Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

I have to wonder how aware GG is.
I don't sure where your interest in Glory Girl' romantic life came from, but she dated Dean for quite long time now, so I have at least some experience with that kind of things. :p (shut up, I couldn't resist)

She may be even more oblivious than Joe. Not able to think of couples any further than coordinated outfits.
Garment definitely perfectly aware:
Nothing was accidental, nothing was left to chance. Every color, every fold of cloth, every movement of the fabric was designed to communicate something. Garment had been doing that this whole time. Every seeming overt gesture held a mountain's worth of nuanced information.
There's no way she could've missed that Flechette tried to look sexy, and not just in general, but specifically for her.
Besides, romantic interactions have their own fashion, so she definitely familiar with the concept. Otherwise how would she, for example, design perfect outfit for "a casual date at a fast food with a possible continuation of a walk along the embankment"? Or do you imply she could be unable to due to lack of understanding of romantic interactions? o_O Are you *gasp* doubt Garment?! :o

we don't really know how she sees or thinks about anything that doesn't really fit into her focus
We definitely know that she can feel something. For example, her auction. She didn't want to sell her works, especially for people she can't even be sure it'll really fit. But she wanted to help.
That mean she can have desires outside of the fashion or, at least, her meaning of "fashion" is so broad it include very distant fields.

So, the only real question is can she feel romantic interest in someone.
But even if she can, people who truly passionate about something not infrequently have all their passion tied with the subject. Musicians and artists, philosophers and scientists,... that's not common, but not too rare for those people to place their passion above everything else, and not having anything to spare for "lesser" matters.
And Garmet is the spitit of fashion. Fashion embodiment. I suspect that even worse for her than for humans.
Like it or not, being straight is the default state for humans. If you see a female ogling another one, and your first thought above anything else is "lesbian", you probably spend too much time on Tumblr, Twitter, and the internet in general. As such, Joe is perfectly reasonable here.

Funny, I tend to think that Bisexuality was the default state for a very long time until religion came along and claimed that sex was to be for procreation only and never for pleasure, etc.
What with Romans and Greeks just having a shitload of gay sex before going home to their wives. and their wives having lesbian sex often.

Not to mention Ruth and Naomi in the bible, the only lesbian/bi couple recorded in the bible. and so on forth...

Are we sure that the majority of straight-etric views aren't just internalized biphobia due to cultural reasons?

(note, I'm mostly being sarcastic with all of this. mostly, because it's definitely true that throughout history there was WAY more gay and bisexual people, and were seem as the default instead of straight people in some time periods due to how commonplace it was)
I was re-reading the story and just had a really odd thought when I read the chapter where Joe received Mechanist. Did Lung turn into Magicite when he was killed? Since the forge treats parahumans as magic and magical entities such as espers can turn into Magicite when they die it would be interesting if there was a Lung Magicite crystal just floating in space. Joe did mention using parahumans as a magical power source but filed it under too horrific to think of...
Considering Lung was near totally atomized, I imagine there wasn't much left of him to transform into anything. Maybe a few Magicite particles are floating around out there.
Aperion knows Uppercrust is sick, will he get healed, and if so, what deal will be made?
To be clear, Uppercrust won't be going to New York for the Auction. As for what the deal would be, Joe could say something like "Keep Brockton Bay at the top of the maintenance schedule for the next 3-5 years. I'm not asking you to quit repair jobs half-way through, just keep this city at the top of the queue when things come up."
Considering Lung was near totally atomized, I imagine there wasn't much left of him to transform into anything. Maybe a few Magicite particles are floating around out there.
Well, the only remaining part of Lung, his arm that Joe tore off early in the battle, that they used to make Bone Steel, didn't seem to have become Magicite, so IDK that any transformation happened. Also, I feel it's safe to say Lung was completely atomized if not subatomized.
Idk about who'll be first, but some title ideas:

Alec: Meddlesome Harlequin
Lisa: Scrutinous Fox
Taylor: Ms. Crawling (a Fallen London reference to the Masters rather than the typical adjectival-noun approach), Venemous Guttersnipe (old word for street urchin which quite fits the FL setting)
Garment: Charming Tailor
Tetra: Gluttonous Raiment
I feel that for Tetra "Inquisitive/Curious" or "Playful" would be more fitting.
And Taylor... Her power have little with her personality. Maybe "Controlling", but I don't think it fits her perfectly. What I'd use, at least currently, is "Striving / Struggling". She's not that "Lone" anymore, thankfully. But for her cape persona... "Ruthless" is first what came to mind.
Note that the Romans and Greeks saw little wrong with superiors requiring sex from inferiors, something we term 'rape' these days. Perhaps not the best cultures to emulate, for all that Hollywood does it's best.

