Although skills might be considered different from knowledge, perhaps they can use the knowledge tied to the subject to make machines of comparable performance?
Well, by the word, that perk helps with conveying knowledge, not teaching skills. I.e. he's a lector, not a trainer. Perk, no doubt, will help with teaching skills, at least because it will make easier to teach the knowledge those skills based on. But his disciples
will need training and experience to turn theoretical knowledge into practical skill.
Make machines of comparable performance, probably, possible. Although Joe can just build it himself, that'd be
magnitudes faster and easier.
Teaching someone exactly how to perform alchemical rituals or something that don't work under their current physical laws is just pointlessly complicated LARPing. It doesn't provide any more value than teaching something that you know to be false.
There is some options though:
Like FMA alchemy, that don't need any internal power source to work. As far as I can tell - most of his alchemical skills can be used by anyone with the right set of knowledge and skills.
Then there's his knowledges from Star Trek.
Then there's his mechanical and engineering knowledges, science from Transformers-verse, and so on and so forth.
All that can be taught "normal way", at least in theory. But that perk make it way easier. For example, Star Trek knowledge have a gap of
more than three centuries of continious progress with current Earth Bet science. Joe, if/when he would want to share it, before would've really hard time with explaining even the basics. Now he have a perk that guarantees that he can convey it in understandable way.
Or just made something to download the information into their minds using his other perks.

That perk will help here too. Because downloaded information useless if the person cant comprehend it. And that perk ensures that Joe can make that information easy to comprehend... Or, at least, way easier than without it.