Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

I wrote the damn thing about half a decade ago so I'm more than happy to paste over what I said on the discord about this. If I remember right the decision was in part because of the standards of the time, jumps often erred in the side of weaker. However it was mostly because in the story Lao Tzu attempting to smelt Sun Wukong down was very clearly a last resort as a method of execution, not an attempt to make a pill or something, journey to the west is very much not a wuxia novel with modern wuxia tropes. If Lao Tzu could do that the culture of the celestial bureaucracy would likely be very different. Therefore the crucible was given a description that made it useful, but not capable of things that it clearly couldn't do in the story. I mean you could definitely kill someone by throwing them in, but not refine them into a pill.

As an aside I am always willing to answer questions about some of the shit I wrote with the tacit understanding that you don't go and read any of it, the level of quality I thought acceptable back then makes me want to curl up and die. If I was writing it now it would definitely have some changes to how it works, but that's my explanation of the item as-is.
That does clarify things. So it's basically like throwing a person into a woodchipper. They'll die, because a person really shouldn't be in there, but don't expect to get any woodchips for your garden out of it.
That does clarify things. So it's basically like throwing a person into a woodchipper. They'll die, because a person really shouldn't be in there, but don't expect to get any woodchips for your garden out of it.
Bit of a grim metaphor but not wrong XD. Please follow all appropriate workplace health and safety guidelines and wear proper PPE while interacting with the crucible of eight trigrams.
Suddenly, Idea.
Fashion (Highschool of the Dead) 200:
Your clothing and entire body acquire defensive properties equal to the most superior protective items you have currently equipped. Emphasis on protective item- an iron or steel ring won't give you metal-tough skin- the minimum is things like knee pads from extreme sports, helmets- even an apron would count, though all that'd do is protect you from the dangers of a kitchen...
His entire body acts like it's a Divinely Crafted, Enchanted, Enhanced adamantium forged in zero gravity in the Skyforge etcetera etcetera. Right? Right.
Now, we know that most of mind control powers in Worm works only on living, biological targets... :ogles:

I understand why Joe don't want to risk, because there's no guarantee that will work, and with that kind of things any sane person would want 120% guarantee and multiple backup safeties. But it might work.
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Sometime in the near future... (dhruvsl)
This is my first ever Omake. Please be gentle.

Sometime in the near future...

Weld was not sure what he should feel touring a tinker's workshop in a pocket dimension. When the invitation had first come via PHO there was a veritable storm of opinions and arguments about what should be done. While the potential for knowledge about Apeiron's capabilities was seen as extremely important, there was enough pushback from agents and analysts shouting about traps to deadlock things. It was only Dragon applying her metaphysical weight which finally allowed him to accept the tour.

The major astonishment for him was the size and quality of the workshop. Almost all PRT analysts agreed that there was a hard upper limit of what Apeiron could have achieved in outfitting his workshop in the relatively short time he was active. There was still no conclusive theory of when and how he could have triggered. Group trigger was still the popular theory. Having seen the inside of his workshop, Weld could only shake his head at how wrong everyone was in their assumptions. A multistory complex inside a volcano was beyond even the wildest imagination. There was more room in this complex than the entire PRT headquarters downtown.

The other thing that really tickled his funny bone was discovering how many different labs and production areas were in here. No one was sure what Apeiron's Tinker specialty was. There were many many theories ranging from sensible to outlandish out there by everyone from scientists, analysts, and PHO experts. Had any of them seen the different areas of work available to Apeiron they would have definitely shat bricks. It was not just any one area but the sheer variety of them that still boggled Weld's mind. He really did not want to know what Apeiron needed an IMAX theatre for.

As they walked into a new area, Weld's attention snapped back to the man of the hour itself. Apeiron was still talking in that awkward manner. It was really surprising how different that man acted outside of his Apeiron role. He started listening again as a really interesting topic came up.

"... and here we have the computer core. I finally got around to upgrading it during the two-day rest I just had. It is much better than that diamond-based crap I previously used. Let me show you this really neat trick I learned to perform with a decent computer."