I think we can all agree that human sexuality tends to come with a lot of hang-ups and less-than-healthy tendencies, even if we disagree on what's healthy and what's not. (Which is one of those things where the 'laboratories of democracy' comes in handy: Dozens of cultures, each with their own mix of opinions, proving their validity or lack thereof in the real world.)

Survey is probably more aware of human sexual response than Joe is, but she's young enough that she's likely still trying to figure out which observations match which claims in the real world.

Garment will absolutely be able to communicate that she thinks Flechette's crush is adorable, at least to Joe now that he has the super-fashion-communication perk that I can't seem to find. If she chooses to. But he was so mortified by how he reacted to Sabah that he's shut down all interpretations on romantic implications, so he's not going to be speculating on his own.
Damsel of Distress is a maybe, since while the disintegration and random matter transmutation aspects of her power are covered, the spatial warping might not be. As for March, hell no, he said it himself brute force on an absurd scale can do it and an omnidimensional f-u explosion more than counts. Joe said it himself back when he first found out about March, nothing in the entire Celestial Forge could stop Sting.
That was three days ago...

Edit: More seriously, he said that nothing he had gotten so far could stop sting.
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Garment will absolutely be able to communicate that she thinks Flechette's crush is adorable, at least to Joe now that he has the super-fashion-communication perk that I can't seem to find. If she chooses to. But he was so mortified by how he reacted to Sabah that he's shut down all interpretations on romantic implications, so he's not going to be speculating on his own.
I mean, it's not the first time that Joe kept himself from arriving at the obvious conclusion because of his hang-ups. Remember the whole thing of "My power gives me things from pop culture, which is apparently all very much real somewhere" everyone?
Note that the Romans and Greeks saw little wrong with superiors requiring sex from inferiors, something we term 'rape' these days. Perhaps not the best cultures to emulate, for all that Hollywood does it's best.
This is getting somewhat off topic, so I'll limit myself to the following:

It seems ridiculous to me to invalidate the examination of one aspect of a culture simply because other aspects of it were bad, since that would basically disqualify looking into any culture ever. It's not some morally fraught act of emulation to say, "I think trends within this past culture can show us things about ourselves that our modern culture may obscure."
So its been confirmed for a while now that Joe gets both Glory to Me and Glory to the Legion but based on Glory to Me's wording

Glory to...
800Pick one
Me: Your divinely related abilities are all massively enhanced to the point that you could fight on par with some mid-tier gods. Using your powers is instinctual and nearly as easy as breathing. Also you gain benefits from your divine parent's more obscure domains. A child of Hades might find themselves able to call up wealth and ghosts interchangeably while one of Apollo could burn his foes and heal his allies with his mere presence. Using your abilities extensively is tiring though and you should be careful not to wear yourself out too much by summoning a natural disaster where something smaller would've worked just as well. Generally the stronger your parent or other source of abilities the more you will get to work with, a child of a minor deity will probably get less but get some additional ways to interact with their parent's domain. Generally a demigod can fight on par with a non combat focused god of a rank equivalent to their parents with this.
It enhances all of Joe's divine related abilities and given that it also states other source of abilities its not just limited to Demigod perk meaning other divine perks would also be enhanced.

Which means aside from Joe's Percy Jackson perks that the following abilities gets an upgrade.
  • Titan's Blood
  • Asura's Wrath Mantra abilities
  • All Spark Chosen
  • Matrix of Leadership
  • Lord of Light perks
  • Blessed by the Gods
  • Eyes of the World
  • Truth
  • Beast Change!: Inostrancevia
All of these abilities are related to divinity in one way or another with Titan's Blood is simply sharing an ancestry with a Titan, Asura's Wrath Mantra abilities originated from Chakravartin the god of Mantra and All Spark Chosen and Matrix of Leadership are all gifts of Primus the resident Creator Deity of the Transformers Universe.

