"We're making good time." He settled down on an outcrop of steel and Chris joined him. "I'm glad we were able to get you out here."
Dauntless was sincere in his praise, and Chris appreciated it, but being good at something like this seemed like a mixed blessing. It just confirmed what he'd been worried about since he was able to salvage his board.
The Protectorate needed someone to survey the damage at the Rig. Because of all the tinker systems that meant they either sent him, waited for Armsmaster to get back on his feet, or called for outside help. Apparently they decided he would be better than nothing, or at least better than something that would add a week-long delay, at best.
But looking around at the damaged systems he was seeing it. He could assess the damage, that was true, but more than that he could see how to isolate the damaged components, modify them to work together, and combine them into something new.
That really drove home what he'd been dreading. Kid Win, golden tinker, the boy who styled himself off of Hero himself, was a garbage tinker.
All the problems he'd been struggling with, the lack of focus, the dyscalculia, the unfinished projects, none of it mattered with this approach. He could take his broken tech, his half-finished projects, his trash, and combine them into something new. Looking around he could see how to do it with the Rig's systems. It would need a little more modification, but after that he could throw it into the garbage pile and start working.
It was the horrible feeling of finally learning his specialization and being ashamed of it.