They proceeded to sit on chairs arranged around a throne of considerable size and then Apeiron introduced him to the best gaming console that has ever existed. L33t could really learn a few lessons from this setup. There really is nothing like immersive gaming which you can experience with all your senses.

Finally, Weld asked a question that was waiting to burst for quite some time. Armsmaster would be really cross if he did not ask some technical questions. He finally blurted out "How does this even work? No other tinker has made a computer setup remotely close to this. Even Cranial cannot create anything close to the tech needed for full immersion. How do you even do any of this?"

Weld immediately regretted asking that question. The unholy smile that had come over Apeiron's face at his question promised his answer would be a really painful experience. Apeiron finally said, "Let me give you a crash course in multi-dimensional computing and electromagnetic neural mapping."

"... and then we played Call of Duty for the rest of the time I had. Being fully immersed in the game really raises the difficulty level of the entire thing. I finally realized how difficult real soldiers have it. Getting sniped out of nowhere is not fun at all when you feel every sensation. Apeiron even managed to give me senses that are blocked by my weird biology in that experience."

All the wards were staring blankly at Weld who had not stopped singing praises of Apeiron ever since he came back. They would have already called M/S protocols on Weld had they not finally learned how Apeiron was able to heal Weld. This tour had made further progress in that direction. Now weld really looked like a human-made from metal than the humanoid blob he was before.

Kid Win was finally able to ask "How does that even work? That's so bullshit."

Weld started explaining.


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♦ Topic: Apeiron: Second coming of Teacher?
In: Boards ► Brockton Bay
(Original Poster) (The Guy in the Know)
Posted On May 2nd 2011:
According to my sources, Weld has been held in containment after a tour of Apeiron's workshop. While Apeiron had been cleared of having mastered Panacea and the subsequent shitstorm, new concerns are being raised now about being exposed to strange technology in his workshop. It can't be denied as Apeiron managed to modify the minds of anyone who has ever heard of him. However, the primary reason for Weld's containment is he can suddenly explain how some tinker tech computer works. When asked about how he knows those things, Weld's reply was that Apeiron taught him.
This raised some serious concerns as the only other case of ordinary humans being able to understand tinker tech comes from the Birdcaged villain Teacher.

(Showing page 25 of 37)

►Dragon (Verified Cape)
Replied On May 3rd 2011:
I still maintain that Weld should be declared a national asset and there should be efforts to learn as much as possible from him. If we can understand and create such tech it would be revolutionary. Even facing the Simurgh is worth it.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 ... 35, 36, 37

I… just realised. Nothing in "Dabbling Academic – Fool Proof" states that it has to be in person.

Joe could just make a bunch YouTube videos, explaining everything from basic maths all they way up to hyper-dimensional computing, and people would just think that he was some random geek explaining esoteric scientific principles. He might even bootstrap non-capes to leapfrog tinkertech… "Today, we will be making a room-temperature superconductor out of common kitchen ingredients… *30 minutes later* And, that's all there is to it! Come back tomorrow, when I will be sharing my recipe for chocolate cookies."
I… just realised. Nothing in "Dabbling Academic – Fool Proof" states that it has to be in person.

Joe could just make a bunch YouTube videos, explaining everything from basic maths all they way up to hyper-dimensional computing, and people would just think that he was some random geek explaining esoteric scientific principles. He might even bootstrap non-capes to leapfrog tinkertech… "Today, we will be making a room-temperature superconductor out of common kitchen ingredients… *30 minutes later* And, that's all there is to it! Come back tomorrow, when I will be sharing my recipe for chocolate cookies."
Some random viewer: finally we're gonna get some of that important stuff and not this stuff, like who cares if you can give the cure of cancer? We want the recipe for them cookies!!
Joe could just make a bunch YouTube videos, explaining everything from basic maths all they way up to hyper-dimensional computing, and people would just think that he was some random geek explaining esoteric scientific principles.
That would be fun but the prt would just make master accusations on him again but if Joe did make them it would just add more evidence on Joe tinkering on powers And giving him a Trump rating.
Hey @Transreal Cloud ! I found a couple of very minor possible free perks! Though, to be fair, I've been reading several jumpdocs trying to find more things that might count as capstones when I found them.