While the Lord of Light is just science masquerading as divinity what matters most is what's written in the perk text.
Quality ConstellationChosen of DeathLord of Light6006006001.19%Great Yama, Death-god, has seen you clearly and bade you enter the Vasty Hall of Death, to serve as his partner in creation. Not merely revealing his secrets of science - you are his equal in the arts. Your creativity is that which may forge ten unique treasures each day, or mass produce legends. Design of all forms of weapons, armours, vehicles, and utilities comes to you with blinding light and strength of inspiration. With this position comes the virtual guarantee of rebirth in your next life, as a Demigod of the forge. You also gain a Discount on all artefacts and equipment.
Comes with free perks:
Demigod - Blessed child. Your righteousness and piety have become the seed of Divinity in you. From your old form you have become young, vital. The body of a God is yours, handsome, strong, fast and with the correct mudras and psycho-conditioning, you have begun to align yourself with an Attribute and develop your godly Aspect. You are very much at the bottom rung of Heaven, but even Death Himself was once like you.
Divine Physique - The body selected for your enjoyment has been carefully shaped beyond the apex of humanity. Strong, vital and beauteous - it is a form that one could live within for hundreds of years, though at any time you may approach the Masters of Karma for a replacement, should the flames of your divine lifestyle burn it out. Care has been made that it expresses the initial mutations and brain structures to develop Aspect and Attribute - though once they have been induced, they will carry with your soul through whatever form you take.
Attribute Induction – The Attribute is the capacity to effect the world with your will in a single, highly iconic way. It is a mutant strength, carefully developed with millennia of experience by the scientists of Heaven. With your attribute you might encourage silicates to grow into splendid – and razor sharp – trees of crystal, or have the wind sour and sicken your foes. Food cooked by your hands might keep a thousand men fed with one loaf, or you may will the birds to sing sweet praises in your favour and fly against your foes.
Many Attributes are known best for their utility in war, but the days when mankind's position on their world need be defended by flaming fists and opalescent eyes has passed, and Heaven cares as greatly for Attributes of craft and fragrance as those of iron and blood.
Demigods and Mortals have just begun to harness their virtues, they are like flickering embers – offering feeble warmth, but needing careful stoking. Their attributes are unstable and untested, often needing some tool to focus their energies. The former may rely on the assistance of their superiors in the Divine, the latter have only their own wills to push further.
Aspect Cultivation – If an Attribute is the grasp of power, then the Aspect is a state of being. To wield reflections, and to become Reflection. To summon Strength and to become it. Greater and more subtle than any Attribute. Through genetic predisposition, hypnosis and chemical therapies, your passions come to correspond with those of the Universe.
Raising your Aspect is like removing a mask or standing straight, a mustering of yourself. It takes some energy to maintain, should you wish to be capable of being anything but an avatar, but it is the exertion of being rather than the struggle to become.
This is a power that requires your kindness. What is the nature of the gods who become Fire, undaunted and ferocious? Who become Death, unknowable, all-ending? Who become Divine Drunkenness, invincible in vitality and charisma? Those who look upon you in raised Aspect know, instantly and surely that you are divine, that you embody a facet of creation. Any powers raised in harmony with your raised Aspect are magnified and exalted – they are more than just spells or mutation, they are in service of the very order of the universe. An arrow loosed by the Goddess of the Bow might strike a man's heart from ten miles away, or pin his courage to the wall.
Should the God of Flowers walk in Aspect through a forest, will it blossom and lend him strength? Or does a single rose cut and displayed by his hand speak of days of sun and offer a simple strength to all who behold it?

Demigods, though they have begun along this path are but beginners – they summon weak and feeble Aspects to match their new and uncertain Attributes, and must still undergo a battery of training exercises and therapies to fortify their natures. Mortals who develop this faculty independently are in essence on the same level as Demigods – but lack the aid of Heaven in their development.
Once fully matured, forevermore you will be Water or Marble, the Lute or the Joust.
And the Lord of Light perks is written so that the abilities are divine.

