, otherwise this has major setting ramifications. Or are they something like Toon actors, since TS2 had bloopers?
Incidentally, which franchises count as Toons? Is Shere Khan one? Or just a sapient tiger?
I'm assuming that the Mummy franchise here is their version of Looney Tunes Back in ActionEDIT: Is nobody gonna comment on the fact Daffy Duck starred in The Mummy in this timeline?
I'm assuming that the Mummy franchise here is their version of Looney Tunes Back in Action
OCs? Cant think of anyone with those names.I admit I don't know as much disney lore as . Nice omake but who are Angela and Vivian?
Probably just OCs, but this is nice regardless. Showing a human perspective of what the P is going on.I admit I don't know as much disney lore as . Nice omake but who are Angela and Vivian?