They are from Farscape, and are:
Thanks I'll add those soon.
Suddenly I had a thought. We had a WoG that if Joe will get Revival, it will be Mental Fortress option.
But it'd be much funnier if he'd get Keikaku Doori, and would fit the attitude of the Forge so far:
"Thanks Gods, finally, people stopped thinking that I have some kind of March-level planning and scheming Thinker power... New perk? WHAT DO YOU MEAN I HAVE IT NOW?!!! :rage:"

@Transreal Cloud in the Reference Doc, you miscalculated chances of Magitek Mastery perk. That perk presents in both Magic and Magitech constellations, but you count it as two separate perks, unlike "Feel It Out | Synchronicity Event".
Thanks I had to delete those because they were broken and I missed the magitek mastery perk while putting them back together. I've made changes that should make future updates easier.
That would be fun but the prt would just make master accusations on him again but if Joe did make them it would just add more evidence on Joe tinkering on powers And giving him a Trump rating.
Ah, no. Read carefully. This isn't suspected-master Apeiron, the Enigmatic Artificer, showing off Tinkertech. This is Jozef Duris, college dropout, explaining testable and provable scientific concepts.
Ah, no. Read carefully. This isn't suspected-master Apeiron, the Enigmatic Artificer, showing off Tinkertech. This is Jozef Duris, college dropout, explaining testable and provable scientific concepts.
Now I'm imagining Jozef Duris being accused of master/stranger powers because somehow every person who watches those types of videos in Brockton Bay has started making reproducible cold-fusion technology. Jozef Duris is presumed to be part of Aperion, The Enigmatic Artificer's cluster trigger. At the very least, Aperion, the Enigmatic Artificer, will no longer be a suspected-master.
You know you have to wonder what a complete Celestial Forge Joe's servant character sheet would look like.

I mean he's part of at least three pantheons with his Greek Demigod, Titan and Monster origins, his being adopted by Odin the Capstone perk Blessed by the Gods, while also being a Hindu deity by Cyborg Hindu Godbody perk.

He might also count as a Japanese Demigod by his Lord of Light Perk Chosen of Death as that perk mentions the Death god Yama which I vaguely recall through anime as a judge of the dead.

He might also count for the Dragon trait by way of his Lung bone steel infused heart and the possible Capstone perk Dragon Soul which is exactly what is says and the Demon trait by the Devil Capstone perk if its included.

Also Servant Joe might also be an Ultimate One of Primus by his perks All Spark Chosen and Matrix of Leadership which respectively turns him into Transformer Jesus-Buddha and a Prime.

Which meant that a completed Celestial Forge Servant Joe is a Devil Dragon Greek Hindu Norse Japanese Demigod Titan WereDinoWolf who is also an Alien Robot Ultimate One.

His being an Alien Robot also makes complete sense in Fate Verse as Type Moon Olympian deities are Alien Machines.
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Again, I am not sure if I am being an idiot, or if Wildbow made a mistake regarding Sting, I could be wrong.

With many powers and stuff in Worm you have Sci-Fi Writers Have No Sense of Scale or a variation of Writers Cannot Do Math. Basically, many of the powers don't make sense, even allowing for the in-universe explanations to be truth. Coil being the most glaring example.
(Also, warning on the links, TVTropes is a black hole of attention)

How would I go about making use of this script?

The 2 links that I provided beyond the script are for a extension for Chrome or FireFox, called TamperMonkey, it allows you to create JavaScript code that can run in some or all pages. So if you wanted to use it, you install the extension, and then

might result in a bunch of elderly and dignified monks in remote temples suddenly figuring out how to fly and throw energy blasts.
You know you have to wonder what a complete Celestial Forge Joe's servant character sheet would look like.