With Blessed by the Gods Joe isn't actually related to Odin but
Blessed By The Gods300Asgard is a wondrous place, you know. Existing for thousands of years, with advanced magic and technology that would see them rise to become a city of gods... it is little wonder that they are both feared and praised throughout the Nine Realms. The royalty however, has a penchant for adopting strays if Loki is any indication. You have been likewise adopted by Odin and raised as a member of the royal family to be great like them. Not only have you been augmented by Asgardian magics to a truly attractive state that you would feel qualifies as an appearance booster, but you display a great willpower and determination to see your goals and plans through with a very strong learning aptitude to absorb information like a sponge beyond even Tony Stark as befitting of Odin's adoptive child.
Joe is enhanced by Asgardian magics meaning he is enhanced by divine magic which meant that those enhancements are also subject to Glory to Me's upgrades.

If Eyes of the World is included in the Capstone Constellation they would be enhanced as it is stated to be a gift from Aesir one of Bayonetta Universe's Triumvirate of Deities alongside Jubileus and Queen Sheba.

The Truth perk came from Full Metal Alchemist's resident Deity The Truth and so Joe's FMA alchemy would get a boost.

Finally Joe is stated to be a natural Zoanthrope meaning his abilities came from Gaia meaning its another divine ability granted to him by the Celestial Forge.
I've updated the reference. It now counts total CP spent automatically instead of me needing to manually update that. With this fairly objective measure we're at 38150 CP spent with 300 more waiting around for next chapter.

Well Joe has spent 38150 points so far.
Not counting the new jumpdocs Lord is planning to add back or getting repeatable perks (Minor Blessing, Unnatural Skill and Workshop) there are 36900 more points worth of perks to buy.

So we're somewhere around the halfway point. Lord is planning to add several more jumpdocs though.

Out of curiosity, where did the odd 50 CP come from? Last I checked, there were 4 perks already obtained that ended in 50 cp: Diagnostic Tools (Outlaw Star) 50 cp, Micromanipulators (A Certain Scientific Railgun) 50 cp, My Fashion Sense is Tingling (TWENY) 50 cp, and Salvager (Babylon 5) 350 cp. I think LordR mentioned that he was applying the extra 50 cp from My Fashion Sense is Tingling to Salvager. Did you miss that in your calculations?
I mean, it's not the first time that Joe kept himself from arriving at the obvious conclusion because of his hang-ups. Remember the whole thing of "My power gives me things from pop culture, which is apparently all very much real somewhere" everyone?
He was literally like "The transformers thing is a coincidence."
So its been confirmed for a while now that Joe gets both Glory to Me and Glory to the Legion but based on Glory to Me's wording

Glory to...
800Pick one
Me: Your divinely related abilities are all massively enhanced to the point that you could fight on par with some mid-tier gods. Using your powers is instinctual and nearly as easy as breathing. Also you gain benefits from your divine parent's more obscure domains. A child of Hades might find themselves able to call up wealth and ghosts interchangeably while one of Apollo could burn his foes and heal his allies with his mere presence. Using your abilities extensively is tiring though and you should be careful not to wear yourself out too much by summoning a natural disaster where something smaller would've worked just as well. Generally the stronger your parent or other source of abilities the more you will get to work with, a child of a minor deity will probably get less but get some additional ways to interact with their parent's domain. Generally a demigod can fight on par with a non combat focused god of a rank equivalent to their parents with this.
It enhances all of Joe's divine related abilities and given that it also states other source of abilities its not just limited to Demigod perk meaning other divine perks would also be enhanced.

Which means aside from Joe's Percy Jackson perks that the following abilities gets an upgrade.
  • Titan's Blood
  • Asura's Wrath Mantra abilities
  • All Spark Chosen
  • Matrix of Leadership
  • Lord of Light perks
  • Blessed by the Gods
  • Eyes of the World
  • Truth
  • Beast Change!: Inostrancevia
Why do you keep trying to stretch the perktext of boosters to boost perks they have no relation to? I mean it is possible, but I think this is clearly meant to be a boost for Demigod powers.
Funny, I tend to think that Bisexuality was the default state for a very long time until religion came along and claimed that sex was to be for procreation only and never for pleasure, etc.
What with Romans and Greeks just having a shitload of gay sex before going home to their wives. and their wives having lesbian sex often.

Not to mention Ruth and Naomi in the bible, the only lesbian/bi couple recorded in the bible. and so on forth...

Are we sure that the majority of straight-etric views aren't just internalized biphobia due to cultural reasons?

(note, I'm mostly being sarcastic with all of this. mostly, because it's definitely true that throughout history there was WAY more gay and bisexual people, and were seem as the default instead of straight people in some time periods due to how commonplace it was)
Ancient Greek, and Roman proclivities aside.
Let's not revise the Bible for false narratives any more than people already try please.
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Why do you keep trying to stretch the perktext of boosters to boost perks they have no relation to? I mean it is possible, but I think this is clearly meant to be a
Alright I mean this in the most civil tone possible but do you not understand the fact that this is a jumpchain story?

This story isn't based on a CYOA that's meant to exist by itself its based on a Jumpchain and so made in mind that perks would interact with other perks from other jumpchains.

I mean its shown several times in story that perks stack and interact with other perks.

For example in the latest chapter LordRoustabout took the fact that Avid Glove is stated to be another hand and made it so Tetra could gain Joe's energy from it and probably means that any item made by it is influenced by Master Craftsman.

Or how about an earlier example of how Joe's various aesthetic powers boosted his runes?

In fact here's a similar situation answered by LordRoustabout himself.

"So the Monstrous Strength booth gives Joe a new form and boosts his Unnatural skills, have you an idea on what it would be, also due to the wording of the perk, it's based of his current form, meaning other forms should boost Unnatural skill too, meaning the great synergy of Titans Blood and Beast Change!: Inostrancevia.

Because the idea of Joe's best alchemy being done while as a robed gaint saber tooth wolf Dino that chants to create magical materials, sounds both awesome and ridiculous."
Monstrous Strength works exactly like that. The idea is that a cyclops who's basically a human with one eye wouldn't be as powerful as one who's the kind of titanic monstrous being that the original cyclopes were describes as. The exact wording is that the boost is "in proportion to how obviously unnatural your current form is". Anything that takes Joe's form further from natural will increase the strength of all of his Unnatural Skill perks as well as ALL of his physical abilities. So Beast Change will provide an increase. Titan's Blood will provide an increase. The change to his form that comes with the Monstrous Strength will provide an increase. Cybernetics from Demigod Atelier will provide an increase. Finally, one that you overlooked that would be fairly significant, the Transformers body that comes with the Cybertronian Forge will also provide an increase. Essentially, if Joe gets that perk anything that pulls him away from a 'normal human' form would increase the strength of his talents and physical abilities.

Basically perks would interact with other perks from other jumpchains and it says in Glory to Me that its divine ability booster is not limited to its parents therefore it could affect perks other than Percy Jackson perks.

I apologize if I was too aggressive with my answer.
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Why do you keep trying to stretch the perktext of boosters to boost perks they have no relation to? I mean it is possible, but I think this is clearly meant to be a boost for Demigod powers.

Well, considering that Joe will eventually have to fight at least one chthonic monster anyway(remember that in addition to the warrior, Abaddon is hanging around somewhere), he will need all the possible firepower. There are too many of them for him at the moment. Even endbringers he may not be able to master at the moment, at least without significant collateral damage to everything around him, because it will be necessary to roll out all the available doomsday machines.
Which means aside from Joe's Percy Jackson perks that the following abilities gets an upgrade.
  • Titan's Blood
  • Asura's Wrath Mantra abilities
  • All Spark Chosen
  • Matrix of Leadership
  • Lord of Light perks
  • Blessed by the Gods
  • Eyes of the World
  • Truth
  • Beast Change!: Inostrancevia
I think that some of these are a stretch. It's hard to know though. I think at minimum it also impacts minor blessings from Percy Jackson and it seems pretty likely to also enhance Titan's blood.