I mean he's part of at least three pantheons with his Greek Demigod, Titan and Monster origins, his being adopted by Odin the Capstone perk Blessed by the Gods, while also being a Hindu deity by Cyborg Hindu Godbody perk.

He might also count as a Japanese Demigod by his Lord of Light Perk Chosen of Death as that perk mentions the Death god Yama which I vaguely recall through anime as a judge of the dead.

He might also count for the Dragon trait by way of his Lung bone steel infused heart and the possible Capstone perk Dragon Soul which is exactly what is says and the Demon trait by the Devil Capstone perk if its included.

Also Servant Joe might also be an Ultimate One of Primus by his perks All Spark Chosen and Matrix of Leadership which respectively turns him into Transformer Jesus-Buddha and a Prime.

Which meant that a completed Celestial Forge Servant Joe is a Devil Dragon Greek Hindu Norse Japanese Demigod Titan WereDinoWolf who is also an Alien Robot Ultimate One.

His being an Alien Robot also makes complete sense in Fate Verse as Type Moon Olympian deities are Alien Machines.
When did he get adopted by Odin?
When did he get adopted by Odin?
Blessed By The Gods300Asgard is a wondrous place, you know. Existing for thousands of years, with advanced magic and technology that would see them rise to become a city of gods... it is little wonder that they are both feared and praised throughout the Nine Realms. The royalty however, has a penchant for adopting strays if Loki is any indication. You have been likewise adopted by Odin and raised as a member of the royal family to be great like them. Not only have you been augmented by Asgardian magics to a truly attractive state that you would feel qualifies as an appearance booster, but you display a great willpower and determination to see your goals and plans through with a very strong learning aptitude to absorb information like a sponge beyond even Tony Stark as befitting of Odin's adoptive child.
-Taking 'Retro Engineer' gives you insight into Asgardian theories in using magic in the creation of technology seamlessly, and the utilization of magic in scientific theories and technology. This allows you to make great leaps in using magitech, and eventually learn the inner workings of Asgardian 'technology' to create works like the Bifrost or enchanted weapons that can focus abilities through them.
Asgardian Armor (Free with Blessed By The Gods)
This exquisite set of ornate armor is as beautiful as it is protective, and comes in the colors and style that you wish. Along with looking amazing and being deceptively lightweight, this armor can withstand a great deal of punishment and even self-repair itself slowly given time. When you want to be protected without sacrificing appearance? This is the armor for you.
You know, folks, the "Dabbling Academic", it seems, don't give a damn about the language barrier. :whistle:

edit: I mean it likely would make things harder, yes. But can you imagine teaching someone a quantum physics without the common language for communication?! And with that perk it's possible!
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So how would joes gear do up against faultlines power? Because an echidna clone of faultline that keeps the manton limit but changes her striker effect into a shaker effect?
So how would joes gear do up against faultlines power? Because an echidna clone of faultline that keeps the manton limit but changes her striker effect into a shaker effect?
Wiki says her power separate molecular bonds. That mean, it will be somehow harder for her power to deal with Joe's gear than with usual materials. But that doesn't say much, to be honest, especially since against Joe her Shard, likely, would step up in performance.
Can anyone remember her use her power against tinker-made alloys? Trainwreck, I think, didn't used any in his armor, but I don't sure.
Wiki says her power separate molecular bonds. That mean, it will be somehow harder for her power to deal with Joe's gear than with usual materials. But that doesn't say much, to be honest, especially since against Joe her Shard, likely, would step up in performance.
Can anyone remember her use her power against tinker-made alloys? Trainwreck, I think, didn't used any in his armor, but I don't sure.
Pretty sure Fashion would prevent it from effecting Joe.

Just had a thought, would be amazing if Joe showed up in that battle armor fanart someone drew.
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It has people using sufficiently advanced technology to imitate gods of the Hindu pantheon, which probably doesn't count as actual divinity by other settings' rules.
I did phrase it as in the image of the Hindu pantheon for a reason. Of course, whether or not they count as having ascended to a form of actual godhood is debatable, and actually is debated in the story.
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