Out of curiosity, where did the odd 50 CP come from? Last I checked, there were 4 perks already obtained that ended in 50 cp: Diagnostic Tools (Outlaw Star) 50 cp, Micromanipulators (A Certain Scientific Railgun) 50 cp, My Fashion Sense is Tingling (TWENY) 50 cp, and Salvager (Babylon 5) 350 cp. I think LordR mentioned that he was applying the extra 50 cp from My Fashion Sense is Tingling to Salvager. Did you miss that in your calculations?
In the relevant chapter Salvager is listed as 300cp I know that's not what the Jumpdoc says but Lord is rejiggering things a bit. My fashion sense is tingling was purchased with natural puppy so it also cost 100 total. The actual issue is that Micromanipulators appears in two constellations so it's counted twice. I'll work on fixing that soon.
Well, there is precedent for Glory to Me to work on all divine powers, since Synchronicity Event will work on all psionic powers, not just Feel it Out for which it is the specific capstone. This is obviously a question for LordR, though... has anyone posted it where he is likely to answer it?

Edit: and as far as whether the Lord of Light perks would count as divine or not, this is a question addressed but not completely answered in the books. Does simulating Gods, pretending to be Gods, convincing an entire world you are Gods, and in the end even convincing yourself of that...does that start to make you an actual God? The main character, Sam, is of the "no it doesn't" opinion but by the end of the book is starting to have some doubts. Others just embrace it and stop worrying about it.
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Luckily he's already done some work with hydrokinesis. The effectiveness of those runes also scales up with the size of the weapon, and he has access to giant mechs. Let Joe put a little work in, and he could possibly pull a "Stop hitting yourself" using Leviathan's water shadow.
He's also gotten some decent knowledge about transmutation so he could also theoretically use that as a counter to specific-material-kinesis abilities like what Leviathan has.

For that matter he might want to set up a few transmutation bombs around the place as a anti-Shatterbird measure. Specifically ones that would target silicon and silicate differently so that they would become similarly conductive and similarly transparent materials respectively. Possibly also a third one for small grains and powders so as to target glasses, electronics, and sand separately.
It's kind of weird that Joe's specifically worried about a gang war being caused by uppercrust surviving and not the one that his death will almost certainly cause.

The committed parties he mentioned are probably not all on the same side, and if they're willing to fight the incumbent I don't see why they wouldn't go after competitors for the throne after he's gone.

There's also the fact that uppercrust isn't an idiot, and has maintained his position for a long time. Unless Joe heals him in public the guy wi have the advantages of being able to act first and being the entrenched power.

If there's going to be a gang war either way Joe might as well pick the option that leaves a reasonably unobjectionable power in charge who could reasonably act to minimize the damage of any such conflict.
The thing about that is that the parties expecting to take advantage of the power vacuum are likely to be knowledgeable enough about eachother for posturing to be a effective method of avoiding conflict. If they know what the results of conflict between eachother are then they're less likely to actually waste effort and resources going through with it. Adding new parties to that dynamic removes that certainty and opens up the possibility for certain parties to benefit from conflict.

One must take into account both the end result and the events leading up to it in this context.

That being said though there's always the possibility of engineering the conflict between those parties and reinstating Uppercrust after it had all settled down. The sociopolitical equivalent of safely setting off a avalanche.
Well, I admit I am more familiar with the original version of Mage, but these powers involve literally re-writing the laws of the universe-in a limited way depending on your particular powers and affinities/traditions, sure, but nonetheless, a very broken system compared to many others. I think I read somewhere that this would come with two dots in one arcana and one in another, but of course I don't know which he would get. Even this limited amount would indicate a massive change in what Jozef can do, though of course it comes with some of the typical Mage drawbacks as well. I for one will be more than pleased when/if he gets this troublesome Perk...

Edit: just found a WOG, it will be Force and Matter. Also, LordR didn't seem that enthused about the Perk either, so evidently it is going to be a bit of a dud after all. :(
I imagine that having knowledge of dimensional engineering would help a lot with White Wolf magic.
I have to wonder how aware GG is. She sees the world through a very specific filter and as LR made her from whole cloth (shut up, I couldn't resist) we don't really know how she sees or thinks about anything that doesn't really fit into her focus or if she's even capable of having romantic inclinations of her own let alone being able to act on them. She may be even more oblivious than Joe. Not able to think of couples any further than coordinated outfits.
If anything I would think that Garment would know more about relationships and partnerships then most. Complementary accessorization, and the context behind it, is a part of fashion after all.
I was re-reading the story and just had a really odd thought when I read the chapter where Joe received Mechanist. Did Lung turn into Magicite when he was killed? Since the forge treats parahumans as magic and magical entities such as espers can turn into Magicite when they die it would be interesting if there was a Lung Magicite crystal just floating in space. Joe did mention using parahumans as a magical power source but filed it under too horrific to think of...
Well there was the ripped off limb that Joe had from Lung to use for Bone Steel but that might have been because it was removed while he was alive. On the other hand though I sort of doubt that, even if he did turn into magicite, he'd be in any way Lung-shaped.

On a third hand he was hit by a light-speed weapon/vehicle so I don't think that he could actually have been said to have died of anything so much as he just stopped being biology and started being physics. If his limb didn't turn into Magicite due to being detached from him before he died then the same could probably be said of pretty much all of him because of the way that he died.

On the subject of using parahumans for resources though I bet that he could probably shove a bunch of Crusaders "Ghosts" into that crucible to get the "enchantments" out of them.
We definitely know that she can feel something. For example, her auction. She didn't want to sell her works, especially for people she can't even be sure it'll really fit. But she wanted to help.
That mean she can have desires outside of the fashion or, at least, her meaning of "fashion" is so broad it include very distant fields.

So, the only real question is can she feel romantic interest in someone.
But even if she can, people who truly passionate about something not infrequently have all their passion tied with the subject. Musicians and artists, philosophers and scientists,... that's not common, but not too rare for those people to place their passion above everything else, and not having anything to spare for "lesser" matters.
And Garmet is the spitit of fashion. Fashion embodiment. I suspect that even worse for her than for humans.
On one hand yeah I can definitely see that at least coloring every other aspect of her life but on the other hand the fact that it doesn't prevent her from developing friendships means that it shouldn't prevent her from developing more romantic relationships.

She is fashion manifested instead of just pure fashion after all.
Considering Lung was near totally atomized, I imagine there wasn't much left of him to transform into anything. Maybe a few Magicite particles are floating around out there.
Okay I know I just agreed with you but now that someone else has said it I find myself thinking that if you cut a person capable of it straight down the middle both halves of them would probably turn into Magicite so that's probably also true of the scattered remains of Lungs brain/brains. At least the parts of him able to contribute to his existence as a distinct being rather then just a collection of living matter.

Relatedly though I bet that just taking Lung far enough out of the atmosphere would have dealt with him well enough since parahuman abilities tend to stop working the further away from Earth one goes. Or at least without one taking their Shard with them I mean.
I feel that for Tetra "Inquisitive/Curious" or "Playful" would be more fitting.
And Taylor... Her power have little with her personality. Maybe "Controlling", but I don't think it fits her perfectly. What I'd use, at least currently, is "Striving / Struggling". She's not that "Lone" anymore, thankfully. But for her cape persona... "Ruthless" is first what came to mind.
Well do keep in mind that Taylor Triggered from the realization that a civilization where people help eachother to survive in emergencies didn't exist and/or include her so her adjective could potentially include simply the word "disappointed".
Alright I mean this in the most civil tone possible but do you not understand the fact that this is a jumpchain story?

This story isn't based on a CYOA that's meant to exist by itself its based on a Jumpchain and so made in mind that perks would interact with other perks from other jumpchains.

I mean its shown several times in story that perks stack and interact with other perks.

For example in the latest chapter LordRoustabout took the fact that Avid Glove is stated to be another hand and made it so Tetra could gain Joe's energy from it and probably means that any item made by it is influenced by Master Craftsman.

Or how about an earlier example of how Joe's various aesthetic powers boosted his runes?

In fact here's a similar situation answered by LordRoustabout himself.

"So the Monstrous Strength booth gives Joe a new form and boosts his Unnatural skills, have you an idea on what it would be, also due to the wording of the perk, it's based of his current form, meaning other forms should boost Unnatural skill too, meaning the great synergy of Titans Blood and Beast Change!: Inostrancevia.

Because the idea of Joe's best alchemy being done while as a robed gaint saber tooth wolf Dino that chants to create magical materials, sounds both awesome and ridiculous."
Monstrous Strength works exactly like that. The idea is that a cyclops who's basically a human with one eye wouldn't be as powerful as one who's the kind of titanic monstrous being that the original cyclopes were describes as. The exact wording is that the boost is "in proportion to how obviously unnatural your current form is". Anything that takes Joe's form further from natural will increase the strength of all of his Unnatural Skill perks as well as ALL of his physical abilities. So Beast Change will provide an increase. Titan's Blood will provide an increase. The change to his form that comes with the Monstrous Strength will provide an increase. Cybernetics from Demigod Atelier will provide an increase. Finally, one that you overlooked that would be fairly significant, the Transformers body that comes with the Cybertronian Forge will also provide an increase. Essentially, if Joe gets that perk anything that pulls him away from a 'normal human' form would increase the strength of his talents and physical abilities.

Basically perks would interact with other perks from other jumpchains and it says in Glory to Me that its divine ability booster is not limited to its parents therefore it could affect perks other than Percy Jackson perks.

I apologize if I was too aggressive with my answer.
I can't help but wonder whether this would mean that the Avid Glove would be able to use his abilities better then he could.
Note that the Romans and Greeks saw little wrong with superiors requiring sex from inferiors, something we term 'rape' these days. Perhaps not the best cultures to emulate, for all that Hollywood does it's best.

I never said that the Romans and Greeks were the best people ever and that we should emulate them. I simply stated that in their culture, straightness wasn't even a thing to start with, almost everyone was practically Bisexual or at the very least Heteroflexible.

So to me, this was a good example of how things most people mistakenly accept as being the "default" tend to change with time and culture. Suppose that in the future over 80% of people become deaf for whatever reason and that the majority of the population won't be hearing people anymore for quite a very long time? Then people growing up in the Era where Deaf people are the majority are gonna see themselves as the "default". Because to them, if almost everyone in the world is deaf then that means they're the normal ones and thus "default" and it's hearing people who are abnormal.
It's a simple matter of having that viewpoint, ya know?
I never said that the Romans and Greeks were the best people ever and that we should emulate them. I simply stated that in their culture, straightness wasn't even a thing to start with, almost everyone was practically Bisexual or at the very least Heteroflexible.

So to me, this was a good example of how things most people mistakenly accept as being the "default" tend to change with time and culture. Suppose that in the future over 80% of people become deaf for whatever reason and that the majority of the population won't be hearing people anymore for quite a very long time? Then people growing up in the Era where Deaf people are the majority are gonna see themselves as the "default". Because to them, if almost everyone in the world is deaf then that means they're the normal ones and thus "default" and it's hearing people who are abnormal.
It's a simple matter of having that viewpoint, ya know?
Can you guys just set aside the subject of sexuality? This is not related at all to the subject of this thread. Just move it to PMs if you must.
He maintains coastal shield systems for many cities. Faking his death would not work. If Uppercrust died then his new identity would have no history with tinker shield systems and the government would not call on him. If he reveals to the government then that secret leaks in no time.
Joe wouldn't want that anyway. He might be tied up due to Simurgh, but Joe respects Tinkers who make it their job to improve their surroundings, as could be seen from his respect of Sphere. Hindering Uppercrust's work in any way would be a majorly out-of-character action for him.
@readerdreamer Done, already dropped. Just wanted to point out some things to them before moving on.

Anyways, moving on!!

I wonder if things with the Elite and Uppercrust would be as dire as Joe thinks. I mean, what if Joe heals him and there's no civil war within their ranks after all?
Then maybe Joe would realize that he has a tendency to overthink and over-worry? Maybe he would finally relax more.

I like the relaxed Joe I've seen in the past chapters, we should have more of that Joe.